How to Change Default Location of My Docs & Favorites to Storage Card - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

Anyone know how to change the default location of My Documents & Internet Explorer Favorites to the Storage Card?
Just trying to have everything saved to the Storage Card to make it easier between Rom changes. I've added \Storage Card\ to all the entries in the Registry that referred to My Documents and Favorites. I've tried looking around but nothing has worked.
Anyone have any ideas?
Change the location of My Documents
Documents are opened in and saved to the device's internal storage by default. You can change this location to, for example, your Storage Card:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\FileSyncPath = "\Storage Card\My Documents" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
To return to the original location:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\FileSyncPath = "\My Documents" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
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Changing System Folders
Originally Posted by dhcalva View Post
Is there any way to move the default 'My Documents' directory to the Storage Card?
Try changing My Documents in HKLM\System\Explorer\Shell Folders to \Storage Card\My Documents. There are also other folders you can remap.
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I did the following:
1. Create a subfolder called "My Documents" in your Storage Card folder.
2. Copy the contents of \My Documents to \Storage Card\My Documents
3. Delete \My Documents
4. Open a text editor and paste the following text into a new document: 33#"\Storage Card\My Documents"
5. Save this as "My Documents.lnk"
6. Copy this to the root of your WM6 device
There you go -- now you don't have to mess with your registry (unless you want to do more advanced stuff). NOTE: This may cause some programs to not work, so use with caution. For example, I noticed that if I changed my settings in Notes to save to Storage Card before this procedure it would no longer open. I think if I had left it as save to Main Memory it would automatically use the shortcut and store on the memory stick anyway.
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Temp Internet Files

Is it possible to change the location of the folder to store temporary internet files? I'd like to store them on my storage card, can this be done?
Yes you can store your temp internet files on the Storage Card get a registry editor program and change the following keys
First, close Pocket Internet Explorer and move your "Temporary Internet Files\" folder and its subfolders from the "\Windows\" folder to the "\Storage Card\" folder.
Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Cache\Content\
Change the "CachePath" value from "\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\" to "\Storage Card\Temporary Internet Files\".
Then browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Cache\Paths\
Change the "Directory" value from "\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\" to "\Storage Card\Temporary Internet Files\".
Browse to the Path1\, Path2\, Path3\ and Path4\ subkeys.
For each of them, replace "\Windows\" with "\Storage Card\" in the "CachePath" value, make sure you keep the ending of the string.
Cool, Thanks Jason

Customizing Cingular ROM (links, 8.5 -> 12 MB free)

Here are some tips for saving some space / deleting links from Start Menu. All tips are working and tested on Qtek 8500 with the latest Cingular test ROM (4_1_.1.502.4). This ROM has ClearVue and some Cingular stuff. (Unfortunately you have only 8.45 - 8.50 MB left).... Now I have about 12.0 MB free...
Have you any other tips? Write it down. ;-)
ROM info:
Windows Mobile 5.0 with the Messaging and Security Feature Pack
OS 5.1.525 (Build 15362.3.4.2)
Radio Version
(men) = Menu setting
(reg) = Registry editing
(fil) = Filesystem
(men) Settings - Connections - GPRS ... Delete MEdia Net GPRS
- Proxy ... Delete cingular WAP
- Homescreen - Use Windows Default or any other homescreen you like
Start Menu background
(reg) HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:MSStart\BKBitmapFile ... Delete the value \windows\0711E_Wall2.bmp
Boring Pictures
(fil) (if you dont like/use these pictures - save cca 200 kB) Delete My Documents\My Pictures
Start Menu links
(fil) Windows\Start Menu ... Delete Cingular Mall
Delete Cingular Music
Delete Get TeleNav
Delete Get Good
Delete MEdia Net
(Windows\Start Menu\Games ... Delete MobiTV)
Start Menu links order
(reg) HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Start Menu ... change the value of Order from this:
Cingular Music.lnk
Cingular Mall
MEdia Net.lnk
Internet Explorer.lnk
Voice Notes.lnk
Windows Media.lnk
Video Recorder.lnk
Pictures & Videos.lnk
Pocket MSN.lnk
to this:
Internet Explorer.lnk
Windows Media.lnk
Call History.lnk
Voice Notes.lnk
Pictures & Videos.lnk
Pocket MSN.lnk
Speed Dial.lnk
HINT: This Registry Editor allows you to edit registry on your WM from PC
(fil) Program Files ... Delete Cingular (cca 50 kB)
Delete MobiTV (cca 900 kB !!!)
Delete MusicID (cca 240 kB)
Delete XM Radio (cca 1.3 MB !!!)
Note: It you cannot delete that, restart phone and delete it over ActiveSync
(fil) Application Data\Home ... Delete 0711E_Wall2.bmp (cca 230 kB)
Windows ... Delete stwater_240_320.bmp (cca 190 kB)
Delete stwater_320_240.bmp (cca 130 kB)
Not working Java appliation
(fil) Application Data\Tao\intent ... Delete App folder (cca 120 kB)
MMS pictures & Templates
(fil) My Documents ... Delete UAContents (cca 120 kB)
Delete Templates (cca 200 kB)
Startup Sound
(reg) HKLM\SOFTWARE\HTC\Startup ... (if you want to delete Cingular startup sound) Delete the value of WAV (\windows\STARTUP_422.wav)
Shutdown Sound
(reg) HKLM\SOFTWARE\HTC\Shutdown ... (if you want to delete Cingular shutdown sound) Delete the value of WAV (\windows\STARTUP_422.wav)
I can't delete the files it says that memory might not be sufiecient or i may not have the permissions to delete them. How do I fix that?
What files are you unable to delete? Dont delete the files from inside the phone... Connect WM to the PC using ActiveSync, browse to the files you want to delete (you will only have to confirm deleting because the files are set read-only).
// You cant delete programs if they are running / open
Yes even then I can't delete. The files I am unable to delete are the ones in the /Windows and the /Program Files folders. It asks me to confirm whether i want to delete the read-only file..but yet after that I'm unable to delete says memory is too low and/or i don't have the permissions to delete read only files, something like that.
No, the programs are not running..i cannot delete any of those files in the /Windows or the /Program Files folder.
I was unsucessful first time trying to delete these files (I have been using Resco Explorer). Maybe you have to delete the links to these files first and restart.
hi, i was successful in deleting all the files mentioned and making the changes necessary. It took the following steps:
Delete all you can
Delete remaining
Delete last few
Check the deletions.
Also, what you might want to do is make your mail and internet explorer to save by default on your storage card.
My windows mobile live is refusing to work on this phone....any idea why? Or maybe if i could get a fresh copy of the mobile live. It somehow installs the mobile live, but doesn't uninstall the WM5 pocket msn and this might be the problemo.
would appreciate any help.
I managed to get them deleted, the test rom did not allow that. Had to upgrade to this current cingular rom to be able to remove everything.
should be a windows live messenger link here
The Internet explorer now supports Iframes with scrollbars and have Home Page... by default live search by MS.
(reg) Change IE homepage
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer ... change the value of home_0409 from file://\windows\about_0409.htm to or any url/file you like
(reg) Java applications on Card
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Tao\JMM ... change the value of DataPath from \Applicaton Data\Tao\intent to sometnig like \Storage Card\Java\Tao\intent AND (fil)(!!!) move the intent folder (containing to the exact location on Storage Card
moneytoo said:
(reg) Java applications on Card
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Tao\JMM ... change the value of DataPath from \Applicaton Data\Tao\intent to sometnig like \Storage Card\Java\Tao\intent AND (fil)(!!!) move the intent folder (containing to the exact location on Storage Card
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Thank you
Díkes, tohle jsem potřeboval
edit: there is no reason for deleting the stwater.. file, as it will be recreated the next time you reboot your phone, or change your wallpaper - the stwater is a kind of "image" of your wallpaper, in 2 different sizes
This is very useful
After each ROM install I come back here to delete unnecessary stuff.
Very useful in getting a few KB for more apps.

[Beta 0.1.4][25-Mar-09] UCMe2 - Selective backup and SDConfig tool for reflashing

Premise is that there are many backup utilities that will backup/restore either dirs or the whole ROM, but not just for a specific apps settings. There are many ways that dev could use to store their settings for a given app, but getting them all to do the same way is "difficult". However, if program A had it's settings in a settings.ini (or whatever name) and that specific file could be backed up and restored later after a hard reset or new ROM installed, it would make the flashing a ROM even easier since UC came out.
My idea is for an app that works sort of like AppToDate, in that it will parse a collection of ini files in a directory to determine what a given progam uses for it's configuation (files or reg keys) and will backup/restore them.
Basically all that someone needs to do is:
- Extract the to a folder on their Storage Card
- Register Mortscript (just click on it once, from this point on you can just click on a script and it will run.)
- Place the INI files that define the files or keys of the app that you'd like to backup/restore into the \Storage Card\UCMe2\ini folder. I have posted a small collection of some INI files as examples
- If you'd like startmenu shortcuts, I attached a few dummy.exe files that you can put into the UCMe2 folder so you can make shortcuts.
- Run the UCMe2_Backup and it will read every INI file in the ini folder and store the backup files in \Storage Card\UCMe2\Backup
- Run the UCMe2_Restore and it will read every INI file in the ini folder are restore the backups
I want the app do do a few things:
* to run start to finish unattended... start the program and it just runs, with no questions asked. (for scheduling purposes)
* the config ini for apps need to be simple to read/edit, so user community can post/share them, or be created by the original app devs
Feel free to create your own INI files and post them here for others to share
I have updated the scripts to include the SDConfigCE tool, to create a new SDConfig.txt based on the files that you have placed in the CABS subfolder.
Additionally, I have included XCopyCE support in the created SDConfig.txt file to copy files placed in the Files subfolder to the device.
(added test to attempt to detect devices with internal storage vs. storage card and SHOULD manage other ROM languages)
Todo list:
add ProcKill and SuggestReboot options to ini file
-optional kill process before backup/restore
-optional suggest reboot after restore if suggested in ini file
add optional Disable parameter to ini file to "turn it off"
add section to backup/restore individual reg values (instead of entire subKey)
-Value1= root, subkey, value, data, type
Build in Restore script to run during UC to further automate UC
Provide bulk REG file import, over and above the scripted reg key values provided by INI files
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Bug List:
Validation key in ini files do not like LONG reg root names, workaround is to change them to HKLM or HKCU as necessary
- change: Validate = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,Software\Apps\Google Maps
- to: Validate = HKLM,Software\Apps\Google Maps
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Updates in version 0.1.4:
updated bug in restoring of backup files. Now it will create missing directories and actually copy in the files :-0
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Updates in version 0.1.3:
updated bug in validation logic on the restoring of backup.
Modified Backup script to automatically generate new SDConfig to make that "last minute" backup into a 1 step process.
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Updates in version 0.1.2:
Created tool to create SDConfig.txt file automatically based on the presence of CAB or XML files in the CABs subfolder
Provided XCopyCE support to do file copy of the contents of the Files subfolder to the device during UC
Updated Menu applet to call the SDConfigCE tool
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Updates in version 0.1.1:
Replaced dependancy of SKTools with DotFred Taskmanager for reg functions (it is even smaller and faster and freeware)
Changed display of progress in GUI
Added Version numbers in script and GUI
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Initial release 0.1.0
How to make your own INI file:
The ini file is a very simple thing to make as it is basically just a text file with a few bracketed headers (sections) and values in them.
The easiest way to do so, is to place a copy of the template on your PC desktop and open it with notepad.
Then use the freeware tool CERegEditor ( ) to read your device's registry... MOST apps save their customization in:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ (App Publisher) \ (App Name)
There are plenty of sample files to use as references. If you need help, I'm certain that someone in this community can help.
Validate = HKLM,Software\Apps\ PocketBreeze
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Validate=HKLM,Software\Apps\Google Maps
cache-GLM.dat=\Application Data\GoogleMaps\cache-GLM.dat
index-GLM.dat=\Application Data\GoogleMaps\index-GLM.dat
prefs.dat=\Application Data\GoogleMaps\prefs.dat
prefsext.dat=\Application Data\GoogleMaps\prefsext.dat
prefsext2.dat=\Application Data\GoogleMaps\prefsext2.dat
prefsfriends.dat=\Application Data\GoogleMaps\prefsfriends.dat
prefsfriendsmini.dat=\Application Data\GoogleMaps\prefsfriendsmini.dat
strings-all.zlb=\Application Data\GoogleMaps\strings-all.zlb
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Format of ini file is:
AppName = Friendly name for future use
subdir = subfolder to store the files
Validate = condition to look for before restoring (either a filepath and name or reg key... Reg key must be formatted like ROOT,KEY)
filename1 = regkey to backup
filename2= other regkey
destinationfilename1.ext = source filename with full path
destinationfilename2.ext = source filename with full path
Just create an ini file for each app to backup
**** Reserved for suggestions or requests
I'm thinking of adding a switch to the ini files as a block to prevent backing up certain apps...
It would be used to "install" an app that only needs file copy like an exe or shortcuts or similar... no sense of copying back those files for backup, as they would never change.
an entry in the ini like:
RestoreOnly = 1
Would it make a difference to anyone if I CREATED new app shortcuts, or just copied the old ones for backup/restore?
Another optional ini setting should be:
Validate = <fullpath\file> or Reg key
Which would only restore the backups of the appropriate reg key or path\file exists. No sense restoring data for an app if it isn't yet installed.
I've added a bit of a GUI to the backup process, just to see something while it runs. I'll get around to doing the same to the restore mode...
ScriptDir = SystemPath("ScriptPath")
IniFiles = ScriptDir \ '*.ini'
StatusInfo("UCMe2 Backup", "Backup process running")
ForEach F in files (IniFiles)
AppName = IniRead(F,"UCMe2","appname")
SD = IniRead(F,"UCMe2","subdir")
RestoreOnly = IniRead(F,"UCMe2","RestoreOnly")
StatusMessage( AppName, ST_LIST, TRUE )
If (RestoreOnly = False)
MkDir(ScriptDir \ SD)
ForEach K, V in iniKeys (F,"regkey")
RunWait(Scriptdir\"SKTools.exe","#REXP(" & V & ") #FNAME(" & ScriptDir \ SD \ K & ".reg)")
StatusMessageAppend( "." )
ForEach K, SettingsFile in iniKeys (F,"Files")
copy (SettingsFile, ScriptDir \ SD \ K ,TRUE)
StatusMessageAppend( "." )
StatusMessageAppend( "OK" )
StatusMessageAppend( " - Skipped by RestoreOnly value" )
StatusMessage( "Backup Complete" )
WriteStatusHistory( Scriptdir \ "BackupLog.txt" )
StatusMessage( "Window closing in 5 seconds" )
Sleep( 5000 )
Updated the scripts a bit and made a GUI menu... but that has limited value, beyond my playing with MortScript
here is a template of the current ini entires, but most of them aren't necessary... see the examples I already have in the zip.
appname = (descriptive Name)
subdir = (subfolder name)
RestoreOnly = 0/1 (1 = do not back up this app)
Validate = <fullpath\file> or Regkey HKLM,Software\appname\key (NOTE the comma in the reg key)
backupFilename.ext=Fullpath to sourcefilename.ext
anotherbackupFilename.ext=Fullpath to sourcefilename.ext
andanotherFilename.ext=Fullpath to sourcefilename.ext
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RestoreOnlyIfRegExists = 1
Validate = HKLM\Software\Apps\ PocketBreeze
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Click to collapse
I see where I should make a subdir to hold the INI files, and another to hold the backup folders... the prog dir is getting cluttered
I can see another mini app for this process... one to enable or disable individual ini files... (probably just move them to a different folder instead of deleting the ini file)
I don't think Mortscript has that kind of support for forms, so it might remain a manual process for a while. Lemme see how clever I can be
attached pics to post 1
there is a minor issue in the restore script... I have to re-think my logic for the validation determination, but I'll get that
I fixed the restore mode problem. as well are eliminated 2 unnecessary fields from the INI files.. the RestoreIfRegExists (or file)... now it just examines the content of the validate field... if it has a comma in it, it assumes it is a reg entry.
I still need to put in error handling, but I have to figure out how that all works in MortScript.
I also am considering having it backup/restore specific reg values, in addition to the whole key, but much of will be based on MortScript... it is lacking in reg features and I'm currently dependant on SKTools to do the reg functions... I'd much prefer to do it internally, but MS doesn't have a way of determining the regtype that it is reading, so I can't store that so I can restore it to the correct type.
fixed a simple issue of the reg export grabbing the level higher and exporting from there.
let me be the first one to reply the app looks nice, isent it nice that MortScript can be used in many ways?
This is great, I will be watching on this
that's funny how this is like a 2-page OP
but this is a fantastic idea and crazy useful if it comes to fruition. between this and UC or sashimi, flashing roms would have so little

[Q] can someone help me in configuring XDA_UC?

i have create the folder '\Storage Card\XDA_UC'
now, i dont know how to do with the following instructions.
can someone guide me with this?
maesus said:
XDA_UC installation tips are generally similar as listed here.
I made some modifications so that the sequence of the installation will be like this:
My.tsk file from "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
and if not present Cook.tsk from Windows Folder.
import *wifi*.*xml and *mail*.*xml provisional registry settings for WiFi and Email setup.
Copy Over User Files.
Check for "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root" if present, Disable Manila from Homescreen then Copy files from "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root" to the root of the device, Then checking for existence of wallpaper_TF3D.png or wallpaper_TF3D.jpg in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root\Windows" and adding that to
"HomeBackgroundPath"="\\Windows\\ g"
Import registry files from "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root\Windows\manila.reg" If present
Re-enable Manila on Homescreen and redraw it. Now also works for the Sense 2.1 and up versions.
.xdas files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
Silently run Legacy SDConfig.txt from Storage Card
(If your using RunCC.exe or Autorun you do not need to point to or use SDAutorun.exe or SDConfig.txt) Thanks to RoryB
Commands for SDConfig.txt can be found here....
.cab files in "\Storage Card\autoinstall"
This makes it compatible with your storage card's setup for Tom's Autoinstall.
.cab files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
.cab files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Storage", These cab files will be tempted to install to Storage Location. Not recommend using this method. Please use Manual instead.
.cab files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Manual",These cab files will start with Full User interaction capabilities to choose where to install to.
.reg files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
.xml files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
.mscr files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
.cer files in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC"
Create Shortcuts and more from Registry Keys
More information here....
Copy over welcomehead.192.01.png & welcomehead.192.02.png present in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root\Windows" to the Windows folder.
Copy over welcomehead.96.01.png & welcomehead.96.02.png present in "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Copy2Root\Windows" to the Windows folder.
Actually everything is copied over from Copy2Root folder to root, but the above Splashcreens get their file atributes removed before this happens.
Add native support for .mscr, .mortrun, .xda, xdai, xdas & .xdaz files
Well, I hope this is good enough to explain everything. Good luck with setting up your XDA_UC!
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or is that i need to follow this? or
i'm a newbie, so, can someone explain more easily?
Try this one:
It's for Energy customized rom, but it will help you understand how xda_uc works.
Just a few tips:
-You can put all the .cab files of programs you want to install in XDA_UC folder, as well as all the .reg files
- Create the folder Copy2Root inside XDA_UC folder. Inside Copy2Root folder, put all the files and folders you want to be copied to their respective places in the phone memory. Use the same path that the original files have, including folders.
For instance, inside Copy2Root I have the folder "Windows" and inside "Windows" I have the folder "Rings" with all the sounds I want to restore at each hard reset.
Another example: if you want to copy something to the root of you phone's memory, just put the file in the Copy2Root folder. If you want to copy a file to the Windows folder, create the folder Windows in Copy2Root folder and inside it put the file you want to copy.
thanks for reply
joooe said:
Try this one:
It's for Energy customized rom, but it will help you understand how xda_uc works.
Just a few tips:
-You can put all the .cab files of programs you want to install in XDA_UC folder, as well as all the .reg files
- Create the folder Copy2Root inside XDA_UC folder. Inside Copy2Root folder, put all the files and folders you want to be copied to their respective places in the phone memory. Use the same path that the original files have, including folders.
For instance, inside Copy2Root I have the folder "Windows" and inside "Windows" I have the folder "Rings" with all the sounds I want to restore at each hard reset.
Another example: if you want to copy something to the root of you phone's memory, just put the file in the Copy2Root folder. If you want to copy a file to the Windows folder, create the folder Windows in Copy2Root folder and inside it put the file you want to copy.
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then no need to use these software?
* DoeDoe's SDConfig.txt creator.
* .reg -> xml conversion tool
* XML Notepad 2007
* CeRegEditor (can find registry changes)
* DaveShaw's Folder Copy utility
* Registry capture Logger
and, is that i need to locate those reg file from where the application folder in the device then straight away copy them to XDA_UC folder?
Stick with the basics, for now.
Here's what I do: I customize the phone to my needs in every option needed. Then, I grab a registry editor, and search for the entries that correspond to the changes I've made.
Once I find them, I export that registry key to the XDA_UC folder as a .reg file. Then I repeat for all the entries that matter to me.
When hard resetting, XDA_UC will enter those registry files into the wm registry to activate your options.
So, in teory, you will only need a registry editor.
i will try
thanks again..

[Q] Android Unicode VCF Support

Has anyone ever Imported a VCF File Offline, Directly from their PC to their Android, and got the contacts with Unicode CJK (Chinese / Japanese / Korean) to display properly on import?
I have Android 4.2.2, and I've tried importing with 3 different programs (the Built-in Contacts Widget, Contacts VC, & vCardIO), and each one fails to retain the CJK Character Set Display when browsed through the phone
Of course, if a contact is added or edited individually with the CJK entered on the Device itself, it displays fine
Outlook has a similar problem by failing to display CJK properly when importing CSV contacts, however, in previous versions of Office you could import with Access which would retain the CJK Characters.. support for importing from Access & Excel DBs has been removed from Office 2013, which I assume is to boost the sales of their 30 dollar language support add on.. but I dont even know if buying that would help.
Anyway, the CSV file displays the CJK perfectly, and when converted to a single VCF, the CJK appears fine as well, when viewed in a txt editor
2 things I've tried and cant figure out is first, Converting the VCF to Unicode & saving as VCF creates a document which is not recognized by any of the 3 programs above, nor by Outlook.. Even though both files start with BEGIN:VCARD, and end with END:VCARD..
Doing a Notepadd++ file compare between the two documents, i notice a few extra lines and other differences beginning only at the point where the CJK contacts begin.. trying to fix the Unicode one up to match the original one also doesnt appear to have any effect. I HAVE NO IDEA why this happens.. it doesnt make any sense to me.. perhaps someone could explain it?
and Second, I've looked around in my phone for ways to add more support or fonts, but had no success.. perhaps someone could tell me how I might add in more support for CJK CharSets maybe in the Root, Either adding Fonts, or perhap there is something else I could add to make it more of a complete Chinese system
I'm a Windows user, and dont know much about the Linux Kernel, but its appearing to handle languages more like Apple does than like Microsoft.. Apple has a ton of programs that jumble all of my CJK files
In WinMo, i could install a "Chinese System" which gave it the same support the Chinese WinMo would have.. Android seems to support English, then selectively pick & choose whats going to be ported to a different language, not natively built to support other charsets
Perhaps also I could add CJK support to an existing open-source Contacts APK, or if someone has one in the works, maybe they could try and add it in? Let me know
thanks for any ideas
Here is my method I used to create my CSV & Convert it to a VCF
Start > Run
Type: Contacts & Hit Enter
Click "Import" on the bar above the window.. if you cant see it, make your window full screen, or click the ">>" arrows on the right
Browse to your CSV File & Click Import
Wait for them to all be imported, could take 5-15 minutes, depending on how many contacts you have
Hit Ctrl + A to select them all, and then click "Export", next to the Import button
Select "Vcards *.vcf"
Map all the fields, by dragging them from the left column to the closest similar column on the right
Browse to a New Folder just for your VCF Contacts
Click OK to Export, Export will be much faster than Import
There will be one VCF per contact, you could have thousands
Go to the folder where all the VCF files are
Right-Click, and go to Lopesoft File Menu Tools > and select "Command Line From Here"
Type the following:
copy *.vcf all.vcf
There will be new file named "all.vcf" in the file with all the other ones, but it will be much bigger, copy that to a new folder
Put that "all.vcf" file in your phone SD card
Import the VCF into your Phone Contacts
**If you need help getting a CSV file:
Export > Contacts to CSV
PIM Backup Database from Windows Mobile Phone
Use this Program to easily convert PimBackups from PPC to CSV files:
Thunderbird Contacts Export:
Other Phones >Export Contacts to CSV Files using the phones software
Other Email Services > All your web-email sites can export to CSV for you
I figured out a work around!!
I'm not sure which step was the most important, i suspect a few.. so here is what I did:
- I had a CSV File of my contacts
- I Changed the CSV to *.txt, since more programs readily support Unicode in TXT files
- I Opened the TXT file in Notepad, & did a "Save As" in Unicode UTF-8 Encoding, also *.txt
- I rolled back to Office 2007 from 2013 because of the Language incompatibility & Language packs apparently needed, and the removal of support, I suspected it also made things difficult for other work-arounds to get unicode working properly..
- I Opened Access 2007, Clicked "External Data", under "Import", then Selected "Text", then I browsed to my Unicode UTF-8 TXT file & Click OK
- IMMEDIATELY click "Advanced" on the bottom left, Click the "Code Page" drop-down box, and scroll down & Select "UTF-8", then Click OK
- Click "Delimited", then "Next"
- Tick "First Row Contains Field Names", Tick the "Comma" Radio Button, then select > " < as the Text Qualifier (your format may vary) & Click Next
- Select "No Primary Key"
- Continue Clicking Next until you get to Finish
- Highlight the Entire Table
- Go to "External Data > Export > Text File"
- Name it something *.CSV
- DESELECT "Export Data with Formatting & Layout" & Click OK
- IMMEDIATELY click "Advanced" on the bottom left, Click the "Code Page" drop-down box, and scroll down & Select "UTF-8", then Click OK
- Be sure "Delimited" is selected, click Next
- Tick "Include Field Names on First Row", Tick the "Comma" Radio Button, then select > " < as the Text Qualifier, & Click Next
- Click Finish
- Type "Contacts" in the address bar of a Windows Explorer Window
- Click "Import" on the bar
- Click CSV, & Click "Import"
- Browse to your New Unicode UTF-8 CSV File from Access & Click "Next"
- Map Fields to the closest similar field.. Include Pager, Web Page, Mobile, Name (First Name), Surname, Email, Home & Business Phone, Fax & Notes, or whatever Fields you think you might have ever added something to
- Click "Finish" and wait for the Import
- Select All, then click "Export" on the bar
- Select "vCards" & Click "Export"
- Browse to a Location & Create a New Folder for your vCards there & Click OK - Wait for it to complete exporting
- Right-click in the folder, go to Lopesoft File Menu Tools > "Command Line from Here"
- Type or Paste in: copy *.vcf ContactsUnicode.vcf Then hit Enter & wait for it to Complete
- Copy the new file "ContactsUnicode.vcf" to a new Sub-folder, then send it to your phones Internal Storage
- If you try to import these directly into Android Contacts at this point, you will fail to read the Unicode Properly.
- Open the free app "vCardIO"
- In the Import Window, browse to your ContactsUnicode.vcf file, then Click "Import"
- Wait for it to complete the Import..
- The Import is NOT in your Android "Phone Contacts", but if you open Android Contacts & click the Menu button, then go to "Contacts to Display" then click "All Contacts" they will show up, WITH the Unicode intact... I guess they are in vCardIO's own directory.. not sure now..
- & Voila! Unicode Contacts!
You might find an much, much easier solution!
Got it from
Notepad adds 3 bytes at the start of UTF-8 or Unicode files, which makes Unix (here, Android) not capable of reading Unicode/UTF-8 files.
If you edit your .vcf Vcard file with another editor, such as Notepad++ or Pspad, and save it as UTF-8 without BOM (implicit option in Pspad, explicit choice in the menu of Notepad++), then you will be able to import it on Android Kitkat 4.2 with the standard Vcard contact import option, and it will come into your Phone contacts naturally !

