Registry Tweak for Long date format in Today's screen - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Found this on the web for the old HP PDA's
I've tried it and it works for the XDA II as well
In our case, the XDA II registry does not have any entries for HLM\nls\overrides so you will have to create the same.
SDate -- date separator - /
SSDte -- the short date style d M yy
SLDte -- the long date style - dddd, d MMMM, yyyy
IDate -- a DWORD value, either 1 or 0 for whether to use the overriden date format, 1 means the value is overriden
ILDte -- same as IDate but for long date format
STime -- the time separator - :
STFmt -- the time format - H:mm for 10:30, or H:mm tt for 10:30PM
ITime -- same as IDate, but for the time style override
The only thing I have not been able to do is to add the time to the long day format. Anyone with any bright ideas...


[DEV] miniCM9 debug only thread (shakira, robyn and mimmi) 19/07/12

[DEV] miniCM9 debug only thread (shakira, robyn and mimmi)
there is 3 thread for miniCM9, each device specific.
things i say in one thread is also applicable to others
for debugging purpose, i need this only thread for the 3 devices to centralize the data
this thread is NOT for asking or requesting anything, it is there for providing test results !
the thing i ask you to focus about is battery life since it is an important thing.​
post #2 : gsm standy influence on battery life
post #3 : system app freezing and battery life
post #4 : adreno config and performance improvement (GPU)
to improve miniCM9, you could :
post results after following protocols,
[*]help me to set up test new protocols,
[*]give advices about them
[*]suggest things to investigate IF you can prove it worths to
debug part1
Dear miniCM9 users, you wanna help us to increase miniCM9 battery life ? (regarding GSM standby)
here is a simple protocol to find if some conditions can or not increase battery life without messing up everything else
atm, we will see for gsm standby that seems to extremely eats battery when phone is idle
thank to sonty for the idea on which the following protocol is based
since there is no difference between conditions on batterylife, we now want to prove qcomuiccstack has no side effect.
in the build.prop you'll find the following :
protocol ended, qcomuiccstack used as defaulf in miniCM9, if you have any other idea, feel free to share
protocol opened again, see there for details :
after editing the build.prop, don't forget to reboot!
here are the 2 conditions :
1/ keeping as it is:
2/ add "qcomuiccstack"
push your phone to its limits, and see if the 2/ condition is as stable as control.
NB :
245~748MHz, smartassV2, KSM, UV, zram18%, purging of assest, dithering, 16bit transparency.
theses apps are frozen (+dsp manager that is just deleted), and will be same for all the next tests i'll do (need two more power cycles for qcomuiccstack, and then 3 of control)
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
old protocol, kept for archive
debug part2
Dear miniCM9 users, you wanna help us to increase miniCM9 battery life ? (regarding system apps disabling?)
freeze every unused system app as explained here : and see how battery life is improved
(do not change frozen app during previous tests, keep them frozen or not, i doesn't matter, but do not change during test, it will mess up the result!)
settings > apps > all > choose a system app you don't use > disable
thks to sonty
freeze :
all you need to do is :
use the rom on 3 power cycles without the apps frozen, and take screen shots
use the rom on 3 power cyclles with the apps frozen, and take screen shots
NB : do some wifi browsing with sync activated after full charge just to see
performance improvement program (GPU)
this post is dedicated to performance improvements (GPU)
despite drfr said :
drfr said:
You´re kidding, battery life is awesome and performance is near perfect too, big thanks to the team.
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i think we can get more of our devices
in order to gain a little more performance, we can tweak the adreno config file, which rules the way the gpu handles things
matmutant said:
you can now look at /system/etc/adreno_config.txt and play with it
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when you change a single property, then perform a benchmark (only GPU 2D/3D on antutu, neocore and fps2D)
here is how the file looks :
; VERSION 6 -- Increment version when this file is changed
; P4 Version: $Revision: #26 $
for a start we will look at that part : ​
; Features and Performance
; Turn on Faceness (front face/ back face) generation and culling.
; Valid values:;
; default - (default) use the chip default for Faceness generation and culling.
; on - turn on Faceness (Front Face / Back Face) generation and culling.
; off - turn off Faceness generation and culling.
; Specify data alignment for Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs).
; Valid values:
; natural - (default) use natural data alignment for Vertex Buffer Objects.
; dword - force double word alignment for Vertex Buffer Objects.
; Enable or disable optimzed texture updates.
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) enable optimized texture updates.
; 0 - disable optimized texture updates.
; Enable or disable optimzed vbo updates.
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) enable optimized vbo updates.
; 0 - disable optimized vbo updates.
; Force automatic texture compression (does not affect FBOs, EGLimage, or other user generated
; textures).
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not force.
; 1 - do force.
; Specify the Trijuice ratio. This is a ramping function between mip levels. Higher values
; reduce the cost of linear filtering between mipmaps.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) set to 0.
; 1 - set to 1/6.
; 2 - set to 1/4.
; 3 - set to 3/8.
; Enable inline constant updates. This is the default value.
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) enable inline constant updates.
; 0 - disable inline constant updates.
; Enable the memory pool optimization for client side vertex arrays.
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) enable the memory pool.
; 0 - disable the memory pool.
; Enable fast clears.
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) enable.
; 0 - disable.
; Restrict fast clears to dithering-safe cases (clears which use colors that are not affected by
; dithering)
; Valid values:
; 0 - disable (default).
; 1 - enable.
; Enable GSL shadowing of GMEM in the application's color and depth buffers.
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) enable.
; 0 - disable.
; Enable tiled textures. Tiled textures are faster to render, but slower to load.
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) enable.
; 0 - disable.
; Force a preserve of Z and Stencil on swap.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not preserve.
; 1 - preserve.
; Allow use of depth export (gl_FragDepth) from fragment shaders.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not allow.
; 1 - allow.
; Enable or disable untiling of dynamic textures
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) untile dynamic textures on the fly
; 0 - never untile dynamic textures
; Enable or disable the full surface update optimization path for dynamic textures
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) create new surface instead of using the update path
; 0 - use update path for full surface updates
; Use hints on whether or not to use GPU tiling BLT to update hw image during texture upload
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) use GPU tiling hints
; 0 - don't use GPU tiling hints
we can also play with this : ​
; MultiSampling Antialiasing (MSAA)
; Specify the multisampling antialiasing smoothing strategy.
; Valid values:
; Normal - (default) use normal MSAA smoothing. This is the default value.
; High - use high MSAA smoothing.
; Specify the allocation strategy for multisampling antialiasing buffers.
; Valid values:
; on_demand - allocate MSAA buffer on demand. This is the default value.
; always - always allocate MSAA buffer.
; never - never allocate an MSAA buffer.
; Force the MSAA antialiasing mode to the value in MSAAMode.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not force the MSAA antialiasing mode.
; 1 - force the MSAA antialiasing mode to the values in MSAAMode and MSAASmoothing.
; Specifiy the antialiasing mode to use if forceMSAAMode is enabled.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not antialias.
; 1 - use 2x antialiasing.
; 2 - use 4x antialiasing.
and this : ​
; 2D Settings:
; Use 2D hardware BLTs.
; Valid values:
; 1 - (default) use hw BLTs.
; 0 - do not use.
; Wait for chip to be idle before issuing SwapBuffers.
; Valid values:
; noidle - (default) do not wait for the chip to be idle before issuing a SwapBuffers.
; idle - wait for the chip to be idle before issuing a SwapBuffers.
; interrupt - do SwapBuffers in interrupt mode.
; Force the eglSwapBuffers interval to the value in 2D.eglSwapInterval.
; Valid values:
; 0 - (default) do not force.
; 1 - force.
; Set the eglSwapBuffers interval to be used if 2D.forceEglSwapinterval is set to 1.
; Valid values:
; Int - Set the eglSwapBuffers interval to this value if 2D.forceEglSwapInterval is set.
we will keep the rest for a later time, and do not need to try debugging properties since they are only there for debugging purpose and not meant to be "used"​
part 4
part5 if needed
reserved in case of
Yea, let's keep those results in one place.
Condition 3
1 - Idle had 3g from 100 to 83 on 4 hours;
2 - Idle switch to 2g;
3 - listening music, screen off;
4 - Same but was connected on wifi too;
5 - Few sms,and a ltl music. short phone calls(15min total);
Phone was rebooted before last charge. No reboot or freezy.Using swap no sd-ext OV 691 UV enable,Allow purging of assets off,Zram Off,KSM on.
Note:i am using a "renice" script every 30 sec (never stops) it change oom value on sms app and log it on file. as i have notice it drain some battery too.
sync off,No gapps,Android keyboard frozen:it stay in memory i dont need it on gb it was out of memory now is always on memory from boot.
Condition 3: delete "signalstrength" and add "qcomuiccstack"
Started with this was using cm9 with default gsm settings so i wanted to test it first!
Signal "stuck" on 2 bars however with the other config i have near full signal on same places.
More results will come soon !
So, here I come with the testing results regarding icccardstatus :
1st testing : deleting icccardstatus only
No screenshot taken... abouut 3% battery drainage per hour.. Meh..
2nd testing : deleting iccardstatus, add qcomuiccstack
I leave it about 7 hours of sleeping... Battery drainage during this time is about 0,5% per hour... After that, I played music via CM9 for several minutes. After that, battery drainage occurs (you can see that the slope suddenly changes pattern).
3rd testing : deleting iccacrdstatus and signal strength, add qcomuiccstack
roughly, this one drains a little bit more than 2nd testing, about 0,7% an hour. But, after playing music via CM9 etc, the battery drainage does not occur.. The slope keeps stable until I take the screenshot.
Those testing are based upon these conditions :
- Almost idle totally (except having several sms during testing, unavoidable) and at some time, just screen on the screen to check how much juice I had left.
- playing several music through CM9 music app for about 10 minutes, after about 7 hours of total idle (sleeping)
- wifi off
- 2G only
Hopefully this helps...
StardustGeass said:
Hopefully this helps...
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nice, the more data we have the more chance to find something interesting
2 little comments :
- could you perform another test with the control condition (original) ? (to compare the tests you did with the way it behaves in standard way )
- could you provide a screen shot of the extended view of the battery graph too ? for having a more accurate slope feeling
--> re-read the protocol, i may have edited it since you read the first time (yes, it needed to be improved )
what i want to mainly focus on is the behavior of the phone when idle (when you use the phone there is too much things that happens that data is not usable, things i ask in the test (wifi, call, sms...) are just to chack if theses services still work )
thank you very much for the time you spend to help for this matter
matmutant said:
--> re-read the protocol, i may have edited it since you read the first time (yes, it needed to be improved )
what i want to mainly focus on is the behavior of the phone when idle (when you use the phone there is too much things that happens that data is not usable, things i ask in the test (wifi, call, sms...) are just to chack if theses services still work )
thank you very much for the time you spend to help for this matter
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About, call, and sms, they are working fine in both 3 cases...
I got a call from my mother and my GF from both the 2nd and 3rd phase. They only last about a minute, so I don't put them on the data... SMS are working fine as well on both 2nd and 3rd phase..
About wifi, I just used it for about a minute, just for checking it is working (on both 2nd and 3rd case)..
I told on the data I don't use wifi because I think the wifi usage just too little to be mentioned...
And for the normal, I'll upload it tomorrow :3
StardustGeass said:
About, call, and sms, they are working fine in both 3 cases...
I got a call from my mother and my GF from both the 2nd and 3rd phase. They only last about a minute, so I don't put them on the data... SMS are working fine as well on both 2nd and 3rd phase..
About wifi, I just used it for about a minute, just for checking it is working (on both 2nd and 3rd case)..
I told on the data I don't use wifi because I think the wifi usage just too little to be mentioned...
And for the normal, I'll upload it tomorrow :3
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thank you
for condition "adding qcomuiccstack" :
yesterday's result on the left ; today's result on the right :
we can see, i used my phone more heavily
but the slope of the idle part is similar : result seems accurate !
(remember, UV is enabled)
for tomorrow and the day after, i'll perform the control test (i.e. : original setting!)
I can have you a number of testers to help.
StardustGeass said:
3rd testing : deleting iccacrdstatus and signal strength, add qcomuiccstack
View attachment 1110705
roughly, this one drains a little bit more than 2nd testing, about 0,7% an hour. But, after playing music via CM9 etc, the battery drainage does not occur.. The slope keeps stable until I take the screenshot.
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This one looks very interesting to me. I tried many things /not only modifying build.prop but many other things too/ which seemed to have an effect but only for a short time and then the drain came back. This is the first time I see a different behaviour.
Let me put some questions.
Do you have SIM card lock en/disabled?
Do you have accounts&sync en/disabled?
Are you checking your wakelocks? If so, can you post a dump?
drfr said:
This one looks very interesting to me. I tried many things /not only modifying build.prop but many other things too/ which seemed to have an effect but only for a short time and then the drain came back. This is the first time I see a different behaviour.
Let me put some questions.
Do you have SIM card lock en/disabled?
Do you have accounts&sync en/disabled?
Are you checking your wakelocks? If so, can you post a dump?
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To be honest, I'm quite not understand about SIM card lock thing...
In Indonesia, phones are sold seperately from SIM cards (not bundled), so I think mine are considered unlocked (I can change my SIM card as I want to)...
About accounts and sync, I keep them enabled all the way...
And yes, sometimes I check my wakelocks...
Sorry, I don't understand what "dump" is.. Can you explain it to me ? I really want to help..
For matmutant, sorry, I can't post the original as a comparison as I promised yesterday, since my battery history still continued from last time.. How do I reset the battery history ? xD
Sorry for the foolish question... I think I'll going to post it tomorrow xD
Here I come, this is my daily use and added qcomuiccstack without deleting any other else.
Used for texting and some meaning calls
Some of wifi and sync to google
Normal use of a day (some texting, calls)
Same as above
Same as above
This one is running process and background process.
My configuration:
I'm never use data as wi-fi always available in my place.
KSM, Surface dithering off
SmartassV2 245-652 Mhz
I'm never move my sleeping place nor my working place and all that sh*t.
I'm never freeze apps, and always uninstall unused app.
I'm using 3rd app to disable auto-startup app.
StardustGeass said:
To be honest, I'm quite not understand about SIM card lock thing...
In Indonesia, phones are sold seperately from SIM cards (not bundled), so I think mine are considered unlocked (I can change my SIM card as I want to)...
About accounts and sync, I keep them enabled all the way...
And yes, sometimes I check my wakelocks...
Sorry, I don't understand what "dump" is.. Can you explain it to me ? I really want to help..
For matmutant, sorry, I can't post the original as a comparison as I promised yesterday, since my battery history still continued from last time.. How do I reset the battery history ? xD
Sorry for the foolish question... I think I'll going to post it tomorrow xD
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sim card lock : protect you sim from being use by anybody (pin asked at boot)
pin network lock : some of us have a pop up that ask for unlocking the network (but phone works when dismissed)
to reset : charge full, and it should reset
ahlulnugraha said:
Here I come, this is my daily use and added qcomuiccstack without deleting any other else.
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ok thank you, you know that you should provide me again one or more time using this condition to see how accurate is the result.
and then do same with original (control) in order to able to compare and conclude
thank you for taking part of this
matmutant said:
ok thank you, you know that you should provide me again one or more time using this condition to see how accurate is the result.
and then do same with original (control) in order to able to compare and conclude
thank you for taking part of this
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Yeah, now wait for full charged and then next part.
I use CM9 for one month, and it's great. But there is some laggy, on latest release i have battery drain, on previously I didn't have it. I'll go back to CM7 for now: Xperience SEMC Debrand Engine | V2
When I go change that settings in build.prop all 3, I didn't have signal after reboot, so I go back to default!

[TIP][Guide]Change Default Home Button Color

Hi Guys.. I've been searching for ways to change the default color of Home Button of our Ray. Been on decompiling/compiling framework, settings... but got nothing or don't know exactly what xml/smali that controls the color of the buttons. So, by doing some trials-and-errors...:crying: Maybe this time I hit it.
First of all I want to thank:
JJDOCTOR for giving the hint to enable the light of Home button.
boy*racer*- max echo value is 20000
and all of you GUYS here on xda..
So here it is, navigate to system/etc/ using ROOT EXplorer and find these lines:
echo 1000 > $dev/red/max_current
echo 1000 > $dev/green/max_current
echo 1000 > $dev/blue/max_current
and change to anything you want, I made it to
echo 1000 > $dev/red/max_current
echo 2000 > $dev/green/max_current
echo 9000 > $dev/blue/max_current
Save changes....
For color preferences calculations: Go here. Thanks to Xtremy.
The above is nearly ICS Blue... You can put any values you want til 20000(?) except ZERO (0). By putting zero, that color will not be used by the system notifications ( I think)...
THIS WOULD NOT MAKE ALL OF THE NOTIFICATIONS COLOR TO THE COLOR YOU HAVE SET, ONLY THE DEFAULT HOME BUTTON COLOR IS AFFECTED. Sorry if the first flash of notification is not the COLOR you desired, only the succeeding flashes... I'm not a developer, I don't know how to do this correctly.
I THINK THIS WOULD NOT WORK ON CM-BASED ROM, BECAUSE THE HOME BUTTON LIGHT IS DISABLED (automaticbrightness is already set to FALSE). If somebody can make it to work, just apply it.
SOME DEFAULT COLOR WOULD NOT BE THE CORRECT APPEARANCE AFTER CHANGING THOSE LINES.. example, Violet is not violet when you use it as message notifications, still ICS Blue(?). Just raise the values.
REBOOT IS A MUST... Hope it won't bootloop...
adulfo said:
......................but got nothing or don't know exactly what xml/smali that controls the color of the buttons..........................:
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XML is used to create user interface and the components used in app and java is used to create executable codes that will make apps functionality.
XML and smali are created automatically in app development.Though notepad++ is best to type XML.Best and easiest way to create a xml file is just write code in notepad++ and save it with extension of .xml.If you are developing an application of android then xmls are created by software itself. You will just need to specify name and add it to project as xml file...
thank you! i was just looking for this:good:
This is a nice mod adulfo! :good:
I wrote a little tutorial for finding your color value:
Go to this Color Wizard website.
Choose the color of your choice in de color bars.
In the #box you find the hex value for your color.
For this tut i use a nice orange E45F13 hex value.
Split de value in three pieces E4 5F 13.
1st byte E4 xx xx is for the Red value. (#FF0000)
2nd byte xx 5F xx is for the Green value. (#00FF00)
3rd byte xx xx 13 is for the Blue value. (#0000FF)
Open windows calculator set it in Scientific Mode.
1) Hit F5 to select HEX.
2) Type in your first hex (if HEX is 00, decimal is 0)
3) Hit F6 to convert to decimal.
Do this for all three hex values and write down the numbers...
1st byte E4 xx xx E4=228
2nd byte xx 5F xx 5F=95
3rd byte xx xx 13 13=19
As we know "max echo value is 20000" or 255 so:
20000 / 255 X 228 (your 1st above number)= 17882 for the Red Value
20000 / 255 X 95 (your 2nd above number)= 7450 for the Green Value
20000 / 255 X 19 (your 3rd above number)= 1490 for the Blue Value
Change the values in system/etc/ for red, green and blue save & exit, reboot!
---------- Post added at 12:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 AM ----------
I use the Tron Legacy Cyan color: 00DFFC
1000 for the Red Value.
17490 for the Green Value.
19764 for the Blue Value.
also note:
I set the first byte for Red to zero
after reboot it went to 1000 value,
so I think 1000 is the lowest value.
Thanks mate.. To those also having problems converting those values, you can google HEX to RBG converter.
wow it is very great and i change it
works perfect
4.0.4 587
psp1987 said:
wow it is very great and i change it
works perfect
4.0.4 587
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Would be nice if you will read my signature...
what does this change ? the light shown when the phone is switched on and had no notification ?
-Jesco- said:
what does this change ? the light shown when the phone is switched on and had no notification ?
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This would only change the default color of your Home button ( if only it is enabled), hitting any of your physical keys.
i changed all the values to 10000, all the colors are the same but a lot brighter, default 1000 is too dim for me.
@adulfo thanks for the tip buddy, can happily report that it is also working on my ray
Sent from my ST18i using xda premium
This values as depicted on the lines itself maybe clear, raising it, means raising LED current, more current more power,more power so much brighter... If you want color other than WHITE, don't make the values nearly equal.
Xtremy said:
also note:
I set the first byte for Red to zero
after reboot it went to 1000 value,
so I think 1000 is the lowest value.
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Zero doesn't work, i try 0001, it works.
for RED color, the value is 10000,0001,0001.
Try again to see the values on your if it did not changed after reboot. Then all of your notifications will turn to RED.. By setting the lowest value to 1000, still the GB colors has still a good current value.
Flashable zip for Holo style Blue
Not made by me but jjdoctor...
had this zip tho
lokenok said:
Flashable zip for Holo style Blue
Not made by me but jjdoctor...
had this zip tho
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I think this will make all of your notifications to LIGHT BLUE?.. Correct me if I'm wrong... Doing that also.. Better to put those values on
adulfo said:
Try again to see the values on your if it did not changed after reboot. Then all of your notifications will turn to RED.. By setting the lowest value to 1000, still the GB colors has still a good current value.
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so is there any value that change the LED to RED but not affect to other notification color???
luckkonku said:
so is there any value that change the LED to RED but not affect to other notification color???
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Just don't put those values on, only on I think....
hi guys this is my first comment so, i've changed these values in and of course i've got the color i want (nearly ICS blue). BUT here is my problem: other notifications like charging (instead of red it's nearly pink, instead of orange it's nearly green...) not working properly. I'm using light flow led and its notifications also miss the right color. Is there a solution for this? I'm not a developer but i think the phone calculates the values of notifications by this three values and must be an algorithm for this somewhere in the phone, so maybe we can manipulate that. Tell me if I'm wrong. Sorry for my english it's not my native language.
bobo023 said:
hi guys this is my first comment so, i've changed these values in and of course i've got the color i want (nearly ICS blue). BUT here is my problem: other notifications like charging (instead of red it's nearly pink, instead of orange it's nearly green...) not working properly. I'm using light flow led and its notifications also miss the right color. Is there a solution for this? I'm not a developer but i think the phone calculates the values of notifications by this three values and must be an algorithm for this somewhere in the phone, so maybe we can manipulate that. Tell me if I'm wrong. Sorry for my english it's not my native language.
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Try to raise the values of the other color, I stated that on my OP last part that if you make the other values extremes (1000 and 20000), the the colors will be affected.. If for instance, Blue will have 20000 value, the notifications color that contains blue (violet...) will have dominant blue and other colors will be suppressed, so VIOLET will turn out to be more on BLUE.

[Q] Android decimal numbre format

Can somebody tell me how i change my display setting for number format
now when i type five thousand four hunderd fifty in my calculator he will display 5,450.00 i want it to display 5.450,00

SDK or NDK w/o OpenGL in app to save battery?

I would like to develop and app, which has the main functionality to show a 2D chart. There are others and settings, but this is the main.
Existing similar applications aren't using technologies as how it should and they are releasing apps with to few features or they are draining battery like crazy. This I would like to improve it.
This is for web / desktop
View attachment 2397770
Here are a few sentences from my experience, please correct me if I am wrong!
Many-many of implementations are using SDK and 2D graphics. They draw the whole screen every time. Just sere how your battery drained in 1-2 hours! - some really bad implementation they can drain in 3 minutes, I will show later. One exception is: Metatrader 4: it use NDK and OpenGL, Hey pay me, because I am advertising you!
I think the SDK code (.class files) it need to e compiled at runtime execution by virtual machine, which takes CPU usage.
NDK is compiled only one => will use less CPU => will drain less batter as the SDK version.
If this is correct, than it should move more code to NDK if is possible. Not sure about JNI calls overhead!
NDK huuuuge advantage: it will allow to use the phone max available memory ( 1.5GB was last time) instead of SDK max allowed value: 256MB ( in my case, but some devices allow only 24Mb for SDK apps)
If you don't touch this chart than nothing changes, if you set the "Live" option, than the last "candle" will change. The candles are those Red & Green rectangles with the line in upper side and down side with meaning of the open, high, low, close prices. - it is related to business logic, but this special bars can have those 2 lines, which are important. The border of the 1pixel black around the red-green rectangles are for visual effects only. To save battery can be omitted.
(The background text and logos are just for advertisements, nobody cares, not really needed for the user for his actions)
As you can see there is a toolbar, and there are maybe other components too, but when the user want to see highest amount of data than will rotate to landscape and there should be given a Full Screen (in portrait not by default)
I have started the development with a component for rendering with OpenGL ES 2.0.
The UI is in SDK , the renderer there is called, but the method implementation calls the native methods via JNI. The business logic, rendering implementation are all in NDK, which is a native shared library.
Not sure why I started with OpenGL, to have some cool effects, who want to drain his battery faster? or I tough if is faster than will consume less battery? - maybe faster drains, but more: 100 mA from GPU for 0.01 seconds rendering is the same as 10 mA for 0.1 rendering at CPU.
Here I am not sure if I am saving energy. Tell me your opinion!
So I have started learning OpenGL ES 2.0 and all what I saw in tutorials it was triangle triangle triangle, but in this chart there is no triangle, but rectangle, or rectangle+lines or just lines with set width or many triangles?
Here is a cool candle, I would like to see this, but I know the gradients will burn battery.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Here is a bit magnified and you can see how I am thinking:
but can't decide. Because I haven't enough experience, don't know the benchmark results. I would like to see a tear down and expected results:
GL_Lines + glLineWidth
As the first option with GL_lines:
A candle would be 1x small line from the Low and High price drawn first. Lets say with 5 pixel width to have room for gradient too, if needed. In worse case only 1 pixel, as how they are using others now.
The candle body: the red/green rectangle with has the info of Open/Close price can be another GL_Lines with 50 pixel width - for example.
Will be gradient or not that would depends on user settings. Not sure how is possible to draw black 1-2 pixel of border for candle body in this case - if the user has that settings.
Seconds option with triangles:
2x triangle can make a square.
There is a square as the small line and there is another one the larger square : the candle body.
The triangle strip case:
if only one GL_triangle_strip:
bottomline: 4 vertices
body other 4
upper line 4 vertices
or small line 4x vertices
other 4x vertices , so 2x GL_triangle_strip
I made this:
The first thing it was:
It is a rectangle with 2x triangle and a line with width.
The line has less vertices of course, but in this chart is expected to have 50- 200 bars maximum. Minimum 10-20.
What is needed is that cross at mouse location: that dashed line and the numbers ( price ) on the right and some other texts in bottom. X, Y coordinates in text.
Please post your experience, benchmarks, opinion.
Hi matheszabi,
ok, your question was rather compheresive . So right way to find solution is rather complicated too.
I woudn't choose solution according to differences between JDK / NDK to same function calls of OpenGL ES 2.0
According to my experience, performance (and power consumption) is almost the same.
GLOBAL aproach: I suggest
1) you create your application in Java - use JDK versions - creating native function for just few draw calls is, imho, hard compared what you get
2) if your application is NativeActivity
- use direct calls - be prepared for differences between devices, proper creation of surface, .... but it's faster
- subclass Native Activity and use JAVA as well
3) not using OpenGL ES directly at all - i suggest trying layout and buttons / images inside of it, i saw 200 control buttons on 1 screen and it ran perfectly. And layout is movable by 1 command - offset. I suppose, this is completely written in native code anyway. You just get drawing interface in JAVA.
Now, to OPENGL ES itself (JAVA or NDK)
- OPENGL is 3D interface so pixel perfect drawing is something which is not supported by itself. (note: opengl has pixel / texel center at 0.5 not at 0.0/1.0)
- you need pixel perfect draw - boxes you draw must be perfectly aligned to screen pixels - othewise you get blurry results
- you might not need texturing - thats PLUS, otherwise drawing pixel perfect opengl suraces is "pain in the ..." - viz. texel interpolation and drawing a pixel checker aligned with screen pixels is real nightmare and it differs on each device (I tried )
- pixel perfect with mipmaps - awful again
- alpha blending (when you have something which is transparent) - you will need sorting to draw it properly
- will you need font ? oh my ...
- NO EMULATOR - will need to test each device if it's working properly (not every, at least each vendor)
to consider:
writing vertex/fragment shader in a world with 3500 (number of opengles 2.0 devices according google) suitable devices/compilers/android versions ... ehm
- you draw exactly what you want
- use of fragment shader (alhough i suggest using gradient textures instead)
- i suggest draw primitives in vertex buffers (indexed triangles or triangle strips). Not one box by one - compose all in one array and draw it by one draw call. Doubling points in strips can help you
- instancing is not supported) but there is way surpassing this (preparing buffers with)
- i don't recommend using lines with width definition - each implementation draws this differently - and it's equal to drawing lit cylinder
- in native activity loop - handling if you need redraw - it's difficult
I would try normal android GUI first
- you get pixel perfect draw, with / without bitmaps, images, gradients ....
- i suppose its fast enough
- no sorting needed
- redraws will be invoked when something changes
- translation / clipping will be handled internally
- no need to care about device !!! that's big plus
- zoom will be problematic
- rotations as well (but i suppose you don't need them)
note to power consupmption - both OpenGL :
just swaping screen buffers 30 per sec will deplete most of devices within 2-3 hours. But of course, doing it so only when needed is doable
But I might be wrong so best way is to decide by yourself and, of course, try it and see.
If you have qustions about drawing through ES, i'll post some samples of pixel perfect draw (from my gui)
Good luck, post your decision, and if you have some results, post them too! will be very interesting.
Petr Sovis said:
Hi matheszabi,
ok, your question was rather compheresive . So right way to find solution is rather complicated too.
I woudn't choose solution according to differences between JDK / NDK to same function calls of OpenGL ES 2.0
According to my experience, performance (and power consumption) is almost the same.
GLOBAL aproach: I suggest
1) you create your application in Java - use JDK versions - creating native function for just few draw calls is, imho, hard compared what you get
2) if your application is NativeActivity
- use direct calls - be prepared for differences between devices, proper creation of surface, .... but it's faster
- subclass Native Activity and use JAVA as well
3) not using OpenGL ES directly at all - i suggest trying layout and buttons / images inside of it, i saw 200 control buttons on 1 screen and it ran perfectly. And layout is movable by 1 command - offset. I suppose, this is completely written in native code anyway. You just get drawing interface in JAVA.
Now, to OPENGL ES itself (JAVA or NDK)
- OPENGL is 3D interface so pixel perfect drawing is something which is not supported by itself. (note: opengl has pixel / texel center at 0.5 not at 0.0/1.0)
- you need pixel perfect draw - boxes you draw must be perfectly aligned to screen pixels - othewise you get blurry results
- you might not need texturing - thats PLUS, otherwise drawing pixel perfect opengl suraces is "pain in the ..." - viz. texel interpolation and drawing a pixel checker aligned with screen pixels is real nightmare and it differs on each device (I tried )
- pixel perfect with mipmaps - awful again
- alpha blending (when you have something which is transparent) - you will need sorting to draw it properly
- will you need font ? oh my ...
- NO EMULATOR - will need to test each device if it's working properly (not every, at least each vendor)
to consider:
writing vertex/fragment shader in a world with 3500 (number of opengles 2.0 devices according google) suitable devices/compilers/android versions ... ehm
- you draw exactly what you want
- use of fragment shader (alhough i suggest using gradient textures instead)
- i suggest draw primitives in vertex buffers (indexed triangles or triangle strips). Not one box by one - compose all in one array and draw it by one draw call. Doubling points in strips can help you
- instancing is not supported) but there is way surpassing this (preparing buffers with)
- i don't recommend using lines with width definition - each implementation draws this differently - and it's equal to drawing lit cylinder
- in native activity loop - handling if you need redraw - it's difficult
I would try normal android GUI first
- you get pixel perfect draw, with / without bitmaps, images, gradients ....
- i suppose its fast enough
- no sorting needed
- redraws will be invoked when something changes
- translation / clipping will be handled internally
- no need to care about device !!! that's big plus
- zoom will be problematic
- rotations as well (but i suppose you don't need them)
note to power consupmption - both OpenGL :
just swaping screen buffers 30 per sec will deplete most of devices within 2-3 hours. But of course, doing it so only when needed is doable
But I might be wrong so best way is to decide by yourself and, of course, try it and see.
If you have qustions about drawing through ES, i'll post some samples of pixel perfect draw (from my gui)
Good luck, post your decision, and if you have some results, post them too! will be very interesting.
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Hello thanks for sharing your idea experience.
I have asked in other forum a similar question.
It was a response than the GPU has optimised methods so it will have less power consumption
Also he likes to draw the whole frame not only a part - I'm case of my optimisation
Also I have asked an opengl expert and he told me to use the ortho instead of perspective projection. He has right.
Now I don't have bliry results anymore but is pixel perfect!
For benchmark I made 100 candles : 100 line + 200 triangles.
I have calculated how much is the wigth and the height for the surface => how much space can have a candle and used the matrix transformations and render it.
A nice surprise the fist time it took 18 milliseconds but after that only took 5-6 millisec the. Sdk->ndk->opengl-> SDK steps.
That is very good result on MY trash device. But I think it has a trick: the ndk gives order to render to GPU and it will return. So in those 5-6 milliseconds will start to work the GPU for who knows how much....
Note: audio , video , sensor intensive projects should be developed on real devices not at emulators.
With my method the problem is starting with text drawing and leak of knowledge.
Vbo or texture... Not sure which one but if a native 2D can do it than I can me too.
Cairo as rendering 2d engine is a bit big to include in android.
I still think the ndk is the correct place. Also is isn't so easy to watch the engine code as a decompiled SDK code
Ok! you chose your path - good for you!
18/5-6 ms is just for draw (200 triangles+100 lines) ?, or whole frame time ? Can you tell me the the device you are testing your app on ?
Note: Ortho, i didn't mean to advice perspective transform, ortho is still 3d, and pixel perfect - wait for texturing/text drawing, but you'll manage!
Just few tips to font rendering:
bitmap fonts: I can't add links so google: angelcode bmfont
font bitmap creator: google: angelcode bmfont
+ sample: google: nehe 2d_texture_font
freetype implementation - it's possible to compile it with ndk - i use it and it's simple
google: freetype
and code for starters: google: nehe freetype_fonts_in_opengl
Petr Sovis said:
Ok! you chose your path - good for you!
18/5-6 ms is just for draw (200 triangles+100 lines) ?, or whole frame time ? Can you tell me the the device you are testing your app on ?
Note: Ortho, i didn't mean to advice perspective transform, ortho is still 3d, and pixel perfect - wait for texturing/text drawing, but you'll manage!
Just few tips to font rendering:
bitmap fonts: I can't add links so google: angelcode bmfont
font bitmap creator: google: angelcode bmfont
+ sample: google: nehe 2d_texture_font
freetype implementation - it's possible to compile it with ndk - i use it and it's simple
google: freetype
and code for starters: google: nehe freetype_fonts_in_opengl
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My phone is a THL W8S. has FHD resolution
It had a mixed layout, but better I show you:
I have misscalculated the lines positions but for now doesn't matter.
The GLSurface takes a considerable amount of the screen space and that is counted.
On a Samsung Note 10" - at least 1 year old device, lower resolution, but better CPU + GPU it is a lot less this numbers.
My device is a trash (by far not for gamming), I told you:
ok, as I understand, the time is just for drawing 200 tris + 100 lines - ok that seems a "little to much" for that.
Besides, your device is not trash at all
I don't know if I can share my examples - but scene from app I released week ago draws 50KTris per frame with some heavy shaders (normal mapping + specular ligting from 2 light sources) and draws text over it + particles + GUI (my ndk gles2.0 engine) and I suppose it will run over 30 FPS on your device (its PoverVR 540 or something) (google play: "Asteroid Hunters" by me)
So, can you post fragment of your drawing code ? maybe there something not really right ?
Petr Sovis said:
So, can you post fragment of your drawing code ? maybe there something not really right ?
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I will post, but for me this is good enough others are drawing in 200-2000 milliseconds
The SDK part:
public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
//Log.e("Renderer", "onDrawFrame() took: "+ (end-start)+" millisec (1e-6)");
The related NDK part:
void renderer_on_draw_frame() //4
static float grey;
grey += 0.01f;
if (grey > 1.0f) {
grey = 0.0f;
glClearColor(grey, grey, grey, 1.0f);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < CANDLES_COUNT; i++) {
//LOGE("chartengine rendering i= %d",i);
line rendering:
void renderLine(ColoredSingleLine* pColoredSingleLine) {
if (pColoredSingleLine == NULL) {
//matrixTranslateM(mvpMatrix, rndX, rndY, 0);
//LOGE("###renderLine pColoredSingleLine %p\n",pColoredSingleLine);
checkGlError("Line: glUseProgram");
// Enable a handle to the triangle vertices
checkGlError("Line: glEnableVertexAttribArray");
// Prepare the triangle coordinate data
glVertexAttribPointer(pColoredSingleLine->programColoredLine.a_position_location, pColoredSingleLine->lineData.COORDS_PER_VERTEX_LINE, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE,
pColoredSingleLine->lineData.vertexStride, pColoredSingleLine->lineData.vertices);
checkGlError("Line: glVertexAttribPointer");
// Set color for drawing the triangles
glUniform4fv(pColoredSingleLine->programColoredLine.u_color_location, 1, pColoredSingleLine->lineData.color_rgba);
checkGlError("Line: glUniform4fv");
// Apply the projection and view transformation
glUniformMatrix4fv(pColoredSingleLine->programColoredLine.u_mvp_matrix_location, 1, GL_FALSE, pColoredSingleLine->lineData.mvpMatrix);
checkGlError("Line: glUniformMatrix4fv");
// Draw the line
glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, pColoredSingleLine->lineData.vertexCount); // (GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count);
checkGlError("Line: glDrawArrays"); // GL_INVALID_ENUM
//GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if mode is not an accepted value.
//GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if type is not GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE or GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT.
GLint error = glGetError();
if (error == GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY) {
LOGE("Out of Video memory your device a stone ?");
// Disable vertex array
and the rectangle:
void renderRectangle(ColoredSingleRectangle* pColoredSingleRectangle) {
if (pColoredSingleRectangle == NULL) {
//matrixTranslateM(mvpMatrix, rndX, rndY, 0);
checkGlError("Rectangle: glUseProgram");
// Enable a handle to the triangle vertices
checkGlError("Rectangle: glEnableVertexAttribArray");
// Prepare the triangle coordinate data
glVertexAttribPointer(pColoredSingleRectangle->programColoredRectangle.a_position_location, pColoredSingleRectangle->rectangleData.COORDS_PER_VERTEX_RECTANGLE, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE,
pColoredSingleRectangle->rectangleData.vertexStride, pColoredSingleRectangle->rectangleData.vertices);
checkGlError("Rectangle: glVertexAttribPointer");
// Set color for drawing the triangles
glUniform4fv(pColoredSingleRectangle->programColoredRectangle.u_color_location, 1, pColoredSingleRectangle->rectangleData.color_rgba);
checkGlError("Rectangle: glUniform4fv");
// Apply the projection and view transformation
glUniformMatrix4fv(pColoredSingleRectangle->programColoredRectangle.u_mvp_matrix_location, 1, GL_FALSE, pColoredSingleRectangle->rectangleData.mvpMatrix);
checkGlError("Rectangle: glUniformMatrix4fv");
// Draw the square
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, NELEMS(pColoredSingleRectangle->rectangleData.drawOrder), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, pColoredSingleRectangle->rectangleData.drawOrder); // GL_INVALID_ENUM on Galaxy note
checkGlError("Rectangle: glDrawElements"); // GL_INVALID_ENUM
//GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if mode is not an accepted value.
//GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if type is not GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE or GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT.
GLint error = glGetError();
if (error == GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY) {
LOGE("Out of Video memory your device a stone ?");
// Disable vertex array
At any benchmarks my fps is bellow 12, while other devices has 30 or 50 fps. Believe me not my device has the best CPU + GPU by far:
some output from on old code:
printGLString("Version", GL_VERSION);
printGLString("Vendor", GL_VENDOR);
printGLString("Renderer", GL_RENDERER);
printGLString("Extensions", GL_EXTENSIONS);
void printGLString(const char *name, GLenum s) {
const char *v = (const char *) glGetString(s);
LOGE("GL %s = %s\n", name, v);
// ### GT-N8000 ### Galaxy note 10" - GL Renderer = Mali-400 MP
// GL_EXT_debug_marker
// GL_OES_texture_npot
// GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture
// GL_OES_standard_derivatives
// GL_OES_EGL_image
// GL_OES_depth24
// GL_ARM_rgba8
// GL_ARM_mali_shader_binary
// GL_OES_depth_texture
// GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil
// GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888
// GL_EXT_blend_minmax
// GL_OES_EGL_image_external
// GL_OES_EGL_sync
// GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8
// GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture
// GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer
// ### THL V8S - GL Renderer = PowerVR SGX 544MP
// GL_EXT_debug_marker
// GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8
// GL_OES_depth24
// GL_OES_vertex_half_float
// GL_OES_texture_float
// GL_OES_texture_half_float
// GL_OES_element_index_uint
// GL_OES_mapbuffer
// GL_OES_fragment_precision_high
// GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture
// GL_OES_EGL_image
// GL_OES_EGL_image_external
// GL_OES_required_internalformat
// GL_OES_depth_texture
// GL_OES_get_program_binary
// GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil
// GL_OES_standard_derivatives
// GL_OES_vertex_array_object
// GL_OES_egl_sync
// GL_OES_texture_npot
// GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays
// GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888
// GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer
// GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod
// GL_IMG_shader_binary
// GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc
// GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc2
// GL_IMG_texture_npot
// GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA8888
// GL_IMG_read_format
// GL_IMG_program_binary
// GL_IMG_uniform_buffer_object
// GL_IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture
i know why it's so slow, you practically draw something 300x per frame and it doesn't really matter if it has 2 trinagles or 300 per one call.
300x setup shader per frame is almost a limit for slower(not slow) devices.
Main issues:
1) do not ever call glGetError when not debugging/running debug build - it makes pipeline stall (pipeline stops and waits until all commands are executed)
2) since you have 100 lines - and using for all of them same program, why not to group them in one array ?
2 solutions
= you are not using vertex buffers - so
1) create temporary memory and pre-transform all lines/triangles into one array - will be much faster
2) setup shader once + set uniforms
3) setup attributes - start of temporary array you created (every call - believe me, it will be faster, good practice is create array on stack, but beware of overflow - but for 300 lines is practically impossible)
3) call one draw call for all lines/triangles at once
B) even faster solution (fake instancing) - this is really fast
= create vertex buffer with data (and now create this as real VBO !)
- and not with only 1 instance of line, but with reasonable count - for instance 300 (fake instancing) - 300x line data repeated,
- in tex.x,y (for instance) - set index 0.299 -> x = (float(index % 256) / 256.0f ) y = ( (index & (~255)) / 256.0 ) - using lowp vec2 inTex; attribute
= in shader:
- create uniform array with coordinates for instance uniform mediump vec3 positions[300];
- in vertex part - something like this = + positions[(int) ((inTex.x * 256.0) + (inTex.y * 65536.0)) ];
1) use shader
2) fill array with positions and set it to uniform
3) set attributes
4) draw - and according to situation change count of elements drawn
if you need draw more than 300 lines, enlarge array OR just do more calls this time this is getting efficient
But i suppose 1st solution will be more than enough.
Petr Sovis said:
i know why it's so slow, you practically draw something 300x per frame and it doesn't really matter if it has 2 trinagles or 300 per one call.
300x setup shader per frame is almost a limit for slower(not slow) devices.
Main issues:
1) do not ever call glGetError when not debugging/running debug build - it makes pipeline stall (pipeline stops and waits until all commands are executed)
2) since you have 100 lines - and using for all of them same program, why not to group them in one array ?
2 solutions
= you are not using vertex buffers - so
1) create temporary memory and pre-transform all lines/triangles into one array - will be much faster
2) setup shader once + set uniforms
3) setup attributes - start of temporary array you created (every call - believe me, it will be faster, good practice is create array on stack, but beware of overflow - but for 300 lines is practically impossible)
3) call one draw call for all lines/triangles at once
B) even faster solution (fake instancing) - this is really fast
= create vertex buffer with data (and now create this as real VBO !)
- and not with only 1 instance of line, but with reasonable count - for instance 300 (fake instancing) - 300x line data repeated,
- in tex.x,y (for instance) - set index 0.299 -> x = (float(index % 256) / 256.0f ) y = ( (index & (~255)) / 256.0 ) - using lowp vec2 inTex; attribute
= in shader:
- create uniform array with coordinates for instance uniform mediump vec3 positions[300];
- in vertex part - something like this = + positions[(int) ((inTex.x * 256.0) + (inTex.y * 65536.0)) ];
1) use shader
2) fill array with positions and set it to uniform
3) set attributes
4) draw - and according to situation change count of elements drawn
if you need draw more than 300 lines, enlarge array OR just do more calls this time this is getting efficient
But i suppose 1st solution will be more than enough.
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When I wrote I saw the glerror maybe it will slow down a bit.
Since I am coming from an object oriented development environment it was designed on that way...
The candle: line + triangle can have other data too. Maybe need to keep elsewhere the data...
The last candle line and rectangle and his color can change almost at each draw method: just 1 of the 4 params will nort change.
When the last candle is closed a new one need to be staeted
In this case needs to. Shift to left all other candles. Maybe for this I am keeping in separate methods.
I thought the shader setup is done in other part at least there I am getting the pointer to they. On surface changed/ created - I am not at PC now.
Text with price + time scale should be with a texture to a rectangle?
I will reply inline:
matheszabi said:
When I wrote I saw the glerror maybe it will slow down a bit.
Since I am coming from an object oriented development environment it was designed on that way...
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Object development has nothing to do with this , glGetError is NOT a function to retrieve error status from GL functions, its for debugging purposes only. Its commonly used as: (simple form)
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define CHECKGL(x) x; assert(glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR)
#define CHECKGL(x) x
CHECKGL( glUniform4f(.... .) );
or still very fast
#define CHECKGL(x) x; if (globalDebugGL) { assert(glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR); }
matheszabi said:
The candle: line + triangle can have other data too. Maybe need to keep elsewhere the data...
The last candle line and rectangle and his color can change almost at each draw method: just 1 of the 4 params will nort change.
When the last candle is closed a new one need to be staeted
In this case needs to. Shift to left all other candles. Maybe for this I am keeping in separate methods.
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Again - preparing something to vertex buffer is 100x faster than calling gluseProgram, gluniform and then draw call.
Different values per "candle": you can change (per candle) color, position, tex coords, and another values - to max 16 vec4 attributes per vertex in vertex buffer.
just for your imagination what does exactly glUniform: it recompiles and rebuilds shader with new values. It's not fast at all. So drawing 2 triangles with new shader setup (different uniform values) is not very smart. You have only 800-1000 such operations per frame tops. New card can handle much more. Look for term "draw call batching" to learn more. Unity's main feature.
Just imagine, even chip in your phone can easily draw 20 textured MTris per sec and you draw just few thousands and it's sweating.
Very nice article about GLES 2.0 from apple - google for "OpenGL ES Design Guidelines" most of it is true on android as well
matheszabi said:
I thought the shader setup is done in other part at least there I am getting the pointer to they. On surface changed/ created - I am not at PC now.
Text with price + time scale should be with a texture to a rectangle?
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That differs according to your situation.
- Is price/time always same ? (texture)
- it's changing per frame, (prerender texture)
- it's changing per "candle" ? - I posted articles about text in gl apps in the last post.
I thing you can choose your way !
Thanks for answer.
Petr Sovis said:
That differs according to your situation.
- Is price/time always same ? (texture)
- it's changing per frame, (prerender texture)
- it's changing per "candle" ? - I posted articles about text in gl apps in the last post.
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Price/time is the same until: the user press a button, than will change the time ( From To values) and collecting data will result a min price and a max price. So the price probably will change at that button event, but not all the time.
Also the last candle price value is "moving" at least the close value, but an move the min or max value too, which can be the min or the max of the whole chart, on those rare situations need to change the coordinate system too. Can be used here a trick as it is changing and it will add +20% so what not need to change on each tick (frame)
matheszabi said:
Thanks for answer.
Price/time is the same until: the user press a button, than will change the time ( From To values) and collecting data will result a min price and a max price. So the price probably will change at that button event, but not all the time.
Also the last candle price value is "moving" at least the close value, but an move the min or max value too, which can be the min or the max of the whole chart, on those rare situations need to change the coordinate system too. Can be used here a trick as it is changing and it will add +20% so what not need to change on each tick (frame)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I would definitely use rendering text technique I already posted. Its very fast (when implemented properly) and you can "print" whatever you want.
One of the following
bitmap fonts: (more content preparations - you need to prepare texture for each font)
font bitmap creator: google: angelcode bmfont
+ sample: google: "nehe 2d_texture_font"
freetype implementation: (easier use - free type can generate font you want - also very fast)
it's possible to compile it with ndk - i use it and it's simple
google: freetype
and code for starters: google: "nehe freetype_fonts_in_opengl"

Custom Warping / Geometric Correction of UI (across all apps)

Hi there
I'd like to know if it's possible to perform geometric correction of the entire Android display (on an android media player) across all apps for projection onto an irregular / non-rectangular surfaces?
Is there an existing mod / theme / rom that allows this, or can someone develop this capability?
Basically, if I have a 3 x 3 grid with x,y co-ordinates, e.g:
-1,1; 0,1; 1,1
-1,0; 0,0, 1,0
-1,-1, 0,-1, 1, 1, -1
I'd like to redraw each pixel at, e.g:
-1, 0.6; 0,1; 1, 0.6
-0.9, 0; 0,0, 0.9, 0
-1,-0,8, 0,-1, 1, 1, -0,8
The mapping grid will be larger. Can anyone please advise if this can be achieved, and how I proceed (will pay for this).
I'm using the Zidoo X9 Android media player which has HDMI-in and out. I believe all the source code is on Github
If I can't "warp" the entire UI, then at least the display from the HDMI-in.

