Making russian input from QWERTY keyboard - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

Im trying to make russian input on my HTC Mogul, i changed all reg values to 0419 but nothing, i look with hex editor to keybddr.dll and found russian chars so i think dll support input but how to activate it?
All mui's and system and all registry values in mine rom is 419..


how to edit registry in my xdaII

how could i edit the registry value in my xdaII?
thank you.|lang_en|lang_no|lang_sv&btnG=Google-søgning

Need files from Arabic, Czech, Portugese and Slovak rom

I'm planning to make all the available XT9 languages in one cab so we have a 14 language XT9 cab for the Dual and single cabs per language. I already have the files for 11 of them but I still need the files for the Czech, Portugese and Arabic ones. The files I need are:
- for the Arabic: arhpd.kdb
- for the Czech: cshpd.kdb
- for the Portugese: pthpd.kdb
- all the 4 files of the Slovak rom
Without the missing files I can't make the cab(s) so if you have Arabic, Czech or Portugese XT9 enabled please post the file, it should be located in your windows folder.
For Portugese I already had a look in the original rom but couldn't find it, so if you have Portugese XT9 available and don't have the file available I'm really interested in some registry settings. For more info and the cab files check this message

[Q] CE-Star (cannot read Chinese)

After installing CE-Star 2.8 R3c on my HTC Touch 2 (Mega) WM6.5, I am still not able to view Chinese characters on my phone. They are still displayed in squares. Can anyone help me please?
Try to import this registry value:
aa125690 said:
Try to import this registry value:
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Thanks. It works!
Now I am able to view Chinese characters on my phone. When I type in pinyin, there should be a list of Chinese characters for me to choose from. But now the list is displaying unrecognisable characters. If I just select any of them, the Chinese characters are displayed correctly in my text area. How can I resolve this?

Amazfit Cor font change?

is there possible change font that support ÄÖ letters?
Vihru said:
is there possible change font that support ÄÖ letters?
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I have the same issue with accented / special characters.
Have a look here and maybe we could find a solution with the help of other members
I had the same problem, then I used the " Tools & Amazfit and ad a filter to replace ä/ö with ae oe
Sorgenbringer said:
I had the same problem, then I used the " Tools & Amazfit and ad a filter to replace ä/ö with ae oe
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but thats not help, then it shows ae and oe..
Sorgenbringer said:
I had the same problem, then I used the " Tools & Amazfit and ad a filter to replace ä/ö with ae oe
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Yeah, that would not be a real solution for my case, either.
You see the Greek language can have every single vowel accented. In that case we're talking about too many accented / special characters.
A more appropriate solution would be to be able to change the whole font family, and include one that supports our language's special characters.
Thank for the suggestion, though
amazfit cor greek accented characters font change
Vihru said:
is there possible change font that support ÄÖ letters?
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many thanks to chienkd for his help
1. Download Python tool, extract and install
2. Download python script tool, extract and copy files to python directory (c:\Python34)
3. Download font file
You can use font file "Mili_chaohu.ft" inside any Mifit.apk/assets/
4. Extract font file to character files
open a command prompt window, and use the command below to unpack
.\ unpack Mili_chaohu.ft
a folder called bmp is created with all the .bmp characters inside
5. Remake or make new characters
+ Use any image editor to make your own font file (black background, white text, bmp format 2 colors, 16x16 pixel square, name xxxxy.bmp)
+ xxxx is the character unicode code name.
+ use unicode utility to find the unicode of each character (
+ y: the distance by pixel from the bottom.
+ Copy all your own characters to the extracted bmp folder (4).
6. Rebuild font file from characters folder (bmp folder) with the command below
.\ pack New_Mili_chaohu.ft
copy New_Mili_chaohu.ft to a new folder and rename it to Mili_chaohu.ft
7. Install your font file to your device.
+ unpair from mifit app
+ install gadgetbridge (from playstore) and pair it with band
+ upload your own font "Mili_chaohu.ft" to your phone
+ use File Manager Open file Mili_chaohu.ft
+ choose "gadgetbridge installer" option
+ tap "install" and wait
+ uninstall gadgetbridge when success
+ pair again with mifit
the file attached has greek accented characters
Hey there.
I have taken pmatsou's great work (credits to him and chienkd) and I have added an indirect solution for the Greek Uppercase Accented characters.
With my attached file the greek uppercase accented characters (which still showed up as "?") have been replaced with the corresponding non-accented characters. I chose this solution as I do not have time to get into Photoshop, etc and create new ones. One other solution would be to "borrow" some of the cyrillic characters that look like greek uppercase accented characters and already exist within the BMP directory described below, and rename them to match the right ASCII code (see here: ). I tried this but I did not like the result. So. if you want to try / test the (attached) file, just start from step 7. Once more, thanks to pmatsou for the help on this and to chienkd for the steps on the original guide.
UPDATE (18/09/2018): I have re-uploaded an updated font file with some additional improvements on complex greek accented characters (that I created in Photoshop) such as the ones that show on the attached photo ( ΐ , ΰ, ϊ, ϋ )
pmatsou said:
many thanks to chienkd for his help
1. Download Python tool, extract and install
2. Download python script tool, extract and copy files to python directory (c:\Python34)
3. Download font file
You can use font file "Mili_chaohu.ft" inside any Mifit.apk/assets/
4. Extract font file to character files
open a command prompt window, and use the command below to unpack
.\ unpack Mili_chaohu.ft
a folder called bmp is created with all the .bmp characters inside
5. Remake or make new characters
+ Use any image editor to make your own font file (black background, white text, bmp format 2 colors, 16x16 pixel square, name xxxxy.bmp)
+ xxxx is the character unicode code name.
+ use unicode utility to find the unicode of each character (
+ y: the distance by pixel from the bottom.
+ Copy all your own characters to the extracted bmp folder (4).
6. Rebuild font file from characters folder (bmp folder) with the command below
.\ pack New_Mili_chaohu.ft
copy New_Mili_chaohu.ft to a new folder and rename it to Mili_chaohu.ft
7. Install your font file to your device.
+ unpair from mifit app
+ install gadgetbridge (from playstore) and pair it with band
+ upload your own font "Mili_chaohu.ft" to your phone
+ use File Manager Open file Mili_chaohu.ft
+ choose "gadgetbridge installer" option
+ tap "install" and wait
+ uninstall gadgetbridge when success
+ pair again with mifit
the file attached has greek accented characters
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This Pack supports Italian, German, Turkish, Hungarian and Vietnamese languages to which I've also corrected/added all Romanian Characters ăîșțâ ĂÎȘȚÂ.
(Pachet diacritice pentru Amazfit BIP/Cor)
I don't really know who created the first fonts, so please excuse me.
I'll add the original link here. Original credits go to Eddi of GizROM team and yener.
Feel free to use - Mihai Olimpiu-Cristian - all files needed for mod - except Python - +Romanian pack
EDIT: Fixed A,I y position? Was that a bug in the original font?
LostEchoes said:
Hey there.
I have taken pmatsou's great work (credits to him and chienkd) and I have added an indirect solution for the Greek Uppercase Accented characters.
With my attached file the greek uppercase accented characters (which still showed up as "?") have been replaced with the corresponding non-accented characters. I chose this solution as I do not have time to get into Photoshop, etc and create new ones. One other solution would be to "borrow" some of the cyrillic characters that look like greek uppercase accented characters and already exist within the BMP directory described below, and rename them to match the right ASCII code (see here: ). I tried this but I did not like the result. So. if you want to try / test the (attached) file, just start from step 7. Once more, thanks to pmatsou for the help on this and to chienkd for the steps on the original guide.
UPDATE (18/09/2018): I have re-uploaded an updated font file with some additional improvements on complex greek accented characters (that I created in Photoshop) such as the ones that show on the attached photo ( ΐ , ΰ, ϊ, ϋ )
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I wanted to add your Greek characters to my file, but the sheer size difference is enormous 1704 vs 30104 characters, It seems your file also includes all Chinese characters ?! I just don't know why it's so big.
I don't know what is the maximum file size, and I'm sure that adding everything is not a solution?! (or is it?)
It seems what I've started with is more EU oriented than your base.
If you want to provide the BMP's for every greek character you added, we could provide users with a streamlined file that is specifically designed to support EU languages.
mihaiolimpiu said:
I wanted to add your Greek characters to my file, but the sheer size difference is enormous 1704 vs 30104 characters, It seems your file also includes all Chinese characters ?! I just don't know why it's so big.
I don't know what is the maximum file size, and I'm sure that adding everything is not a solution?! (or is it?)
It seems what I've started with is more EU oriented than your base.
If you want to provide the BMP's for every greek character you added, we could provide users with a streamlined file that is specifically designed to support EU languages.
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Yes, in my file I did not remove the Chinese characters. I just played with and changed / edited / added some of the Greek characters.
I cannot give you all the Greek characters for the Cor, because I'm not even sure if I have the time to find all of them right now. I wish I could find the time... But, I can give you a file with only the ones that I changed. So, if your file already includes the original / initial Greek characters, you could just copy the ones I'm sending you and replace (overwrite) the original ones, right ? This way your file will have the ones I changed + the ones that I did not have to change but are needed for the COR to display the Greek language.
Here is a zip file (attached) with the one I edited...
LostEchoes said:
Yes, in my file I did not remove the Chinese characters. I just played with and changed / edited / added some of the Greek characters.
I cannot give you all the Greek characters for the Cor, because I'm not even sure if I have the time to find all of them right now. I wish I could find the time... But, I can give you a file with only the ones that I changed. So, if your file already includes the original / initial Greek characters, you could just copy the ones I'm sending you and replace (overwrite) the original ones, right ? This way your file will have the ones I changed + the ones that I did not have to change but are needed for the COR to display the Greek language.
Here is a zip file (attached) with the one I edited...
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Hey, checkout my new thread, I've also added emoji support
I'll take a look at what you edited, I also have access to some resources, if they fit, I'll add, or if you want just take the emoticons from my pack, pretty straightforward as they are one after the other (+ some extra characters but not that important, really)
---------- Post added at 02:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:39 AM ----------
LostEchoes said:
Yes, in my file I did not remove the Chinese characters. I just played with and changed / edited / added some of the Greek characters.
I cannot give you all the Greek characters for the Cor, because I'm not even sure if I have the time to find all of them right now. I wish I could find the time... But, I can give you a file with only the ones that I changed. So, if your file already includes the original / initial Greek characters, you could just copy the ones I'm sending you and replace (overwrite) the original ones, right ? This way your file will have the ones I changed + the ones that I did not have to change but are needed for the COR to display the Greek language.
Here is a zip file (attached) with the one I edited...
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I've checked out the modifications, and there are 21 incompatible characters, some of them are for Romanian . It's too late, but I think I'll give up for now
Font seems different, I use 2 for above accents, 4 for bottom accents for y value, different bases I think... also all characters seems to be centered in the bitmap. not compatible... (mine are left aligned).
I've found the base for the font in the meantime.

Amazfit BIP/COR EU support font pack

Recent firmwares come in two version (“Normal” and Latin), While “Normal” seems to support English and Chinese (Spanish support introduced and later dropped), the Latin version seems to support Spanish and Russian. If you flash the Latin version you also need to flash the Latin font (which does not contain CJK characters).
So we have:
Normal (use Custom fonts for firmware and later (suitable for English locale on Chinese watches; for any locale except Chinese on international watches; and for English locale on any clock with firmware and above
Latin: (use Thanks @ronison): Custom fonts for firmware and later (suitable for Russian and Spanish locale)
As the font supports all mentioned languages I see no need to support latin, but it will provide the choice to use the phone in Russian/Spanish language (that's the only advantage I think?!)
(Pachet diacritice pentru Amazfit BIP/Cor)
Supported languages (tested):
Albanian, Arumanian, Armenian, Azerbaijani (Latin & Cyrillic), Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Full English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Letvonian, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Maltese, Moldavian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (including BR Portuguese), Romanian, Full Russian, Saami, Serbian latin/Cyrillic, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese.
- emoji just show as an empty space ( if you don't use N&F app)! v15.
- WhatsApp, Facebook, Google calendar control character fix ! No more White Boxes for WhatsApp (and possible other apps)!!! Added more empty Control Characters to avoid this problem.
- Cyrillic alphabet support.
- Possibly the best support for symbols as I've combined all resources I've found + created a lot of new symbols.
The font file covers fully Android EN,RU,BG+other keyboard layouts.
Also added a emoticons pack (Notify & Fitness app is required with custom emoji font option enabled is needed).
Initial post here.
Base for the font:
I'll add the original link here. Original credits go to Eddi of GizROM team and yener.
Used resources -> Modified or original from ilgruppotester Telegram group:
Feel free to use - Mihai Olimpiu-Cristian - all files needed for mod - except Python
1. Download Python tool, extract and install
In addition to installing Python3, we also need a PIL module, which we install like this:
- go to the Python3 folder and call the command line (cmd.exe), and then type:
pip install Pillow
2. Download python script tool, extract and copy files to python directory (c:\Python34)
3. Download font file
You can use font file "Mili_chaohu.ft" inside any Mifit.apk/assets/
4. Extract font file to character files
open a command prompt window, and use the command below to unpack
.\ unpack Mili_chaohu.ft
a folder called bmp is created with all the .bmp characters inside
5. Remake or make new characters
+ Use any image editor to make your own font file (black background, white text, bmp format 2 colors, 16x16 pixel square, name xxxxy.bmp)
+ xxxx is the character unicode code name.
+ use unicode utility to find the unicode of each character (
+ y: the distance by pixel from the bottom.
+ Copy all your own characters to the extracted bmp folder (4).
6. Rebuild font file from characters folder (bmp folder) with the command below
.\ pack New_Mili_chaohu.ft
copy New_Mili_chaohu.ft to a new folder and rename it to Mili_chaohu.ft
7. Install your font file to your device.
+ unpair from mifit app
+ install gadgetbridge (from playstore) and pair it with band
+ upload your own font "Mili_chaohu.ft" to your phone
+ use File Manager Open file Mili_chaohu.ft
+ choose "gadgetbridge installer" option
+ tap "install" and wait
+ uninstall gadgetbridge when success
+ pair again with mifit
Useful tools that helped in development:
100% Unicode support for:
Basic Latin 0020-007F
Latin-1 Supplement 0080-00FF
Latin Extended-A 0100-017F
Latin Extended-B 0180-024F
Latin Extended Additional 1E00-1EFF
- 2C60—2C7F Latin Extended-C (No Arial Support - Not needed)
- A720—A7FF Latin Extended-D (No Arial Support - Not needed -Medieval)
0250—02AF IPA Extensions
02B0—02FF Spacing Modifier Letters
0300—036F Combining Diacritical Marks (Mostly printed as blanks anyway)
0370—03FF Greek and Coptic (Smaller now - in line with Latin Characters)
1F00—1FFF Greek Extended
0530—058F Armenian (small - used Arial)
0590—05FF Hebrew (Watch/APP does not support R2L though, could work if phone is set to Hebrew)
Arabic 0600-06FF
10A0—10FF Georgian (small - used Arial template)
2D00—2D2F Georgian Supplement
Cyrillic 0400-04FF
Cyrillic Supplement 0500-052F
Cyrillic Extended C 1C80-1C8F
Cyrillic Extended-A 2DE0-2DFF
Cyrillic Extended-B A640-A69F
2600—26FF Miscellaneous Symbols
2700—27BF Dingbats
100% Arial/DejaVU font:
1CC0—1CCF Sundanese Supplement
1CD0—1CFF Vedic Extensions
1D00—1D7F Phonetic Extensions
1D80—1DBF Phonetic Extensions Supplement
1DC0—1DFF Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement
2000—206F General Punctuation
2070—209F Superscripts and Subscripts
20A0—20CF Currency Symbols
20D0—20FF Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols
2100—214F Letterlike Symbols
2150—218F Number Forms
2190—21FF Arrows
2200—22FF Mathematical Operators
2300—23FF Miscellaneous Technical
2400—243F Control Pictures
2440—245F Optical Character Recognition
2460—24FF Enclosed Alphanumerics
2500—257F Box Drawing
2580—259F Block Elements
25A0—25FF Geometric Shapes
27C0—27EF Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A
27F0—27FF Supplemental Arrows-A
2800—28FF Braille Patterns
2900—297F Supplemental Arrows-B
2980—29FF Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B
2A00—2AFF Supplemental Mathematical Operators
2B00—2BFF Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
100% Arial/DejaVu font:
FE20—FE2F Combining Half Marks
FE30—FE4F CJK Compatibility Forms
FE50—FE6F Small Form Variants
FE70—FEFF Arabic Presentation Forms-B
FF00—FFEF Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms
FFF0—FFFF Specials
As initially I gathered resources from different sources, support might include more characters than listed above.
Latin characters (at least the basic ones were manually adjusted).
Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Georgian, Armenian characters (at the very least) were all tested for correct display on the watch itself.
Æ fix done
TM fix done
û 00fb - fix for Turkish done
Π0152 - fix for Hungarian done
ï 00ef, û 00fb - fix for Italian done
ë 00eb - Albanian support done
Ń 0143 ń 0144 Ţ T0162 ţ 0163 - Arumanian support (cedilla letters) done
Ć ć đ Đ Bosnian support done
Bulgarian ?
ï, · Ŀ 013f ŀ 0140 - support for Catalan done
Ć ć Ǵ 01f4 ǵ 01f5 Ḱ 1e302 ḱ - support for Croation
Czech - fully supported
ð, ë, þ, æ, ø, Œ œ, å Ǻ ǻ›‹ - support for Danish done
Ǽ ǽ Ǿ ǿ - fix for Danish
ï, ë - support for Dutch done
æ ð, ë, Ï( one pixel down cut), ï ñ þ - fix for English
Ê - y fix for Sami done
Slovenian - fully supported
ñ - support for Spanish done
ƒ ÿ Ÿ ⁄ † ‡ - support for Swedish
Added in this release: Albanian, Arumanian, Bosnian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Full English, Sami, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, French, partial Greek 99%, partial Lithuanian, partial Polish, Romanian, Italian, German, Hungarian, Turkish, Vietnamese.
I don't plan to support more languages, I'm more than happy with the result.
I might update the pack again shortly, depends on mood.
Note: Inserting Uppercase characters in .BMP file names are crashing the watch, interface fails to load properly.
Final version - for a while...
Supported languages (tested):
Albanian, Arumanian, Bosnian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Full English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Sami, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Turkish, Vietnamese.
I don't plan to support more languages, I'm more than happy with the result.
Hey, the German Font works fine for iOS 12 and Amazfit Bip Firmware Great Job!!!!
I am interested in a working Version with Emoticons, but i don´t know how i can creat a CustomFirmware for iOS...
Thanks, check also height and vertical arrangement of characters, I've done some fixes in that area too.
If you find any problem, just give me the character and I'll fix it if needed.
Anyway, I have the watch for less than a week, I don't know either. Another possibility is to use Notify and Fitness app (I think there is an iOS variant) to transliterate the smileys.
I couldn't find a tutorial for the emoticon implementation to test it.
Anyway, as long as we have all working characters it's not that such a big problem anymore.
So i think its perfect right know.
Theres no Notify&Fitness variant for iOS and i don´t know an alternative...
Some Smileys already works, like the football emoticon.
It would be great, if the popular emoticons will work
But again, great job!
Huge update!
THIS UPDATE IS HUGE, I recommend everyone of you to install it:
Languages added (tested) Belorusian, Letvonian, Portuguese.
WhatsApp Control character fix ! No more White Boxes for WhatsApp (and possible other apps)!!! Added more empty Control Characters to avoid this problem.
Cyrillic alphabet support ! No accents, only standard characters.
Huge amounts of modifications through the whole file... Too much to list here (500+ Characters added,)! Not everything is "standard size" for these new characters, but at least they are there.
Done a lot of manual rework. Now the font file covers fully Android EN keyboard layout.
Some modifications included:
Belarusian support: Ŭ 016c ŭ 016d
Letvonian support:
ā Ā ē Ē ī Ī ō Ō ģ Ģ ķ Ķ ļ Ļ ņ Ņ ŗ Ŗ
Portuguese support
WhatsApp fix
Miscellaneous characters + many others:
⁴ 2074 ⁿ 207f ₱„‚‽ ÷ 00f7 ✓ 2713 ⟨⟩ 27e8 27e9
♣♠♪♥♦ 2663 2660 266a 2665 2666
Universal Cyrillic Font support, redone Cyrillic fonts support to make them more in line with the standard font:
Removed old Cyrillic font and replaced it with a complete set, a little smaller, more in line with the Latin characters I used.
Fixed y values so both Cyrillic and Latin are on the same line.
Cyrillic y value set to 3.
Full Russian/Bulgarian/Serbian Cyrilic keyboards coverage.
Bulgarian, Russian (+full combining acute/grave 0300 0301 fix), Serbian Latin/Cyrillic support.
Graphic Corruption Fix
Hopefully fixed a very nasty bug that corrupted the Emoji graphics when an Emoji was displayed.
Redone everything from scratch from V7+ (I still don't know what caused the error, problem manifested when adding a certain number of Characters in the file - It was hidden from an user perspective, so no need to update if you're happy with your current version).
- Added all Original symbols (there are a lot of them).
Is there a step by step tutorial for installing a custom Firmware and this nice font Pack?
Lycidias said:
Is there a step by step tutorial for installing a custom Firmware and this nice font Pack?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Check first post step 7 I believe... to install anything you only need to do step 7 (I've found out that you don't need to log out of Mifit either).
here it is:
Install your font file to your device.
+ unpair from mifit app (optional)
+ install gadgetbridge (from playstore) and pair it with band
+ upload your own font "Mili_chaohu.ft" to your phone
+ use File Manager Open file Mili_chaohu.ft
+ choose "gadgetbridge installer" option
+ tap "install" and wait
+ uninstall gadgetbridge when success (optional)
+ pair again with mifit (optional)
mihaiolimpiu said:
Check first post step 7 I believe... to install anything you only need to do step 7 (I've found out that you don't need to log out of Mifit either).
here it is:
Install your font file to your device.
+ unpair from mifit app (optional)
+ install gadgetbridge (from playstore) and pair it with band
+ upload your own font "Mili_chaohu.ft" to your phone
+ use File Manager Open file Mili_chaohu.ft
+ choose "gadgetbridge installer" option
+ tap "install" and wait
+ uninstall gadgetbridge when success (optional)
+ pair again with mifit (optional)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you Very much!
I had some problems finding and pairing my bip in gadgetbridge. I had to unpair it from Mi fit.
The font installed sucessfully but only a few emojis work, for example the heart. The Standard smileys (laughing...) do not work
Lycidias said:
Thank you Very much!
I had some problems finding and pairing my bip in gadgetbridge. I had to unpair it from Mi fit.
The font installed sucessfully but only a few emojis work, for example the heart. The Standard smileys (laughing...) do not work
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Click to collapse
Yes, without a custom firmware (+ Notify and Fitness?!) (which I don't know where to download an Up To Date one) the emoji's won't work (it's just impossible for reasons I explained before).
What works are custom dingbats, symbols, etc... different from the emoji.
I use MiFit so I don't have any interest in testing it but it should work.
4. Extract font file to character files
open a command prompt window, and use the command below to unpack
.\ unpack Mili_chaohu.ft
I get always a SyntaxError, when i try to unpack. I have all the files i need in the same directory but it will not work
hrgskater said:
4. Extract font file to character files
open a command prompt window, and use the command below to unpack
.\ unpack Mili_chaohu.ft
I get always a SyntaxError, when i try to unpack. I have all the files i need in the same directory but it will not work
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The initial tutorial is missing this step , sorry about that.
In addition to installing Python3, we also need a PIL module, which we install like this:
- go to the Python3 folder and call the command line (cmd.exe), and then type:
pip install Pillow
The way I'm doing things is:
I use D:\Bip_Font path for my font
I open cmd and type:
cd d:\Bip_Font
phyton unpack Mili_chaohu_ini.ft
P.S.: What modifications are you interested in?
Nice work! Which custom firmware is working?
for me notifications are a big part of my work, can't afford to experiment with it, try to see if only using Notify and Fitness App (Android) with Show emoji option enabled works.
I think that's all it's needed, and the term custom firmware is actually referring to the custom font...
Yeah, I know
The problem is, that there is no emoji solution for people with iOS, because notify and fitness is not for iOS.
But i don’t unterstand, why some emoji work (heart, football, spade...) and all the others not!?

