I downloaded A touchflo .cab and installed but nothing happened.
When i would try to launch it(from programs/touchflo) it would say that it was alrighty running
Any ideas
ok so touchflo is working in the sence of scrolling. But i dont see the main screen that displays big clock, and start menu.
maybe im mistaken on what that is. can someone help
Never played with touchflo, but for the big clock I think what you want is HTC home.
thanks thats main screen right
same thing happens to mine it says running but nothing happens how do i make it work?
try swiping your thumb from bottom to top on the touchscreen..
i just tried that but still nothing
Touchflo is just the software to make the touchscreen touch-sensitive to scrolling like the HTC Touch. It is NOT HTC Home today plugin, HTC Cube, or any other software you may think it is. Therefore nothing will happen unless you're actually using software that allows you to scroll...i.e. PIE or a text editor or what have you.
For the clock and today screen plugin you want to get HTC Home.
For the cube you want either HTC Cube or Vistacube (there are others, but those are the main two)
If you install one of the cubes, it comes with Touchflo...so you can uninstall the Touchflo you've already installed and just install one of the cubes.
Thanks that helps me alot.
One more question.
Are those cubes complicated so set up ?
Well so far I love the phone eventhough it feels kind of weak. But I have some few questions on upgrading, usually im good with searching but i guess not this time. So im looking for a way to make things more finger friendly like menus etc, making them able to scroll instead of using a sylus and if possible using T9 on when not using the keyboard. What do you all suggest?
I just got mine too... I have sprint so I started with the Sprint wm6.1 update.
So far I've installed:
s2u2 (slide to unlock)
htc home plugin (you want this)
s2p (audio player)
s2v (picture viewer)
oxios memory
Look at my thread in this section called sprint mogul must haves, alot of good stuff was suggested there
the gullum diamond keyboards are awesome. i use the diamond keypad for T9 while i'm driving. its awesome. link below:
Great! Now how can I make the start and stuff like that more finger friendly?
So I installed the home customizer and now the screen flip is not at the bottom anymore but in the customizer but when I use it in the customizer it turns the screen the wrong way. What do i do?
Nevermind I did a hard reset. One last thing is when the slider is open do all yours have a movement in the slider when you tap on the screen?
Before I get on to my question as the title states, I'd just like to say that I'm a long time lurker of this site, however this is my first post as you can tell. I've used a number of ROMs for my Sprint Mogul over the last year and a half or so and just want to extend my appreciation to all those that have put so much time and effort into these devices.
Now onto the question at hand,
I have downloaded and loaded up Ryan Mogul's WM6.5 sprint heavy ROM that he listed. And everything is working very smoothly so far. However, I have to say that I'd really like to add a lock button to the Windows Default Today screen. The only way I have found to lock the phone so far is to go to start and then click lock at the bottom left. I have looked through the utils and options and so far the only way to add the lock to the today screen is to get rid of the sliding menu on the today screen and go back to the old style from 6.0-6.1. Can anyone tell me how I can add a lock button to one of the panels on the windows default today screen?
Any help that can be provided is much appreciated.
i found a cab for a program called devicelock 1.2. i installed that and then mapped it to one of the buttons that i don't use (the press and hold for voice command). i find it quicker to use a hard key than to navigate to it. i also added it to the applications panel (or whatever those things are called). i am not sure where the .exe is at but you can manually map it as \windows\start menu\programs\device lock.lnk
I have 6.5 and am using the traditional today screen. I have Spb Pocket Plus for my home screen as my launcher.
Is there any way to add the Lock option that is normally found after you press start in the lower left hand side? I can add any file or program to the launcher, so I just need to know what the name of the lock file is. I'd also like a shortcut to Settings so if you know that name, that'd be great too. I have found running the traditional today screen gives me about 50 free mb's as opposed to barely 10 with TF3d.
heres a cab i made that will use the 6.5 lock and set the LSK for Lock...turn titanium off, install, turn back on...good to go...cant figure out the settings part...im not able to get it to work...hope this helps!!
hi-will the hero work without the sens ? i mean will it work with the regular android gui.
like with the tf3d on wm .
Yes it does. Somehow when i press my home button i get the option of either touchflo or home. Not sure how i got it to do this though!
The home one is just the plain android screen..
I got that too, happens if you press and hold home to view running applications. Goes away if you tick the make default action box (until you press and hold home again)
Yeh i noticed that too, also underneath it says something about changing options in settings home etc..
Tis nice to have the option to do this but the fact that you can do it is clearly a bug. I've let HTC know about it (although they are probably following the forums anyway).
herman3101 said:
Tis nice to have the option to do this but the fact that you can do it is clearly a bug. I've let HTC know about it (although they are probably following the forums anyway).
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It's not a bug lol, the Sense UI home is simply a separate application to the original home instead of a replacement. like aHome, Dxtop etc etc.
also, holding the home button shows you recently run applications, not applications still running =)
Ok i can't do it on my Hero. Why?? i don't know. MY phone is sim free and not from orange or t-mobile. Maby that's why ??
yeah, it only seems to happen on the Orange and T-Mobile ones. It's not supposed to happen at all!
The Ui is indeed just an application, but it is supposed to run instead of the original Home and you aren't supposed to have access to it any more.
rhedgehog said:
yeah, it only seems to happen on the Orange and T-Mobile ones. It's not supposed to happen at all!
The Ui is indeed just an application, but it is supposed to run instead of the original Home and you aren't supposed to have access to it any more.
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If this is the case are the phones faulty then? Do we ring and ask for new ones. ( mine is a bit worn now had it a week)
they all seem to do it. it appears to be a bug in the firmwares.
I'm sat here with a brown sim free one, running 1.76.405.6 and i can not get it to do this, no matter what i try. each method that people have posted to get it to doit, just simply doesn't seem to do it on the unbranded ones.
I saw a preview device back in may, that had the watermarked screen, and that did do it occasionally, but the release one from work doesn't seem to do it.
Normal Android Home On Hero
Guys Its very obviously not a bug, but actually a very cool feature.
If you cant access the original home,
Here's what to do...
Go to Settings - Applications - Manage Applications.
Scroll down to 'TouchFLO' and hit 'clear defaults'
Obviously this will clear the default action of taking you to the TouchFLO or Rosie UI home.
When you have done this every time you press the home button you will have a choice. Home or TouchFLO.
So far a bunch of apps have either had trouble or not worked at all due to the TouchFLO UI on the hero. And for obvious reasons. So...
Hit home and choose to launch TouchFLO by default (so you don't have the option of the normal android home)
Download Bar Control by the legendary Andrew Schwimmer for free on the market. open it and scroll to home. Click on home and choose an icon from the list. I chose the home icon but go crazy and choose the little android or whatever.
Now you can only go to the TouchFLO home when you press the physical home key but in you notification bar you can tap the home (or whatever icon you chose) icon and go to the original 3 screen android home.
When in the original 3 screen android home the sense UI is not taking up foreground processes. as far as I know anyway. Reason I think this is I am a: now able to install and fully use apps that wouldn't work whilst on the Touch FLO home. And b: my Copilot Live Sat Nav works far better with almost no glitches. Thus bringing me to the conclusion that switching homes is a banging idea/feature
Thank you for you time
now that IS cool!
even though it is a bug, cos it's not supposed to do it out of the box (although yes, you can fiddle with it) Having the two like that is a nice set up!!
Yet another cool little tweak. you gotta love Android
I registered just so I could say...
rhedgehog said:
now that IS cool!
even though it is a bug, cos it's not supposed to do it out of the box (although yes, you can fiddle with it) Having the two like that is a nice set up!!
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I just spoke with HTC yesterday and asked about this..
Apparently you need to think of Sense UI like TouchFlo on the Windows Mobile. If you don't like it (and some won't) they have allowed the user to choose whether they want the original or Touch Flo.
So looks like it is not a bug, but its actually meant to do this.
Nice going I say, pleases everyone, and also..... Nice to know that the phone is very fast and responsive without Sense UI, meaning that like Touch Flo 3D, its just a tweaking game to get it to work flawlessly and smoothly, which will come in the future.
just to clarify then- after going through all the steps you said there, pressing home will return to touchflo home as it did before, as if nothing was changed, yes? Definitely not bringing up a menu to pick which home I want?
EDIT- double post
I did this and saw a very significant performance improvement, so set 'Home' to be my default. Now I always go to the standard Android screen. In the settings menu the default option is now grayed out and holding home doesn't give me an option. Is there anyway to get sense back? I don't want to keep it, but would like to play with it some more, but mainly just have the option, I guess.
Oh, without going back to factory defaults ;-)
Homeswitcher did the trick for me (available in the market)