nuePackageInstaller OEM error - please help - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

I'm trying to cook a custom rom using DogGuy's kitchen, and am adding a few nueTools, including nuePackageInstaller. Everything cooks fine, and the program starts up fine -- I'm using the windows installer version of .net CF 3.5. When I click "select package", I get the following error:
An unexpected error has occurred in nuePackageInstaller.exe.
Select Quit and then restart this program, or select Details for more information.
File or assembly name 'ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null', or one of its dependancies was not found.
So, do I need to cook another program in for this to work? Any ideas where to find it? Am I missing something here? The other nueTools work.
EDIT: I found my answer:
Originally Posted by no2chem View Post
yes, you need the ICSharpZipLib.. please search for the dll somewhere in my rom image


New version of ER2003Edit (1.2.20) available

Hi guys,
a new version of ER2003Edit is available from the wiki page:
New features and improvements:
- provides support for the new upgrade tool version ( used by the latest T-Mobile and O2 updates
- supports editing of the header information (DeviceID, Operator and Language) in order to circumvent the country code error
- some other fixes and improvements
Best regards,
Thnx dude! At last we got a program to modify the header. I guess this makes a lot of XDA owners very happy.
Great work!
Thanks Softworkz, great work again. It really looks like an even more powerful tool, but there seems to be a little bug (or I am doing something wrong):
After upgrading ER2003Edit to the new version, I cannot open the ms_.nbf anymore. When I try to open the file, ER2003Edit always crashes, although I left the file unbmodified.
Downgraded to the old version again and there it works, although I have to decode and encode the files by myself.
Any suggestions?
No problems opening the ms_.nbf here after doing the upgrade. Running Win XP sp1.
Try uninstalling the old one completely then install the new one...
Works great!
is it a misunderstanding between header-information and encryping ???
I think Er2003edit does not do the encryption/decryption so far.
Hey Softworkz...
this would be a great improvement as I guess all coming
extended roms will be encrypted.
Tried uninstalling and re-install but that didn't help. As far as I remember, Softworkz tool is not able to edit encrypted ms_.nbf.
But on my machine (Win XP pro 2002 SP1) the program always crashes when opening an non-encrypted ms_.nbf...
I will use the old one as a workaround, I don't need to change the header so this should be fine.
some programming tips:
It should not be very difficult to implement the xor decryption, just xor each DWORD in the file with 0x25863614 after loading it in memory, and before saving it back to the file.
also, if you verify the header checksum after loading the file, you should be able to detect that the file you are loading is actually a decrypted nbf file.
and another check to see if at offset 0x70040 there is a valid bootsector, with
the 'MSWIN4.1' and 'FAT16' strings should prevent it from crashing on invalid files.
Ouch, I just found out that the wrong version of xda2tools.dll was included with the setup. I have made available a new version (1.2.20) to fix this. (see wiki page)
Some details about ER2003Edit:
You do not need to uninstall old versions before installing newer ER2003Edit versions.
The new version (1.2.x) is able to perform XOR-De-/Encryption. When opening an extended ROM file ER2003Edit first checks if it is encrypted by looking for the presence of the dashes in the header.
If those are present in the right places ER2003Edit opens the file as usual. If the dashes are absent ER2003Edit tries to decrypt with all of the three XOR-Passwords (). If none of those passwords produces a file with a correct header a prompt is shown which lets you enter your own password.
The decrypted (or a copy of the unencrypted) ROM file is saved to the temp folder. When saving with ER2003Edit the file is encrypted again (in case the original file was encrypted) and is saved to the original location overwriting the initial file.
Itsme: The "dash-check" was used because the CRC-check in your code was always true (didn't look into it further).
The new version supports auto-detection of the ROM type in order to edit the header of the other 2 ROM files (NK and Radio_), too. The "error accessing image files" message is now suppressed for these files.
Nevertheless modifying the header of those files is useless and I didn't figure out how to access the file structure in those files (doesn't look like a FAT image).
Best regards,
Okay, that explains the problems I experienced. As soon as I am back home I will give it a try. If it works it will be a nice & powerful tool...
==> seems to work perfectly. So there are no more obstacles. Next stage will be an Upgrade to 1.66.xx... :shock:
ok, now it works.
currently, a non-matching crc value only results in a printed warning, maybe I/you could add an extra parameter to the file processing functions, which get the result of the crc-check.
or maybe even better, raise an exception, for the warnings.
ER2003 crashes opening new O2 extended ROM Files
Hi softworkz,
first off all thanks for your great work!
Using the new version of er2003 i cant open the ms_.nbf file of the latest O2 upgrade (1.60.52). It crashes every time. Opening and editing my self created ext. ROM based on T-Mobile Update 1.60.07 works great.
Whats wrong with my installation? If you wish i can send u my Win XP error report.
Sorry for posting, was 2 stupid to read forum first!
Sorry for posting, was 2 stupid to read forum first!
Hi all
Please help to clarify as there are some inconsistances...
(or I am wrong, but will run into this problem)
Er2003edit will try to modify the header information in the NK and Radio_mbf but this will not be successfull and I still will get the Country ID error, is that right ???
As far as bobopopo expierenced the new upgrade utility will not run parts of the upgrade but rather leave the machine useless.
So there is a missing link...
itsme said:
ok, now it works.
currently, a non-matching crc value only results in a printed warning, maybe I/you could add an extra parameter to the file processing functions, which get the result of the crc-check.
or maybe even better, raise an exception, for the warnings.
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The CRC check does not work in your code. XORing with a wrong password results in the following message:
WARNING: this does not look like a nbf header, possible you provided the wrong password
But this gets printed as a result of the "dash-check". If the crc-check would fail, a different message would be printed:
WARNING: checksum is not ok, possibly you provided the wrong password
But this message never gets printed because (filecrc != crcsum) never occurs (for whatever reason).
Xant said:
Hi all
Er2003edit will try to modify the header information in the NK and Radio_mbf but this will not be successfull and I still will get the Country ID error, is that right ???
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No. Er2003Edit can open NK and radio ROM files and edit the header. Er2003Edit automatically re-encrypts the newer ROM files (XOR-Method).
Er2003Edit decrypts older ROM files (DES-Encrpytion), lets you edit the header and save the file but it does not re-encrypt these ones (use xda2nbftool). A message is displayed in this case to remind you to encrypt the file.
Xant said:
As far as bobopopo expierenced the new upgrade utility will not run parts of the upgrade but rather leave the machine useless.
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AFAIK the upgrade tool will only look at the extended ROM's operator field. Anyone please correct me if I'm wrong about that.
softworkz said:
Xant said:
As far as bobopopo expierenced the new upgrade utility will not run parts of the upgrade but rather leave the machine useless.
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AFAIK the upgrade tool will only look at the extended ROM's operator field. Anyone please correct me if I'm wrong about that.
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I confirm what bobopopo claims, i tried only flashing the ms_.nbf, and it totally messed up my machine (stuck in bootloader), i had to reflash all three to get it to work again
nargalzius said:
softworkz said:
Xant said:
As far as bobopopo expierenced the new upgrade utility will not run parts of the upgrade but rather leave the machine useless.
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AFAIK the upgrade tool will only look at the extended ROM's operator field. Anyone please correct me if I'm wrong about that.
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I confirm what bobopopo claims, i tried only flashing the ms_.nbf, and it totally messed up my machine (stuck in bootloader), i had to reflash all three to get it to work again
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I knew about this. I was just stating that the header of NK and Radio is irrelevant for the upgrade tool and is not responsible for the country code error.
SPV M1000
Does it work with SPV M1000 version
loade ER2003 started it and stay on the ROM info screen :?

How to open new ROMs (like ITA) with ER2003Edit

just a tip for opening the latest ROM files with ER2003Edit:
ER2003Edit has a file type selector in the file open box which is by default set to autodetect.
in autodetect mode ER2003Edit tries all encryption passwords it knows for any type of ROM (NK,Radio,ms_)
when using autodetect mode and your ROM does not get detected and you enter the correct password manually, you will receive an "Error accessing image files" message
To prevent this message choose the correct type of ROM (ms_.nbf) from the file type selector of the file open dialog and enter the password
ER2003Edit can open and edit all types of ROM files now in order to let you change the language and device type settings (to prevent country code error)
Tip: Opening ROM files is always faster when you do not use autodetect mode!
BTW here are the passwords for the ITA-Rom:
ms_.nbf: 0x20040305
nk.nbf: 0x20040304
radio_.nbf 0x20040306
A new version of ER2003Edit will have these passwords built in, but I currently do have no time for a new release just to include the passwords.
thank you very much
Softworks, are the the old passwords hardcoded into the app?
I reckon on your next update, maybe you could just make the app read an XML (or text, whatever) file with the passwords. So you can easily just add passwords in the future onto the text without having to recompile a newer version.
Also, since when talking about XDAII files, we're only talking about 3 filenames which never change. Maybe you could make a load process to simply check the filename which has been opened and use the corresponding "file process" to open it. Sort of like instead of autodetect when you open files. Have a simple check that checks wether one clicked either of the 3 files, then have a script that mimmicks selecting manually the filetype instead of "autodetect." That should eliminate the "nuances" of opening files (especially helpful for us n00bs hehe)
Sorry, Iwould like to ask how / where to find the password of the images?
Hi All,
I have images which can't open by ER2003edit V1.2.20, it say the password is incorrect. Anyone can help or teach?
The rom image is from O2, the rom version is 1.60 or higher.
Can someone help me out too, it won n't seem to work with me.
d.zee said:
Can someone help me out too, it won n't seem to work with me.
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Cant find them either.... Please help
See here:
Here is a patched version of ER2003Edit.exe that has the new 3 passwords. Auto detection now works. :lol:
Just unzip then copy it over installed ER2003Edit.exe usually found in
C:\Program Files\softworkz\ER2003Edit\ER2003Edit.exe
Thanks. It works.
ROM Version: 2.06.00WWE
Radio Version: 1.18.00
ExtROM Version: 1.12.924WWE (from IIs)
OS: Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition
OS Version: 4.21.1088 (Build 14132)
Any reason I am getting shcksum errors?
I chenaged the content of ms_.nbf save it, and tried to flash it, but I gor error 122 - checksum error?
Any known reason for that?
Looks like I am out of my depth but its worth a try
I have a blueangle and have worked out that there are more tools on in Himalaya than for us.
I have further worked out that the upgrade works in the same way.
So I would think that this tool does, Well I am either wrong or just dumb.
Is my undersatnding correct that this application would only have the paswords for the at that time Known rom realeases.
Is my understanding that even with a password out of a xda3nbtool this toll will not work if you add it in the dialog.
Thus I seem to find that if I fill in the device name, op and lang as well as pasword I fail, same is true if leave them blank.
Please help me out or point me in the correct direction
does anyone know a program or a howto for editing Asus MyPal ROM Updates? In fact I only have to add a single file.
Thanks for any response


Hi guys,
I have to compliment Stefan for personally e-mailing me back about a problem I was having and pointing me here. Hopefully I can become a little less clueless through the forums.
When using kitchen, I get the ROM.EXE update. I understand I run this on my PC. My phone is a Wallaby, with WM2003 first edition. I've written down my t-mobile settings and I'm ready to flash it. However, when attempting to run the ROM.EXE program, I getting the following error:
Cannot execute the remote communication progra,
Please make sure that the USB/Serial cable is properly connected.
The phone is connected to the PC directly over USB through it's cradle and I have ActivSync 3.7.1 running. Any ideas what my problem could be?[/code]
Alrighty, after reading those, I figured I had to write the WM2k3SE ROM to a SD card. After extracing the NK.NBF from the ROM.EXE I have to a directory, I fire up the XDA OS IMAGE TOOL and select it in the SOURCE. I choose "SD CARD" for my destination and produce the following error:
NK.NBF: Incorrect Filesize(33554464), file size should be exactally 32505888 bytes. Error opening input file.
A quick search of the forums didn't show anything that might apply. According to these wiki instructions this looks like the correct thing to do. Is it possible that I have a bad kitchen rom?
Because of an different Memory Usage of the WM2003SE ROM, thes ROMs could only be flashed via EXE. OSImagetool used for writing this file to SD-Card reports an incorrect Filesize. If you have installed a T-Mobile ROM that prohibits upgrading via EXE-File (you get an error in the DOS-Box) you have to downgrade your phone to 3.17.03 via SD-Card and then use the WM2003SE ROM....
OK, but is the procedure I'm following correct? Download a WM2003FE ROM.EXE at version 3.17.03 and then extract the NK.NKF from the executable and flash with that? This will allow me to use the ROM.EXE of my WM2003SE kitchen image instead of using the OSI tool? (If this works, I'm going to go add to the wiki).

[GUIDE]How to use G'Reloc.exe for Windows Mobile 6.5 SYS Relocation

Note for Mods: If you feel that this thread belongs to some different forum, feel free to move it (coz i also have this feeling, but i am not clear
Hi Friends,
I have seen this discussion many times that the older GReloc cannot be used for relocating newer, WM 6.5 SYS. While this is partially true, there is a workaround for this that I have been using with last 2-3 WM 6.5 ROMs that i have cooked for myself. So i thought it will be good for all the fellow chefs and wannabes if i share this info with you.
Although the new tool WMReloc can be used in place of GReloc, i don't find it as user friendly as GReloc and since GReloc works for me, there is not enough reason for me to switch over. Also, once or twice i have seen reports of WMReloc doing overlapping of addresses while the relocation process which defy its sole purpose.
So here is the method I use :
1. Download Unlocker from Here. This will help you unlock files that are currently in use by other programs so that you can copy move and delete them. Install it and on every file and folder you'll get a new entry in context menu called "Unlocker".
2. Now start Greloc.exe and fill in proper values if needed. Click "Do It". When it gives Integer Overflow, click OK but dont close it. Press "Do It" again and this time it will show you the file that is givin error in the message box, mostly its a .tmp file.
3. Go to the file, right click on it and select "Unlocker". In the box that opens, on the right hand, choose delete in the dropdown box. Now click Unlock All. This will delete the file.
4. Click "Do It" in GReloc Window again, this time it will complete the process. If the error comes again, for a different file (never happened with me though), repeat this process.
5. To be sure, run GReloc once again and it will complete the process successfully in one go.
Although I don't claim to be an expert on this subject, As far as my understanding goes, the problem lies within the algorithm used in GReloc. It uses integer data typed variables for doing whatever it does during the relocation process and with Wm 6.5, somehow the value stored in one of these variables crosses the upper or lower limit of the allowed range for integer variables.
Now, In the process of relocation, GReloc creates a tmp file based on the contents of the modules it is relocating. When error occurs GReloc stops as it is and doesn't closes the handle to this tmp file. This causes the process of relocation to fail on successive attempts.
What we do is we unlock this file forcefully using unlocker and delete it. This way, GReloc restarts the relocation process from that module again and the problem is solved.
Happy Cooking!
Hi sumit,
Great tutorial. It'll be aplicable not only to wm6.5 but to wm6.1 as well. In some wm6.1 roms i have the same problems.
this is temporally solution if u want to know how to use wmreloc i will tell u
but if you r using ramersonw kitchen it will little bit trick becoz tool folder comes when you start kitchen
i have my own kitchen witch support wmreloc 1.4
@ ramersonw
if u want to add wmreloc support to your kitchen contact me , and what about your visual kitchen ? is it done ? tell me if you want any help .
@Ankit: Yes its a temporary solution, it was working for me for last few roms so i thought it may be of some use to others also. And Yes, Please post the tutorial for using WMReloc.exe either in this thread (I'll rename the title of thread in that case) or in a separate thread, as you find it appropriate. That will be really good. Try to post the necessary tools with it too, like the WMReloc.exe file itself and anyother thing needed to use it.
In Ramerson's kitchen, the tools folder is created at start of the process, and buildos runs for atleast a minute or two, so the files in tools folder can be replaced in that period.
@Ramerson: Ya, the problem can occur in WM 6.1 also. I think it has to do something with the number of files that GReloc is relocating. Actually at the start of the relocation process, GReloc seems to be calculating which files needs to be relocated, and if this number exceeds a certain limit, that i am not aware of yet, it crashes. But when the relocation process is resumed from the point of error, number of files to relocate comes within the range and then GReloc continues. Great thing is that GReloc is a .NET app and exception handling has been done quiet intuitively otherwise there was no chance to resume this process.
Anyways Buddy, These are just assumptions and are working for now but this may not last for long so i think its really the time to update your kitchen. I request you to either you do it, or please share the code with me and i will try to understand and port it to .NET for further development.
krazy_about_technology, hi, put that in the attache a folder tools in their kitchen. And replacement following -" GReloc-doit-dump" on - "start / w "" tools \ WMReloc.exe-g. \ Temp \ dump-lWMReloclog2.txt"
Good luck
this is temporally solution if u want to know how to use wmreloc i will tell u
but if you r using ramersonw kitchen it will little bit trick becoz tool folder comes when you start kitchen
i have my own kitchen witch support wmreloc 1.4
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can u upload ur kitchen for wm6 & 6.5 plz ............
ankit360 said:
this is temporally solution if u want to know how to use wmreloc i will tell u
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Please can you write tutorial on this?
In my case g'reloc missing S001 file, iam forget which module, so i use wmreloc, it was working well.
Xumit said:
Please can you write tutorial on this?
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G'Reloc -doit -dump
wmreloc -gtemp\dump
swapnil_0081 said:
can u upload ur kitchen for wm6 & 6.5 plz ............
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You can download ankit wm6.5 kitchen, edit file build.cmd in the tools folder,
find line
start /w "" Tools\G'Reloc -doit -dump
change it with
start /w "" tools\wmreloc -gtemp\dump
save the file.
copy wmrelox.exe to tools folder
The file missing is in either marketplace or my phone. I got that message too. I removed these two packages and thereafter the process went smoothly. WMReloc skippes these files. Did you checked whether these services are working in your wmreloced rom?
I can't found it in wmreloc log, but it work well in my gene
I will give you solution very soon

Atom Exec Rom Cooking Issues

YES I have searched and read before I posted..
I am attempting to cook my own roms for my Exec, I have d/l and installed a number from here and enjoy the process, so I have downloaded the files as suggested and tried to cook.
I can dump the rom OK and sort and fiddle through the files with no issue, but when I then try to build the rom, BUILDOS.EXE comes up with an error
BUILDOS has encountered an error and needs to close...
I found you had to move the OEM and SYS folder back up one level, but then when you run the buildos it now fails with external component has thrown an exception
Windows XP SP3 up to date with patches
Any ideas most appreciated
no one?
Is the kitchen empty?
To build:
1. Execute BuildOS.cmd (requires .NET to work)
2. After the entire process, your new ROM will be found in \FLASH folder
Nongs said:
To build:
1. Execute BuildOS.cmd (requires .NET to work)
2. After the entire process, your new ROM will be found in \FLASH folder
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Obviously you have no idea... Have you in fact done this and obtained a result?
The process is complicated and requires much ammendment to the source data to be even able to dump the rom, but to then edit, re-assemble and produce does NOT work using the kitchen indicated in the original posting.
If YOU have been able to do this, then please feel free to document the full an correct steps taken and the changes you made.
Yes I have.
I would like to recommend you to read
since post#47
I think same as your problems.
I have cooked by Atom 6.1 cooking set, never found those problems.

