1900MAH Ebay Extended Battery Review - HTC Startrek

This is my personal review of the exact battery seen in this auction.
My startrek is brand new. I actually owned the phone when it came out and sold it. Now I have it again once I found out that I could install WM6.1 Professional. I LOVE IT. I like rubbing it in everyones face that owns other Smartphones and PDA phones that my phone can do everything yours can do and more. Anyways I noticed that with the stock 1100MAH battery the life was kinda sub par I rarely got a full day out of it. Although the cpuscaler makes the phone really responsive. It uses alot of juice and the only way I got respectable runtime is when I forced it to stay under clocked. Even then it got me a little over a day maybe 36 hours. I surf the net. I send over 2-400 txt a day. I run OZ IM software all day. I sync my hotmail every 30 min. Plus 1-2 hours of talk time and 2-3 hours of bluetooth a2dp play time. I use Garmin and bluetooth gps everyday. So im raping the stock battery. I sprung for the extend battery on ebay vs the mugen battery of the same AH. 1/3 of the cost. Im happy to say that i get atleast 2 1/2 if not 3 days without charging. The phone has a big arshe now because of the new cover. It really feels alot more comfortable in your hand with the bigger hump in the back. I got big hands and the stock always felt uncomfortable using one hand. I can leave cpuscaler on all the time now without worring about "I NEED MORE POWER CAPTAIN!!" Actually since the phone is a little bit elevated off the flat surface it get better reception and doesnt rock back and forth like with the stock battery and cover. The cover is cheap plastic but its rugged. It doesnt quite follow the profile of the phone exactly but its pretty close. Cover still shuts off phone when taken off. Ive used it for about two weeks and discharged it fully several times so im pretty confident in my results. There is no false battery % reporting like most cheap or expensive batteries have. It has gave me an accurate % every day and didnt hang at a certain % for hours like the mugen battery did on my kaiser. This is a good buy and i suggest everyone pick one up if they are concerned about runtime and not about looks.

Hmmm, I never had a problem with my 1100mah battery, even with heavy usage, I'd have at least 30% the next day. With light usage, it will last me a few days.
That seems awfully bulky with that big back cover.

Thats kinda what i said... With heavy usage the stock battery will last about a day and a half at most. I would have about 30% left after a full 24. My extended batt leaves me with about 70%. Ive been used to extended batteries cause i believe all htc phones fall short with their undersized batteries and ive even had some phones like the HERMES that used to get 4-5 hours when they came out. As the rom cooks improved battery management they got better but still fall short. I also said if you dont care about looks and care about runtime this battery is for you. Its almost twice as large as the stock but even the more expensive battery like the mugen battery .... their covers arent always the most streamline covers. The only cover I liked on my phone from them was the kaiser only cause it appeared to be stock with no bumps or humps lol. Im not a fan of opportunity charging because i find my self buying 5-6 chargers for one phone and placing them in my various hot spots losing the phone and or charger and having to make unecessary trips to retrieve them. Its a slim smart phone what do you expect.It personally fits better in my hand. My desktop dock just came in and it fits like a champ. Fits fine in my universal fit suction cup windshield mount too. So its cool with me.


Everyone with Battery Life Complaints...

For everyone with Batterylife complaints here are 3 options for you. NEW Updated Post.
Battery Adaptor Pro:
This is by far the best option in my opinion for battery life problems. This little device about the size of the hermes, a little wider and very sleek / feels good in your hands. Its only $22.50 and worth every penny! What the device does is take AA batteries (4) and recharge your device via the USB cable. You can use the phone while its recharging too! What makes this device even more great is that is uses batteries, not its own rechargable battery, so on a long flights or long road trips or whatever the case may be, all you have to do is stock up on AA's and your good to go! It also comes with a flash light, VERY BRIGHT LED's for dark situations, although random, it comes in handy alot in dark situations trying to find your way to something or trying to hook the USB cable in. It recharges the Hermes about 6 times in my personal expirience with Duracell batteries. But get this! The best thing that makes this device worth every penny is that its compatible with ANYTHING that supports USB charging. This includes all other phones, Ipods, Personal video players, MP3 Players, Cameras you name it! Its great for keeping all your devices with battery power on any trip you go on especially if you travel alot. I no longer have to worry about battery life anymore with this thing. Its very small and easily can go in a pocket or a pouch in your backpack. No longer do you have to suffer with BIG bulky batteries to keep you going through the day/days. I highly recommend this unit and give it a 10/10!
You can Get an Extended battery 3000MAH from:
Although very bulky the battery life boost is amazing. My friend has this phone (I don't have one yet, i just sold my 8125) and I have indeed tested it for myself. The battery will last you 10 hours before it hits 80% battery life. With these ten hours I was able to web browse, text message, use agile messanger, playing Doom 3D, Warcraft II, Sim City, Play music at 45% volume. at 60% batterylife I it had been over 25 hours already. With you constantly using 3G, push email and such Id probably say you can get a minimum of 35 hours of battery life with this battery. If you are not so hardcore You probably will get over 50 hours of battery life with this battery. The only cons I have to this battery are the size. its a great investment if you are one of those people always going on bussiness trips and such. You can charge both your stock battery and This battery and use the stock until it runs out then pull out the heavy duty. I highly recommend this battery. This battery comes with a cover for the 8525 too. 9/10
For all those who can't stand the size of this battery there is hope for you.
The stock battery for the 8525 is 1350 mAh, and this one is 1500 mAh, this battery won't improve your battery situations much at all but it is cheaper than the option of buying one from HTC or cingular. You can get both the stock battery and this one and have them both charged to last you however long you need. Although a tight fit it still fits in the battery comparment and works with the 8525. 8/10
I hope this helps some of your frustrations with battery life with this phone.
Pity about the thickness, but the sheer capacity makes one think twice... More than double the normal mah...
I just ordered the 3000mAh battery from lion's website - I'm getting low battery warnings towards the end of the day. I'll let you know how it works out!
lemme know how it is
Well, it's supposed to arrive today - I can't wait! My phone died before I made it home yesterday - very irritating!
Has anyone tried one of those 1500mh batteries? I don;'t want the extended one because my brodit mount will become useless and and just suxs. Anyone have an opinion?
Well, I got my Lion 300mAh battery and I have to say I'm pleased overall! I'm still breaking it in but so far it has lasted a complete day with Wi-Fi on and a hour worth of movie watching. It came very nicely packaged from the company - it also has a 6 month warranty according to the paperwork. The battery is approx. twice as big as the OEM battery. My biggest complaint is the battery door doesn't fit quite as snug as the original... near the camera it has a chamfered edge instead of the rounded edge on the OEM door. Also, there is slightly more clearance to the left and right than the other door. After a week when the battery is broke in, I'll give a proper update on battery life (Lion recommends 5 complete charge/discharge cycles for maximum capacity). I have several pictures of it, but I can't figure out how to post them here ><
Im very glad the battery worked out for you lacroixdp . Yeah the non HTC made battery covers wont fit on the battery as much as it should but enough to get the job done. I'm glad the battery last as long as it does expecially with all that Wifi usage.
4 u slimsaturn the 1500 battery, there is no difference to be seen, its just a cheaper alternative to having 2 batteries to switch between on those long bussiness trips, for improving battery life however, u will not see a difference.
There was some talk of a 2000mAh battery for the hermes that wsa the size of the original one. I think it was supposed to be from lion battery as well. Anyone have any news on this?
Well after a few days following their recommendation on the complete charge/discharge cycle, I can safely say it is an excellent battery! At the end of work, I'm at 80% charge still. With the same usage before, it was always between 30 and 20 giving me low battery warnings. I DEFINITELY recommend the 3000!
I got one off ebay 3400MAH I hope its better or good.
I thought about that one but decided to stick with lionbattery.com and Mugen since they have a solid reputation for batteries. Plus I have a 6 month warranty to use if I ever need to.
To bad lionbattery seems to be out of stock everytime I check
xSoNiCcRaCkErSx said:
Im very glad the battery worked out for you lacroixdp . Yeah the non HTC made battery covers wont fit on the battery as much as it should but enough to get the job done. I'm glad the battery last as long as it does expecially with all that Wifi usage.
4 u slimsaturn the 1500 battery, there is no difference to be seen, its just a cheaper alternative to having 2 batteries to switch between on those long bussiness trips, for improving battery life however, u will not see a difference.
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I've had the 1500 battery for about a week. I cannot tell any difference between this one and the stock batter but for the fact that I have to use scotch tape to keep the back on. I used the Lion battery on my i730, but hated the size. I am ready to deal with the size due to the fact that I cannot deal with the shortness of battery life.
dwella said:
To bad lionbattery seems to be out of stock everytime I check
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More are coming in next week. They are really, really popular!
lacroixdp said:
I thought about that one but decided to stick with lionbattery.com and Mugen since they have a solid reputation for batteries. Plus I have a 6 month warranty to use if I ever need to.
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Our batteries come with a one year warranty, not six months.
I Second the good rating of the 3000mAh Mugen Power Battery.
I bought it for my HTC TyTN from the Netherlands and alhough it bulges to double the size of the standard battery from the back plate - I like it though; gives me better grip on the slippery phone! - it gives me looong life compared to the standard issue (1350 mAh).
As noted earlier, along the sides the extended back plate does not fit 100% snugly, with a (very) minute gap on both sides. But not enough for the back plate to come loose though. Plus the edges (the rubber stopper at back - the antennae socket) is not smoothly cambered. Nothing a nail file couldn't fix though.
Great battery Mugen Power!
Haha that's even better I emailed in about the door and 15 minutes later I got a reply and a tracking number for a new door - excellent service! You've definitely earned a repeat customer! Are you coming out with an extended battery for the Treo 750 soon?
Lion Battery said:
Our batteries come with a one year warranty, not six months.
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I have about 3 months with my TyTN and I can see that battery life has been reduced. Battery duration is decreased and charge time I guess that is reduced too. Is there a known battery calibration problem or this is a normal behaviour for a 3 months old battery???
Because I am on holiday I had a chance to do a controlled test of the battery. I charged the standard battery, turned on the phone and made one call a day to just make sure its still working. I also forced the band into gsm only. My battery lasted 7 days from full to flat. I then did the same thing being only in umts and I got 3 days only. The test is controlled because I did not physically move the device at all in that time, so signal strength and tower searching would be kept constant.
I think that is pretty clear the 3g is the killer. The dopod 838 pro lasted longer than my magician would have under the same sircumstances.

My Personal Cheap Extended Battery Review

I was a bit cocky after my case swap last week. So me being my cheap self went on ebay this week and bought an extended battery. Here is the link. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=190138594210&ssPageName=STRK:MEWN:IT&ih=009
Battery came 5 days later. Black door.... Non rounded and boxy... I dealt with it on my 8125 so i didnt mind. At first i wasnt impressed cause im like wtf.. where is my self portrait mirror. Im assuming it came off during shipping... I could have been anal about it but i had some locktite super glue and put it back on... looks like new.. I did my battery door "Missing Antenna Plug" door mod as i suggested in another post =P. I took my old battery door off and took the battery out... good by slim and hello brick.... new battery fit in fine ... new door snapped in fine... Now for the test drive. It arrived with about a 60% charge. I drained leaving wifi on and streaming music from pc... took a long ass time. I charged it with the 1A stock charger... took a while but it eventually charged in a little less than three hours while off. I work 8 hr shifts at night so im on my phone alot my stock battery normally gets me to about 40% during the night. Thats playing music, Surfing on EDGE with two maybe three bars... Trust me its struggling to get that many. So i know the antenna is using alotta juice. I have it checking hotmail every 15 Minutes. I text about 400 messages a night and i use TomTom to dodge traffic the morning after work with full brightness and bluetooth on... I put in this battery i made it through my shift under the same senario and made it to 90% im thinking the battery maybe is misreporting and its going to drop off to 0 or not even make it to it before it cuts off like when i bought a cheap extended battery for my 8125 (replaced with same brand and worked fine) I streamed mobitv for about two hours on the way home from work over 3G. And it dropped to 70%. Im like the damn thing wont die. I cranked up the wifi and turned on mobitv thinking this will seal its fate. How about it took 7 hours to kill it from that point. I didnt evaluate any talk time on it cause of my hours and no one called but to me thats impressive... I would think if i didnt try to kill it on purpose it would have game me close to a 3 days of runtime. Its a 3.7v 2800mAh Lithium Ion made in Taiwan by Celxpert Energy. Any disatisfied people please post their experience with their extended battery.
whoa! nice! i think i may have to buy me one of those thank you for your review and the extreme testing hehe
I am going to more testing in the next few days. Ill be sure to keep everyone intrested posted. I really think under normal piddling around and texting and listening to music over bluetooth if i only made it to 90% on the first day. I could prob very easy get more than my projected 3 days.Its the morning of the seconday im sitting at 90% again. Most of my drain is at work. And if im actually working really hard.. Im more likely in an area where its searching for signal that was my main drain but my on its first day I cant say that i held back any i gave it hell during my shift on the way home and killing it just for the hell of it to deep cycle the battery. It doesnt get warm during charging or during use. I would assume it pretty solid... The next few days will tell.
price is really good, even better than the $26.99 (includ ship) I paid for a 3000mAh. The back door is black not silver/grey though.
I upgrade my 8525 case to a dopod replacement. My phone is completely black so the black battery door was what the doctor ordered.
Yesterday i got off work at 90%. It was probably actually low 80s because it hit 80 an hour or so after getting home. Today i got off work im at 60%. I had 2 calls totaling 58 minutes... and did some light browsing on EDGE.Bluetooth has been on since the full charge yesterday. And it has been checking hotmail every 15 minutes. I think its probably been hunting for a signal I have full 3G at home and 2-3 bars EDGE at work if i carry it in my shirt pocket. If im carrying in my case on my hip its prob searching for service under the gut. but Ive never been able to get two days with stock. The test continues..
I dont see how people can carry a brick that big
Day three down to 20% did the usual surfing 2-3 bars weak reception on EDGE. Bluetooth has been on since first day. One call today 35 min. TomTom 6 for about 5 hours today... Alot of city driving. Bought the audio dongle so ive been playing music in my car so tack on about 4 hours of that. and you have an almost dead battery. Discharge has even out. Its pretty steady.. no sudden drops in percentage like some other cheaper batteries. It has my my thumb and two big toes up!
Very tempting to try it. Though, my problem is that I have a Brodit car charger and of course it won't fit with the extra bulk.


A lot of people are after a longer battery life, I had a great extended battery with my touch pro but dont feel like thickening my beautiful tp2 so Ive been looking around and finally found this and ordered it. It Works great, No overcharging, and acts like a trickle charger so its not forcing juice into your batteries, battery doesnt even get warm while charging, and if three bateries for a day doesnt get you through to the next day, put your phone down step away from it and dont touch it for at least a month cause you have a problem. http://cgi.ebay.com/2-Battery-for-H...wItemQQptZPDA_Accessories?hash=item4a9cb42b0f theres the link, Its cheap too which rocks!!

anyone have ATT 2150MHA pack?

hey guys as many of you know the TP2 has CRAP for battery life (when under use, it'll stand by forever in airplane mode )
anyway i push Email and constently use BT or wifi to connect to my laptop for tethering ect.
and normally it'll charge overnight then start to complain by about 4pm sometimes "as late as" 6pm
then it's ALWAYS off by 7
anyway i was looking at possibly getting another battery maybe an extended.
i noticed ATT sells a 2150 pack (stock is 1500 right?) that should give me a few extra hours of use... but it's 60 bones
any one ever use it before and does it require the fat back plate?
as seen here:
im a "new" user still and cannot post links...
here it is anyway
*h-t-t-p dub dub dub* .wireless.att *DOT COM* /cell-phone-service/accessory-details/?q_categoryid=&q_sku=sku4290227&q_manufacturer=HTC&q_model=prod4000225
your "link" didn't work for me; I assumed the "dub" meant W, so dropping the "www" it worked fine.
$60 for an OEM battery doesn't sound too bad, but I wouldn't pay it.
if you look a few threads down, there is a pretty active topic regarding extended batteries, with a few lower priced alternatives. may provide a few more answers than I can.
I have used the 2150 mAh extended battery
Yes, it does require a "fat back" cover that comes with it. The good thing about it is that it is an HTC battery and cover. I, like you, place a heavy burden on the battery on a daily basis. The original 1500 would hardly make a day of it. The 2150 lasts about 25% longer for me; I usually have about 25% left by nightfall. I still have to charge it nightly. Curiously, my Tilt2 can be fully charged, say, by 10pm. I can shut if off and lo and behold when I bring it up in the morning, it's already down to 90%. Go figure. I think there is a slight logic problem going on in the Tilt2 because quite often, my phone will show a marginal 27-30% left, but if I "bounce it" with a soft reset, when it comes back up, it quite likely will show 65-70%. Hmmmmm.
I ordered a 2800mAh battery and cover from a firm in Gt. Brit. It came today, so I'll know more about how it is working in a few days. If anyone wants to know, I'll give them more feedback. Since it IS for a T-Mobile Touchpro 2, the new cover doesn't have a hole for the PTT button, but I had already disabled it anyway. The only con so far is that the hole for the stylus is practically inaccessible. I have short fingernails and cannot get the sylus out of it without using a pencil or pen to pop it out.
Other than that.... I like the extended time I get with these batteries. I don't mind carrying a brick if I can use it all day long without worries. Good grief, I carried a "bag phone" for 2 years back in the late 80's.
Hope this helps.
BTW: The 2800mAh battery & cover I got from England cost me $33.50 including shipping and it took about 10 days to get here (Texas). So far, so good.
2800mAh battery
And just in case someone wants to know, the website I got it on was:
and the part number was:
1 x Part #5298 :: Extended Battery 2800mAh For HTC Touch Pro 2
2800mAh battery
Well, I have used this extended battery for 5 days now and I've only had to charge twice. I use an AT&T Tilt 2 with stock ROM. I keep bluetooth, data connection and push email on 100% of the time. With the stock 1500 mAh battery I would need to recharge in about 8-10 hours. With this 2800 mAh battery, I have about 65% left at the end of the 1st day, about 30% at the end of the 2nd day, I give it a full charge and go for another 2 days. On the weekend, I turn bluetooth, data connection and push email off, and it lasted all weekend with out a charge.
I think I'm getting my $33.35 worth. Although the back cover that came with it is for the T-M Pro 2, it fits fine with the exception of the PTT talk button being covered up; which I don't care about anyway since I had already disabled it. It is somewhat thicker but the cover fits good and I have no problems with it.
txvet said:
Although the back cover that came with it is for the T-M Pro 2, it fits fine with the exception of the PTT talk button being covered up; which I don't care about anyway since I had already disabled it. It is somewhat thicker but the cover fits good and I have no problems with it.
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If you were to heat up a screw driver real hot and poke it through the cover do you think the PTT issue would be resolved?
People of this thread: Check out our thread because we're after the same answers but with numbers, not impressions with fuzzy calculations. We want the truth, we want it down to the milliamp hour. I'd sure love to test this OEM 2150mAh battery...
You're so humorous. Sorry that there are some of us that talk in generalities. You know, using your "fuzzy numbers", as you allege.
I'm soooooo impressed that you are seeking only "the truth". That's commendable. However, you might want to lighten up with the "holier than thou" stuff. It's not very becoming on you.
As for the smart remark about using a heated screw driver to place a slot for the PTT button, I can only say this:
I am inure to the twin onslaughts of flattery AND ABUSE; so have at it.
nuf said.
Whatever arrogance I exhibited was both light and in jest. That was a disproportionate response.
Though I do think God is on my thread's side.

[Q] Extended Battery Users?

Wife is loving the One XxX rom sense camera; (I would like to try other possibly lighter Sense Roms but that is a different story..) - Need a better AOSP camera..
Just not happy with the 1620 battery life.. (using snuzzo's kernel helped battery life greatly as well..)
(we're taking the train to NYC and CT for classes and battery life is sucking; already doing 3G cdma (prl auto))
Looking at extended batteries.. (or new phones - batteries are cheaper..)
Amazon has a Laza 3240 (currently about $25 with the back)
[Q] Does anyone have this? Assuming it works how's the added extra bulk and such?
[Q] And what then about a case/holster/"Otterbox" type thing? Suggestions?
I have the oem Verizon extended and I use it on days when I don't see a charger for lengthy periods. I leave it on auto brightness and 4G and I get close to 4 hours screen time. Sometimes more. I dislike the bulkiness and people do ask me what's up with my phone..Lol
I prefer the 1620 battery for slimness but sometimes you gotta humble yourself and get the extended.
I also bought the Verizon oem extended battery when I bought the phone--it was on sale for half price--$25. It is bulky but when you need the juice, it does the trick. I also purchased the extended battery holster that Verizon sells at the same time. The Verizon battery is 2750 but easily last all day.
I bought the extended battery from Amazon (2750mAH). I use it with an Otterbox Defender. Definitely an improvement over the stock battery, but nothing profound. The phone will last me approx. 8-10 hours with medium use (playing music during my 35-40 min commute each way, texting, occasional web browsing). Timeout 30 seconds, auto-brightness on. I also use Juice Defender Ultimate/Set CPU to help with my battery life though. The bulk of the extended battery and defender case is definitely noticeable, but I personally prefer a large phone. I like having some weight to what I'm holding. It can be a chore to get it out of pockets on tighter fitting pants, and the silicon back has a tendency to come unset from the screen protector. However, it's not enough for me to stop using it. I'd recommend getting it still -- it's better than having to replace a screen (a lesson I learned twice before buying one).
@OP and other people too
How long does your stock battery last? Are you able to get through your day?
I was thinking of getting a stock battery but then I am not sure if it'll be enough for me or not. I am usually away from charger for 10 hours straight.
TAClass Machinery
lamborg said:
@OP and other people too
How long does your stock battery last? Are you able to get through your day?
I was thinking of getting a stock battery but then I am not sure if it'll be enough for me or not. I am usually away from charger for 10 hours straight.
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I'm lucky if my stocker lasts me more than 5-6 hours of medium use. 3-4 hours of heavier use (heavy web browsing and texting) on a good day. 30 second timeout, autobrightness on running juice defender ultimate/setCPU to conserve.
KJSloan said:
I'm lucky if my stocker lasts me more than 5-6 hours of medium use. 3-4 hours of heavier use (heavy web browsing and texting) on a good day. 30 second timeout, autobrightness on running juice defender ultimate/setCPU to conserve.
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Agreed. With Snuzzo's latest Funky Kernel and Juice Defender running custom settings, I get about the same with the stock battery. I tend to keep the phone charging while in the office.
On weekends or when travelling I use the extended battery or even a Hyperion 3500 mAmp and that gets me through the entire day (but not necessarily "an" entire day, i.e. 24 hours).
One thing to be careful of with OEM batteries is the back, since the back has the antennae. The Hyperion back is useless -- I my Hyperion battery with the official Verizon supplied back with the extended battery.
hgoldner said:
The Hyperion back is useless -- I my Hyperion battery with the official Verizon supplied back with the extended battery.
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That is some damned good advice. As soon as you said that I was like.. Duh!
How do you like the hyperion battery compared to the OEM extended?
nolimit78 said:
That is some damned good advice. As soon as you said that I was like.. Duh!
How do you like the hyperion battery compared to the OEM extended?
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I'd say the Hyperion gives me approx. 20% more than the OEM extended all other things being equal, however, on at least one occasion, I found the Hyperion battery was misreporting how much juice it had left, and all of a sudden I got a crazy 5% alert (after a long time trying to run the battery down). That's purely ballparking it, and remember 43% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
im_high_tech said:
I have the oem Verizon extended and I use it on days when I don't see a charger for lengthy periods. I leave it on auto brightness and 4G and I get close to 4 hours screen time. Sometimes more. I dislike the bulkiness and people do ask me what's up with my phone..Lol
I prefer the 1620 battery for slimness but sometimes you gotta humble yourself and get the extended.
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I have the OEM Verizon extended as well. People ALWAYS comment on my brick phone. I hate it how big it is, and I still find it BS that the Iphone 5 can run all day on an internal, the droid razor maxx can run all day on an internal, but I have to have a brick to make it all day. Anyway I have a very low signal with no wifi at work, so if I can't charge it immediately after work, or need to go out at night, I definitly use the the brick....I mean extended. Lasts all day with heavy use. It really is the best option if you can't get to a charger. Mostly thought I use the stock battery, and give it a boost on the charger so I have plenty of power in the evening. I use the VZW silicone case with the extended battery and it protects it pretty well.
I have the Laza extended battery. Works great, but with all the use, the back cover doesn't fully clip on (top left has a bit of a gap) and the ring around the headphone jack broke. Neither of these interfere with the usage. Battery life is definitely longer than the stock battery. I always slap it in before I go somewhere where I might not be able to charge and it hasn't failed me yet.
Even i got the laza extended battery from amazon(3250mAh).It is definitely better but its cover doesnt fit properly and phone becomes very very bulkier.I would instead suggest the 1750 mAh laza battery from amazon.They ship two units with a battery charger and a case to hold everything!And most importantly it does not require another back door,fits with stock back cover.Havent tried it but i think having a spare charged battery in pocket is far better than carrying a brick weight all the time
318sugarhill said:
I have the OEM Verizon extended as well. People ALWAYS comment on my brick phone. I hate it how big it is, and I still find it BS that the Iphone 5 can run all day on an internal, the droid razor maxx can run all day on an internal, but I have to have a brick to make it all day. Anyway I have a very low signal with no wifi at work, so if I can't charge it immediately after work, or need to go out at night, I definitly use the the brick....I mean extended. Lasts all day with heavy use. It really is the best option if you can't get to a charger. Mostly thought I use the stock battery, and give it a boost on the charger so I have plenty of power in the evening. I use the VZW silicone case with the extended battery and it protects it pretty well.
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I used the OEM extended battery for a few months and got used to the bulk. It was ok but never as good as I thought it should be.
A few months ago I bought the LAZA extended battery and like it a lot more. It can get me through a day much, much better than the OEM extended battery. I kept the oem back cover though because I didn't like the "laza" printed on theirs. Works the same.
Last week I finally got a replacement rezound to fix the proximity sensor problem and wanted to try the slim thing again.
I'm trying the Laza standard size battery. It's rated better than the oem standard battery and for $23 you get 2 batteries & a charger.
It's not nearly as good as extended but is definitely an improvement over oem. Time will tell.
Anybody know where to get the OEM cover only for the extended batteries? I ordered the Laza battery w/ cover and it should be here today, but I keep reading all kinds of hit or miss signal with the provided cover. So I guess I'm just hoping I get a good cover that actually works, and if not, I'll be wanting the OEM one. Any ideas are appreciated. Also, on a side note, HTC.com no longer even shows anything for the Rez. Sad, really.
jtpstealth said:
Anybody know where to get the OEM cover only for the extended batteries? I ordered the Laza battery w/ cover and it should be here today, but I keep reading all kinds of hit or miss signal with the provided cover. So I guess I'm just hoping I get a good cover that actually works, and if not, I'll be wanting the OEM one. Any ideas are appreciated. Also, on a side note, HTC.com no longer even shows anything for the Rez. Sad, really.
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Sadly, eBay is probably your best best for Rezound accessories now.
shrike1978 said:
Sadly, eBay is probably your best best for Rezound accessories now.
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Yea, kinda figured. I've been scoping it out the last couple days, but unfortunately for me, nobody is selling the cover alone. Fingers crossed for a good Laza one!!! Although one of the reviews on amazon for it said a guy had problems with the cover and they sent him a new one with a free case. That would be sweet! Lol.
jtpstealth said:
Anybody know where to get the OEM cover only for the extended batteries? I ordered the Laza battery w/ cover and it should be here today, but I keep reading all kinds of hit or miss signal with the provided cover. So I guess I'm just hoping I get a good cover that actually works, and if not, I'll be wanting the OEM one. Any ideas are appreciated. Also, on a side note, HTC.com no longer even shows anything for the Rez. Sad, really.
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Zarboz the developer might sell one. I think the OEM cover is a good idea though.Have you tried adjusting the brass fittings and terminals or making some slight tweaks to make the terminals meet better. Several guys did that with foil spacers a while back that worked good for the life of the phone.
Also check with Verizon. I bought my extended battery and cover for like $20 bucks when the phone was popular. If it's been reduced or on their battery special or something it might be cheaper than ebay and shipping, or a little more expensive but worth it since you can walk in and get it, or hell test drive it in the store and see if it seems to help any before ordering it.
Haven't gotten the battery yet. Still out for delivery. Just hoping I get a good one. From reading experiences and reviews from others, some work perfectly, others need replacement covers. Hopefully it arrives before I go home for the day, and I'll know for sure. Thanks for the tip tho. May try and make a trip to a VZ store in the next couple days if need be. I just saw they had nothing on the site. Didn't even think about going in.
How often do you replace your batteries I have had the 2750mah battery for a while now and now I struggle to get a full day. I guess I am trying to figure out if it is related to the different roms or time for a new battery.
Sent from my Infected Rezound using xda app-developers app

