Some general noob questions Sprint 6800 - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

For the last 4-5 days I've been flooding the grey matter with the plethera of info from the site
I've searched (and read) and searched some more on several things that I just can't seem to find a "direct" answer to. If these questions have been answered in another post, please forgive me as I may have missed it in the 30-some IE windows I have open at any given time...
My questions are specfic to Sprint (I think):
Preface: I took the offical "stock" Sprint package and deconstructed it in order to remove the junk that I didn't want and use it as a base.
1) What EXACTLY is PPST.exe? I read that some say it is a must for Sprint users while others say it is not but no where have I found EXACTLY what it is. In the stock package I see PPST.EXE and
2) After deconstructing RUU_signed.nbh, I found some files that I can't seem to find explaination of... Unknown.nb, ExtROM.nb and OS.nb.extra
3) Do I need to include ExtROM.nb when I run NBHGEN.exe?
4) I think I read somewhere that I have to do something with OS.nb.extra when creating OS.nbh but for the life of me I can not find the thread.
5) Boot.rgu - I read that I need to extract this from the original ROM. I used XIP extractor (as suggested in the thread I read) but all it does is give me an XIP file (which I have no idea what to do with). I read threads on XIP but it seems like the newer tools already have this step baked in? In any event, how the heck do I extract Boot.rgu?
6) Lastly, I patched together what info I could and did what I believed to be the correct steps and have sucessfuly been able to build a custom ROM and flash with it. The ONLY problem I seem to be having is that when I go to Settings-->Phone to change ringers, it will not let me exit. I tap the 'x' and nothing. I have to tap Start-->Today and when I go back, my changes have not been saved.
For #6 above, I believe the problem is with the Ring Tone setting. By pressing "x", the Ring Tone keep switching back to its default tone. If I tap Start-->Today to exit, all the setting will save correctly EXCEPT Ring Tone. Also, if I use Sounds and Notifications, same symptom. Everything saves correctly but the screen simply switches back to the the default Ring Tone and will not save or exit.
For #4 above, I figured out what to do with OS.nb.extra. Lack of sleep had me mis-reading some instructions.
For #3 above, I downloaded TFAT_Image_Editor and looked inside the ExtraROM.nb -- everyting makes A LOT more sense now about the file. Great tool for editing the ExtraROM.nb file!


New tool : Extended ROM manager

Hi - first major post so bear with me!
After 'cookin' my own extended ROM a few times, I realised that harvesting the various CABs was only the first step - I then had to trawl this (fabulously informative) forum (and wiki) and identify each CAB to see if I actually wanted it in this particular ROM – sometimes I’d find a picture (really helps), and sometimes not, either way I would always forget what something was and have to re-find it.
So I wrote a utility to help me - and I'm sharing with everybody else 'cos that's just the kinda guy I am. XtendROM scans a folder (I’m old-school so I still call ‘em directories, but I’m trying to speak windoze here) and treats that folder as the ‘library’ – it is from there one can select which CABs you want to include. I’ve set things up for the Himalaya (I have an XDAII) so the default extended ROM size is 64Mb, although it only warns you if you go over that.
The principal is simple - deliberately so. Information on the CAB files is stored in TXT files and the preview images are stored as GIFs, BMPs or JPGs (always the same name as the CAB file, with an extra file-extension). I’m thinking that we could post TXTs/images and maybe even CABs in this thread, thereby making cooking a ROM as easy as downloading the CAB/TXT/image, saving it to the ‘library’ and choosing it for your ROM.
Drag & drop should work (to some extent at least) and the ROM files can be moved up/down in the config.txt file easily enough – after all I made this for my own use and getting the information from the web-pages is sometimes the trickiest part. I’ve recently added an option to copy the selected CAB files into a separate folder, this way I can easily copy the new files into the new ROM without having to search manually (computers ARE here to make life easier – allegedly).
Um, I think that’s about it – consider this a first-release so I’ve undoubtedly missed stuff, and I’m pretty sure I’ve forgotten to save some settings into the registry (I’ve had to get on with some real work, but this version works okay – mostly). Of course, if this utility kills your system, turns into potted-plants or does anything else I’m not expecting then you’re on your own – if you have doubts then don’t use it, I ain’t getting sued just for sharing my stuff.
I'll be adding some TXTs/images/CABs here myself at some point - I'm just too busy with other stuff at the moment (patience, I'm told, is a virtue).
Any problems, comments, questions or thoughts then please post here – knowledge is a thing best shared.
:edit: - I forgot to mention above, but when a file is copied the file-extension is automatically checked and the approriate command inserted into the CONFIG.TXT - for example, copying a .EXE file will default to 'EXEC', whereas a .TXT file would generate a CPY1/CPY2 command (to copy into \Windows).
- StarFux -
Excellent, let's me try and I will post my feedback later.
Thank a lot.
cool program.... downloading now...
No further comments?
Just checkin'-in... so, no feedback? Must be just that good then ...
Thank you krab.. Let's me try..
Some TXT files to get things started
Attached are some TXT descriptions from xda-developers - the zip-files are named according to the username of the person who wrote the text (all credit to them, not me) - I've just compiled the data into a format that XtendROM will make use of. - from - from
Just unzip into your chosen library folder.
S'all - have fun.
besides of having one error on my first run .. just forgot wat it is .. i think you've done a greate job .. now its much easier to create config.txt and to avoid .. further error if i created it in notepad .. btw tnx for the tool m8 ..
...very nice looking tool )))
What a great application
Thanks for sharing
Now maybe we can create all huddle together and create a central library for all known extended ROMs so we can cook our own ExtROM
Thanks for all the positive feedback! - I'm working on some tweaks to cope with creating compressed ROMs at the moment (thanks to some great feedback) - I'll post here when I've sussed it
Thanks again!
Giving up
Hi all - well excessive demands on my time from work & home have meant I've been unable to tinker with my util, so I'm giving-up trying to find time and have decided to sleep more instead.
If anybody else wants to play with it (it's written in Delphi 7 & uses a few libraries but could be played with), then PM me and I'll send you the source so that you may continue development (if desired).
Hope everybody continues to enjoy the util anyway - L8rz.

System files moving not permitted

Hi to everyone.
Before this HTC device I had others and also had a Motorola Mpx220 (WM2003 SE).
I was used to move the files within "\Windows\Start Menu" (mostly .lnk files to installed programs) into newly created subfolders, to be able to use and/or access the function I needed in a faster way.
I've tried doing the same on this WM5 device, but everytime I try I get an error message reporting it is not possible (File Explorer has greyed out options to cut and/or copy, while TotalCommander just reports it's not possible to "overwrite" ???).
Does anyone have an idea of how this can be done (registry ???) ?
Thank you.
Here is the solution...
Hi Mix, it's Mix answering (yes, I'm the same person...)...
First of all I would like to thank you ALL the people which knew the solution and were fighting to answer to my doubt...
You were so many, I wonder why the message has been read times and so many answers arrived: 0 (yes, ZERO).
Anyway, I came across the solution myself, by chance...
The problems seems being the smartphone versions of WM5 being protected against file modifications. This protection extends also to some files execution and to certificate installations (hence some problems may arise when connecting to an Exchange Server for syncronization).
Some tools are needed to remove this protection, and some experience of registry modification is required too (I will not help anyone beside what is in this message and I take no responsability for any mistakes and/or troubles you may produce or face).
First of all you need a special version of RegEdit (the tool from PHM): you should find an HTC digitally signed copy of it called RegEditSTG.exe.
Look around for it: there are many forums around which do hold a copy of it.
Place it in your phone's memory, not on the MicroSD card...
With this tool you should change the following values:
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001001 = 2 => 1 (RAPI)
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001005 = 16 => 40 (Cert)
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001017 = 128 => 144 (?)
The first is the value you will find, the second is the value you should enter. The third line has a question mark because someone says it should be made, someone not... It's up to you. I made it.
Then you should find another tool (with the same above method) called SDA_ApplicationUnlock.exe which has to be run on your desktop PC with the phone already connected with USB (and possibly with ActiveSync not in the middle of a sync...).
Once you run this, you will get a message that the unlock took place (if not, it may be the first operations did not complete well).
Disconnect your phone from the USB cable and power cycle it (switch it off and then on again).
Opla'... the phone is not APPLICATION UNLOCKED and you will be able to move file around the directories as I was looking to when I first posted my message.
Now I have a very quick Start Menu, as I wanted.
Please, be aware that this operation hacks the security policies of WM5 and then any other application which may be dangerous can now run on your phone.
If you wish to stay on the safe side, it could be useful to restore the registry settings to their original values, but I do not know if this could cause other problems, since I didn't on my phone.
I actually double check every single file by myself before launching it and I do not run anything which I'm not sure it is safe.
So, pay attention... (you have been warned...).
Hope this helps someone else out there.
Thanks for the tips mate! I was searching around for the same problem.
Can a hard reset put all the files back as in the old WM2003? I'm asking that 'cause if you look at the windows directory, many exe and dll files are repeated, with a different code. I guessed they are for the many different languages the phone support and the code is the country code. Maybe when you switch from one language to another those files are renamed so you have the correct exe and dll for the language you need...
If I can erase all the files I don't need (I will never change the language or maybe have only italian and english) I can save lot of space.
Am I wrong? Was that ever tried before?
vbi said:
Thanks for the tips mate! I was searching around for the same problem.
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;-) I knew...
Can a hard reset put all the files back as in the old WM2003? I'm asking that 'cause if you look at the windows directory, many exe and dll files are repeated, with a different code. I guessed they are for the many different languages the phone support and the code is the country code. Maybe when you switch from one language to another those files are renamed so you have the correct exe and dll for the language you need...
If I can erase all the files I don't need (I will never change the language or maybe have only italian and english) I can save lot of space.
Am I wrong? Was that ever tried before?
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In order:
- Yes, I suppose a hard reset of the device completely restores the original factory settings, hence, the device will appear as "brand new".
- You're right: all the localized files present there are just to be able to swithc to other languages (maybe following user's settings and maybe also following user's SIM settings too...).
- Erasing the unused files may appear as a "space saving" job. It is not. First of all you will not be able to remove ROM resident files, but provided you could be able to do this, you will not be able to use ROM space as you intend...
Finally then, it's completely unuseful to try to remove them, just a waste of time trying...
Thanks Michele.
Are you sure the windows directory is in ROM?
I always tought ROM was only to store the "disk" image when you hard reset the device. I was so for the Qtek S100.
vbi said:
Are you sure the windows directory is in ROM?
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Yes it is. On the fact that it is then copied into RAM, well, this is a tecnique which was used up to WM2003 SE devices.
Starting from WM5 devices MS somewhat changed the behaviour of the whole system, hence I'm not then so sure.
Indeed, I have never been sure of anything, beside death, so you can imagine...
I'm not really so "expert".
Having used an MPx220 for over one year (with all its limitations, but exploiting it very much), using a WM5 device now is a much more relaxed experience (faster, more realiable and less troubly in terms of memory).
Just MHO
Thanks Mix - i followed your directions and it worked.
Got my QTEK (running i-Mate ROM) Application Unlocked

Divining application registrations

Hey guys:
Quick question. I've got a bunch of apps registered on my phone. Every time I flash a new ROM I need to reenter all of those serial numbers. I was looking at the UC customization threads to see if maybe I could just create a provisioning XML to create the appropriate registry entries automatically. Problem is don't think all the apps store their registration information in the registry.
So a couple questions:
1. I've found a good way to see registry changes (and thus figure out which keys I need to update), but I can't find the equivalent for the file system. Is there a tool that can take a snapshot of the file system on the phone, and then show diffs of the current file system with that snapshot? (That way I could figure out the additional files I'd need to copy over to make apps think they're registered.)
2. Is there another mechanism, other than registry and file system, that apps use to set themselves as registered? I couldn't think of anything... but then I'm hardly a hacker. (Even though... and correct me if I'm wrong... this is not technically hacking -- the serials are valid, I just don't want to reenter 10 of them every time I flash)
3. (And this probably belongs more in the UC thread): for some reason my provisionining file has no effect whatsoever. I've verified syntactical correctness of the file, and that cabarc can successfully create a CAB out of it. I've verified that the file is "installed" during the customization step. Yet, after a reset I see none of the changes specified in the provisionining xml. Any idea how I can debug this? Is there a log file that the config program leaves somewhere?

[TUT] Easy steps to make Rogers/Fido Call Display works + List of ROMs for CANADIANS.

Update 2009/04/12
Here is a working cab to enable "Rogers/Fido Call Display" by Captain_Throwback. This cab has been tested and proven to work with many ROMs. I've personally tested it on "Energy" and "RoMEOs" ROMs and it work like a miracle. A big bravo to you, Captain
The QUICK/EASY method on Post #14 only work for ELITE RC2 (cab file included)
----------ROMs that work for Raphael----------
NATF's v4
Lantis OS 21009 AKU 1.5.0 v3.00
RRE Canadian 4.1
PROven ROM 1.12
Elite RC3 will include this option
For Da_G ROM and Shipped ROM, you simply have to replace the dll file
----------This is how you do it, for chefs----------
After 33 hours straight non-sleep, and plenty of pm to Da_G and NATF, I can proudly say that we've found the perfect answer for this problem
and finally we can put an end to this question "how to make Rogers/Fido Call display to work?"
I've tested this and believe that this solutions may work for any ROM. So far I've tested with 2 of NATF's ROMs, but I need someone to test
this on Kaiser and other device as well. You don't need to used a Shipped ROM, but you can apply these step to any of your favorite ROM.
2 simple steps in summary:
First you need to cook rilphone.dll file into your ROM in the folder /OEM/OEMDrivers/
Second, you need to change the file that setup all the registry key to your device when you flash
For Fuze (may be different for Kaiser), this is the file: /OEM/OEMDrivers/de3f3189-9f71-4162-9f26-39393dcc8c94.rgu
(I attach the original file from Da_G's clean ROM)You can either just replace this file or simply go in the file and Make
sure that all lines related to these regs are the same as the one I've posted here (took from Da_G's ROM)
POST #12 includes all registry lines that I've modified
The Files are attached.
----------How to cook rilphone.dll into your favorite ROM, from Da_G's words----------
[B][COLOR="Indigo"]-=01=-[/COLOR][/B] Download a ROM Kitchen for your device, for Fuze is RaphaelKitchen
[B][COLOR="Indigo"]-=02=-[/COLOR][/B] Extract Kitchen
[B][COLOR="Indigo"]-=03=-[/COLOR][/B] Copy your favorite ROM *.nbh file into \BaseROM\ folder (from extracted Kitchen)
[B][COLOR="Indigo"]-=04=-[/COLOR][/B] Rename your *.nbh file to RUU_Signed.nbh
[B][COLOR="Indigo"]-=05=-[/COLOR][/B] Launch "RaphaelKitchen.CMD" from *Kitchen\ folder
[B][COLOR="Indigo"]-=06=-[/COLOR][/B] choose "e" for extract, then "a" for from BaseROM "RUU_Signed.nbh
(if everything work so far, your dos should be running on it own now)
[B][COLOR="Indigo"]-=07=-[/COLOR][/B] When it's done, check if you have these three main Folders
(make sure they are not empty or only have 1 sub folder. if this is the case,
then your favorite ROM is protected... ask the cook nicely to share with you
those 3 folders)
[B][COLOR="Indigo"]-=08=-[/COLOR][/B] replace these 3 files into /OEM/OEMDrivers/
[COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="2"]It's recommended that you modify the *.rgu file instead of replacing it for a moded ROM,
because of all the tweaks chefs have added.)
For list of registries that I've changed in the *.rgu file, [URL=""]READ POST #12[/URL][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[B][COLOR="Indigo"]-=09=-[/COLOR][/B] Launch "RaphaelKitchen.CMD" from *Kitchen\ folder again
[B][COLOR="Indigo"]-=10=-[/COLOR][/B] chose "cf" for cook and flash a ROM, then "b" for "if you want to use the
new BuildOS+Package..."
[B][COLOR="Indigo"]-=11=-[/COLOR][/B] Ervius Package _tool+BuildOS windows will launch, choose "BuilOS" tab
[B][COLOR="Indigo"]-=12=-[/COLOR][/B] click on "Load ROM", now choose your Kitchen/ Folder where you have
OEM/ROM/SYS folder, then click ok
[B][COLOR="Indigo"]-=13=-[/COLOR][/B] Click on RUN, once it finished loading the ROM. When you see the
word "Done" Close Ervius by clicking on the "X" button
(your DOS will run again, and ask you to press any key to start... Press
the "any key" :p )
[B][COLOR="Indigo"]-=14=-[/COLOR][/B] While it's running, it will open a tables with a bunch of numbers that
you don't understand
(it's checking the memory)... just close it by clicking on the "x" button.
(your Dos will run again, till you get your favorite Flash Window come up...
from here, you're on your own)
Don't forget to HardSPL your device before FLashing your device.
Let us know if this method work for you.
I'm also inviting all the Chefs to join the fun and provide us a Canadian version.
This tweak isn't perfect, but took me a while to make Rogers/Fido Display work. However I wouldn't be able to get this far without the helps of Da_G, NATF, trueg and a bunch of other people that I've bugged.
At least give some credits to those who have spent so much time to make this finally happened. Like Da_G said, a donation isn't required, but always appreciated.
Also, thank nitroblu and y2whisper and other Canadian users who has tested and post their results
There were many bounty offering for this discovery, but none of them keep their words... so disappointed... anyway
----------Found issues----------
1- Does not work while MSVC phone notification is activate.
2- May have issues with QuickGPS (not yet confirmed)
3- It froze my device every-time I run it with spb Wireless (need confirmation)
Can any Mod Change the topic of this one to "[Tut]First step to Canadian ROM, Rogers/Fido Display on your Fuze"
Click edit on the first post, then click advanced edit, you can change the topic from there
Da_G said:
Click edit on the first post, then click advanced edit, you can change the topic from there
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Thank you... Now, I'll leave the Rom Cooking to the real Chef... I'm going to bed
so happy now
Hi pandaboyy,
Thanks for doing all the hard work. I am in Toronto and use Rogers and ever since I got my Tilt2 earlier this year I have been missing the name display. I just got my Fuze from the states today and installed NATF v3.2 rom. I look forward to having name display working again.
Just one question: any way to put this in a cab or build it into NAFT roms?
Thanks again.
talonrob said:
Hi pandaboyy,
Thanks for doing all the hard work. I am in Toronto and use Rogers and ever since I got my Tilt2 earlier this year I have been missing the name display. I just got my Fuze from the states today and installed NATF v3.2 rom. I look forward to having name display working again.
Just one question: any way to put this in a cab or build it into NAFT roms?
Thanks again.
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Hey Rob,
I was about going to TO today to celebrate New Year Eve, but since I didn't sleep I got lazy out and drop the plan (true story). I don't think a cab would do the job. Da_G did explain it, but trust me, I still don't understand why
Da_G said:
Yes, the reason my method does not work is because the rilphone.dll is not signed with a trusted certificate as I stated..
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And since I'm far from a chef, I really don't know how to cook a cab sorry.
However, try the cooking process that I mentioned in the first post. It's as easy as 1-2-3 and it's fun to start understand a little bit how your device work. Once you open the "de3f3189-9f71-4162-9f26-39393dcc8c94.rgu" file, you'll see that's the whole reg setting of your device. This may helps in the future, because you can actually customize your ROM so that whenever you re-flash it, your reg is already added.
Just try the Kitchen_Raphael (it's small and very easy). It'll take you about 15min to do the whole thing... with NAFT's permission, I'll try to release v3.2 with Rogers display. However, here is a good news for you; NATF is trying to release the first Canadian ROM very soon
Help me to Help you
I was trying change the entry in de3f3189-9f71-4162-9f26-39393dcc8c94.rgu file instead of replacing it to keep all the Tweaks that NATF has done. However, I come up with this error when I tried to build the ROM
"Error building default.hv and user.hv! (see "BuildOS-log.TXT")
I take a look at the file again, and I don't see any important different except for the file properties (ignore the size). Look at the image. The working file is hidden and the hidden option is disable. The non-working file is hidden, but not disable
how do I change make the file hidden and disable the option? I know that DOS can do it, but I just don't know the command.
EDIT---------------------- Solved the problem, but still want to know how to disable Hidden option-----------------------
Ok, I've read several post around the forum, and quite honestly, it didn't help much.
so I did a trial and error... If you want to edit your the de3f3189-9f71-4162-9f26-39393dcc8c94.rgu instead of replacing it, Don't overwrite the file.
1- After you finish to edit save it with another name eg: de3f3189-9f71-4162-9f26-39393dcc8c94_test.rgu.
2- Delete the original file (or move it somewhere else to be sure)
3- Rename your test file to the original name: de3f3189-9f71-4162-9f26-39393dcc8c94.rgu
4- Right click on the file, Properties then make it Hidden
(You may find this funny, but this is my amateur way)
monx said:
that file has system attributes. run this from command prompt to remove all attributes & locked attributes.
attrib -s -h -r -a filename.ext
your rgu file must hv unicode encoding, REGEDIT4 in line 1 & blank space on last line to avoid rgucomp error.
Hope this helps.
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You mean
attrib +s +h +a filename.ext
then leave 1 empty line on the last line... do I have to add 1 space as well?
Just has to end with a blank line, rather than ending with a registry entry
Da_G said:
Just has to end with a blank line, rather than ending with a registry entry
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Cool, thanks
Ok, I have successfully change the rgu file. It's one of these Lines, but I don't know which yet and I have no energy today to test 1 by 1 again... so if you can test it for me it would be great
Here are the lines that I've changed to make Call display work
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL] ; for HTCmaskW1
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL] ;for A5/2, A5/3
"En52"=dword:1 ; A5/2
"En53"=dword:1 ; A5/3
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL] ;for remove RX Diversity
"RMRXDiv"=dword:0 ; Enable
"DisableAutoPickupAtSilentMode"=dword:1 ;disable by default
add ---> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\RIL\APIInfo\69]
"Timeout"=dword:7918 ; 31 sec.
"Timeout"=dword:1D4C0 ; 120 sec.
"Timeout"=dword:1D4C0 ; 120 sec.
"CalltypeDLL"=" PTTCalltypeCallback.dll" ; DLL containing the callback routine
"0000100c"=dword:800 ;Service Loading (SL) Message Policy
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\OEM\RIL\OperatorContexts\20801] ;Orange FR
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\OEM\RIL\OperatorContexts\20810] ;SFR (Voda FR)
Perhaps someone can pick this up for me since I'm not much of a registry guy.
Here is a weird thing that I found about this Tweak
When someone call, the ID will display and all... However, in Call history, it will only display the caller Name if it's a missed call. If you answer it, then it won't show the name ID in call history, but only the number... I'm testing it with FuzeBerry v6 theme. Can anyone confirm this?
and if you know how to fix this, it would be great
Ok, for this tutorial, I deserved a kiss
you all know how I didn't sleep for 2 days just to find what needed to be done to make it work. Now after my 10hr sleep and a bunch of parties for new years, I finally found a way to do this without cooking anything. I need someone to test it for me thou. I've tested on NATF's and Elite's ROM and it works. If this work, a thank you would do.
The Basic:
The Main idea to make this work is to replace the rilphone.dll file and add some registry into it, like I was explained in the first post. Some people claimed that those files need to be cooked in, well, you don't however, you can't just replace rilphone.dll it just doesn't work that way. But I found a way
So How to do it?
1- Download file from this post
2- Extract the file and you'll find
3- Copy rilphone2.dll into your Device in \Windows\ folder
4- Copy rilphone.reg anywhere
5- Importe rilphone.reg to your registry (I used resco registry to do this)
6- Change this registry from your device
7- reboot
8- copy rilphone.dll into your device \Windows\ folder
9- Change the registry back to
10- Soft Reset
11- Delete rilphone2.dll
12- Soft Reset
13- Give me a hug
***Please report which ROM have you tried this method with and if it works or not***
Ok, so it doesn't work for every ROM. It worked with Elite RC2, thou... I'll give it more tries tonight. Stay Tune
If you want to try this process, please make backup of rilphone.dll first
And please try to put step 5 at the end.
Instead of trying all this, try the cab on post #26... if it doesn't work, just uninstall it. Backup rilphone.dll first. Worst case, just do a hard reset.
--------ROM tested with cab-------
- Elite RC2 -> Work
- Proven 1.08 -> did not work
- Romeo -> did not work
-------- I'm sick of flashing and hard reset, so I'll stop here. If you're already on other ROM. let me know.
Good to see you we're able to get this working.
I didn't modify any part of the RGU file in OEMDrivers, so I'm just gonna drop the new DLL and the RGU/DSM you provided here into my v4.0 kitchen.
NotATreoFan said:
Good to see you we're able to get this working.
I didn't modify any part of the RGU file in OEMDrivers, so I'm just gonna drop the new DLL and the RGU/DSM you provided here into my v4.0 kitchen.
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Ya, it should work... however, can you check if the RGU/DSM file didn't affect QuickGPS? I didn't make any change there, but just check for sure.
Finally, I can sleep with ease now...
My next wish, somebody make a cab or 2 to make my previous post easier
Only problem with non-cook method will be, if target ROM is not cert patched, or doesn't have certificate loaded from rilphone.dll signature it will refuse to load rilphone.dll due to not being signed with a trusted cert..
hey pandaboy,
tried this on my fuze but didn't work, (using proven rom right now) my wireless radio stops working after. i even tried starting over by deleting your rilphone.dll file and softresetting to get my phone working and did the steps again. no go.
Same, my radio is not working now either. Is there anyway to get my radio back?
just delete the rilphone.dll file from your windows directory and perform a soft reset
y2whisper said:
just delete the rilphone.dll file from your windows directory and perform a soft reset
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Click to collapse
When i try to delete it it says cannot delete the file.

Flashing for Raphael CDMA aka Herman

My wife recently got a Sprint Touch Pro, and considering the flashing junkie that I am (and how much I hate stock roms), the first thing I did was to jump in here to see what could be done about it. Much to my surprise, it seems that XDA-Devs has very little information regarding the HTC Herman variants (Sprint, Verizon, Alltel, etc.) since most of the development for the Raphael is being done for the GSM version only. There are a few scattered threads about this but I figured that a sticky (and a Wiki update) will not hurt the site and as an added bonus, it will help the noobs (and some Seniors too ).
I found most of this information in, so feel free to lurk around that forum as well since it is packed with useful information.
Instructions are the same as with the GSM models, only inverted. In other words, [highlight]IF YOU FLASH THIS ON A NON-CDMA PHONE, YOU WILL BRICK IT. NO QUESTIONS ASKED.[/highlight]
I am not responsible if you brick, damage, or affect the functionality of your phone in any way, shape, or form. Do this under your own discretion...
And as usual, when in doubt...READ!!!!
Edit: You will need a software to unzip the files (Winzip, Winrar, 7-zip, etc). It has been reported that the Vista file decompressor (or something like that) will associate this package with Adobe reader, making it difficult to open it...
Edit 2: If you are flashing for MetroPCS, please follow this amazing guide that dreynam2 has put together!!!
Here goes:
Step 1: HardSPL Unlocking!
Again, all this information can be found in (original thread here). I just wanted to make it available to people at this site. Thanks to cmonex and the full CDMA Raphael Elite Team!
UPDATE: VZW SPL posted. (there will be an all-in-one unlocker later, but until then please read the instructions and decide which file is for your device.)
CDMA Raphael Elite Team (see: presents exclusive Touch Pro CDMA Hard-SPL to you!
SSPL, HSPL, relocker made by cmonex, Wrappers by olinex, SD flasher and relocker (coming soon) by no2chem. thanks to NexVision (btw I'm really sorry), zule/Shadowmite and no2chem for testing!!!
there are three HSPL's now (for the non-verizon ones it is a similar scene to Diamond_C).
1. 0.25.MFG for Sprint/Alltel/Telus/Bell, for hackers only, because otherwise, it is too old, apparently has splashscreen issues and only 128MB ram. but it has mw, it has rtask, etc. etc.
2. 0.37 for Sprint/Alltel/Telus/Bell, for other people, this has no screen issues but no MFG commands.
3. 0.35 for Verizon touch pro's ONLY.
first, if you have GSM Touch Pro/Raphael (NOT CDMA, NOT SPRINT/VERIZON/ALLTEL/TELUS/BELL), this will brick your device.
to download a compatible hardspl package for gsm touch pro you can go to
but if you have CDMA Touch Pro/Raphael, then you have to use this hardspl, not the one at xda-developers!!!
preparations before flash:
1) make sure you have .NET framework installed on your PC! if not, get it from
2) if you have vista, WMDC update is recommended:
3) now decide which Hard-SPL you want to flash. if you have Verizon, flash VZW package (from verizon attachment). if you have Sprint, Telus or Alltel or Bell, flash default package (
1) download Hard-SPL package from attachment, extract to an empty folder.
2) you must Have Phone Synced with PC in Windows Mobile!
3) run HardSPL exe that you downloaded before.
4) follow steps in the RUU, and check on the device for prompts after PC shows loading bar.
5) it should go to tricolour screen now and say 0.25.C-SSPL or for Verizon devices it should say 0.35-C-SSPL.
6) SPL flashes, device automatically reboots, job done.
7) to confirm you got it installed, go into bootloader mode (tricolour screen!) and verify the screen shows 0.35.CMONEX or 0.37.CMONEX (or 0.25.CMONEX MFG).
NOTE: you will not see the SPL version during normal boot, that is the OS version, not SPL!
to enter bootloader mode to see version: with the device turned on, press and hold the volume down button along with the power button, then press the reset button with the stylus tip, then release the volume down and power buttons when bootloader tricolour screen appears.
NOTE 2: anyone having problems with the device entering SSPL automatically, please copy SSPLManual.exe from the attachment to the device and run it. then once the screen is in SSPL, run RUU manually. i.e. you run the RUU on the PC, if it isn't obvious.
make sure to get SSPL-Manual specifically for Verizon phones from the verizon package.
NOTE 3: this is unsigned Hard-SPL. no limitations on flashing ROMs or radio packages. also, this has overwrite protection, if someone needs to revert to stock SPL for warranty reasons, a stock SPL downgrade package is also available here.
NOTE 4: do not use this RUU to flash anything else! this is only intended for flashing the Hard-SPL.
NOTE 5: use Relocker *only* if you need to return the phone for warranty. only use it as last step - after reflashing stock OS and radio. Default relocker is for Sprint etc, Raphael_CDMA_VZW_Relocker in the verizon package is for Verizon touch pro's.
[highlight]EDIT: I tried on multiple occasions to upload the Verizon unlocker to this thread, but the system keeps on refusing it again and again (main reason why I had a link to the original site). Go to the PPCGeeks site and get the unlocker from there (alternatively, this was provide by psouza. Thanks!)[/highlight]
Step 2: Choosing the ROM that Fits Your Style
Congratulations! If you are reading Step 2, that means that you successfully unlocked your phone (or are about to make a no-no). Make sure that your phone is HardSPL unlocked or else you will not be able to flash.
Taste is a matter of personal choice. As I stated in my previous post, most of the development for this phone is being done at PPCGeeks, and since posting every Rom thread in here would be time consuming (and possibly useless), I am giving you this link to all the custom ROMS.
Which one is best you ask? Again, a matter of personal choice. Some roms are feature packed, whereas others are light and fast. Really up to you...
Link to Roms
Step 3: Flashing Your New ROM!
Well, Step 3, that means that you chose a ROM and are ready to get down and dirty with your device (and about to kiss that ugly stock rom good bye). As with the flashing of any device, make sure that:
a. Your device has battery of 50% or more, else you might end up with a half flashed brick.
b. You have ActiveSync/Device Central in your PC.
c. That you read the steps below over and over and over again until you can repeat them in your sleep.
[highlight]Make sure to follow every single step down to the T. I cannot stress this enough.[/highlight]
How to Flash Via PC: the attachment
2.unzip to your desktop
3.then in the newly created RUU directory add the rom of your choice - (copy the RUU_Signed.nbh to desktop\RUU)
4.Place phone in bootloader mode (power button while holding volume down button) the ROMUpdateUtility.exe
6.follow the RUU on screen instructions from there
If that fails please trying these directions (thanks sn0b0ard)
1. Establish active sync connection (this is the most important step).
2. Copy the RUU_signed.nbh into the RUU folder.
3. Run ROMUpdateUtility.exe and follow the steps on screen to flash ROM.
4. Once the phone reboots, go through Windows Mobile setup and let it finish.
5. Perform a hard reset (hold power, volume down, and center d-pad).
6. Complete the Windows Mobile setup and start using your new ROM!
Flash from microSD Card (Thanks to MadlyAlive):
1. Make sure you backup anything that is necessary to your day to day operations! At a minimum, please perform an ActiveSync to Outlook or your Exchange server prior to flashing!
2. Rename the custom ROM NBH file from RUU_Signed.nbh to RAPHIMG.nbh
3. Copy RAPHIMG.nbh to the root of your microSD Card.
4. Hold the Volume Down and Power button simultaneously. While you're still holding those 2 buttons, press the reset button with your stylus.
5. When your Touch Pro tells you to do so, press the power button to begin the flash process. If you do not get the message to press the power button to flash, there is a mistake in the name of the NBH file or you do not have the file at the root of your microSD card.
6. When flashing is complete, perform a soft reset.
Step 4: Tweaks, Tweaks, and Tweaks!! (Part 1)
Step 4!!! Wow, you must feel in cloud 9 right now! You successfully got rid of that stock rom (without making a $700 paperweight) and are ready to tweak your device to your own liking! Here are some tips and tweaks that I found over at PPCGeek (Original thread) Thanks Baffles!!
Note:Go to the original thread for all the cabs.
Tweaks and Fixes:
If your device is showing you random issues, such as speaker/ear piece being crappy out of the box, do a hard reset. Some have reported this simple task has solved their problems. You can do this one of two ways: either select clear storage from the system tab in settings (Start->Settings), or power off the device, hold volume down and OK, and hit the power button.
If your data isn't working, try this.
Disable SMS Sent Notification: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settin gs] Set SMSNoSentMsg to 1
Install the Picture Mail enhancement from Sprint - run PIE, and click "Click here to check for new updates." (if you changed your homepage, go to Sprint PowerDeck from favorites) Then download and install the cab file listed. This will have to be done after every hard reset. Still seems picmail doesn't like to work right, though.
Install new Audiopara for louder volume
Enable/Disable mute call when phone is flipped over - [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\PHONE] Set FaceDownMuteRing=1 to enable, or =0 to disable. Source
You can make your phone stop making noise when you enable/disable the radio. Edit [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\PhoneExtendFunction \CDMA\FlightModeOnOff] and change Sound_on and Sound_off to desired sound, or blank for no sound. source.
Issues with answering your phone when a data connection is open (answer buttons don't do anything)? Looks like a tweak messes up a registry key that affects this. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Planner\Settings], make sure SuspendResume is set to #777 (not anything containing GPRS). This issue seems to be related to Advanced Config. source
Added 1/7/09:
Enable wake up on SMS - you can do this via DiamondTweak (possibly advanced config too), or [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL] DisableSMSWakeUpEvent=0 (to enable waking up). source
Set up Visual Voicemail on Sprint. More info here. THIS IS VERY YMMV.
This hack no longer needed on the latest version of WMWifiRouter - Disable temperature sensing in WMWifiRouter to get it to allow you to connect. Options->Configuration->Battery->Next->Next->Next->Select "Disable temperature detection"->Next. There is a bug, at least in my version, that shows "Enable temperature detection twice" however selecting the second one disables it.
Hack Internet Sharing to work: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing] Delete Extension key, set/create MaxCMCon=0 (decimal). [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing\settings] Set ForceCellConnection="Sprint" -- Cabified Version Here
Change "Reply All" in poutlook back to "Reply" - [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\BootLauncher\Servic es\OutlookEnhancement], set module to an empty string. TO revert, set module to "\\windows\\OutlookEnhancement.dll"
Information here on GeoTagging/Automatic uploading of photos using Shozu.
Change useragent in Opera Mobile to view full websites instead of mobile versions. Info here.
If you have issues with Gmail/IMAP and sending emails, Official fix here, or read this post
Make Pocket IE your default browser. How to here.
Skyfire now "works" on Touch Pro. It is not a real VGA version, just QVGA stretched up, so however crappy it may look it is the best flash solution for now.
New Opera Mobile from Touch HD here - May or may not perform better, some reports of issues/graphical glitches/etc.
Increase the maximum number of tabs in Opera - Close Opera and edit \Windows\Opera9\opera.ini and change the Max Allowed Tabs to the right number. thanks mclaser
Added 1/7/09:
Set Opera to be your default browser for all items. source
TouchFlo 3D / Manilla 3D
Add your city to the weather tab. Follow these directions making sure to use the modified copy of version 1.1 of the specified editor.
A better way - Install the cab from here and it will add all cities to the list for you, so you can just hit Add Location and find yours! Updated 1/8/09
Install flip clock if you want it. instructions here
Get some wallpapers
Wallpaper on every tab, transparent clocks and curtains. More info here
Optimize your music tab by removing the music store logo. Some Touch Pro specific directions.
Information on how to remove sprint Manila3D customizations and get an HTC Stock configuration here
Rename your tabs in Manilla3D. Tutorial and instructions here.
Remap Manilla3D to use Pocket Informant instead of the built in calendar. Complete information here
Increase TouchFlo's sensitivity, so you don't have to push as hard to scroll. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\OEM\TFLOSettings] increase FingerPressure. Default is 16. I am having good luck on 128, I may raise it higher. Higher = more sensitive, lower = less sensitive.
Touch Pro Cleanup by GoodThings2Life - read this/download one of the cabs to automatically apply a specific set of tweaks/mods.
Action screen changes, customizable through registry edits. More here
Change the soft keys on the home screen. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\Manila], change HomeLSKPath and HomeRSKPath. HomeLSKText/HomeRSKText = the text. More info here.
Added 1/7/09:
Change software used by some TF3D entries with SSMaPa - This can be a complicated procedure. source
Boost TF3D Performance - increase file system cache to 8MB, file system filter cache to 131072, FAT cachesize to 32768 (you can do this with advanced config). source
Discussion about scrolling/tweaking of scrolling here
Revive the tab change animations! info, and source
Other Theming Topics
Custom Start Icon/Battery/Speaker/EV/1X Icons - UPDATED 1/7/09
Step 4: Tweaks, Tweaks, and Tweaks (part 2)
Get S2U2 to work: Make sure you install the VGA version, not the QVGA version. You can now use DirectDraw mode with the newer versions of S2U2. UPDATED 1/7/09
Get your battery icon with percentages here (old thread).
Battery/performance hacks if you're so inclined.
Turn it into your most expensive flashlight - Alternate program. Both work, nueLight v3.0 is what I personally use. UPDATED 1/7/09
Auto screen rotation with Gyrator 2, and Configure it to not rotate certain apps UPDATED 1/7/09
Fit more icons into your programs list with this tweak
If your text is too big, such as in text messaging, go to Start->Settings->System->Screen->Text Size and move the slider to the size of text you want. Alternatively, you can move your thumb in a circle around the OK button, similar to how you would use the click wheel on an ipod. This will adjust the font size too.
You can disable auto-wakeup when keyboard is opened.[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Hardware\DeviceMap\Keybd] Create new dword "SlideWakeup" with value of 0 and soft reset. To revert, delete the key or set it's data to 1. Source
Get Old School word correction back (same as was on Mogul, etc) - Latest Cab here - Older Information:Updated information here and here.
Disable start-up sound / change it - [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\HTCAnimation] Rename both 'StartupGif' and 'StartupWav' to new values, or leave blank to disable. Source
Increase your screen's sensitivity. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\TouchPanel] change PressureThreshold. Default is 37 Decimal, it is reported 240 decimal is a good new value for this. source
Added 1/7/09:
More Camera Modes! You can enable these in Diamond Tweak, there are options to enable Burst/Sport mode, videoshare mode, and increase resolution of sport/burst photos. source
Remove scrollbars: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GWE] change cyHScr to 0 to disable horizontal, and cxVScr to 0 to disable vertical bars. source
Enable sound effects for keyboard open/close, info here. source
PST Tweaks:
First thing you must do is get your MSL. I wrote an app to make this very easy for you, more info on it here. If you have problems getting your MSL, put your phone in flight mode and try again.
You can tweak your Slot Cycle Index (SCI) to make your phone poll the tower more often. This makes your texts and phone calls come through quicker. This setting is a trade off between lag (most noticeable when receiving calls) and battery life. The default value on our phones is 2. Every step of 1 adds 1.28 seconds to the poll time, so at a value of 2 it is only polling every 5 seconds or so. Most people lower this to 1, so the phone polls every 2.5 seconds. This won't affect battery life much in areas of good coverage, but may impact it noticeably if you're in a poor reception area. Your Access Overload Class (ACCOLC) determines your phone's priority on the cell tower. The higher the number, the lower the priority. Do note that 0 and 1 are reserved for emergency service uses, so DO NOT use these. You can ACCOLC's of 2-9, default on Sprint should be the last digit of your phone number.
Now that I've laid down the basic groundwork of the two main mods, here's how to change them. Don't mess with settings in here unless you know exactly what you're doing, as phone performance and usability will be affected. To enter programming mode, open your phone screen and dial ##778# (may be ##778 on some devices, if that doesn't work, run EPST.exe from \Windows). Click edit, type in your MSL, and hit OK. Now choose View Info in the lower left corner, and hit NAM settings. On this page you can change your ACCOLC (remember, don't use 0 or 1). Now, switch to the Modem Settings page to change your SCI (default is 2, valid values are 0-7). Now accept the changes and soft reset, and you're updated!
More information can be found here
Useful Downloads:
DiamondTweak - some tweak options do not work.
Advanced Config - claims to be fully compatible UPDATED 1/7/09
Total Commander
PHM Regedit
TF3D Config [not fully compatible with TP yet] - more info here
i-nigma - read QR codes. Any Windows Mobile apps I release from now on will also have a QR code for quick and easy OTA installation.
BAF MSL Grabber - Get your MSL quickly and painlessly.
List As Editor - My little utility for editing the 'List As' property of a contact manually.
Touch Pro Cleanup by GoodThings2Life - Clean up the stock ROM easily
PocketToolman 2 - includes features such as disabling scripts in PIE and other OS tweaks/tools.
esmertec Java JBed - set up for 3D and VGA. More info here.
Radio Utilitues - scripts by GoodThings2Life to give you shortcuts to turn on/off BT and Wifi.
POP/IMAP Send Mail patch - Microsoft issued patch that fixes issues with sending mail.
SecondToday - gives you a second today screen to allow you to use other today screen items in tandem with TouchFlo 3D.
.NET 3.5 - also, if you need them, debugging messages for .NET 3.5.
[color]Added 1/7/09:[/color]
Some popularly requested cabs
Another list of useful apps
Large collection of apps - all indexed and in one bundle.
Custom ROMs and Tools, Low Level Stuff:
Hard-SPL thanks to Raphael Elite Team
HTC Debug Tools
Touch Pro Cleanup by GoodThings2Life
How to remap hardware buttons
Stock Roms for CDMA
ElectronicRice's kitchen
And of course, your custom ROMs can be found in the upgrade sub-forums. CDMA Upgrades and GSM Upgrades
Added 1/7/09:
ATI D3D Drivers - The jury is still out on if these really do anything. Some discussion here. source
Omnia D3D Drivers - See info on ATI drivers above.
Flashing Instructions
WM6.1 20931 Kitchen, CDMA, GSM
New Radios! CDMA and GSM.
SRS WOW Audio Drivers - Jury is out on this one too.
Video Cables:
Buy from Expansys
Build using pzztgotbagz method
PPCGeeks Alternate Method
XDA Method
Discussion of accessories/sites to purchase accessories.
Fix your noisy battery cover if yours makes noise. - here .... mirror here
Discussion and Indexing of Touch Pro build dates and issues. Another thread here
Discussion on battery charging and heat issues.
Added 1/7/09:
Dye your battery cover!
Step 5: The "OH SH*T!!" Step. Stock Roms
Well, if you are in Step 5, that means that you have to go back to Stock rom for whatever reason. Worry not, the roms are readily available. Just go to
Here you will find all your Stocks for most carriers.
If you have to Relock the phone for warranty purposes, just use the relocker in the first post. Now, there is a trick to use this thing. If you want to relock and just run the exe with the phone connected, you will get an error.
[highlight]Flash back to original Shipped Rom and Radio BEFORE Relocking!!!!![/highlight]
*First, put the device in bootloader mode (Hold Vol Down +Power +Reset until you see the bootloader screen (multicolored). It will say Security Unlocked and a bunch of other numbers including (and this is key) 0.37 Olinex (or Monx, I can't remember right now)
*Now, run the exe in your computer. This process takes about 1-2 minutes at the most. The phone will reset after its done.
*To check if it worked, wait until it finishes rebooting and go to bootloader once more. If done correctly, it will still say "Security Unlocked" but it will say 0.37.0000 instead of what I wrote earlier in this post. You should be goof to go from this point on.
Stuck. Thank you for collecting all of this information!
You are awesome, I have helped alot of new people who have flashed GSM ROM's to their CDMA devices and this will help out alot! Even though I have a GSM Fuze, please let me know if I can help you with this in any way. It has been discouraging to see how the new people who have mistakenly flashed the wrong ROM to their phones have been treated and I know alot about phones GSM and CDMA and am also a member of PPC Geeks and have been for some time (not much posting mostly reading) my name there is dashmaster1000. So if you would like some help or just want me to gather and compile information I am more than willing to help you! Again thank you!
Cal-El said:
You are awesome, I have helped alot of new people who have flashed GSM ROM's to their CDMA devices and this will help out alot! Even though I have a GSM Fuze, please let me know if I can help you with this in any way. It has been discouraging to see how the new people who have mistakenly flashed the wrong ROM to their phones have been treated and I know alot about phones GSM and CDMA and am also a member of PPC Geeks and have been for some time (not much posting mostly reading) my name there is dashmaster1000. So if you would like some help or just want me to gather and compile information I am more than willing to help you! Again thank you!
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Thanks man! I have seen how you've helped people out (especially in the NRGZ roms since I am around there for the most part). I have asked NATF to cross post this sticky in the Raphael Rom Development as well, to prevent "accidents" from happening. In either case, if you do find some useful stuff that is not here, feel free to either pm me (I will update the posts) or simply add it to the thread yourself, whatever you prefer.
Once again, thanks for the praise
i need help. when i flash with the micro sd, all it does is take me to the tri-color screen that says "security unlocked" at the top
poisondminds said:
i need help. when i flash with the micro sd, all it does is take me to the tri-color screen that says "security unlocked" at the top
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Is there any particular reason why you cannot flash via USB? I am only asking simply because it is a far easier process.
Just follow the instructions of Step 3 and you should be ok. One thing to mention, [highlight]do not let go of the VolDown and Power Button when you see the bootloader. You have to hold them down since it will go to a white screen with a set of instructions in blue right after that. It is the same process as with a Hard Reset.[/highlight] Make sure that you did the HardSPL prior to flashing a rom. Good luck!
I'm brand new. Just got my Touch Pro a few days ago and have been lurking around a few forums to get myself aquinted with the options available for custom ROMS and proggies. Thanks for this comprehensive guide for all of us newbies!!!!!
kstephens98 said:
I'm brand new. Just got my Touch Pro a few days ago and have been lurking around a few forums to get myself aquinted with the options available for custom ROMS and proggies. Thanks for this comprehensive guide for all of us newbies!!!!!
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Not a prob. Enjoy!
Flashing Question
This may seem like a strange question but here goes...
I am considering flashing my Touch Pro and wonder if any one has tried doing it in Win XP Pro running under Parallels on a Mac? ActiveSync works fine so I know the communication between the two is fine. I really don't want to drag my old Win 2K machine out and upgrade the RAM and OS just to start playing around with different ROMs... but I don't want a $600 brick either.
Thanks to all in advance!
butchwhitt said:
This may seem like a strange question but here goes...
I am considering flashing my Touch Pro and wonder if any one has tried doing it in Win XP Pro running under Parallels on a Mac? ActiveSync works fine so I know the communication between the two is fine. I really don't want to drag my old Win 2K machine out and upgrade the RAM and OS just to start playing around with different ROMs... but I don't want a $600 brick either.
Thanks to all in advance!
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It has been tested, and it works great.
On a side note, once you get HardSPL on the phone, I suggest flashing from your SD card directly. Not only does it eliminate the need for ActiveSync, but it is also 2-3 time faster.
total noob
HI every1.. total noob here..I am considering flashing my USCellular TP...
I understand USCC is CDMA? Does it matter which rom i use? Does the rom have to specify USCellular er what ..
im clueless thanks in advance
It should not matter as long as it is a CDMA rom. What makes it carrier specific are certain apps that come with the original. However, you may want to check with the cook, just to be on the safe side. Good luck!
Good ROM for Verizon TP
I have a Verizon Touch Pro and am thinking about flashing. I am curious what is a good rom that is out there. I love the TF3D so I want it included with the ROM. Aside from that I don't really have any preferences (Super fast would be a plus). Thanks for any advice.
xguerox said:
I have a Verizon Touch Pro and am thinking about flashing. I am curious what is a good rom that is out there. I love the TF3D so I want it included with the ROM. Aside from that I don't really have any preferences (Super fast would be a plus). Thanks for any advice.
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Go to the link that I provided in Step 3 of my guide. Most of the available roms are in there. As far as which one is good, it really is a matter of personal taste. Mighty 4 (WM 6.1) is said to be one of the best and most stable ones out there. I used Fallen 2.1 and that was a pretty good rom. Very fast and relatively clean but with the app that you will want to have at one point or another. Good luck!

