XDA iis 4-way button - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 Accessories

The 4-way button on my XDA no longer works downwards. Anyone know why?

cant help ya
same prob, but after 40 minutes call under shower! ;-)
BA is unkillable!
Ill give it out for repair, but not before february. if I should find something out, Ill tell you!

Guys if you talke the MDAIII apart you will find that the back plate of the buttons are made of silicon. The plate itself has noobs (fro lack of a better word) on them whch press against plate. On this plate you will see round buttons (lack of better word) which are like blisters.
The nobbs press against the blisters and thus make contact (top part of the blister to bottom part).
Now the problme is that the noobs ware them selves down. I have tried adding silicon glue to the silicon plate to increse the hight of those nobbs and the only effect this had was to waste a sunday afternoon.
There is a site I once found that sold these silicon plate out of china so I know it can be fixed.
For me I live with it, my DPad wont go down and the mail, IE, start buttons dont work either.
Time to move on to a HTC Touch HD.
Hope that helps.

Ya, me tooo. The down key is not working anymore and also the four small keys above the 4way key...well, that is the reason why I installed sun_dream's ROM which has Touch Flo...Well that is a great idea...Touch HD is a killer too

Button board part
These guys sell replacement Button Boards:
I don't know if it's a drop--in-place or whether soldering is required.
Paul D


Replacing button decal?

Anyone have any info on this? My "ok" button and some of the other's decal are starting to chip off and it makes it a real pain to look at. I just want to know if i have any options on replacing these or am I doomed to keep looking at them like this till they eventually all come off.
Same Here...
I have the same problem! Let me know what you find out!! Thank!
Phawkes said:
Anyone have any info on this? My "ok" button and some of the other's decal are starting to chip off and it makes it a real pain to look at. I just want to know if i have any options on replacing these or am I doomed to keep looking at them like this till they eventually all come off.
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ditto i have same issue
really hoping someone has an answer for this
I'm having the same problem. I actually just noticed it the other day. Its only on my End call button and my softkey on the same side. i'm pretty sure that its from taking it out of the holster and the little metal clip rubbing against it.
ah that makes sense. i knew it was coming from the holster but i couldnt understand why, would still love to know if we can replace em
LOL, wow i thought i was the only one. Ive never dropped my phone but my top right soft key and windows key is completely chipped off clear now....it looks kinda cool actually lol....
I used to work at a T-Mo Tech Center. There were about 20 out of the couple hundred of us who owned the wing. I introduced every one to XDA and often took friends' Wings home to upgrade thier ROM's. Over half of them had chipped buttons (ie Softkeys, Start, and OK). I always thought those friends didn't take care of thier Wings...until it happened to mine, and I am overly careful with it. I think the best thing we can do is let HTC know, this way It will be taken care of on future product releases.
Interesting post and I am glad the issue is being brought to daylight. It's not fun having a $400(+) phone have a $300(-) look.
Did you work in Frisco? I work in RP at the Jefferson Commins site.
Add me to the list, my ok button is completely scratched off, I thought it was just me :-D
add me to the list also my call button is chiped off were can we buy replacemet buttons
Wow this many ppl need new button decal and we all dont have a clue where to get it... I almost went as far as trying to get a replacement phone from t-mobile just so i could get em but sadly that didnt work out...
As I stated before, it really didnt pop up until about 6-8 months after starting using it. Its coming from the little magnetic clip on the holster.
If not replacing the decals....what about the buttons? Is there anywhere you can buy just the front keypad.
I know you can buy a housing for about 55 bucks, may be worth it. Pretty sure that the front keypad comes with it. I found this...
From that page:
"The camera cover and buttons are not included"
not a bad find at all, i think the buttons they are talking about is the keyboard seeing as those are the only ones missing. And it does say it has front keypad
Yeah, add me to the list too. My end button is starting to chip. Seems like a big problem. You think they would have maybe made the buttons clear plastic and painted them from the inside so it wouldn't scratch.
Add me too!
So I have the same problem as you guys. I know a lot of people whose buttons are completely clear now... I found this site, but i wish i could just find the buttons to buy too. Any help would be appreciated.
that's way too much just to replace the buttons.
To the guy that thinks it's his case: It's not your case. It's these cheap ass button. I don't use a case at all and it came off. Why couldn't they make it the same quality as the send/end (green/red) buttons? I'm sure the Herald users aren't having this problem.
LordPhong said:
that's way too much just to replace the buttons.
To the guy that thinks it's his case: It's not your case. It's these cheap ass button. I don't use a case at all and it came off. Why couldn't they make it the same quality as the send/end (green/red) buttons? I'm sure the Herald users aren't having this problem.
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On my first wing the send/end buttons were chipping too. Like you said, a combination of cheap and poor design.

[Q] Tactile stickers/decals for non-illuminated standards "android" buttons?

[Q] Tactile stickers/decals for non-illuminated standards "android" buttons?
I find it really annoying that I can't feel or see the standard four "android" buttons at night. Has anyone found aftermarket stickers or decals that I can place over the buttons to provide some tactile feedback in the dark? I can't find anything like this anywhere.
I like the idea of some type of vinyl decal or something. Put that on and then put a screen protector on top of it maybe... Anyway, seems like someone would make something.
I also like the idea of making them backlit.
Other people have dealt with this various ways including glueing stuff to the android buttons.
And another person superglued some tubing to the side of the tablet...
And someone else used glow in the dark puffy paint...
I wish there was a mod to add some kind of LED underneath.
Or install button savior. Not as convenient, but very easy to use.
I'm using TnT Lite and it has soft buttons on the screen, which definitely are convenient. I was mainly wanting this for the tactile feel.
If we were to scratch the paint off of the back if the buttons and then punch a little hole in the seal around the screen maybe that would allow enough light to bleed through to light em up.
but what would I know. Haven't even got mine yet. :'(
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App
I was at Office Max tonight and I picked up some clear hole reinforcements. These are the little sticky rings you put on paper when the punch hole has torn out but you want them to stay in the binder. Turns out they are just the right size to go over the buttons and cheap so you can mess up and put them on many times over.
The button labels are a little to the right of center. From a foot away you can't see the rings at all (probably even less if I had cleaned the tablet good before sticking them on). And you can "feel" the buttons very easily. Now on the other hand, feeling them can push them if you aren't careful. Running your finger up the screen edge (not the device edge) seems to work best.
Cheap to try and simple to reverse if you don't like it.
that idea looks like a winner to me, unless someone is making glow in the dark stickers resembling those icons
I was in a computer store the other day and saw "glow in the dark" keyboard stickers. They were in a few florescent looking colors.
Not cheap, but I was in a mood to spend money so I bought them. I figured an arrow key on the back button, the "Home" button on the home key and then use two generic keys for Menu and search.
Unfortunately, they don't really glow in the dark! They "catch" light off the monitor the keyboard is sitting in front of. Of course, on the tablets on a plane the monitor is shooting the light in the right direction. So if there is any ambient light you can see them. But if you really are in the dark, nada.
Also they look kind of tacky. Part of that is that I'm not artistic and so I didn't get them as lined up as someone crafty would. But even then they look tacky. On top of that I am now afraid to give it a good spray with cleaner. So I think they are coming off but thought I'd take a picture first.
The clear hole stickers I mentioned earlier are not very useful either because you have to "feel" them and if you feel the buttons you've pressed them so too late.
By the way the picture also shows a Skinomi screen protector on. Crystal clear except for one blemish on the far left side off the visible part of the screen
Picture is a little fuzzy but you get the idea.
Of course, I didn't read the FAQ online in the store (smart phone, duh). It clearly says there that they don't really glow. You'd think the packaging would have to reflect that.
My solution was to take a razor blade and make an ever so slight cut into the plastic bordering the screen. I made two, one next to the home button and one next to the back button. Now when I need to find a button in the dark I just slide my thumb down the side and feel for the nick in the plastic. The "damage" to the plastic is imperceptible and it doesn't limit the cases I can use down the line (the way gluing those buttons on the side would).
wd5gnr said:
The clear hole stickers I mentioned earlier are not very useful either because you have to "feel" them and if you feel the buttons you've pressed them so too late.
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Why not stick them on the side next to the buttons instead over the buttons ?
Why not just get the glow in the dark stars package?
LEDs backlight for the Android keys
cobrast6 said:
I wish there was a mod to add some kind of LED underneath.
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A user here modded his Gtablet (which is now my Gtablet) to include LED backlighting.
His write-up on the mod is here:
- Michael
Button Savior placement
I've been pleased with using Button Savior, not for it's buttons, but for it's placement. I position it in line with the menu button, which makes it very easy to know where the Home, Menu, and Back are. Free and clean, though I do sometimes inadvertently trigger the Button Savior menu.
I would prefer a way to disable these buttons because i am always touch the search button by accident
adam714 said:
I would prefer a way to disable these buttons because i am always touch the search button by accident
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Search Button Remapper on market.

finding tablet buttons in the dark

I usually just lurk on these forums as I am completely new to android and still just getting to barely understand the basics. To thank everyone here for this tremendous redource, i wanted to share my solution forfinding the tablet buttons in the dark . I have some 1/8th automotive pinstriping that I use to mark my rock climbing gear. It's very durable but can easily be chipped off with a fingernail without leaving any residue. It's also thick enough that you can easily feel it with your fingertip. I put strips running from front to back in line where each button sits with a tiny bit overhanging the lip on the screen. if you cut it right you can feel the edge if you run your finger along the lip but it won't peel off if you get it right. Just be careful if you clean the screen with a microfiber cloth because it will snag on the edges. So noe ican feel where the buttons line up in the dark and my g tab has some wicked yet functional racing stripes. I went with reflective orange. i hear it adds a couple of ghz to the processor speed like flourescent paint adds hp to civics.
I hope someone finds this useful. I wouldn't have bothered buying this tablet if I hadn't learned from this forum about all the cool stuff i could do, and since have done to it. Many thanks to all of you for your hard work and continued enthusiasim.
I'm actually used to where the buttons are. I don't need to see them anymore to use them. In the dark, I hit it 95% of the time first time nowadays.
hey, i think that's a great idea. a fix that will work for users who don't want to mod the gtab in order to add LEDs.
would an autoparts store have that 1/8in pinstripe? i wonder how well it would go on over a skinomi?
Could you post some pics? Id really like to see what this looks like. It sounds like a great idea.
I'll see what I can do
The pinstriping is available at auto parts stores. It will stick to a clear coat on a car and pretty much anything you else you stick it to. So it should stick to a skin. I ordered mine online because I wanted highly reflective bright orange. Like I said I had it for my rock climbing gear. you get a distinctive color and size and then you wrap a little stripe on each piece of your gear like carabiners so your climbing partners don't walk away with them. The joke is that you trust your partners to hold the rope and potentially save your life, but you don't trust them to not walk off with your gear.
I'll take a couple of pics and post as soon as I can. My firm is having networking issues and I am about to get kicked offline until this evening.
pics of pinstriping
Sorry, DISASTER at work followed up with a case of lyme disease complete with 2 weeks worth of industrial strength antibiotics. My luck could certainly be better. Anyway, pics are attached. Sorry they aren't they greatest.
Button Savior is alot easier
button savior is nice. I also find that in the dark, hitting the back button is easy if you just put your thumb on the side of the screen and just slide it up. When it hits the back button, just stop
gpzjack said:
Button Savior is alot easier
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Button savoir combined with Quick Boot, both free in the market can handle all the process of both the soft keys and the power button functions easily..
I like this Idea, if I switch to a rom other than VEGAn Ginger which has soft keys on the bottom I may try it out.

Search Button - Hardware Failure?

This is a topic which I don't really like to talk about, but I now want to take the approach to get it outa my mind: The backlight of my soft-key search button does not fully shut down. That is, if I let the phone sit until the lights of the soft-keys (home, menu, back- and search button) shut down, I still see a dimmed light behind my search button. It annoys me.. I know I'm a picky girl.
Is that a hardware failure or do you guys have that, too? I'm convinced it's NOT caused by my current ROM (running DisarmedToaster). Can you recommend an app which will test my phone for hardware failures?
I bought my EVO 3D with blood money and would not really like unrooting and putting the phone into original warranty state to go beg the company I bought it from for a replacement. Please help a desperate lady!
SecUpwN said:
This is a topic which I don't really like to talk about, but I now want to take the approach to get it outa my mind: The backlight of my soft-key search button does not fully shut down. That is, if I let the phone sit until the lights of the soft-keys (home, menu, back- and search button) shut down, I still see a dimmed light behind my search button. It annoys me.. I know I'm a picky girl.
Is that a hardware failure or do you guys have that, too? I'm convinced it's NOT caused by my current ROM (running DisarmedToaster). Can you recommend an app which will test my phone for hardware failures?
I bought my EVO 3D with blood money and would not really like unrooting and putting the phone into original warranty state to go beg the company I bought it from for a replacement. Please help a desperate lady!
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Mine has done that since the day I bought it, although I bought mine used so I just dealt with it. It looks more like bleed from the backlight on the display but i'm not sure. It must be pretty common if we both have it.
richyrocket said:
Mine has done that since the day I bought it, although I bought mine used so I just dealt with it. It looks more like bleed from the backlight on the display but i'm not sure. It must be pretty common if we both have it.
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Thank you so much for stating this, exactly what I was talking about! Kind of a small release to hear I didn't buy faulty hardware. Do we have other readers here who can confirm that this behavior is normal?
I'll head out to the phone store today to double check. Still, does an app exist to check for hardware failures?
Yes no faulty equipment, it is normal on every single Evo.
( Don't ask for help as I couldn't care if your phone explodes, eh)
flashallthetime said:
Yes no faulty equipment, it is normal on every single Evo.
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You just saved my whole HTC experience. Thank you soo much! How come this is the case on every EVO? Isn't that something draining the battery?
No it is actually bleeding from the main screen, I guess there's a small gap between the search button and the screen
( Don't ask for help as I couldn't care if your phone explodes, eh)
I noticed that too, but only when I boot up my phone, then the problem goes away after it gets past the boot animation.
Jsparta26 said:
I noticed that too, but only when I boot up my phone, then the problem goes away after it gets past the boot animation.
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Use your phone in the dark. Watch until soft buttons stop glowing. See the light behind the search button?
Mine has it too.
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using xda app-developers app
Jsparta26 said:
I noticed that too, but only when I boot up my phone, then the problem goes away after it gets past the boot animation.
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Turn the backlight of touch buttons off using kernel tuner and keep screen on, you will notice light behind search key.
Yeh, methinks it's standard in all our phones fixed mine when i was replacing my digitizer (put a bit of plastic behind the search key to stop the overspill)
dessolator666 said:
Yeh, methinks it's standard in all our phones fixed mine when i was replacing my digitizer (put a bit of plastic behind the search key to stop the overspill)
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Did you void your warranty through opening it? How about the buttons responsiveness afterwards? If you provide a detailed HowTo, you'll get another +1. :thumbup:
SecUpwN said:
Did you void your warranty through opening it? How about the buttons responsiveness afterwards? If you provide a detailed HowTo, you'll get another +1. :thumbup:
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Yeh, warranty gone after opening it.... though now that I think of it... there may be a way around that. Namely I replaced the entire digitizer so I needed to take it apart fully, however since all the connections and cables are at the top of the screen and the buttons are (obviously ) on the bottom you could lift the digitizer up from the bottom and fix it without messing with the screws in the back (the one that voids your warranty).
To actually do this you will need:
Heat gun(or decent hair drier) anything with 500w or above should be plenty
Some good double sided adhesive tape (probably won't be able to reuse the original one)
A case opener tool (to lift the digitizer)
A piece of plastic or anything else opaque and nonconductive
heat up all the edges of the digitizer evenly (don't cook them, just heat them up )
Using a case opener tool get in between the digitizer and the aluminium chassis starting at the bottom and work your way up to the top
When the bottom and sides are free gently lift the digitizer with the top as a hinge point heating it up if necessary.
Ta da! You can see the inner workings of the buttons
Notice that the buttons have pieces of transparent plastic leading light from the LEDs to the actual surface the light overspill happens around the search button so I put a tiny piece of plastic around it (there are probably more elegant ways around this... but I'm not that elegant to begin with so this worked just fine.
Cut out thin strips of tape and put them on the edges of the digitizer where the old adhesive was (or reuse the old adhesive if you can)
Close up the phone and there you have it... your warranty should still be valid... tho if any1 opens the phone up they will probably notice the extra piece of plastic (or whatever you used)
On a similar note my gf's digitizer is busted so I will be replacing it some time this or next week and could probably demonstrate this with photos before I actually replace the darn thing (assuming I can get ahold of a decent camera)
dessolator666 said:
On a similar note my gf's digitizer is busted so I will be replacing it some time this or next week and could probably demonstrate this with photos before I actually replace the darn thing (assuming I can get ahold of a decent camera)
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That would actually be the coolest contribution I've seen in a ling time! Are you really willing to do that for our EVO community? If you did, you'd be our king.
Don't worry, it's on every EVO 3D. From GSM to CDMA.
The light bleed is from the screen back light. It does give the phone a cheap feel sometimes, but it's a common problem.
It's not as prevalent on cm10 with inverted gapps
(Don't ask me for help as I couldn't care if your phone explodes, eh! )
flashallthetime said:
It's not as prevalent on cm10 with inverted gapps
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How come?
SecUpwN said:
How come?
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Inverted gapps has black backgrounds so the screen bleeding is reduced
(Don't ask me for help as I couldn't care if your phone explodes, eh! )
---------- Post added at 10:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 PM ----------
I can drastically reduce screen brightness which helps, there's still some bleeding
(Don't ask me for help as I couldn't care if your phone explodes, eh! )
dessolator666 said:
Yeh, warranty gone after opening it.... though now that I think of it... there may be a way around that. Namely I replaced the entire digitizer so I needed to take it apart fully, however since all the connections and cables are at the top of the screen and the buttons are (obviously ) on the bottom you could lift the digitizer up from the bottom and fix it without messing with the screws in the back (the one that voids your warranty).
To actually do this you will need:
Heat gun(or decent hair drier) anything with 500w or above should be plenty
Some good double sided adhesive tape (probably won't be able to reuse the original one)
A case opener tool (to lift the digitizer)
A piece of plastic or anything else opaque and nonconductive
heat up all the edges of the digitizer evenly (don't cook them, just heat them up )
Using a case opener tool get in between the digitizer and the aluminium chassis starting at the bottom and work your way up to the top
When the bottom and sides are free gently lift the digitizer with the top as a hinge point heating it up if necessary.
Ta da! You can see the inner workings of the buttons
Notice that the buttons have pieces of transparent plastic leading light from the LEDs to the actual surface the light overspill happens around the search button so I put a tiny piece of plastic around it (there are probably more elegant ways around this... but I'm not that elegant to begin with so this worked just fine.
Cut out thin strips of tape and put them on the edges of the digitizer where the old adhesive was (or reuse the old adhesive if you can)
Close up the phone and there you have it... your warranty should still be valid... tho if any1 opens the phone up they will probably notice the extra piece of plastic (or whatever you used)
On a similar note my gf's digitizer is busted so I will be replacing it some time this or next week and could probably demonstrate this with photos before I actually replace the darn thing (assuming I can get ahold of a decent camera)
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I don't believe it can be done without opening the back. If I'm not mistaken, that's where the connector is and it can't be accessed from the front. I could be wrong though
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
HermanV0929 said:
I don't believe it can be done without opening the back. If I'm not mistaken, that's where the connector is and it can't be accessed from the front. I could be wrong though
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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I'm sure it can be done... because you have to do pretty much exactly that when replacing the LCD or digitizer

Improper alignment of the home button

It's been a few days I bought the 64 Gb edge black color.I am from bangalore,india. Well as the title say the home button is not aligned straight and I was aware if it when I bought it. While I was buying it the first piece had a totally non aligned home button and the store guys got me another piece from their other branch and home button on that was also a little off in terms of alignment and I thought that was a default manufacturing issue so ignored and bought it as I also did not have the patience for them to get another piece. But no issues in terms it's functionality but when I look at the home button carefully it looks a little off. So was just wondering if any one has this too? And not to forget the first piece that I got also had scratches on the home button which was strange as it was a sealed piece. Samsung should definitely be taking care of this for the huge money they are charging else they could be loosing customers in future.
shri080 said:
It's been a few days I bought the 64 Gb edge black color.I am from bangalore,india. Well as the title say the home button is not aligned straight and I was aware if it when I bought it. While I was buying it the first piece had a totally non aligned home button and the store guys got me another piece from their other branch and home button on that was also a little off in terms of alignment and I thought that was a default manufacturing issue so ignored and bought it as I also did not have the patience for them to get another piece. But no issues in terms it's functionality but when I look at the home button carefully it looks a little off. So was just wondering if any one has this too? And not to forget the first piece that I got also had scratches on the home button which was strange as it was a sealed piece. Samsung should definitely be taking care of this for the huge money they are charging else they could be loosing customers in future.
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On mine too. But it's so small its barely noticeable. As long as it works I'm happy

