Screwed on ROM upgrade - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Hey, I tryed to install the XDA-OS and it did not work during the upgrade. Now my phone is STUCK. I turn it on and there are just a bunch of random lines. I would like to reinstall but I can't use Active Sync seeing that my P/PC has nothing on it I guess. Is there a way to recover from this disaster? Please help. Val

Yes there is, you will need an sd or mmc memory card, and a card reader/writer for your pc, you will need to cook a rom, possibly from, when it is ready for download choose "sd card flashing" at the bottom of screen on yorch net. You will need xdatools to program your memory card while in card reader/writer. Basically you choose the .nbf file that you downloaded as source and your card reader/writer as destination. Once this is accomplished you place the card in the xda, enter bootloader mode, when asked to press action, do so. Your xda should then be alive once again.

Now my 256 card is F*&^ed
I did everything, I finally understand these new concepts. I used the XDAtools to convert my NB1 files to my 256MB SD card and started the P/PC up. I forget why but, although I though it would have worked, it did not. Anyhow I then accidently backed up my corupted OS onto the card and said "oh no, why did I back up that crap on to my card!!!" I then inserted the card into the card reader and it said "Card access error." Now it doesn't work. A point of fact is that it does work in the XDA, but not in the PC. This XDA world is CRAZY but wonderful. Maybe I could get a heads up, let me know if anyone else has heard of this problem. VAL

Try putting it back into the card reader/writer, right click on the card and choose format. Sometimes the pc will do a delayed write to the card, if you remove it before the data is written it becomes corrupt, I always right click and choose eject before removing the card.


formatted SD card...

okay, I'm almost too embarrassed to even post this...
I was flashing my XDA last night with the Developers Edition Rom, and that went smoothly. however, it was really late, and I wasn't paying any attention (lol) to what SD card was in my fone when it askedme if I wanted to format. Stupidly, I said yes I want to format, and then realized that the card inside was the nifty little 32 MB card that came with the phone from At&t that had all the cool games on it.
so my questions are:
1) does anyone know of any utils that can unformat a SD card?
2) does anyone happen to have that at&t card with the games/etc on it that they'd consider making a copy of?
3)does anyone have any other ideas of how I can get another copy of that data??
yeah, it's a petty problem, and I'm a dumbass for flashing my fone at 3:00am, but I'd still appreciate any help
It is possible to unformat a hard drive I believe as the data isnt overwritten, not sure how you would go about it with an sd card, I think its just the header that is changed so if you havent written to the card since format all the data will be there. You could try a disc doctor program such as norton and see which files you can salvage through your card reader.
nope...haven't written anythign to the card yet at all. I've got a copy of Norton utils someplace....I gues sI'll try and see if installing that on my desktop somehow lets me unformat on my SD card though the card reader, lol.
My phone did that to my little games flash, all by itself. I downloaded tons of utilities, but was not able to retrieve anything
Yes you can retrieve your formated data back !!
you need a program and a card reader !!
yeah, I tried that, Norton Utils, and a card reader
no joy on that
Oh well, too late now

Not quite BRICKed mem. & error [224]

FCWs 6.5 Home edition 8325,2gig
Long story involving a 5 year old.
Basically right now I can only fire up in sort of a limp mode; "low on memory" or no "permission". Probably due to scores of "FILE000x.chk" files on the device after using Pocket Mechanic Pro on microSD card.
1) It'll only reliably boots with a battery out/in technique.
2) Its "connected" to desk-top PC but as a "guest" and isn't "synced"
3) I can browse it through ActiveSync on the PC, but can't add, move or delete files due to "low memory" or "permissions" (same on the 8525)
4) A few programs won't run and are not recognized as "valid P-PC" apps, including the front end "home2"
5) Can't flash anything as SSPL ROM flasher gives "ERROR [224]: device not responding".
Started with a corrupt 2 gig microSD, couldn't write to it, ran Pocket Mechanic Pro. that Problem solved, this prob created.
Read all Wikis, searched error 224, reflashed about 15 times, know the ropes.
Any Ideas are greatly appreciated!
Regards, PK
Have you tried flashing the rom from the memory card, its the only thing that i can suggest i don't know much about broken hermes.
Hope this helps and that you find a fix
Thanks for the reply Scott,
That was my next line of attack but I'm not clear yet on exactly how to do it (I'll find out).
My big problem is I can't add (or remove or even move) any files on the device either from File explorer on the phone or through. ActiveSync on the pc (I can look at them though...). I also dont have a card reader writer.
I think a lot of problems would go away if I could delete all the 200+ *.CHK files generated by Pocket mechanic pro. I think that where all my memory went.
I just found a way using delete feature in "RAR" ...6 down 200 odd to go. Antone know how to select multiple files?
Regards, PK
Regards, PK
Now its in solitary
I managed to delete 219, *.chk files from the rom hoping to free up memory. I'ts still isolated, I cant add any files to it (like a ROM or utility) through activeSync. The warning is it "can't find the file or path." of the file. To flash a rom from I still get "error 224," don't recognize the device.
Tried to load the SD card with a rom through my camera, no luck, the camera says "cannot flash".
The OS still works in a limp mode, no phone, half the programs inaccessible and home2 no longer works.
Have you tried connecting the card to the computer and reformatting it from there you might then be able to flash another rom
I don't have a card reader. The only thing I do have is a printer that accepts multiple card types and a camera that takes this card. So far I can't right to either.
Ya, theres a thread that tells how to flash from a card. Right now though its just of limits.
Thanks, PK
Edit: just got card reader.
Have SD Card with rom can't boot off it and install.
Hello all interested,
1) So I bought a card reader and as per 2 wikis, reformated my SD card fat32 and a single partition of about 190megs.
2) I copied just the "RUU_signed.nbh" file from my stripped ATT rom RAR file. (The wikis were a little unclear as they were apparently using different roms)
3) I installed this ROM directly from my PC to SD card through the card reader. And put the little SD card into the phone. ( I can only read not write anything though activesync as wiki implies. Problem?)*
4) As per wikis , hard booted with pen while holding power and OK keys.
5) All I get is the 4 striped screen with a IPL and SPL verbiage. NOT the "loading from SD card" as described in the wikis.
Help... anybody, PK
* Does loading the ROM through Active syn? I know it changes format of some files
pk2 said:
Hello all interested,
1) So I bought a card reader and as per 2 wikis, reformated my SD card fat32 and a single partition of about 190megs.
2) I copied just the "RUU_signed.nbh" file from my stripped ATT rom RAR file. (The wikis were a little unclear as they were apparently using different roms)
3) I installed this ROM directly from my PC to SD card through the card reader. And put the little SD card into the phone. ( I can only read not write anything though activesync as wiki implies. Problem?)*
4) As per wikis , hard booted with pen while holding power and OK keys.
5) All I get is the 4 striped screen with a IPL and SPL verbiage. NOT the "loading from SD card" as described in the wikis.
Help... anybody, PK
* Does loading the ROM through Active syn? I know it changes format of some files
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Did you rename the file RUU_singned.nbh to HERMIMG.NBH?
Thanks alot for the reply,
I think you are the man! I did change the name but changed it to HERMING.NBH not HERMIMG.NBH. It seems to be flashing (slowly) right now.
If this works I owe you a BIG cerveza!
Regards, PK
vijovame said:
Did you rename the file RUU_singned.nbh to HERMIMG.NBH?
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You are definitely the man.
I flashed the plain Jane stripped ATT ROM but EVERYTHING WORKS! It syncs, the phone works, camera, etc, etc...Now I'm off to flash something interesting.
Thanks for making me re-read the .nbh name. (I've been trying to fix this about half the time I've owned first smarphone)
All the best!!
its good to hear that youve sorted it, theres a few roms out there at the moment so you may have to look around a bit and flash quite a few of them, the safest way is the card method but it is up to you.
Have fun with your hermes
Ironically I had already blindly flashed just about everything out there without a hitch. I finally settled on one. That's when all 'ell broke loose. Now I've got the stripped ATT on my flash drive ready to install anytime if I have to.
Thanks, PK

Help! Damaged (internal?) SD card

I installed MIUI on my girlfriend's fascinate last night and this morning she's just told me her phone has a notification for a damaged SD card... I told her to try unmounting/removing it and the problem persists making me believe it's the internal card.
Can anyone point me in the correct direction to fix this? I'd like to recover as many of the files from the phone before wiping it if possible.
First thing you should do to confirm whether it's internal or not is to just try swapping the MicroSD with another. I really don't know for sure, but I don't think it would tell you that you have a damaged SD card if it's talking about the internal storage.
Do you have a card reader for your PC? Plug it into that and see if it works. If it detects it, try running a chkdsk on it. If something got corrupted on it somehow, that should take care of it. You shouldn't have to format it.
She's currently at her family's house (we're in college... don't live on our own ) but I'll try that later. She tried putting her microSD in her brother's phone and both phones displayed a damaged memory card notification, which makes me think it may be both.
Also, she's got cwm red, not orange. Could that be the issue? If so, how do I switch to orange?
Oxirane said:
She's currently at her family's house (we're in college... don't live on our own ) but I'll try that later. She tried putting her microSD in her brother's phone and both phones displayed a damaged memory card notification, which makes me think it may be both.
Also, she's got cwm red, not orange. Could that be the issue? If so, how do I switch to orange?
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If the same MicroSD gave a damaged message in another phone, it's almost certainly the MicroSD.
I know there's some issue with Gingerbread ROMs corrupting SD cards. I thought it didn't apply to CM7 or MIUI, but I'm not totally sure. CWM shouldn't have anything to do with it, though. It's odd that she has red CWM, though. How does she enter recovery?
I'd expect chkdsk to handle it. Once you've got access to it and a PC, open the command prompt, and try "chkdsk x: /f /x", where x is the drive letter for the card.
I would think you could just look at the SD card & phone storage section in Settings. Damaged memory card usually appears as not present.
The SD doesn't show up in the mounts and storage, yes. Any idea how to recover those files?
Does the internal memory show up?
From my experience, once it's corrupted it can't be used again. There are several programs that may help you recover files on the card but you probably will not be able to use the card again unless you can get it formatted on something else, ie camera.
Does the internal memory show up?
From my experience, once it's corrupted it can't be used again. There are several programs that may help you recover files on the card but you probably will not be able to use the card again unless you can get it formatted on something else, ie camera.
Oxirane said:
The SD doesn't show up in the mounts and storage, yes. Any idea how to recover those files?
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If you have a card reader on a PC there's a program called Recuva that may be able to recover pics, video, etc.
try formatting it

[Q] Newly rooted--sd card issues

Awesome newb video by the way! Made me laugh...
Just rooted and I like it, I don't wanna go back, but I can't get the microsd to pick up...I'll give all the info I can--def newb to root/droid but my background is IT, so hopefully we can figure out how to fix it so I can keep the root and not go back to stock(if that would even repair the problem)
Got a pny 32G microSD, droid incredible 4g lte(Verizon) that I rooted using the unlock script and fakeCID and then loaded Vipers Venom LTE custom rom...somewhere in this process-I think right after unlocking-it quit accessing the sd card...I've looked around and read some things about this 'USB brick' thing, but I don't know if it's applicable to's what it does now:
SD card is in phone, but under 'Storage' Total Space and Available show unavailable, and everything else is greyed. If I try and pull the card the phone gives me the 'sd card unexpectedly removed' error.
Windows XP has no issue reading/writing to this card with a card reader. I've formatted a few times fat32 with xp(which i hate doing)and put it back in the phone, with the phone off, booted, and nothing happens. Oddly, when it first happened, after installing the custom ROM, when I'd do this procedure the phone would see the card on boot, but stay forever on 'preparing sd card/checking for errors' and never complete.
Back on the phone side of things, booting into the 'recovery mode', where you flash and whatever, it can see the card, see it's contents, and I wrote some sort of log to the card(option in the menu), so it can access it...oddly, I could not load my Viper rom from the microsd card, it failed on the file, but put it under some folder on the phone and that's how i ended up flashing the ROM, which I was nervous about doing as everything I saw said put the rom on the external sd card...
If I plug the phone into the XP pc via usb cable, choose use as disk drive, no problem accessing phone data, but 'please insert disk' on the card. Cannot push data when in usb debug mode via adb commands either. Oddly, dunno if this is related, it gives me 2 drives and also a CD ROM drive--tried dialing that##7 number for the option to disable cd rom, but it was already disabled. Dunno if this is related, but throwing it in there.
Tried chkdsk on the sd card with Xp, no errors, no problems. Hell, the card's not two weeks old and I've only had the phone a little over a month. I've done a bit of research the past couple of days and the only thing I haven't tried is the very confusing procedure i've seen for some of these 'usb brick' problems, but is that my problem. I'm hoping if all else fails i can go back to stock, just downloaded the stock rom, but will that even fix it? Gots to have my trailer park boys on my sd card to watch! Thanks for the help guys and gals! Sorry for the long post, but I like to give info--if kernel version or any other data like that is required, I can post it.
zazaray said:
Got a pny 32G microSD, droid incredible 4g lte(Verizon) [...] it quit accessing the sd card...
SD card is in phone, but under 'Storage' Total Space and Available show unavailable, and everything else is greyed. If I try and pull the card the phone gives me the 'sd card unexpectedly removed' error.
Windows XP has no issue reading/writing to this card [...] formatted a few times fat32 [...] and nothing happens. Oddly, when it first happened, after installing the custom ROM, when I'd do this procedure the phone would see the card on boot, but stay forever on 'preparing sd card/checking for errors' and never complete.
[...] booting into the 'recovery mode', where you flash and whatever, it can see the card, see it's contents [...]
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i tried to slim down your quote, but from my experience i'd still say the sd-card is somehow busted! i had a similar prob with the SD card in my Dinc4G two weeks ago. i _was_ r/w quite fine even from custom rom and at one point, the card just quit. removing and reinserting just ended in "preparing sd-card" and directly after that "safe for removal" ... wasn't able to access it any more within Viper, recovery (TWRP for me) was still seeing the card fine just like on your end.
putting the SD-card into a Win-laptop it _appeared_ fine and came error-free with scandisk etc ... BUT when i tried to backup all data from it before formatting (had like 10G on my 16G card) there were a couple of files that failed to read and i could NOT recover at all anymore. I formatted the SD-card again after that (full format, not fast/quick!) ... and put most of the files back. it is working again now in my Dinc4G but the card sure has some defect sectors (and usually _tends to die soon_ after such errors appear first!
i'd heavily recommend that you try to source some other micro-sd card first and try if you custom rom can read from it again. if that works fine and you see your SD-card from within the settings menu in the rom. you can be pretty sure that it's really the card.
PS: even brand new mem cards tend to fail at times :cyclops: ... just try to erase all private data on it (means: _fully overwrite_ with other stuff until the card is completelly filled) ... and then try to get a replacement from where you got your (fairly new) SD card from.
hope that helps a bit
i agree with the above post... try a different card. if formatting it doesn't fix it, it's time to try a new card.
j13smiley said:
i agree with the above post... try a different card. if formatting it doesn't fix it, it's time to try a new card.
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Thank you for the help, I resolved this issue, as it is the card, but now I have a different issue, unfortunately...

Corrupted MicroSD after Adopting as internal

I have an LG g4 Beat (h735ar) i just updated it to MM and i found out online that i could adopt a MicroSD card as internal, which is nice since the phone comes with 8GB of storage and almost 5 are taken by the system, so i bught a kingston 32gb class 10 micro SD card and via ADB i formated it as internal storage, at first everything was fine, i could install apps on it, but after 2 days when i woke up and went to grab my phone, some apps that were installed on the sd card and were running on the background started to stop working, so i decided to reboot the phone, after it rebooted the sd card was not longer readable by the phone it shows a notification that says "Cannot use SD card. Tap to set up for use." i tried tapping on it, it prompts me to format it as portable, and when i try to do it, i doesnt work, it goes up to 20% and then closes, i tried formatting the sd card on windows via multiple ways and programs (tried DISKPART with the command "clean all", also tried sd formatter and EasyUS partition master but they didnt work)i tried on ubuntu, also didnt work, i tried using gparted and partition wizard but they didnt work neither, so i thought the SD was defective and went where i bought it, i got a replacement, i did exactly the same with the new one and it happened againt (probably not the smartest idea, but i didnt have any reason to think it would happen again), i've been trying everything i found online and nothing works, now aparently i have to decrypt it by using a key located in /data/misc/vold, but at first the key wasnt there, now it just appeared, but now the problem is that my ubuntu machine just doesnt recognize it, it shows when i open Disks, but it doesnt seem to be mounted, and i cant fix it.
Does someone know another way to fix it? i could just get a new one probably and not set it up as internal, but i'd like to fix it mostly because im kinda embarassed to have to return a second sd card.
Had the same problem.Took the same steps.Luckily I had copied the sdcard contents to my computer.Factory reset didn't help.This is what worked.I have a samsung phone ,so I used odin to reinstall the stock rom.The sdcard was immediately recognized.I copied the files from computer to sd.All is right!!!
Sent from my LGLS770 using Tapatalk
tnomtlaw said:
Had the same problem.Took the same steps.Luckily I had copied the sdcard contents to my computer.Factory reset didn't help.This is what worked.I have a samsung phone ,so I used odin to reinstall the stock rom.The sdcard was immediately recognized.I copied the files from computer to sd.All is right!!!
Sent from my LGLS770 using Tapatalk
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I have a Samsung phone i just tried to insert the sd card in it and it doesnt work,it shows a messagr that says that the card is empty and then says i can extract the sd card i'll try with another Samsung phone that i have to instal the stock rom , also i dont need to backup any data from the sd card, i just want to be able to use it

