How to change default "Program Files" directory? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I want to change thet default install directory "\Program Files" to "\Storage Card\Program Files" if possible, because I don't want install my programs to main memory. I found solution for Windows XP : set the directory path in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ProgramFilesDir variable.
(I know CABINSTL program, wich enable to install my applications to any directory, but it's not working for every time.)
Please help, if You have any idea.

Re: How to change default "Program Files" director
nagygabor679 said:
I want to change thet default install directory "\Program Files" to "\Storage Card\Program Files" if possible, because I don't want install my programs to main memory. I found solution for Windows XP : set the directory path in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ProgramFilesDir variable.
(I know CABINSTL program, wich enable to install my applications to any directory, but it's not working for every time.)
Please help, if You have any idea.
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If your using active sync, you can slelect if you want to install a programm to the main memory. or to your storagecard. So i donĀ“t understand your Question.....
:? :?

Re: How to change default "Program Files" director
Sorry, my English is awful...
So, I can install applications to SD card, but I can't install some programs to "\Strorage Card\Program Files". It's not my biggest problem, but if possible I want to collect all of my applications to same directoty on SD card.

you can choose install direction when your xda is activesync

I started a similar thread 3 days earlier
nagygabor679, I had had the same question, only asked them differently, when I started the thread
I have had all the asnwers collected there digested. In particular, I explained how to get cabinstl to work. We are on the same boat.


How do I relocate an application to SD card?

XDA I has only 32M RAM that is shared between application installation storage and program run time memory, a precious resource. Lots of applications don't offer the option of installing it to a different place, e.g. Storage Card\Program Files directory that I created. (To make the shortage worse, even if an application is installed on the SD card, there are dll's that the application installs to the Main Memory's Windows directory anyway.)
I can cut and paste to relocate / move the application directory from Main Memory to Storage Card brute force but it doesn't work well. I presume that the Registry contains links pointing to the application directory that I moved away, just like desktop Window versions. I guess I need a regedit program (Special Edition came with it) to fix the links in the Registry. Is that all? If I choose not to upgrade to the Special Edition, which program is best for this? Much appreciated!
Try the CABINSTL - this software enable to install anywhere Your programs, if You can find the installed applicaton's CAB file.
telegurus said:
XDA I has only 32M RAM that is shared between application installation storage and program run time memory, a precious resource. Lots of applications don't offer the option of installing it to a different place, e.g. Storage Card\Program Files directory that I created. (To make the shortage worse, even if an application is installed on the SD card, there are dll's that the application installs to the Main Memory's Windows directory anyway.)
I can cut and paste to relocate / move the application directory from Main Memory to Storage Card brute force but it doesn't work well. I presume that the Registry contains links pointing to the application directory that I moved away, just like desktop Window versions. I guess I need a regedit program (Special Edition came with it) to fix the links in the Registry. Is that all? If I choose not to upgrade to the Special Edition, which program is best for this? Much appreciated!
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FYI if you use the cut & paste method you must recreate your links manually using a file explorer. But the best way go is to just reinstall your applications and select Storage card instead of Main memory.
Also under Add/Remove Programs un-check "Install programs into the default installation folder".
Thanks to both of you!
Using cabinstl. you have to create the directory,
\Storage Card\Program Files\app_dir_name as the destination directory. I first designated \Storage Card\Program Files as the destination and cabinstl hangs. Check the box "Associating .cab with cabinstl" is convenient so that you can copy/paste the .cab file to \Storage Car\tmp, say, using Windows Explorer, and double-click on the cab file on XDA I to start installation. With this tool, you can install any .cab nicely to \Storage Card\Program Files - so far it works with every .cab application installation file I use.
Qman said:
Also under Add/Remove Programs un-check "Install programs into the default installation folder".
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For other readers: it's the Add/Remove Programs from ActiveSync's Tool menu on the PC (vs XDA). For some applications, they give you an .exe installer for you to run on the PC to install it on XDA. Bring the Add/Remove Programs tool up, un-check it, and then double click on the .exe installer. Minor restriction: it always installs it at the top level of the Storage Card, not 100% desirable but serves the purpose of preserving Main Memory.
ActiveSync's Help for Add/Remove Program indicates that ActiveSync assumes that an application installer is in .exe form that runs on the connected PC and installs on the PC as well as XDA. I don't understand why it needs to install on the PC.

Install location on storage card

When installing applications, if I choose to install to Main Memory, the apps get installed to \Main Memory\Program Files. Which is all fine and well. But if I select to install to Storage Card, they get installed to the parent Storage Card directory itself. There is no equivalent \Storage Card\Program Files directory.
I know my complaint is idiosyncratic, but I don't like the way this crowds up my Storage Card dircetory. I would rather have them classified together.
Is there a registry tweak or some other way to set the parent directory on the Storage Card under which to install?
Try this
Re: CAB-installer
Jenki said:
Try this
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I find that most of the installs I do are not CAB installs, but from my PC.
Re: CAB-installer
sumitk said:
Jenki said:
Try this
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I find that most of the installs I do are not CAB installs, but from my PC.
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Wich sync's .cabfiles to your PPC
Sometimes you can 'extract'the cab files form the install and install them manually...
CAB files
I know what you meen.
With those installs i do the following:
1) Install on the desktop
2) Then active sync asks you to install to your PPC
3) Just click abort (annuleer)
4) Look in your Active sync folder (C:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync) for the folder of your program for the CAB-file
Succes.... 8)

How to create Shorcuts?

Hi all,
I have installed some programs on my SD Card that i use regularly. I have manually created all the shortcuts in a separate directory. Now each time i flash a rom i need to copy these shortcuts to programs directory.
Is there any way or program that can place them automatically to the destination directory such as batch file in windows
copy <source> <destination>
I have no idea about mortscript may be it is possible with that.
Found this with the help of mortscript
xcopy("\Storage Card\!MyApps\Games\!Links\*.lnk","\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games")
tvse0821 said:
Hi all,
I have installed some programs on my SD Card that i use regularly. I have manually created all the shortcuts in a separate directory. Now each time i flash a rom i need to copy these shortcuts to programs directory.
Is there any way or program that can place them automatically to the destination directory such as batch file in windows
copy <source> <destination>
I have no idea about mortscript may be it is possible with that.
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Use Resco explorer or I think total commander can also do the thing easily .

BatchLaunch, launch multiple executables automatically one after another

Due to my own needs and as I have not found anything as simple as this
I have written a very simplified batch processing command.
No version numbering or such thing at the moment.
The application consists of two files:
The .exe file is the batch processor, the .bat file lists the commands to execute.
At the moment two types of entries in the .bat file are supported:
Direct paths to executables, for the moment only .exe files
wait() command, getting parameter milliseconds to wait, e.g. wait(1500) to wait 1.5 seconds before processing next line
Multiple BatchLaunch apps at the same time are supported by simply renaming
both, .exe and .bat file.
So if you want to use a second set of BatchLaunch you could name it Something.exe and Something.bat.
[SIZE=+1]Using BatchLaunch with HD2/Leo Android[/SIZE]
Can be perfectly used together with yozgatg's Gen.Y DualBOOT to boot HD2 into Android.
For Gen.Y DualBOOT just rename oringinal haret.exe to zharet.exe and
BatchLaunch to haret.exe and haret.bat.
Content of haret.bat is as simple as
\Storage Card\CLRCAD.exe
\Storage Card\zharet.exe
Have fun with this simple but in my opinion brilliant little helper.
As more and more guys seem to have problems setup this simple app I have prepared BatchLaunch for both ways, with or without Android folder on storage card.
Extract one these new packages to the root of your Storage Card.
Use BatchLaunch_SD_Root.rar if you do not have an Android-folder.
Use BatchLaunch_SD_Android.rar if you do have an Android-folder.
[SIZE=+1]Testing that BatchLaunch works on your device[/SIZE]
O.K. just to make sure that BatchLaunch is working I have setup
a small testing environment.
Extract the Test.rar to the root of your storage card and start BatchLaunch.exe . The test project is setup to use the "Storage Card" path so it will fail with "Speicherkarte" paths.
BatchLaunch should now start Test.exe which is a simple standard project of M$ Visual Studio.
If this works for you, that proves that BatchLaunch works and you may have a configuration fault if not working with your customizations.
I think you forgot to mention that you have to edit the .bat file... but so far its working.
Great Idea, unfortunately it is not working here on my (german) HD2. I tried several combinations in the .bat file, like "\Storage Card\xxx.exe" and "\Speicherkarte\xxx.exe" but there has never been any reaction when I tried to start your correctly renamed .exe file. As soon as I clicked on the .exe files itself which should be lauched by the .bat files, they started well.
So there might be a problem with your .exe file which doesn't seem to do anything here on my hd2.
If you have some time to check this, I am of course ready to serve you with tests and so on
If you need more details, just tell me.
Hi Downy,
I'm from Germany, too. However I am using a non German
ROM as Miri's ROMs are available in Englisch only.
I have the following structure on my SD:
- root of SD card
|- zharet.exe (real, renamed haret.exe)
|- haret.exe (renamed Batchlaunch.exe)
|- haret.bat
haret.bat should look like follows:
\Storage Card\CLRCAD.exe
\Storage Card\zharet.exe
Where "Storage Card" is the name of your SD card exactly like it is shown in
Explorer.exe when you browse to your root folder. So for German ROMs this
is most likey "Speicherkarte".
Does this match your configuration so far ?
yes, matching exactly my current setup. Just instead of "Storage Card" I have currently "Speicherkarte", but I also tried it with "Storage Card" previously.
I also checked that all characters are in lower case but that doesn't seem to be important anyway.
Just tried it with a German ROM but that works, too.
As you said before it works perfect if you start the .exe by hand.
- Do you use Gen.Y ?
- Did Gen.Y work with the original haret.exe (of course no sound, but just for testing) ?
I could think of Gen.Y calling a fixed path of \Storage Card\haret.exe which of course would not work with a German ROM. I have not tested it but would be an
explanation to me.
In this case you could create a shortcut to your haret.exe on SD in the \Windows\Startup\ folder, I think it's \Windows\Autostart\ in German ROM.
If you want to go back to good old Windows you can just rename the haret.exe to something other by using filemanager in Android.
Then it would even boot faster than using Gen.Y
tried using this with Dan's Froyo with Sense build (which puts the files in /Storage Card/Android)...
I changed the haret.bat to reflect the change in directory but it still wont start using Gen.Y (Gen.Y boots successfully if I don't use this)
is the utility only able to detect and use haret.exe and haret.bat in the root of the Storage Card?
I cannot reproduce ANY problem espacially yours pongster.
If you use Dan's Build which is located in \Storage Card\Android you have two
choices of starting Android using Gen.Y .
Method #1:
Rename "\Storage Card\Android\haret.exe" to "\Storage Card\Android\zharet.exe"
Copy BatchLaunch.exe to "\Storage Card\Android\" and rename it to haret.exe
Copy BatchLaunch.bat to "\Storage Card\Android\" and rename it to haret.bat
In this case the content of haret.bat would be:
\Storage Card\Android\CLRCAD.exe
\Storage Card\Android\zharet.exe
If using this method you will have to change the registry Key
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Gen.Y\DualBOOT\AndroidBootFolder to contain the value "Android"
Method #2
Copy BatchLaunch.exe to "\Storage Card\" and rename it to haret.exe
Copy BatchLaunch.bat to "\Storage Card\" and rename it to haret.bat
In this case the content of haret.bat would be:
\Storage Card\Android\CLRCAD.exe
\Storage Card\Android\haret.exe
No need to rename haret.exe in Android folder in this case.
Using this method you won't need to change anything using Gen.Y .
I have tested both ways and they are working perfect.
I used the 1st option and no dice there...
will try 2nd option...
pongster said:
I used the 1st option and no dice there...
will try 2nd option...
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still cant get it to work... should I be moving BatchLauncher.exe before renaming or can I rename then move into Storage Card?
here ist another great Android auto boot solution:
with friendly greet
pongster said:
still cant get it to work... should I be moving BatchLauncher.exe before renaming or can I rename then move into Storage Card?
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Doesn't matter.
Xcelsior said:
Doesn't matter.
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tried out the other method as well... still no go... not sure why...
clicking haret.exe just wont execute the haret.bat file for some reason...
starbase64 said:
here ist another great Android auto boot solution:
with friendly greet
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thanks, but I find it cumbersome to take out the SD Card (where all my stuff is, music, videos, ebooks) just to be able to boot into windows...
If I could only figure out how to get this BatchLaunch working...
O.K. just to make sure that BatchLaunch is working I have setup
a small testing environment.
Extract the Test.rar to the root of your storage card and start BatchLaunch.exe .
BatchLaunch should now start Test.exe which is a simple standard project of M$ Visual Studio.
Does this work for you ?
If it does, that proves that BatchLaunch works.
Xcelsior said:
O.K. just to make sure that BatchLaunch is working I have setup
a small testing environment.
Extract the Test.rar to the root of your storage card and start BatchLaunch.exe .
BatchLaunch should now start Test.exe which is a simple standard project of M$ Visual Studio.
Does this work for you ?
If it does, that proves that BatchLaunch works.
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BatchLaunch.exe works and runs the Test.exe...
I tried renaming to haret.exe and edited the bat file as you suggested via Resco Explorer... still no dice... Batchlauncher.exe runs but when renamed to haret.exe it wont run at all
Works great with Gen.Y boot.
Thank you very much
I just wanted to report back, I currently have not been able to solve the problem yet. I will try your test enviroment and report back later.
pongster said:
BatchLaunch.exe works and runs the Test.exe...
I tried renaming to haret.exe and edited the bat file as you suggested via Resco Explorer... still no dice... Batchlauncher.exe runs but when renamed to haret.exe it wont run at all
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Have you made the reg edit in HKCU/Software etc... as stated before to redirect the AndroidBootFolder to /Android/ ?
gargon01 said:
Have you made the reg edit in HKCU/Software etc... as stated before to redirect the AndroidBootFolder to /Android/ ?
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Yes, I've done that... when I click the renamed haret.exe it does nothing... still not sure why it won't work... will probably cook a new ROM to try and sort it out

XDA_UC cabs installed to storage card

Hi everybody,
I have a problem which drives me crazy and I'm hoping that somebody on this forum will be able to help me. I have HTC HD2 phone and using latest Feb 1st Energy ROM. As a part of this ROM there is a tool XDA_UC which I have been using successfully for a while. Originally I was installing most of my application on to the phone memory (all of them resided in \Storage card\XDA_UC), but because I struggle with a free storage space I decided to install all of them to storage card. I moved all the cab files to \Storage Card\XDA_UC\Storage, but nothing got installed. I tried also \Storage Card\XDA_UC\Manual, but same case. I reduced number of cabs down to 2 and changed their names not to contain any no-alphabetical characters, but still same results. I'm following this information regards to cab placement:
* My.tsk file from "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
and if not present Cook.tsk from Windows Folder.
* import *wifi*.*xml and *mail*.*xml provisional registry settings for WiFi and Email setup.
* Copy Over User Files.
Check for "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root" if present, Disable Manila from Homescreen then Copy files from "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root" to the root of the device, Then checking for existence of wallpaper_TF3D.png or wallpaper_TF3D.jpg in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root\Windows" and adding that to
"HomeBackgroundPath"="\\Windows\\wallpaper_TF3 g"
Import registry files from "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root\Windows\manila.reg" If present
Re-enable Manila on Homescreen and redraw it. Now also works for the Sense 2.1 and up versions.
* .xdas files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
* Silently run Legacy SDConfig.txt from Storage Card
(If your using RunCC.exe or Autorun you do not need to point to or use SDAutorun.exe or SDConfig.txt) Thanks to RoryB
Commands for SDConfig.txt can be found here....
* .cab files in "\Storage Card\autoinstall"
This makes it compatible with your storage card's setup for Tom's Autoinstall.
* .cab files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
* .cab files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Storage", These cab files will be tempted to install to Storage Location. Not recommend using this method. Please use Manual instead.
* .cab files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Manual",These cab files will start with Full User interaction capabilities to choose where to install to.
* .reg files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
* .xml files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
* .mscr files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
* .cer files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
* Create Shortcuts and more from Registry Keys
More information here....
* Copy over welcomehead.192.01.png & welcomehead.192.02.png present in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root\Windows" to the Windows folder.
* Copy over welcomehead.96.01.png & welcomehead.96.02.png present in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root\Windows" to the Windows folder.
Actually everything is copied over from Copy2Root folder to root, but the above Splashcreens get their file atributes removed before this happens.
* Add native support for .mscr, .mortrun, .xda, xdai, xdas & .xdaz files
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I also created SDConfig.txt in \Storage Card\XDA_UC with commands to install two cabs on to storage card with no luck.
What am I doing wrong? Why I cannot get any cab file installed into storage card using XDA_UC and why also interactive install is not working?
Is there any install log file to check? Many mane versions back I got the message from XDA_UX that install was finished, but this is not working either and I don't know what is broken.
Any suggestions, or tips are appreciated.
Thank you.
I found partial solution.
If cab files are placed under \storage card\XD_UC\SD
then all of them are being installed using interactive installation where I can choose location to install cab to.
Still this is just semi-automatic, I'm wondering whether there is an option of installing those cabs into storage card automatically without any interaction.
robsonr said:
I found partial solution.
If cab files are placed under \storage card\XD_UC\SD
then all of them are being installed using interactive installation where I can choose location to install cab to.
Still this is just semi-automatic, I'm wondering whether there is an option of installing those cabs into storage card automatically without any interaction.
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I saw a mortscript over on the Rhodium forum that allowed this. I even tested it for a while. But when I went to Rhodium, I install everything in main memory storage anyway.
I'm attaching the mortscript, you can look inside it to see what it does. It goes in the XDA_UC directory.
EDIT: As I recall, you need to make sure that the CAB files do not require interaction, and there is an additional directory you need to create if any of the cabs need human intervention, like to hit "Accept", etc.
I have the same problem
stevedebi said:
I saw a mortscript over on the Rhodium forum that allowed this. I even tested it for a while. But when I went to Rhodium, I install everything in main memory storage anyway.
I'm attaching the mortscript, you can look inside it to see what it does. It goes in the XDA_UC directory.
EDIT: As I recall, you need to make sure that the CAB files do not require interaction, and there is an additional directory you need to create if any of the cabs need human intervention, like to hit "Accept", etc.
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I give it a try. Thank you.
I use this script:
It auto installs most cabs to the SD Card, it seems to have a problem with large files such as the Waze navigation cab.
i've tried to install cabs whith this procedure, but i've a problem.
my hd2 is locked with lock password because wm6.5 has bugged from 2 weeks ago when i started my phone without charge battery. then after i entered my lock password, i entered my pin code ok too, then it has stopped again and my lock password was reset by wm6.5. so i can't unlock my phone. because i've not save my contacts, i don't want to make hard reset to solve it without saving it before.
by reading this post, and other ones, i've an idea to use autocab install on sdcard to try to solve my problem. i found a .cab that normaly put hklm lock password disable and i tried the script that stevedebi talked about. but i think that the loading of the script 0002_sashimi_sdauto.mscr can not be ok because the lock password is active.
Is anyone can confirm that or that it depend of a special rom ? (my rom is an official french operator rom).
perhaps, i put files and directory not on good place on my sdcard, for resum it is :
i've created directory \XDA_UC and \XDA_UC\SDAuto , i also test whith \SDAuto
i put the cab in \XDA_UC\SDAuto and \SDAuto and the 0002_sashimi_sdauto.mscr on \ of the sdcard.
can you confirm those localisations are also ok ?
nicohtc34 said:
i've tried to install cabs whith this procedure, but i've a problem.
my hd2 is locked with lock password because wm6.5 has bugged from 2 weeks ago when i started my phone without charge battery. then after i entered my lock password, i entered my pin code ok too, then it has stopped again and my lock password was reset by wm6.5. so i can't unlock my phone. because i've not save my contacts, i don't want to make hard reset to solve it without saving it before.
by reading this post, and other ones, i've an idea to use autocab install on sdcard to try to solve my problem. i found a .cab that normaly put hklm lock password disable and i tried the script that stevedebi talked about. but i think that the loading of the script 0002_sashimi_sdauto.mscr can not be ok because the lock password is active.
Is anyone can confirm that or that it depend of a special rom ? (my rom is an official french operator rom).
perhaps, i put files and directory not on good place on my sdcard, for resum it is :
i've created directory \XDA_UC and \XDA_UC\SDAuto , i also test whith \SDAuto
i put the cab in \XDA_UC\SDAuto and \SDAuto and the 0002_sashimi_sdauto.mscr on \ of the sdcard.
can you confirm those localisations are also ok ?
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XDA_UC runs after a hard reset, but I think it is only on NRG ROMs. You have to have the executable in the \Windows directory to run it.
Can you setup Activesync and sync the device to your computer? That would backup the contacts.

