How to upgrade to WM2003SE? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Is it possible to upgrade my XDA II to WM2003SE? If it is, where can I download the file and what is it called? Is there also upgrade instructions? Is it OK if I install ROM v1.72.187 from O2 UK, since the last time I check O2 Asia still not providing it?
Thanks for your help guys because I'm still new to this thing and excuse my english

Geez! You're joking, right?

Thanks for helping since I just use XDA II
Does anyone upload the ROM v1.72.187 software on this forum? I tried to download from sourceo2 and unsuccessful.

You'll need the 2.06 ROM to upgrade to WM03SE. I would suggest searching for topics by author ZeroXtreme. He posted a howto on that with the files needed. But before you do any flashing, please read all articles posted in this forum about ROM will get you safely to the promised land.

Thanks bravo2zero, i try to search.
Suppose I install 2.06 ROM, how to install Extended ROM as I already download Extended ROM 172.181 Customised Asian Edition Version 2?
Still learning...

not sure if i remember this but when i updated to se; i downloaded the rom package (zip file) which includes other files such as the extended rom. your only concern would be to double click the upgrade exe file; from there the app installs the rom and the other related stuff (like the extended rom). when you do this, remember to keep your unit on the cradle with the power source plugged in. once the upgrade starts; you may need to wait for like 30-45 minutes (not sure). don't touch the unit, just leave her alone until the rom upgrade is complete.
oh, and if i remember you're supposed to do a soft reset before you plug in for the upgrade. in case your screen blanks out and says somethings like "serial 1.0something"; don't fret. simply take it out of the cradle, do a soft reset, and repeat the upgrade.
but if your unit really does die on you and you can't get her back to the land of the living, then what you would have is a very expensive brick
good luck

very helpful....
thanks robson, i'll try and let u know whether it'll be "new" xda II or just an expensive brick

Happy face...
Finally, my XDA II upgraded after a frustated process. Now my device read like this:
ROM: 2.02.t1WWE
Radio: 1.18.00
Protocol: 1337.38
ExtROM: 1.12.924 WWE
and WM2003SE
Well robson, i did it and its "new" XDA II not an expensive brick :wink:
However, I still can't install O2plus. Does anyone know how to install *.rar file?

Just download WinRar from if you don't have one and unrar the file.

Please help me ilmans!
-i'm also using xdaII and i really want to upgrade it to WM2003SE.Can u help me out coz i really dont understand what excatly you guys wrote in the forum
-for your info, i'm not really good with these IT's stuff
-so could u please help me out buddy

to: ilmans
congrats mate, see that wasn't as hard. for o2 plus, just be a little careful. some mates in the forum ran into some issues with installing that app. some say it installed flawlessly, some said it hung up their units and thus resulted in a hard reset. in any case, do be careful.
to: valkyrie
that's the link that will take you the post made by zeroextreme; the same dude that made it possible for upgrading your unit if you're based in asia. since you're in malaysia, then chances are this is the rom for you.
what you do is download the zip file; i think it contains something like 4 (?) files. unzip it in a folder, you'll notice the file with the name with the exe file extension, you only need to be concerned with this file. don't touch the others. what you do is do a soft reset on your unit, you then put it on the cradle. make sure that the power source is plugged in. once the unit is synced; you then double click the exe file for the upgrade. this basically erases your present rom (the one in your xda) and replaces it with the updated one. take note; the ugrade will take roughly 30 to 45 minutes, so go get a pint or go to the loo or something. the exe file will be the one to handle things like upgrading your radio and installing the external rom; so again don't bother with the other files. while upgrading, don't touch your unit and leave her alone. don't remove the power source, don't uncradle her, in other words leave her alone. once it's all done just follow the on-screen instructions. i think it'll tell you to do a hard reset and from there your unit should be up and running with the new rom.
oh, and as per my post above if in case your unit dies the first time around and your screen has something like "serial ver 1.something", or anything on the screen (even a picture of a naked babe ) don't fret. simply uncradle your device, do a soft reset, and do the upgrade again. some chaps in the forum ran into this problem; what they did was kept on doing hard resets and proceeded with the upgrade. in the end it worked.
once done, you can then start reinstalling your favorite apps again. oh, you will always encounter a message saying something like "the app you are installing is not designed for wm 2003 and thus may not work properly"...if so simply click "ok". it's just a warning, although it is true since some apps or games won't work right in landscape mode. that's not a fault i think for the unit or the rom; it's the program you installed. it hasn't been designed yet with landscape mode in mind.
good luck and have a pint
cheers mate

Re: Happy face...
However, I still can't install O2plus. Does anyone know how to install *.rar file?
Thanks [/quote]
hey ilman,
what do mean that you don't know how to install a rar file? it might be because it's a cab file already. if you unzip the rar file you'll find the contents to be files that don't have .exe or the computer does not recognize them as files associated with a program in microsoft. if that's the case, the file is already a cab file. meaning, you copy that file and paste it in a folder in your xda unit. using your xda's file explorer, go to that folder (where the rar file is) and double click the item you just pasted. you'll notice that your xda recognizes the file as being a cab. what will happen is automatic installation for the app you want.
cheers mate

ur the man robson!!
thanks alot mate.i'll try it as soon as possible.if anything goes wrong i'll get back to u.thanks again man!!

upgrading to WM2003SE
-hi robson
-just wanna double check with u before i proceed upgrading my device.
-so do i need to soft reset of hard reset after installing it to my device?
-sorry for the trouble mate.

to be honest with you what i did was actually wrong...well not really but it all boils down to not following instructions. what i did was synced my unit then did the upgrade. at that point i did remember the on-screen instructions to do a soft reset before proceeding with the upgrade. that was when i received an error saying that cannot proceed with the upgrade. i almost freaked out coz i thought i killed my unit. i then uncradled her, did a soft reset but that didn't do anything; my screen simply said "serial ver1.something". it was then that i did a hard reset. again; that didn't do a thing to change the screen. i simply cradled her back and proceeded with the upgrade. it worked...although i was getting ready to justify buying an xda2s...not that i would want one....
for your case, i guess doing a soft reset is fine. if you do a hard reset, you would have to go through the trouble of waiting for the unit to finish installing all the apps before it's usable. a soft reset will save you the trouble...besides the rom will be erased anyway.
good luck and hope that helps. 6pm and time to leave the office. one word: heineken!
cheers mate

Well done robson my man....
As robson mention above, he gives u instructions. However, this is what i did and none the less is the same as robson. The important thing will be the end, as robson said it might be an expensive brick if u r not successed.
1. Go to and download by dcs then extract to a new folder (name it e.g himalaya).
2. Go to and download by ZeroXtreme then extract the ms_.nbf to himalaya folder (look no. 1). By the way, u can install other cab files in this zip files later after upgrade.
3. Reset your XDA II and connect with the computer. Then back to himalaya folder and double click on himalaya upgrade. Sit back and wait, it takes about 1 hour or so.
4. If you encounter problem (like me, u too robson rite? ) when u asked to disconnect and reset your device and when u try to connect again, the computer simply didn’t recognize and it said “ found new hardware “, don’t freak out (to be honest, i'm really freak out mate !!!). Just simply insert ur XDA II cd from the box and double click again on himalaya upgrade in himalaya folder.
5. Wait until finish, hard reset when its done and voila!!!
6. Hope this instructions helpful to newbie like me.
7. Run into problem try to scan around the forum, the expert already gives instructions better than me


MDA cannot be switched on (nearly all switches dead)

I bought a used MDA I recently and was quite happy with it for a while. First bought a 512MB SD for it and installed TTN5. Then noticed that I needed more space when I was in Belgium and wanted the Maps for France and got me a 1 GB SD.
I must tell a story first which also occured with the 512 MB SD (but I belileve it isn't SD related anyway): During fiddling with the TTN5 installation, Active Sync and all that (removing programs out of memory or deinstalling them) , it occured several times that the MDA got so slow in response that I had to do a soft reset. The effect when it was slow, was that clicking a menu item took about 5 seconds until the respective action occured. Not only menu items, also action in this bubble game - name escaped me for the moment - was in the same range of slowness.
Doing a soft reset cured the problem.
Now it happened that when I was in Belgium I had connected the cradle to my notebook and was dumping the France maps over USB into the unit. This took an hour or so and I left the setup unattended.
When I came back the notebook had powered down (idle mode). I took out the MDA from the cradle and wanted to switch it on but it didn't react on the on-switch.
Putting it back into the cradle suddelny lit the display and the T-Mobile screen appeared.
From then on the havoc started. I did a soft reset to no avail. A hard reset - nothing.
Accidently (or should I say intuitively) - without knowing that this combination existed - I
pressed the on switch and the soft reset at the same time and got into some strange
Wallaby bootloader which didn't do anything, I think. It timed out or something.
Anyway, I put back the MDA into the cradle, switched it on and left it there with the T-Mobile screen on.
After minutes, may be 10 minutes or so a WM 2003 initial screen had appeared which invited
me to do an initialization.
I went through the interactice dialog and suddenly had a working WM 2003 but is was again
very slow in the menu action.
Also shutting off (switch off) the unit worked but then I couldn't switch it on again.
So in a nutshell, my unit is messed up somehow and I want to get it back into a working state
looking for help in this forum.
How should I proceed now?
flash it with the latest ROM first. If that doesn't work send it off for repair.
saldous said:
flash it with the latest ROM first. If that doesn't work send it off for repair.
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Thanks. Since I'm new to the matter: I remember that the version number of the T-Mobile screen
had - at the times it was working - some extra letters above the 4.01.19 (a G and some more
letters). These are gone as if some backup ROM is activated after the (hard) reset (?).
The person who sold me the MDA has unbranded it as she said. How do I get the ROM unbranded? When I download it from T-Mobile it is branded for T-Mobile, isn't it?
I got told of a site "lumpisteffan" which I visited already. Do they
carry the ROM I need? And do they have the instructions to do that or can that be found on this site here? Excuse my ignorance at the moment.
You could use nearly any rom of the kitchen to flash your device.
Because you have the 4.01.19 ROM installed on your device, you have to flash your device using a SD-Card.
Instructions how to do this could be found here in the forum, or in the wiki.
When you restart your device, what is shown on the Bootscreen, where also the 4.01.19 appears. The 2 Other lines, what do they contain?
Slowing down your device on using it for some time could be a memory outage.
If you "close" your running applications by pressing the (X) on the top of the screen, they are not closed, but put in the background. So they do use memory..... Just as little hint for you...
LumpiStefan said:
You could use nearly any rom of the kitchen to flash your device.
Because you have the 4.01.19 ROM installed on your device, you have to flash your device using a SD-Card.
Instructions how to do this could be found here in the forum, or in the wiki.
When you restart your device, what is shown on the Bootscreen, where also the 4.01.19 appears. The 2 Other lines, what do they contain
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Thanks, Stefan. That's of great help. Probably gotta get me a card reader for my desktop first
or could I use my camera also? Probably I can.
> The 2 Other lines, what do they contain
It is puzzling me that I don't see any other letters or lines obove or beyond the line
4.01.19 in the bottom right corner.
But will have to look again at the device later when I have it with me after lunchtime.
LumpiStefan said:
You could use nearly any rom of the kitchen to flash your device.
Because you have the 4.01.19 ROM installed on your device, you have to flash your device using a SD-Card.
Instructions how to do this could be found here in the forum, or in the wiki.
When you restart your device, what is shown on the Bootscreen, where also the 4.01.19 appears. The 2 Other lines, what do they contain?
Slowing down your device on using it for some time could be a memory outage.
If you "close" your running applications by pressing the (X) on the top of the screen, they are not closed, but put in the background. So they do use memory..... Just as little hint for you...
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Regarding the lines above 4.01.19. They are indeed there (must have had hallucinations).
Comment (reedited):
I noticed that after a soft reset the T-Mobile screen appears with only
4.01.19 in the bottom right. Then after a few minutes the G and R are there.
It reads:
in magenta letters/digits.
Thanks for the explanation about possible causes for the slowness, but
it is already slow as soon as I have gone through the WM2003 initialization and want to chosse the first dropdown menu item. So no programs in memory at that point in time.
Another effect I forgot to mention:
The first time I put the XDA into the cradle the "charging" LED is red.
After some minutes, when the T-Mobile screen is there it is off.
Normally it is immediately orange when the devie is in the cradle.
I read in another thread that this might be an indication for a blown fuse.
Or blown fuses.
Since that happened in Belgium at the coast in a vacation area it could well be that power spikes have lead to this illbehaviour.
LumpiStefan said:
You could use nearly any rom of the kitchen to flash your device.
Because you have the 4.01.19 ROM installed on your device, you have to flash your device using a SD-Card.
Instructions how to do this could be found here in the forum, or in the wiki.
When you restart your device, what is shown on the Bootscreen, where also the 4.01.19 appears. The 2 Other lines, what do they contain?
Slowing down your device on using it for some time could be a memory outage.
If you "close" your running applications by pressing the (X) on the top of the screen, they are not closed, but put in the background. So they do use memory..... Just as little hint for you...
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Hi Stefan,
I downloaded the file 4.01.19_GER.exe from the site I was pointed to when visiting your site - I just wanted to go through the steps with an unmodified ROM.
I verified the MD5 sum ok, copied to 17 MB file to my notebook. I had the MDA in the cradle and connected via USB. MS Active Sync had a connection to the device.
At this point I wonder how that would be done with the XDATools OSImagetool which requires to name the source location of the ROM Image. But what I downloaded from your site is an installer .exe.
Anyway when I run the 4.01.19_GER.exe it tells me "Please plug the power adapter in your pocket PC".
Could this be a sign for the malfunction of my device?
How do I get the ROM Image ?
OK. I found that your kitchen builds ROM images while the link to the original ROM obviously delivers the full installer.
Will report further progress.
Looks like your fuse has been killed, or you have problems with your Radio Stack.
Flashing a new ROM wouldn't help to fix that problem......
You could try to repaor the Radio stack by following these instructions:
If you have a exe-file and you want to have a nb1/Nbf File, you have to extract the exe useing winzip.....
LumpiStefan said:
Looks like your fuse has been killed, or you have problems with your Radio Stack.
Flashing a new ROM wouldn't help to fix that problem......
You could try to repaor the Radio stack by following these instructions:
If you have a exe-file and you want to have a nb1/Nbf File, you have to extract the exe useing winzip.....
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Since the connection via USB sometimes seems to work I tried the XDATools stuff, got me a .nbf file.
I tried the tools intuitively by clicking on the start.bat file.
It told me it had no .nbf file, so I created on from your site.
Thank it told me it didn't have the file in the English subdirectory.
OK, I put it there. The start.bat seems to invoke a adaptrom program. After that the English folder was named German. But some program still requires a GetConnectionType.dll which ain't there.
Anyway, what is pointing to a blown fuse is that I get with all these USB uploaders I'm getting this error telling me I should connect the power cable to my device.
I opened my device and bridged the one fuse (near the lower navigation button) to no avail. Didn't try the other fuse though since I thought that one would be for the piggy back battery, or is it also responsible for the power coming from the cradle?
Could it be my cradle is broken? Ah no, when I insert my spare MDA (the one with the broken display) the orange led lits immediately after inserting the device.

Underground WM6 rom

Any body tried underground WM6 rom with shell tool.
I tried it yesterday but it was not moving ahead of IPL SPL screen.
May be i did something wrong.
Anybody tried.
samy download the wizard love rom.
switch off your phone. connect the usb cable , hold the camera button and start it. it will go into bootloader mode where you will see multicoloured screen. run the wizard love rom and you will be able to recover it hopefully.
I installed the Underground ROM fine, but it was the first one I tried and I didn't hard reset my phone correctly so I thought it was screwed up and switched to Orwell's 1984 (with a reflash to Wizard Love in between). I imagine it would've been just as good with a correct hard reset to get rid of all my previous install's junk.
Actually, funky-saggi,
you did not understand i already did that, last nite.
But im asking whether anybody tried shell tool by mun-rus, to flash underground rom.
I am running the underground version having flashed with the shell tool.
Lots better than pdaviet 4 very fast
How did you do that.
When i did it was not moving ahead of ipl spl screen
Can you tell me how did you do that.
shell tool
i have also had to revert to the wizard rom as i mucked my phone up if you follow the instructions with the tool it should work
i did have some problems and at one point i copied one of the roms i copied the nk.nbf file from the underground edition to the wizard love dir which overwrited the one in there then flashed it using the wizard bootlooder samething soft reset hold the camera button down just paste the wizard nk.nbf onto your desktop just in case you need to copy it back again because i have given you some noob instruction that muck your phone up and need to reflash the wizard rom back on there
samy.3660 said:
How did you do that.
When i did it was not moving ahead of ipl spl screen
Can you tell me how did you do that.
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first you should not be in ipl/spl mode read the instructions
boot up mobile to a clean os (wizard love for example)
install the cab files from the shell tool re-boot the device
extract the exe from underground (view hidden files in explorer)
take the nbf file copy to the shell directory then run the tool till it completes(end)
Hard re-boot the device
Calibrate and setup
Voila working
thanks eddietmen,
I have got the version worked in my wizard.
I think so to flash a new rom you have to go back to original rom.?
shell tool is perfect and you can flash any rom but please read readme very carefully before starting ...
from my experience ...
rapi must be installed on your device then reboot, sync, extarct desired rom and than update.
- cannot update while in tricolor (rapi not active)
- do not panic while flashing before 20 minutes, because there is no sign and no progres indicator (I did panic and almost bricked my wizzard, but flashed with love rom and recovered) don't disconect or interrupt the process...
installed viet4 .. for some connection reason live msn didnt work and relying to some sugestions i flashed to underground... but I'm still facing the same problem...
any trick ?
Install the original rom which the device was shipped with or wizard love.
And then try to flash.
Where can i find the "wizard love rom" ?
cant make my live mail work.
Hi there i have a G4 locked cingular 8125, i just flash it with pdaviet3 ROM and it works just perfect, the onl flaw is that i cant make my live mail (hotmail) work properly, when trying to reply my mail just freeze. The device doesnt, just the app, i reflashed it but i cant make it work any suggestion'?
mafkikker said:
Where can i find the "wizard love rom" ?
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At the actuall state of art, If I got it well, ftp site is gone.
So only alternative ways to try... google, emule, torrent...
Last option worked fine for me...

ROM update failure, sync problem??

Sorry to stat a thread on this but can't find anything similar.
I've flashed a lot of ROM's prior. Thought I was fairly comfortable with it.
Currently, I have EnergyROM 6.5 and wanted to try another.
I can establish the connection with phone/computer (1st beep), then the second beep happens (activesync). Then I run the AthenaWrapper and it starts. It restarts the phone. I hear the first beep but never the second. The progress bar stays at 0% and eventually there is a communication error.
This happens with NATF's 6.5 ROM as well as the stock ATT rom.
Any suggestions on fixing this problem?
PS - the 'contacts' button at the bottom of the home screen... are those remapable? I have a mandatory program (Good Messaging) which has its own contacts program. Once I've installed it, the contacts button goes to it instead of the built-in contacts. That's not what I want.
txemsdoc said:
Sorry to stat a thread on this but can't find anything similar.
I've flashed a lot of ROM's prior. Thought I was fairly comfortable with it.
Currently, I have EnergyROM 6.5 and wanted to try another.
I can establish the connection with phone/computer (1st beep), then the second beep happens (activesync). Then I run the AthenaWrapper and it starts. It restarts the phone. I hear the first beep but never the second. The progress bar stays at 0% and eventually there is a communication error.
This happens with NATF's 6.5 ROM as well as the stock ATT rom.
Any suggestions on fixing this problem?
PS - the 'contacts' button at the bottom of the home screen... are those remapable? I have a mandatory program (Good Messaging) which has its own contacts program. Once I've installed it, the contacts button goes to it instead of the built-in contacts. That's not what I want.
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I had no idea what "Athenawrapper" was until I Googled Athena. The good news is I've solved your problem. The bad news is that you have a PEBCAK
"Athena" is an entirely different piece of hardware from a Raphael , so it's RUU WILL NOT WORK with a Raphael. Frankly, I think you're lucky you didn't succeed in bricking the phone completely. You need to use the RaphaelWrapper to flash a Raphael.
On the off chance that you actually have an Athena, and are trying to flash it with a Raphael ROM, then you're still begging to have your hardware bricked. Most ROMs are not compatible outside of the hardware for which they are written.
You need to:
Figure out what hardware you have.
Go to that bulletin board.
Read the sticky threads there to learn how to flash properly.
Get to work.
Well your explanation makes sense... however, the stock ATT ROM I downloaded from the raphael ROM development section and have successfully flashed a prior Fuze with before (I had to return it for warranty). It is the same file that worked then, that is not now.
But it is not working now AFTER I tried the NATF ROM which I'm pretty darn sure I directly downloaded from a link in the Raphael section. Perhaps it was a misguided link or something, and then it damaged the phone such that previously working ROM's now won't flash?
addendum...I know for sure it was the NATF ROM from Raphael section...
it is here
If you did a HardSPL to load NATF's ROM, then you cannot flash back to the OEM ROM without first removing HardSPL.
So (and this is the second time in as many days ), here's my recommendation:
Myrddin Wyllt said:
Here's my recommended procedure:
Back up your PIM data, if needed.
Remove HardSPL.
Run your service provider's ROM installation.
Install HardSPL.
Download the NATF ROM (YES...DO IT AGAIN)
Flash the ROM.
Hard reset when you get to the screen alignment.
Yes, I know I'm yelling, but that's because you don't appear to be paying attention.
It would also be helpful if you'd put your device info in your user signature.
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Re-downloading the NATF ROM ensures that you don't have a corrupted copy.
Interesting name, how do you pronounce that?
1) I learned from you today about the HardSPL having to be removed. That I did not know, so thank you.
2) Back on the computer I flash with, I confirmed the wrapper files... first line does say Raphael Wrapper, under that it says Athenawrapper, then under that it says LSD creations.
3) I'll assume since you quoted your previous advice, the yelling and not paying attention comments were not directed at me
4) I'll do what you instruct master!
That's why we like the wise sages of the forum!
It's Welsh, and it's pronounced Merlin, most of the time (Merthin is more accurate, though).
No, the yelling was not exactly directed at you, just at newbies everywhere. Take no offense, I merely wanted to place a great deal of emphasis on certain aspects of the process. It helps us help you.
Well, somehow I managed to get back to the stock ATT Rom. I'm not sure how to remove HardSPL specifically as searching that topic doesn't bring up any specific threads (at least in the Raphael forum).
I thought since I had got the ATT rom to work, I coul ddo a 6.5 ROM, but I'm running into the same communication error I had before.
Very specifically, everything starts up fine. It causes my phone to restart.
The USB connection noise happens, but then I never get the activesync alert noise, so the download indicator stays at 0% and I get a communication error.
If I just plug my phone into the computer, it starts up activesync just fine.
Any suggestions? And if it is HardSPL, where's the instructions to remove that?
Thanks again,
Well shoot,
It must be my lucky day.. I did find some instructions for hardspl, did that.. and I think things are about to be working...
Nevermind on the last post for now!
Hey everybody,
My phone is stuck in an infinite restart loop when i tried to revert back to the original rom without replacing the hardspl. Is there anything that can be done for that?
glz88 said:
Hey everybody,
My phone is stuck in an infinite restart loop when i tried to revert back to the original rom without replacing the hardspl. Is there anything that can be done for that?
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Most often this is the result of a bad flash or a corrupt ROM. Try putting the phone in Bootloader mode (see the wiki for instruction), and download the ROM again (delete your old copy to avoid confusion). Try the flash once more, and don't forget to do a hard reset when you get to the screen calibration the first time.

HTC Fuze not booting at all (struck at ATT boot screen)

Hi All,
I flashed my HTC Fuze with the below ROM
Calkulin's Visual HTC Kitchen v4 for Touch Pro and my mobile is dead now. I missed to unlock the phone before running this update (although very clearly mentioned in the instructions )
Since the mobile is not booting I am not able to flash it with any other ROM or revert back what I did. Computer does not recognize the mobile through ActiveSync. I tried resetting the mobile (Power button + volume down button + OK button), it even says restoring to factory settings, but after restart still hangs at the AT&T screen.
Can anyone please help me out here or I need to take my phone to AT&T service, but that would be the last thing to do as I think the warranty is void with this tampering.
Well, I'm pretty sure that Calkulin cooks for the Herman (aka cdma touch pro). This is your problem (and maybe not your only one).
Flash a stock rom off your sd card.
Edit: Wow, that link takes you to the cdma Diamond forum at ppcgeeks. What were you thinking?
Thanks a lot Ted...!
Thanks a lot Ted. You are my "knight in shining armor". Atleast I have some hope, I think
You just said "Flash a stock rom off your sd card.". Can you please let me know or direct me to a post that tells how to flash rom off the sd card? I am however searching for the best fit for my set.
Also, I think i need to search for an appropriate ROM for my fuze this time.
Thanks again.
Um might've just bricked your phone. Your best bet is trying to reflash your phone with an OEM ROM via a MicroSD card, then going to one of the cooked GSM roms on this forum.
Look at the stickied threads in this forum for the procedure and links to an ATT rom.
If that doesn't work, you could try going to an ATT store and playing dumb...there's a small chance they'll replace it under warranty if it hasn't expired yet. If all else might be able to score a fuze from ebay on the cheap...I'm sure there's a lot of people upgrading to touch pro 2.
Thanks for your reply.
streetlight22 and Ted, Thanks for your reply. I will try this today. Keeping my fingers crossed . If this works, I would be happier than ever (not because I could save some bucks.. but because I love my fuze and can't see it dying).
Every where the step says "renaming the ROM nbh file to RAPHIMG.nbh or something like that. I am wondering if I also need to rename the .nbh file to something before running the update.
The rom image will be named ruu_signed.nbh (if it's a custom rom) or something longer if it's a stock rom. You should try a stock ATT rom image. Just rename it, stick it on the root of your sd card (must be FAT32), and see if you can go into bootloader. If you can't get into bootloader, you're screwed. Remember to hold volume down for several seconds after soft resetting. Press it down before soft resetting. If the tri-color screen doesn't appear, you're in trouble. It should appear briefly, then go grey with a message like 'loading image,' then it will tell you to push power. But if you flashed a diamond cdma rom, you may have totally screwed things up. Most people seem to recover from cdma touch pro roms, but if it's from a different device, you may be screwed.
Hi, if the tri colour screen appears you can try flashing trough your PC, it should find new hardware (htc hot sync or similar), then there should be USB written in the lowest part, then you can flash watever you want from the PC in the manner you are used to.
It worked.. it worked.. my fuze is now up and running WM 6.1. Thanks to all...! Special thanks to Ted for his quick reply and the tip "Remember to hold volume down for several seconds after soft resetting. Press it down before soft resetting". This is what I was not trying inorder to connect fuze with my laptop. My set is back to normal, up and running cool...
Once again thanks to everybody. xda-developers is really really a life saver . Great job guys, keep going...keep helping newbies like us.... we really need u

Help! Can`t flash my hermes!!!

Hi, I`m having some serious issues when trying to flash my HERMES. As far as I can tell, it is SIM Unlocked, but not sure if it`s CID unlocked. it`s SPL-1.06, and I can't seem to get it to install HARDSPL. I have tried, and tried and tried and tried. I've tried flashing VIA SD-CARD, but it just says "LOADING" and displays a number at the top, then goes back to the bootloader screen.
When I am flashing via the wizard, it'll go into the bootloader screen, and the wizard will fail saying it cannot connect "CONNECTION ERROR"...
I am at my wits ends, and cannot figure this out for the life of me. I have had 3 TYTN's now, and this one has gotten the better of me. I was able to flash both of my other TYTN's, but unfortunately I got the WSD, and cannot repair them, they are both beyond my technical knowledge of repairs...
Trying so hard to get this done...
Copied the .nbh (ren to hermimg.nbh) to my SDCARD and reset into bootloader, as I said, it just came up "LOADING" then back to bootloader....
I'd rip my hair out if I had any..
any help would be appreciated..
***UPDATE - I don't know what the hell happened, but suddenly, this bugger is letting me flash VIA SD. It's a damned miracle!
Just out of the blue, it asked me to flash via SD in the bootloader. Thank goodness! After 3 hours, I finally got it working..
Cheers all!
if you need more info, just ask, I will provide all I can....
need help ,during the upgrade it was around 15% that the upgrade utility show the error that device cannot connect.
my device is bricked now
IT is not KITL enabled
IPL 1.01
SPL 2.03
my device freezed at loading screen .
Now ,when i tried to rom upgrade in bootloader mode , using any ruu (ruuwraper,.....) it only shows 1% and my device reboots and ....
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TVincent0621 said:
need help ,during the upgrade it was around 15% that the upgrade utility show the error that device cannot connect.
my device is bricked now
IT is not KITL enabled
IPL 1.01
SPL 2.03
my device freezed at loading screen .
Now ,when i tried to rom upgrade in bootloader mode , using any ruu (ruuwraper,.....) it only shows 1% and my device reboots and ....
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Okay, when you're in the "bootloader" method, have you renamed the file that you're trying to flash "HERMIMG.NBH".
also, try to use the "stripped" AT&T ROM first, see if that'll help correct the issue.
Did you flash that first before you attempted to flash a different ROM on your Hermes? I've read in many different posts that it is highly suggested to flash that first then flash your ROM to your Hermes.
Should always flash via SD-Card, not recommending flashing via USB Wizard.
Try the "stripped" rom first, on a formatted (FAT32) microSD card, and see if that helps.
i have download the "stripped" AT&T ROM ,it also the same ,when using USB method ,it stuck at 1% and my devide reboot .
when using SD card method ,it show (loading ...) about 2 second ,then it will back to tri-color mode there .
TVincent0621 said:
i have download the "stripped" AT&T ROM ,it also the same ,when using USB method ,it stuck at 1% and my devide reboot .
when using SD card method ,it show (loading ...) about 2 second ,then it will back to tri-color mode there .
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I had that exact same problem.
I noticed that I hadn't named the file properly.
It's HERMIMG.NBH I kept putting in HERMING.NBH. It's kind of funny, but it's an easy mistake. When you boot with the "HERMIMG.NBH" it should flash. I used the HARDSPL V7, which can be downloaded at, which is a "sticky" for this forum. Try flashing that one. Also, double check your .nbh file, make sure it's HERM IMG not HERM ING
That was the problem I was having too, it would just show "LOADING" and a bunch of numbers then drop to the bootloader... Then all of a sudden... "POOF" it worked, after I double checked the file and noticed my spelling error.
Now, if you have that fixed and still getting the error, it might be something else. I'm not sure how to exactly fix that, but as I said, mine was just a minor spelling error.. The exact spelling that I have, don't know if it is case sensitive, is "HERMIMG.nbh"
if it is case sensitive, that could also be a minor issue.
try it, if it works, then bingo, you're back in business, if not, then I'm not sure how else to fix it.
>.< ,now i type correct word "HERMIMG" ,it shown loading ... and (00068002) on the top of loading ... ,now it ,have better improvement ,it show loading ... for about 5 second only jump back to tri-color there ,izit this is the normal procedure ?
TVincent0621 said:
>.< ,now i type correct word "HERMIMG" ,it shown loading ... and (00068002) on the top of loading ... ,now it ,have better improvement ,it show loading ... for about 5 second only jump back to tri-color there ,izit this is the normal procedure ?
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Okay, we're getting there. But still a long way off from it working as it should.
Okay, do you know if your phone is HARDSPL?
If you haven't already HARDSPL your phone, you should download that and try to flash that onto your phone.
Also sounds like it isn't SUPERCID. You'll have to CID unlock your phone, which is a good possibility as to why it isn't accepting other ROMS.
If your phone responds to the flash wizard when you download a ROM then get the SUPERCID and try to flash that one first, then move on to the HARDSPL.
For the SUPERCID, and my previous post has the HARDSPL.
At least the situation is improving, and your phone is starting to respond.
We'll get it working!
The HARDSPL you have to follow most of the "manual" installation instructions, and copy, then rename the "HermesUnlocker_v3a.nbh" file.
Try to flash that file, and we'll see if we can get it going.
i think my phone not yet HARDSPL ,can you guide me to do this ?
i search the web ,it show me to here "" izit correct ?
and also superCiD:
1. Unrar RUU_HERM_Unlock_v3a.exe
2. Unrar RUU_Inside.exe
3. Empty (erase the contents) of your microSD card from the Windows Mobile file explorer
or format it from your computer using a card reader (in some cases format doesn't work).
4. Rename HermesUnlocker_v3a.nbh to HERMIMG.nbh and copy it to the FAT32 formatted microSD card.
5. Insert microSD card on your phone
6. Transfer SSPL/SSPL-HERM.exe to your phone and run it
7. Confirm flashing on screen by pressing the power button.
how i wana do the step 6 ,my phone is stuck now ,i cant log in at all >< ,but i try step 1-5 ,it also shown the 00068002
TVincent0621 said:
i think my phone not yet HARDSPL ,can you guide me to do this ?
i search the web ,it show me to here "" izit correct ?
and also superCiD:
1. Unrar RUU_HERM_Unlock_v3a.exe
2. Unrar RUU_Inside.exe
3. Empty (erase the contents) of your microSD card from the Windows Mobile file explorer
or format it from your computer using a card reader (in some cases format doesn't work).
4. Rename HermesUnlocker_v3a.nbh to HERMIMG.nbh and copy it to the FAT32 formatted microSD card.
5. Insert microSD card on your phone
6. Transfer SSPL/SSPL-HERM.exe to your phone and run it
7. Confirm flashing on screen by pressing the power button.
how i wana do the step 6 ,my phone is stuck now ,i cant log in at all >< ,but i try step 1-5 ,it also shown the 00068002
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Attached is the HARDSPL file, already named "HERMIMG.nbh, which you just need to copy onto your SD-CARD.
When those are successful you will be able to flash any rom you want (provided it is as Hermes ROM)....
But as of right now, your phone is NOT bricked. It just currently has no ROM on it.
Have you tried to HARD-RESET your phone?
That's the two soft keys at the bottom of the phone, above the SEND and about the END keys.
Press and hold BOTH of those, then press the "RESET" button on the bottom of the phone. That'll hard-reset the phone.
I'm not saying to do that, just asking if you've tried that option yet.
Good luck, let me know how it's going.
my problem has solve now ,i try to install original rom for the phone ,it work ^^ ,thank for your help ,nice to meet you my friend from oversea .
Now i afraid to change any new rom >.<,can you guide me the best way to upgrade the rom ?so that i wont face the same problem and also brick my phone .
TVincent0621 said:
my problem has solve now ,i try to install original rom for the phone ,it work ^^ ,thank for your help ,nice to meet you my friend from oversea .
Now i afraid to change any new rom >.<,can you guide me the best way to upgrade the rom ?so that i wont face the same problem and also brick my phone .
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Glad the problem was solved, and very happy to help!
Absolutely I can.
First thing is first, we have to SUPERCID unlock your phone, and we have to HARDSPL your phone.
Run the HARDSPL first, because the wizard will actually temporarily superCID your phone, so that you can install the HARDSPL, which will help prevent you from ever bricking your phone.
with your phone plugged in for activesync, you have to run the "autounlocker.bat" file in the SUPERCID. What this will do is make your phone accept other custom ROMS, whether it is from another carrier, or one of the ROMS that someone has developed on here.
After this, I would highly suggest, that if you ever flash your phone again with another ROM, do it the "SD-CARD" way. I'd only use the wizard to flash the HARDSPL and the SUPERCID.
Let me know how it goes.
Hehe ,My friend ,i had flash my phone with WM6.5 rom ,my device was Dopod838pro ,it is old device ,for my opinion WM6.5 not so suitable for my device ,but WM6.5 look amazing >.<
heh! Nice! Well sounds like your phone is now back amongst the living! That's good news! Hope you have many years of enjoyment with your phone!
Glad to have been of help for you!
heh! Nice! Well sounds like your phone is now back amongst the living! That's good news! Hope you have many years of enjoyment with your phone!
Glad to have been of help for you!
Do you have any must have application suggest me to install it ?
the memory for this new rom is low ,it decrease so fast ,with HTC clean ram i use ,it also the same ,it just save less then 1MB of ram ><
TVincent0621 said:
Do you have any must have application suggest me to install it ?
the memory for this new rom is low ,it decrease so fast ,with HTC clean ram i use ,it also the same ,it just save less then 1MB of ram ><
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Unfortunately, no, I don't. You'd have to get a Vanilla, or a "lite/ultralite" rom. That's about the best I can suggest, unfortunately with the hermes, it does have a smaller ROM size, and limited RAM compared to the new, more up-to-date modern phones, like the 8925(Kaiser), or the new Tilt 2..
TVincent0621 said:
Do you have any must have application suggest me to install it ?
the memory for this new rom is low ,it decrease so fast ,with HTC clean ram i use ,it also the same ,it just save less then 1MB of ram ><
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Unfortunately, no, I don't. You'd have to get a Vanilla, or a "lite/ultralite" rom. That's about the best I can suggest, unfortunately with the hermes, it does have a smaller ROM size, and limited RAM compared to the new, more up-to-date modern phones, like the 8925(Kaiser), or the new Tilt 2..
use the [Easy Hard-Spl v7 beta v0.1] by qwasde2
it,s really usefull i tryed it,s by me
it,s for win XP and vista and se7en users
i,am not joking here is the link
Hope you dont mind me reviving this thread as I also need your help
I tried flashing the MrDSL's WM6.5 ROM to my Hermes. Of course I followed the direction, I have Hard SPL (ever since Schaps rom) and stripped ATT flashed first.
However when I started flashing this rom, when I reached about 5% on the progress bar, I keep on getting Error. I followed the Recovery Steps and luckily I get the Tri-color mode and the process says Recovery successful. I then proceeded with the flashing but still getting errors, then recovery, then continue, then error again. Its been 10th try now.
Finally I canceled the update but I can only get the tri-color screen. Tried to Softreset as well as Hardreset but no screen only gives me the Tri-color mode.
Any advice please....
thank you very much...
problem solved sorry for that post.
what I did was:
1. flashed again the stripped ATT ROM....success!
2. flashed again MrDSL's WM6.5 titanium ROM (titanium)....success!
Dopod 838 Pro working again!
thanks again!!!
Bootloader shows but phone won't flash
Hey everyone,
I'm not new to
flashing my Hermes.
I'm just having an
issue I've never ran
into and can't figure
out. I would
appreciate some
The strangest thing
is happening to me
while attempting to
flash from my
storage card. I put
the phone in
bootloader mode
and it takes
(IPL-1.04 /
Then on the bottom
Serial shows and it
never goes to the
next step and ask
me do I want to
flash the new image.
I put the att original
on the 2gb storage
card over and over
and over and
renamed it
HERMIMG.nbh over
and over and over
and just am
flabbergasted. The
phone is not bricked,
it just refuses to
flash again.
Does anyone here
have any solutions
or suggestions?
PS - I have
formatted the card
to fat32 and I have
checked it for errors.
file is on the root of
the storage card.

