Not roaming on other networks - HTC Startrek

I am using this phone with an O2 Germany sim card and have noticed that it does not roam when it does not receive O2, like in the underground. So I have no signal and it keeps searching until it finds O2 again. Is it a problem with the phone? I have used the same sim card with other two phones and never had this kind of problem. The phones always switched automatically to another network when O2 was not available. Can you help?


T-Mobile UK

Can anyone help?
Have xda atom but cannot use it on t-mobile uk! Keeps connecting then disconnecting and have no gprs signal. Have had a new sim card sent but still having the same problem :evil: The sim is a 3g sim but t-mobile says that does'nt make a difference should be able to use in a non 3g phone? Is that True??
Put my orange or vodafone sim's in and connect to their networks no probs.
Anyone any suggestions please? :wink:
Try it on other non 3G phone? or try it at different geographic location
Thanks for your suggestion hanmin. Have tried different location but still the same. tried in another non 3 g phone and had the same. Have signed up on an o2 payg chip and no probs and have also now tried an orange 3g chip and that worked too. Now in dispute with t mobile as the chip is now playing up in my mda pro too and has been for a while (not a faulty pro after all maybe!)
Wished never switched to t mobile as always been an orange user!! why oh why!! :roll:
Have the same problem as you but on Virgin MObile UK. Am thinking of changing providers. Just moved from australia and brought my o2 atom with me.
Just to confirm, you've tested with vodaphone and o2 SIM and both worked fine?
Hi tristrem21 sorry have'nt looked on xda developers for a while! so did'nt notice your question regarding service providers. Yes have tried it on o2 and Vodafone and the sims work fine. It will also work well on Orange too.
same problem, bump for solutions
anyone though of anything yet?
thanks for the tip lob. have switched to o2. works fine now. cheers

HTC Tytn Sim Free - I need it to work with UK Vodafone Advice Please!!

I have been given a sim free HTC Tytn and want to use it with UK Vodafone. I currently have an ex-Orange SPV M2000 which i unlocked and it has been working fine with my Vodafone sim. With my M2000 i can make calls and browse the internet at the same time, but with the new Tytn i cannot do this
Is there a fix, should i upgrade it to the latest version or perhaps try and flash it with the V1605 Vodafone flash??
Advice really appreicated from one of the many knowledgeable people on here please,
Here, use the Vodafone UK CAB
Hi, Thanks for your help so far,
I have installed the HTC UK Settings .CAB file from the helpful post below
I can now access internet using my Orange contract sim card (which has GPRS activated) although if i am on the telephone i cannot go to browse without ending the telephone call.
my Vodafone contract sim needs updating so is not available for GPRS, but i presume this will be exactly the same.
Is it IMPOSSIBLE to use Internet browsing whilst making a telephone call??
All help appreciated, Many Thanks
For simultaneous voice and data you must be on a 3G/UMTS network with a SIM card supprting 3G. If you are on a GSM network it is not possible.
Ok, so my problem lies solely with the sim cards?
If both Sim cards were upgraded by the Network to 3g sim cards, The UK settings i have installed would allow my sim free Tytn to work as required?
More Info:
I have just spoken to Orange customer services and i do have a 3G sim card and it is active, is there anything i should be altering in the settings menu or anything other files that need to be flashed or installed onto the phone?
Sorry for the lack of knowledge - hope one of you experts can help!
Thank you
Can anyone help me pleasse????
are you in a 3g area? have you tried the sim in a known working phone? have you looked at the wiki or done a search on the forum?

3 SIM in SPV

Hi All
Has anybody managed to get a 3 (Three network) SIM to work on an Orange SPV after SIM unlocking.
I would like to be able to use my other phone's SIM in the Hermes.
All advice appreciated.
Thanx in advance
Hermes - The Mother of All Mobiles
yes, it works fine
Can you get full HSDPA speeds though?
My 3 SIM in my TyTn won't let me go above GPRS as its not my primary phone. So I'm paying for a service I can't use. I've spoken to their CS who basically said, no sorry, you've got to use that Nokia we sent you as your phone.
My T-Mobile SIM out of my 3G data card for my laptop works like a charm.
Guess which contract I'll be ripping up next month? Clue: its not the T-Mobile one.
I have put in a 3 PAYG SIM card and it worked, but I didn't test any calls.
What does happen though is the roaming triangle icon appears if you turn off 3G, which I guess is right because it's technically roaming on Orange (although the network name still says '3')
apparently most of the networks are distributing new sim cars for use with their 3g networks, and because of the upgrades, older sim cards wont work with newer services. my 3g service in the us wont work with an older US at&t card, and they had to give me a new one. so give 3 a call and ask them for a new sim card. say yours got broken or something, otherwise they may charge you. but ask first if they will give you one free first. good luck
I think your problem might be that the 3 hsdpa service you are on is x series. I have asked in their shops about it, because it seems to be the best 3g deal, but they said its only compatible with a few phones made specifically for x series, eg n73. And it cant be used on other phoens because it is a sort of program embedden in the phones, rather then a homepage like vodafone live, which you can just link to.
Hope i have helped, and correct me if im worng

[SOLVED] Cannot use GSM radio - help needed!

I have since discovered that my IMEI has been blocked. This phone was bought off eBay in January but apparently the block was only placed on August 7th. I'm gutted, I'm really hoping this can be resolved or that I am covered by insurance.
Hi everyone,
I'd greatly appreciate any help anyone can give me. Here is what happened:
About 2 weeks ago I upgraded radio from 1.38 to 1.50, which worked and everything was fine.
Last week I went on holiday to a little place on the beach, where signal has normally been a problem. Not so this time, I had plenty of signal and was talking and texting fine.
On Tuesday it worked all morning and then in the afternoon the signal dropped off and it said "no service". I cycled the phone radio a few times and rebooted the phone, all to no avail. I concluded that the local cell tower had a fault and that I wasn't in range of another.
On Wednesday we took a trip and, as I expected, a few miles down the road my phone picked up signal again, consistent with the faulty cell tower hypothesis. I recieved a load of texts that had been waiting for me, made a few calls and everything was fine. When we got back to where we were staying, the signal held - I presumed the fault had been fixed.
Later that evening the signal dropped out again as before. I assumed that perhaps the fault hadn't been sufficiently fixed in the cell tower, so while annoying I presumed when I got to a different area the signal would come back like it did before.
However, it didn't. We came home on Friday and it hasn't picked up a signal, just says "no service". If I manually search for networks it finds O2 (as well as all the others) and I can select it, but it still says "no service".
I plugged in a T-Mobile sim, and it found signal immediately, BUT I cannot send/recieve calls or texts, people calling me hear a strange problem about it being unable to connect their call, and text message delivery reports give the same (not the message that one gets if the phone is switched off) - so it is obviously on the network but something is stopping it using the network - when I try and make a call I instantly get those four beeps which indicate the call has ended.
I then phoned O2 and said I think my SIM is dead, and they agreed and are sending me a new one. However, I then tried my old O2 sim again and got a brief signal, but still the same problem as the T-Mo sim - cannot send/recieve calls/texts/anything.
My O2 sim now says no service, although I have tried it in another phone and it works fine.
Since then I have re-flashed 1.38, hard reset the OS (Sleuth's v3) and flashed the O2 WM6 official rom with 1.47, all making no difference. I've tried forcing 2G and 3G and particular frequencies (it usually says it cannot apply these band settings, but after several reboots I sometimes manage to change it).
So, in summary:
Signal is very intermittent and usually says "no service".
Even when I do have signal, I cannot send/recieve calls/texts.
My O2 sim definitely works.
I have tried radios 1.50, 1.38 and 1.47 to no avail.
I have hard reset the ROM (Sleuth's v3) and flashed the O2 official ROM to no avail.
Desperate for help! Many thanks
I have also cleaned the SIM, SIM contacts in the phone, and checked that I can access the SIM card from the phone, and I can get the phone's IMEI etc so at least part of the radio seems to be working, and as mentioned before the SIM definitely works.
I have tried Orange post-pay and Orange pre-pay sims and they both work fine, so it doesn't appear to be my phone that has broken.
However, my original O2 sim continues to work in another Nokia phone, suggesting that the sim isn't broken.
It may just be the pairing of that sim with my phone, which is the only thing I can think of. Does the Hermes apply sim "profiles" to sims which are inserted? Have I messed up the profile associated with that sim? My new O2 sim should come next week so we will see if that one works.
Also, the error messages of the text delivery reports sent to my phone while my O2 sim was in it say "Interworking Not Available" (this is from an Orange phone). Any idea what that means?
Thanks to anyone who can help.
Oliy said:
I have tried Orange post-pay and Orange pre-pay sims and they both work fine, so it doesn't appear to be my phone that has broken.
However, my original O2 sim continues to work in another Nokia phone, suggesting that the sim isn't broken.
It may just be the pairing of that sim with my phone, which is the only thing I can think of. Does the Hermes apply sim "profiles" to sims which are inserted? Have I messed up the profile associated with that sim? My new O2 sim should come next week so we will see if that one works.
Also, the error messages of the text delivery reports sent to my phone while my O2 sim was in it say "Interworking Not Available" (this is from an Orange phone). Any idea what that means?
Thanks to anyone who can help.
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Shot in the dark here: how did you get your Hermes? Could it be blacklisted from O2 - i.e. could it be stolen from an O2 subscriber. (I would assume by the person you got it from, I am not accusng you of anything!)
Hi Todd,
Thanks for your reply. It's not something I'd thought of but it could fit the scenario. I got the phone off eBay back in January and had no problems with it until now. It's actually a T-Mobile branded one, (i.e. the MDA) rather than the XDA Trion. When I phoned O2 to ask if my account had been blocked and to get a new sim the person I spoke to said there was nothing to indicate that my account would have been blocked, which would presumably include any blocked IMEIs that were listed there. Also, if the phone had been blocked after being listed stolen it would have been blocked on all networks wouldn't it? If my new sim doesn't work I will phone O2 and ask them if my IMEI is blocked, so thanks for your suggestion.
As updated in the first message, my IMEI has been blocked, causing all the problems. The reason the Orange sims worked must be because the block hasn't propagated to the Orange network yet.
Hey i discovered i had the same problem today aswell i bourght the phone of Ebay for the first day it was working then next day i upgraded to WM6 and it stop working i did some research on why it stop working and here it was
Orange & O2:
If you place an active orange or
O2 sim into a blacklisted handset you
phone will not show any signal strength
at all! If the handset is a Nokia then a
"SIM card registration failed" message
will also be displayed. If your handset is an
Ericsson then an "Invalid Mobile" message
will be displayed. For most other manufacturers
the handset will simply show no signal!
Vodafone & T-Mobile
If you place an active Vodafone or T-Mobile sim into a blacklisted handset, the phone will appear to function perfectly UNTIL you try to make an outgoing call. When you try to call out from the handset you will hear a sequence of beeps and then the call will be dropped!!
wow nice story man , it seemed like a movie or something
anyway before i finish it i expected that your problem is that the phone IMEI is blacklisted . since its working with orange and other sims . its usually normal to get signal but u wont be able to make or recieve phone calls .
good luck .

[Q] s2 no network emergency calls only

I have a s2 unlocked I put o2 uk sim and I get no network same with voda tmobile and orange so my thinking is the phone as been blocked but thdn I put a 3 network sim in and the phone works fine makes and receives call I have debranded phone and updated via kies but still ssme so now im scratching my head
scot0114 said:
I have a s2 unlocked I put o2 uk sim and I get no network same with voda tmobile and orange so my thinking is the phone as been blocked but thdn I put a 3 network sim in and the phone works fine makes and receives call I have debranded phone and updated via kies but still ssme so now im scratching my head
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I have the same problem, today i rang samsung uk to confirm the phone was good for uk and they did confirm it was a uk phone and they suggested that i ring various network providers to check the imei against their database, after spending a long time talking to various support teams in "lost or stolen " i ended up with all the networks saying phone was not known on their network as lost or barred so now i am in the same boat as you, mine has jb 412 installed.

