EDIT A ROM - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Please any one can till me how to etid my ROM W2003SEWWE 2.06 so I can add some programs that I use alote.
I have tried (Windows Mobile 2003 ROM Editor) and I did use passwords (0x20040304/305) bu it did not work.

If you want to edit extended ROM (ms_.nbf) then...
1. In "Files of type" , you just select to open file type as WM2003 Extended ROM (ms._nbf) don't use auto detection.
2. Using password 0x20040305 when prompt.
3. Don't forget to save ROM before exit.
Have Fun!

Thanks, it did work.

try the patch
try the patch...don't need to put a password
thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=17204&start=75
download: http://forum.xda-developers.com/download.php?id=3208

even with the update and not using autodetection I can not open a OS upgrade built from lumpi stefans environment (The T-Mobile upgrade also).
Anyway I do not understand what those different files mentioned contain.
- Is it possible to add some things to the ROM area using a different file than the OS upgrade (no need to loose all changes that were made meanwhile)?
- Once the device is upgraded I would like to remove something from the ROM is this possible (how can I get the current data from my xda back to the ROM Editor)?
(Assuming I get a hint on how to open successfuly the *.nb? ...)
Thanks in advance!


Totorial: XDAII Extended-Rom

I had a hard time to upgrade and modify my xda2 so I decided to make a small tutorial for everyone with the information’s I found on the forum. It’s not perfect but it could help.
Thank's to every one who made all this possible!!
Before starting I recommend every one to make a back-up of your rom
1- Extended Rom:
Your XDA2 has an Invisible Extended Rom in the device containing the operator’s configuration files and software.
Modifying it will allow you to customize the boot image and to choose the programs you wish to install during the setup of the device.
To show the extended rom on your device your need to apply this small hack and then open your file explorer:
2- Files contained in the Extend Rom:
Seems to only set the CellBroadcast setting to enabled or disabled. (I guess this refers to the Reception of News via SMS by selecting channels of interested. Quite expensive I think and only interesting for phones that do not have any other capabilities of receiving and displaying information).
T-Mobile NL sets it on, with O2 it's switched off.
Installs the CallerID application from IA Style and the Photo Contacts extension. There are other programs that are able to provide this functionality but I use it.
The camera application for taking pictures and recording videos. AFAIK there is currently no alternative to this one, you should leave it in your ROM.
Includes the GPRS Monitor from SPB Soft. Very useful I would recommend it unless you aren't going to use GPRS anyway.
RingTone plugin player. Allow you to play back RingTones in the following formats: mid,3gp,mp4. Also seems to register the audio/midi MIME type for playback of midi files directly from Internet Explorer.
By default the XDA can play back only wav and wma audio files (AFAIK)
Installs the Arcsoft MMS application for composing and sending MMS messages.
VideoMMS.sa.CAB (not contained in Qtek):
Installs the "Video MMS.exe" file into the Windows folder. When you start it you are in camera mode immediately and after you have recorded a picture or video you get into MMS composition mode.
This seems to be just an easier way to compose MMS messages since the main MMS Application (see above) is already able to compose MMS messages.
OEM_AKU1_WWE_4AP.sa.CAB (named OEM_4AP_WWE.CAB in Qtek ROM)
Installs the following files: GPRSAuthentication.exe, BTSetting.exe, STK.exe and WModem.exe
I am not sure if these are customized versions or if the normal ROM doesn't contain them. Well perhaps not because these are specific to the Phone edition so they can't be present in the main ROM, maybe they are contained in the Radio ROM, but probably they are only contained here, meaning you shouldn't remove this cab file.
OEM_WWE_03120301.sa.CAB (named OEM_WWE_03122301.sa.CAB in Qtek ROM)
Installs files for Bluetooth: AudioGW.dll, BthASPlugIn.dll, rilgsm.dll, Serial3.dll and Wavedev.dll. Also contains the new feature of mapping a (dynamic) serial port for BT.
I think you should not remove it.
TM_phone_class10.CAB (not contained in Qtek):
Installs several registry settings regarding phone functionality. (See my other post regarding this topic: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=5539)
TMCOMREG.sa.CAB (not contained in Qtek):
Contains some of the settings contained in the previous one anyway. I'm not sure if it does anything else but I don't think so.
TMD_AP_NL.sa.CAB (not contained in Qtek):
Implements several settings specific to T-Mobile (NL): Restricts video types for MMS. Adds connection and gateway settings for MMS connection via T-Mobile NL. Adds a T-Mobile profile to GPRS Monitor.
I would not install this cab unless you live in NL!
TMD_NL.sa.CAB (not contained in Qtek):
Sets the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OEM\3rdversion\MSYSTEM1 value to the provider name.
Not required!
TMDNLCustomize.sa.CAB (not contained in Qtek):
Adjusts all the "theming" stuff: Changes colors, installs Today-theme, installs T-Mobile Dialpad, sets T-Mobile ringtone.
If you don't like you xda2 look like a pink pig you should leave this out.
(You can extract single items from the cab file if you like)
t-mobile_shortcuts_only(UK).PPC2002_ARM.CAB (not contained in Qtek):
Contains some strange things that seem to me rather useless: "WebDisplayText t-zones", "T-Mobile Resetter.exe", "T-Mobile PIE Launcher.exe", "TMobileWebToday.dll", "T-Mobile Homepage Plugin".
I wouldn't install this one!
Version_AKU1.sa.CAB (Version_AKU1_160.sa.CAB in Qtek):
Seems to only set the version number of the extended ROM in the registry.
3- Modifying and editing your Extended Rom:
Most of the latest XDA2 have a write protected Extended Rom
A) For NOT Write Protected Extended Rom:
If your XDA2 Extended Rom is not write protected just add the new files you want, you can find on the forum many different extend rom files (O2, T_Mobile, Orange) and kitchen your own extended Rom by adding the cab files directly in the Extended_rom directory and soft reset.
B) For Write Protected Extended Rom:
The only way for the moment (until we find a way to make the rom writable) is to use the upgrade programs used by the operators and ER2003Edit program.
1)- Download
2) Simply unpack the complete T-Mobile Rom update file (it's a zipped EXE) into a folder.
There you will find these 6 files:
- HimaClearJumpCode.exe
- HimaGetDeviceData.exe
- HimaUpgradeUt.exe
- ms_.nbf <----- this is the file which holds Ext Rom!
- NK.nbf (main rom)
- Radio_.nbf (radio rom)
3) Delete the other *.nbf files to prevent updating the full XDA2/MDA2 rom. You only need "ms_.nbf" and the "*.exe" files!
4) Now modify the ms_.nbf with the tool softworkz kindly provided.
5) After this, install the modified ext-rom to your XDA2/MDA2 by starting "HimaUpgradeUt.exe" and follow the instructions!
6) If you get a country code error during the install you will need to modify the country code included in the ms_.nbf file
- Download xda2nbftool
- Put xda2nbftool.exe in the same folder as your ms_.nbf file
- Run xda2nbftool.exe from Command Prompt and type the following command
xda2nbftool.exe -so O2 -v ms_.nbf
Replace O2 by your operator’s name (ex: orange, O2 etc)
It should now work!
nice one Yann
I had a go at doing the "if your extended rom is protected"
I down loaded the file
1)- Download
and accidentally ran it.... I know I was stupid... I now have an I-Mate instead of a XDA - O2. Please help can I get the O2 back is there a programme that does the same as the one I just have used. It has changed every thing the radio stack, the other bits of software, I am just pleased it still works of calls.
I couldn’t find the indivuiual HimaUpgradeUt.exe programme any ware.
Please help I am really stuck at the minute!!
The bit I didn’t understand was the bit about unpack the exe. Which I now understand how to do. Although I have upgraded to Rom 1.52.00wwe, radio version 1.06.01, I can haply say I have the original O2 rom back in place with additional programmes installed in the Ex-Rom. I had a fair bit of space so I popped some music files in as well!!!!
Thanks for all the help!!!!
thanks yann for the perfect summary
as newby i needed something clear like this to dare my first rom changes, and i successfully did!
it would be even more perfect if also somehow the program settings/passwords could be cooked in/restored from the extended rom. i searched the forum but could not find any hints.
Are there methods for this ?
Perhaps a silly question, but I'm fairly conservative when it comes to messing around with my device.
How do you find out or know if your Ext ROM is write protected or not? I know that I can add applications to my Ext ROM and it does not seem like I should be able to do that if it's write protected, but then again I'm not sure if this matters.
ed, if you can copy files to your ext-rom via activesync, it is per definition not write-protected.
your not that conservative, because you already run a tool or edited the registry to be able to see the ext-rom
Well I guess you are right I do like to play around, as I get more comfortable doing so. It is this Forum, guys like you, and some other forums that have made this possible for me to do. For some reason I'm more comfortable in general hacking around a desktop pc than a PPC.
I thought my Ext ROM must not be write protected. When I deleted the TMD files, described here as useless, I got the message that they were read only, but they did go away from the Ext ROM Folder. I do not notice a big difference, however, nor did it free up that much memory. I was thinking that I might need to do more then this. Do I?
So basically, if my Ext ROM is not right protected, and I have been already loading programs into the Ext ROM, I’m pretty much at the place people are trying to get with the Ext ROM Cook ER...Edit. Is that correct or am I missing something here?
I do not like flashing rom (or bios) on either my desktop or PDA (if not absolute sure to fix bugs). However flashing the PDA's ext-rom can basically not screw up the PDA because you don't touch the OS, so I flashed the ext-rom to get familiar with the PDA flashing in general (and also to have a restore of my standard used software after a hard-reset).
About your ext-rom; I do not recognise your situation. I would say if it is read-only the file will not disappear (like with my PDA).
I did notice while editing the ext-rom file for flashing that the file is fixed ~16MB, regardless of which cab's are included or deleted.
Maybe this is the same effect that you see when deleting the file in the ext-rom ???????? (although I can imagine both effects have no relation)
Camera Programs
I made a custom ROM with the following programs:
CAB: \Extended_ROM\CameraRC131_WWE_1.5.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\CallerIDRC11_WWE_1.5.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\MMS1507_WWE.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\GPRSMonitor_WWE.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\Version_AKU1.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\OEM_AKU1_WWE_4AP.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\OEM_WWE_03120301.sa.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\VideoMMS.sa.CAB
Awesome, alot less bloat, but.... Camera doesn't work.. Application says Camera is not a valid Pocket PC application. :: grumble ::
Did I miss something?? Camera.exe is there, but doesn't work
My Ext ROM is not write protected, and I'm able to run applications in the EXT ROM Folder. I deleted the 2 TMD and the T-Mobile cab files, but I have not nticed a big difference, nor is my GPRS back to always on, which it should be now.
Perhaps the device requires another hard reset without these cab files in place prior to the changes taking actual effect. Does anyone know if my assumption is accurate about the required hard reset?
what dictates if the ExtROM is write protected or not? is it the version? or the hardware itself? or a mix of the version with the OS checks?
cuz i believe the ROM version is dictated by the version_AKU1.sa.cab. does that mean we can hack the cab (or use a diff version) to disable the write protection?
i'm using a himalaya btw.
I have a question or two.
I'd also like to know if it is possible to modify CAB files so they install an application and then also put in your purchased key or serial depending on the application so it's already registered to yourself. It seems like it must be possible because the GPRS Monitor on the T-Mobile Extended ROM is already Registered when you try and register it yet I was under the impression it normally has to have a key entered to turn it into the full version with no limits.
This would be great if this was possible, if it's a key file then it's simple to copy it over but how about automatic registry entries? Are these done similar to Windows .reg files? Does anyone have any info if a .reg file can be make and run from the Extended ROM to make changes to the registry? This would also allow me to key in a few other things I'd like presetup.
Is there a way to see what registry changes a CAB file makes other than from purchasing MagicCAB? Is there a free program like this? It seems like a reasonable program from the info but I don't want to spend 10 dollars on a program I might only use once or twice.
Acutally, one more while I'm here. Does anyone have a CAB installation version of CabInstl which puts a shortcut in the Programs or an easy way for me to make that? I've set it up so it will copy the EXE in manually along with a shortcut but I've yet to try it. I think it should work OK I imagine, just might be neater and have an uninstall if it's in a CAB format?
Can you delete files from the extended ROM script? Just so I can clear out a few folders of things I don't want in there when I do a hard reset?
Thanks for all your help. I'm looking forward to making a super kick ass Extended ROM for myself, I'm half way there
Updating the indirect way
Had a few problems with the updating process... and thought i would explain how I got around them!
First I updated to the standard 16007DE ROM
Then I installed the Extended Rom Viewer, and then because it is protected, i copied the contents to my HDD.
Then i tried to open the Rom update from T-mobile with the Extended ROM editor, but kept on getting file access errors The only one i could open was the NL 13006 version. So I changed the splash screen, deleted the origianl contents, and then inserted the contents from my updated original Extended ROM, as well as a few other bits that i could find, IE the extended ROM viewer. It is updating at the moment, So I hope it all works.
I have a few questions though!
Does anyone know a way in which I can automatically install a few themes, and a few ringtones? I have a few MIDI files that i want to be installed into the windows\rings folder, and the themes need to go in a folder called themes in My Documents. I also wanted to ask if there is a way to extract the CAB from another program, for instance Voice Commander. It is an MSI, but only works in windows!!!
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
Greets from Hannover, Germany
Juggs :?
Is this going to work:
- Download ER2003Edit
- Download the O2 XDA2 ROM 1.60.50
- Download the T-Mobile MDA2 ROM 1.60.36
- Remove O2 apps i don't want to use
- Add applications from T-mobile rom which i want to use
- Change ROM provider from O2 rom to to T-Mobile
- Save new O2 ROM and upgrade
But... I want to add custom ring tones to contacts, and if possible also want to add custom picture. Also my camera must be able to work. Which software do i need for this?
Because.. All i want to upgrade is today theme to O2's and also the software to 1.60.50... Does the O2 rom also has an "TMDNLCustomize.sa.CAB" ?
Greek full support language for qtek 2020
this is a very intresting site!
Can anyone tell me is exist & where can i dinf an extended rom for qtek 2020 with full support of greek language?
Also there any newer version than the 1.66.00 wwe extended1.66.130 radio 1.10.00 wihich my qtek 2020 has??
best regards
A) For NOT Write Protected Extended Rom:
If your XDA2 Extended Rom is not write protected just add the new files you want, you can find on the forum many different extend rom files (O2, T_Mobile, Orange) and kitchen your own extended Rom by adding the cab files directly in the Extended_rom directory and soft reset.
B) For Write Protected Extended Rom:
The only way for the moment (until we find a way to make the rom writable) is to use the upgrade programs used by the operators and ER2003Edit program.
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2 questions for you,
1. how do i know whether my rom is the editable 1 or the non editable one?
2. I tried option A, just mergly adding the CAB files into the EXTROM but... when the hard reset was perform it did not install the CAB files i added in? what could be the prob i know there is a "autorun.exe" in it but i dunno whether will it affect the process. I also notice a "config.txt" in the extrom, tried editing it but it seems that nothing happen
Reason for adding the cab files is because i was using a 1.72.00 rom with radio stack 1.12 but intend to change it to radio stack 1.14 and also try cooking up my own rom in the ktchen but after doin so its like nothing happen. need some advice for cooking roms in the kitchen been searching the forum... found a few but its all talking about Linux platform.
Hi Kelvin,
The way to know if your rom is not writ protected is if you see a folder called extended_rom in the root of XDAII and if you can add files in it.
If not, there’s a nice tool to make the extended_rom visible and to make it writable.
2) The config.txt is made to lunch the programs in the extended rom when you hard reset the XDA or when it starts for the first time.
You just need to put the cab files in your extended_rom folder and edit the config.txt this way:
I added the cab file vxIPConfig.ppc3_arm.CAB in the folder extended_rom
and added this line in config.txt
CAB: \Extended_ROM\vxIPConfig.ppc3_arm.CAB
hi yann,
i tried doing that way as i figured out that config is like a startup "prg" to actually start the programs installing when hard reset is performed. But the thing is i cannot make the programs i added in the install after the hard reset is perform. I don't know why but the rest of the cab files can be done. Do adding of all this cab files into the ROM consider cooking ROM??? not really fimilar with the terms of cooking ROM unless that is the way.

How to open new ROMs (like ITA) with ER2003Edit

just a tip for opening the latest ROM files with ER2003Edit:
ER2003Edit has a file type selector in the file open box which is by default set to autodetect.
in autodetect mode ER2003Edit tries all encryption passwords it knows for any type of ROM (NK,Radio,ms_)
when using autodetect mode and your ROM does not get detected and you enter the correct password manually, you will receive an "Error accessing image files" message
To prevent this message choose the correct type of ROM (ms_.nbf) from the file type selector of the file open dialog and enter the password
ER2003Edit can open and edit all types of ROM files now in order to let you change the language and device type settings (to prevent country code error)
Tip: Opening ROM files is always faster when you do not use autodetect mode!
BTW here are the passwords for the ITA-Rom:
ms_.nbf: 0x20040305
nk.nbf: 0x20040304
radio_.nbf 0x20040306
A new version of ER2003Edit will have these passwords built in, but I currently do have no time for a new release just to include the passwords.
thank you very much
Softworks, are the the old passwords hardcoded into the app?
I reckon on your next update, maybe you could just make the app read an XML (or text, whatever) file with the passwords. So you can easily just add passwords in the future onto the text without having to recompile a newer version.
Also, since when talking about XDAII files, we're only talking about 3 filenames which never change. Maybe you could make a load process to simply check the filename which has been opened and use the corresponding "file process" to open it. Sort of like instead of autodetect when you open files. Have a simple check that checks wether one clicked either of the 3 files, then have a script that mimmicks selecting manually the filetype instead of "autodetect." That should eliminate the "nuances" of opening files (especially helpful for us n00bs hehe)
Sorry, Iwould like to ask how / where to find the password of the images?
Hi All,
I have images which can't open by ER2003edit V1.2.20, it say the password is incorrect. Anyone can help or teach?
The rom image is from O2, the rom version is 1.60 or higher.
Can someone help me out too, it won n't seem to work with me.
d.zee said:
Can someone help me out too, it won n't seem to work with me.
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Cant find them either.... Please help
See here:
Here is a patched version of ER2003Edit.exe that has the new 3 passwords. Auto detection now works. :lol:
Just unzip then copy it over installed ER2003Edit.exe usually found in
C:\Program Files\softworkz\ER2003Edit\ER2003Edit.exe
Thanks. It works.
ROM Version: 2.06.00WWE
Radio Version: 1.18.00
ExtROM Version: 1.12.924WWE (from IIs)
OS: Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition
OS Version: 4.21.1088 (Build 14132)
Any reason I am getting shcksum errors?
I chenaged the content of ms_.nbf save it, and tried to flash it, but I gor error 122 - checksum error?
Any known reason for that?
Looks like I am out of my depth but its worth a try
I have a blueangle and have worked out that there are more tools on in Himalaya than for us.
I have further worked out that the upgrade works in the same way.
So I would think that this tool does, Well I am either wrong or just dumb.
Is my undersatnding correct that this application would only have the paswords for the at that time Known rom realeases.
Is my understanding that even with a password out of a xda3nbtool this toll will not work if you add it in the dialog.
Thus I seem to find that if I fill in the device name, op and lang as well as pasword I fail, same is true if leave them blank.
Please help me out or point me in the correct direction
does anyone know a program or a howto for editing Asus MyPal ROM Updates? In fact I only have to add a single file.
Thanks for any response

Extended Rom Install Files

I am relatively new to this but I have managed to create an Auto Install of a single application after a hard reset (changed confit.txt file and added my app to the extended_rom), this is all thanks to this great forum.
But I would like to also run some more applications during a hard reset and also not run some of the default apps that come with the v1.72 o2 build on my XDA2.
I have seen mention of the these files:
and wondered if there are any documentation I can use to help me with installing custom apps using this or the any other command line like tools (like copy), so I can run customitation at the end of the install.
One final thing, is it possible to somehow unlock the extended_rom without a reboot so I update a file in this rom either by a web download or via a SD card so I can upgrade the device and update the extended rom for future Hard resets. I have seen where a command line can be used to unlock or unhide the rom using unlockextrom.exe. Is it possible to call this app using autoconfig files in the config.txt?
Thanks for all and any help.

reflashing original rom

ok right now i'm running the love rom on my g4 wizard. how do i reflash my original cingular rom? i know, it sounds like a nub question but here is the problem. it will flash then hang at 80% and the progress bar will turn red. it will then pick up again and continue to 95% then turn red, fail and say error 326 invalid command. i downloaded the updater directly from htc.
any ideas guys?
Yeah it doesnt work....Your now stuck with the Wizard Love Rom or you can upgrade to another rom but you cant go back to the original Cingular Rom.
internetadam4657 said:
ok right now i'm running the love rom on my g4 wizard. how do i reflash my original cingular rom? i know, it sounds like a nub question but here is the problem. it will flash then hang at 80% and the progress bar will turn red. it will then pick up again and continue to 95% then turn red, fail and say error 326 invalid command. i downloaded the updater directly from htc.
any ideas guys?
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internetadam4657 said:
ok right now i'm running the love rom on my g4 wizard. how do i reflash my original cingular rom? i know, it sounds like a nub question but here is the problem. it will flash then hang at 80% and the progress bar will turn red. it will then pick up again and continue to 95% then turn red, fail and say error 326 invalid command. i downloaded the updater directly from htc.
any ideas guys?
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That ROM is for a G3 Wizard, Check your PM's
ok i reflashed with your method and i'm back to my cingular rom. thanks a lot!
(big reason to go back was it was the only rom that my school's wifi app would work with, plus the love rom in combo with orwells wm6 wasn't cool. that splash was ugly IMO)
internetadam4657 said:
ok i reflashed with your method and i'm back to my cingular rom. thanks a lot!
(big reason to go back was it was the only rom that my school's wifi app would work with, plus the love rom in combo with orwells wm6 wasn't cool. that splash was ugly IMO)
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If you were talkin' to me...glad I could help...one question though...
did your ext Rom install on its own?
no, i still had a blank ext rom as i had to setup all my internet settings, etc again. how can i fix that one?
internetadam4657 said:
no, i still had a blank ext rom as i had to setup all my internet settings, etc again. how can i fix that one?
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All you have to do is download and install the Ext Rom cabs manually. This may still be available on the ftp. If not PM me.
It worked for me
Thanks a lot ercave1, the ROM flashed flawlessly, however the EXT ROM didn´t came up by itself. The features I´m missing are as follows:
1.- USB switch to select activesync mode to serial or RNDIS is missing, regardless this USB sync to PC (Activesync 4.5) is alive and working well.
2.- ClearVue pdf is missing, not a big loss and I really don´t care since there´s another alternatives to read and diisplay pdf documents.
3.- GetGood and in general all connection settings! I don´t give a s**t!!
4.- MIDlet Manager, big loss... I´m going to keep trying to download Risidoro_Intent_MIDlet_ Manager_V11 whenever the ftp be up and running again. So no worries.
5.- Voice Speed Dialing Settings icon in both the Program ans Setting screens are missing, however the software is running when I press the known VSD button.
6.- Cingular carrierlogo! I don´t care I have my own logo.
And I guess that´s it !
Regardless the comments above, I´d like to learn how to "extract" the correspondent EXT ROM cab files, if you guys have and advice on it would be great.
Thanks again ercave1 for the big help
internetadam4657 said:
no, i still had a blank ext rom as i had to setup all my internet settings, etc again. how can i fix that one?
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luiggi said:
Thanks a lot ercave1, the ROM flashed flawlessly, however the EXT ROM didn´t came up by itself. The features I´m missing are as follows:
1.- USB switch to select activesync mode to serial or RNDIS is missing, regardless this USB sync to PC (Activesync 4.5) is alive and working well.
2.- ClearVue pdf is missing, not a big loss and I really don´t care since there´s another alternatives to read and diisplay pdf documents.
3.- GetGood and in general all connection settings! I don´t give a s**t!!
4.- MIDlet Manager, big loss... I´m going to keep trying to download Risidoro_Intent_MIDlet_ Manager_V11 whenever the ftp be up and running again. So no worries.
5.- Voice Speed Dialing Settings icon in both the Program ans Setting screens are missing, however the software is running when I press the known VSD button.
6.- Cingular carrierlogo! I don´t care I have my own logo.
And I guess that´s it !
Regardless the comments above, I´d like to learn how to "extract" the correspondent EXT ROM cab files, if you guys have and advice on it would be great.
Thanks again ercave1 for the big help
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Yes, this is because the Ext Rom was wiped out by the G3 Rom having been flashed on your G4 devices. I don't remember reading about a fix for this, but you may want to search through the forum. The only solution I'm aware of is to install the Ext Rom manually.
I'm glad you guys got the device running again.
luiggi said:
Regardless the comments above, I´d like to learn how to "extract" the correspondent EXT ROM cab files, if you guys have and advice on it would be great.
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What do you mean with 'extract'?
1-From the RUU exe file?
2-From nk.nba?
3-Phone disk dump?
4-WinCE disk reading?
Reflashing ExtROM CID Locked
Who knows Russian go to http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=32996 & read my post
And the one who does not know it?
thanks to: Murchelago
literal from the Russian to English
it is the first step. if someone can polish it (I do not speak English good).....
Already many know that mun built Shell Of tool, which was capable of pouring axis into Wizard G4 with [lochennym] [Sidom], but to the enormous regret it does not know how to pour with [ekstrom].
Recently it decided to be played a little with the program of nb2nbf and to verify, is it possible by nevertheless any means to renew also Extended Of rom to CID-Locked apparatuses. And which there was my happiness, when I revealed after [pereproshivki] that he renewed.
It decided by the same method to try to flood Splash Of screen and HTC Of logo - everything proved to be very simply.
In view of the small quantity of information on the forum on [devaysu] Of wizard G4, it decided to build brief instruction on its [pereproshivke].
1. We stitch through apparatus by pure piercing - Wizard_Love_2.26.10.2_WWE_Novii+CF2.
2. By the program of typho5 we unpack nbf the file of piercing, which we desire to pour into the beast.
First we fill up into the folder with the program of nbf, and then start with the parameter of typho5.exe - x nk.nbf. After procedure we obtain several files, in number of which is contained OS itself, Extended Of rom, and also as a rule Splash Of screen and HTC Of logo.
([ZY]. For convenience in the use of program made [batnik]. Simply you will place nbf into the folder and will neglect typho.bat)
3. Now we gather our nbf file, each at will can include any desired components in it, naturally, except axis itself.
4. We go in very [progu] of nb2nbf and we make the following tuning:
- We establish Model ID: WIZARD
Language: it is empty
OEM: it is empty
Operator of version: it is empty
CID: it is empty ([ochen]_[vazhno]); remove the numbers, which are contained inside the field
- We establish [galochku] opposite “File of # 1”, we click on the button of survey (button with three points), we find the file Of extended Of rom' and (in the folder of typho5, the exemplary name of 9b000000-Extension.nb)
- In the field “Of start Of address” we enter 9b00000
- In the field “Of image Of name” we enter Extension Of rom (not Extended Of rom, you be attentive!!!)
- In the point “Of file of # 2” we find Splash Of screen, in the field of address we enter 92000000, in the field “of image of name” we write Splash Of screen.
- In the point “Of file of # 3” we find HTC Of logo, in the field of address we write 9d000000, in the field “of image of name” we write WITH HTC Of logo.
- We press button “Translate”
- Extended ROM is ready, it is possible to stitch through.
Unnecessary for you files it is possible simply not to include, but to insert, for example, only one by [ekstrom].
5. We place the obtained file of nbf into the folder [proshivalshchikom] and start. Procedure as with the usual piercing, lasts in all the pair of minutes.
6. We pour the axis Of shell Of tool' ohm from mun' of a.
Finale - valuable piercing
Don´t know
mestrini said:
What do you mean with 'extract'?
1-From the RUU exe file?
2-From nk.nba?
3-Phone disk dump?
4-WinCE disk reading?
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I really don´t know from where and how mestrini, that´s the reason why I quoted the word extract and included the word learn
luiggi said:
I really don´t know from where and how mestrini, that´s the reason why I quoted the word extract and included the word learn
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I enumerated the options since each have its own reason
1- Use Winrar to open RUU.exe and use typhoonnbfdecode.pl to extract the 10MB file (0xA00000 bytes) of the extended rom from nk.nbf
2- oops, same as 1 (and its nk.nbf- not nk.nba). hehe, my mistake
3- use pdocread.exe to read BDTL1 - or TRUEFFS_DOC1 (use my Wizard Service Tool as it can be done with a few clicks )
4- Unhide extended_rom and use Active Sync to copy the files to PC (or, once again use my tool to do the same )
Sounds great to me!
mestrini said:
I enumerated the options since each have its own reason
1- Use Winrar to open RUU.exe and use typhoonnbfdecode.pl to extract the 10MB file (0xA00000 bytes) of the extended rom from nk.nbf
2- oops, same as 1 (and its nk.nbf- not nk.nba). hehe, my mistake
3- use pdocread.exe to read BDTL1 - or TRUEFFS_DOC1 (use my Wizard Service Tool as it can be done with a few clicks )
4- Unhide extended_rom and use Active Sync to copy the files to PC (or, once again use my tool to do the same )
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Thanks a lot mestrini, I appreciate your input and I´ll give it a try right away!

Very clean and stable WM6.5 roms for HP 6828 WWE 20100218 update 30/6.1 M2D V3.1

WARNING: ROM Updating is NOT without risks. Please read the instructions carefully!
I haven't expected my ROMs will still frerquently updated today. I want to thank all of you who help me. You can donate me if you like my rom. Even $0.02 will satisfy me and encourage me to further support the rom.
Bepe for great tools. wuqiyu007 for porting XIP part. Garmin for great tutorials. abusalza for useful reference ROM. Homer285 for useful reference ROM. l3v5y's for great oem packages.
All people who help me testing this rom especially hochengsoon, kusanagi, slys3171989 and edywanwan.
ogel2, Tabbe and ronalddo for testing the atom rom.
Special Thank to BesFen, he helps me making an Manila 2D enabled new ROM and give me many good suggestions.
Rom Selection Guide:
There are so many ROMs on my thread that the new comers can hardly find which one fit their needs. This section will describe each ROM concisely and state my suggestion.
->If you want a stable ROM with Chinese support:
The main series of "clean and stable" ROM will fit you best. This ROM is also well supported by me and the stability is evaluated by time. I recommend you the b221 ROM.
->If you want to try something new and bleeding edge versions
The WP 6.5 series ROM fit you best.
->If you want to try Manila 2D enabled ROM:
There are 2 versions: Jade version and Besfen version. I do not support the Jade version very well due to time limitation. Besfen version is newer and supported by him. I think you can try Besfen's version first.
->If you want to make your own customization:
Try my kitchen. It is supported by me and you can ask questions about it.
->If you want ROMs of other languages:
There are CHS, CHT, GER versions.But they are unsupported and a little old. The stability is OK.
->If you want Atom ROM:
THere are Atom-R2 Rom here. But it is not supported. You can try it.
HP6828 Clean and Stable WM6.1 WWE rom:
The rom have Jade's kernel and kaiser's system as the base. The pagepool is 6M for stability as well as performance.
If you want to know what is good about Windows Mobile 6.1 comparing to 6.0, you can read this small PDF file: http://www.mediafire.com/?xdlgomziwtq
HP 6828 Clean and Stable WWE ROM:
Features of this rom :
1. Almost the same as the MS's Emulator's stable ROM.
2. Add some of O2 and HP's OEM apps like camera and wireless manager.
3. The HP's driver mixed with other enhancement.
Known bugs of this rom :
1. The Bluetooth PAN is not working at all. I include Bluetooth DUN support as a workaround.
2. In a very very rare case wi-fi will be on after reset.
3. Battery life is slightly shorter but better performance. A patch is needed to get longer battery life. (Download patch from the second thread or use Schap's Advanced Configuration tool).
4. The sound volume is a little low. SRS WOW HD will increase the volume dramatically.
5. The Bluetooth A2DP auto connection is working but one need to turn the device's BT on first then headset's or it will not work.
6. MMS program can not capture pictures and video.
7. Ipaq audio's headset ability will be disabled when powered off then on. Click on the slide will activate it.
8. Can not copy SMS to SIM card.(Thanks whtwww for notifying me the bug)
9. The screen may shift after flashing the ROM. Workaround: Do a soft reset on the welcome screen and then recalibrate the screen.
10. Bluetooth problem in WM 6.5 ROMs.
Update 20: 20081012,b189
1. SYS: Brand new 19971 system bringing many new changes from M$'s newer stable system. Visible changes are "close icon", "alarm setting", "menu font size". There are also many internal changes.
2. SYS: Memory management imporved.
3. OEM: Bluetooth BPP removed. As it consume memory and ROM space but not useful.
Update 21: 20081028,b196
1. SYS: Re-porting the 19971 XIP. It will be more stable. The shifted screen problem seems to be fixed. Memory will go down slower overtime. (This is a minor update without registry. You can restore backup from previous update)
2. OEM: Remove "Activesync mode". It is the same as settings->Connections->USB to PC
Update 22: 20081209,b199
1. SYS: Fix some VGA->QVGA problem in last release.
2. OEM: Add bluetooth security.
Update 23: 20090129,b229
1. Archsoft MMS update to latest version
2. Internet Explorer Mobile 6
3. Adobe Flash Lite 3.1 that is compatible with flash 8 and 9.
4. Microsoft Touch. You can touch and scroll now!
5. Windows Live updated to the latest version.
6. Fix Button Lock Issue
Update 24: 20090517,b294
1. Initial release based on WP 6.5
Note: The bluetooth is not working very well. Some previously added OEMs has been deleted due to ROM space problem.
Update 25: 20090519,b299
1. Fix some module addressing problems.
2. Fix the sound problem after disconnecting bluetooth A2DP device.
3. Windows Widget is left out in update 24, now it returns.
4. Fix the ringtone mode setting problem. It will now save the user settings on ringtone and vibrate.
Update 26: 20090528,b307
1. Fix the system sound problem after making bluetooth headset phone call.
2. Fix some more module addressing problems. (Some software compatibility)
Update 27: 20090605,b317
1. Rebase on the M$'s official emulator release.
2. Now windows live is working.
3. Now widget is linked correctly, try: http://rapidshare.com/files/240982956/Money.widget and http://rapidshare.com/files/240982612/Weather.widget
Update 28: 20090610,b318
1. Stability Fix.
Update F: 20091012,b-f
1. Rebase on M$'s new official system.
2. Release with full set of kitchen including the XIP porting tools.
Update 30: 20100218,b337
1. Rebase on M$'s new official 6.5.3 release.
Other ROMS:
HP 6828 Simplified Chinese ROM Special Release
1. Based on b92 of WWE Rom with fixes and VoIP support. All OEM are Simplified Chinese.
HP 6828 Traditional Chinese ROM Release 2
1. Include .NET Framework 3.5
2. Notification sound fix.
3. Camera importing function fixed.
HP 6828 German ROM Release 1
1. Initial Release based on b137 of WWE Rom. Some OEM apps are still English.
Atom(WWE) release 1 ROM
1. initial atom release based on b95 rom of HP's.
Atom(WWE) release 2 ROM
Based on 6828's B156.
20270 Kernel!
Some HP Apps replaced with atom's.
6815 Camera Patched ROM
The camera works. But the picture is upside-down.
Jade version.
I add a "secret" before just want to suprise you.
This ROM conatains many resourses from HTC Jade aka HTC Touch 3G.
It tries to resemble the HTC Jade in 6828.
It is pure WWE ROM, and your location in reginal setting does not have your location, please ask me for a more complete wince.nls.
It also does not have Microsoft Yahei font and the Windows Live.
The changelog are long but most things are coming from HTC Jade.
Besfen's Effort to Add Manila 2D to WM6.14 ROM Update to B229:
Thanks Besfen to enhance the Manila 2D experience in my ROM.
Manila 2D in B221 Hellowordl1's ROM:
1. Change HTC album to previous version, this fix HTC Album bug on Jade Secreet ROM (take from M2D thread).
2. Fix Power/battery indicator in Setting System.
3. Registry tweak, change the Task Manager Low memory of auto close app from 9MB to 3MB, so any app don't frequent close.
4. Registry tweak, add M2D ass exclusive app in Task Manager, make M2D not frequent close.
5. Change Internet Widget plugin to Internet Explorer.
6. Change Internet Widget’s default Web Site to…of course this 1st page thread…ha…ha…ha…
Removed App in Original ROM:
1. Transcribber, I get more free memori and ROM space.
2. Adobe Flash.
• Install Google Map to make Location Widget Work properly, you can download it from M2D forum.
• Install You Tube App, You Tube Plugin in Internet widget will work properly, you can download it from M2D forum.
B229 updates V3:
Based on clean ROM b229 and
* Fix WMP problem in previous release.
Download Link M2D B221
Download Link M2D B229 V3.1
Kitchen World:
The kitchen is a set of tool and files to rebuild and customize the ROM for convinence. I hope cookers enjoy these tools. I also released the non-supported 20273 system in hope of external force to stabilize it. Atom's kitchen is a little old. But it is still a good base to build atom's ROMs. Update f is essentially a new 6.5 kitchen. You can enjoy that more.
Thank you very much for those who has donated and supported me. You do not need to donate as 6828 is not exciting any more. You can show your thanks by following this thread.
HP 6828 WWE ROMs:
20080309b39:http://www.mediafire.com/?ic2lz4nkvgo (Very Old recommended version)
20080514b99: http://www.mediafire.com/?1vxjdxgar2y
20080524b101: http://www.mediafire.com/?gxjy95tjmxd
20080614b105: http://www.mediafire.com/?ztzmtkqb3mx
20080614b110: http://www.mediafire.com/?i9xbfz9mrk4 (Old Recommended version)
WM6.1 new:
20080623b134: http://www.mediafire.com/?qojwjmtbtg1
20080624b135: http://www.mediafire.com/?bddhmlwo2hj
20080627b137: http://www.mediafire.com/?cbyijrmi2yu
20080701b142: http://www.mediafire.com/?y2xjxymfdx9
20080802b153: http://www.mediafire.com/?ge69olz7mli
20080806b155: http://www.mediafire.com/?ymf9y0lte9z
20080810b156: http://www.mediafire.com/?ltjczyzryxn
20080920b165: http://www.mediafire.com/?0xmzntky9tz (Recommended old version)
20081012b189: http://www.mediafire.com/?33a2dmo5eig
20081028b196: http://www.mediafire.com/?zmzzoozjmoj)
20081201b199: http://www.mediafire.com/?lo1erfd3g0o
20090107b229: http://www.mediafire.com/?xjihw4wmmoh (Recommended Stable release)
20090422b279: http://www.mediafire.com/?wdy32tngzd3
WM 6.5:
20090413b251: http://www.mediafire.com/?th1nticzj2d
20090519b299: http://www.mediafire.com/?uzqf2cmzlov
20090528b307: http://www.mediafire.com/?uzdmnw5zwmz
20090605b317: http://www.mediafire.com/?zjnjyhzelzj
20090610b318: http://rapidshare.com/files/243529642/6828-WM65-20090610-b318.tar.gz http://www.mediafire.com/?1521mnng3ru
20091012b-f http://www.mediafire.com/?bxlz1xo3fts
20100218b337: http://www.mediafire.com/?y2yiegmizb5
Other Roms:
6828 2D Manila Enabled Jade ROM: http://www.mediafire.com/?4m2ydgltdad
Chinese simplified WM 6.1 Clean ROM: http://www.mediafire.com/?hqtwjmygdlt
Chinese Traditional WM6.1 Clean ROM R2: http://www.mediafire.com/?mtnjs0t0gzn
German WM6.1 Clean ROM R1: http://www.mediafire.com/?xi4n20z4wlp
6815 camera patch may work version r2: http://www.mediafire.com/?lihy0vcvnxd
6815 camera patched version R3: http://www.mediafire.com/?2mjhtgjox0x
Atom release 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?xixrdywxnjy
EXTROM(Should be installed on Atom if you want Atom's ROM working properly):http://www.mediafire.com/?tjyzmvific9
Atom release 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?jxfm09sbces
(Thanks ogel2 for uploading)
6828-kitchen: http://www.mediafire.com/?xmwm0lxtdxc
atom-kitchen: http://www.mediafire.com/?3z0gmzjmkzm
20273 system: http://www.mediafire.com/?5m0dbdf5271
How to flash using SD Card(Recommended):
Extract diskimg.nb0 to a sd card (<1G is better), insert it into 6828, press&hold 2 soft key(-) and reset. After a while, it will be in PBL mode, wait 15-20min, it will hard reset itself and flash done. The first boot time is very long so be patient , you may click the screen so that the device will not auto-off.
How to flash from PC with Windows XP (It is ok to run it in vmware)
Thanks Knave and rcperez for posting their detailed experience so I can write this section. Also thanks jimmyspa for improving the addheader's performance greatly.
1. Check your Boat loader version
(do a soft reset, and check the value printed at the bottom during the HP logo screen)
2. If you noticed that the last line states BL 1.00.05, it means you have boat loader 1.05 installed. You will need to download and flash your phone back to 1.01 via ftp://ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp34001-34500/sp34053.exe (VERY DANGEROUS, FLASHING VIA SD IS MUCH SAFER!)
3. After successfully downgraded your phone's boatloader, or your version was already v1.01, you can proceed to flash your phone to the rom.
With the check done, proceed with the required files.
1. Go to download section to download the rom file.
2. Download the file pcupdate.zip attached in this thread and unzip the contents to the same folder you used in step 1.
3. Download the latest Rom file and extract to the same folder
4. Run BuffereAddHeader.bat. It will take seconds to generate a diskimage_Ver.nb0. (You should have Java Runtime > 1.50 installed, http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp)
5. Move your phone to boatloader mode ( press the two - keys, follow by a poke at the soft reset hole with your stylus )
6. Connect the phone to the PC
7. Execute the Device Utility Update program and wait till it verifies the state. Click on Update Item "All" use cursor keys to change it to "OS ONLY" then hit next **** SELECT "OS ONLY", if you cant change it to "OS ONLY" DONT PROCEED!!! It should detect your device as Model 0 etc.
8. Press Next to begin flashing.
9. Once completed, the phone will reset by itself. Wait for a while for it to startup.
Here are the notes & files provided by hochengsoon with README for flashing via Windows XP
PC flashing using BL1.0.1 must be done from C:\Windows\Temp, so why not start everthing from this folder ie PCUpdate + ROM + missing file(s).
PCUpdate1.rar - http://www.mediafire.com/file/k5jumzzg1mm/PCUpdate1.rar
PCUpdate2.rar - http://www.mediafire.com/file/zqykwmteizz/PCUpdate2.rar
How to downgrade to WM5 using PC
1. download wm5 rom from http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsuppor...ng=8&taskId=135&swEnvOID=2067&hpappid=NextGen
2. run it and after entering the updating screen cancel it.
3. replace the hpRUU.exe in c:\IPAQ(default install) with the attached file hpRUU.exe in archive hpRUU.zip
4. Connect device to PC, then press and hold two "-" button and reset.
5. Run hpRUU.exe and do a normal update.
Note: you may delete eboot*.nbf to prevent bricking the device.
How to downgrade to WM5 using SD Card
1. Download this file: http://www.mediafire.com/?mbwxx9szmyz
2. Extract diskimg.nb0 to your sd card.
3. Enter bootloader mode by pressing two "-" keys.
4. Wait .
How to recover from semi-brick state:
1. Prepare a sd card with proper diskimg.nb0.
2. Pull out the batter for a few minutes.
3. Press and hold two "-" button and at the same time, put the battery in.
4. Wait a few second and release the button, then after a while, the device will be in bootloader mode.
How to use kitchens (NEW writen by besfen):
Req: .NET2.0+
1. Download Kitchen Tools and extract it.
2. If you have diskimg.nb0 file that you want to modified, copy it to the TOOLS directory and ROM directory.
3. In "cmd", "cd" to the TOOLS directory.
4. Run prepare_imgfs.exe diskimg.nb0, it will dump the .nb0 file.
5. Run viewimgfs.exe imgfs_raw_data.bin, it will make dump folder in the TOOlS directory.
6. Run pkgtools.exe, select the dump folder and build package, it will make 2 folder, SYS and OEM.
7. Sometime some files don't move to that folder, you can open missing.txt file to know where the location of that file, move the files to the location said in the missing.txt. Finally, there isn 't files in the dump folder, all file are in the SYS and OEM. Delete missing.txt and OS.bat in OEM folder. SYS is M$ related, OEM is oem added things.
8. Replace the original SYS and OEM folder in the kitchen with new extracted ones.
User can change the OEM at will except the OEMDriver folder. I have modified it many times to get it stable on new ROM.
To add a new OEM Software, you need:
1. Extract the cab file of the app, you can use wincab manager to do this.
2. Put the extracted files to the new folder in the OEM. The folder name don't contain space, you can use _ (underscore).
3. Type the registry in the one of .rgu file. There are many .rgu file there, you can edit it with notepad. if you finish save as, choose all file and unicode type, but don't change the name of that .rgu file.
4. Make a shortcut, open initflash.dat file with notepad, the location is in the OEM_lang folder, type the shortcut name. You can read the existing shortcut in that file to know how to do it. Remember to make the shortcut file first in the folder of each app.
After that, just run build.bat file in the kitchen directory, follow the instruction and your ROM already created in the FLASH FOLDER.
Useful apps for this rom:
addheader.jar: add 12 byte header and generate diskimage_Ver.nb0 from diakimg.nb0
hp_files.zip: Files for downgrading to wm5.
hpRUU_patched_from_language_and_model.rar: patch hp RUU.
BQ27200Expert: Battery Calibration software.
Good job !!!
Try upload to http://www.mediafire.com
I think many peoples need it
nhocbanme said:
Good job !!!
Try upload to http://www.mediafire.com
I think many peoples need it
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Thanks for your advice, I have uploaded.
May I know where's the link to download?
dejazz said:
May I know where's the link to download?
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As I had expected, there're few people want this rom. So I will stop uploading the updated versions.
wait a minute,i wan this rom..it is a nice but have you figure out how to solve the wifi flash light not on problem??i wan the update version of this rom.
but this flash rom abit troublesome,can u pls help to cut the 12bytes header n upload for us??
hhhh3 said:
wait a minute,i wan this rom..it is a nice but have you figure out how to solve the wifi flash light not on problem??i wan the update version of this rom.
but this flash rom abit troublesome,can u pls help to cut the 12bytes header n upload for us??
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First, the wifi light is working on my 6828. The camera flash light do not work though.
Second, I have ALREADY cut the 12 byte header, so it is safe to flash using a SD card. I said that if you need to flash using RUU you need to ADD 12 BYTE.
Thanks for your interest in my rom.
helloworld1 said:
First, the wifi light is working on my 6828. The camera flash light do not work though.
Second, I have ALREADY cut the 12 byte header, so it is safe to flash using a SD card. I said that if you need to flash using RUU you need to ADD 12 BYTE.
Thanks for your interest in my rom.
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cool,thanks for this nice rom
This is interesting. Can people report whether this is a stable ROM, other than the noted bugs?
Also, will it flash with a 2gb miniSD card? That's all I have.
i need a clean rom too, nhocbanme's rom is great but it's not clean. Dirty with HTC applications and full of black which i don't like.
i'm currently using this rom since a month ago, i think this is a stable and great rom. work flawlessly.
thanks helloworld1
i'm waiting for ur next update rom
I ve flash this ROM today. It took about 15 minutes. Very good and clean ROM. Everything works perfect, Bluetooth stereo working nice, JAVA midlet also okay, camera works good with flash automatically light during photography. High memory after install 70 applications still got 42MB internal memory left. Hmmm....what else to comment...nothing , all perfect
When are you going to release WM6.1 with this type of super clean ROM....waiting....waiting
Keep up the good work!!!
I've splatted my 6815 with this ROM today, and thankfully it works a treat! It takes a while for its first boot but then I started to breath again when it came up.
The camera doesn't work at all though. The program loads but errors with "failed to get jpeg stream" or similar when clicking the cam's hw button. However that's a small sacrifice to pay when the pay off is WM6, that HP can't be bothered to provide.
Many thanks to helloworld1, and here's hoping you release WM6.1 in due course. \o/
ruffage said:
I've splatted my 6815 with this ROM today, and thankfully it works a treat! It takes a while for its first boot but then I started to breath again when it came up.
The camera doesn't work at all though. The program loads but errors with "failed to get jpeg stream" or similar when clicking the cam's hw button. However that's a small sacrifice to pay when the pay off is WM6, that HP can't be bothered to provide.
Many thanks to helloworld1, and here's hoping you release WM6.1 in due course. \o/
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6815 may need a patch to get camera working. You may need to search around.
I do not have a 6815, so I will not embed it in this rom.
ehaezar said:
i'm currently using this rom since a month ago, i think this is a stable and great rom. work flawlessly.
thanks helloworld1
i'm waiting for ur next update rom
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I haven't find any solution in the bugs in "bad section". So maybe I will not do minor update to this rom. Also, it will, maybe, save your time updating something worthless.
What about 6.1:
Due to the reason that 6.1 haven't been official released, I do not have a strong will to make a unstable rom.
I will release a 6.1 rom if it is stable and no clean one have released.
ruffage said:
This is interesting. Can people report whether this is a stable ROM, other than the noted bugs?
Also, will it flash with a 2gb miniSD card? That's all I have.
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It will almost surely brick(not badly) your device that causes some unnecessary trouble. After that you can still flash again.
So there are 10(!) choices for you:
01.Buy a 256m or 512m card.
11.Add 12 byte header and flash using RUU.
10.Simply do not update
helloworld1 said:
It will almost surely brick(not badly) your device that causes some unnecessary trouble. After that you can still flash again.
So there are 10(!) choices for you:
01.Buy a 256m or 512m card.
11.Add 12 byte header and flash using RUU.
10.Simply do not update
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Too late! I used my 2gb card yesterday (after a clean FAT format) and it worked fine.
helloworld1 said:
What about 6.1:
Due to the reason that 6.1 haven't been official released, I do not have a strong will to make a unstable rom.
I will release a 6.1 rom if it is stable and no clean one have released.
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i'll wait ur 6.1 rom. thanks so much

