XDA II on Orange - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Hey guys,
I'm getting a XDA II (latest o2 UK update) and I will be using it with an Orange sim.
Which rom is the best to have for me?
I saw the new iMate rom was released.
o2 is installed now but I don't need any o2 stuff as I will be using it on Orange.
What do you guys think?
Keep the o2 rom or upgrade to another? (QTek, iMate, etc)

I have an M1000 (Orange's XDA2) and thats running v1.60, the latest one you can download from the O2 site. I'd guess use that on your XDA 2 and you shouldn't have any problems

Hey m8,
Thanks for the reply.
You have a m1000 running the o2 rom?
Didn't you have an Orange m1000 rom?
If you still have the m1000 rom could you post it?

What improvements do you see using the 1.60 ROM ?
I have an M1000 with the original (English Language) 1.52 ROM.
Using a couple of tools, I have GPRS always on and my TomTom 2 is working perfectly.
I don't feel that I am missing anything, and since the upgrade would void the waranty from Orange, I am holding back upgrading..

Plz share your 1.60 rom for the M1000. I'm having an Orange M1000 (with the 1.52 rom), and would very much like to hear from anyone having upgraded this model.

Anyone gonna help me out with this one?

No one....?

I simply used a standard UK version (it WAS actually the USA ROM when it arrived), of the XDA2, with my Orange UK SIM.
Works fine.
Since then I have upgraded to the latest UK O2 ROM upgrade - again no problem.
I have also done a lengthy post on here as to all the Orange settings ou need for the phone.


latest ROM for o2 XDA II?

hi guys,
What is the latest ROM upgrade for o2 XDAII?
If i upgrade does it sim-lock my phone again?
Where can i download the upgrade please?
asian or uk ????
asian in www.myxda.com (with register/IMEI number)
rom 1.60.44
uk in www.sourceo2.com or www.o2.co.uk
rom 1.60.50
there is no change since nop.03 untill now.
thanks for the reply.
there's no 1.72 from o2?
i don't know, why 02 always came late a release new ROM !!! (I hate very much) compared with qtek, imate,& t-mob.
A newer O2 XDA2 come out with 1.66 rom included, but it is unpublished rom.
Is there an official web site for downloading qtek 2020 ROM?
Is there an official web site for downloading qtek english 2020 ROMs for belgium ?
I'm really very urgently needed O2 XDA II (Asia) latest ROM. Where I can find it to download? There's no latest ROM for O2 XDA II (Asia) to downloaded in http://www.myxda.com/ Someone help me quick please?

UK O2 XDA II upgrade to WM2003 SE

What do you suggest to upgrade a UK O2 XDA II to WM2003 SE ?
I saw different versions (chinese, australian, etc...). Is there something specific for UK version of XDAII ?
Which is the safest ?
I am using 2.02twwe from DCS.
I have not used his extended rom but kept the one from the previous version.
Dear guest,
can you give me the link to the version you used ?
Any problem ?

MDA t-mobile rom update????

I am desperate to update my MDA to Rom 1.72 but can not find an official T-Mobile upgrade anywhere, does anyone know of one anywhere..............................if not.....................has anyone tried to update using an O2 package, is it possible, does it just add O2 items to the phone but the rest is essentially the same???
Thanks in advance!!!
any himalaya rom will work
Thanks for the advice

O2 xda trion ENGLISH rom wanted ;)

Hİ brothers I've bought a O2 xda trion but language is in German can any one post me a link for O2 official rom in English please it's very urgent please help me.There is CID LOCK and rom should be official O2 rom
I haven't seen any English O2 ROMs. Why don't you just upgrade to another English ROM? (Make sure to follow MrVanx's guides when you upgrade)
There Are No English O2 Roms, As O2 Did Not Release The XDA Trion Over Here In The UK.
Which Was The Reason I Changed Provider
O2 uk trion due for release imminently, so don't know if anyone will be able to get/create a rom.
Hey can one of the Trion owners please upload the rom?
I need to install this on my device, would really appericate it.
If you need any help please let me know
yeh its more for testing then anything else
ina a few weeks im going to rolling out the trion at my work place so wanted to get the headsup before-hand and test the UK rom,
thats why i didnt get the german version
hell iv already got HTC's latest rom and also been running WM6 which i LOVE"!
but anyway hope some one gets a chance to get there mits on the device in the UK and can post the rom
mmmmmmmmmmm if i had more time on my hand i might have got Buzz's ROM dumper and poped into a O2 store?
well i think im a little far gone to be pulling a 007 in a o2store-----
but then again,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Trancecoder said:
I haven't seen any English O2 ROMs. Why don't you just upgrade to another English ROM? (Make sure to follow MrVanx's guides when you upgrade)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
that right!
use one of other english rom (WWE rom) is the only choice (dopod, HTC...)
read more Wiki before upgrage

O2 ROM Needed

Hi All,
Looking at the XDA-DEV FTP, there seems to be some missing files.
The last official O2 XDA II ROM from O2 was 1.66.01
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Himalaya/ROM166
Is empty. The next versions are 1.7x which only containt Qtek and T-Mobile ROMS. Does anybody have the original 1.66.01 ROM from O2? All other ROM's aren't english (which doesn't help me, I only speak English!).

