I have a PPC6800 flashed with one of Ryan's Alltel 6.5 ROMS (Great job Ryan!). The phone worked great in my home area after the flash, but I'm currently on vacation and cannot get a EVDO signal in Orlando! I get decent signal for voice in most places, but really just enought to make calls, lots of "can you hear me now" in the conversations. Verizons maps show that they cover this area completely so I went by the Verizon store to see if they could update the phone. The tech guy said that the phone was still really an Alltel phone and there was nothing that he could do. (he was kinda a jerk, didn't appear to even want to help) I use the data connection alot and have become very dependent on it to stay in touch with my office, but with my current 1x connection, email is about all it's good for.
My questions are:
Can I apply the Verizon version of the ROM to the phone without bricking it?
If not, is there something I can do myself to "update" to tap into Verizon's EVDO network?
Thanks for any help.
you can start by updating your prl *228 option 1 or 2 (dont remember)
GeLopez said:
you can start by updating your prl *228 option 1 or 2 (dont remember)
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Yeah, I tried that, but since I'm already out of my home area, it doesn't work. All I get is "programming unsuccessful" or something like that.
Alltel's pda support is pretty good. Call in & get one of them on the line. They will try & make you do the *228 thing. Also check your setting for Home Only/Roam and see if that makes a difference at all.
dlundy said:
I have a PPC6800 flashed with one of Ryan's Alltel 6.5 ROMS (Great job Ryan!). The phone worked great in my home area after the flash, but I'm currently on vacation and cannot get a EVDO signal in Orlando! I get decent signal for voice in most places, but really just enought to make calls, lots of "can you hear me now" in the conversations. Verizons maps show that they cover this area completely so I went by the Verizon store to see if they could update the phone. The tech guy said that the phone was still really an Alltel phone and there was nothing that he could do. (he was kinda a jerk, didn't appear to even want to help) I use the data connection alot and have become very dependent on it to stay in touch with my office, but with my current 1x connection, email is about all it's good for.
My questions are:
Can I apply the Verizon version of the ROM to the phone without bricking it?
If not, is there something I can do myself to "update" to tap into Verizon's EVDO network?
Thanks for any help.
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Lol WOW.. If your Carrier is Verizon why the heck would you flash my Alltel ROM?? WTF do you think its an Alltel ROM for?? Its not a stock ROM it is a Custom ROM meant to flash on any TITAN(mogul, ppc6800).. It is fully programmed (besides PST/QPST a user has to program that memory region of the phone themselves) for the Carrier..
What you should have done was take your "Alltel Branded" PPC6800 and flashed the olipro2.40 unlocked bootloader, then flash a Custom Verizon ROM, then flash a gps radio 3.35 and up, then hard reset and pull battery for a couple minutes. Make sure the phone is UNPLUGGED and boot it up. Now access PST and Program it for VERIZON, load your local Verizon PRL, and update the items so phone resets. When it boots back up you want to access DMR (diagnostic mode) and plug it into the computer and Program QPST for VERIZON, make sure everything is set for Verizon you have to do some searching.. Also make sure to do the GPS one tab last and write to phone while still in that TAB, do not leave the GPS one tab until after its completed. Now unplug the phone and open task manager and close DMR, now soft reset the phone. Keep it UNPLUGGED and when it boots up access the internet to set it up for the first time.
RyanMogul6800 said:
Lol WOW.. If your Carrier is Verizon why the heck would you flash my Alltel ROM?? WTF do you think its an Alltel ROM for?? Its not a stock ROM it is a Custom ROM meant to flash on any TITAN(mogul, ppc6800).. It is fully programmed (besides PST/QPST a user has to program that memory region of the phone themselves) for the Carrier..
What you should have done was take your "Alltel Branded" PPC6800 and flashed the olipro2.40 unlocked bootloader, then flash a Custom Verizon ROM, then flash a gps radio 3.35 and up, then hard reset and pull battery for a couple minutes. Make sure the phone is UNPLUGGED and boot it up. Now access PST and Program it for VERIZON, load your local Verizon PRL, and update the items so phone resets. When it boots back up you want to access DMR (diagnostic mode) and plug it into the computer and Program QPST for VERIZON, make sure everything is set for Verizon you have to do some searching.. Also make sure to do the GPS one tab last and write to phone while still in that TAB, do not leave the GPS one tab until after its completed. Now unplug the phone and open task manager and close DMR, now soft reset the phone. Keep it UNPLUGGED and when it boots up access the internet to set it up for the first time.
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Ryan, I normally agree with you 100%, but I don't think that's the case here. I'm pretty sure he's an Alltel customer that is confused because of Verizon's recent purchase of Alltel.
Basically, Verizon is not going to be fully taking Alltel phones onto their network...ever. They are still Alltel phones. BUT there are new PRLs out there which will allow you to completely utilize the entire Verizon (and Sprint, too) tower structure.
So what he should do is still with the Alltel ROM. And because Alltel gives the 6800 their 3xxxx series PRLs and not the higher quality 4xxxx series, he needs to donwload the best PRL and update it manually.
Here's a link to a page where you can download the latest PRL 40050. There are instructions on the page to show you how o install. The one change I've had to do is instead of simply ##775, I had to do ##775#.
Good luck!
btonetbone said:
Ryan, I normally agree with you 100%, but I don't think that's the case here. I'm pretty sure he's an Alltel customer that is confused because of Verizon's recent purchase of Alltel.
Basically, Verizon is not going to be fully taking Alltel phones onto their network...ever. They are still Alltel phones. BUT there are new PRLs out there which will allow you to completely utilize the entire Verizon (and Sprint, too) tower structure.
So what he should do is still with the Alltel ROM. And because Alltel gives the 6800 their 3xxxx series PRLs and not the higher quality 4xxxx series, he needs to donwload the best PRL and update it manually.
Here's a link to a page where you can download the latest PRL 40050. There are instructions on the page to show you how o install. The one change I've had to do is instead of simply ##775, I had to do ##775#.
Good luck!
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Thanks for trying to clear things up but its still a little inconclusive. You said he is an Alltel Customer, you also said that Verizon bought Alltel.. Now remember he says he has a "Alltel Branded" TITAN.
If Verizon bought Alltel that means the Carrier Alltel still exists, it wasnt a merger correct?
Ok then, if he has a Alltel TITAN, and he is an Alltel Customer, with my Alltel ROM. Why even mention that VERIZON will not take Alltel phones onto their network??? You said he is an Alltel customer, and he has a Genuine Alltel TITAN, so he would be activating the Genuine Alltel TITAN on Alltel..
I was confused because of all this talk about Verizon maps, verizon store, etc.... I see what you mean about his PRL, so hopefully he updates to the 4xxxx series and his issues vanish. But wow what confusing posts..
Hopefully the Verizon, Alltel purchase doesnt affect my Alltel or Verizon ROMs from working properly. I wouldnt be suprised though..
I think the downloaded PRL should do the trick. I used to work for Alltels data support and they cannot help unless you are on network. If you are roaming on another carriers tower then nothing can be done to manually push a new prl through to the phone. I know from experience that Orlando/Kissimmee area is a tricky area. The issue is that Alltels PRLs are very crappy. There are towers in the area which will not incur you roaming charges, but for whatever reason, the phones will not choose to connect to. I forget the SID of the towers in the area which will get you 3-4 bars of EVDO coverage. What I have done before while I am there is to keep checking your phone to see if it picks up on those towers (it will from time to time). Go and check the current SID number and then set that as your home SID and put the phone in home only mode, which will lock you into those group of towers while you are in that area. Of course, if you leave the area you will want to set your phone back to your normal home SID and take the phone out of home only mode. Hopefully the PRL update via that download link above will help you, but if it doesn't then try this method. I will warn you that if you get the wrong tech on the phone and they try and help you update your phone, then they could make matters worst for you.
so, like i said on post #2 update your prl!!! by any means.
RyanMogul6800 said:
...I was confused because of all this talk about Verizon maps, verizon store, etc.... I see what you mean about his PRL, so hopefully he updates to the 4xxxx series and his issues vanish. But wow what confusing posts..
Hopefully the Verizon, Alltel purchase doesnt affect my Alltel or Verizon ROMs from working properly. I wouldnt be suprised though..
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LOL, if my post was confusing it's because I'm pretty confused. I went to the Verizon store for several reasons.
I am out of my home area and the nearest Alltel Store is 75 miles away (Tampa,FL).
My Home Store is now a Verizon Store.
I recieved a letter telling me that I was now on the Verizon Network.
When I dial a wrong number I get a Verizon recording.
I heard that Verizon bought Alltel
When I got to the Verizon store, they told me
I was still an Alltel customer
Verizon doesn't carry a phone llike mine (PPC6800)
My phone was a pocket pc phone not a smart phone (yes that's what he said)
There was nothing he could do.
Call Alltel tech Support (he was kind enough to give me their number).
The Alltel guy, though courteous and seemingly genuine in his efforts to help, could not. He even mentioned that he had been in Orlando recently and had the same problem. His only recommendation was to take the battery out overnight so everything would clear and maybe when it reconnected it would update the PRLs.
My apologies for not being more clear.
On a positive note, I took btonetbone's advice and updated the PRL,(this is what I'd hoped the Verizon tech could do) and I am currently getting EVDO connection, at least the status indicator says so. I'm not getting a very good signal where I'm at so the speed is not great. 267 DOWN, 314 UP (oddly enough) on a Speakeasy speed test. I'll see how it works tomorrow when I can get a better signal and know more then.
Thanks to all who have responded, I understand things a little better now.
RyanMogul6800 said:
Lol WOW.. If your Carrier is Verizon why the heck would you flash my Alltel ROM?? WTF do you think its an Alltel ROM for?? Its not a stock ROM it is a Custom ROM meant to flash on any TITAN(mogul, ppc6800).. It is fully programmed (besides PST/QPST a user has to program that memory region of the phone themselves) for the Carrier..
What you should have done was take your "Alltel Branded" PPC6800 and flashed the olipro2.40 unlocked bootloader, then flash a Custom Verizon ROM...
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Had the Alltel ROM not worked so well in my home area that's exactly what I would have done. Well.... It's exactly what I would have done after coming here and finding out how to do it.
Thanks for your hard work...
No problem I am glad you got it sorted out, those speeds are better than nothing at all so you are getting somewhere. Also I breezed by your compliments on my work but thanks for the compliments.
Members in general are great here, very knowledgeable and persistent. This is literally the best forum around.. Too bad they dont go the "thanks button" route though that would be magnificent.
So, my Fascinate was recently running VooDoo, and I just dropped it back down to the stock software/firmware. No issues with implementing anything and it looked like it did what is was supposed to. There are two issues I'm running into:
1. After a certain amount of time, I can't dial *228 to activate or update coverage on the Fascinate. It will tell me "Programming Unsuccessful" without even giving me any sound from the speaker or the earpiece.
2. When I get past the activation and try to download apps via WiFi, they won't download unless I'm sitting on the app description, and even sometimes they come up unsuccessful. Flash 10.3 is the one being a nusiance.
Any suggestions?
I would suggest using Odin to flash the full official ED05, if this doesn't help go on VZW website and swap esn numbers.
Just sent.
Could also call Verizon and ask for your DMU Keys reset. had this done when i lost my data connection.
shag_on_e said:
if this doesn't help go on VZW website and swap esn numbers.
Just sent.
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becareful using this method, it can cause you to lose unlimited data if your grandfathered in on the old data plan. It's best to activate a old SMARTPHONE on your line, then swap back and you will keep unlimited data. If your on the new 2gb plan then disregard this post
I have a grandfathered data plan (updated from MediaMax when I got my original 3G phone).
When I purchased the GS2, the person removed it, and replaced it with a new data plan, and no text/mms plan (without my knowledge or consent). Well, I just now realized that I wasn't receiving or sending texts.
I called AT&T, who explained he had removed my grandfathered unlimited data+1500 sms/mms, after an hour and a half on the phone they were able to get my plan back on.
Well, after I hung up, I realized that my internet isn't working, so I called back.
After troubleshooting for an hour, the tech support guy said the reason my internet won't work is that I need a new high speed data plan, and that my grandfathered plan (which worked fine on my Captivate) won't work.
He wanted me to pay the same amount, but for half the minutes etc.
Is this true? I feel like he was lying to me.
I haven't heard of anyone else having problems with grandfathered plans.
Is it worth me arguing more with AT&T, or will they all tell me that a new plan is required?
After I kept searching, I decided to try some new settings just in case.
I found settings here:
Everything's working perfectly now. Just as I suspected the AT&T rep was a rotten liar. I had a gut feeling he was making up stories just because he didn't know how to get my internet working.
Anyway, hopefully this will help someone in a similar predicament.
I basically had the same problem, when I got my SGSII I immediately flashed the phone, did not even put the SIM in first. After I got it set up the way I wanted it I put the SIM in from my Captivate, I had no data. I wiped the device figuring I screwed something up and when it booted back up back to stock data still did not work. What I then did was check the APN and noticed it was different, so I created a new one based on the one from my Captivate and got my data working. I went to the AT&T store a few days later and asked about it, first they told me I needed a 4G SIM card. They changed my SIM and I tested it with the original APN from the phone, still had nothing. He then realized that I needed to have a 4G data plan, the 3G data plan I had was not compatible with the 4G phone, he changed my unlimited 3G plan to an unlimited 4G plan and everything worked, actually started getting better speeds as well. Only reason I even cared was I did not want to play with the APN every time I flashed a new ROM.
I have searched and searched and cannot find an answer. I recently acquired a Verizon Droid X2 and had it switched to my Alltel plan. Phone works great, but I cannot fix the dreaded no 3g no mms issues.
I have tried everything I could think of, but nothing. Wifi works fine, dialing out and receiving calls work fine, and sms text works fine.
I looked at the apn setting, which are not easy to find without the help of a 3rd party program on the market (apn shortcut), but now what I see is 5 entries for Verizon related services:
Verizon CBS
Verizon DUN
Verizon FOTA
Verizon IMS
Verizon Internet
But they all have a lock icon next to them, so I can't change any settings. I have tried creating a new entry but it doesn't save for some reason (my wife has the milestone x for alltel, works fine, I used tried to use her settings)
I have tried updating the prl, tried things like ##778 and all that, but none of these work for alltel.
Can anyone offer any help? Phone is almost worthless for me if I can have 3g and mms.
If you are subscribing to these service's that's something you should call Alltel / Verizon about. Verizon ownes Alltel I'am not sure if you know that.
{In early 2009, Verizon Wireless acquired Alltel, although the Alltel brand will remain until it is gradually phased out through the middle of 2009. Alltel was a large regional CDMA carrier offering service in 33 states, primarily in the south, midwest, and west. In 2005, the company acquired Western Wireless, a smaller carrier that operated under the Cellular One brand with service in 19 western states.}
Hope's This Help's
Thanks for the quick reply!
Ya, I tried that. They basically told me in a polite way that I shouldn't have taken a phone that wasn't part of Alltel's current line up and activated it on Alltel. Alltel told me that they could activate it, but couldn't guarantee that it would even work at all, which doesn't suprise me at all coming from Alltel.
I stopped at a total of 3 places, 2 alltel's and 1 verizon store. The first alltel told me they couldn't activate the x2 at all, but he tried, which messed up my current phone (he somehow deactivated it). Then went to Verizon next, they told me that I couldn't activate it at all because it wasn't part of Alltel's line up. Then I went to a corp store to get my old phone fixed, and somehow they were able to activate my x2, but with no data and no mms. Told me I was basically out of luck.
So, trying to decide if I should just sale the x2, which I don't want to do because currently the best phone Alltel has is the milestone x, which my wife has and it is dreadfully slow, slower than my old htc desire.
Anyone know of any other options that I might have?
To access the programming menu open the dialer and dial ##PROGRAM the spc code is 000000
Thanks Juhde,
I've already been in that menu, made sure ALL (except for my phone number) settings matched my wifes milestone x phone, and still nothing. I'm not an expert, but sounds to me like it has something to do with the APN settings, which I cannot seem to change.
Funny thing about this is, I can "copy" the apn-conf.xml file or whatever it is called from the system/etc folder on the phone, and it shows my custom settings that should work (the same file was on my HTC phone, which worked). But, when I use the program from the market called "APN Shortcut" to view my apn settings, it doesn't show anything other than the verizon defaults. I have tried to add a new APN entry, but when I click save, it acts like it did save it, but no new entry.
I'm wondering if there is another location that is saving these entries and somehow verizon has figured out a way to bypass the default location to save apn settings. Later, I'm going to search on the phone and see if there is another xml file that contains those settings.
Thanks for the help!
I'm no expert at this, but a lot of the times "replacement" files won't function unless the permissions are set correctly. I'm not sure what the permissions should be for that file but you might want to look into it.
EDIT: after taking a closer look, the app APN Manager seems to be a better program for adding an apn. Wither it works I can't say but when I used it to swap apn it stuck after reboot.
This isnt alltel but i got my phone activated on another you talk and txt worked. It wasn't until I flashed a few prl's and found one that got my 3g and mms working.mms still works spotty sometimes ,however.
I have 4 Verizon branded phones (mine is an x2) all using an alltel plan. I don't understand why you are having any problems at all
Do you mind give me some info from your x2? Like what the apn settings are set to and what prl you have?
i also have an alltel dataplan with an X2, no issues,
and no offense, but i dont know what is privileged info and what is not, so i wont be sharing
fischb22 said:
i also have an alltel dataplan with an X2, no issues,
and no offense, but i dont know what is privileged info and what is not, so i wont be sharing
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WTF do you mean privileged info? I think he is just wanting to compare the numbers, what is he going to do with the info from your phone, besides compare to his current setup?
There is nothing that I can do with your apn settings or your prl version that you are running. This is just so I can see if my setting are the same as your working settings. I have compared them to my wifes Milestone X and they are the same.
On another note. Here is something wierd. I was able to erase all the apn setting from verizon (i think) and then I added the apn setting from my wifes phone, clicked on save, and then it went back and didn't actually save them.
The more and more I think about it, I am wondering if it is a PRL problem instead of the apn settings problem. Seems alot of people got this problem fixed on their phone by doing the prl change. Problem with that is, most people say to do a ##prl to fix it, that doesn't work on this phone. The only code I can get to work is *#*#program#*#* or something like that. So, anyone know of a way to manually change my prl on my phone?
The prl update number for Verizon is *228 since Verizon owns Alltel I think it's the same.
Sent from my Android device.
Ya, thats it if you want to download whichever one that want to give you, but it won't let me put one on there that I got, if that makes any sense at all.
Basically, is there a file location that I can copy it to or maybe a way to install it like I would a zip from recovery or anything like that? I already have the file download that I want to try to use, but basically going to try a few to see if I notice any difference.
p.s. Now I think my phone is actually only ringing part of the time, the other times it seems to go straight to voice mail even though I have 4 bars and not in roaming...
Thanks for the input everyone by the way!
Sooooo you have dialed *228 and it didn't work? Verizon also has forced and secondary prl update numbers. Try *22898 & *22899. Also what does your network banner say? Alltel? Extended network? If it says Extended network you might call Alltel up and ask them where the nearest Alltel owned tower for you is, drive to its area, reboot and try to update again. 3rd party towers *usually* don't carry the data encryption key your phone needs to activate the data plan.
Sent from my Android device.
Ok, well... I called both the other *228xx numbers, and I was greeted by alltel. I clicked on 2 and it said "Your phone already contains the latest update" and that was it. and as far as my banner, it doesn't actually "say" alltel, or anything like that. Just shows with the 4 bars, or a triangle if I am in roaming. I know from past that in a near by big city does have alltel towers around, and I was there but no difference.
So, still back to square one.
Thanks again for all your help!!
Another quick update. I finally found a way to update just the prl file. So, I tried 41003.prl and updated it manually (was not too difficult, just alot of trial and error). Phone worked just fine, but still no 3g coverage. Next I went to 31005.prl which is an actual alltel prl, but still the same effect - no 3g.
So, I went back to the latest prl from alltel which is 31011.
So, I am pretty sure that the prl file is not the problem. I guess now I need to figure out the apn setting issue that I am having, which is basically the default verizon settings are not working for me, even if I am in a verizon territory (like columbus ohio, big city). Using an app that was suggested to me on this thread I was able to delete the verizon apn settings fine. But when I went to create new apn settings, I went through it all and clicked on save, but it didn't actually save them. So, back to square one.
It would be nice if someone who is currently using a stock x2 from verizon on alltel would tell me what their prl version number is and their apn settings are (using an app like apn shortcut - found on the market).
On a side note. One difference I noticed. Looking at my old android phone (htc desire), it shows the same apn setting basically as my wifes phone, but the MNC number is 120, mine is currently set to 004, which is not changeable.
Several weeks later, and still no 3g data at all. Wireless works flawless, and phone calls work (actually phone works better than an alltel phone)
One thought that I had but not sure if I posted about yet...When I got the phone from the guy I got it from, he said he "thinks" it has a bad esn. So, I got it on a chance, afterall I could sell it on ebay for more than I paid for it with a bad esn. Anyway, if it does have a bad esn on verizon, I'm not entirely sure that Alltel would check it or even care about that. So, since alltel is owned basically by verizon, but still a separate company as of now, I wonder if verizon is blocking data access because it might have a bad esn.
I guess my next step is to call verizon and see if they can tell me if the esn is bad. I have tried a verizon store, and they were NO help to me at all, and actually very rude. Alltel just tells me that "I won't be able to get data because I am not using one of their phones" which is crap.
So, I think ultimately we have eliminated the prl possibility, apn is still my number one concern, but now I am leaning towards a bad esn. If that is the case, does anyone have any ideas on what I might be able to do with a bad esn? I know it is illegal to "change" an esn, and I don't think it is possible right now with the x2, but do I have any other options besides going back to my old phone (htc desire - not a bad phone, just want the larger screen and faster performance).
Thanks again everyone. Everyone has been alot of help!
If you wanna take drastic measures, search for a program called radiocomm, it's what motorola uses to program the radio.
A word of warning: if you change something with radiocomm and do it wrong the radio will become useless and the software is VERY complex to use. It could take you literally years to figure out but who knows, maybe you can find out exactly what parameter needs tweaking. I'd advise caution using radiocomm though. I just wanted you to know of the option.
Sent from my Android device.
As the title says, my data and incoming texts aren't working. Sending txts works and calling works fine. For data I am getting a verizon access page whenever I try to go anywhere. I have Selectel and they have said that everything is fine on their end. I did just renew and they send a renewal txt when you renew and I did get that txt but have received nothing else.
There wasn't any change that precipitated this that I know of. Just woke up one day and poof, half the stuff is broken. I just tried reinstalling a rom but that had no affect. I am not sure what to do or check.
If Selectel is CDMA you should consider going to a GSM prepaid carrier. It requires no flashing. I used to have all my phone's flashed to Boost until I would lose my profile set for various reasons , usually if I was unlocking the boot loader. You need to check your settings ->about screen to see if your number is still listed for the phone. If it's something funky or all zeroes your data profile got reset somehow.
xlxcrossing said:
If Selectel is CDMA you should consider going to a GSM prepaid carrier. It requires no flashing. I used to have all my phone's flashed to Boost until I would lose my profile set for various reasons , usually if I was unlocking the boot loader. You need to check your settings ->about screen to see if your number is still listed for the phone. If it's something funky or all zeroes your data profile got reset somehow.
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Well, as nice as that would be, including faster data, my need right now is for an inexpensive plan on the network with the best coverage. Thats Verizon, period. So a Verizon MVNO is really my only choice. Where I live none of the other networks really come all that close. I get out and push the boundaries often enough that its what I need. Besides that, For a $30 a month plan, nothing else that I have seen really matches Selectel's value in terms of minutes, txts, and data.
As for my number showing in the settings, its in there, just as it should be.
I understand, I had Boost w/shrinkage @$35 and wasn't very happy about giving that up but the stress and headaches of paying someone $60-$75 dollars EACH time I needed a flash was bleeding me dry. Often times my 3G stopped working and I'd have to contact the guy to reflash, then the phone wouldn't connect properly to my computer yada yada. Sounds like you are fine with Selectel so cheers to you but fyi when you have a flashed phone it makes it almost impossible to get support with it too from the carrier because they have all the original device ID #'s for the phone you are using not the ones that were changed. Boost told me the exact thing Selectel is telling you the last time my 3G stopped working and I would get a browser message saying I needed to fill my account, which by the way wasn't true. They told me everything was fine on their end.