[ change discussion in tf3d ] - Touch Pro CDMA

I just bought a HTC TOUCH PRO and I notice that on the TF3D little drag on the message received from one another but not discussing change.
What is there a solution to my problem? or should that happens every time I open the mail to choose my discussing?
thank you in advance.

nobody can help me ?


Resco Keyboard Pro question????

I have been using Resco Keyboard pro for about a week now and I love it, I find it to be far more accurate than others but do have 1 little annoying issue and was wondering if anyone else has this?
If starting a new message for example and you tap in the receipt box at the top and start typing someone name, my old stock keyboard would automaticly bring up the contacts ! the only way i can make the resco keyboard do it is by typing some of the name then press the back button ! and then the contact list appears???
anyone had this issue ?
you're not alone
i too used the beta version of the resco keyboard and had the same issue. the developer knows about the issue. and from what i hear there has been an actual release and i am not sure if that issue was fixed. have you tried to ask in the windows developement arena where it was originally started?
I am using Resco Keyboard Pro 6 and do not have
this problem. Typing in search box works.

[Q] Problem 'Replying' 'Forwarding' Email from Outlook

hey all,
I've read and searched and I did not see anything so I am posting this.
I've purchased GT and had it for about a week and I am loving it. now my problem is that I cannot reply or forward any of my work Email (outlook). I can write it and press the send button but it will just sit in 'Outbox.' I've googled but no solution and I thought this would be the place to find the answer.
any help?

[Q] Supernexus 4.2.2 build 4 - Voice dialer/assistant problem

Hi everyone!
first of all, I've searched for similar threads and I haven't found any. Furthermore I'm creating a new thread in this section, 'cos I'm not allowed to create replies in the developer section because I don't have the 10 needed threads (....... )
I hope Faryaab will notice my call for help, so he can improve his fantastic ROM with further updates.
I've encoutered a problem. Android voice dialer doesn't work (listen) any of my inputs and it seems to not responding at all.
I've tried to install the S4's s-voice and it doesn't work either (it pops up with "connection error").
Google Now works smoothly instead.
Is there a solution to this problem? Has anyone encountered the same behaviour?
If someone will be so kind to hear me or to notify Faryaab with this issue, I'll appreciate that (I apologize for my bad english).
Good day
Ok... no one helping me?

htc one m8 on 3network

hi all I am sorry if this is posted In the wrong area but only new to this site I have just got the htc one m8 on 3 and was wondering if anyone can help I really don't want to root the phone but have noticed all the/// go contacts and go themes some work but I really wanted to change the contacts page when making a call as it is a bit dull but it doesn't seem to work I get a message saying your phone is not registered and I need to get the //go contacts ex but cannot find it on android market so when I download //go contacts apps// I get a message saying sorry this app has closed I have the option to download// go contacts pro but ///go contacts ex is not there any help would be grateful many thanks

Keyboard changing language after sending a text

Hey guys,
just got my S6 Edge, loving it so far. (As much as i hate TouchWiz ... )
I do have a one single problem that freaks me out. (the other like lags and extremely high Ram usage .. well i can live with that..)
I've seen it happen only while i text i WhatsApp , the things is when i send a text it changes to English language automatically.
i use two main languages, and yes the phone itself set to English. so it might be it, but is there a solution for this one ?
Thanks in advance.
I got this problem too..
Somebody have a solution for that?
I thought it happened because i installed allience network.... strange
Same problem 4 me on regular s6

