I've Created A Load Of Torrents From The Rom's Available On The FTP. If You Think I Should Add Other Files Just PM Me Or Add A Comment To This Post. Here They Are.
Complete Rom Updates
All Complete Updates -
WWE English -
Arabic -
Chinese -
Dutch -
French -
German -
Japanese -
Russian -
Swedish -
AKU 3.3 -
Windows Mobile 6 -
Radio Roms Updates
All Radio Roms -
Cooked RUU Radio Roms -
Extended Roms
All Extended Roms -
3 -
Docomo -
Dopod -
JasJam -
O2 -
Orange -
Softbank -
Swisscom -
T-Mobile -
Vodafone -
Dumped Roms
All Dumped Rom -
Test Roms
All Test Roms -
Enjoy. Please Keep Your Bittorrent Client Open After You've Finished Downloading To Allow Others The Oppertunity To Download These Files At A Decent Rate.
I downloaded all the ROMs off the FTP already. Is there a way I can help seed these using the files on my hard drive? I don't have any experience creating torrents but download regularly with BitComet. Maybe it's possible to start the downloads that you created but copy the files I already downloaded into the correct folder? If so, what does the directory structure look like in your download folder for these ROMs?
It's To Complicated And Long To Write Down, But If You Download The Torrents It Will Create The Directory Structure For You And You Could Then Replace The Started Files With Your Completed Files You All Ready Have. I Believe That Would Work.But These Are The First Torrents I've Ever Created So Maybe Someone Else Has A Better Idea.
Also it'd be nice to put the test/beta roms up on torrent - I dont know if they're included here or not.
About torrents see this thread
And any member can post link's for torrents in wiki in download page !
There You Go Amlethae Added The Test Roms For You. Their Mainly The GPS Radios. The AKU 3 Test Roms Are Incorporated In To The Language Packs.
wiki updated (slightly less conspicuous so its not instantly there for M$ boffs to sneak up on)
Thanks For The Update mrvanx, It Is Conspicuous.
I Have A Question, I've Just Realised That The WWE Torrent Is Missing The Latest Cingular AKU 3 ROM. What Is The BEst Solution To Adding This File To The Torrent. I Have The File THats Not A Problem. But Can I Just Add A File To A Torrent Some How?
Any Advice Is Welcome.
I would say just add it as a seperate torrent?! Aslong as you update the first post of this thread thats where people are going to click the links for the download?!
I have all of these on the mule network...
Added The First RUU Cooked Radio Roms.
Please add this to your torrents:
Cingular ROM Version:2.06.502.3
SPL: 1.04
Radio Version:
Cooked ROM
mousey_ said:
It's To Complicated And Long To Write Down, But If You Download The Torrents It Will Create The Directory Structure For You And You Could Then Replace The Started Files With Your Completed Files You All Ready Have. I Believe That Would Work.But These Are The First Torrents I've Ever Created So Maybe Someone Else Has A Better Idea.
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This will work. Start Torrents, once it started downloading, close your torrent application and replace files found in torrent temp dir with your complete downloads. Start torrent application and if it doesn't show it has 100% downloaded just manually stop and do "recheck", "rescan" or whatever option there is, it will scan the files and update download progress from near zero to 100% or sometimes, to 99%.
@wpbear That File Has Been Added, It's Included In The AKU 3.3 torrent
Added The New Windows Mobile 6 Roms. The XDA-Live Edition And The Vanilla Rom, Check The First Post.
Heres the torrent to the the Roms >>>> It contains PDAVIET3 and 4 for the Wizard/MDA/8125. The Faria 3.3 Rom for the Wizard/8125/MDA. And the HTC TyTN/8523 PDAVIET Vanilla Rom. (Vanilla means nothing added. Just Generic) If the link above doesnt work try this >>>
Please add GPS module software
Please add GPS module software
Add All The Dumped Roms
Where is XDA Live 0.20? I thought this was just released? Can not find it on many of the major torrent sites I've been to.
Since we are living the new torrent era....
Could someone post the torrent of the XDA Live v.20
many tks...
I've just stumbled across this project and hence discovered that I have the option to use software other than the official HTC-release ROMs.
I have an unlocked X7500 which I had previously been using with the original HTC image (WM5). I upgraded to their new WM6 image which of course meant that I had to re-install all my customisations so I decided to take the opportunity to investigate the various custom ROMs.
I am now running PK's Project Black v2.0.
What I'm struggling with is trying to work out what additional upgrades I can/should apply to this image. For example, the various Radio ROM upgrades - are they required with PK's PB 2.0?
Is there a definitive list that describes what software is available for WM6 images, especially PB 2.0?
One specific question I have is: should I install all the add-ons from the PK 2.0 Add-ons bundle? Also, how do I install those cab files?
Any clarification would be much appreciated to someone new to this area.
robinbowes said:
What I'm struggling with is trying to work out what additional upgrades I can/should apply to this image. For example, the various Radio ROM upgrades - are they required with PK's PB 2.0?
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The newest Radio Rom is already included in Black Touch 2.
robinbowes said:
Is there a definitive list that describes what software is available for WM6 images, especially PB 2.0?
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There are tons of programs available for WM6,
I think there is no list of all those,
just like there is no list for all WinXP programs out there.
The additional sw for BlackTouch2 can be found in the ADDONS Cab.
robinbowes said:
One specific question I have is: should I install all the add-ons from the PK 2.0 Add-ons bundle? Also, how do I install those cab files?
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It's up to you.
If you want Acobat, intall it.
If you like TCPMP, install it.
To install, copy the cab files to you device,
and open them with a file explorer (on your device)
You can delete the cab files after installation.
PS: You don't have to think about which ROM to choose,
you already have the best out there
mojo2000 said:
The newest Radio Rom is already included in Black Touch 2.
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Ah, thanks. That's what I suspected.
mojo2000 said:
There are tons of programs available for WM6,
I think there is no list of all those,
just like there is no list for all WinXP programs out there.
The additional sw for BlackTouch2 can be found in the ADDONS Cab.
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I think what I was meaning was more along the lines of "what are all the programs in the add-on rarball?". Obviously, I know what Acrobat is (!) but what's RealVGA? And something like "" - Opera, from WM5? Why would I want/need that on WM6? You understand what I'm asking?
mojo2000 said:
To install, copy the cab files to you device,
and open them with a file explorer (on your device)
You can delete the cab files after installation.
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Thanks. I'm still relatively new to my X7500 and am still getting to grips with it.
Read the RealVGA thread, The Athena doesn't run at full V+GA resolution RealVGA lets you change the res so you can see more on scree, being an old git I use the middle of the 3 resolutions available using RealVGA.
The Opera cab is the latest version of Opera - I believe teh WM5 prefix was put on by Opera - but it is the latest version for WM6 as well
Can't remember what else is in there at the mo - don't have it with me but if you ask I'm sure someone will answer. All the progs are the latest and best of breed for WM6 and if you want them, install them.
update 23/10/2009 - current project state is in this post
original post:
I've build new ROM based on latest WM6.1 build and packages from HTC Mega
There were some problems with new HCT Album 3, Manila2d 2 and EzInput 2, and I didn't update them.
I use Manila 1.20 and Iolite versions of Album and EzInput.
All other packages are updated.
If someone needs this ROM, I will upload it.
EzInput 2 will work if you replace the touch.dll in OEMDRIVERS with that from MEGA OEMDRIVERS folder
HTC Album will work if you replace the files ha_skin_l.xml and ha_skin_p.xml in .........\OEM\Iolite_MEGA\0409\ExtraFilesPkg with these from manila album package(in building these from the above folder which are for iolite's album version ovewrite these from mega)
And manila should work, what doesn't work in your build?
dancer_69: What did you mean by replacing files for HTCAlbum3? I have to overwrite _ha_skin_l.xml and _ha_skin_p.xml in OEM\Iolite\0409\ExtraFilesPkg with ha_skin_l.xml and ha_skin_p.xml from MEGA package?
In this folder are these 2 xml files from Iolite's album version. When you build the rom, some how these files overwrite these in mega's album package folder. So the rom have the old version of these files and for this the album doesn' t function right.
So, you need to replace them with the newer version.
Hi, Server222,
Please upload a ROM if you have some satisfied one.
BTW, did you make Footprint work with M2D. Footprint is the spirit of Polite, we should not leave it.
Sorry, but there were problems with g-light and I reverted my ROM to Iolite packages.
Another problem was - YouTube search button is inactive (maybe because this is beta).
EzInput 2 works, but I cannot choose other keyboards. There is workaround on this forum, but it still has some disadvantages.
I don't like HTC Menu as it cannot be configured to exclude some apps. (I use Finger menu).
I just can say - almost all MEGA packages released by Da_G works not only with wm6.5 but with w6.1 (build 21054)
The main hack you should do - do not include PACKAGE_MEGA_HTCScroll, it depends on wm6.5.
Add HTCScroll.dll and HTCScroll2.dll to your ROM (search this thread more info, for example
I don't want use unstable/beta software in my ROM.
(but I can help with setting up Ervius kitchen for such ROM, if someone wants to try this).
serfer222 said:
I don't want use unstable/beta software in my ROM.
(but I can help with setting up Ervius kitchen for such ROM, if someone wants to try this).
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I have exactly the same opinion. I was playing with Mega packages on WM6.1 for almost three weeks, but it brings more problems that benefits. And until oficial WM6.5 is released, I will not cook WM6.5 ROM for Iolite.
In contrast, I am focusing on optimalization of last Iolite official ROM. This means removing all unneeded stuff from OEM, SYS and EXT including file editing.
torrentonly said:
... I am focusing on optimalization of last Iolite official ROM. This means removing all unneeded stuff from OEM, SYS and EXT including file editing.
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That´s absolutely right! My opinion too! I find a good working old app better as a glitching new app.
I'm tired with 6.5, can you please upload a fast 6.1 image? I could also use the office package, I sometimes use mobile excel.
4EST said:
I'm tired with 6.5, can you please upload a fast 6.1 image? I could also use the office package, I sometimes use mobile excel.
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I'm finishing ROM upgrade to wm6.1 build 21055.
I solved g-light issue with Mega packages.
Just want to test it more.
I'll be back this week and bring you new ROM =)
I can't wait for it, don't want wm6.5 anymore
I downloaded final Mega packages, and I'm going to continue this project.
Almost all works, even Manila2 with flipping clocks and location based weather on home screen.
Now I have 4 issues, not so important to me, but
maybe someone here can help me:
1. Manila2 has soft key "All settings" - it doesn't work in WM6.1
2. Manila2 has "Wallpaper" item on Settings tab - it allows me to restore default wallpaper, and do nothing if wallpaper is not changed (I still can change it if I go to Settings -> Today.
3. Mega Album 3 is not working - it starts wait for a second and exit.
Iolite Album 2.5 works fine
4. Mega YouTube 2.6 works, but buttons at the bottom of the screen don't work. No search, no favorites... It looks to me it can work, I saw it was working, but then I added some packages and it is broken now.
Iolite Youtube 1.6 works fine.
5. All custom words in XT9 My Words List disappear after Soft Reset...
I'm updating my last ROM, so all features as XDA_UC will be included.
I loaded official HTC Mega Russian ROM on my Iolite this weekend, tested it and ...
... And I'm back to WM6.1 21055 =)
I didn't like WM65.
Maybe I just too old and don't want new stuff (but I upgraded my PC to Win7 64-bits and it's the best OS I know for today).
Maybe WM65 build 21854 is too close to WM6.1 21055 and I should try latest releases...
OK, I'm ready to release this ROM. Latest WM6.1 + Mega Ext packages.
It's based on my last released ROM, but it includes fresh HTC GUI.
Beside new WM6.5 start menu (stupid endless scrolling of million icons) this ROM looks almost like MEGA.
I run latest Manila 2.0.1919.1432, latest Camera software, latest EzInput, latest PhoneCanvas.
So, before uploading this I want to ask what programs I can remove, and what do you think I should include into the ROM.
As for me - I don't want HTC programs at all. I use another programs.
I removed
also I removed this programs from Windows
Office - it couldn't even search fot text...
I feel fine running ROM without all this programs.
So, tell me what is important to you.
I am happy with the firmware you made last week
Anyway I agree with you on removing the above programs.
BTW, what does autoupdate do anyway, it never ever updated anything on any of my PDAs....
4EST said:
I am happy with the firmware you made last week
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I decided to release first 21055 ROM with Iolite packages as them are stable and tested with our device.
At the same time I want to have "something new" and there is why I'm making this new ROM. So in case something goes wrong - we can just use first ROM.
4EST said:
BTW, what does autoupdate do anyway, it never ever updated anything on any of my PDAs....
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It should be supported by OEM ROM maker. And looks like nobody wants use it.
Read more here.
new EzInput 2.1 issue found:
All custom words in XT9 My Words List disappear after Soft Reset.
Description: EzInput 2.1 adds my new words to My Words list and suggests them while I'm typing. I can use "XT9 My Words" program to edit this list.
But if I reset my device this list is empty again.
Who knows how to fix it?
Can you include a newer PIE in your ROM?
That's the only thing that I feel a little regret with your stable and fast ROM. And there's no way to upgrade PIE if not cooked into ROM.
For xt9 issue, maybe you can try older package of et9 and ezinput. Just remove the 'all settings' from the softkey since it does not work on wm61.
Tx n bst rgz.
You can also try to rename the settings.exe (Posted here)to htcSettingsEntry.exe and put it into Windows folder.
MY HTC HD2 (LEO) is running:
Stock ROM - hTC_Asia_WWE_1.48.707.
Manila - 2.5.19211619.0
Radio -
Protocol -
I have flashed 2 ROMs so far (PDAVIET v09, then freyberry_premium_V5.3_23518). Both have the Documents Tab which works great for me. Unfortunately, i've had to re-flash my HD2 to the stock ROM because of Chinese language, localized Opera, and other features made for the Asia region.
Would it be possible that I can install only the Documents Tab, (perhaps via a CAB file or some other method), onto my existing ROM?
While I have made every effort to search the forum and google for alternatives without any solution, I apologize if this question has been asked and answered before.
Many thanks in advance (for any solution that would make my HD2 the dream phone that it already almost is) !
dongster said:
MY HTC HD2 (LEO) is running:
Stock ROM - hTC_Asia_WWE_1.48.707.2
Radio -
Protocol -
I have flashed 2 ROMs so far (PDAVIET v09, then freyberry_premium_V5.3_23518). Both have the Documents Tab which works great for me. Unfortunately, i've had to re-flash my HD2 to the stock ROM because of Chinese language, localized Opera, and other features made for the Asia region.
Would it be possible that I can install only the Documents Tab, (perhaps via a CAB file or some other method), onto my existing ROM?
While I have made every effort to search the forum and google for alternatives without any solution, I apologize if this question has been asked and answered before.
Many thanks in advance (for any solution that would make my HD2 the dream phone that it already almost is) !
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not possible, the manila files need to be cooked inside the rom, manila 1921xx doesnt have the documents tab option try using roms with manila 1922xx.
2.5.1921.1619 - no documents-tab, no landscape
2.5.1921.4010 - documents-tab, no landscape
2.5.1922.2911 - documents-tab, landscape
i think it should be possible to cab the documents-page (only wwe).
i don't own wince cab manager... maybe later...
tids2k said:
not possible, the manila files need to be cooked inside the rom, manila 1921xx doesnt have the documents tab option try using roms with manila 1922xx.
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unfortunately, I have not found a Rom with manila 2.5.1922 that is very close to stock, has Chinese input, documents tab, wm6.5 instead of 6.5.x..
but thanks for ur feedback.
HD2Owner said:
2.5.1921.1619 - no documents-tab, no landscape
2.5.1921.4010 - documents-tab, no landscape
2.5.1922.2911 - documents-tab, landscape
i think it should be possible to cab the documents-page (only wwe).
i don't own wince cab manager... maybe later...
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yeah, I'm hopeful that there will be a solution soon!
Flashmore cooked rom
dongster said:
MY HTC HD2 (LEO) is running:
Stock ROM - hTC_Asia_WWE_1.48.707.
Manila - 2.5.19211619.0
Radio -
Protocol -
I have flashed 2 ROMs so far (PDAVIET v09, then freyberry_premium_V5.3_23518). Both have the Documents Tab which works great for me. Unfortunately, i've had to re-flash my HD2 to the stock ROM because of Chinese language, localized Opera, and other features made for the Asia region.
Would it be possible that I can install only the Documents Tab, (perhaps via a CAB file or some other method), onto my existing ROM?
While I have made every effort to search the forum and google for alternatives without any solution, I apologize if this question has been asked and answered before.
Many thanks in advance (for any solution that would make my HD2 the dream phone that it already almost is) !
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Hi dongster,
You can try Flashmore cooked rom, it come with chinese input, and others similar feature you are looking for.
a documents cab would be great!!
Bump! Any of the master chefs want to help us out here?
yes please
i´´m really interessting in this too, because i like to use a stockrom due to the stability.
oh and the ebook tab as cab would be fab lol! Poet and didn' know it
I am also interested for the documents tab.
+1 For docs and reader tabs.
cabs coming soon..
Anybody confirm the cab is working? (English and German supported) (English and German supported)
this cabs are for 1.66-1.XX-stock-rom-users (german and english). this are first experimental test-cabs.
creating this cabs took me around 3 hours.
please test first and report back... not tested. testing 2.09-rom.....
cab installed but nothing added to manila; i think needs to be activated somehow!
would you, please, make these for italian language, too ? thanks !
qatramiz said:
cab installed but nothing added to manila; i think needs to be activated somehow!
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I remember when installing MTP that you had to delete HKLM/software/HTC/Manila/configuration so it can rebuild.
Also you might need to delete /Windows/ManilaFull.xml.
You may also need to edit 26948339_manila file to add new session.
the cab is not working
Hey all, I need to know how I can remove the Windows live app from my HTC HD2 running winmo 6.5, that I recently installed the "Maxsense Energy Rom" on. It came with the older version of Windows Live, and I would like to use the new one available 11.1, I believe, but you can not do this without removing the old version first, it will not work. So, bottom line is, How do you remove an app from windows mobile 6.5 that came in a cooked rom?
I love this sight, I have learned alot, I am running a T-Mobile, HTC HD2 with winmo
6.5, with the Maxsense Energy Rom, as well as Android Gingerbread 2.3.
You would need to unpack the rom into a kitchen,remove the app, rebuild then flash it again,
sadly most (all) cooked roms are protected and wont unpack into the kitchen.
so, the easiest option is ask your chef if they would kindly
a)make you one without that app
b)let you have a copy of the kitchen
You can also try
c) dump the phone into .raw files with psdread, then use a kitchen to convert those back into a cookable format.(not 100% sure this works with cooked roms.)
can you not unpack the cab & manually transfer files to overwrite existing files using resco explorer or total commander !
I do not know why cooks load these type of apps in ROM, would make more sense to implement them via cabs at second boot thus allowing easy upgrade/removal as users require.
jason_reese1 said:
Hey all, I need to know how I can remove the Windows live app from my HTC HD2 running winmo 6.5, that I recently installed the "Maxsense Energy Rom" on. It came with the older version of Windows Live, and I would like to use the new one available 11.1, I believe, but you can not do this without removing the old version first, it will not work. So, bottom line is, How do you remove an app from windows mobile 6.5 that came in a cooked rom?
I love this sight, I have learned alot, I am running a T-Mobile, HTC HD2 with winmo
6.5, with the Maxsense Energy Rom, as well as Android Gingerbread 2.3.
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You don't need to remove it, I installed v11 over the top of cooked in v10 yesterday and have no ill effects whatsoever. (I can use the Bing section, Hotmail integration and Messenger with no problems)
Hey thanks for all the responses, As far as installing the new live version 11,
you can install it, and the app goes on the phone, but when you open it using the new icon, it only opens the old version. They look very similar, but are not.
Check your version, and make sure it's 11, and not 10.7. Or... I am having a different issue than you are??? Either way, I think I will live with the old version for now, if I need to "Re-cook" The rom in order to just upgrade an app that does work. Thanks guys!!!