Problem with TNT Professional. - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 ROM Development

Hi to all! I have problem and i need help please... After i installed the professional version i saw that battery works less, with the same usage as before the install. Now i must charge the battery every day, when before 2,1/2 days!!! I saw too that the activesync starts to pda alone, the time that the phone isn't connected to a pc or with a charger. Even if I close it, it starts again. Have anybody ideas about these? Thank you...

do you have an email acount that updates with a fixed interval? like every 2 hours... it can be the problem if you use active sync to get mail


[Q] HTC Mozart Problems!

So I got the Mozart yesterday and I have some problems!
First of all my windows live id.
I connected with my Xbox ID and everything works fine, but in the settings it is always written attention required and updates do not work, but I can download and install apps from the marketplace.
Secondly my battery barley lasts a day WIFI and 3G connection turned off. It has been on today for 3 houres and already 10% is used?? It has only been on standby any things I forgot to turn off?
And did someone manage to get the HTC flashlight working, as it says the mozart is not supported, and does someone have that awesome notes app from HTC i cant seem to find it in the marketplace. THere is only something called lists??
Thanks in advance!
I got my Mozart 3 days ago, but maybe I can give some answers.
HTC Notes: The easiest way is through Marketplace. Start Marketplace. On top of the list it says "HTC Apps". Tap on it, scroll down and there it is.
Or you start "HTC Hub". On bottom of first page it says "Weiter" or maybe "More". Tap on it. Do the same on next page. Under "Apps" sroll down and there it is. I prefer the first way.
Battery works fine for me. Starting in the morning at nearly 100% it goes down to about 50% in the evening. WLAN+BT turned of, 3G running the hole day. I have about 20 min. calltime and 30 min. internet. Mail download is set to 1 hour.
Update: Sorry, thought "Listen" was same as "Notes", but Notes seems not downloadable.
For battery life, don't keep push e-mail or GPS on.
battery life
and for best battery-life: turn phone off. I can't understand how feducing connectivity is accepted as the only way to keep a smartphone working throughout a single workday
The Battery Life is very good
I am seeing excellent battery life. A fully charged phone in the morning lets me run Wifi, Push email to my Exchange server, Positioning, Bluetooth and 3G all day with probably an average of 10 - 15 calls per day. Add to that, plenty of playing around, downloading, surfing and facebook etc and I think this would count as fairly decent daily usage. My battery is ausually round 30% by bed time when it is hooked up to Zune on my PC for a charge and a sync.
OK thanks guys it was soo weird after the 10 % it didnt move until I started playing again, but it was weird that the first 10 % were finished so fast and how do you turn of GPS? I did not find an option.
ipaqer64 said:
I got my Mozart 3 days ago, but maybe I can give some answers.
HTC Notes: The easiest way is through Marketplace. Start Marketplace. On top of the list it says "HTC Apps". Tap on it, scroll down and there it is.
Or you start "HTC Hub". On bottom of first page it says "Weiter" or maybe "More". Tap on it. Do the same on next page. Under "Apps" sroll down and there it is. I prefer the first way.
Battery works fine for me. Starting in the morning at nearly 100% it goes down to about 50% in the evening. WLAN+BT turned of, 3G running the hole day. I have about 20 min. calltime and 30 min. internet. Mail download is set to 1 hour.
Update: Sorry, thought "Listen" was same as "Notes", but Notes seems not downloadable.
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Yeah it is soo wierd on the trophy in the store it worked??
And the flashlight app also doesnt work with the mozart...
Anyone know if you can download it from somewhere and drag and drop it into zune?
The_lil said:
Yeah it is soo wierd on the trophy in the store it worked??
And the flashlight app also doesnt work with the mozart...
Anyone know if you can download it from somewhere and drag and drop it into zune?
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The flashlight app (if you mean one that would permanently turn on the camera flash to use it as a torch) will not work on the Mozart.
The Mozart has a Xenon flash, like a real camera. These can only be used for a very short time (e.g. when the flash goes off) and not turned on for a longer time.
All other Windows Phone 7 handsets use LED lights as their flash. These are not as bright when they just flash, but they can be turned on permanently without them burning out.
I don't think any Flashlight app will ever support the Mozart, because of this.
Dazzer said:
The flashlight app (if you mean one that would permanently turn on the camera flash to use it as a torch) will not work on the Mozart.
The Mozart has a Xenon flash, like a real camera. These can only be used for a very short time (e.g. when the flash goes off) and not turned on for a longer time.
All other Windows Phone 7 handsets use LED lights as their flash. These are not as bright when they just flash, but they can be turned on permanently without them burning out.
I don't think any Flashlight app will ever support the Mozart, because of this.
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Totally forgot about that XD
Still a bit stupid should have also built in a LED
Hi again.
Notes is now in Marketplace. Tap HTC Hub and you'll see it. But I don't think you have a chance to get it in zune. Just downloaded it, it's great.
HTC Notes is great but you can write free hand, only type?
and why we need HTC Notes as MS Office Note has the same functionality and its already installed on WM 7.
My problem is the power-Button. This button is too sensible. If i have the mozart in my pants, it could be that the phones turns off by walking.
Hirnteri said:
My problem is the power-Button. This button is too sensible. If i have the mozart in my pants, it could be that the phones turns off by walking.
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so you're saying that when the phone is locked it can be powered off without unlocking it first?
pikacz; said:
so you're saying that when the phone is locked it can be powered off without unlocking it first?
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Yes. This is more a software-problem... Or stay i alone with this problem?
I am not sure exactly what has happened to mine and I cant seem to find any similar scenarios on the net so far.
It cut out/turned off mid phone call this morning and it will not turn back on, have tried power button and camera button, pulled out/replaced battery, put it on charger (no charge light), only thing left is to try my gf's battery (my battery was >50%) but I don't think that is the problem. Not really looking for a solution here but will post back if I work it out so others can easier (will take it to the shop).
EDIT: Don't know if this will help anyone but I tried as a last resort a hard reset (you lose all your data) and for some reason the phone just turned on ( I didn't get a reset screen). I did this by holding the volume up and the volume down and briefly tapping the power button.
Has anyone have problems scrolling the pages up and down in internet explorer, it sometimes does not react to your finger, like it just freezes.
In dark rooms, sometimes my mozart makes blue pictures...
All of the problems above I have experienced and more, the OS at best is a first release, and depending on your software environment, what apps you have installed, you will experience a variety of problems. On the whole if you use mainstream apps, you should not have major problems. Battery life, is mainly down to your carrier, optimising their servers to deliver data to the phone in an economical way.
Hirnteri said:
Yes. This is more a software-problem... Or stay i alone with this problem?
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It true if you press the unlock button for a long time it turns off regardless of where you are in the OS.....
And the IE problems sometimes happens... No clue why but it sometimes also zooms in and out instead of scrolling.
These are normal ^^

Mail not Syncing - FreeX10 Beta 3

Hi All,
Seem to have a problem that my mail is no longer syncing with FreeX10 Beta 3
I am using juice defender to only engage 3G for two minutes every fifteen minutes, which have never caused a problem before, but recently (it seems) my emails will not sync anymore...
Anyone else have this problem, or know of a solution...?
Even manual sync doesn't seem to work...
ok, so now I've rebooted my phone and it's now working... Maybe there's an app that's stuffing it up... who knows

[Q] Saving Android Battery Life in FLIGHT MODE

i installed different kinds of android (SD version) on my HTC HD2, lastly i decided to use the MccM HD V6 SD SENSE FROYO and im very happy with that.
but ive got a problem: when im using flight mode while sleeping (usually 6-8hours), the battery loses 40-45% charge.
here is the situation:
- when im turning the device off and on again before using flight mode (means boot to wm6.5 artemis and then launching android, activating sim card and then setting device to flight mode) it tages 3-5% of charge during the night.
- when i do NOT reset the device, just enter flight mode after using the phone the whole day (facebook, google maps, ...) then the battery loses 40-45% charge as said before.
so the problem might be an application, which - once it is startet - always tries to connect when im flight mode. i startet using zdbox with autokill on lock, later also autokill system programs - no sucess.
lately i tried batteriefu, but this only stopped my data traffic/connection right now.
i have no idea, what to do against that. a friend told me, its not necessary to use taskkillers at all in android - whats your opinion?
maybe the SD android is a problem? (when programs use the SD card during night, it drains the battery?)
thnx in advance
ps: sorry newbie, first thread in this board - when im doing wrong, just tell me - it was not on purpose.
Battery drain
wHY NOT JUST SWITCH THE PHONE OFF AT NIGHT????. Am I missing something??
Good luck
- galarm? (alarm use)
- and it takes time to go to wm6.5 and then launch android?
John, your shift key is stuck..
I can't help you directly, but SpareParts has a log feature that will tell you which applications cause the device to not enter sleep mode correctly (wake-lock), using that you should be able to locate the program causing the issue.
ok, spareparts was one of the things i uninstalled
spareparts or spareparts+?
Normal spareparts should be able to do it (at least the one that came with my CM7 does)
ok, installed it, checkt the logs, loading battery and testing this night
interesting, last 2 nights there was a batteryloss of only 3-4%.
no idea why...
I've heard of roms / kernels taking a couple days to settle before some of the kinks go away, so it might be something of that sort. Otherwise I would assume your phone should be saving power if it's not connecting to networks as frequently
VVarboss said:
I've heard of roms / kernels taking a couple days to settle before some of the kinks go away, so it might be something of that sort. Otherwise I would assume your phone should be saving power if it's not connecting to networks as frequently
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Y'know, I thought it was just me thinking this but I have noticed better performance once RevolutionROM has been in for 2 days or so.
I know there is politics for posting on a old thread but I saw this thread on Google while trying to see if this happened to anyone else.
I would like to report that right before bed I had 22%. My Samsung Skyrocket will eat right through 22% overnight if the cell radio is on. So without rebooting I turned on airplane mode (so I would have an alarm in the morning.) I woke up and my battery was at 28% I couldn't believe it. I will try to re-create this again. This was from 2am to 7am. In my battery details graph it even shows a little "hill" noting the increase.
I did hit the Task Killer button from my ES Task Manager widget right before airplane mode to make sure Facebook and Email were closed.
Any Input?
Have you tried betterbatterystats? I had high drain with new rom and seems to have been Audiout_2 which was started by the keyboard click. It was on by default in the ROM. Its off now and all is OK. Seems once it starts it must be continuously polling.
Sent from my HD2 using the power of Jelly Bean

After Gingerbread update Motoblur using Excessive data

After upgrading to Gingerbread I noticed that my phone is now using about 500-800mb a day. I notice my battery is is dead in 5 hours. I tracked it down to:
Its using 1mb about every minute.
I tried adjusting a few settings nothing.
I'm on Bell Canada, is anyone else noticing this? My corporate sync also stopped working.
If anyone could check their phone and let me know it would be muchly appreciated.
My corp sync works push mail stopped, its configured correctly ... you'll just have to trust me. The manual sync works.
I updated last night and I'm having the same problem.
Basically either I leave background data on, and eats through my battery and downloads 100megs an hour, or I turn background data off, and everything is fine, but I don't get emails anymore.
Does anyone know what's going on? My phone was working great before, and I wouldn't have willingly traded up for a new color scheme and profiles (useless), if it meant I lost my email, and didn't even get new Swype or Chat...

Battery drain over night FIXED(!?)

I was pissed off as my phone lost all the juice over the night and didnt have time for filling it in the morning as i have to go to my job. Also i am a privacy freak and from obvious reasons i dont like google apps, same goes for gmail (as i am using exchange server i dont need all the sync stuff there) which was my initial reason for preventing the application to start - i dont use ANYTHING releated to google/market and i dont have any account there, i never used it.
On rooted phone I started to prevent starting everything related to google and DRM, market etc. (autostarts
- DRM*
- Factory Test*
(i think this was all, i'll recheck if there was something else)
And guess what. The battery drain over the night is now around 2% and the phone is quite able to survive 2 days (not completely accurate as i had it connected to computer for 10 minutes in between to pump some files from it), after the second night i still had 12% of battery left.
If someone else is able to repeat that, please report the results and if someone is able to figure out which app exactly is draining the battery even batter.
One thing i dont really understand is what are those apps doing during the night, there is no reason to contact any of google services as i dont have any account entered, so wtf are they doing?!
To ROM cookers, please stop adding google apps by default, make them as package to be installed later if you wish.
I do not have any communication or at least there should be none over 3g (droidwall) and i dont want to kill aplications just to have peacefull sleep. I was searching for final solution and i have found it.
One solution is to switch off wifi and data connection in night and sure you will have better battery drainage.
Not entirely related but just a heads up for people, last night i downloaded that Getjar app and it decimated my battery overnight so i uninstalled it this morning.
I assume most on here know about this is the best app you can get when it comes to preventing battery drain (tells you exactly what is draining your battery)
seems getjar is eating away at the battery, dont understand why it needs to do that !
Go to the task manager and kill all running tasks, then clear ur RAM before going to sleep @ night.
I loose like 1-2%
Send from my Samsung Galaxy S II
I do not have any communication or at least there should be none over 3g (droidwall) and i dont want to kill aplications just to have peacefull sleep. I was searching for final solution and i have found it.
If it is a night issue, try turning the display ON before unplugging the charging cord. I have used this method and the battery stays at 100% all night long.

