Need Rom ERA PL MDA Vario II - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam Software Upgradin

how would i go about downgrading back to the origional PL ERA rom? i have upgraded to the wm6 black edition and the keyboard is messed up. is it at all possible to downgrade back to wm5?
Anyone here has a dump or nbh
Have a nice day.

You can try Schap's Advanced Configuration tool to change the keyboard layout.

I thank but return to former version need

We are trying to rebuild but we still have problems.
I have possibility to lend for a while oryginal Vario II with this ROM.
Check polish PDACLUB.PL site:


T-Mobile ROM upgrade > Germany

On the German t-mobile website they have the upgrade with number 1.60.07.
Has anybody any idea wich ROM, Radio en Ext ROM version this has,
Just wanted to know if it makes sence to upgrade to this one
find attached a screenshot of "geraete-informationen"
servus ize|man
Is it possiblle to put this update on an Dutch T-Mobile MDA II, is the MDA then still in English, or is it German then.
Frenske :?:
No then your machine becomes german language.
I did it the otherway arround, I had upgraded to the dutch t-moble rom, which made the machine english, then later upgraded back to the german t-mobile rom which made it german again
Wel i see that I have excactly the same geräate information, so it makes no sence to upgrade to that one. It means we have to wait a bit longer for an radio upgrade

I'm lost in space... Want to Update my MDA II T-Mobile ger.

Is there any one out there who is able to help me?
I have an german MDA II from T-Mobile (an Himalaya ?).
So, what is/are the actual updates for this device?
I found an older update T-Mobile 1.66
then a newer one to 1.72
and in the forum updates to WM2003 SE and that ever...
What I need is:
sync with outlook over BlueTooth,
BT for headset(that makes trouble) and my gps,
Word and Excel (Turn Screen in SE?) .
Best regards
If you just want to be sure to have it stable, supported (warranty) & working: Go with a specific T-Mobile (GER) 1.72 version.
Should be on their website.
I fyou want to experiment (and get landscape): Have fun and get all SE versions and decide which one you like.
I have MDA II Rom version 1.60( ger )
I want to update to english rom i found in t-mobile v1.72 but i didn't try yet i think it's german language
can any body help plz to get english rom ?

Who has the original O2XDA II 1.66WWE ROM Asian Edition

HEllo peeps,
Can anybody help? I wanna downgrade my ROM to the original 1.66 WWE Asian ROM i got this unit with. Does anyone here has this ROM? any help is greatly aprreiated. Thanks!!!
Get it from ftp://xda:[email protected]
Look under the Himalaya folder
tnx a lot FOSA. i've been looking for this for the past 2 mos!!!! anyway, does this one has the original Asian Extended ROM? tnx.
Original Asia ROM for 1.66 is ROM 1.66.165, it's not available for download at the WEB.....????

T-Mobile UK WM6

Has anyone tried this upgrade on Vario II that has HardSPL?
Is there a special way to flash this if I have an existing WM6 ROM?
I have just Flashed my rom with this upgrade and it works fine, be warned you'll loose some features like MSN, but you can look on these forums you can re install it.

Original Rom from t-mobile?

hello i have installed rom kitchen on my mda touch plus.
Work perfect but for an another problem i wil send him to fabriek for guaranty.
i wil install original rom from t-mobile mda touch plus.
Can i this ? which rom is that and what is the procedure ?
Maybe you searched this -->
Reverting back your SPL and Rom for warrenty or return!

