Real time phone bill calculator? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Is there any software out there that will monitor my phone usage (ie calls, texts, internet etc) and keep a real time figure of how much I've spent? I seem to remember seeing something like this around a while ago but can't find it now.

dont see how a general tool would be possible
phone companies have all sorts of strange things with
call a sellected group cheaper
and call cheap within a aere
and call cheap from time 1 to time 2
and ...............
a calc tool would have to have as many options as
the sum of all phonecompanys options

try 'phone dashboard' @ i think it only record voice calls.

shouldn't have thought at least a simple program would be too difficult. You tell it how much you pay for certain calls between certain times, when/if you have free minutes, how much texts are. I know they keep adding various offers and schemes but a program could be created to cover the basics.

yes but many the phone company is really not that intrested in us knowing how much cash we give them
we may limit ourselfs
maybe somebody made a program themselfs


[Q] Auto reject with NO missed call notification?

So a debt collector with the wrong number has been calling my cell phone for the past few weeks. I set up Auto reject for any unknown numbers, but I still get a missed call notification.
Back when I had my G1, I had a similar problem with mistaken identity. After setting up Auto reject on it, it was as if they had never called. Is there any way to achieve the same effect on my Vibrant?
Or to attack it at the root, does anyone have a secret to success with getting these walking talking pieces of **** to stop calling me? If I even ask whos calling they hang up on me. You would think if they actually cared about collecting a debt, theyd have a better system in place for fact checking. There should be an office where you can show your I.D to be expunged from their records. I am probably way more enraged than I should be...but I cant stand these people.
Not sure about the auto reject but tell them you wish to settle the debt(i know its mot you, hang tight) but that you need the settlement offer on physical paper. this will force them to mail a letter with company information on it. From there you at least know their main office number and who the a-holes are.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
I do want to know who they are so that I might actually call the building and talk to someone who wont hang up on me, but the last thing I want is to give them information on me that they don't already have. 99.9% of the time, they think you're lying, so any extra info just gives them a new medium to harass me through.

[Q][REQ] Local Social Networking? NetSend for android?

Now we all know that social networking has become a big thing in the past few years. Even more so now that there are apps all over the place that all do the same exact thing. Which is connect you with other people around the world, but what if you want to talk with someone a bit closer?
Everywhere you look there are people on their cell phones, whether it be android based or not. However what if your little people shy and want to strike up a conversation with someone? Especially if their tied up on their phone it makes it tough to bring up a random conversation. What if there was a way to kind of interrupt them and impress them at the same time?
For instance what if your friends dragged you to a bar, bars aren't your thing and you'd rather be at home playing games on your computer or just tearing apart the latest gizmo that you got. Well you happen to notice a girl on the other side of the bar that seems rather nerdy herself that got dragged by her friends and would rather pay more attention to her phone than the drunk guys trying to hit on her.. Obviously going over and saying hi isn't really an option as she'd likely just ignore you like she's done to the rest of the guys, cause your just another drunken idiot that wants to get in her pants (at least thats whats she'd think)..
Wouldn't it be a bit more interesting to say send a message to her phone even tho you don't know her, don't know her number, and know nothing about her.. However it'd get her attention if she got a popup that said "Hi, I can't help but notice your bored.. Me too."
Now this may or may not be possible, as I don't know a damn thing about the android nor hacking it. However I remember back in the day of high school me and a few friends during certain times of the day would go to the same computers in school, and since we knew the IP's of those computers we could send messages back and forth between each other cause they either A didn't disable windows messaging, or we had to turn it on.. We'd screw around with others in the library by sending a mass net send to all computers saying "Your computer has been infected!" then shutting them all down remotely..
Would there be a way to do such a proposal? If so anyone up to the challenge? Cause really how amazing would it be to just open up a new way to talk to those around you.
iOS had something I saw that almost kinda does this (at least I think) called yet I don't know if android does..
I was thinking that if there was a way to utilize the push notifications.. Tho the question would be how to detect said device.. If they were on the same wifi as you that'd be easier.. Even through bluetooth, tho does bluetooth still transmit even when your not allowing it to be seen?
What about the possibility of just through the phone airways.. I mean they could be sitting there online with their phone anyway to intercept that..
Anyone at all?
Hey man, already thing this is a great idea. Although your scenario doesn't quite mesh with me as I am just as "geeky" in the world of pick-up as what I am in Android nerdi-ology haha (what I mean is I would have no issues going over there and sparking up conversation if shes geeky or not...although geeky would make it easier - bar easy!). Anyway I think that is a great idea. It would be ok if it was an app. Not just you sending a notification to their phone.
I was using message in a bottle for a while. Random and cool. But did not narrow to close proximity nor anything like your proposing.
I think there maybe privacy issues for push notifications being intrusive, but if someone elected for use via an app then they agree to accept notifications I think this would be ok.
I have wanted to have this sort of thing when I was on the train travelling home. I have even caught the eye of some random hottie down the isle and wanted to see if I could somehow contact her. I have scanned bluetooth and even tried to push a picture to someone thinking it could be her *thinks to self "hmm she kinda looks like a Jessica and she has a Nokia N95...bugger it send image to Jessica's N95" caching haha. So yeah I get what you mean .....walking up to someone on a train the environment (although sometimes is expected there is a level of acceptable human behavior there in) is not the place to be attempting to pick-up in dead silence with ears in close proximity eves dropping like all hell in comparison to say a night club/bar/outside area where people are sparse and/or conversation is not easily over heard. *NB: I have attempted (and passing the fear if she is confident and there has been an acceptable level of "eye-sex" or "eye-flirting" with smiles before hand) I won't get flagged off easy. If she is not confident....your pick-up interjection and sudden realisation of overh-hearing ears (eves droppers) can land even the best pick-up artist in a pickle and the shut-down is an even bigger tumble to say the least.
It's ok to get shut down in a bar where people can't hear very well, try getting shut down on a deadly silent train haha being snappy fast whitty and able to promptly deliver a negate to her clear cutting shut down is another subject all together. Being able to do it in a funny way may win you more laughs than her shut down too (geeeze I am going waaaaay off track from Android Nerd to Pick-nerd aren't I? wow I diversed big time! haha ) Aside from that I have been successful in picking up chicks on the train without this technology....but this sort of technology would only leverage a man's capability even more so.
Damn it! If this is made....I need to get a job out of town and get back on the god damned train again. I entered the world of Android to wear my geek hat so I wouldn't become obsessed pick-up dude again and here you are a forum member causing two worlds to collide! Thanks....NOT!
PM for more discussion or clarification of my ramblings haha
Well see thats the thing, sometimes girls just don't to be bothered, so how would you get their attention even for a small chat? If the girl was tech suave it could lead to an interesting topic of discussion on "How did you do that?". They have tons of chat apps that allow you to talk to complete strangers, but these people often are all over the world..
I like the things like the Nintendo DS, or even a Cybiko (if you even know what that is.. =D ) were it has a wireless chat feature where the room is just there and anyone in the area with the same device can just join in. The problem with the Nintendo DS is how often are you in a bar with one? Even the Cybiko (which is super old and was like a young tech kid's playtoy from like 2000) is that no one had it so its not like you could go out to a public area and have people join in on those chat channels.
I've seen apps that claim to do this, but they really don't, as its still over the internet instead of your local area..
Hell the closest thing that would almost be like this scenario would be hosting a open wireless connection that anyone could connect to, hosting an irc server on that network and having people connect to that server, which is quite a hastle for any one person to do just for an interesting way to chat..
Tho I agree with the whole privacy issue thing, I knew that'd probably be the case.. What if there was an app that your an that whenever someone came within your vicinity it would pop up saying "So and So has entered your area" and allowed you to click on their name and start saying hi..
Like I said in my first post there was for ios, that kinda synced all the social networking sites to see who was in the same place you are. Supposedly it also allowed you to chat with the people that were also in your area. That would be kinda interesting..

[Q] I did you a favour, then what?

Whenever my automated system finds an Android App Review online it sends an email to the developer telling the link to the review.
Each day I get between 5 - 10 thank you mails from both large app companies and indie developers, which I guess is a good indicator that it's a great tool in order to be able to take advantage of the review in their marketing. (I know how hard it is to be seen with a good app)
The question is, how do I monetize that service?
You have to pardon me if I sound desperate, but I actually am desperate and starting to worry about my ability to provide for my family.
Do you have an idea on how I could either monetize the service, or give it away to someone who can actually afford running it?
There are three main problems with it:
- Donations doesn't work (noone evidently donates anyway, so that went down the drain)
- Advertising, might have worked but there are far too few visitors.
- Most dev's have an invalid email address specified for their account at google play, which makes them not receive the notice from the service,
They can however subscribe for reviews of a certain package name, but how the heck could they when they don't even know the service exists?
I feel so stupid for having these great ideas and realize them, just to later find out that the only thing I've gained is more time away from my kids. I am honestly starting to loose all energy for the creation process of apps, web sites and services, just due to the fact that I can't even reach out enough to make anything out of it. And I can't afford advertising the services/apps/whatever crap I've made. Which even might be an indicator that I should stop trying, but I can't really do that either since I struggle to even afford the food for the month, yeah it's gotten that bad, and I hate sounding this pathetic.
Anyway, the link is in my sig called something like 'Android App Reviews' if you wish to have a look in order to give feedback on my question.
Maybe it's just a bad day 'cause I'm not usually this whiny, but even on a good day, the question stands.
Ah.. whatever. You have a good idea, let me know.
very nice idea, perhaps most of your emails mistakenly get weeded out as SPAM. I have an APP published on Google Play with our company gmail address there, but in more than one ocasion we had people trying to contact us and those emails got to the SPAM folder automaticly by mistake and we never saw them.
DarknessWarrior said:
very nice idea, perhaps most of your emails mistakenly get weeded out as SPAM. I have an APP published on Google Play with our company gmail address there, but in more than one ocasion we had people trying to contact us and those emails got to the SPAM folder automaticly by mistake and we never saw them.
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Thanks, actually I was very glad myself when I got an email from my own service once, so yeah I think it's a great idea also.
So yes, one problem is, as you mention that most emails probably ends up marked as spam.
The other problem is money, it's running in a very low priced environment and actually doesn't require much juice to run but I can't afford maintaining it if it doesn't generate enough income to even support itself.
I would consider running it for nothing and I could even spend some personal money just for the satisfaction and appreciation, but given the gravity of the current financial situation in my family I can't do that.
So let's just see what happens, and thanks for taking the time to read.
have you tried selling it? For about how much would you be willing to sell it? As i said the idea is pretty awesome and you got it pretty much nailed down. Perhaps with a few tweaks to the search algorithm it could be the next Google for Apps!
have you tried selling it? For about how much would you be willing to sell it?
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- Actually, no I haven't tried selling it yet as I don't have any experience selling these kinds of things, and don't really know where to turn.. So I haven't really thought of for how much I should sell it for,
what do you think something like this could be worth?
Thanks again
Actually i have no idea loool
I would buy it if I had the means.
The value of it probably based on how many views does your site has per day, how many apps does it have categorized, how many it crawls per day... idk.
For example i tried searching it and it seems to have few apps catalogued... my app ( isn't there.
EDIT: About how much do you spend on it a month? If it's not much and you're willing to give it away because can't afford it I wouldn't mind getting it lol, i think i can keep it alive.
If you want to generate income from your site, you have to run your site like a business. The ideas you have in your first post are too linear, especially for a small website with limited exposure (i'm sure you'll know ). Websites and youtube channels grow in exposure and size exponentially. Your site is still in the growth state of a business life cycle (the slowest, most challenging phase of business), so it's best to get as much exposure as possible, which means expanding.
- Try to create some sort of quasi-partnerships with other sites by sharing content or linking to each other. I've noticed you have some links on the side of your site, but try to get in contact with 'bigger names' out there
- Create a youtube channel and start reviewing apps like that. That way you have another avenue of traffic to your site
- Reviews of products may also be an idea.
Hope this helps It's what I can remember from business studies classes >.<
sup MetalDroid, any news?
I'd go with what SammiSaysHello said, you need to run it like a business. Personally I'd make the homepage look more like a professional a sales page and introduce a subscription fee if you want to use it for more then one app. Or even a one time fee for more then one app. I end up logging onto my developer console several times a day so I'd gladly pay a couple bucks a month to have the reviews sent straight to my inbox.. Just my two cents
Sorry for not posting an update, I've been having the mother of all flues on and off for the past several weeks now!
sup MetalDroid, any news?
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Well, actually yes. The associated twitter account is growing, and the number of web page visitors is also increasing. Very slowly but I'm still positive about it. I've also, shockingly, had a few interesting partnership/business proposals drop down in my mailbox, so I'm gonna have a look to see what is offered there..
If you want to generate income from your site, you have to run your site like a business.
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I'd go with what SammiSaysHello said, you need to run it like a business
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You're right, that seems like a logical next step. I might add a low subscription fee if you wish to use for more than one app,
that seems like a very good suggestion, I'll have to wait a couple of days though to see how things turn out from some of the email proposals
I've had.
If you're interested I'll keep you updated on what happens, and I'm very grateful for your input,

A few questions about the VS985 - contacts editing, call blocking and others

I searched the web (and the thread suggestions are not similar) and found very little on these matters, so...
Some background first -
I have now owned the G3 for 6 days. This is my first android os phone and first "smart" phone I have owned. The closest thing I've owned to this was an apple iPod touch. I'm not a big apple fan, (its the only device I own sporting their logo) but I have to say after spending some time with this G3 for the last few days, I am beginning to appreciate some of intuitive elements of their design. I didn't consider the apple phone due to their "proprietary" connects, no readily available battery removal, no flash and no microSD. These are all features I feel really should be very "basic" at this stage of tech. However, after spending a few days with this unit, I'm not thinking these phones are as "smart" as the marketing selling them. Perhaps I'm wrong. Please feel free to offer a different viewpoint!
Now, don't get me wrong, while the layout is fairly decent, the camera is nice, the phone (telephony) seems to work fairly well so far, and the screen sure looks pretty - even if a bit huge to get a comfortable grip on - but customization (at least in stock form) seems somewhat limited. This phone seems setup to waste time not to conserve it.
2 days ago I wrote my first post on this forum - stating that basically, from my perspective of a short time with this phone and furthering research - this thing needs rooted just to customize it to the level I think might lead to a productive mini-computer and that seems like a whole lot of time expenditure for a device of which the battery only lasts a short workday and one that you have to keep protected from pretty much anything (bumps, water, etc.).
So here are some questions that I have not found answers to:
1. Why does this phone disallow me to edit a contact?
considerations: Some contacts have the "edit pencil" available and some do not. I have some contacts synced from facebook which I cannot edit (no pencil icon appears), yet my wife who has recently obtained a samsung note 4 & she has the edit pencil on all of her contacts, even the facebook synced ones. Not only do I want to sync the contacts from facebook (and other places), but I want to remove the facebook app and then keep the contacts on the phone. Is there a way to do this without adding yet another app?
2. Getting rid of "Rachel from card services" - yeah tell me you people haven't dealt with this lady burning up your phone - chief call spammer of USA... No offense to Rachel, but I'm tired of answering her calls. Why is it that allegedly on other non-Verizon versions of the G3 the user is able to block spammer's calls (call blocking), yet this one doesn't? Where is this feature of this phone? Am I missing something here, because I have looked all over and I have not found this feature on the phone.
Multiple cases of lockup - meaning I tap on the screen on an icon designed to make something happen and yet nothing happens. No response. Zero. This seems to be intermittent, but it happens. Is this a typical experience with these phones?
I was sold on the G3 because I noted & appreciated some of the features that came with it - but now I find myself seriously considering returning this phone - but then if I did, what would I even replace it with?

Lets make an app that charges spam and scam callers and robo callers when they interrupt your day working or sleeping whos with me.

Lets make an app that charges spam and scam callers and robo callers when they interrupt your day working or sleeping whos with me. I have ideas but i want to hear everyone elses input on this topic. because im getting sick of these callers
Lol, how are you going to "charge" them?
I take a personal interest in every spam caller.
Say the right things. I get few return calls.
I broke a few... oops.
blackhawk said:
Lol, how are you going to "charge" them?
I take a personal interest in every spam caller.
Say the right things. I get few return calls.
I broke a few... oops.
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stay tuned my good sir this will get good trust me
jaymzway said:
Lets make an app that charges spam and scam callers and robo callers when they interrupt your day working or sleeping whos with me. I have ideas but i want to hear everyone elses input on this topic. because im getting sick of these callers
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Wishful thinking considering that most [if not all] scammers can use internet apps, but not limited to bot nets to “spoof” calls, manipulating phone networks to ring your phone from numbers they actually aren’t calling from — including numbers that belonging to honest people like you, your doctor or your pharmacist.
Spoof calls usually get past the filters even with the assistance of sampling of the apps including
-- RoboKiller
-- Verizon’s CallFilter
-- AT&T’s CallProtect
-- T-Mobile’s NameID
rodken said:
Wishful thinking considering that most [if not all] scammers can use internet apps, but not limited to bot nets to “spoof” calls, manipulating phone networks to ring your phone from numbers they actually aren’t calling from — including numbers that belonging to honest people like you, your doctor or your pharmacist.
Spoof calls usually get past the filters even with the assistance of sampling of the apps including
-- RoboKiller
-- Verizon’s CallFilter
-- AT&T’s CallProtect
-- T-Mobile’s NameID
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ok thats a very true and a very valid point which just means another obstacle to overcome is all. Means it takes computers to generate that than it will take a computer to detect this with some proper know hows we can get around this.

