multiple sms sending and recognition problem - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I have a Qtek 1010. Unfortunately, I could not send one message to multiple contacts. I receive an error and message will only be sent to the first contact person and the rest of contacts shall have a failed sending.
Moreover, I can only send 4 lines of sms characters. anything more than 4 lines, the sms will also fails in sending.
In Addition, the Qtek 1010 does not recognize any contact name on the sent folder. It will only reflect the sent number.
Is there any software patches to resolve the problems above that I encountered?
Thank you.

Sounds like you need a ROM upgrade! :wink:
BTW what ROM version are you running anyway?
Also if I'm not mistaken you need a third party app/program
anyway to be able to send one message to multiple contacts.
Do a search on the subject and see what turns up.

Regarding multiple recipients, the xda accepts up to 4 contacts, if you exceeded 4 the message will be sent only to some and for the rest you will have an error message.
About the size of the sms, did you make a signature file foy yourself. If you did, this takes from the capacity of the sms text. take a look at the counter which counts how many characters and the maximum number of characters allowed, which I think is 160 per message
by the way what is your radio stack version and which type of xda you have is it an A type or B type?

Hi folks,
I'm using TMO 4.01.00 and I don't face any limitation with sms longer than 160 chars and to more than 4 contacts. The only missing feature is having a delivery reports by default.
However, I use 'sendSMS' application from ce4arab site as it allowes more functions like flash sms and multiple tries for failed sms (it has english interface).


SMS picture messages (EMS) through Pocket PC phones

Hi guys, I am looking for some way (software ?), that enables the XDA/Qtek to send and receive SMS picture messages (EMS) -not MMS- using only the GSM network and not the internet, and that is, of course, a stand alone function, I mean by this without having to use a Nokia GSM phone or any other GSM phone.
Thanks for your help
All you really need is an app that associates a particular SMS string with a particular picture. You'd then install this app to both devices - sender and reciever.
You'd open you app, pick a picture and hit send. The app would then send an SMS string, say, 'picture1' via SMS to the receiving xda. That unit would have the app running that would pick up the SMS 'picture1' and, having associated that string with the picture you want (presumably picture #1, for the sake of argument) will display that picture.
That's effectively all EMS does on other handsets (not quite, but effectively) - that's why you can't usually see EMS sent between different devices. Different devices from different manufacturers set up the (proprietary) EMS in different ways.
Try the Philips C12 to the Nokia 7650, for example, then you'll see what I mean.
Tekflow - I think you're talking about EMS - ie the SMS extension 2bit picture format made popular by Nokia phones. I quite miss this, as most of my friends have Nokias, and I often used to send EMSs to them with my 9210.
I've looked into this myself a bit for PPC/PE - the situation's not too good:
Sending is relatively easy, just build the SMS in the correct format and send it out, however receiving it is a nightmare.
Unfortunately, Microsoft have made a complete mess of SMS receiving functionality on the PPC/PE OS, only one single application can ever have the SMS handle open for receive at any one time for a given message protocol (and these are not very fine grained basically Text, Notification, WDP, WCMP, Status and Raw).
This application by default is the SMS handling application of the PocketPC/PE. So basically, you can't use it otherwise you loose the default handling.
On Symbian, it's sooo much easier. There's a 'chain' of receivers, so you just register for a particular message, scan it, and if you don't want to process it, you just pass it on to the next application in the handler chain.
It might be possible to completely rebuild the SMS handling application from scratch, get rid of the default handler, and replace it with your own, however there's quite a lot going on under the surface with SMS handling, so this would be extremely difficult.
One thing you could try is getting the messages after they have been received and placed in the inbox using MAPI. I'm not sure if this would work, as IMHO MAPI is a hopeless API too, and propably would bletch at a SMS type that wasn't plain text. It's worth investigating though.
There are two EMS softs for Pocket PC but not for the "Phone Edition".
These softs used AT commands instead of RIL API.
But as with last ROM it is possible to have access to internal modem with AT commands, these softs should work now.
eMood Messenger for Pocket PC : for ppc.htm
Pocket Presence SMS Manager :
But EzOS (developer of EzWAP 2.5 MMS) proposes MobyKit, a library to develop SMS/EMS/MMS :
Anyone knows if there is a possibility to send and receive picture messages (EMS, not MMS) using XDA II ? All the available software I found are not compatible with Pocket PC Phone Edition.
I'm looking for the same as well.
Worse still, the PPC or WM2003 default SMS software does not even NOTIFY or do anything when it received an EMS message. In fact, it did nothing .. I suspect it ignored anything apart from SMS, it didn't even store ANYTHING from an EMS. Some normal phones at least receive the EMS but display garbage on SMS, on Xda II -- zilch !!! NOTHING. Try it.
Smart GSM
Guys, I think Smart GSM is the solution. Try it and let me know the results.
ems 4 qtek 1010
do this program work for pocket pc phone edition like qtek 1010 (xda)?
did anyone send or receive a EMS successfully ?

is there another sms software for o2 xda???

Hello all,
I do a lot of mass mailing and the best phone for that in my experience is the Nokia 9210i.
Mainly because of three things:
1. all you need to do is scroll down through the names and highlight
2. if there is a problem the 9210i will resend automaically.
3. what is great is that, it has the capability to guess the names. it can even guess an initial or a half name.
the problem with the xda is that if you send to more then one person, under the log it shows it only sent one time. therefore if one of your friends did not receive it, it will say that there was an error when sending your sms but you don't know who. plus forwarding again and again making sure all your friend receives the info is such a pain....
i am just wondering is there another sms program out there that may be better then the original...

Threading Issues in Messages

When I open Messages and am in the All messages folder literally all messages are appearing under one or two conversations.
User A sends me an SMS.. all further messages appear under User A..
User B sends me an SMS.. all further messages appear under User B..
User C sends me an SMS.. all further messages appear under User B... and so on.
the problem extends into replies as well.. b/c the messages to User C are grouped under User B.. any reply to User C ends up being sent to User B.
I have made few modifications to my stock ROM.. certainly haven't been fiddling around with the Messages app so this behaviour is quite odd.
Messages Version number is: 2.0.0082.47214 release-keys
Wondering if anyone else seen this problem?
Same problem
Hey Mills I have the same issue and i posted a similar post called "SMS Grouping" in the forums but no replies yet. I thought i was having the problem bc i sync'd with outlook but I removed all my contacts and moved them to google. That still didnt work. I use T-Mobile USA and the funny thing is the only messages that the only SMS that to not thread with all my other are my 404 alerts for weather and horoscope. I hope some one can help I'm sure we are not the only 2 with this problem. Ill keep you updated is i discover anything

SMS delivery report spoofing

Ok, I've looked around and what I'm looking for doesn't seem to exist, I was wondering if it was because it is technically impossible/very hard to do or because nobody try it yet.
This is my understanding of how things work:
After receiving an SMS message, the recipient mobile phone will send back a message delivery report to the SMS center to inform whether there are any errors or failures (example causes: unsupported SMS message format, not enough storage space, etc). This process is transparent to the mobile user. If there is no error or failure, the recipient mobile phone sends back a positive delivery report to the SMS center. Otherwise it sends back a negative delivery report to the SMS center.
If the sender requested a status report earlier, the SMS center sends a status report to the sender when it receives the message delivery report from the recipient.
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What I'm thinking about is way to do this: Once a phone receives the SMS, it sends a spoofed "Storage full" or "Message format not supported error" to the SMS center instead of a positive delivery report.
That way you could receive and read SMS but to the sender it appears you haven't received it. In short this gives you plausible deniability.
I've had it happened to me recently because my phone memory was full. My phone sent a "Memory full" message to the network and the sender did not receive a message report. If a phone can legitimately refuse to receive a message it means it could also be possible to fake that "memory full" message.
Any thoughts?
I love the idea, but the only time I would see having the need for this kind of plausible deniability (i.e. a court of law), the person questioning the receipient of the text message could simply ask for a record of the phone bill which, in most cases (if requested), could provide the time and date of all text messages sent and received. lol. Just curious, but do you mind if I ask what you would use it for? (sorry for the run-on sentence)
I like this idea..maybe a reverse engineering hack of SMS Counter or another counter type widget/app?
t-mo123 said:
Just curious, but do you mind if I ask what you would use it for? (sorry for the run-on sentence)
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There would be several uses for that kind of app.
One of the scenarios (the one that got me thinking about it) is someone receiving unwanted messages from a specific individual, for example from someone abusive. Even if the victim trashes the messages without reading them (they are several apps available that allow you to do that), through message reports, the abuser is still able to know that his messages were at least received by his target. If he keeps receiving "undelivered" statues, he'll simply stop sending texts.
I know that in those kind of situations the victim is expected to change her/his phone number, but that's the whole idea, not having to change your phone number just because of unwanted text messages.
Still no way? Any app to do this?

saving multiple drafts to same person in android

There's something I'd like to do on my samsung galaxy note that I was able to do on my Symbian-based device in the past, but I can't figure out how to do it under Android.
I'd like to save multiple SMS drafts per recipient. However, my Galaxy note 2 only seems to permit me to save one SMS draft per recipient, with each subsequent draft overwriting the previous draft for that same recipient.
Here's why I'd like to have this capability:
If I want to type a long SMS to someone (more than 160 characters), what I like to do is split the message at logical places such as after commas, sentence endings, etc. I would do this by getting close to the end of a given SMS message and then stopping it at the point that I choose, saving it as a draft, and then continuing my text in a new SMS starting at the beginning of the next sentence, phrase, etc. Then, once the set of drafts is completed, I will first proofread and make corrections in the entire group of drafts, and only then will I manually send them off, one after the other.
Yes, I know I can type a long message and the SMS app will automatically split it into pieces after 160 characters, but that often splits words or breaks sentences and phrases in places that I don't want them broken.
Here's how I try to accomplish this on my G1:
Invoke the Messaging app.
Select New Message.
Select recipient.
Compose first SMS.
Select the Back key (draft 1 gets saved).
Select New Message.
Select same recipient as before.
Compose second SMS.
Select the Back key (draft 2 gets saved).
However, at this point, draft 1 has been overwritten by draft 2. In other words, only draft 2 remains.
Can anyone think of a way for me to accomplish what I want (or at least something similar) on my samsung galaxy note 2?
Thanks in advance.
no one ??
This isn't possible in the stock messaging app. You can use GO SMS Pro or Handcent SMS, which allow you to create folders and save messages in them just like in Symbian. So you can save parts of the long message in a folder and send them one by one. I like to use the stock messaging app in my devices though, so the way I do this is to type out the message till the limit, copy it and paste it in a note taking app, then copy it back to the messaging app when I need to send it. In ICS and JellyBean, when you select a bunch of text to copy, you get a share button to directly share it by SMS and other stuff. So it's very easy and doesn't involve copy-pasting twice. I just select, share, done. I find this to take the same number of steps and be just as easy as saving to a folder and sending. If you must do it that way, then one of the above apps should be right for you.
I regularly send long messages, sometimes even 10-15 messages long if I'm copy-pasting some stuff from the internet to someone, but I've never experienced your problem or messages breaking up and missing content. They just reach the recipient as one big message. Although, this behaviour is dependent on the mobile network provider, so I can't speak for yours. But I have never seen this happen with any GSM provider I'm my country. I'm guessing yours must be CDMA?
Sent from my Desire HD using xda premium
Could you please tell me which note taking app you use with ics thank you in advance. Tom
This is merely a work-around for how to work on multiple drafts to a recipient. First add your name and mobile device phone # to your Contacts List. Refine your first draft as thoroughly as possible. Then address that message to your own mobile device phone #, and send it. You'll see that message twice, as both your "Sent" & your "Received" message. Your first draft is "parked" in your mobile device's phone #. Now you can work on your next draft, as you would normally. If you decide to send your first draft to the recipient, just forward it from your mobile device's inbox!

