seriel number of stolen xda :( - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

got my xda nicked yesterday
the police asked for it's seriel number
i of cause dont have the device so i cant check
but i do have some numbers on the packet
and on the cd's cover
how does the seriel number look as in how many numbers
and such ?

The number the police wants is called IMEI, 15 digits, and starts with 350312 (which stands for HTC).

thanks i found it the copper knew it was called IMEI and it should be on the box
now all i can do is to wait and give it to my gf who reportet it
and i dont know the police file nr
well at least it had password and i gotten the sim closed
they can still read the sdcard though but it only have music and
programs on it no personal stuff
and the insurance may also pay me some of its worth

If you go get a quote for a replacement, which is an xda2 as the xda is no longer made, you may find they will supply he latest incarnation of the phone.

i'm pretty sure they just give me the cash minus a self risk fee of 100$
and now the xda2 is the same price as the xda1 were when i got it
the 100$ is pretty much what i payd for the sdcard 256MB so i may very well end up with a xda2
not that i would not pref to get my xda back if i could


Reselling of used XDAs as new units in Ireland?

Hi all..I recently bought an XDA from an O2 outlet here in Ireland which I subsequently sent back due to speaker problems. Having waited two days for my replacement XDA, (in the interim I was given a Nokia 5110 as a substitute phone, I'm sure they got it out of a musuem..) I finally picked it up yesterday. The retailer told me it was a brand new phone and that it had come out of a sealed box. When I picked up the phone I noticed marks on the top of the aerial consistent with a fall or even with someone nibbling on it! I pointed this out to the retailer and was assured again that the phone was brand new. Giving the benefit of the doubt I brought the phone home, hooked it up to the PC and went to adjust the memory allocation as I was gonna transfer a large number of mp3s to it. Now the XDA I originally bought had 64MB RAM, the unit I was given as its replacement had 32MB RAM - so much for it being a brand new phone! Also the battery took less than 2 hours to fully charge - on my original XDA the initial charge took approx 4 hours with subsequent recharges taking about 2 hours, the same length of time my supposedly "new" XDA took to fully charge on what should have been it's initial charge.
At this point something a friend said with regard to technology popped into my head, call it paranoia but he is fully convinced that Ireland receives the rejects, previously repaired, or just downright faulty items of technology where they are pawned off as being brand new. My experience with this XDA seems to bear it out. I rang the O2 retailer back and informed them that the phone I received was not new and when I explained my reasons why, I was told that the phone was probably a new one alright but that it had just been sitting in its box in a shop and not sold, hence the 32MB rather than 64MB version I was given. It didn't explain the marks around the aerial or why the initial charge took only as long as a phone that's been in use before to charge.
Am I being paranoid here or are companies chancing their arm by sending units that are technically second hand to Ireland (or other countries for that matter) for resale as new units? Does anyone else have a similiar experience, not necessarily with the XDA but with other top of the range (and expensive!) products, technological or otherwise?
Personally I'd take it back and tell them where to stick it....
Even if it is brand new... you bought a 64mb XDA...
It does sound rather fishy though... I think you've got enough reason to be 'paranoid'.
ask them how a brand new XDA can have only 32mb of RAM... I doubt they'll be able to give you that answer...
I've heard on various occasions companies such as dixons selling 'brand new' hardware (computers in one instance) where the customer brought it home to find the previous owners information including credit card number and other sensitive stuff...
Its not necessarily O2 that are screwing you over... it could be their manager or area manager that’s trying to cut a little from their budget...
either way that phone certainly doesn't sound 'brand' new.... probably someone’s reject that took it back last year.
Hello from Ireland
I had the exact same thing from O2 as well, you might have my old phone, I bought a 32mb one but the screen was scatched so they excahnged it again for another crap one, so I rang O2 UK and told them my worries and I got one sent fromt he UK, perfect and no worries at all. Its cheaper in the UK aswell. You are legally entitled to a full refund if it does not meet the standards you expected and was told about "not fit for the purpose it was sold" is the lawyers talk!! I spoke to a mate who works for O2 in Limerick (head office) and told me that they do actually refurb the phones. for returns etc. so I would demand a brand new one with 64mb and threaten them with vodafone or metior that will scare them!!
[email protected]
you need to kick up a fuss e-mail trading, or. or europe and every one you can think of this is disgracefull dont take there c***
Just to update you on my phone situation...having been told that my replacement XDA was a new unit I tried a few things to prove/disprove this...I backed up my calendar and contact info using Permanent Save and when I hit OK it backed up my info but it also restored the previously stored info on the phone, which, if as alleged, this phone was new then there should have been no such info already on the phone. Not to my surprise when I went into my contacts there were names and numbers that I did not recognise. I even have the home number of the individual who previously owned my phone! So what I'm wondering now is what to do next, who can I complain to and what will O2 do to compensate me for their mistake?
Also the retailer from whom I bought the phone left a voice message saying they have a brand new 64MB XDA waiting for me instore. It will be interesting to see if in fact the phone is brand new and not a refurb as Gary says is the norm for O2. Cheers for your tale Gary, I was contemplating getting a refund but I love my XDA and hopefully I'll have no problems with this next unit. Will keep you posted.
Just to let you know the 32Mb model was released early, and was replaced by the 64mb model. There was an offer for o2 staff, including family and friends to purchase the 32mb xda for 99 pounds ( i did !)
I also recall that the o2 shops had a limited supply of 32mb xda (advertised as reconditioned) which they were selling for 99 pounds.
You may have got one of these phones. It may have been a genuine mistake from the store. However, they cannot give you a 32mb model in exchange for a 64mb model.
nice to see your retailer is offering you a 64mb one...
what happened?

The reason why i will never buy toshiba devices ever again-toshiba policy->get in

After talking to TOSHIBA toady and after communicating with them through emails
for more than a week this is the answer I got from them all:
"but unfortunately we cannot provide spare parts outside our repair center"
let me explain what is so "unfortunate" in a global company that does not sell parts for its devices:
I need to send the device to the place I bought it (UK) in an insured express mail AND I am also paying on the back delivery
I will take a day off to pass in the tax office lines in order to fill the papers so they will not to stop my device and ask for taxes of it again.
It is also very "unfortunate" that if the defect will not be covered by warranty Toshiba will get some extra money from my pocket and not any other lab in the world which is not owned by the company =)
Think about a world where you bought a car that were manufactured in japan and you need to send the car!! to japan!!! for a lamp =)
because the company is as just as greedy as Toshiba and they
"cannot provide spare parts outside our repair center"
by the way...If you wanna know I called my garage today to ask them if I want to buy a part from them if this is a problem...not a entire gear box!! they said no problem and gave me the price.
I own a laptop...Called the company and told them I need some spare computer is 1 month old and they gave me the prices but mentioned this may harm my warranty...
So other companies would sell me even a hammer to smash my device if I want it as long as I understand that this harms/cancels my warranty
But not Toshiba.
they will make sure I will fix it under their roof so my 1$ will go to them and not to any other person in the world.
I just needed the micro usb female...
we have enough HTC labs that can do it here in Israel
but just because Toshiba needs my 1$
(yes yes!!! this is how much the part costs for devices like HTC HD2 or HTC DESIRE you can even get it in 5/20 packs on ebay just like any other part you want for an HTC device)
I need to pay 160$ (postage+the perfect day off in order to go and fill the forms)
So goes the global concept in Toshiba...and here comes their small greedy village =)
I am not sure I will fix my device...I think of just letting it rot in the drawer.
I feel sorry for the unlucky person to buy it from me here or in any other part of the world that Toshiba don't have a repair center for the TG01.
maybe I will try my luck on ebay.
Learn From my story...Ban Toshiba!!!
I think your problem is more Tax- related, than anything else. If you buy a device you should always make sure, that it will be fully supported in your country. There are meny devices without worldwide support, you have to live with that.
Not True
The tax related problem is solved by papers-you just list your device so they wont think you got a phone by mail (for this you need to pay taxes)
In many countries there are various Global companies that don't give direct service
But there are always others who can give you the service...
Lets say that you buy a Ferrari(lucky you =)
but then something happens and a part in your car is broken...
So...Now you are going to send your car to the closest Ferrari garage in..
MMm Italy right?....
nice trip for a car...Its much better than the company to send you the part if it can easily be replaced in any other garage near your house or by yourself? NOT!
Give me the name of your state and I will give you countless names of various Companies that does not have a direct link to a repair center near your house yet you can easily repair their products in other labs and order parts online.
This is actually the first time in my life I got into such a situation when a
company does not sell parts to its products!!!
This is a very greedy are forced to repair what you buy only in 1 place!!! even if it is thousands of miles away from your home.
I have several labs in my city that fix HTC,Apple,Samsung and so on...with original and non-original parts for your why does Toshiba need to be different???
Man I hope Toshiba wont move the repair center in your town.
if you did not get it this is the only place you can get your TG01 repaired
It is most unlikely that Toshiba actually fabricate the uUSB female connector themselves; likely an identical or very close match could be obtained via one of the many electronic parts suppliers and could then be fitted by yourself or a friendly local workshop.
One source I am aware of is Farnell in the UK. [URL=""]This page [/URL]lists all the varaiations of Type AB uUSB Receptacles for surface mount - bottom, top and mid.
The biggest challenge is to be able to remove the original and resolder a new item working at surface mount scale with hand tools rather than as part of the manufactire process using flow soldering.
Anyway, best of luck and I hope you are able to resolve.
I took the phone to 3 big labs already for an opinion.
we were digging all over the net in order to find the part that might fit.
they even did a few phone call to their suppliers for me.
I am sorry to say that none of the ones That are sold out there on the net
can fit to the spot that Toshiba created on the TG01
So you should not build on that that you can get a match.
As hilarious as it might sound this part can be replaced only
on their repair centers and not on any other place on earth...
how is that for an option?
I am starting to believe that even Apple is not as evil as Toshiba =P
I had the same problem, phone worked fine but would not charge up or connect to my computer through the USB. I talked to Toshiba UK and they told me to send it to Regenersis in Scotland. They did not even bother trying to repair it they just sent me a brand new phone free of charge, the new phone was sim locked but my original was unlocked. I contacted Toshiba again by email and 1 hour later they emailed me an unlock code. They also sent me a new back and SD card free of charge, I bought the phone second hand off Ebay !!!!!
I do not think many companies warrant their products for the second user but Toshiba do. Why not just send them your phone and get a new one....
Agreed, the process with Regenersis works well.
First I don't know how much you pay for an express delivery from your town to Scotland.
I do know that the Delivery from Israel to the Toshiba repair center in England and back will cost me around 70-80$ (insured)
ant again I will need to go to the tax office and fill the forms so they wont think I bought a new phone when I get it I loose a few hours from my day and have some "fun" in the tax office lines =)
I have sent my phone to a Toshiba repair centerr in Romania with my Dad so it will be fixed soon...
My problem is not about if they will or will not replace/fix it for me =)
If I could buy the part I could fix it in a lab here for 30-40$ and get it back after 1 hour.
But Toshiba wants to fix it themselves...So the cost of the shipping+half a day off will cost me around 120$
Plus I will have to be 1 week at-least without my TG01
That's the price I need to pay because Toshiba thinks it will be nice to take also all the money from fixing straight into their pocket.
Because one day friends your warranty will be finished or you will crack the screen or break the housing...and then you will go/send by mail to the only place where you can get your device fixed.
even if you can do it yourselves in 1 minute or know that it costs 30$ to fix in a lab that is right under your house.
you will need to send it to Scotland or England or maybe one day to japan =) why not? maybe they will decide to close some Toshiba centers
and you will pay as much as Toshiba will decide you need to pay because if you did not get it you do not have any choice =P
Toshiba TG01 parts are not sold anywhere.
there is the definition for it folks:
and for this I strongly object.
that's why I will sell my 2 TG01(bought 1 for my brother also ) and buy others.
that its company doesn't hold me in a leash on where do I want to fix my device.
It cost me £5.50 to return the phone to Scotland and this included £500 insurance cover. There are rarely spare parts or broken phones on Ebay at the moment because they are all under warranty. After the 2 years is up parts and broken phones will start to appear on Ebay, so if you want to keep your phone alive it will be easy. I realise your personal circumstances mean the cost to return the phone is a bit high but you did buy the phone in the UK (presumably locked to Orange) so it is reasonable for the company to want to repair the phone in the country of purchase. Perhaps you should buy future phones in Israel, then you will not have this problem....
my TG01 has a broken touchscreen, which I would like to fix. Toshiba support told me to send it to a repair center in northern scotland for refund.
Shipping from Germany would be almost 15€ and I don´t know how much further the repair would cost...
Replacememt parts are almost none available; I am looking for days... The only few things I found are very expensive and not even new.
It´s really disappointing.
unfortunately the material is not very robust. The screen gets scratched very easily, the thin back cover deforms and on all TG01 I saw the usb-cover was damaged by fingernails.
If you need photos of the screen I'll post them

Samsung Galaxy S2 been barred.Please Help

Hi All,
Recently purchased a Samsung Galaxy S2 from Gumtree online. It was only working on o2 network so got at unblocked from a guy at a market stall so that it works on all network sims. It was working fine for about a week but then randomly came up with a message saying "emergency calls only" and I coulnt make or recieve calls or texts even if i changed the sim to o2. The internet was still functioning correctly however.
Called network provider and have been told that there is a bar on it by an insurance company. Tried to get back to the seller but have not been able to contact him. Have reported him but I would just like to know is there any way to unblock this phone at all? Dont want to lose out on all the money spent on it. would it be worth downloading any unblocking applications if the phone has a bar on it?
Please any ideas, comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Apologies for the long message
Sounds like you have bought a stolen phone. I don't think the network will undo the blocking. You might have to list it on eBay for people outside the UK.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
deadgalaxys2 said:
Called network provider and have been told that there is a bar on it by an insurance company. Tried to get back to the seller but have not been able to contact him. Have reported him but I would just like to know is there any way to unblock this phone at all? Dont want to lose out on all the money spent on it. would it be worth downloading any unblocking applications if the phone has a bar on it?
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Circumventing such a block is illegal in most countries and discussion on it is therefore not allowed on XDA. I'd recommend contacting the police.
Handling a blocked phone is technically handling stolen goods. Attempting to change the IMEI and therefore unblocking it is very illegal
Some people sell on a phone and then report it stolen and get it blocked and there insurance gets them a new phone. This is also illegal, so you should report it to the police...
I work in a fairly common second hand store, and it's a fairly common occurance for someone to sell in a phone and then have it blocked so they get a new one for free. Bastards...
Yup contact the police, as the phone is likely flagged now as being "stolen", meaning the original owner committed insurance fraud...
This happened to me with my Galaxy S 1. Ended up selling it outside of the UK because outside the UK is the only place it would work.
Sent from my GT-I9100
same happened to me, my first smart phone turns out it had been "found" in a car park. IMEI blocked in the UK gutted but lesson is now learned.
looked into changing the IMEI but that carries a 5 year custodial sentence so written it off as expensive lesson that needed to be learnt.
OP i do feel worry for you that you have spent a lot of money on a phone which has been blocked, just a warning to others, never ever buy anything like smart phones (or anything expensive really) on that gumtree website which is a hotbed for criminals and fraudsters, the person you bought this phone off probably got it themselves as an upgrade, they had insurance on it, they advertised it on gumtree and the mobile number they gave was a SIM card they'll probably never use again, they sold the phone, a few days later (or less) they reported the phone as stolen and it was subsequently blocked, they claimed another one on the insurance and they have your money and still have the phone, this scam has been around now for a good while which is why you should never buy on gumtree and if you do ask for a receipt and proof of purchase and i guarantee you the seller will try and say they will give you a written one,don't accept it and move on.
Thanks for the replies everyone. Lesson definately learnt. Have reported it to gumtree so I wonder what they will say.
deadgalaxys2 said:
Thanks for the replies everyone. Lesson definately learnt. Have reported it to gumtree so I wonder what they will say.
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I doubt they can do much mate, the person you bought it off probably posted it from an internet cafe so their IP address couldn't be detected and no doubt created a fake email and obviously used another SIM card that they no doubt threw away.
Gumtree are a disgrace IMO, they are only too aware this happens but they don't post any type of warnings on their website, it should be quite clearly stated when purchasing any type of expensive items like smart phones that the prospective buyer always asks for a receipt and / or proof of payment (clearly not everyone thinks of this)
By all means report it to the relevant people but in this instance im afraid your probably screwed, sorry mate
Please read the rules:
Do not do anything that may get XDA in trouble.....
In future buy a phone from reputable dealer if the deal is too good to be true it normally is.
On that note thread closed.
Sent from the valley of the shadows....

Htc amaze scam

I purchased a phone from craigslist didn't know that t mobile had a imei system and didn't have t mobile service at the time bought the phone with case phone looked brand new etc i activate phones not working turns out bad imei.
The good news is that i have the text from seller and a tmobile rep told me that he is a tmobile customer i asked if he could check if the phone was purchased on the account to check if it matched up and he told me he couldn't give me anymore information anyone know how i should go about this situation with the police?
Nothing you can do except using the phone as an ipod.
Sent From My Htc Amaze running rum+coke
Probably not much u can do especially if he included the words "as is" anywhere in the post, but if he didn't you can probably go to your local police station and file a police report and take the guy to small claims court......I think might want to ask Binary he's a cop he would know better then me.
will_69_67 said:
Probably not much u can do especially if he included the words "as is" anywhere in the post, but if he didn't you can probably go to your local police station and file a police report and take the guy to small claims court......I think might want to ask Binary he's a cop he would know better then me.
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Well he can report it to his local police station but there's not much they can do. This is actually more of a civil action unless you can provide reasonable doubt that the seller is selling stolen merchandise. And if the post says "AS-IS" or anything similiar then you're SOL. You can try to contact Craigslist and report the seller for selling stolen merchandise. They might cooperate with you to take the seller to civil court.
That's about the best that you can do.
Good luck!
That's what you get for buying on craigslist. If it was ebay at least you would have been protected.
Binary100100 said:
Well he can report it to his local police station but there's not much they can do. This is actually more of a civil action unless you can provide reasonable doubt that the seller is selling stolen merchandise. And if the post says "AS-IS" or anything similiar then you're SOL. You can try to contact Craigslist and report the seller for selling stolen merchandise. They might cooperate with you to take the seller to civil court.
That's about the best that you can do.
Good luck!
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Thanks everyone who helped, Binary i know that normally with craigslist stuff if you get scammed its pretty much on you. But the guy told me he got the phone off a upgrade and decided to stick with his old phone therefore he is lying. I also know that the number he was using to do the business with is linked to t mobile which leaves his information for the police vulnerable. Luckily my mom works at a high school and i have access to a police officer. Since you're a police officer i was wondering if i had information showing that the phone he sold me is directly linked to his account and shows that he said the phone was stolen/lost i can report him to asurion insurance and get him in trouble for insurance fraud at least. The one thing i was wondering is if he would say i stole the phone from him but i have the box with unopened accessories and text showing we were meeting up etc.
rasstar said:
That's what you get for buying on craigslist. If it was ebay at least you would have been protected.
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I don't see how this is helping can keep the negative comments to yourself lol
lajuan3 said:
Thanks everyone who helped, Binary i know that normally with craigslist stuff if you get scammed its pretty much on you. But the guy told me he got the phone off a upgrade and decided to stick with his old phone therefore he is lying. I also know that the number he was using to do the business with is linked to t mobile which leaves his information for the police vulnerable. Luckily my mom works at a high school and i have access to a police officer. Since you're a police officer i was wondering if i had information showing that the phone he sold me is directly linked to his account and shows that he said the phone was stolen/lost i can report him to asurion insurance and get him in trouble for insurance fraud at least. The one thing i was wondering is if he would say i stole the phone from him but i have the box with unopened accessories and text showing we were meeting up etc.
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I'm actually thinking that did the insurance fraud thing. He likely called Asurian to tell them that he lost the phone and would like a replacement. Asurian then puts the IMEI on a black list so it can't be activated again since it was reported "Lost/Stolen" and shipped him another. He then sold it to you. Now without a Bill Of Sale it's all on you. If you have the text message then you have his number. Contact the seller directly and inform him. Best case scenario he did not actually with full intent attempt to sell you a stolen phone. He may be able to call Asurian and say that he had found the device and they might then be able to remove it from the black list. However they will probably want the replacement back. The most that you can really do is threaten him to call the police... but this is really a civil matter. Just because you have the box and phone number doesn't mean anything. Here's an example. If you were a criminal and robbed someone's house, took their tv, computer, jewelry, phone, box for phone, etc you can also take their identity since almost everyone has bills laying around. At least mail. So they can have your name, phone number, address, IMEI, original packaging... whole nine yards. Does that still prove that you know eachother? Can he still use that to prove that the sale was legit? No way. This is a civil matter and not so much criminal so you're not going to get much assistance from the police.
My advice, contact the seller and tell him that you need ALL of his information. Name, address, contact information for his account, etc and tell him that you have to use it to get his information removed from the black list. Try to get his DL number too. Tell him that the insurance company requires a copy of it to remove it from the list. Make up something clever like that. Then use that information to file for court. It's up to you if you want to try to settle it in court or not but it's your best bet. PD has a lot more to worry about than Craigslist scams and unless the insurance company or TMobile wants to provide informatino willingly to a law enforcement official. They may or may not because they are under no legal obligation to comply unless it's ordered by the court. But again... that's really up to you.
One other option is to consult with your local prosecutor's office. Laws and procedures vary state by state, and between jurisdictions, but in Florida a lot of jurisdictions will operate some type of citizens dispute mediation program using volunteer mediators.
The idea is that by bringing both parties to the State Attorney's Office they will reach an agreement, or the more guilty party will make things right, and actually follow through on it because they believe it has a little more authority attached to whatever resolution is decided upon when in reality it may be an incident that is more civil in nature and could never be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in criminal court.
we are talking about a $350 phone. just the court claim costs $200(at least here in IL).and there is no way you can get that guys information. the fact that he was able to sell you a bad imei phone means he is a pro, cuz not everybody can do that, you gotta have done it before. I am just curious how did you buy the phone without even trying to put a sim card on it..
What Binary said makes a lot sense otherwise not sure what else "Bad IMEI" could be implying.
If this is true, and t-mobile blacklist the phone for activation, may be you can try unlock and see if it works under other carrier such as AT&T? If works, you can try switch carrier or sell to AT&T users.
contact a subrogation service. They will scare the crap out of the guy and will get your money back...I got about 8 years ago on ebay when it wasn't so safe, someone sold me a laptop but it was just a poster of a laptop. Problem was in the description it never said laptop, it said item and it was basically a poster of laptop with its specs. so what I got was a laminated poster of a laptop for 1100 dollars. Subrogation services is a good thing. look into it.
Felinos11 said:
we are talking about a $350 phone. just the court claim costs $200(at least here in IL).and there is no way you can get that guys information. the fact that he was able to sell you a bad imei phone means he is a pro, cuz not everybody can do that, you gotta have done it before. I am just curious how did you buy the phone without even trying to put a sim card on it..
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Well i was switching from sprint to tmobile back in the day you could pop a sim in and thebphone would just work even if lost or stolen i guess things changed and i got hustled im not to worried im sure i can get it unlocked and make atleast the 330 i spent back its just that i signed a 2yr contract got scammed and want him to face some sort of consequence
lajuan3 said:
Well i was switching from sprint to tmobile back in the day you could pop a sim in and thebphone would just work even if lost or stolen i guess things changed and i got hustled im not to worried im sure i can get it unlocked and make atleast the 330 i spent back its just that i signed a 2yr contract got scammed and want him to face some sort of consequence
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U can never unlock an imei blacklisted phone.
tmobile block the imei number of the phone, when the phone ever was reported stolen lost or the guy asked for an exchange and never return it, there is no way to unlock the imei number so you are screw,
i say get together with some friends find this guy a kick his ass!!
when did you sign your contact.... If you just activated you might be under buyers remorse
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk
I was informed i could unlock and use on other networks just not tmobile with a bad imei? i was planning on selling on ebay including the info that it has to be unlocked and switched to anyone besides tmobile.
I signed the contract because i have a 14day period where i can cancel without a fee i figured i would find a way to change the imei if worse came to worse.
Last i was told by a t mobile rep that they were changing my imei and it will take around 2hours.
I thought it was as simple as putting in your sim card? I guess tmobile is getting with the times.
If the guy never used the phone asurion would never do a claim for him! They have to see the imei active for them to file a claim!
And it is possible to unblock a imei asurion can do it.
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using Tapatalk
Asurion told me it was up to T-Mobile T-Mobile said no I call again
they say they are changing it for me it will take 2hours been 2hours still no service
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA App

Questions about buying a used HTC one (IMEI...etc)

Hi all,
My S2 crapped out recently and I'm in the market for a new phone, most likely the HTC one . Regarding buying used phones from ebay, craigslist etc, there's one particular ad I'm considering and I had a few questions about it:
1. The seller has shown me original receipt and box containing IMEI number
2. According to the receipt, he bought the phone outright from t-mobile at full retail price
3. T-mobile rep has confirmed IMEI is clean
4. T-mobile rep also said I can swap IMEIs with my old phone, is this true?
is 4. true? If so, does that protect me from the seller ever trying to report stolen etc. and end up blacklisting the IMEI?
Changing the actual IMEI number on a device is illegal.
Perhaps the rep meant you can change the IMEI number on your account.
Ebay and Amazon offer more protection from Fraud. Craigslist is more of a trust your gut and hope for the best.
The original buyer can still report a phone to Asurion as lost/stolen and file a claim up to 30 days from removing it from his account, then it can take another 180 days for the claim to be finalized.
Someone chime in and correct me if i am wrong.
IAmSixNine said:
Changing the actual IMEI number on a device is illegal.
Perhaps the rep meant you can change the IMEI number on your account.
Ebay and Amazon offer more protection from Fraud. Craigslist is more of a trust your gut and hope for the best.
The original buyer can still report a phone to Asurion as lost/stolen and file a claim up to 30 days from removing it from his account, then it can take another 180 days for the claim to be finalized.
Someone chime in and correct me if i am wrong.
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yeah I thought it was illegal as well. I'm going to call again and clarify but the rep definitely made it seem like t-mobile could swap the IMEI on the phone I purchased with another phone in my possession.
They can swap the IMEI of the phone you purchased with another phone in your possession, "on your account" but actually swapping them on the phones is illegal.
I think its a matter of how the rep is phrasing it or how your interpreting it.
IAmSixNine said:
They can swap the IMEI of the phone you purchased with another phone in your possession, "on your account" but actually swapping them on the phones is illegal.
I think its a matter of how the rep is phrasing it or how your interpreting it.
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Would that prevent the phone being blacklisted, given that the IMEI is now on my account?
Nope. I bought a used GS3 for TMO on craigs list on February 2nd. Had it on my account that day and May 17th it stopped working.
I checked with TMO and they said it was reported by Asurion as Stolen and put on the carrier black list.
The good news is the LCDs for those are still 200 bucks. SO i can part it out and get at least 200 back out of it.

