Pocket IE - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Hi there
I'm developing a web application which will be used on O2 XDA's. It will be php based with a MySQL backend. I've been looking into the capabilites of PocketIE on the XDA and it doesnt support CSS etc. Can anyone offer any advice on the limitations of pocket ie on this version of XDA? I trust it will cope with php pages for a start? Silly qustion I know but 'I'm expecting the unexpected!'
Thanks :?

Don't know how the PocketIE react to the php file-extention, but I guess that can be easily worked around by using apache rewriting-rules...
As for CSS, I've got no problems using it on web-pages on the xda. I've not done any research about using css in a separate file from the internet, but it opened an external css-file very vell from the local memory. The only problem is the lack of @media=hanheld support. And do also note that width: 100% or width: auto, will be about double the size of the screen. And if you've selected "Fit to width" (or what it's called) the width will be the screen-size, thus making the page scroll horizontal if the vertical scroll-bar appears.
I can't see why Microsoft hasn't made it compatible with todays standards... CSS2 would have made it much easier to make pages for both personal computers and other devices like PocketPC...

Hi limepickle,
what's for the php, PocketIE will do his job and display your pages. CSS (1.0 or something very cripled) is supported in some ugly way.
That said, you better should design your website around it's content and less to it's optical outfit. On a handheld device it's the content people wanna see, not flashy animations. If you wanna know the time your flight is at, you wanna get the time, not fancy logos and funny pictures of the airways' planes.
So try to build up a navigation structure that's easy to use on a pda, take care of text lenghs and use just a few and small graphic elements (often wifi and gprs connections are charged by traffic).
And last but not least (then I'll finally stop explaining one of my business models :lol: ):
You can always check your sites without financing your phone company's boss new Porsche:
Just save your website onto a memory card and open the files with Pocket Explorer. In case of dynamic pages you can save them with your computers browser (which saves them as static HTML-files) first and then copy them to a memory card and....
Would be nice, if you could tell us about this project as soon there's something to see (maybe before you launch the site officialy). I'm sure here are people willing to explore the web with their little friends :wink:

Thanks very much guys for your repsonses, very helpful.
By all means I'll let you have a look, I'm yet to sort out my webhosting, its all still localhost.
As for your comments on CSS, I have had no luck at all and I've had to resort to font tags, but i've achieved the effect I was after, with perhaps slightly more code than I wanted.
I've managed to get a test envirinment set up using Activesync and the cradle, connected to a pc running Apache/Mysql etc.
I'll be back soon! Thanks!


[App/widget](25/8/10) Fitness Plus

Hey all, i noticed people were asking for a "exercise/fitness" app like ifitness.
this is html one i was developing so made it into a quick widget for you all to see.
its main design is to be a guide.
this is a beta look and feel, i'll start filling out the exercises soon.
iv given it a nice nike+ look as i love the orange !
is been developed for Wvga 480x800 first.
it will be split into male and female
it will have things like..
Intake, Nutrition and Diet, Weight lifting, Strength Training,
Cardiovascular Exercises, Weight Loss, Aerobic, Motivation,
Preventing Injuries, Avoid cheating, Calculators.
iv put in as much as i can about water intake and Vitamins & Minerals.
im playing around with a BMI Calculator to fit in there too.
im trying a kcal Calculator soon.
im hoping someone brilliant could make a nice flashlite jog meter
also when i can get embed wmp to work or a nice flashlite player maybe we can have music too
im open to ideas and info or people who want to work on it too.. hope you all like !
There should be a way to use the accelerometer as a pedometer. And, a body fat % calculator would be nice.
maybe a cab, instead of a zip? :X
and a food log..
Hey, first of all, THANK YOU! For reals, thanks for taking the time to develop such an app. Now moving on to suggestions
I mostly do weight lifting and some jogging so my suggestions would be these:
- Include a catalogue of available weight lifting exercises (www.bodybuilding.com is an excellent resource)
- Add the ability to create a weight lifting schedule that works as following:
Design a schedule beforehand and fill in sets/reps/weight
This mode would have weight lifting days pre-set by the user (for example I have a chest-lifting day, in which I do bench press, incline bench press and a couple more. I'd like the ability for that to have been designed beforehand by me, and I'd insert the weight/set/reps on the spot during my workout)
Design a schedule on the fly
Start with an empty training day and add exercises/sets/reps/weight on the fly.
It goes without saying that each set should have its own reps and weight
Awesome work so far mate, keep it up!
PS. Haven't tested the app yet, will do so as soon as I can.
Thanks for developing this, love it already =d
Well I have been looking for something like this for a long time.
It would be nice to have the calories intake measured.
One way to do this would be for people for people to use the label of the article to help them input the right data:
If they weigh the food (cereals / chocolates / anything that has a label), and put the weight in grams (example, as I live in Europe), and the calories for 100g, the program could calculate how much calories they consumed.
It would then add them all up, and tell you how much calories you’ve consumed.
It could have some database of some food like fruits that do not come with a label of how much calories per gram they have.
If it could calculate too, how much calories you’ve burned during the training session, it could even tell you if you’ve consumed more calories then you’ve put in the body (witch is what you need to do in order to loose weight).
Regarding the training:
It would be nice to have some specific areas trained, so if you want to train your biceps, you could find 2-3 exercises to do it.
In training some muscles should be trained together (during the same training session), so it would be nice to have it do a training session A for day 1 and B for day 2.
Third request would be if it could have a timer, so that people know how much they are resting (between the series). If they need to rest 30 seconds it should not be 2 minutes.
I know this information is not new to many, but this would be the things I would look for in a program like this.
Good luck and let me know what you think about my suggestions.
i love the idea, if you want me to help out with anything to do with graphics, please ask. i am a photoshop nut, and i could help make the screens look even prettier also if you need, i could help resize things for other resolutions ex: qvga or vga. again great idea =]
edit: as for the player for music i dug this up on another site...
"From Wikipedia "The Advanced Stream Redirector (ASX) format is a type of XML metafile designed to store a list of Windows Media files to play during a multimedia presentation."
Flash doesn't play any windows media native files. It only plays Flash video files (flv) and Mpeg4 (h.264 encoded) either as a .mp4 or .mov file. So to get that to play in Flash you'll need to figure out how to convert it to a file type that flash understands or look into something microsoft native like silverlight." - http://www.ozzu.com/flash-forum/playing-asx-files-flash-player-t103840.html
as for a m3u playlist it appears possible....
a commercial piece of software, proving the point http://www.draftlight.net/dnex/mp3player/
maybe useful if you use wmp: http://www.nunzioweb.com/streaming_audio-example.htm
and another link just in case http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?t=287996
hope i helped.
Withings wifi scale integration, like iPhone Wiscale...
I'm trying it out. Looks very cool
Some links
If you need some workout / nutrition info here are some good sites. The first link has a list of all the different muscles and exercises that you can do to work them out along with an animated gif of the exercise in question. The second link is just a food database. Maybe these can help give you some ideas to incorporate into your program.
Nice work - I look forward to seeing some content
Thank You!
Some nice work here. A couple of suggestions that might ancrease it's appeal, and a question.
I installed the program and ran it. It then put a bunch of files into the Main Memory of my HD2 without asking permission. Naughty! Naughty! For various reasons I need every Mb of storage I can keep, so this was a problem. It resulted in memory management issues that drained my battery like crazy, so sadly, I had to un-install it
The program was not fully uninstalled via the phone, and there is no uninstaller in the package, so I 'm going to manually delete all the related files I can find. I suggest that you either provide an uninstaller program or a complete set of un-installation instructions.
And please! set the program to be installe din the Storage Card! I would really like to give it a serious workout!
Thanks again - and keep Developing!
One neat idea would be food log integration.
As in built in foods with calories that you can search through, including fast foods and such.
Also camera/barcode integration, so you could just scan the barcode and it looks up the food and it's calories/nutrition info.
I know those are a big big reach, and probably not likely but they would help make your app complete.
Also if possible the calorie burned exercise should be weight specific, i.e a heavier person doing 2 miles would burn more than a light person doing 2 miles at the same pace.
Hi guys,
I would like to try this app but my Windows Mobile version is 6.1 due to the fact that is much quicker than 6.5 on my Smartphone (I have a Blackstone).
Could you please provide this app as a CAB installation file as WGT files aren't supported in this version of WinMo?
Thanks and regards,
youngstats215 said:
There should be a way to use the accelerometer as a pedometer. And, a body fat % calculator would be nice.
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yes i believe so i have seen a nokia widget that uses g-sensor in html so should be possible. the bmi calc tells you % fat when you type in hight+weight.
josh_prayyforplagues said:
maybe a cab, instead of a zip? :X
and a food log..
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i may do it as cab for those who do not have widget engine.. this will be open with native browser. as for food log i cant do html that remembers things yet.
zeusalmighty said:
my suggestions would be these:
- Include a catalogue of available weight lifting exercises
- Add the ability to create a weight lifting schedule that works as following:
Design a schedule beforehand and fill in sets/reps/weight
Design a schedule on the fly
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-yes this is first been designed as a guide book for most exercises.
-i believe this would be bit much for html/java.. if can be made in flashlite id love to add it.
Johev said:
It would be nice to have the calories intake measured.
It would then add them all up, and tell you how much calories you’ve consumed.
It could have some database of some food like fruits that do not come with a label of how much calories per gram they have.
If it could calculate too, how much calories you’ve burned during the training session.
Regarding the training:
It would be nice to have some specific areas trained, so if you want to train your biceps, you could find 2-3 exercises to do it.
Third request would be if it could have a timer.
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-im adding kcal intake calc soon so you type them in and it calcs if you have eaten more or less than 2500kcal.
-database of foods without labels is good idea.
-not sure how i would work out calories burned.
-thats the idea lol
-hmm could put a small configurable timer in each exercise page
alexandera said:
Withings wifi scale integration, like iPhone Wiscale...
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-too complicated.. bmi calc will tell you if you are over weight from ur hight+weight.
MadSci said:
I installed the program and ran it. It then put a bunch of files into the Main Memory.
The program was not fully uninstalled via the phone, and there is no uninstaller in the package.
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- .wgt files always install to main memory, .cab you chose.
- uninstall via settings uninstall programs.. should be in the list like mine.
yes i will try doing as cab file sometime.
well i like working out for the looks more than the weight gain, so if you can add some Calisthenics Exercises with like daily reminders and routines you have to follow. like make an alarm go off when its time to do your exercises..
but anyways add alot of Calisthenics Exercises, thanks........
Hi guys.
I'm still waiting for the CAB version.

[Q] Android Tablet as Sheet Music Viewer?

I have ordered a Zenithink ZT-180-102A and plan to use it to view sheet music for the band I play in, and turn the pages with a USB foot switch that sends a PgDn key to Acrobat Reader.
Has anyone tried this before? Any gotchas?
I would think that the tablet will be (just) big enough to view A4 PDF sheet music at 10.1" (would have preferred slightly bigger)
I'm hoping Adobe Acrobat Reader for Android can go full screen and respond to PgDn messages
Battery life seems a bit light, but figure I can run it from the power adapter if required
Hopefully no outside gigs, as I don't know how well the screen would work in sunlight
If I'm reading the foot switch description right, I can configure the key press via the software on a Windows machine, then plug it directly into the Zenithink as a standard HID device. Anyone tried anything like this?
Zilch said:
I have ordered a Zenithink ZT-180-102A and plan to use it to view sheet music for the band I play in, and turn the pages with a USB foot switch that sends a PgDn key to Acrobat Reader.
Has anyone tried this before? Any gotchas?
I would think that the tablet will be (just) big enough to view A4 PDF sheet music at 10.1" (would have preferred slightly bigger)
I'm hoping Adobe Acrobat Reader for Android can go full screen and respond to PgDn messages
Battery life seems a bit light, but figure I can run it from the power adapter if required
Hopefully no outside gigs, as I don't know how well the screen would work in sunlight
If I'm reading the foot switch description right, I can configure the key press via the software on a Windows machine, then plug it directly into the Zenithink as a standard HID device. Anyone tried anything like this?
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Hi, did you get this set up yet? I was looking at something similar for my band. Does the ZT180 have usb slot in it for the foot switch?
Yeah - that particular tablet is pretty iffy in build quality and design. I posted some details on it here.
The main limitation is the screen size for displaying A4/Letter. Since it's a 16:9 (or 16:10?) ratio, you get black bars at the top and bottom if you display the full page, so it's more like A5 size. For most of my music that is readable, but not ideal.
In landscape the size is about right, but you can only see half the page at a time.
The Adobe Reader software lets you do Cntl-N to move to the next page (dunno why PgDn doesn't work). The cheap footswitch I got of eBay works fine (you set it up once with some Windows software and then plug it into the USB port of the tablet)
I've ordered a 3 pedal one to try though, (cheaper than the 2 pedal ones strangely) so I can do Forward/Backwards, a maybe some sort of Scroll with the middle switch if I have it in landscape mode.
A proper A4 one would be nice though. I think I would actually take an eInk based one in preference - if I could find a reasonably priced A4 one - as the battery life would be so much better. Or maybe a Windows tablet so I could also run GuitarRig or similar for FX/MIDI stuff at the same time. Still thinking about it though. Let us know how you go.
Any update?
I would love to hear how this is going.
I am planning on getting a tablet for guitar music and would love foot pedal options.
Any suggestions? Tablets, apps, pedals etc...
I haven't used it much to be honest. The screen is a bit small, esp at 16:9 ratio for A4/Letter sheet music. The pedal idea works pretty well though, I'm using on my Thinkpad (sitting on it's side on a a music stand) for now.
I'll revisit when some genius invents a tablet which is greater than 10.2", and when a decent build quality model with Gingerbread is out.
I have to admit I'm slightly tempted with the 14" (?) EEE Windows slate that has come out recently. I think it's an i5 or so, and this would allow me to run guitar rig etc while viewing sheet music.
I purchased a Viewsonic G tablet for this very same purpose. I can read my music using Adobe in the Portrait mode ok but I would like to put it in landscape mode and use my cicada by page flip foot pedal to do a page up and page down. Have you come across anyone who can remap the keyboard to recognize page up and page down or as you have found out control N for page down.
I got my Gtablet a few weeks ago and have been playing with a few apps.
Chord Reader (pretty much just a phone), eSongBook and GuitarTapp
The each have nice features but I really need a combination of the three. I don't own a foot pedal but would like to have that feature and hear how that is working for other people.
Features I would like:
1. Change keys
2. Make setlists
3. Nice, big display
How are people mounting this for a stand? Or do you just set it on a music stand?
Best rig would be with a 13 inch macbook I believe. Check out Modbook http://www.axiotron.com/index.php?id=modbook
New Sheet Music Reader: MobileSheets
For anyone that happens to come to this thread looking for information, I recently released an android sheet music reader app called MobileSheets. It's currently only available for 10'' tablets. The app is designed to let you take images or PDFs you have (either from scanning, taking a picture with the tablet camera, or from files obtained on the internet) and create songs from them. You can organize your library based on album, artist, and genre, and create setlists. It also comes with a built-in metronome, and companion app for your PC. Please check out zubersoft.com/mobilesheets for more information.
One of the best reasons to get a tablet ever! How does the footswitch work?
An update is coming out this Sunday, Dec 4th that's going to add support for any bluetooth pedal for hands-free playback. Examples of supported bluetooth pedals include the Cicada PageFlip and the Airturn BT-105. I'm going to start offering a deal soon where if you buy the Airturn BT-105 through a link on zubersoft.com/mobilesheets, you will be given a free copy of the paid version of MobileSheets.
As for how the pedal works, the previously mentioned devices have two pedals. My app supports multiple modes - the default mode is the left pedal goes back one page, the right pedal advances a page. Another mode is the left pedal scrolls the page while the right advances to the next page (great for landscape mode). Once you try hands-free page turning, you will never want to go back
hmmh... this seems to be just what i was looking for... i am planning on going completely digitla on my students, as in: have 'em watch their sheetmusic on the tablet in lesson (in this case motorola xoom), then afterwards send 'em the sheets for them to print out by themselves. i'm just sick of lugging 10+ kg of sheetmusic around all day actually i was planning on buying an inexpensive printer and hook it up to the zablet via usb, wifi or bluetooth and print the stuff for them on site, but as there's no pc or router nearby and usb doesn't semm to work either, i settled for the paperless approach (which does have it's pros and cons).
one thing i'd like to know about your program though: i've got several realbooks in pdf form that i'd like to use, each containing around 2-300 songs on about as much pages. how would i go about organizing those? simply bookmark each song seperately? or would i have to split the huge single pdf into small, single ones?
[/quote] from blue powder --- one thing i'd like to know about your program though: i've got several realbooks in pdf form that i'd like to use, each containing around 2-300 songs on about as much pages. how would i go about organizing those? simply bookmark each song seperately? or would i have to split the huge single pdf into small, single ones?[/QUOTE]
I use ezPDF viewer. (available on Android Market) It allows me to use my foot switch (cicada page flip) and allows me to mark my .pdf sheets with notes for corrections or whatever. I agree with a previous poster, once you use a foot switch you won't want to go back. I am in a JAM that has about 500 songs. It took two 3 inch binders to carry them every night. Well we have now converted 16 of the 21 members to electronic viewers. It is the only way to go.
As far as organizing my folders I simply created 26 folders labeled "A" to "Z". Then every time I add a new song I simply put it in the appropriate folder. You can leave them all in one giant folder but it takes longer to find the song you want later. I found a little pain up front saved a lot of pain later.
do you mark your pdf's using a pen? if so, which one? if not - how DO you do it? that's one thing i would be missing in a purely digital surrounding, being able to mark up certain things etc. i don't think i'm going to have much need for a footswitch in a teaching situation, though, and as far as gigs are concerned, i play mainly jazz, and most of the leadsheets i get are a page long. if not - tough luck, i'll play better from memory anyway ;-)
the folder a to z folder-approach seems absolutely feasible, i'd probably go even more ballistic and create several mainfolders (like fingerpicking, theory, leadsheets etc), then have the a to z folders inside those. something like that. i'm more worried though that my students will be turned off by not getting physical handouts anymore. may take them a while to get used to it
ezpdf app and boxwave pointing devices
bluepowder said:
do you mark your pdf's using a pen? if so, which one? if not - how DO you do it? that's one thing i would be missing in a purely digital surrounding, being able to mark up certain things etc. i don't think i'm going to have much need for a footswitch in a teaching situation, though, and as far as gigs are concerned, i play mainly jazz, and most of the leadsheets i get are a page long. if not - tough luck, i'll play better from memory anyway ;-)
the folder a to z folder-approach seems absolutely feasible, i'd probably go even more ballistic and create several mainfolders (like fingerpicking, theory, leadsheets etc), then have the a to z folders inside those. something like that. i'm more worried though that my students will be turned off by not getting physical handouts anymore. may take them a while to get used to it
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OK first I would recommend looking at ezpdf on the android market. The developer has been very quick to make certain changes. I can say that the program has really improved 800 % over the past 4 months I have been using it. The developer updates the product about every 4 days. New features and bug fixes. Granted I don't use all of it's features but I think it is better than Adobe. I tried to embed a copy of the annotations page but I could not so go here "https://market.android.com/details?id=udk.android.reader&hl=en"
Pen - I do use a pen/pointer to write on my pdf's. I use the boxwave products as they were rated the best and most reliable on a capacitive screen. I have bought others but I keep coming back to the boxwave products. I even have one with an actual writing pen on the other side of it so I can take paper notes if I have to.
Folders - I do the same thing with my music folders. I have it broken out to Christmas music A - Z, Our Regular Music A - Z, Then stuff that I am practicing for my self A - Z.
Sheet Music - If you are going to stick to one page and you are young enough to be able to see clearly then forget the foot pedal. It is just one more thing to have to carry. I am 60, the old eyes are not as sharp as they used to be.
Students - I don't know how you are planning on giving them the files or where you teach, ( private classes, class room setting, high school etc) But - Hey when I was learning (still am) I would have loved it if the instructor gave me a downloadable file with all of my music for the semester. Then I could either print it or put it on a tablet. My choice. Most parents today think that if they don't buy their kids the latest gizmo they will be stunted or social outcasts, so I bet most of your students already have tablets.
Another thought - Another thing to keep in mind. My buddy teaches banjo. He was going to get a tablet for himself then we talked and he decided to get a tablet and a notebook and a projector. He then calls up the sheet music on his laptop and projects it on the screen for the class of 6 students. He uses the tablet for private instruction with out the projector.
Hope that helps.
Really take a look at ezpdf
Hello -
My solution to this problem was:
1. Scan in all my sheet music as high resolution files (300 or higher).
2. Use a photoshop technique on each image to eliminate grey and make sure the blacks are black and the white background is white - (there is a great way to do this with the eyedropper tool which you can find on youtube). At this stage I also straighten the image of each page.
3. Use a photoshop action to import the individual scanned image of each page as 'layers' on a single photoshop document --- and then save as a photoshop document.
4. Use a photoshop action to stack each photoshop layer (on a given document from step 4) out in a long continuous sheet of music and then flatten the image and save as a bitmap (so now the image would look like a flat, opened out, long, scroll).
5. Use a photoshop action to set the canvas size the correct dimensions and dpi for your given display/tablet.
6. Manually open each 'scroll' and move around the systems of your music to fit in the window you have made in step 5 ---- and save each window as a high res jpeg. Save the jpeg as the name of the piece followed by the page number.
7. Use a photoshop action to add a text layer of the same value as the file name. Save as a pdf.
8. Combine the individual pdf pages into a single pdf document for each individual piece.
9. All done. I now have 3 hours of music as PDFs that are perfectly viewable in my tablet AND can be searched for using the find feature of the PDF reader (thanks to step 7). What could be easier!
The lenovo A4 size tablet is an ugly looking brick - I wouldn't like that compared with this ipad solution
For many of the above reasons my favorite gigging tool is the Fakebook. It does PDF very well (even importing and indexing huge collections like a real book or vocal book), but at the same time it has thousands of built in chord charts (transposable). Nice annotation or scribbling, search, links to YouTube and Spotify performances and great playlist editing.
Best $1.50 spent on my Google Play account! play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.skrivarna.fakebook.android
The Adobe Reader software lets you do Cntl-N to move to the next page (dunno why PgDn doesn't work). [/QUOTE said:
Yes. ctrl + n gDn. But what could be the code of PgUp?? If anyone knows the answer, please describe it is very important to me. . And there's a code table of Adobe Reader for Android?
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[Q] Office Documents

I am considering buying a Flyer, and was wondering if somebody could try something for me please?
I've heard that you can edit office documents on the flyer, and was wondering if
A. It was limited to Microsoft Office,
B. Can you use drop down menus etc. setup in a spreadsheet,
C. Does formatting carry over directly from a P.C. or do you lose some of the formatting like most portable office viewers.
If somebody was able to carry out a few tests for me using Microsoft Office, and OpenOffice, I would be hugely grateful.
Anybody able to give me any answers?
Well I'll add some info...I have not done a lot of document editing on the tablet, however. I have opened up some word, excel, and powerpoint documents, and it holds up the format well for viewing on tablet from what I have seen. The software used is polaris office. Editing abilities for powerpoints are severely limited. You can move stuff around and edit text. I am not seeing an obvious way to add items. Excel is similar in limitations. Word limits things to simple text editing (bold italics underline). Overall I'm going to say it is mostly just suitable for viewing these things, unless the document is very basic.
My other advice is to head on over to a best buy or sprint and try some of your files out first hand. They may let you plug in a sd card, or if not, throw a few files up on dropbox and download them to the tab in store. I did that to see how powerpoints would look on it, which was my main concern.
Cheers johnchad14.
I'll give it a try.

Setting up productivity

Hi all,
So I've had this tablet for a bit of time now and I've had trouble setting it up for productivity.
I'm a high school student and this tablet is my main productivity device (the HP desktop I use has the computational power of a lemon).
So I want opinions on apps and setups that will help a high-school student like me get some serious work done over the course of this year.
Currently I use:
Google Drive, because cloud syncing documents and work is glorious and has saved my life on multiple occasions
Timetable - cause I'm still settling in to my new routine
Stock calendar/S-Planner - this syncs events with my S3
A Bluetooth keyboard that gets the job done. (seperate from the case)
USB OTG adaptors for USBs and SD cards, and a 16GB USB.
Google Drive, while allowing cloud syncing, is lacking in quite a few basic features which would actually be really helpful to me, eg. Calibri font, picture inserting/editing etc, and my exams that need written material usually have to be handed in via Word document.
Polaris office and some other suits I've tried also seem to have trouble with word formatting (on a computer, words at the end of a line are chopped off and put on the next line).
A few other things I want to add:
I do a lot of my schoolwork at home using the tablet, especially for written assignments. (not sure how this would help in any way but just in case)
I would use LectureNotes, but with a finger it is REALLY inefficient. The crappy stylus I have doesn't help either.
Some of the subjects I have chosen for this year require a LOT of writing, so apps that can handle that well are preferable as well.
I don't print too much, and when I do I use the school music department (cause its free for me ahaha)
Something that syncs with Drive would be preferable as well, as I often access files from the S3 on the go.
I want to stay on stock for the most part - however if there's a really good app that needs 4.1+ for example I can consider it...
If anyone has any ideas on how I could set my productivity suite up, please let me know of apps that could help or any links thanks!
Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk

Firefox OS as an embedded email reader?

At my office, we rotate after-hours email monitoring but some of the older guys are apprehensive about getting cell phones, so keeping up on-the-go can be difficult. I am wondering about buying a ZTE Open off of ebay and getting a pay/mb data plan and we can pass that around as a dedicated email reader.
Up to that point, there is nothing to worry about, but what I am thinking of playing around with is cutting the OS down to only the email app and settings. I'd like to have it boot directly to email with settings available from the pull-down menu, if possible. I mainly want to keep it simple enough for cellular-phobic people and also take away the ability to browse the web and run up my cellphone bill.
I'm not super fluent in the in's and out's of FXOS beyond the app level, but I'm interested poking around, I'm just looking to gauge the difficulty. There are cheaper android devices that I could try with as well, but I'd much rather hack around in HTML/JS than Java. That being said, I have the option of just customizing the Andriod UI to remove everything except the mail app, so if tearing down the Firefox UI would be a lot of work, I'll just do that.
I have a Flame that I can run tests on before spending any money, but I appreciate your opinions before a throw away a bunch of time that could be used on something useful.
That's super doable and not very difficult I think! Only with one (obvious?) condition: you must have full root access to your device. ZTE gives a rooting tool, so if you stick with the Open C (or the flame) you should be good to go. Don't choose a Kliff for example, as they are not rootable yet.
First of all, stripping all of gaia (the top layer of firefox OS, containing all the UI) has already been done by JanOS (for IoT device), so you can get inspiration from them. They reduced it to only one js file and a folder, where you can put your own js that gets executed at startup. Your use case is a bit more complex though: you still want to access settings, and be able to go back to email when needed. Basically, you need the email app to replace the homescreen right?
Creating alternate homescreen is a possibility that firefox os gives you, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Apps/Build/Manifest#role
You can try adding the role "homescreen" to the email app, flash your device, change the homescreen in the settings and see what happens!
NB: when you change the manifest of an internal apps, you might need to rehash it by downloading https://github.com/julienw/config-files/blob/master/addpref and execute
./addpref rehash-manifest
while your device is connected (and usb debugging is on).
You might need to add handler in the email for the home button to work correctly, in a similar fashion as in verticalhome (which is the name of the folder containing the homescreen app, not "homescreen").
Good luck! Don't hesitate to ping me if you need any help.
---------- Post added at 11:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 AM ----------
Dude I just tried this and it's working like a charm. The thing that took me the most time was the configuration of the email account

