Any programs that format Mini SD Cards? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario Accessories

I bought A Sandisk 1GB Mini SD Card off of ebay for $10
-just the the card no card reader, or adaptor of any sort.
I insert it into my wizard, and it fits it with the spring loaded mechnism fine, but when I go to memory managment, im not sure if it knows it's there or not
Memory management will say that, that "external storage": "Not Installed"?
But when I go to take pictures, I go to the utilities/options menu, then general tab, and it doesnt even acknowledge that theres their a card in the slot, only seeing system memory.
So my question is, are their any programs that can/will format my card, or implement something to make it work?
I have Total Commander(not installed), and thinking about downloading this program called "SKTools". Would these programs work.
Cause not only is this a brand new card, but i have pictures and programs that I want to get installed on this device.
-Ive already amazed myself by using the Lockiwiz, to unlock my phone(having only 2-days worth of exp with a smartphone device)
-taken a few pictures, which i have to downloading off my wizard through activesync
-An some other freeware programs that want to install themselves on the system memory
Please help, all/ and any post greatly appreciated
EDIT: I downloaded SKTools onto my device, and its a cool program( I think its a alternate version of total commander but you pay for it?), but it doesnt recognize my Mini SD card either!!
-I also found this program called "WM5Storage", in the description it say that it's specialty is dealing with "external storage", downloading/ and uploading without the need of activesync?
Last edited by projectdarkside(1) : Today at 09:06 AM. Reason: Found new program

I had the same problem.
The only thing that worked on my sd-card was to clean it with an sd-card reader that was pluges in too my computer.
PS. I hope you understand, my english is not so good.
got some tricks up it's sleve

jus using card reader to format it to fat 32 format then is ok.

your only option is, which has already be said,is to format the card with a card reader. WM5Storage when activated allows your phone to become a usb storage device that can be plugged into any pc without the need for active sync to be installed. you can then see the contents of the sd card, but as your wizard cant even see the sd card that wont work either,nor will any other program you install.
Either the card is incompatable or it needs to be formatted

The best option to format any SD or MiniSD is into Digital Camera.


formatting mmc

can anyone please tell me how to format mmc card for xda...there's 3 options in win xp ...fat32....fat...ntfs....i cant format it from the xda , keep getting error code error occurred while formatting the storage card folder...........thanks
Try formatting to Fat or Fat 32, however if the xda wont format it there may be a problem, make sure the "lock" switch is in the off position. I have had a problem with sd cards before, what I did was a sd backup from the xda, it then seemed to work ok, just deleted the backup and it worked ever after.
theres no lock switch on the mmc card...i've tried storage tools and flash format...the card must be buggered
i have a different problem, but im sure its connected to the formatting somehow! my card only fills up HALF way!
there is 40% more room availble, all scans prooves this, yet i cant add anything to it, im thinking, its the way its formated, was there a 'directory' limit to how many files that can exist in root?
and wasnt it related to the type of formatting? so my question is...
which format/cluster/ect... is best to fully use a 256 card? and 512/1G.?
I actually started a topic last week concerning the same thing. i'm copying bits and pieces of it here; it also helps address your concern about which format to use and the sd card limitations. the first point below address which format you should use for the sd card; in this case use FAT. by the way, i use an sd-card reader (usb plugged) to format the card; it shows up as "removable disk e" in my laptop's window's explorer.
1) i'm using a 512 mb card; i was having some difficulty because the memory of the card would only go up to around 300. at first i thought there was a problem with the card itself so i had to constantly erase the contents to make mp3s, files, pics, mpegs, etc fit. then i stumbled upon the pc command for formatting disks; there were 3 options to format the sd card: FAT, NTFS and FAT32. when i used fat32; the behavior was the same and the memory usage would only go up to 300 max. when using ntfs; my xda2 refused to recognie the card (it wouldn't show up in the explorer app). when i formatted using FAT, everything was great. i can now use the sd card to it's limits and am no longer restricted to the 300-mb trouble i was having.
question: what's the difference in the 3 formats? i don't really know but obviously using FAT format was the best thing to do, but what's with the other formats?
2 cents worth.
cheers mates
thanks Robson...but i have sent to back for a replacement....i tried it in my reader but the pc could not see the sd i went out and bought a 128mb card while i wait for the new one to come....had no problems with the 128 worked straight away
thanks for the tip - from now on FAT is to be my solution
one more thing to add, I do have 256MB SD card on my XDA I and WM2003, ver 4.0.21
I can use my 256MB card to the full limit, the card has been formatted with CnetX format utility ( with FAT16 and FAT32 and apart from the fact that content has been missing from time to time, so I had to re-load the files ... when I locked the card, everything is fine now
today I have tested sandisk 512MB SD card ....
I am allowed to fill it up to the full limit of roughly 484MB
I am curious about the other thing .... buying 512MB SD card for its prce it's almost a rip-off and you get only 484MB in return, I remember old times back with IPAQ + PCMCIA sleeve with inserted flash card 1280MB of sandisk - the size written on the back of the card WAS EXACTLY matching what PPC2002 was showing .... 1280MB
to me it seems like either different "disk geometry" or disk format - can anyone explain it to me pls

"Ghost" Storage Card

I'm just setting up my XDAII (actually a Dopod 696 which I re-ROMed to the latest O2 ROMs). Everything seems to be working fine. However, there is something odd about the "Storage Card" situation.
Even with the SD/MMC slot empty, my Settings/System/Memory/Storage Card applet reports that I have "Total storage card memory" of 14.57 MB. Where is this coming from?
Also, perhaps more worryingly, when I inserted an old SD card (reformatted 32MB one from my Treo 600), the system doesn't seem to "see" it anywhere.
Do any of you gurus out there know why this might be the case?
Thanks very much in advance for any information.
By the way, when I try using Storage Mechanic, it "sees" the "ghost" Storage card, which it is not able to format, but doesn't "see" the real SD card that is inserted into the SD/MMC slot.
Anyone have any ideas?
It's the spare 'flash' memory. When you put a MMC/SD card in you get an addition item in the dropdown list.
Duh. Thanks for the info. However, any ideas why it's not "seeing" my SD card? Do I need to format it in some special way?
AFAIK the card should be formatted as FAT. Don't know if you need to do it or even if it can be done on the PPC. I generally format mine on a laptop before I start.
Hmm. I've been doing the same. Format is FAT (no choice given really), and the notebook sees the SD without any problems. But the XDAII just doesn't seem to recognize it whenever I insert it.
Sigh. I hope it's just a problem with my SD card and not the slot...
If anyone else has any ideas as to why my XDAII doesn't see my SD, do let me know. Thanks again.
What type of SD card is it?
If anyone else is using the same card on their XDAII without a preblem then you can put it down to your SD slot
Ah! .... You did say it was an 'old' 32MB one didn't you? Wonder if the XDAII only accepts SD cards with a certain speed (e.g. 2x, 10x, etc).
My 16MB [Don't laugh ] Toshiba SD card works fine in my XDA II. I haven't tried my 128MB Sandisk one yet.
I would certainly try borrowing a new SD card (any tech-savy friends?) to see if it is "visible" to the XDA II before concluding that the slot is bad. Also, a soft-reset with the card inserted might also help the device recognize it.
Or try the SD card in another XDA / Phone / Digi Cam / PC whatever.
Thanks to all for the comments. The old SD card works fine in my laptop and my Palm. Sigh. I'm going to go look for a new SD card tomorrow and just pray that it's some wierd quirk between this particular SD card and the XDA. I really hope it's not a problem with the SD slot on the XDA (actually a Dopod 696) as it's a nightmare to get things fixed/exchanged here in China.
Had a similar problem a month or two back with a work mates XDA1. He bought an 128MB SD Card (some odd make) which worked fine on his PC but his XDA didn't see it! My Sandisk SD card worked in his XDA fine tho!

How to format micro SD

I would like to format my micro SD card, but I don't know how to.
I know that there is an option that says " clear storage" but it is for internal storage only ? or can format as well the sd card?
I haven't any card reader on my pc, so I have no idea about how to do it from Hermes itself. .
Sniuk said:
I would like to format my micro SD card, but I don't know how to.
I know that there is an option that says " clear storage" but it is for internal storage only ? or can format as well the sd card?
I haven't any card reader on my pc, so I have no idea about how to do it from Hermes itself. .
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Keep your micro sd in card reader , you can format it only from pc.(buy one card reader)
if you want format micro sd from device , you need a 3d part application , but from pc is better.
The resco explorer, has a format storage card utility
I have done it already, and works fine.
pocket mechanic works well, also finds errors, cleans up, makes coffee etc
If you're on XP, just right go into disc management, find the card, right click, and choose format...likely a similar method on Vista, but I haven't used it.
No third party tools needed, etc.
Edit, oops my bad, I misread that you didn't have a card reader for the pc.
Another vote for Resco explorer btw, I couldn't live without it.
Well, I got 4GB Micro SD. Formatting (FAT32) done through PC but never been possible through Artemis by any of the softwares mentioned here. The SD works fine under windows, but I gatta take it out in every new ROM or Radio flashing. Is there any way to make it being seen by Artemis DOS system?
problem with my 4gig micro sd
hey guys...
about this topic...
i have a problem..
i have a 4gig micro sd for dopod 838 pro..
i think.. i had a virus the problem is..
i can no longer see the storage card neither on my phone nor on my pc...
how can i get to format it?..
at first it was working just fine but all of a sudden i can no longer show the sd...
what can i do?..
pls. help...
nio.elsinore said:
hey guys...
about this topic...
i have a problem..
i have a 4gig micro sd for dopod 838 pro..
i think.. i had a virus the problem is..
i can no longer see the storage card neither on my phone nor on my pc...
how can i get to format it?..
at first it was working just fine but all of a sudden i can no longer show the sd...
what can i do?..
pls. help...
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Delete the folder "MSMETADATA" on your storage card and do a soft reset and that should work
Unless of course the sd card has failed... I had one or two do that... All you have, if the pc won't recognise to format, is a lump of plastic.... You'll have to get a new one...
phone no longer recognizes sdhc card
Okay, guys I flashed my hermes this morning with this and now it no longer recognizes any of my micro sd nor my micro sdhc cards. They come up on the computer but not on the device. I even installed the sdhc.777 cab and it still doesn't work. Help please...
refuse2bstopped, try a different os... If that doesn't work you may have a broken or misaligned pin in your usb reader on the Hermes. It may also just be dirty or have some corrosion on it. If you want to clean it use a cotton bud and some isopropyl alcohol (surgical spirits). DON'T USE METHYLATED SPIRITS... It leaves a residue.
im just wondering if my mini sd is busted and it has no use anymore..
why can my camera still recognize that there is still a memory card installed in to my unit that its even asking me to either save the picture's towards my unit or mmc
im just wondering if it can still be recognized by my unit can i still fix it/format it so that i could use it again...??
i know your the expert on this that's why i thought of asking you this..
thanks for reading my msg'
I like to look at things step by step
1. SD card isn't recognised by Hermes - not even detected...
2. Camera detects it - did you try taking a few pictures and seeing if it actually wrote them to the card? I had a phone that registered the card but kept throwing up "sd card corrupt" every time I tried to use it.
3. Does a PC recognise the sd card when inserted into a card reader? If you don't have 1 I'd make this a priority to get, a friend of mine bought one off ebay for $5 AUD including postage...
If the pc recognises it maybe you should reformat it fat32. remember to backup any data first...
4. If the pc and camera have no problem then I'd start suspecting the Hermes... I have two sd cards so I have no problems testing but you may need to either get a smaller card - I use a 512 for flashing the os, or find someone who can lend you theirs to test. If the 2nd card reads then either the card is bung or the Hermes has a problem with it (incompatibility has been known to happen). Clean the card reader as best you can with isopropyl alcohol and a piece of cloth. There may be some type of corrosion or dust on the sd card reader contacts.
These are the steps I have taken to work out if the sd card or Hermes is a fault. Generally I find its the card (happened once to me and once to a friend).
Hope this helps...
Been through this. Very recently, actually. Like, last night.
I don't have a microSD reader and I found myself needing to reformat my microSD in my Hermes to FAT32. I was trying to do SD flashes. Long story.
Anyway, know what I did? I used WM5torage. As long as your ROM is functional and your SD card isn't wasted, activate WM5torage and have WinXP format your "USB Mass Storage Device" for you through My Computer. It only affects the SD card.
I mean, it worked for me.
sd 2gb
i have i sd 2gb card, my pc can see it and use it but only on fat format. i cant format fat32, i get an error(not able to complete). i cant see or use it at all on my phone. (the only selection i have to format (on my pc) is fat,fat32, default unit size)
please help, so i can use the card on my pc and phone
edit:i have searched and the only thing i saw was prog. to format sd, that prog let my pc to see the card, but lost the ability to see it in my phone. (sorry i dont remember what the prog was)
A very good (shareware) 3rd party programm comes from softwinter (storage tools)
If the PC picks it up, right click on the sd card and select format. Make sure its fat32 though. Easiest thing to do... NO 3rd party apps needed...
i guess i wasnt clear enough. my pc comes up with an error "not able to compleate" when i try to format my card in fat32 (that is when it is in my pc), but i can format fat (but thats no help for me). if i put the card in my device, it doesnt see it, so if i link my device to pc, pc doesnt see the card. so still cant format via pc.
i tried 3rd party as noted, as i thought, if my device cant see it the app cant see it.
thanks for trying, but still in the same boat.
it is a new card too, im woundering if i bought a bum card and i should return it for a new.
any suggestions welcome
Reboot pc then try again... I've had this happen too and a reboot seemed to fix the problem. Just a psychotic computer problem...Sometimes pcs can be..... TROUBLE..
i tried that again, still doesnt work. but i did see autoplay run this time, i think that may be my prob.. 2 progs. trying 2 run on the same source at the same time. now trying to find a way 2 shut it off (like i really need it anyway)

Did my Touch Pro eat my SDHC?!

I think my A-Data 8GB Class 6 SDHC is hosed. Is there anything else I can try before I have to purchase one? This is what I have noticed and done to try and resolve.
I cannot write anything to the card. However, I can read from it. I’ve tried deleting folders and files. They show they are deleted; however, when I take out the card and reinsert it shows back up. It does not show up as a drive when I hook it up to a card reader. Disk Management scan showed nothing. When I connect the Touch Pro to the laptop as a drive instead of Active Sync, the storage card does not show up. I can go through the File Management in the Windows Mobile app and see the storage card. Format is not available. A friend with an Android tried reformatting it and it just sat there. He took it out and resinerted his and it started formatting his card.
Is there a format program to use on the phone (searching now)? Is it time to buy a new SDHC?
ETA...I just installed FlashFormat from cnetx. Received "No storage card detected". Is there another good flash program?
You can try a card reader in your pc (ether built in or USB) to format the card. if you need help let me know.
btw a good program to format anything on windows is called swiss knife and its available for free here:
Yep...I tried a card reader to my laptop. XP did not see the card. However, I tried a different card and it showed up.
I will look at swissknife.
Swissknife does not see the card.
I ordered a new card.

missing files on micro SDHC after transfer

Hi, i have my HTC hero rooted with the last Villainrom 12.0.0, i recently bought a new micro sd card 32gb and i dont know why but after i transfer data to my sd card i can see it, taste it, use it with no problems, but when i put the sd card into my phone some files get missing, i dont know why, but they just dissapear, may get into some kind of trash folder hidden into the card, but they are just gone...
i tried eather mounting the sd from my phone trough USB and retrieving the card from the phone and pluging it into the sd card reader in my pc, it doesnt matter, the problem stays.
i thougt may be it was some problem with the partition, i had the partition to use apps2sd, ext3 and all the crap, but the issue was still there, then i formatted in my pc fat32, still the problem, and finally formatted trough my phone fat32 and the problem persists, i dont know if maybe some software on my phone is making this happen or anything...
i dont know what to think, i know my sd card is ok becouse i used it filled with data and had no problems before...
please help me.... im gonna cry
I have exactly the same problem with my HD2... trying to upgrade from 8bg micro SD to 2gb micro SD.... everything copies across (or so it seems) however all the files in the 'program files' folder haven't come across, nor has my TOMTOM gps folder files..... ?
I've tried everything I can think of, why can I not copy card to card via my PC.... I'm sure it was simple when I changed from 2gb to 8gb cards.
Any help very much appreciated.

