XDA powers up w/ auto check email? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Hi all,
I've got an unlimited data plan and leave my data service connected permanently.
When the email checks, the entire PDA powers up, lights on and then shuts down. I've noticed the same with MS Messenger.
Can these programs run in the background without waking up the entire device, lighting and displaying the screen and then shutting down?

AFAIK it cant be that way - U cant run any app whet Your pocketpc is off. During the off state the only parts of the MDA that arestill working are Radio Stack (GSM part) and maybe some RTC able to turn device on when trigered. I guess that ppc uses some kind of suspend to ram technology.


Sprint Touch Pro data connection issues

I've owned a Touch Pro for a few months now and overall it's a good device. It has its quirks, but then again what phone doesn't? There is one problem in particular, however, that I can't seem to figure out. I've searched up and down in XDA Forums, and on Google, and I just can't find out a fix for my data connection always turning on for no reason. I have all my e-mail accounts set to "manual send / recieve", the weather program set to "update weather manually", and as far as I know there are no other programs on my phone that have access to the internet without my permission.
The problem I have is sometimes I will wake my phone up from its sleep mode, and I will discover that the data connection is active and appearing to be transmitting. Also, EVERY time I restart my phone and it goes through the boot process, the data connection will re-activate even before TouchFLO 3D opens up on the today screen. It's really annoying, because I have no idea what's causing it to do this, or why it does it at random times, or whenever I reset my device.
Does anyone have any solutions to this problem? I hate having to manually go in periodically and make sure my data connection is set to "off", instead of having it stay that way when I set it.
So no help on this one then?
I don't have a solution but I can help by bumping your thread and saying I have the same problem on Verizon. I was at a friend's place all weekend, and he has wifi all over, so I turned off data and used his wifi instead. Well sure enough all weekend my data connection kept turning itself back on. It seemed to happen only when going into sleep mode. So I kept the phone plugged in so it would never totally "sleep". Wifi stayed connected with no data connection starting automatically. Annoying especially considering the 5 GB data limit on the PDA plan.
Well I'm glad I'm at least not alone on this one. It's weird too that even though your device is on a different carrier, it still does the same thing. I wonder if it's a hardware issue?
I know that someone has to have an answer for this...
go into pocket express and press menu then go to express settings then on the top left theres a pulldown press it and go into auto updates and turn it off.. pissed me off when i got the phone.. couldnt find a fix till i started going through all the programs to find the one doing it.. and it was the stupid Pocket Express
I have had my MDA Compact V for a few months now, and it's only recently that I've had the same problem. Each time I switch on, my data connection starts or alternatively if I loose signal then get it back then I see my data connection is on again. Thankfully I have the Solo 20 package with unlimited net usage (although you're are limited to 1Gb/month) but it drains my battery really badly.
I went through every possible setting and program to switch off location settings or auto downloads/updates and I still have the same problem, but I downloaded Data Controller v1.00 from Freewarepocketpc.net and I can toggle my data connection on or off as I please.
Heres what you need
Install below cab, then use the NODATA app, select what you want off, PHONE AS MODEM and DATA are your two options I believe... Your data will never come back on... until you re-enable it that is....
Seems it's one or the other
What sucks is on my Sprint HTC touch pro 2 (cdma), I was having a problem where I couldn't answer calls all the time, but sometimes I could, and eventually found that it was always when the data connection was showing active is when I couldn't answer a call. But when that was happening, my data connection would turn back off after a few seconds when I was done using it. It was driving me crazy not being able to answer my calls and I finally found a post that let me correct that problem, it was changing the HKLM\Comm\ConnMgr\Planner\Settings\SuspendResume value that fixed this problem... the value of this registry setting was originally "GPRS_bye_if_device_off". This setting made it so the data connection would turn off when not being used, but it apparently messes up cdma phones from being able to switch over to answer an incoming phone call if the data connection is active. I changed this registry entry to "#777" as the post said to do, and sure enough, that corrected the problem with being able to answer my calls if the data connection is active. I'm real happy to have that working now, but when I changed this setting, my data connection is now always showing active (white arrows showing in status) and even if I turn it off manually, it comes on by it's self way more often than the every 4 hours I have it set to check emails.
There is a registry setting called CacheTime under the same Settings key as the above mentioned registry entry that I changed, that when the "GPRS_bye_if_device_off" value is used, the CacheTime key value will indeed control how long the data connection stays on before automatically turning off. But When I change the Entry to "#777" which is necessary to allow me to answer calls when data is active, then changing the CacheTime value has no effect and the data connection stays on until you manually turn it off.
I'd like to find a way to turn the data connection off, while still not messing up me being able to answer calls when the data connection is active, and seems to me that if both of these things can be done separately with two different registry settings, that it must be possible to do both.... so if any of you tech wizards can find a way to do this, I'd love to see it!
Possible Fix?
Hey, I have noticed the same problem. It is annoying from a battery life aspect as well as a system slowdown when coming out of sleep. I could not find much of a workaround except one of the settings in TD3 Tools I installed. In the "Data Connection" tab you can yurn on an option that makes your "End" key also terminate an active data connections. So if you hit it after waking your phone you won't have the annoying slowdown with your Sense UI...

HTC HD2 battery suspend problems

Hi, I've searched extensively on this and other forums about this issue with no luck...
My problem is my HD2 (1.72.841.0 telstra ROM) has stopped suspending when unplugged from AC power. Changing the backlight settings from sound & display doesn't help. This modifies HKLM/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Power/Timeouts/BattSuspendTimeout to the corresponding number of seconds. However, the phone stays on. I would have thought I have a hardware problem where it thinks it is still on AC power, but other battery-specific tmings, like dimming screen, are working.
Setting BattUserIdle to some values works (it either has to be <=120 or <= BattSuspendTimeout, haven't worked out which). However, something is resetting this to 0 after a while and I don't know what or when.
This is killing my battery life & driving me nuts. Manual suspend is not a good solution because it stops music playback after current song. Does anyone have any ideas what might be going on?
I've done a little extra testing on this problem. By setting the AC power suspend settings to five minutes I've been able to confirm that the HD2 isn't going into suspend from AC power, either. BattUserIdle, and the backlight dimming settings, must use a different set of rules to decide when the device has been idle. So I'm suspecting there is a process/service running on my HD2 that is keeping it awake. The question would be what? The only things I can think of that have changed just before the problem started is I installed Schap's Setup VoIP (v0.3), and I set up a push email account through windows live. I can't uninstall Schap's Setup VOIP (uninstall fails); I'll give disabling the push email a try...
Well, after trialling disabling Windows Live push email it looks like this is the culprit. I take it BattUserIdle must be the time from last user interaction to standby, while BattSuspendTimeout must be affected both by user interaction and by certain system activity. Push email keeping it awake must surely be a bug. Has anyone else been using Windows Live or other push email? I'd like to hear other people's experiences on this.

[Q] Auto Enable Bluetooth when receiving call

Hi all,
I would find a way to enable bluetooth automatically when a call is being received: in that way, when in my car, I can avoid to keep BT enabled "all the time" just waiting for a possible call of few minutes..... thus saving battery ;-)
Is there any application suited for that?
I was thinking to a workaround but it seems pretty tricky and I still miss a thing.
We could use G-Profile and configure a profile, with BT enabled, which starts automatically on these conditions satisfied:
a.. during a call
b.. when a “specific program/process” is running
Item (b) is needed in order to let the profile be enabled only when actually in car and not when I’m at home or so
Of course, I have to start that “specific program/process” when entering car and shutting it down when exiting.
What I miss is a program to be used for that purpose. I would use a “fake” program which simply does nothing (!!), let’s say a simple toggle-program:
- Click on program icon: starts the program
- Click again on program icon: stop the program
Is there such a “useless” program ? Could some of you write it (if interested in that) ? I’m not so able to write it
Thanks in advance for your support.
I also use G-Profile. I have created a profile that kills the incalllock when mycarprofile is running. incalllock locks the virtual keys on my HD so that I can only take the call with the slide to answer. mycarprofile automatically answers the incoming call and turns on the speaker phone. I use G-Profile to kill incalllock whenever I turn on mycarprofile and runs incalllock again when i trun off mycarprofile.
What you have to do with G-Profile is to create a profile that monitors if a program is running and also add the condition "during a call" to switch to that profile and turns on bluetooth
brusko1972, G-Profile is not free.
Any free apps out there for this kind of function?
You can probably try this.
still not working
ai6908 said:
You can probably try this.
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Dear ai6908, I appreciated your help: it really seems what I need but it's not working....
I have configured the CSDEVCTRL in order to:
- start when ringing or dialing a call
- turn on BT at call start
- turn off BT at call end
I have started the service.
When the call is being received the screen is locked by CSDEVCTRL but BT is not enabled at all.
Maybe I miss someting or it does not support windows mobile 6.5 (I have an HTC HD mini).
Any feedback are welcome !
You can try BTProfiler which I downloaded from xda developers a while back but unable find the thread now.
Not working on HTC hd2 wm 6.5
I downloaded this with high expectations that it would automatically turn my bluetooth off and on. I, too, am frustrated when I forget to turn bt off upon leaving my car. I set the program to run in the background, but the profiler does not work. I've tried all the conditions for turning bluetooth on or off automatically. Too bad, I was really hoping this would work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I just have a bluetooth icon placed in the programs on the main page. I tap it and it's on when I am in the car. I tap it again and it's off.
Simple, quick and very efficient to use.
Hi all,
And... fisrt of all, happy new year !
In reply to this thread, I've downloaded BTtoggle (which enables and disables BT just by tapping on the screen) and I was just thinking this morning that someone could have maybe written a program (a mortscript ?) which could be quicker than running this program when needed.
I've tested to put BT off and run the progam (BTtoggle) when the phone is ringing then switch on the BT earphone and... call is missed !
I was thinking in a program that could "see" that a BT "thing" (ear, dongle...) (I don't know how to name it) is running, running BTtoggle (which switches ON BT) and when this "thing" is switched off, running BTtoggle once again (which switches OFF BT).
The problem is like brontolo999, I know which are the questions to ask but unable to write the program that could be able to do that !
Thks in advance.

wifi and data bundle ..

My mozart is working fine with wifi, however just curious what I noticed:
as soon as i enter my work place or come back home my mozart gets connected with the wifi at each location. I noticed taht while Mozart is conneted to wifi, if it gos to lock state (screen black out after 1 minute) then it gets disconnected form wifi and while in locked state (power safe) it use hte data bundle allownce. is this the case with all or am i missing some setting here.
ZeeShh said:
My mozart is working fine with wifi, however just curious what I noticed:
as soon as i enter my work place or come back home my mozart gets connected with the wifi at each location. I noticed taht while Mozart is conneted to wifi, if it gos to lock state (screen black out after 1 minute) then it gets disconnected form wifi and while in locked state (power safe) it use hte data bundle allownce. is this the case with all or am i missing some setting here.
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Unfortunaltey I don't have my sources here, so I cant forward them to you. MS confirmed this was a feature, not a fault. It is built in to the operating system to prevent the battery from draining too fast due to the continuas WIFI usage.
So in order to be able to recieve TOAST and TILE notifications it enables the cell data. Shouldnt be much though, couple of kbytes.
I can't remember if they were gonna make a setting to avoid this in the future, but the original article on MSDN I read about it didnt mention such a "solution". I think microsoft will go for the "its not a bug, its a feature" approach. Feels kinda legit though. Worst concern for any smartphone user these days is battlife.
Thanks Sirstoner, it makes some sense and wish we get long life batteries. thanks.

Is there an Android phone that will auto power on if connect to charger?

Im looking for a Android powered GSM phone that will automatically turn itself back on if the battery is dead and power is reconnected.
I want to stash this in my vintage automobile and use tracking software to locate the vehicle in the unfortunate event its stolen. The only issue I need to solve is if the battery dies and the phone turns off how to turn it back on automatically. I plan to put the device in the door panels so access will be difficult.
Does anyone know of a phone that does this?
Not sure where to post a question like this so I figured I'd start here.
psychoholica said:
Im looking for a Android powered GSM phone that will automatically turn itself back on if the battery is dead and power is reconnected.
I want to stash this in my vintage automobile and use tracking software to locate the vehicle in the unfortunate event its stolen. The only issue I need to solve is if the battery dies and the phone turns off how to turn it back on automatically. I plan to put the device in the door panels so access will be difficult.
Does anyone know of a phone that does this?
Not sure where to post a question like this so I figured I'd start here.
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Please check NoMoarPowah! app from Chainfire - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.chainfire.nomoarpowah&hl=en
NoMoarPowah! can automatically reboot into Android when charging is done. Either when fully charged, or when the battery level reaches 15% and Android has enough juice to run.
The app is known to work on the following devices -
Tested on the following devices:
- Samsung Galaxy S (I9000) and family
- Samsung Galaxy S2 (I9100) and family
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" (P1000) and family
- Samsung Droid Charge
- Samsung/T-Mobile Sidekick 4G
- Samsung Continuum (ticker overlaps)
Awesome thank you!!
Kind of a useless app, since you have to select your option each use. May as well just plug in and power up.
Note 2 > Deodexed Stock ROM > Tapatalk 2
you should try with Tasker (but that's not a free app, unfortunately)
Car Charging
Intelligent Approach,
I have also did the same thing but with some alteration and continue improvements to it for my vehicle security, i also did the same but putted the phone in dashboard and connected it to car cigarette lighter socket internally,(simple wiring), whenever car starts, it will start charging and Battery Booster apps Prevents Overcharge.
But currently i have hidden my Phone Near Speakers at the Back, and integrated it with Car Key less entry Remote (Car Security), so when ever some Opens my Car Doors, Car security Sends 12v Current to Siren as well as Car Charger that is connected to Mobile.
My Mobile is Programmed using an simple App that Call my Phone Number whenever It detects "Car Charger Connected" Event.
In short I get informed by my car in case of Un Authorize Access simple.
Keep it Up.
how do you detect car charger connected event programmatically?
hi greatanjum,
thanks for your interesting post.
how do you detect car charger connected event programmatically?
could you please post a source code snippet about this?
Thank you
P.S. : I think I've gotted myself ... Using BatteryManager and its BATTERY_PLUGGED_* and EXTRA PLUGGED ...
Am I right?
psychoholica said:
Im looking for a Android powered GSM phone that will automatically turn itself back on if the battery is dead and power is reconnected.
I want to stash this in my vintage automobile and use tracking software to locate the vehicle in the unfortunate event its stolen. The only issue I need to solve is if the battery dies and the phone turns off how to turn it back on automatically. I plan to put the device in the door panels so access will be difficult.
Does anyone know of a phone that does this?
Not sure where to post a question like this so I figured I'd start here.
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if you flash TWRP and turn your phone off soon as it is connected to a charger it will boot into recovery, with that being said you easily the partition it boots into from recovery to system
i know this is a tad old post but it was near the top of google search so others may still find this thread useful
but samsung galaxy europa (its quite old and cheap £/$20 or less unlocked and locked) phone seem to work well for me only modification you have to make to the phone is the power button needs to be held down (at the start i used a clamp or large paperclip), so soon as power is received it turns on even after full power drain as when the charger is powered up it starts the auto charge which then checks the keys and sees the power/hangup button is pressed (power button is ignored as long as its left constantly held down so it not turn off) o and make sure sound is set to silent or the low battery warning will blaring away when it is running low (i do believe there is a extended battery you can get for the phone as well)
i use FollowMee for tracking and wheresmydroid as backup (has sms keyword triggering) FollowMee me never failed me) only issue is you need lots of account with wheresmydroid if you have more then 2 devices (assuming you want to use it to track via website if not the SMS keyword GPS one off tracking can be useful and it will use google WiFi Geolocation if GPS fails to work and a wifi access point is in range and you have mobile data) FollowMee does have a one off $3 or $6 payment for full 15-30 day history unlock (but works fine as free as well but will only show one current location at a time no history)
and disabled all automatic updates on google play (make sure you open google play a number of times with 5 minute delay between each open so it installs the newer version and let it update or it might get stuck in a loop and eat all mobile data) on the phone and push updates so only the app uses data (you could probably get away with a M2M sim as well), also set the phone to 2G only as 3G is bit flaky on samsung phones and 2G uses nearly no power as well

