Chat - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Does anyone know of any IRC or Newsgroups for Pocket PC pleaze?



The search feature is down at the moment. What is the irc channel people hang out on for the fascinate?
you can connect here from the web

[Q] Group Supported MSN App

I have a group that all my collagues can chat in the same in a group in msn but i cant find an app (msn client) that support group chat in android...
Somebody told me that Mercury can do this but it cant...
Can anybody help me about that case?

IRC Channel

Hey guys, I'm not sure who all uses IRC still, but I use it a ton. I am currently talking with the Freenode staff about gaining control over the ##windowsphone-dev channel, so I could get it set up. I'll update here once I finish my chat with them.
For all interested, it will be ##windowsphone-dev on the Freenode ( IRC network. I am also looking into registering ##windowsphone as well, for non-devs. I cannot get the # namespace as it is registered to Microsoft (though never used)
EDIT: Ok guys, talked to Freenode. They said they're going to wait two weeks before they let me register the channel. Until then, they said we can use them freely. So join, talk, collaborate
The channels are located on the Freenode IRC network, and again the channels are ##windowsphone and ##windowsphone-dev
Once I register the channels, I will be looking for some people to help me run the channels. The best way to get that position is to join, talk, and be helpful. Once I get the channel registered, I will begin the process of finding out who will help me maintain the channel.
If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me or hit me up on Google+, as well as join our community on G+!

xperia ZU IRC channel

hey everyone i made a new IRC channel for the xperiaZU on freenode come in and hang out
channel is #xperiaZU
server freenode:good:

Any Android IRC Client with working DCC Send?

Does anyone know of any IRC clients with a working DCC send/receive option?

