Cannot use any of DCD's Kitchen's - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

Well, up until now, I have just used DCD's ROM's without customizing then, but I thought I would give the kitchen a shot. So, I downloaded DCD's latest and greatest kitchen of v3.2.2, also downloaded the .Net 2.0 link EXE fil from his page and tried to install it (cause you need it to run the kitchen) but I get an error, says that it is "incompatible with the previously installed version of .net"
so, i tried uninstalling all my .net stuff in add/remove, rebooting, and installing this, and still wont let me. i tried windows update and updated to 3.5, had 1.1 and 2.0 downloads as well, and nothing will will not install at all, no matter what version.
so i cannot get the kitchen to
:: Connor

did you restart the computer? after, did you delete the entire extracted folder of the kitchen and re-extract it? that always works for me.

Using DCD's (BuildOS) Kitchen with Vista
If you have UAC active on Vista here is what I suggest. If you are seeing issues with default.hv, user.hv, boot.hv most likely you have a permissions issue. Delete your extracted directories - Create a Root folder, such as Kitchen - Select Properties of that folder in Explorer - Go to the Security Tab and choose Edit - highlight your Users group and choose full control and then OK. Extract your kitchen files into this location. Logic would tell you that you should be able to just change the permissions on your folder once you extract it - UAC and logic don't necessarilly run together.... So once you've created a Root directory, set the security, extracted the kitchen into this location - run buildNB.bat as you would anything else - good luck.
The same issue applies to Vista and .Net errors (.Net 2.0 is default in Vista)

lol @ Vista...who uses Vista? hehe.

crobs808 said:
lol @ Vista...who uses Vista? hehe.
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Was that really necessary? You are asking for help, and decide to bash controversial/fairly useful software in the same thread. Use your brain, kiddo!

I use Vista. Works great. I also have an XP desktop.
Heck I still have a notebook running windows 95 on it.
Whats it to you?

Was that really necessary? You are asking for help, and decide to bash controversial/fairly useful software in the same thread. Use your brain, kiddo!
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Yeah this is the same kid who claims he is the only one that has nevo remote working, even though it doesn't work on EVERY other Titan. He's also the one that says he can magically send MMS messages without any software to do so. I'm starting to smell the bs from all the way here in Boston.

crobs808 said:
Well, up until now, I have just used DCD's ROM's without customizing then, but I thought I would give the kitchen a shot. So, I downloaded DCD's latest and greatest kitchen of v3.2.2, also downloaded the .Net 2.0 link EXE fil from his page and tried to install it (cause you need it to run the kitchen) but I get an error, says that it is "incompatible with the previously installed version of .net"
so, i tried uninstalling all my .net stuff in add/remove, rebooting, and installing this, and still wont let me. i tried windows update and updated to 3.5, had 1.1 and 2.0 downloads as well, and nothing will will not install at all, no matter what version.
so i cannot get the kitchen to
:: Connor
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tried getting a new computer?

coffey_joshua said:
tried getting a new computer?
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If you read his blog, he actually sells (overpriced) computers. Once again, I think gc has properly diagnosed what's going on.

I have a similar problem with 3.2.0 but my screen is stuck on the vzw screen stuck there anything I can do to fix this ?

gc14 said:
I'm starting to smell the bs from all the way here in Boston.
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Whoa and that's saying a lot, given the way that bean town must smell; I mean they call it bean town for a reason, right ?!

Yeah...though I think they should rename it Sports-town for the way that our sports teams beat everyone else's asses all the time....

gc14 said:
Yeah...though I think they should rename it Sports-town for the way that our sports teams beat everyone else's asses all the time....
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... and he knocked that one right over the center-field wall

gc14 said:
Yeah...though I think they should rename it Sports-town for the way that our sports teams beat everyone else's asses all the time....
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Now who's shoveling the bs.....
OH - wait, they kinda did spank my Lakers..... guess I'll go back to the corner now.....

No it is ok as Bean-town, only used as a verb. Still has the sports connotation, and can be used both offensively and defensively, and in all the sports Boston offers (Hockey, BB, Baseball, Football, etc).
To bean.
1. To hit with a projectile, accurately.
The pitcher beaned the batter, rather than letting him hit another home run.


getting application (exe.) installed on the mogul...i'm stumped

i've been trying to install a few exe files on the mogul recently. if i put them on the sd card and try to install from there nothing happens. if i try to install them through activesync it says that its not a valid Win32 application. what am i doing wrong any ideas?
i'm running the dcd 3.0 rom
why dont yu atleast tell us the names?
all the gps launcher programs are exe files, i've tried 4 of them and can't get any of them to work.
Have you tired running them on your windows computer when activesync is connected to your device? Some software like to clutter up your desktop as well as your ppc device
This is one of the things that really drives me crazy. I dont understand why ppc apps need to be distributed in exe files when it makes it much more difficult to install them.. things like no computer, no sync, runs linux or something else etc. I just wanna put them on my sd card or download them without the need of a computer.
sorry just ranting a bit
jemmrich said:
Have you tired running them on your windows computer when activesync is connected to your device? Some software like to clutter up your desktop as well as your ppc device
This is one of the things that really drives me crazy. I dont understand why ppc apps need to be distributed in exe files when it makes it much more difficult to install them.. things like no computer, no sync, runs linux or something else etc. I just wanna put them on my sd card or download them without the need of a computer.
sorry just ranting a bit
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yes, i've tried that. the only thing i can think is maybe its a vista problem? i'm trying run the exe file through windows mobile device center (what they call activsync in vista)
that could be the problem i'd assume, its the only thing i can think of is that its a problem with vista maybe?
well i have AstroGPSLauncher.exe and that had to be run OFF OF the device NOT on my pc. you can find it here
Now if you want other launchers, here's a thread that talks about a medley of it.
hindjew1 said:
well i have AstroGPSLauncher.exe and that had to be run OFF OF the device NOT on my pc. you can find it here
Now if you want other launchers, here's a thread that talks about a medley of it.
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thats one of the ones i've been trying to use. i just put it on my card and when i click on the icon nothing happens, it does nothing....usually there would be some sort of install process or something? not sure what the problem is. i have a tomtom icon as well that does the same thing, nothing.
.exe's dont install on your ppc like .cabs do
98classic said:
.exe's dont install on your ppc like .cabs do
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what do they do then? how do they install, when i click it just does nothing.
well from experience, they dont install anything they just run. like quickmenu, or vista hide batt meter. i dont use gps but if i find it i will give the app a run and see whats up. or why dont u post what u have and we'll see whats up.
knives of ice said:
thats one of the ones i've been trying to use. i just put it on my card and when i click on the icon nothing happens, it does nothing....usually there would be some sort of install process or something? not sure what the problem is. i have a tomtom icon as well that does the same thing, nothing.
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Knives, have you read the instructions on the link i provided?????
"--How to use this AstroGPSLauncher ---
--Copy AstroGPSLauncher to your Main Memory
(YOu can copy AstroGPSLauncher to SD Card but you need to change the path inside the shortcut if you use)"
Bingo! RTFM
AstroGPS does nothing stand alone, it is meant to be used with a shortcut that launches it in combination with your fav. GPS program. Clicking the exe directly will result in nothing on your screen.

DCD 3.0.4 for the Titan Kitchen

DCD if you dont like what im doing just tell me to delete this post and i will.
All credit goes to DCD one of the best kitchen and Rom maker's out there.
If it wasn't for him our 6800's would be almost useless.
This is for the people who are using the titan kitchen. I took DCD's latest build and repackaged it for the Titan Kitchen located
Place it in your BuildOS/Kitchens directory and then extract "Titan_DCD_3.01_Selections.txt" and place it in the BuildOS/Projects directory.
Now you can create your own custom DCD rom using the new kitchen and DCD's latest build.
I've been using this for about 20 hrs and the rom is very stable.
Thanks again DCD u Da MAN!!!!!!!!
Make Sure to remove---> _fixed <---from the end of the file before u place it in the kitchens folder.
Download REALLY FIXED this time LOL
thank i'm looking for this. I ran into error error nk.dat
AstronusX said:
thank i'm looking for this. I ran into error error nk.dat
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Sorry i forgot to change it from os.paylod to nk.fat, im up loading a fix right now thanks.
Errors in PPCkitchen
King - Thanks for putting this together
Unfortunately, I'm getting an error message (a bunch).
I downloaded the main file and did the updater.
When I go into BuildOS and select DCD 3.0.4 5054 or 5060, I am bombarded with error messages "Internal Error - Option.xml GUID not found (PROGRAM - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) where the "Program" is the name of the program and the x's are registry keys.
After I click ok 100 times to get through to the Kitchen, it allows me to select programs and build the OS, but once I install it, nothing actually gets installed on the phone.
Do you know what is causing this? Any help would be appreciated.
mfrish said:
King - Thanks for putting this together
Unfortunately, I'm getting an error message (a bunch).
I downloaded the main file and did the updater.
When I go into BuildOS and select DCD 3.0.4 5054 or 5060, I am bombarded with error messages "Internal Error - Option.xml GUID not found (PROGRAM - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) where the "Program" is the name of the program and the x's are registry keys.
After I click ok 100 times to get through to the Kitchen, it allows me to select programs and build the OS, but once I install it, nothing actually gets installed on the phone.
Do you know what is causing this? Any help would be appreciated.
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Is this your first time using the kitchen?
King_tee - I had to do alot of editing to get ALL the errors to go away. I had to remove the welcomehead96.png, also had to remove a few other items.... like remotedesktop..... I guess I should have taken a log of what I did....
Edit - However - VERY nice job getting it to where it is..... Thank you
Thanks will try. The BuildOS in the regular kitchen is crashing so I can now cook a kitchen.
Also will my OEMs made for the 3.0.1 rom work if I put them in the build os directory. I didn't use the OEMizer w/ BuildOS. It appears to be the same just w/ a different save directory.
azclown said:
King_tee - I had to do alot of editing to get ALL the errors to go away. I had to remove the welcomehead96.png, also had to remove a few other items.... like remotedesktop..... I guess I should have taken a log of what I did....
Edit - However - VERY nice job getting it to where it is..... Thank you
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No prob az i forgot about getting rid of those files. I thought i got all of them. I will upload a new file with the fixes for those who haven't downloaded it yet.
Let me know if its working for you guys
As of this morning, the version I downloaded still gives an error (can't find HTC Sliding Sound module) when trying to load the selections.txt file for the DCD kitchen.
drgreenberg said:
As of this morning, the version I downloaded still gives an error (can't find HTC Sliding Sound module) when trying to load the selections.txt file for the DCD kitchen.
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The sliding sounds module is in the DCD OEM's folder......when u open it up in the kitchen it should come up as a selectable OEM. At then point all you have to do is select it.
Does the kitchen work for Bell phones? It does not seem to be in the carrier list.
jondixon said:
Does the kitchen work for Bell phones? It does not seem to be in the carrier list.
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I don't know if it does.Are you are referring to the ppckitchen or DCD's Kitchen?
What i have provided is just a modified version of DCD's work (all credit goes to him) that will work in the ppckitchen.
You can check over here
if you are talking about the ppckitchen, and they should be able to answer your questions.
If you asking about the DCD kitchen you can ask over here and im sure he will help you out.
I guess the obvious question is, what's the difference between the two kitchens?
DCD's kitchen is built around his ROM. The PPCkitchen kitchen isn't designed for any specific ROM or device.
Advantages of DCD's kitchen:
It's what DCD is using, so you know it builds his ROM like he intended it.
Advantages of PPCkitchen's kitchen:
Easy to install.
Prettier front end.
More error checking.
More OEMs to pick from.
Self updating.
Device dependency/exclusions supported
Carrier dependency/exclusions supported
OEM dependency/exclusions supported
Easy to move same configuration from one kitchen to the next.
Effortless switching between ROM configurations and kitchens
Splash/animation support
gguruusa said:
DCD's kitchen is built around his ROM. The PPCkitchen kitchen isn't designed for any specific ROM or device.
Advantages of DCD's kitchen:
It's what DCD is using, so you know it builds his ROM like he intended it.
Advantages of PPCkitchen's kitchen:
Easy to install.
Prettier front end.
More error checking.
More OEMs to pick from.
Self updating.
Device dependency/exclusions supported
Carrier dependency/exclusions supported
OEM dependency/exclusions supported
Easy to move same configuration from one kitchen to the next.
Effortless switching between ROM configurations and kitchens
Splash/animation support
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I honestly don't think you give DCD enough credit for his work.... Here are some more Advantages....
Easy to use
Builds a basic ROM with only 2 clicks of the mouse.
Can be used behind firewalls.
No IP logging when you use it. (I had been told this was logged with your login name)
In all fairness both systems work very well, while the PPC kitchen has a more elegant streamlined interface, I do believe the end result is the same, a working ROM the way "I" want it.
hey guy anybody else getting an error unable to make file
when it goes to unpack the ppcgeeksoem rar
azclown said:
I honestly don't think you give DCD enough credit for his work.... Here are some more Advantages....
Easy to use
Builds a basic ROM with only 2 clicks of the mouse.
Can be used behind firewalls.
No IP logging when you use it. (I had been told this was logged with your login name)
In all fairness both systems work very well, while the PPC kitchen has a more elegant streamlined interface, I do believe the end result is the same, a working ROM the way "I" want it.
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Could be because DCD has only a little to do with what we're talking about (which I gave him credit for). That's Bepe's buildos you're looking at, and essentially what we're comparing is Bepe's buildos w/ DCD integrated against PPCKitchen's buildos w/ DCD integrated.
You can't seriously suggest that Bepe's buildos is easier to use - the interface is practically identical! Both are about the same difficulty to use in their most basic, unaltered configurations, and both can build a basic rom w/ 2 clicks. Installing, configuring, starting, and maintaining is a lot different however...the nod hands down goes to ppckitchen there. Once you get past a basic configuration, PPCkitchen's buildos is unchallenged.
The proxy/firewall thing is fixed (general release this weekend) and it doesn't log IPs (never has).
Bepe's buildos get's the nod for no internet connection required, and the previous version (I don't know about v2) get's the nod for Linux compatible. Bepe's buildos also get's the nod for being more interfaceable to other projects and having more projects using it, but none of that is related to the original question (except maybe linux compatibility). [EDIT: v2 isn't native linux compatible, so no nod there.]
All of this is not too suprising, as PPCkitchen's buildos is, at it's core, an evolution of Bepe's Buildos.
I give credit to all sources DCD's kitchen / PPC Geeks kitchen and more.
They both offer the tools to make a ROM to your likings, some better then other, but the fact of the matter is that it gets the job done.
What PPC Geeks version is doing is making a bit more user friendly ( in my opinion ), but I still used DCD's kitchens because I really don't add any extra OEM's to my ROM's unless it is a specifically Themed ROM and then again I can get it done with both kitchens with ease.
I guess users will just have to test them both out themselves to see if they prefer one or the other.
What would be great is if we can have a Modifier / virtual simulator / kitchen where we can find ways to modify our ROM's / PPC's to their best potential ( such as drivers, RAM Management that works / compatibility with different OS and maybe interface change support ).
A virtual simulator to test out all of our modifications by simulating our respective device just as if we were to cook the ROM ( this could save tons of time rather then just flashing all the time or preventing an accidental bricking of your phone)
And a Universal kitchen for practically any Device ( well TITAN at least for our use ) that works on XP, Vista, MAC, and even Linux.
Im sure with all the developers on this forum and on ppcgeeks we would be able to get this done some time in the future.
Just an Idea....
[email protected]$ said:
What would be great is if we can have a Modifier / virtual simulator / kitchen where we can find ways to modify our ROM's / PPC's to their best potential ( such as drivers, RAM Management that works / compatibility with different OS and maybe interface change support ).
A virtual simulator to test out all of our modifications by simulating our respective device just as if we were to cook the ROM ( this could save tons of time rather then just flashing all the time or preventing an accidental bricking of your phone)
And a Universal kitchen for practically any Device ( well TITAN at least for our use ) that works on XP, Vista, MAC, and even Linux.
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PPCkitchen buildos is actually the closest you can come currently for easily swapping components around, and there's a universal kitchen here on xda that supports many devices (way more devices than PPCkitchen does).
Don't hold your breath on the hardware emulator
lightbiter said:
hey guy anybody else getting an error unable to make file
when it goes to unpack the ppcgeeksoem rar
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You'll have to elaborate a little better. If I had to guess, however, I'd say that you might have an older version of winrar installed. As a workaround, you can manually extract and modify the selections to use the extracted dir instead of the .rar.'s alternative solution for restoring VZW PRI 1.35_002

Just install the Radio it should be left in your extended rom from the old vzw rom..
look here.. posted by NexVision..
thats why i figured to do before doing all this reflash old roms, etc.. thanx
anyone tried this?
Has anyone here tested this?
madsuse said:
Has anyone here tested this?
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its not new. its been done in the past to fix VZ users who let Sprint customizations run. I think the trick is properly sending the /Refurbish parameter. I once made a cab with a shortcut to launch the .exe with that parameter, but it seemed to only work for about 50% of people who tested it.
still have cab?
dcd1182 said:
its not new. its been done in the past to fix VZ users who let Sprint customizations run. I think the trick is properly sending the /Refurbish parameter. I once made a cab with a shortcut to launch the .exe with that parameter, but it seemed to only work for about 50% of people who tested it.
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Is it possible you still have the cab, I loaded Vista and haven't gotten all of my tools working yet.
madsuse said:
Is it possible you still have the cab, I loaded Vista and haven't gotten all of my tools working yet.
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This is the verizon one.
I am a little rusty with cabarc.
Guys, if you read the thread on ppcgeeks, you'll see I've already posted there that I've TRIED radiorefurbish WITH the proper /Refurbish parameter and it does not work.
gc14 said:
Guys, if you read the thread on ppcgeeks, you'll see I've already posted there that I've TRIED radiorefurbish WITH the proper /Refurbish parameter and it does not work.
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Are you 200% sure that whatever you are using to execute the command is correctly sending the parameter? this is all the verizon customizations do. config.txt should say "EXEC: /Windows/RadioRefurbish.exe /Refurbish"
I know I spoke with NexxVision in the past and he had no problems using it outside of verizon customize. I think I also remember reading that /Refurbish is case sensitive.
I got nowhere with /Refurbish... but when I did /refurbish... that worked.
Are you 200% sure that whatever you are using to execute the command is correctly sending the parameter? this is all the verizon customizations do. config.txt should say "EXEC: /Windows/RadioRefurbish.exe /Refurbish"
I know I spoke with NexxVision in the past and he had no problems using it outside of verizon customize. I think I also remember reading that /Refurbish is case sensitive.
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Yes I'm 200% sure. I've made my own shortcut link with the parameter included as well as tried with Resco Explorer 2008. Both /Refurbish and /refurbish did not work. Nitro, it must have been a fluke, I don't know what to tell you.
gc14 said:
Yes I'm 200% sure. I've made my own shortcut link with the parameter included as well as tried with Resco Explorer 2008. Both /Refurbish and /refurbish did not work. Nitro, it must have been a fluke, I don't know what to tell you.
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it works on the Stock original verizon rom. I couldn't get it to work on the latest and greatest. I believe it's WM6 specific. Not 6.1
it works on the Stock original verizon rom. I couldn't get it to work on the latest and greatest. I believe it's WM6 specific. Not 6.1
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Click to collapse really doesn't matter if it works on the stock rom. If you have the stock rom flashed, it already ran as part of customizations. The entire point behind the thread on ppcgeeks was rolling back the PRI without having to flash back to stock, which as I've stated, is not possible.
gc14 said: really doesn't matter if it works on the stock rom. If you have the stock rom flashed, it already ran as part of customizations. The entire point behind the thread on ppcgeeks was rolling back the PRI without having to flash back to stock, which as I've stated, is not possible.
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I agree... But i've screwed up the phone so many times... I ran it anyway. lol
gc14 said: really doesn't matter if it works on the stock rom. If you have the stock rom flashed, it already ran as part of customizations. The entire point behind the thread on ppcgeeks was rolling back the PRI without having to flash back to stock, which as I've stated, is not possible.
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its absolutely not impossible. there is no ability that the stock rom gives you that any other rom doesnt. it is simply executed by autorun. other people have been able to run radiorefurbish.exe within custom roms. talk to nexxvision. its an issue of correctly passing the parameter, the exe seems to be touchy.
i've personally rolled my PRI back using radiorefurbish in the past when i was messing with it before. i've never had the verizon stock ROM on my device.
i am sure that if the exe is run with the parameter by autorun (config.txt has to be modified) then it will have the same effect in any rom. if anyone wants to test, it would be a quick change to the UC package.
dcd1182 said:
its absolutely not impossible. there is no ability that the stock rom gives you that any other rom doesnt. it is simply executed by autorun. other people have been able to run radiorefurbish.exe within custom roms. talk to nexxvision. its an issue of correctly passing the parameter, the exe seems to be touchy.
i've personally rolled my PRI back using radiorefurbish in the past when i was messing with it before. i've never had the verizon stock ROM on my device.
i am sure that if the exe is run with the parameter by autorun (config.txt has to be modified) then it will have the same effect in any rom. if anyone wants to test, it would be a quick change to the UC package.
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Only if I actually felt like pulling my XV6800 out. I really want to wipe the PRI off this Sprint Mogal and get it to the Verizon one. This roaming is annoying. LOL
its absolutely not impossible. there is no ability that the stock rom gives you that any other rom doesnt. it is simply executed by autorun. other people have been able to run radiorefurbish.exe within custom roms. talk to nexxvision. its an issue of correctly passing the parameter, the exe seems to be touchy.
i've personally rolled my PRI back using radiorefurbish in the past when i was messing with it before. i've never had the verizon stock ROM on my device.
i am sure that if the exe is run with the parameter by autorun (config.txt has to be modified) then it will have the same effect in any rom. if anyone wants to test, it would be a quick change to the UC package.
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I'm not doubting that it's never worked before...because I too have had it work a while ago when I had to roll back from the Sprint PRI. Since then, I've tried to use it on several different occasions on several different roms not changing my method that worked the first time whatsoever, and it does nothing. That's all I'm saying. If you can somehow get it to work, more power to you.
i'll give it a try
dcd1182 said:
its absolutely not impossible. there is no ability that the stock rom gives you that any other rom doesnt. it is simply executed by autorun. other people have been able to run radiorefurbish.exe within custom roms. talk to nexxvision. its an issue of correctly passing the parameter, the exe seems to be touchy.
i've personally rolled my PRI back using radiorefurbish in the past when i was messing with it before. i've never had the verizon stock ROM on my device.
i am sure that if the exe is run with the parameter by autorun (config.txt has to be modified) then it will have the same effect in any rom. if anyone wants to test, it would be a quick change to the UC package.
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I flashed the new verizon rom and had the customizations run before I knew it was a bad thing. I am on the new verizon radio and dcd 3.2.6.
Just need some prompting on how to run it. I usually flash via sd with uc via sdconfig.
madsuse said:
I flashed the new verizon rom and had the customizations run before I knew it was a bad thing. I am on the new verizon radio and dcd 3.2.6.
Just need some prompting on how to run it. I usually flash via sd with uc via sdconfig.
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if you just want to try... copy the radiorefurbish.exe to the /Windows directory. Then in Resco explorer... highlight the file... then go to Run... type /refurbish in the paramaters part. If that does nothing... try /Refurbish
Resco Explorer
nitro66215 said:
if you just want to try... copy the radiorefurbish.exe to the /Windows directory. Then in Resco explorer... highlight the file... then go to Run... type /refurbish in the paramaters part. If that does nothing... try /Refurbish
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Guess I need to fine cab for Resco Explorer.
Found it.
Installing now.

XIP/SYS 21018 & tomtom 7.915 ERROR

here's the deal:
I've been using an OEM-package in mylast roms for tomtom version 7.915.
This has been working without troubles.
Now I cooked a new ROM based on new 21018 XIP/SYS
The device really flies and everything seems to working flawless....EXCEPT tomtom.
When I start Tomtom, in a flash I see the gray bootscreen but then immediately I get the error: 'Unable to start. Not enough memory is available.'
But I have more then 130mb program memory available so that can not be the issue....
I did not change anything to the OEM-package. So I guess it has something to do with the new SYS.
Do more people have this problem and/or does somebody now the fix....
Thnx all in advance for your help!!
Greetz Merten
p.s. I used the search function of course and saw a lot of similar errors but no sollutions.....
I am running TomTom 7.915.9196 (OK via a cab) on 21028.1.6.0 (just installed yesterday)
This is Da_G's simple kitchen plus the updated pack posted in that thread this morning.
Don't know if that helps, but I would be very interested in an OEM for TOMTOM if you can get it working?
crazyC said:
I am running TomTom 7.915.9196 (OK via a cab) on 21028.1.6.0 (just installed yesterday)
This is Da_G's simple kitchen plus the updated pack posted in that thread this morning.
Don't know if that helps, but I would be very interested in an OEM for TOMTOM if you can get it working?
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I got the exact same oem-package working in M-rom v1.71!
So it really beats me why I get the error.
I tried cooking the rom again but still the error....
I am still cooking up my rom and so will reflash tonight - if you can post up your tomtom OEM I will take a look and try and flash it and see if I can get it to work? Maybe a conflict somewhere that might not be on mine as I do chaneg a number of the packages.
crazyC said:
I am still cooking up my rom and so will reflash tonight - if you can post up your tomtom OEM I will take a look and try and flash it and see if I can get it to work? Maybe a conflict somewhere that might not be on mine as I do chaneg a number of the packages.
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Ok OEM can be found here in the map: packages
Package looks OK at first glance - hope to be able to try it tonight and will post back tomorrow with results.
If this doesn't work - you could try simply using the cab via UC etc as I do - I have checked and the cab of the same version in your OEM DOES work for me.
In fact, I think I might leave it in my UC, (but will flash tonight anyway with it just to see)
merten3000 said:
When I start Tomtom, in a flash I see the gray bootscreen but then immediately I get the error: 'Unable to start. Not enough memory is available.'
But I have more then 130mb program memory available so that can not be the issue....
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I had the same problem some time ago, and it turned out to be SKtools automated Free-Ram shadow service that was causing this.
You dont happen to have similar software running (something that clears your RAM on the fly)?
GenghisZ said:
I had the same problem some time ago, and it turned out to be SKtools automated Free-Ram shadow service that was causing this.
You dont happen to have similar software running (something that clears your RAM on the fly)?
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I tried new ervius packagetool: 5.3 and saw something about shadow service... will roll back to 4.3b1 and see if tool is the problem...
Thnx for the tip!
merten3000 said:
I tried new ervius packagetool: 5.3 and saw something about shadow service... will roll back to 4.3b1 and see if tool is the problem...
Thnx for the tip!
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Nope, did not help...
OK - apart from the shortcut not being copied to programs - I didn't check the initflashfiles first - d'oh - it works.
I went to windows with file explorer and ran it from there - no problems.
Have flashed twice - it must be something else in your rom.
Does the page pool make any difference? or the filecache sizes?
crazyC said:
OK - apart from the shortcut not being copied to programs - I didn't check the initflashfiles first - d'oh - it works.
I went to windows with file explorer and ran it from there - no problems.
Have flashed twice - it must be something else in your rom.
Does the page pool make any difference? or the filecache sizes?
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I always change my roms pp to 32mb...can that make a difference? I did it in v1.71 and tomtom worked fine...
I don't know - I have been around here long enough to know that your skills far outweigh mine. If it used to work then I see no reason for the change.
All I know is that my rom is based on Da_Gs really clean latest (ie 5.08) from his simple kitchen thread (from his post near the end not the first post) plus Eras2rs package updates.
The only other packages I add are a few utilities and personal tweaks. I import an advanced config xml as part of the UC process but that just ensures the various settings in Advanced Config are set to advised etc.
I don't know if this can help but I got this same error message when the map isn't correctly activated.
TP - RomeOS 1.70
Harikoss said:
I don't know if this can help but I got this same error message when the map isn't correctly activated.
TP - RomeOS 1.70
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Maps work(ed) fine..
btw I bypassed the error by removing the OEM-package and made it a cab which is installed during system configuration. It takes more system space but this way it is uninstallable....but it remains a mistery to me why the OEM does not work in this SYS and does in 21014 SYS...

Fix for audio issue!
It's for the Diamond, but assuming it works on the Raph, Da_G, can you work your magic and integrate whatever's needed from here into your kitchen(s)?
Extracted Diamond_audioplayback.exe contents, verified _Setup.xml, Platformxxx.reg and CM_Entries.xml:
- No registry changes
- Attached file is copied to .\Windows folder on device
Place file in .\OEM\OEMDrivers if cooking in kitchen.
Thanks -- trying it in my own ROM now ...
hilaireg is way ahead of me
ill check it out when i get home from the hospital! sounds good
Super-newbie question: What did you use to extract it from the EXE?
Figured your queue was full enough as it is
I used WinRAR 3.3 (IZArc 3.81 couldn't open the .EXE). Once it was extracted, I had a look at _setup.XML as it contains the short-to-long filename conversion details.
I renamed the pertinent files (previous post) and had a look at the content in those to ensure that there were no special requirements.
I used IZArc 3.81 to .ZIP up the file so that it could be posted here.
Thanks -- I learn a new trick every time I come to this site
Just tried building my ROM with it, all seems well so far, though I havne't played enough audio to test yet ...
... but I lost the ability to set button assignments other than Button-1-hold in the buttons panel -- it's like the stock behavior. Is that also controlled by this DLL?
Edit: Never mind, I'm a moron, this issue had nothing to do with this DLL
I don't think so ... the Stock HTC ROM only included "Button 1" which drives me crazy.
I've got a task on my list to deal with that I soon as I'm done some other kitchen related stuff.
I'll post up - unless someone beats me to it - once I figure out how to get button mapping.
I can't be 100 percent sure it's what interfered with button mapping, but it's the only thing I can think of that i've done different between builds.
Since this fix only requires a single DLL copied to the \Windows folder, I was able to cab it up using ChainFire's DriverWiz tool, and install it. I stream music via A2DP during every car ride, so I'll be able to test this on my ride home. I'll attach the cab if anyone else wants to try it as well.
You make me proud Captain
Following your lead, I have attached a .ZIP that can be used in a kitchen; to use:
Extract the .ZIP to the PACKAGES folder.
Verify that the <GUID>'s on the .DSM don't collide with ones you are currently using.
Remove the OEM_MISC.DLL from the .\OEM\OEMDrivers folder.
Cook away.
Tested on Da_G's (ERAS2R/Me) 21042 kitchen.
HTC Diamond Hotfix..
Many thanks Captain_Throwback for the CAB, am testing Music Player now. The HTC version will not install on the Orange Diamond says 'Not Compatible'.
... 25mins in..clean as a whistle!!
....3 albums in, job done.
Never mind on the button-mapping question. I realize what I did (I think). HAd nothing to do with this dll.
Any info you can pass my way?
hilaireg -- PMed you.
Well, I drove around for a bit after cooking this in and reflashing, and I still got some skips listening to music in Kinoma Play. Don't know if that's Kinoma's fault or if it's a symptom of the problem this is meant to address. I wasn't getting any skipping with the TF3D player even before applying this.
I saw a noticeable improvement in the length of pauses in between my songs while streaming over A2DP (though it did get stuck on me after about 20 minutes). Its better than it was . . . I think. I don't know if there's really a scientific way to test this, really. Maybe the problem this is supposed to address isn't that at all. Maybe we need to find someone who actually KNOWS they have this problem, so we can see if the fix really helps.
Hotfix for Diamond..
I have a Diamond on the Orange Network with the stock HTC 1.93 ROM. It used to skip every 5 mins but after installing your CAB it is now perfect, not a glitch. I am a very happy bunny. Thanks for your work Captain..
looby said:
I have a Diamond on the Orange Network with the stock HTC 1.93 ROM. It used to skip every 5 mins but after installing your CAB it is now perfect, not a glitch. I am a very happy bunny. Thanks for your work Captain..
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All I did was make the cab. Wordsmith found it, and hilaireg extracted it. Its a team effort. That's what a community is all about .
Captain_Throwback said:
All I did was make the cab. Wordsmith found it, and hilaireg extracted it. Its a team effort. That's what a community is all about .
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And if he has a diamond, he could probably just install the hotfix directly from HTC
Wordsmith9091 said:
And if he has a diamond, he could probably just install the hotfix directly from HTC
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He already tried that . . .
looby said:
Many thanks Captain_Throwback for the CAB, am testing Music Player now. The HTC version will not install on the Orange Diamond says 'Not Compatible'.
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