Hi Friends:
Recently, I updated my SPRINT HTC MOGUL PPC-6800 with dcd's titan ROM 4.1.0 but it was a Comm Manager 7-button and I would like to have a Comm Manager 10-buttom.
What cab do you recommend me to install? Kaiser Comm Manager(10 Buttons)?
Thanks & "Think Different",
ROM version: dcd 4.1.0-Iusacell
Carrier: Iusacell-Mexico (Plan Elite-50)
Radio version: 3.42.50
Memory Card: 8GB microSDHC
Hi Friends:
Recently, I bought a new HTC TyTN and yesterday, I did the following:
Bootloader (Upgraded in 6-11-07)
HERM200 IPL-1.04
HERM200 SLP-2.10.01ipro 2.10.Olipro
Device Information:
Radio version: (Upgraded in 6-11-07)
ROM version:
ROM date: 07/22/06
Protocol version: 32.34.7010.01H
ExtROM version:
but, I don't how what is the best ROM to my new HTC TyTN ... what are the elements to decide what in the best ROM?
I like the characteristics for the new Black-IV-Shadow but I don't like the Black-Background.
I like the Background for the new LVSW_Hermes_WWE_3.30.2.1 but I don't like that it doesn't have the new Windows Live Messenger
Can you help me?
If you like the "Black" ROM, but not it's background, just change the background.
Try one of the LVSW derivatives - Custel's, vp3G's, Sleuth's, Faria's.
To find the best choice for your taste you have to test some different roms
Only one stable and fast rom out, LVSW Edition & a few Variants of it.
Hi Friends:
Thanks for your recommendations...after the flashing sesion my HTC TyTN has the following:
Bootloader (Upgrade 6-11-07)
HERM200 IPL-1.04
HERM200 SLP-2.10.Olipro
Device Information (Upgrade 6-13-07)
ROM version: (20070519_LVSW_Hermes_WWE)
ROM date: 04/17/07
Radio version:
Protocol version: 32.76.7020.19H
Windows Mobile 6 Profesional
CD OS 5.2.1413 (Build 17913.0.3.0)
Programs & Software:
Main Memory
Windows Live for Windows Mobile NEW BETA version 10.6.0026.1400
Memory Card
Resco Explorer 2007 v6.0 Final Released
Pocket Mechanic v2.32.175
PocketGrandmaster v3.01
Pocket Fritz 2
Adobe Reader for Pocket PC 2.0
Until today, it's working fine, let me test more and I'll report my observations.
Thanks again for your help
I have a pristine TyTN from Rogers that I have to return in a week. Is anybody interested in radio that shipped on the device? The OS itself is an old build of WM5. I am not sure whether the instructions for dumping the ROM will extract the radio:
Full info:
ROM : 1.34.631.14
ROM date: 04/17/07
Radio :
Protocol: 32.75.7020.18H
OS 5.1.195 (Build 14955.2.3.0)
If someone is willing to step me through it, I'll be happy to oblige in an effort to give back to xda-developers!
SPL : 2.10 Oli
ROM : Black Edition V3.0.1
Radio :
Protocol: 32.75.7020.18H
HTC Wizard
IPL/SPL: 2.26
ROM: WWE (XDA Mobile 6)
Radio: T-Mobile 2.19 UK Radio
Network: Rogers Canada
From what I understand, seems like you cant dump radio rom.
yep, I mean nope...
I offered a month ago to dump my Rogers ROM. I flashed my ROM but not my Radio, and the consensus from the maestos was that it couldn't be extracted.
They need to wait for a RTM version by itself.
There is a 1.43 version out as well, don't really know enough about which is "better", but my Rogers 1.42 radio is really solid.
Great, thanks for the feedback guys!
i just got my htc replaced because i corrupted my hermes when i upgraded the radio. i was wondering if i upgrade everything except for the radio (ie: schaps) will it still grab the signal 110% of the time?
ROM version: 2.15.502.3
radio version:
htc hermes // att wireless
Hi, this should be no problem
Hard-SPL is installed for security?
Hi Friends:
Thanks for your suggestions...My SPRINT HTC MOGUL PPC-6800 has the SPL-2.40.Olipro and then I fashed it with RUU_TITAN_SPRINT_WWE_3.35.651.2_RS_TITAN_3.35.04_4350H_SPCS_AM_Ship.exe and I get the following:
CE OS 5.2.1629 (Build 18136.0.4.8)
ROM version: 3.35.651.2
ROM date: 02/22/08
Radio version: 3.35.04
Protocol version: DCAAXAM-4350H
Hardware version: 0003
PRL version: 60610
PRI version: 2.00_003
Browser version: MSIE 6.0
ok...I would like to know if dcd's titan ROMs & kitchen 3.0.1 and Radio 3.35.04 will enable GPS in my SPRINT HTC MOGUL PPC-6800
p.s. dcd's titan rom 2.1.0...Radio 3.27.00 or higher is required. This radio enables GPS and EvDO rev A.
Techman, if I'm not mistaken (someone correct me if I'm wrong), the sprint ROM will enable GPS and RevA. There is no need to switch to DCDs rom, unless you just want to. However, you should not need to do anything else with the radio...just the ROM.
Try this:
Hi klwheat:
Thanks for your reply....but I would like to have Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional...that's why my question
dcd's titan ROMs & kitchen 3.0.1 with Radio 3.35.04?
dcd's titan rom 2.1.0 with Radio 3.27.00?
will enable GPS in my SPRINT HTC MOGUL PPC-6800?
both will enable it just fine, ive found 3.0.1 + 3.35.04 to be far less buggy than radio 3.27.00
Hi defaultdotxbe:
Thanks for your recommendation
dcd's titan rom 2.1.0 with Radio 3.27.00?
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Ok first off....dcd rom 2.1.0 uses WM6.1 BETA...as in I would definitely steer clear from that (no offense to dcd, as it was GREAT to have it at the time)
Second, Radio 3.27.00 was a leaked beta radio from the leaked sprint test rom...as in...full of bugs, drops data connection frequently etc.
dcd 3.0.1 is based off the official sprint/htc release update, uses wm 6.1 rtm, not beta, and radio 3.35.04 is an official radio release.
That should answer your question.
Techman, sorry about the confusion. Good luck with the update. My understanding is that if you upgrade the radio via the official sprint rom, and then the ROM with DCDs, RevA and GPS should both be enabled, and you'll get 6.1. Hope that helps, I just received my 6800 finally yesterday...and am waiting until this evening to get into it too deep. Right now the weather is nice (a rarity in WA) and I'm going riding!
GPS feature Inquiry
I am planning on going on a trip and relying on google maps as primary source of guidence. I have a titan and am using radio 3.27 if this is of any consequence. My question is if carrier reception is poor or non existant will gps still function. You'll have to excuse me if this is a dumb question. I am pc, mac buff, new to ppc. My iphone lacks gps, and all this fresh software I have obtained for my titan the last 5 months so this is my only source of gps but I will buy a standard garmin roadnav if need be, just hate to add more devices to my windsheild.
Please help.
Hi jeffreynew23:
Did you try to install the new New Radio 3.37.20 by SD-Card?
ROM version: dcd 3.0.4-Sprint
Carrier: Iusacell (Mexico)
Radio version: 3.37.20
TecMan45 said:
Hi jeffreynew23:
Did you try to install the new New Radio 3.37.20 by SD-Card?
ROM version: dcd 3.0.4-Sprint
Carrier: Iusacell (Mexico)
Radio version: 3.37.20
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No i just got a new phone from the sprint store and I was running the 2.40 spl olipro. I than tried to install DCD,S 3.0.4 but it will not work. It stays on the same screen.
jeffreynew23 said:
No i just got a new phone from the sprint store and I was running the 2.40 spl olipro. I than tried to install DCD,S 3.0.4 but it will not work. It stays on the same screen.
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Click to collapse
What is all of the text you have on the tricolor screen?
By the way, that's called bootloader screen