WARNING : Potential problem with radio 1.54 varients. - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam Software Upgradin

Radio confirmed in 6 dead GSM cases :
Radio stated in 5 dead GSM cases : 1.54.7 and are known to have stability issues
Other 1.54 varients may have issues which are killing the radio hardware
As has been mentioned in other threads elsewhere and on another forum (win4mobiles) - there is presently an epidemic of GSM problems that seem to be plaguing users and either killing or bricking Hermes.
There are at least 14 cases around the Hermes area on this board now of people running a varient of radio 1.54 as their last radio then ending up with intermittent GSM or no radio - many being unable to roll back when problems start or finding bad blocks when telnetting into their phone to try and unbrick it.
I also have just learnt of another case here running that's just died over xmas.
For technical discussion on these issues - see this thread
This is the one thing they all have in common and it's starting to look suspiciously like there may either be an issue with this radio or an issue with the radio when used on certain networks or combination of issues. Certainly, up to the 1.50 dying GSM modules was a little more uncommon and now there has been a splurge of them.
Just to remind some of the more inexperienced ROM experimenters out there - Hermes has a firmware driven radio in a custom chip and the radio images change how the hardware within the chip functions. It is quite possible for a bug in a radio to damage the hardware over time.
If the radio hardware itself gets fried then the only cure is a new motherboard, if the flash goes bad but the hardware isn't damaged then using the unbricking guide in the wiki you may be able to get some life back into it or roll it back.
So experienced users be careful until we know more, and inexperienced users please bear in mind that once you've found a radio that is good for you and works there is not much further point in trying every other radio.
Especially use caution with any versions of 1.54 at the moment until there has been more information collected about this.

Good to know...I'm staying away from that bad boy! It was odd that so many were having radio issues lately. thx for the notice!

A little alarmist..... That being said, read this:
Boiling it down, it doesn't seem to have any reliance on specific radio rom versions...

Hello mikeapollo, why apollo do you live in beswick
Anyway back on topic ,i have upgraded to 1.54 and then down graded to 1.50 and have had no problems with either radio and i have flashed my device more times than i can remember over the last few months, so maybe i am just lucky.
What type of herme's are the ones that are being bricked hermes 100 or hermes 300?

mine died way before I upgraded to the 1.5x radio, I believe it first started showing problems with 1.38, or 1.4something.
I don't think it has anything to do with the radio, simply people upgrade, hoping the latest and greatest radio will solve or help their problems. Then the radio completly dies and they are stuck with the last radio flashed.
If the latest radio was 1.12, I think you would see the same thing happening.

CRCinAU said:
A little alarmist..... That being said, read this:
Boiling it down, it doesn't seem to have any reliance on specific radio rom versions...
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Well, there is an implication from that thread that the problem is 1.54.xx based.
But the core of Mike's post is that programming/reprogramming radio ROMs is not the same as flashing the OS. The radio ROM drives the radio output directly so if it accidentally sets too high a level then it can be like turning up your home hifi amp too high. And just like your home hifi, you can blow it up.
So being more cautious with radio ROMs is sensible advice. If a radio works for you don't go seeking even better performance because that "better performance" might be at the cost of increased gain and eventual failure of the radio hardware.
Incidentally, my son works in radio design and tells me that radio circuits are very sensitive to heat and can be damaged by overheating.

eagercrow said:
mine died way before I upgraded to the 1.5x radio, I believe it first started showing problems with 1.38, or 1.4something.
I don't think it has anything to do with the radio, simply people upgrade, hoping the latest and greatest radio will solve or help their problems. Then the radio completly dies and they are stuck with the last radio flashed.
If the latest radio was 1.12, I think you would see the same thing happening.
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I see your point - thats why this thread is labeled potential problems... It is a warning and is not an alarmist statement of "This will kill your device" it is merely a caution that there are well documented cases of instability with this radio and there are growing numbers of dead radio modules which have all been using 1.54.x at time of death - and that death has occured within a few weeks of starting to use it.
Again, if you think that there is a sudden spate of dead radios because "things have worn out" then look at the evidence - Not everyones device is dying at the same rate but users of 1.54.x are seeing their devices dead within a very close timescale - usually 6-8 weeks of use. We've had lots of dead radio threads here but the amount over recent time is unpresedented and it's affecting both "young" and "older" devices.
If you cross-reference posts from the threads about 1.54.x some posters from there also posted in other threads about "odd" problems - then a month later have posted in the bricking threads saying their phone one morning just said "No GSM". Some of these devices appear to have been "new" - so unless they were exceptionally heavy users I think the rules out the devices wearing out. Again tho - they could have just been runts as you can get a duff one out of the box...
Radios normally don't just fail like that - the normal thing that happens is they degrade over time. The PGA that holds the firmware is also very resilient - once it's written unless something dramatic happens it will rarely just "grow" bad blocks overnight on it's own - particularly if it's turned on at the time - as it's structure is different to NAND memory (where your OS image is held).
So while it is certainly true that flashing 1.54.x will not instantly kill the device unless you're seriously unlucky - it looks like there may be an issue that either grows over time (a progressive effect) or causes dramatic sudden failure under certain usage scenarios (which may or may not be common to all areas/networks/bands/etc).
So if you're in a strong signal area and the radio hardware never needs to be driven "hard" by the firmware you may never experience a problem with this radio - but if you're in an area of variable or weak coverage it may just be driving the whole shebang too hard.
As Ree-shar has correctly said, the programmable arrays (where the radio firmware is held) and the output drivers in radio hardware are effected by heat - and looking at the facts, driving a higher power (gain) will generate more heat and drain a battery faster - that heat could be a factor in either the GSM hardware simply failing or (as has also been seen) the blocks in the PGA where the firmware itself is stored going "bad" therefore making it impossible to flash another radio image to it.
Again, it's not being alarmist it's about exercising caution that there could be a problem for SOME people with this radio and reminding the casual users of this forum of the basics about the radio images - and in particular :
having the latest release is NOT always the best option for your device,
many radios are developed for certain countries/networks/etc so one developed for an AT&T device in the US may not quite perform as intended when used in Europe so try and use one at least that is roughly native to where you are first if you can
Problems with heat, battery life, long drop out periods or "odd" radio issues can be a warning that something may not be right.
It is very possible for firmware to kill actual hardware (something people often forget).
Changing your radio will NOT fix broken SIM cards, WiFi, Bluetooth or external GPS problems, Nor will it magic up a signal from nowhere if you live in a crap coverage area.
Using firmware that drives the hardware harder in order to increase the gain of both the transmit element and recieve element in any radio module is usually at the expense of the lifespan of the radio device.
Always experiment cautiously, be aware of the risks and minimise them and read other peoples experiences before just taking the latest image and flashing it (ie - read the wiki, cross reference posts and take some time to do some research BEFORE flashing that new radio/rom/whatever!.

scousemartin said:
Hello mikeapollo, why apollo do you live in beswick
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LOL! Went to school in Beswick - but given the Apollo is in Ardwick...
It's a nickname that just stuck from yonks ago during a more theatrical time of my life.. (and I live in Moston now).
scousemartin said:
Anyway back on topic ,i have upgraded to 1.54 and then down graded to 1.50 and have had no problems with either radio and i have flashed my device more times than i can remember over the last few months, so maybe i am just lucky.
What type of herme's are the ones that are being bricked hermes 100 or hermes 300?
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From what I've cross referenced so far, 3 deaths have been Herm300 and 1 was stated to be a Herm200.
I'm trying to collate as much info as possible on this to find out if there is a definite correlation between this radio and certain models/networks/areas,
We've had dodgy radios released before but never a potential "suicide-bomb" radio hence my interest - (I'm still on 1.43 here with over 500hrs talk on the life timer and it's still going strong).
<conspiracy> On the other hand... Could 1.54.x have leaked out to help sales of the TyTN II </conspiracy>

Mikeapollo said:
having the latest release is NOT always the best option for your device,
many radios are developed for certain countries/networks/etc so one developed for an AT&T device in the US may not quite perform as intended when used in Europe so try and use one at least that is roughly native to where you are first if you can
Problems with heat, battery life, long drop out periods or "odd" radio issues can be a warning that something may not be right.
It is very possible for firmware to kill actual hardware (something people often forget).
Changing your radio will NOT fix broken SIM cards, WiFi, Bluetooth or external GPS problems, Nor will it magic up a signal from nowhere if you live in a crap coverage area.
Using firmware that drives the hardware harder in order to increase the gain of both the transmit element and recieve element in any radio module is usually at the expense of the lifespan of the radio device.
Always experiment cautiously, be aware of the risks and minimise them and read other peoples experiences before just taking the latest image and flashing it (ie - read the wiki, cross reference posts and take some time to do some research BEFORE flashing that new radio/rom/whatever!.
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Man, this should be put to the wiki or to the every new Radio ROM thread.

KarhU said:
Man, this should be put to the wiki or to the every new Radio ROM thread.
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Updated the wiki page with general advice.

I have been using pretty much since I got my 8525 a few months ago and haven't any issues...yet . I flashed the 1.54.x radio when I tried out the official AT&T WM6 ROM, but since have been using schap's ROMs (no radio update). My question: is the official radio from the AT&T WM6 ROM the same as getting a from elsewhere?

gnahc79 said:
I have been using pretty much since I got my 8525 a few months ago and haven't any issues...yet . I flashed the 1.54.x radio when I tried out the official AT&T WM6 ROM, but since have been using schap's ROMs (no radio update). My question: is the official radio from the AT&T WM6 ROM the same as getting a from elsewhere?
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Yes. The official AT&T will be identical to the extracted as thats where it was extracted from - the clue is in the numbers
Also, if you are using the official radio update for your device on your network you should nothave nothing to worry about - and of course if it turns out there is a problem with this bit of firmware you'll be well covered by your network & waranty anyway.
Incidentally, quite a few people who have suffered the mysterious sudden "NO GSM" death problem can still boot their phones to the OS but generally have been unable to re-flash the radio so in the event of death it still seems possible to "roll back" the OS ROM to "the proper one" for waranty reasons <ahem>

Latest update on research - and general advice
NO-GSM bricks - 28/11/07-03/01/08 (from forums)
Type Location Radio Sudden death info :
H300 UK Yes Problem from 1.50 T-Mob WM6
H200 unknown yes Unable to reflash radio
H100 Netherlands no Gradual loss of service
H100 unknown yes Died on soft reset
H100 Netherlands yes Died after 12 days
H300 Germany yes Died after 4 weeks
H100 Iran 1.54 stated apparently Died on hard reset
H300 UK 1.54.7 yes Dropouts then dead
H300 UK yes Died rolling to 1.38
H300 Germany yes Died after soft reset
H100 Netherlands Yes GSM increasingly unrealible
H100 Singapore 1.48 yes No GSM after flashing black PRO
H300 Germany yes Died after soft reset (2wks in)
H200 Pakistan 1.50 yes died reverting to 1.48
H300 UK 1.54.30 yes Unable re-flash bad blocks
H100 unknown 1.57 (?????) yes died in use 2 days post flash
n/A Spain 1.51 yes batt hot / 1wk then GSM fail
n/a UK 1.54.7 unsure GSM bad - Died flashing 1.4x
There are another 12 which I don't have quite enough detail on yet to class as a "No-GSM brick" so am not presently including them in this table.
Stats so far :
12 x European found and confirmed failures of which :
* most unable to roll back radio
* if able to - failure still occurs or
* All died after some sort of 1.54.xx flash regardless of rollback
* Majority seem to be European failures many on T-Mobile in Germany/Netherlands and UK
Pakistan/Iran - Actual ROMs and circumstances not clear. 1.5x quoted but no confirmation.
Singapore 1.48 failure - Included in list as failed between 28/11 - present.
Statistically, more people are likely to run the more-recent ROMS so while the
evidence here appears to show that there is a risk with the 1.5x radios - many people with a TyTN in a questionable state of health will be running them anyway so do bear this in mind. Use this info to make an informed choice!!!
The common trend appears to indicate problems starting after flashing a 1.5x radio and staying even if they roll back *OR* dying when trying to flash a lower radio - Again, not conclusive but building a picture.
OFFICIAL updates
Users who are downloading OFFICIAL updates from their network operator, HTC or any other "official" source should not need to worry - whether there is an issue or not with radios 1.5x your network should support you in the case of failure as you have an "official" update. Especially as the "official" updates containing radio 1.51.xx and above seem to be in areas where "no gsm bricks" are not being commonly reported (as of yet).
General radio issues
To clarify one point many seem confused about - Your signal lock, radio stability etc is generally unaffected by the OS ROM as the GSM stuff is handled by the RIL itself.
The issues of things like the "dialler going weird", applications locking up, etc are generally NOT related to the radio ROM and are related to the OS ROM or combination of 3rd party apps/hacks and OS ROM.
Issues with "lost calls" or "unconnected calls" or "bad data" can be caused by the network itself. The T-Mobile 3G network in the UK is a good example where it has "off" days in some areas where people miss calls (phone never rings) or need to make 10 attempts to dial out.
Switching to GSM for a while, trying another networks SIM card or moving area often magically "fixes" these issues and by the time the user puts their own SIM back in or moves back into area the network has got it's act together again ;-)
Radio roms themselves only affect the radio interface layer (RIL) - the OS "calls" this when it needs to use it and this is where many people seem to be mixing up the issue of "stability" of a radio and "stability" of an OS ROM/application. (remember, the dialler IS an application)
If a radio is unstable - you may experience GSM/3G dropouts, calls breaking up, slow dialling or long signal searches but your OS should on the whole function fine.
If an OS or application is unstable - you may experience dialler lockup or failed calls (remember, the RIL tells windows to tell YOU that you have a call!)
but your GSM/3G signal should be solid, switch between bands and log on and off the network without any fuss.
Overall stability is not just dependent on the OS ROM you are using but also 3rd party applications. Problem solve your device BEFORE just flashing a radio to try and fix an issue as it may give you a nasty surprise and introduce MORE issues - then troubleshooting becomes even harder still and we end up where we are today...
When It's broke, It's BROKE
Some radios work better than others on different networks in different places - that has (and always will!) be the case. People though have become complacent in thinking that they are safe running any old bit of radio code from anywhere and are not looking into what effects it can have.
Many flashers don't even know that mismatched radio bootloaders can cause a brick and will have several fun-packed hours sat down trying to turn it into an "unbrick" (or just make it worse turning it into a breezeblock )
The radio rom itself effects how the RIL talks to the OS (windows) and how your signals get transmitted to the base station. Two separate things. Usually, the main bit which radio updates change is the radio stack itself - the bit between the radio hardware and windows - with minor tweaks to the radio hardware itself and how it's driven.
However, it is possible as well for a radio rom to drastically change how the radio hardware (the tiny transmitter in your phone) transmits
its signal onto the network... The tiny transmitter might have a current limit of, say, 50mA but there is nothing except software
to limit the current to 50mA... And software can have bugs or can be tweaked and could accidentally drive 100mA through it and burn the device out if it's in a given situation (like a poor reception area, switching bands etc)
IF (and it's a big if) you find that a poor radio has actually done something like this and caused physical damage to the radio hardware itself (overdriven an output for example) then
unfortunately that's it... It's knackered. No amount of rolling back will fix it to how it was. Like driving an LED with too much
voltage - it will never burn as brightly as it should have done had the specifications been followed in the first place.
Therefore, *IF* a radio like 1.5x turns out to have a bug and has introduced problems with the radio hardware itself - upgrading it or downgrading it will mean the problem will remain - At this point the only cure will be to have the whole radio PGA hardware replaced by a service centre.
Hence the importance of finding out *IF* we are seeing European devices being damaged in this way.
The better news about the RADIO failures (roll-back for warranty)
Most people who have experienced these recent failures find their OS will still boot - in which case it is possible to "roll it back" to how it was if you are under warranty. Don't worry about rolling back the radio - if it's dead it's screwed anyway so doesn't show any trace of what
radio ROM was on it in the first place. Just get the correct OS and bootloaders back on it.
I've given T-Mobile UK a call about this one... The "official" T-Mobile UK WM6 ROM is in effect a beta and while it is on Tmobiles own site, it IS NOT officially supported by T-Mobile
(according to tech support) and was not meant for general release. Therefore should be treated with caution until more is known and researched - however technically you should be supported and can roll back the device if necessary anyway to the official Tmobile WM5 ROM for warranty (which is, at least at the moment, available on their download site).
This ROM appears to contain radio 1.50 - ONE user (Sbirsen - view post) confirms he had problem introduced with radio 1.50 which was a perfectly working vario II, he upgraded to 1.54 and down but still suffered the problems which 1.50 introduced.
Despite his very kind assurance that there is clearly no problem with radio 1.54 we do not know if his device is dead or alive as he's moved onto trying to brick a TyTN-II due to getting fed up with radio issues apparently not caused by his radio flash
Back to unsarcastic mode - I suspect by T-Mobiles response - he is not the only one and some drilling on the board here may reveal more over the next
few weeks.
This ROM may also be pulled over the next few days due to "feedback issues" - sorry no more info on that one.
IN the mean time please just be careful when selecting your radios, fault find FIRST before thinking a flash will magic up a solution, do your research *properly* and look out for warning signs.

Further update - possible resolution to try if you've having intermittent problems and a very long theory posted here
In short - My thinking is if there is a bug in this radio it will be something to do with the PIC16LF72 chip with the D/A and A/D stuff that drives and measures outputs from the phyiscal hardware radio chips (the Qualcomm ones and the Anadigics amplifiers) on the main mobo.
A small firmware bug affecting values returned from D/A and A/D measurements
This bug or whatever causes either false return values or bad data
This causes radio to work harder
This then either causes wear or heat based issues on the PIC effecting the storage area and causing bad blocks (death) or causes damage to the rest of the radio chipset (qualcomm and anadigics amps).
PS. If any tech support desk needs a bum on seat in either North-West or the South East of the UK - I am now OFFICIALLY AVAILABLE FOR HIRE as I'm officially unemployed from tomorrow morning! I don't have a degree so never get through the paper sift (hence unemployed) but do have the experience and skills and plenty of developers certificates..I-thank-you.

Heres another UK Tmobile Herm 300 thats Died
For the record this phone was brand new on 17th December 2007; only been flashed once to the official T-Mobile WM6.

timbouk said:
Heres another UK Tmobile Herm 300 thats Died
For the record this phone was brand new on 17th December 2007; only been flashed once to the official T-Mobile WM6.
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God they're dropping like flies! Sorry to hear about that
Bit concerning though as IIRC the TMUK rom is radio 1.50 but that's the 3rd report of someone having problems introduced by it. (will have to pull the .nhb apart and check). Cheers for the tipoff.
I fear the Hermes will soon be an endangered species - must be a marketing plan by HTC to flog the kieser
Edit :: durr - of course it's radio 1.50 - even your sig says that - I'm rebooting my braincell as I type

Yes, its the 1.50 (My signiture has correct details)
Not sure if this is worthy info; but at work one side of my building has a very low signal strength, so the radio works very hard to keep up the connection. I can tell it is as my battery can be virtually flat after, say, 6 hours!
Maybe its poor signal areas accelerating the radio deterioration?

I got 1.50, and I still have occasional issues, such as hardware buttons that stop functioning.
What other radio could possibly be safer? Maybe 1.43 or 1.47. I kind of remember they used to serve me well.

Mikeapollo said:
PS. If any tech support desk needs a bum on seat in either North-West or the South East of the UK - I am now OFFICIALLY AVAILABLE FOR HIRE as I'm officially unemployed from tomorrow morning! I don't have a degree so never get through the paper sift (hence unemployed) but do have the experience and skills and plenty of developers certificates..I-thank-you.
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Would be glad to propose you such offer if I could... In the mean time, you definitely should post the same in the main section, given most viewers here are in the tech industry.

im using the for last 2 months and its workg absolutely fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Upgrade Benefits :/

Hello everybody
I have been reading on this forum for some time now, and I understand the update process, including unlocking, its all great.
However, Im at a loss - I have no idea what I have to gain from upgrading my ROM.
I currently have an untouched T-Mobile Vario II with bootloader 1.04, hardware vesion (?) 634.
My friend has just recieved his Vario II, v646.
Everyones talking about using ROMs from other providers, but I've yet to read anything substantial about whats to be gained from switching or upgrading ROMs.
What CAN actually be changed by changing ROMs? For example, T-Mobile have been kind enough to bundle my device with a free registered version of 'Spb GPRS Monitor' - it monitors GPRS/3G and battery power, plus providing a useful bar on the today screen. it's very useful and I wouldn't want to lose it should I decide to gamble on a ROM update that provides nothing nearly as useful.
I have identified several short comings of my devide, not the least of which is the fact that it intermittantly skips every 30+ seconds when playing music through my stereo bluetooth earphones. I imagine that some kind of update will be required to fix this, as it seems to be a problem for only certain version of the device - the Vario II being the obvious.
I have also decided that I would like to try other graphic themes. Before I have a go at making my own I thought it might be nice to try some existing ones...
There are lots of hardware/radio versions published, but unless I've missed it theres very little talk about what the ROMs provide.
Cheers very much for all your help thus far, and in advance for anything else you might be able to help me with!
lets make this a simple one.. if you are happy with the device the way it is then there is nothing to change... kinda like the old saying, "If it aint broke then dont fix it"
If there are things you are looking to change then maybe post your problems here and we can tell you if you would benefit from changing roms!
I have the universal and purchased the hermes for size and HSDPA / UMTS improvements.
The universal was upgraded and hacked many times.
However, I cant see an upgrade rom hack that is available at all here for the hermes yet.
Can anybody confirm a WWE 3.x Rom upgrade being available? Mine is Imate, but I am not particularly loyal in any way, but would like more reliable Push Email, and the speed improvements that occur with 3.x
To the moderator, you cant really say if it aint broke dont fix it, cause quite often, you dont know if it is broken until you start to fix something, and you dont know if something is faster, better, more efficient, more effective, or provides improvements in functionality until a question is asked.
Its a bit like me taking my car to a mechanic, they always ask if everything is fine, it always is, but they always call me up and tell me that this isnt working, this needs fixing, and this is about to broke... You can triple the cost if you would like us to fix it.
You didnt know until somebody points out the improvements and benefits.
So, I would like the initial question answered as well, if somebody is prepared to give an explanation and some guidance.
Here's some upgrading facts for you:
There is no AKU 3.x ROM available for the Hermes yet.
Due to a new encryption strategy, ROMS take 25 minutes to flash. Any interruptions during this time may brick your device.
Also due to the above encryption strategy, we are not yet able to cook our own custom ROMS for the Hermes.
Boot Loader v1.04 which shipped with most of the early ROMs contains a bug which allows easy bypassing of CID lock. However subsequent bootloaders fix this problem and will CID lock you to your original vendor. The only crossgrade solution is to first downgrade to a BL1.04 version of your vendor's ROM then exploit the bug to load another. Device owners without a 1.04BL version of their ROM have consequently been unable to crossgrade/unlock their Hermes.
There is a bootleg solution that will flash BL1.04 on any Hermes while leaving the rest of the ROM untouched. However, it isn't available here. In fact the original owner of it's copyrighted code actively pursues anybody who posts this solution on the internet. Consequently, it's worldwide availability is constantly changing
There is a CID/SIM unlock solution by pof that is posted here which works with the 1.04 Bootloader only
The more current ROMS for the DoPod, TyTN and 8525 contain measured performance improvements
The most current radio rom (v1.20) improves battery performance
Most of the newer roms fix a media player audio stutter bug
Getting a combination of the most current radio ROM and the most current device ROM involves 40-60 minutes of flashing time and the use of the bootleg BL1.04 solution described above.
Thanks sleuth255 for taking the time to answer comprehensively.
I am really only interested in upgrading to 3.x and will wait and see how things transpire. There was major benefits to the universal upgrade to 3.x however, the hermes doesnt appear to suffer the speed issues of the universal and I am so far very happy with the device.
jubbbird said:
Hello everybody
I have identified several short comings of my devide, not the least of which is the fact that it intermittantly skips every 30+ seconds when playing music through my stereo bluetooth earphones. I imagine that some kind of update will be required to fix this, as it seems to be a problem for only certain version of the device - the Vario II being the obvious.
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I tested all the WWE ROM here (not the one with 1.09 bootloader, because since today is a one way only road, no way to flash back the original ROM)
About music skip: not sure if upgrade will solve it (since today) but there is a good patch here. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=284974
Other well known problems (lost storage card in windows media player, overnight and in-call freeze, poor efficiency (short battery life in UMTS coverage, slow performances if compared to processor speed promise, ...) are still unsolved
I will suggest: play if you want, but having in mind that HERMES ROM flashing today is just for play, have a look, testing, not for really solving anything
Supercid ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=282073 ) your device to play with ROMs, now, because you have the 1.04 bootloader version. Once SUPERCIDed you can play with all ROM
Well thats my primary issue at the moment and it sounds a lot like your fix may work for me.
I am using an original ROM im guessing, with bootloader 1.04 so all the doors are open for me. I'm in nor rush, strictly speaking, because I love this device and it generally works wonders for me. I listen to music for long periods of time once in a while (long car journeys alone with my SE ds970 - plugs the ears well providing awsome noise removal from external sources, can't even hear the engine on my crappy Vauxhall Corsa with those in...) but it is during those periods that I suffer with the skipping. fixing it will be wonderful.
I have a question about your fix though, but I worry that having read the first few pages of your other thread, and the last few, I may have missed the answer so I apologise if I'm asking questions you have already answered - but I remember reading the original thread a while ago from the guy who discovered the Task Manager app that fixed the issue and he mentioned that because the software seems to prevent any CPU speed scaling (not sure if thats actually what its doing) he observed that CPU battery consumption while running that specific app + audio decreased noticably. Is this still an issue with your patch? I plan to purchase a working in-car power adapter so it won't really be a problem, but im curious
I'm gonna take my time with regards to ROM upgrades because as has been mentioned above - I have only a few issues which after reading this thread now seem to be standing issues which won't be fixed whatever I decide to do right now. Ultimately, I have the stuff I detailed above adn thus far no steadfast information about which ROMs are good for what. I don't even know anything about this 3.x business noted above...
What I'd like to know now, before I try your fix, is - if i were to install a TyTn ROM (which right now Im assuming is an original HTC TyTn ROM as oposed to a yet-to-be-released T-Mobile ROM...?) will that effectively brand it back to HTC, wipe the onboard flash, give me the original TyTn green theme, remove all the software and settings T-Mobile gave me (they were kind enough to give me a licensed copy of Spb GPRS Monitor which is quite an advantage for me - my friend has a more recent T-Mobile Vario II and they seem to have retracted the offer ... ) and leave me at square one with any fixes/improvements/new-issues that ROM provides?
I also seem to remember reading that because as yet T-Mobile have not released an original ROM, changing now is a one way trip.
I think what I need is for someone to set me in the right direction from the perspective of a early Vario II user. I really enjoy my gadgets, and the best thing about them is "fixing things that aint broke" I love upgrading and trying to squeeze it for all its worth. Better yet, updating my device and gloating to those who have no idea what that means! It's all good...
Anyway, cheers very much for your help thus far - greatly appreciated.

Radio & ROM conflicts?

Relatively quiet member here, flame away if you like but I was not able to find the answer by searching the forum.
I’m running ROM 2.06.502.3 and have been having some problems with the radio. I’m using the radio ROM that was bundled with it ( but nearly every day I have a number of problems occur. The OS is stable and no crashes or bugs that I have noticed but periodically the phone (8525) will stop receiving calls but still show full connectivity. I can make outgoing calls fine but incoming ring to voicemail. When I send texts I get no indication that they failed or no connectivity is present but once I realize my phone is having this problem I soft reset and all the texts go out at once and all the ones Ive been missing come in. Additionally several times when I have dialed out, finished calling and the phone will not hang up. The unit does not freeze - all OS functionally still present - but I can not end the call and the call timer keeps going until I soft reset even if other party disconnects.
Is this a problems with the rom, my hardware, or the combination of ROM and radio version? Any other radio version that is more stable with this ROM? Thank you in advance to everyone here. Even though I don’t post much I read quite a bit and appreciate what everyone contributing to the community does for all of us.
Anyone? I think Im going to flash with the .35 radio , although I would assume the .34 was included with the ROM because it was most stable with it. Please correct me if Im wrong. Thanks.
I've had similar things happen a while ago with my old Typhoon; it was some kind of issue with Cingular. Can you go to some other area (that uses a different tower for sure) and verify that this still happens? Or maybe just hard-reset and don't install anything for a while. I just don't think the 1.34 radio was reported to be this bad.
I had a similar issue with the 1.27 radio (can't end calls). I haven't seen this since I went to the 1.35 radio. The fact that you get them with the 1.34 radio is surprising to me however b/c I was under the impression that there were very few differences between the two.

Want To Upgrade My Titan

First of all, I apologize for being a PPC noob, but I asure you, my technical skills are high and my PC familiarity is high too. I have done alot of searching/learning on here and other forums (and the internet in general) and think I am ready to take the plunge.
Background Data
HTC 6800 Windows Mobile 6.0
ROM Version 2.17.557.0
Radio Version 1.64.00
ROM Date 11/20/07 (geesh, I just got the thing)
Garmin Mobile XT
Provider: Cellcom (non-major / tier 2 provider in Wisconsin. I get great coverage from them in the area I spend 99.99% of my life in)
Mostly I want yes or no's to the following questions, but if you want to educate me, believe me, it is appreciated. The potential of this device feels massive, but right now it is too cumbersome/unreliable (I am sick of soft rebooting this darn phone).
1) Is there any way to backup my phone in its entirity so if I need to revert to the carrier provided rom/config I can? Including can I revert back to my original bootloader?
2) Can I use the newest Sprint ROM on my phone (WinMob 6.1) even tho I am not a Sprint customer?
3) Would I be better off using one of the ROMs provided by this forum?
4) If I upgrade the phone, I should no longer need Garmin's bluetooth GPS transmitter, correct?
Thanks in advance to all who help. I see the potential of this tool and really want to try and unleash it.
Afternoon, onioneater! It sounds like you've got a generic ROM that is often used by minor, or local carriers (I'm down in Illinois with a local carrier, had the same ROM as you). There are many, many ROM upgrade options available for you. I talked with a technician from my carrier about upgrading, and as it turns out, you could probably flash to any major carrier ROM as long as you do not allow customizations to run. Check out the tutorial on flashing to custom ROMs over at the XDA Wiki.
Although I did not back up the original generic ROM, I wrote down all EPST and provisioning settings for somewhat of a backup. As I said above, a customer with my provider flashed to a major ROM, for Sprint, and got it to work. But there is a wide expanse of options with custom ROMs too. By the way, as long as the radio version is higher than 3.35, internal GPS is unlocked (newest Sprint ROM and most newer custom ROMs work on a radio of 3.35 or higher). Although with custom ROMs, you have to manually unlock the bootloader and manually install a radio with a MicroSD card that is 2GB or less. Check out the link above for more. On a side note - A few months ago I was in the exact same situation as you before, being a noob and all with a generic ROM - you can keep in touch with me through E-Mail if you have any more questions [email protected]
Thanks dfc. What ROM did you settle on using? I was thinking about using dcd3.2.6 with the recommended radio and bootloader that dcd recommends. Seems like a pretty safe way to go and sounds like many people go that route.
Have you made any of your own ROMs yet? I am going to keep reading and studying and trying to figure out a way to fully backup the phone so if I have to revert due to company policy or anything like that, I will be able to.
I was very surprised to get help from someone from Illinois being that this is Packers/Bears weekend. If it makes you feel any better, I watched the movie Brian's Song the other night and I still get teary eyed. LOL.

New Radio?

Ok, so I have searched and read thru the current radio treads. But havent seen much on, which i currently have. But my signal is not to great in Brooklyn. Should I try to flash to a different radio, and if so which one? Can you go down, or only flash up? Thx
Radio Search
It was about 3 pages back in the thread July Radio?, This is the radio from the Verizon 2.1 OTA update back in July. I can't attest to how well it will work but since it is the most recent radio that Verizon has issued I would assume it should be good 2 go.
July OTA Radio Post-XDA
alphawolf36 said:
Ok, so I have searched and read thru the current radio treads. But havent seen much on, which i currently have. But my signal is not to great in Brooklyn. Should I try to flash to a different radio, and if so which one? Can you go down, or only flash up? Thx
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Appearances are that you can use any radio version with any ROM (on the Eris, at least). I've mixed-n-matched all sorts of combinations, with no apparent (i.e., readily-observed) troubles.
IMO, it is somewhat unlikely that you will see any difference in signal strength. The radio firmware codes are pretty mature, and the minor revisions in their behavior are things which are probably only detectable by the carrier. (There is not a shred of credible evidence of people observing "beter signal" as a result of radio firmware upgrades on the Eris.)

[Q] [RADIO] Radio failing, Phone/3G/GPS gone.

Good morning. all! Here's the base stats, followed by my issue.
Phone: SCH-I500 "Showcase" (Fascinate variant for CSpire)
ROM: AOKP Milestone 5, Build 38-40, and Gummy 1.2.0
Baseband: S:i500.05 K.EI20 (Radio specific to CSpire)
Duration of Problem: Lasts until reboot, has occurred multiple times over the past few months.
So, here's the problem:
After an unknown period of time during use of 3G or GPS, both the Phone/3G will fail, and GPS will also fail. Bluetooth and Wifi continue to operate. Upon reboot, all radio functions restore. Even on a fresh install of any of these ICS builds (ODIN stock, THS ICS bootloader, then ICS ROM), I'll have this strange radio issue.
My only possible identifier of what is going on is that this issue has only occurred in higher heat, above 80F ambient temperature. However, I want to identify if there's any other issues at hand here before I go further. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I can provide any other information needed.
If it varies with heat, then it's a hardware problem.
Update: CSpire Radio FE29, GB 2.3.6
Well, after going into the carrier, CSpire, I was presented with an update! They've had many reports of the radio failing in such a fashion, even without the heat issue. They flashed a new version of the stock OS onto the phone, and I'm now testing it all over the place. 3G speeds have been much faster. I'll have screenshots when able, and obviously, I'll do my best to post/find a version of the ODIN file and the Radio.
Turns out RootWiki has a thread with the new update. Should be worth checking out for any CSpire users. Definitely an improvement for me. There's a radio file there too, but you can always back up the NAND and ODIN stock to update, either in store or (maybe) OTA.
Not sure why 80 F would affect it though, i have a fascinate and it works fine in my 110 F weather.
Cookiemonster21 said:
Not sure why 80 F would affect it though, i have a fascinate and it works fine in my 110 F weather.
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Right, which is why I originally suspected hardware failure. Interestingly, even with this new update, my radio failed early this morning when I went to run.
Akkeresu said:
Right, which is why I originally suspected hardware failure. Interestingly, even with this new update, my radio failed early this morning when I went to run.
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Maybe theres a small piece of metal in your phone that shorts out the radio when youre running, which requires it to be reset? Just spitballing here
Sorry to zombie, but the issue was resolved with a phone replacement. The radio was outright buggered. Feel free to lock. XD

