Charging via USB A->Mini B possible - Touch HD Accessories

Yesterday I found out, that a Mini Usb-B connector fits
in the Socket of the Touch HD. But before I blow it up,
I want ask first if charging works, or will it burn?
I searched the forums but couldnt find the answer,
I think it will be great if this question with the appropriate
answer is in the FAQ after that.
thanks Avalun.

works fine

thanks for the answer, but can you tell me how to I
can block that Ubuntu creates a new eth device if I
plug in the HD? Somehow it doesn't matter which option I select
if I use the standard USB Cable.
thanks in advance.

That's a whole different question!
I'm not a linux user so I can only go by what I read back when I had a TYTN. You could try but SynCE seems a lot newer
See also this thread

hi stuart,
thanks for the answer, nice to know that I actually can sync with my ubuntu netbook but my problem is the following:
i am using wireless lan (ath0) with my ubuntu and if i plug my cell with a generic usb cable in (for charging), then it creates a eth1 device, changes the routing table and nameservers, no matter
which option I select on the Blackstone.
so i have to switch them back every time.
Sometimes I only want to plug it in for charging, and it should do nothing else.

ok i found it out, how to avoid that it sets the route automatically:
If you have the Gnome Network Manager running on Ubuntu, it will setup your device as the new default network connection. Check what ethernet device was given to your device with by running the following command in a terminal after you have connected your device:
/sbin/ifconfig -a | grep 80:00:60:0f:e8:00 | cut -d " " -f 1
then add the next line to /etc/network/interfaces:
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iface <interface of your device> inet dhcp
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This will make Gnome Network Manager ignore the interface. Then restart the networking with the command:
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
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You are going to need to disable any firewalls or configure them. I don't know how to do this, but I have seen lists of the necessary ports.


[Q] adb over wifi ... security

So, I downloaded an adbWifi widget, and followed the instruction and - woohoo - it works.
I'm trying to understand how is this secure (if it is at all).
I click with widget and it tells me an IP and a port. I tell adb/Eclipse this ... and it connects. So how come someone out there port-sniffing can't do the same, and connect to my phone?
GreenAsJade said:
So, I downloaded an adbWifi widget, and followed the instruction and - woohoo - it works.
I'm trying to understand how is this secure (if it is at all).
I click with widget and it tells me an IP and a port. I tell adb/Eclipse this ... and it connects. So how come someone out there port-sniffing can't do the same, and connect to my phone?
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What wifi network are you using? If it's your own wifi network you control the security with a WEP key or hopefully something better. For example I have my own wireless router at home and I use WEP (to lazy to use something better).
By the way, which adb wifi program did you download and where are the instructions? I would like to try it.
Nothing stops anyone on the same network from connecting to your wireless adb session if they know the port.
The best you could do is use a non standard port instead of the default 5555
I know the toggle I use doesn't give the option to choose a port but it is possible and asking the dev as a feature request might get the option. I have never bothered because I only use it on my secure network and don't know anyone irl that would know what adb is.
To start wireless adb with any port from a shell run "adb tcpip <port>" to restart the daemon on the specified port.
I personally think we should be able to password protect adb for if our phones are stolen.
can someone please tell me (us), HOW the Eclipse config must be modified ?
Right now i type in a dos-box the command adb connect <MyTCP>:5555.
When i click RUN in Eclipse it finds the device and all works fine.
I want to use this method permanently, so i am interested in the Config-Solution because my device didn't suck so much energy from the batterie as in WiFi-Mode (awesome effect, isn't it ?)
If you've never given permissions to a particular computer, it can't connect.

[Q] Single usb cable - adb & multiple devices

Does anyone know if any cable is available where you can plug multiple devices into one end of the cable, the other into the computer, and when you install an application from say, Eclipse, it installs it to all the connected devices in one go?
I have about 4 devices running various versions of Android I use for testing, and when I have them all set up together, it gets tedious manually pushing the code from Eclipse to all the devices.
I would think you'd be able to use ADB over wifi. However, since I'm not a developer, take my advice with a grain of salt.
this is physically impossible as this would blow your USB port on the PC. If every device tries to draw 500mAh and the port only gives 500mAh there would either be no connection or the USB port would just melt
ADB over WiFi sounds reasonable though...
TheSSJ said:
this is physically impossible as this would blow your USB port on the PC. If every device tries to draw 500mAh and the port only gives 500mAh there would either be no connection or the USB port would just melt
ADB over WiFi sounds reasonable though...
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I tried adb over Wifi but it's been a bit strange for me, occasionally my USB connection isn't recognized later, or the adb connection randomly drops.
It still has the same problem as I need to manually initiate a push from Eclipse to every phone.
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Eclipse ALWAYS will ask you for the device to install a project (if there are various).
I don't know eclipse since I don't dev but I know a little about ADB and I doubt it has any built in way to install to multiple devices. But you could make a script to make it easy from the command line with multiple cables. Something like this but set the proper serial numbers.
Run it like this " some.apk"
adb -s aa1231 install $1
adb -s 324eo4 install $1
adb -s 238642 install $1
adb -s 366284 install $1

Access internet

I have rooted OnePlus One device (Android 5.1.1 custom ROM Sultanxda) and an old PC which have installed ubuntu 10.04. That PC don't have internet connection so I can't perform sudo apt get comand. Kindly teach me how do I connect to the internet by using my OnePlus One device and above ubuntu version OS.
Thank you.
If you have wireless option on PC its as easy as setting up a mobile hotspot, otherwise you can use a USB cable as well
A quick Google (or xda) search will give lots of guides on this
Thanks for reply. I only have USB cable option. Can you please help me how do I proceed. When I searched on internet all of them saying to have some apt get, but here qestion is when (i don't have internet connection on the PC; my only tool is my device to access the internet) starts to solve the problem, solution starts itself with head of problem. Even if I downloads some file in the device, I am not able to copy them in PC because it is neither mounting the device nor any MTP/ADB functionality available. Is there any way to copy / access the device through twrp?
See if you can get MTP to work in Ubuntu with this:
edit -
ATTR{idVendor}=="05c6", ATTR{idProduct}=="6764", SYMLINK+="libmtp-%k", MODE="660", GROUP="audio", ENV{ID_MTP_DEVICE}="1", ENV{ID_MEDIA_PLAYER}="1", TAG+="uaccess"
ATTR{idVendor}=="05c6", ATTR{idProduct}=="6765", SYMLINK+="libmtp-%k", MODE="660", GROUP="audio", ENV{ID_MTP_DEVICE}="1", ENV{ID_MEDIA_PLAYER}="1", TAG+="uaccess"
Restart udev:
sudo service udev restart
As far as an internet connection, if your carrier (or rom) supports wifi tethering, then you can get a USB wifi adapter. If you are able to tether, then you can also transfer files wireless by using an app like WiFi File Explorer Pro.
There is no /lib/udev/rules.d/69-libmtp.rules in my PC. Do I have to create one new?
I tried to create one new and paste above two lines and restarted udev, but no luck. When i says lsusb it says :
Bus 001 Device 015: ID 05c6:6775 ualcomm, Inc.
Kindly don't post your answer(s) for just sake of posting because its frustrating me, why I am fighting with ubuntu, while same is running fine in windows...duh. Before posting your answer please please please check whether its is checked by you or you are just pasting **** answer at all over the internet.
None tested answer yet?

Can't see USB devices, linux deploy

Hi All, I've got a Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime (SM-G530W) running Cyanogenmod 12. I put linux deploy on, with a debian arm64 stable release. Everything seems to be working, I can ssh and VNC in, but I can't seem to see any USB devices.
In both an ADB shell session, and through ssh into the debian install, lsusb doesn't return any devices. When I run ls /dev | grep usb from either place I get:
My ultimate goal is to be able to connect a 3d printer through debian, but I need to be able to see USB devices first. Any help would be greatly appreciated, perhaps there is a better forum to post this in?
Thanks, Ivan
Was a resolution found to this problem? I am seeking to connect a standard printer to my Samsung Galaxy s5 with a CUPS server and am seeing the same issue
Are you trying to connect the printer using an OTG adapter and USB host mode on your device?
Usually the permissions are the biggest problem to seeing things.
You could try my UsbMode.apk (in the sig) to see if you can see anything.
You might just use a print server on your WiFi network.

Question Wrong vendor:product IDs presented to USB host

Hi All,
I need to set up a reliable way to access this phone remotely via USB. Looks like whenever the phone is connected to a USB host (a server in my case) via USB it presents itself with wrong vendor/product IDs as follows from the lsusb output on the host:
Bus 002 Device 006: ID 18d1:4ee8 Google Inc. Nexus/Pixel Device (MIDI)
, which only changes to the right ones when I select "Transfer Files" (MTP) mode in the pop-up menu on the phone:
Bus 002 Device 007: ID 22d9:2765 OPPO Electronics Corp. Oppo N1
Is there a way to memorize my "Transfer Files" (MTP) mode selection for this particular host, so there's no need to select it every time? (it has Default USB Mode set to MTP in Dev Options, which it seems to be ignoring) The problem is that the phone isn't accessible remotely at that early stage yet, probably because of those wrong vendor/product IDs, hence catch 22. IIRC when connecting some other phone (probably a Samsung one) to my Windows laptop in the past I'd normally make my mode selection for it once and was never prompted to select it again and again for that phone, so if it's actually the Windows that remembered my selection back then how do I achieve the same with Linux on my current host? (CentOS 7).
Many thanks in anticipation!
The selection of which interfaces to present (ADB, MTP, Midi...) and which VID/PID to use is decided on the Android, the host plays no role.
There is a lot of OEM customization and stupidity on USB mode selection.
You can try:
$ setprop persist.sys.usb.config mtp,adb
It may say that you can't.
Me? I just set it to ADB and do everything through that.
@Renate: thanks for your reply.
> $ setprop persist.sys.usb.config mtp,adb
I suppose it requires rooting the phone first, right?
127|OP5552L1:/ $ setprop persist.sys.usb.config mtp,adb
Failed to set property 'persist.sys.usb.config' to 'mtp,adb'.
See dmesg for error reason.
1|OP5552L1:/ $
1|OP5552L1:/ $ dmesg
dmesg: klogctl: Permission denied
1|OP5552L1:/ $
Yeah, you need root for that on yours.
You can set it Settings to "No transfer" and leave the ADB on.
That will probably stick.
Copy individual files with adb push.
I use my adbsync.exe to keep all my devices synced with content and the photos pulled to desktop.
Renate said:
Yeah, you need root for that on yours.
You can set it Settings to "No transfer" and leave the ADB on.
That will probably stick.
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Just tested it and still getting that mode selection prompt on it upon plugging USB cable into it, and the wrong vendor/product IDs presented again... Unsure I'll be allowed to root this phone because of the warranty but I'll ask.
It's not really "wrong" VID/PID.
There are the stock Android VID/PID that are 18d1/4ee?
Then there are the Oppo ones like 22d9/2765
It's the stupid UsbManager that's doing that popup silliness.
In point of fact, when it's plugged in it's already in some mode.
Renate said:
It's not really "wrong" VID/PID.
There are the stock Android VID/PID that are 18d1/4ee?
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I understand they're some vendor-independent Google/Android ones at that early stage: looks like it's not the only phone behaving this way.
Renate said:
It's the stupid UsbManager that's doing that popup silliness.
In point of fact, when it's plugged in it's already in some mode.
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Yeah, just not in the right one for my remote mgmt application Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to force desired VID/PID onto it in all its modes from the USB host side... unless the phone can be instructed to always use them somehow (like using that CLI you advised).
It would certainly annoy me if every time I plugged in an Android it asked me what to do!
If you were rooted you could easily patch something in services.jar to get around this.
Renate said:
It would certainly annoy me if every time I plugged in an Android it asked me what to do!
If you were rooted you could easily patch something in services.jar to get around this.
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Yeah, fortunately it's my customer's phone and not mine I'll inquire about the possibility of rooting it then, as it seems to be the last hopeful thing left by now.

