M1000 voice dial - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Does anyone know how to enable this on an Orange SPV M1000 because it's possible on an XDA 2 with o2.
This is the only limitation I can see to an otherwise brilliant phone.

I forgot to log in before posting this topic!

Hello there fellow M1000 user.
You can use voice dial but you have to use a third party app such as MS Voice Commander. This works pretty well with the M1000, i tried it before i updated to WM2003SE.

Sorry, no xda's have voice dial as standard
MS Voice command was only release in the USA so you could try something like emule to find it. Drop me a PM if you have any problems

i have bought voice command. Bought it through ebay but wanted to test it first b4 i bought it.
since it is not available as trial, had to "obtain" it first.

As I understand it, you can voice dial on the M1000/XDAII/... using some third party software (such as voice commander although I've not used this) but you cannot combine this with a bluetooth headset for use in the car. i.e. you can't use a bluetooth headset for voice dialling with the M1000.
I'm not sure what ROM version I have on my M1000, it's more than a few months old now, but this is the only thing really lacking on the device (and battery life!)



I have asked around before about getting the WM6 VoIP on this bad boy, and no one seems interested. The standard Cab files will not work, and it has been speculated this is because of some missing certificate files.
I know there are few out there with other devices that have the 6800 as well, and we can compare the certificate files between the two devices to see if we can get this working.
Certificate bypass...
Have you tried "unlocking" the certificate requirements through the registry?
The settings are available on the HTC WIKI here: http://www.htcwiki.com/page/P4000+Telus?t=anon and will allow programs/cabs to be installed regardless of certificate authentication. Bear in mind, this is NOT a method of unlocking the phone for another network, simply a means to dismiss certificate requirements for program installation.
I'm not interested in the VOIP per se, but if the certificate is the problem, this might be a viable solution... I hope it helps.
Yes I have unlocked the phone. As said its only sepeculated its a certificate issue. After installing the WM6 Voip cab file, all files that are recommended you check for, are there, but the phone does not give you the option to select internet calling.
I have tried it too cannot get the today plugin to show....
internet calling just doesn't show up
webdude12 said:
Yes I have unlocked the phone. As said its only sepeculated its a certificate issue. After installing the WM6 Voip cab file, all files that are recommended you check for, are there, but the phone does not give you the option to select internet calling.
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all files installed, internet calling checked in today's settings, but doesn't appear on today's screen.
does anyone knows what's wrong with ppc6800?
Does anyone have another WM6 device that they have the VoIP Client working on. I think the key maybe a missing Registery setting, but dont have another device to compare too.
Look in this key:
I am guessing for something along the lines of: HiddenInternetPhone or HiddenVoip with a value of 0.
No "Internet Calling" on HTC P4000 (Telus)
I have the same problem. I installed WM6VoIP.CAB and SetupVoIP_v0.3.CAB, and setup access to the voip provider sip server (voipbuster.com). I was logged into voipbuster on my laptop, and as soon as I clicked ok from the "Setup VOIP" page, I received a message on my laptop indicating that I've been logged out of voipbuster because I have logged in from another computer. So, this means that Internet Calling is indeed working (or at least connected to the voip sip server), but just doesn't show up on the Today screen. I can see the "Internet Calling" option in Settings > Today > Items page, but "Internet Calling" does not appear in the Today page. It may be hidden or missing due to a registry key as the previous poster suggests. I have no idea what that key would be, but if anybody could look and see if you can find anything that would ShowInternetCalling, HideInternetCalling, or something similar in the registry, that would be much appreciated. Thanks.
VOIP works with no Internet Calling on Today Screen
I have an HTC P4000 (Titan, PPC6800) on the Telus network. And by installing WM6VoIP.CAB and SetupVoIP_v0.3.CAB, I was able to go into the SetupVoIP app and on the last tap, set it to "Whenver Available." This causes VOIP to become active if there is a WiFi connection. Nothing shows up on the Today Screen, but in the Phone screen, TELUS changes to VOIP (or whatever you name the SIP connection). After that, all calls are being routed through the voip provider.
The volume of the rear speaker (and earpiece when connected) is rather low, but definitely audible. That's the last piece of the puzzle I have to figure out.
Now Working, just a few bugs
Ok I’ve got the WM6 sip client working on my phone (telus-p4000) the same way with all the same problems as sabrex does. I’ve tried many voip clients on this phone with the same speaker problem, I’ve read some where that the HTC api doesn’t reference how to access the earpiece speaker on the p4000. Believe me these other voip clients work on almost every phone with proper speaker output, it’s just the p4000 that routes the sound to the rear speaker. So what it looks like is the sip extension to the phone software is trying to use the default wm6 routing path there by pushing all the audio to the rear speaker instead of the earpiece. Now a work around like sabrex said is to use the corded external earpiece. I haven’t been able to get any Bluetooth headsets to work on any of the other voip clients but maybe someone will have better luck with the wm6 client. I don’t know much about sound routing in wm6 but any help with a direction to look in would be appreciated, but I think HTC will be the only ones capable of helping with this.
sabrex said:
I have an HTC P4000 (Titan, PPC6800) on the Telus network. And by installing WM6VoIP.CAB and SetupVoIP_v0.3.CAB, I was able to go into the SetupVoIP app and on the last tap, set it to "Whenver Available." This causes VOIP to become active if there is a WiFi connection. Nothing shows up on the Today Screen, but in the Phone screen, TELUS changes to VOIP (or whatever you name the SIP connection). After that, all calls are being routed through the voip provider.
The volume of the rear speaker (and earpiece when connected) is rather low, but definitely audible. That's the last piece of the puzzle I have to figure out.
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Has anyone been able to get the Today screen plugin to work with the P4000?
Hi All
Can anyone tell me where i can get hold of SetupVoIP_v0.3.CAB ?? Many Thanks!!
Where to get SetupVoIP
Found it here:
This with WM6VoIP.CAB got it working on my Bell HTC-6800 (HTC Mogul / Titan). It's a user-contrib setup program that handles files and registry settings. Doesn't show on today screen, but it does redirect my phone to SIP when WiFi is available.
I've heard mention of a newer WM6VoIP.CAB, but I can't find it. The setup I have working puts audio through the back speaker, and from what I've read will be prone to very quiet audio.
Can you tell me how to di it from scratch? New Phone
i just got my Bell HTC-6800
Do I need to unlock it some how for this to work?
I have tried installing WM6VoIP.CAB and using SetupVoIP_v0.3.CAB to no avail.
Please post details of "no avail". How far did you get, any error messages?
Did you configure SIP using SetupVoIP?
- use Start / Programs / Setup VoIP?
- docs / support here
- did you set options to "whenever available", or "only if cell is not available"?
Which SIP provider are you using?
Are you using 802.11? Browser works?
When you view the phone screen, does the top left show VoIP (vs Bell Mobility)?
The Today screen doesn't work on my 6800, and I don't know how to solve it. I can place and receive calls, but the received audio is very quiet and comes through the handsfree (back) speaker. Headset is also very quiet (both wired and bluetooth). But when I'm at our remote mining areas I can place and receive calls.
Are you experienced with VoIP in general, and SIP in particular?
The whole story is in this very long thread:
got it working on bell 6800
gadzuk said:
Found it here:
This with WM6VoIP.CAB got it working on my Bell HTC-6800 (HTC Mogul / Titan). It's a user-contrib setup program that handles files and registry settings. Doesn't show on today screen, but it does redirect my phone to SIP when WiFi is available.
I've heard mention of a newer WM6VoIP.CAB, but I can't find it. The setup I have working puts audio through the back speaker, and from what I've read will be prone to very quiet audio.
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thanks for all the info here guys, i was able to get it working today on a bell 6800. im disappointed in the sound and features though. i have a nokia E70 and i use it's built in sip client which works will all the features of my asterisk PBX. i hope that this software will continue to improve.
Hi folks,
anyone managed to fix the audio problem on Titan ( P4000)
I get audio from the back speaher only
back speaker audio
this is what i heard about the problem
Apparently HTC does not use standard Windows Mobile Audio paths on their devices as opposed to some of the other device manufactures.
This is word for word from HTC:
“It works on most other Windows Mobile devices because they more than likely use Microsoft standard audio path controls, HTC uses their own software architecture which is why it doesn't perform the same.”
Well, that sucks ...
They supply 80% of PDA phones to the market
and there is no work around it ?
My question, why is the sound quiet? Any other application that would put sound out would be normal volume. Why is the VoIP quiet then??
AGEphone Mobile 2 Speakerphone Edition does support the internal speaker on some select models (more to follow!) as of now!

Voice dial

Hi all !
I just joined xda..cheers to everybody here !
I bought a brand new p500 a few days ago, and coming from very simple nokia phone to android is quite a jump..however no worries or problems, just getting used at it.
I fail to understand how and if voice dial works - some websites state it does, others it doesn't. As a matter of fact, no matter which language I choose, I cannot see how to use it.
My old nokia was very simple: pre-recorded name or nick was pointing to single numbers, and by pushing the BT headset button and saying the name was triggering the call.
Now, with android it seems to be at light years from here.. is anybody able to clarify how to do it ?
Thanks in advance
ps: this is a pretty basic functionality android should have for business users.
My experience with Android phones (myTouch 3G Slide, Samsung Vibrant, now LG Optimus T) is that while advanced in some areas, voice dialing is not one of them.
That said, my Optimus T voice dials OK over Bluetooth. I had to go to the settings under Voice Input and Output and download the Text-to-Speech resources. Then, it will give voice prompts. It works with my Jabra BT8040 just like on my Blackberry. I hold the button on the headset down until I get the second beep. Then wait for the prompt and say "Call So-and-so" It will then respond with "So-and-so mobile one calling."
It hasn't been as accurate as my Blackberry 9700, but it works if I speak clearly. Also, the voice prompts are too low in volume and I havent figured out how to fix that.
i only have google voice search in my optimus one. by pressing and holding searh button.
how can you voice dial?
Thanks for sharing your experience.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong, all appears correctly configured but I see no mic icon in the contacts app in any of the four tabs. Pressing the button on my BT headset does nothing except a short funny sound (with my old Nokia it meant something like "wait for connection"). Holding the same button places a call to the last incoming call number (or last outgoing one).
btw, I'm in Italy - wonder if the reason is language related. I can't be 100% sure, however, because even by setting language to English (U.S.) situation remains the same..
Hope that some android developer is reading this ..

[Q] Bluetooth voice dialing problem

I installed " Cyberon Voice Commander " from the Market on my Galaxy S2.
The first time I used my Bluetooth headset to voice dial, the phone asked me to choose which default program I would like to use for Bluetooth voice dialing, the Cyberon voice commander or the Vlingo voice commands, I chose the Cyberon and from then on every time I pressed the Bluetooth headset it would initiate a call using the Cyberon voice commander.
Recently something changed, every time I am pressing the Bluetooth headset it starts the Vlingo voice commands, no matter what I do I can't go back to use the Cyberon voice commander as my default program, I can only use Cyberon if I open the program through my phone.
I tried using voice input and output settings and looking also through the setting of Cyberon and Vlingo, nothing works.
Could someone tell me what am I doing wrong? How do I change the default back to Cyberon.
Many Thanks.
Same problem
I have the same problem, but Galaxy s2 never asked me what application to set as preferred.. simply I can't set Cyberon to start when pressing BT button.
It always start slingo. Maybe because my GS2 was already updated.
Cyberon wrote me it's a samsung not standard managing of BT events.
From what you wrote it seems that at the beginning the implementetion was standard, than an update broke it up.
Have you updated ROM or are samsung apps updates?
It would be nice to repack the old apps to turn back the possibility to choose BT event.
For now I use Tasker to kill Samsung Voice command process and start cyberon. It works fairy well.. but not always perfectly.
Very annoying!!
Any one??
Hi same problem here. I would like to chose the application to start with the bt headset button, but the phone forces to use the vlingo app.
My father has this app on his SGS2 and actually emailed developers about this problem.
The extremely polite and professional support (seriously, I have never read such a concrete and polite reply from a software company, ever!) said, that this is a firmware limitation and they cannot fix it.
I think this started happening after he updated firmware from Polish KF1 to newer one.
They said, that unless Samsung changes this behaviour, they cannot do anything about it, at least they are not aware of the solution for now.
Yes Cyberon folks are very kindly and polite!!
I have found a fix!!
* Root your device
* Set google as default voice recognition instead of vlingo in settings>voice recognition (not sure this is important to do)
* Install Titanium backup (i Have paid full version, but probably you can use free
* Disable "comandi vocali" (Italy) which in english should be like "voice commands"
* Than I have cancelled the BR pairing, restarted the phone and paired BT again...
* Set Cyberon to use long press bt button to start
Hi all.
Yesterday I've updated firmware through KIES to last one for my region. And now I'm facing same problem
Before updating it was possible to select which app will be default for voice dial. Now, even after factory reset, phone doesn't ask me which app to use. And I unable to find "Voice Talk" in the list of All applications to change its defaults.
I don't want to root device and don't want to install firmware through ODIN. Don't ask why Just want my device to be clear.
Any help with this problem will be highly appreciated.
Thank you
Any news about this issue?
Hi all.
Today I've updated firmware through KIES to last one (KG2) for my region (Romania). Now I'm facing same problem as all the others.
Before updating it was possible to select which app will be default for voice dial (Cyberon Voice Speed Dial). Now it is launching the Vlingo by default.
I changed to Google Voice but in vain... It's still launching this useless Vlingo.
Does anybody has found a solution without rooting the phone?
stefanjadex said:
Hi all.
Today I've updated firmware through KIES to last one (KG2) for my region (Romania). Now I'm facing same problem as all the others.
Before updating it was possible to select which app will be default for voice dial (Cyberon Voice Speed Dial). Now it is launching the Vlingo by default.
I changed to Google Voice but in vain... It's still launching this useless Vlingo.
Does anybody has found a solution without rooting the phone?
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I applied solution described in post #5. It works fine.
....but you must be rooted
I have a slightly different problem...
I have no issue using Vlingo (if it worked)
Firstly, it's not responding to pressing the button on my bluetooth anymore.
Secondly, when it did, the device had to be unlocked for it to work.
Damn you Vlingo.
The only legal solution is unfortunately this, as far as I know:
1 Backup the phone
2 Take it to authorized repair service
3 They will "degrade" firmware to the last version which was problem free
4 Restore from backup and hope it will work. More chance to succesfully restore is if you made a backup on previous firmware
5 Reinstall all the apps.
Well done Samsung
Bytheway can anyone tell me what was their last firmware that did not have this issue?
Awful solution.
Anyone with the latest 2.3.4 firmware here? Can you confirm this bug?
Ray Adams said:
Awful solution.
Anyone with the latest 2.3.4 firmware here? Can you confirm this bug?
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I agree but does anyone knows any better without rooting? Everyone must decide the importance of being able to use bluetooth calling from the car. I personaly need it so much I am willing to degrade firmware. I waited with buying gs2 until voice speed dial came up.
Anybody out there good enough to know how to disable or erase voice talk app, integrated in GS2?
Your first question should be how to use the search function in this forum.
Update solved the problem
Yesterday my Galaxy SII got an update, Android OS got updated from 2.3.4 to version 2.3.6 and Baseband version is now SC02COMKL4.
Now I am able to activate the voice dialing by a long push on the Bluetooth connect button.
Where's voice input key
Overall wonderful rom!! .. but I couldn't find Mic key for activating voice input in my keyboard, evev if in Settings->Keyboard&Languages->"Voice input key" I set both "on main keyboard" or On symbols keyboard".
Anyone can give me a suggestion?
lwizard said:
Yes Cyberon folks are very kindly and polite!!
I have found a fix!!
* Root your device
* Set google as default voice recognition instead of vlingo in settings>voice recognition (not sure this is important to do)
* Install Titanium backup (i Have paid full version, but probably you can use free
* Disable "comandi vocali" (Italy) which in english should be like "voice commands"
* Than I have cancelled the BR pairing, restarted the phone and paired BT again...
* Set Cyberon to use long press bt button to start
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I can start Cyberon Voice Commander (CVC) with BT headset button.
But there is only one problem that I can not solve anymore:
Everytime Note2 is turned off completely or restarted, I have to reassign the BT headset button to Cyberon Voice Comander.
Is there any genious gentleman to help me ?

Anyone know of a voice dialer app ...

... that will actually allow you to confirm YES or NO before dialing. My old WM6 phone had that built in (Windows Voice Command), but Android stock voice dialer does not. It can get fairly problematic if you have business contacts on your phone, and you try to call a friend and it mishears and dials them straight away.
Any recommendations are appreciated.
Try Vlingo. It's pretty spot on as is but gives you a good few seconds to cancel the dial.
another +1 for vlingo
+1 for vlingo, been happy with it since my blackberry days

Bluetooth Voice Dialing Problems

I have been having trouble with my Note i717 voice dialing over Bluetooth. I pair it to my Pioneer DEH-P710BT care stereo, transfers phonebook and works when dialing with phone manually or by selecting name on deck.
My problem is with the voice dialing from the deck. I say the name but it keeps selecting a wrong name/number for each name I say. It will have the same wrong name for one name that I say, no matter how many times or clear I say it. It will give a different wrong name for another name that I say. I have tried saying last name before first name as well and it still doesn't select the right name. It feels like its just translating it wrong into text since it keeps selecting the same wrong name for each specific contact???
I had the same problem with my Nexus S. The exact same setup works fine with my Galaxy S2 i9100, HTC Nexus one and LG GW620. They all call the correct name.
-I have no lockscreen lock or password
-I have tried google voice search and Vlingo as default voice input
-Listen via Bluetooth is selected in Vlingo (tried without selected as well)
-Phone & Media profile are selected in the bluetooth settings for the deck
I am hoping there is a fix and its not some compatibility issue with certain samsung phones and my Pioneer deck. So far only 1/3 of my samsung phones work.
Anyone else have this problem? Ideas? thanks
How did you change between voice search and Vlingo as the default voice input? I have similar problems with voice dialing on a number of android phones and I'd like to try some other programs to see if it's a software fixable issue, but I can't get the phone do launch anything but Vlingo.
hausman said:
How did you change between voice search and Vlingo as the default voice input? I have similar problems with voice dialing on a number of android phones and I'd like to try some other programs to see if it's a software fixable issue, but I can't get the phone do launch anything but Vlingo.
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Settings/Voice input and output/Voice input/Voice recognition
I have the Rogers Canadian SGH-I717R.
Changing that setting on the AT&T version does nothing, unfortunately....vlingo always picks it up. Oh well, was worth a shot since I've had better luck with cyberon voice commander.
Same issue here. At first I thought it was my car 2012 Hyundai Sonata. Deleted contact list out of the car a couple of times and tried pairing multiple times. The GNote pairs fine but gets the wrong name frequently.
Mine gets the wrong contact all of the time.
Doesn't anyone else have this problem?
Sure...had that since my first Android handset. So I started using Cyberon, which works better and has a confirmation mode (since I got tired of Android ringing up some bagel shop in Hoboken every time I tried to call my mom - I live in California BTW), but the Note doesn't offer the ability to have the bluetooth multi-function button start any app other than Vlingo, which doesn't meet my needs because it doesn't work through the phone lock screen when my phone is suspended.
If I'm going to have to pull the phone out of my pocket, unlock it, and then voice dial, what's the point.
WM6.5 had this functionality working beautifully in about 2007.
hausman said:
Sure...had that since my first Android handset. So I started using Cyberon, which works better and has a confirmation mode (since I got tired of Android ringing up some bagel shop in Hoboken every time I tried to call my mom - I live in California BTW), but the Note doesn't offer the ability to have the bluetooth multi-function button start any app other than Vlingo, which doesn't meet my needs because it doesn't work through the phone lock screen when my phone is suspended.
If I'm going to have to pull the phone out of my pocket, unlock it, and then voice dial, what's the point.
WM6.5 had this functionality working beautifully in about 2007.
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Odd... are you saying you can't voice dial thru your car's BT without physically unlocking the phone?
I can voice dial just fine (locked & unlocked) on mine through the Ford Sync in my car.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA App
Are you screen locked or password locked? I haven't tried it in my car yet (don't really need to as my car can read the phone book and I can dial by touch), but Vlingo will not respond to my bluetooth headset at all when the phone is PIN/password locked.

