how do you use the bandswitch selector? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

hi there...
i bought a Siemens SX56 from ebay while i was in the US. i downloaded the bandswitch selector so i can use it in my country, which is a gsm 900/1800 country. however, when i try to click on the bandswitch selector icon, the phone icon on the upper right side of the screen disappears!!!
can anyone please explain to me step by step how to install this valuable tool? i'm a bit dumb when it comes to techy stuff...

I am sorry to inform you that you probably have a phone that is capable only of 900/1900, no amount of switching will enable it to work on 900/1800. On the label at the rear of your device you will see the letters PW10B1 or PW10A1, if you have the label with the first figures it will not work on 1800 but will work on Vodafone or O2. Orange/T Mobile/Virgin will not work. Hope this helps.

When you make a hard reset, and press the "calendar" button, you can switch to 900/1800 band....
My XDA it's PW10B1
Hope it help you.

thanks for all the info guys! really appreciate it.
As i am still travelling right now (i don't have my xda with me ) i haven't tried the bootloader method. did it work for you? if it worked for you, then chances are it will work for me as well. my sx56 is also PW10B1.
What do you think?

The bootloader will switch the radio but you will not be able to use 1800 networks, your phone is not physically capable of doing so regardless of the bandswitch feature so really there is no point in doing it.

I was able to try my sx56 back home (philippines - gsm 900/1800).
It works just fine!

Wicheslady, are you claiming that your phone which is not capable of working on 1800 is in fact working on 1800. Choosing 900/1800 in the bandswitcher does not endow the phone with new hardware, it will work only on the 900 band in a country that uses 900/1800.


O2 xda tri-band phone

Hi there!
I live in France and I go often to California. I always had a spare GSM phone tri-band for the US and Canada.
Last March, I bought an O2 xda in Australia, in a Telstra shop, thinking it was a bi-band phone. Back in Paris, I found this site and learned how to access tho the GSM menu (I had found myself how to access to the Wallaby bootloader 5.17, but I didn't press any other key after the message "GSM OK").
I've just come back from San Diego and while I was there I changed the band to "1900"... and the xda worked perfect!!! Back in Paris, I've switched back to 900/1800 and I'm using again the European networks
Thank you!
We've always believed the phone had physically different hardware for 900/1800 and 900/1900 operation, and I seem to remember seeing negative test results.
The O2 XDA you bought for sure is 900/1800 and not 900/1900 ? (remember: it would work in Paris if your provider is on 900).
Let's all follow up on this one carefully. For now, let us not imediately assume the units are tri-band.
I have heard that O2 are likely to release a tri-band version with 64Mb internal RAM.
This will be called the XDA 64i and is likely to sport Bluetooth also.
Any further news on this appreciated.
Hey ArtZ
Let us know if your carrier is a 1800 Mhz Carrier.
If the XDA is triband that would be absolutly awesome.
Hey guys
Can we have more info and more confirmation (more experience in this ?)
My carrier, SFR is a 900Mhz carrier. In fact SFR (Vodafone) and Orange (France Telecom) use the 900 Mhz but in some places to avoid network congestion they use also 1800 Mhz band. BOUYGTEL (Bouygues Telecom) uses only the 1800 Mhz band.
I've just made a test. I have configured the phone as 1800 Mhz only. I couldn't find my carrier SFR. Then I tried to select manually the network and I only could see BOUYGTEL (1800 Mhz). I have tried in the past my XDA with a BOUYGTEL car also and it works fine. So my phone is configured for 900/1800 carriers.
After this, I changed network again (1900 Mhz) in Wallaby bootloader. Then I cannot see any carrier. In California I was connected to Pacific Bell using the 1900 setting.
As I told you before, I bought my xda in Australia last March with the latest firmware. It's a 64 Mb internal RAM
I'll be back in California (on vacation) on June 30th for 10 days. If you wanna make tests...
Hi ArtZ
This sounds great.
Sorry to bother you, but can you tell us please which firmware U are using for the PDA and for the phone?
Thanx! :idea:
PS: for me it will be end of the year, so this is a long time...
I forgot to tell you the versions installed (I haven't updated them yet) are:
RUU 3.14.17
RSU 4.17
I don't think my xda is the XDA 64i. It has no Bluetooth. I think the 64Mb version just came out in Australia when I was there in March. There're are maybe harware changes with the 32Mb version and the 64Mb is a tri-band.
Hope that helps.
It's me again, sorry to bother you.
I run all the tests from the Wallaby bootloader. The version I have is GPRS 4
It will be interesting to check if you have new versions over there.
I found out that the xda has just arrived in France by Bouygues. I will try to get more information about it but I think it's the same model I have. Bouygues doesn't say if the HTC iPDA is a bi-band or a tri-band telephone
My version is GPRS 4.1332s54 What ever this means? :shock:
how to change the frequency?
HI Artz,
Great news you have given. Can you please clarify step by step how you changed the network frequency of the phone?
Look on the back of the device, the part number will tell you if it is a 1900 unit or not.
PW10A1 is the 900/1800
PW10B1 is the 900/1900
The Bootloader is identical. CE is different as the option to chose the 1900 band (which you have to do manually) is only in 1900 CE versions.
The hardware is different between the two versions. The radio circuits and filters are different. You "could" switch the radio of a 1800 unit to try and do 1900, but your coverage would be extreemly poor as the 1800 filter is actually filtering out half of the 1900 band.
Your 1900 operator will NOT like you.
superblurr, lazy boy! :roll:
All information is here, in Just take a look at this page
It will be nice if someone from the States comes to Europe and try his xda here. And if you go to the States (or Canada) take your xda with you. It's the only way to find out if there're different models
My version is:
GPRS 4.1332s54 (as silversurfer)
RUU: 3.14.17
RSU: 4.17
Model: PW10A1
Anybody got a spare XDA they want to send to the US for testing for a few days? It usually only costs me about $12 to ship something that size to Europe, and takes about 5 days. I would imagine it to be similar the other way.
this sounds great! i own a 900/1900 from t-mobile. is it then possible to change my 1900 into a 1800 mhz? because i get sometimes no network signal. i live in europe, and need the 900/1800...
Can anyone explain please?
I bought a US T-Mobile (PW10B1) and did a SER1.2 flash, it went flawless....Thanks to the xda-developer team and Jef, you guys are the best!! The only bug I notice so far is Phonext which is not working at all. I am using the phone in Singapore using the 900/1800 band and it works perfectly. I've been reading about TMO2003 in this forum, my question is does this upgrade come with bandswitch.exe, this feature is very essential to me as I travel very extensively btw Asia, Europe and the US. By the way does anybody know what is a .rar and .nbf file? :?:
.rar files are compressed files like zip.
download a freeware prog called winrar and you'll be all set.
The UK will see the new XDA from O2 by the end of this year.
It's now known as the XDA II
it will be 64Mb, tri-band and bluetooth plus a built in camera and enhancements to the wi-fi link etc.
Thanks Rustek. How about .nbf flies? Is TMO2003 for PPC2003 only? what's the diff. compared to SER1.2?

T-Mobile PPC-PE on Orange UK

Please tell me there is a way to get the T-Mobile version of the XDA (from Canada) to work on the Orange network in the UK! :roll: :?:
I have just bought one for my Dad (I already have an O2 XDA on Orange) and I've gone into the bootloader and selected radio 900/1800 which i believe is what orange runs on, but when I put my Sim into the device it just says no service
It's currently got RS 6.24.00 on the device, do I need to change this to 4.21.00 ?
If so how ? As I can't see the option in the bootloader to load/backup rom's like on mine
Please help
Anyone ?
try to do a search i'm pretty sure that the gsm settings cant just be changed in software, and if thats the case then a US (900/1900) can never be used in EU (900/1800)
xda2 dont have that issues because it's triband (900/1800/1900)
Have tried searching already... couldn't find anything of relevance
There is the option in the bootloader that includes 1800, can't remember what the other exact options were as I don't have the phone with me atm. But I'm pretty sure the one I selected was 900/1800, so I hope (and pray) that this phone supports 1800.
Do I also need to select the band through WM2003 aswell as doing it in the bootloader?
Can someone confirm what band the UK networks Orange and Vodafone use, just to make sure I'm trying it with the right ones...
Any help much appreciated, as I'm getting desperate on this one, as its a crimbo present for my dad..
Cheers :wink:
EU as in all cellphone companies use 900/1800
it's the EU std like PAL is
US use 900/1900 and i dont think anybody else use that
did a quick search in the forum and came across this
S**t S**t S**t thats not good
I've just been doing some searching on google and found that Cellnet and Vodafone use 900 & 1800, and Orange and One2One use 1800.
Does this mean I will be able to use Voda or Cellnet as they use 900.. and the phone is on 900 / 1900 ????
Probably, just shove a voda or O2 card in and see what happens.
Thanks to everyone who helped, my Dad has now been given his PPC and it works on Voda

Help please! Can a Wallaby work on Cingular Wireless, USA?

I've tried to get my beloved Wallaby working now on two USA networks, T-Mobile and Cingular to no avail. I bought this new as an O2 XDA 1 in England while I was living there and miss using it so bad.
I've installed the full xda developers kit. It looks good and very functional, but I've never been able to get the phone to turn on with my new SIM from Cingular or my old one from T-Mobile.
I've tried the bandwith switcher and no dice, not on any of the frequencies. I have the model number 10A1 which is listed at only 900/1800 but Cingular runs on 900/1900 I've been told. Wouldn't it just use 900?
I'm so lost and confused. A little help anyone?
According to a friend of mine who inserted Cingular SIM to his unlocked T-mobile pocket pc phone and it worked fine.
IT works...but could use some help.
I can confirm:
Yes, Unlocked Wallaby + Cingular SIM card = GSM and GPRS connectivity. Works fine, except recpetion is retivively crap in my area (compared to Motorola RAZR, the Wallaby frankly sucks for reception.
Any thought about a RSU upgrade that might help? Phone states it is on 6.18.00
You need the 10B1 board for the USA since 1900 is used in the US
You need the 10B1 board for the USA since 1900 is used in the US


My Tmobile MDA is showing no signal after i unlocked it with the special edition rom. It doesnt seem to be able to read any network in my country. A few minutes ago i just had an idea or it jus toccured to me that maybe its the band. please is there a way i can choose bands on the phone!!
I think we use 1800 in nigeria.
You can choose band by pushing reset while pushing power, once entered bootloader push button below antenna, choose your band from there. This may cause a hard reset so backup first. Are you sure your phone is capable of 900/1800? Some phones are 900/1900. If you look on the label it should be PW10A1 for 900/1800. if it is PW10B1 then it wont work on 1800 band. Even if you choose 1800 band in bootloader menu it wont work unless label shows 10A1.
thanks alot. I kind of found out how to fix it about 5mins after i sent the post. :?:

Question about the XDA Developers Rom.....

Hi, I have a Wallaby which was originally from the United States. I live in England however. I downloaded the XDA Developers Rom and installed it which unlocked my device with no problems. However, the only network I seem able to use is O2 (I tried a friends chip) but I want to use my T-Mobile UK chip. I tried the function included in the rom which allows you to switch bands but I still cant get it to recognise T-Mobile, I don't know if it is anything to do with the radio stack, I don't think it is but I could be wrong? Anyway, can any of you offer anyt advice or have you maybe had the same or a similar problem? If so I would really appreciate any imput you might have. Many thanks.
xda1 is only dualband and us xda1's only support 900/1900 not 900/1800 like eu use no way of getting around that really
my previous wallaby was phone edition DT Com from the states, friend of mine which bought it there for me unlocked it and I used it normally in Bosnia, also he had one US wallaby marked as siemens sx56 also unlocked and used here too. As far as I can remember he also bought one more for his cousin here too... Now you know where all those old wallabys are - here !
Dont want to argue is it possible or not just want to inform you, maybe those wallabys was some special kind, dont know.
900Mhz is used by both us and eu so operators who use that band are supported but there is no way to make a dual band a tri band or any way to change a eu dualband to a us dualband that i know of
My Qtek 1020, incidentally bought in the UK, also suffers from this 'feature' and as a result only works on O2 and Vodafone (maybe others but those for sure), but definitely not on T-Mobile and Orange.

