dcd 3.3.4 wifi connects but no internet.... - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

I just got a replacement phone. I had dcd 3.2.6 before. But I read so much about 3.3.4 that I put it on this phone. However when I connect to my internet at the house, the phone gets a connection but I cannot access the internet with ie on the phone. I have a 2wire 2701hgb dsl/router and wpa/wpa2 settings. Anyone else have this problem.

Did you install the carrier cab?

unL33T said:
Did you install the carrier cab?
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if i had a dollar for every time i saw this post

GeLopez said:
if i had a dollar for every time i saw this post
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If I had a dollar every time I posted it...

yes I installed the carrier cab.
It connects to sprint internet and works....
It connects to Home wifi but does not work.
I am running a 2wire 2701hgb and wpa/wpa2 psk ccmp...
Unit acquires an ip address ...just no workie...with ie..

mrfordwrench said:
yes I installed the carrier cab.
It connects to sprint internet and works....
It connects to Home wifi but does not work.
I am running a 2wire 2701hgb and wpa/wpa2 psk ccmp...
Unit acquires an ip address ...just no workie...with ie..
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My mistake, I misread the original post. Sorry, no suggestions though. 3.3.4 works at my house and I've used it elsewhere on wifi. I did have one time when it wouldn't connect at all but a soft reset fixed it.


Verizon tethering of XV6800 via USB

First of all, this is what I have:
Phone: XV6800
i have an "unlimited pda" plan through Verizon
ROM: DCD 3.1.6
RADIO: 3.42.30
I want to usb tether my phone to my laptop to use it as a modem. I do not want to incur any extra charges. (verizon warned me of a 20 dollar fee if i tether with out that option added to my plan).
There must be a way to do this, without getting charged.
Any help would appreciated.
Use the internet connection sharing in the Comm Manager, using either Bluetooth or USB. Works like a charm.
I like using WMWifiRouter, but that isn't USB, it's through the wifi
fishfuzz said:
Use the internet connection sharing in the Comm Manager, using either Bluetooth or USB. Works like a charm.
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This works perfectly, you can even use it through bluetooth. I don't incur any extra charges. I know it works for sure with DCD's roms, because I am not getting charged. There is some reg key that gets changed so VZW does not know you are tethering.
Are there any USB drivers needed to get Internet Connection Sharing working through USB?
No, just plug the phone into your pc and start ICS.... It should DHCP an IP for your pc and surf away....
azclown said:
No, just plug the phone into your pc and start ICS.... It should DHCP an IP for your pc and surf away....
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thats badass. i thought only WMWiFiRouter would work without me being charged. but it did mess up my wifi ability. thaanks
Wmwifirouter is also a great program, but (speaking from several months ago) when I would use it consistently over a period of time at school, or in a hotel, etc, it would overheat.
Using the USB method doesn't do that at all, and also seems to keep things going quick.
ok i can confirm that it works nicely. i am using internet sharing via usb and its nice and easy. as long as i dont get charged this will be lovely.
i think the secret cap on unlimited pda usage for verzon is 20 gigs a month. i'll just make sure i dont go over that.
thanks again for your help guys
I don't seem to have ICS on my XV6800. I have some program called Modem Link. Is there a way for me to put ICS on here?
firefurby said:
I don't seem to have ICS on my XV6800. I have some program called Modem Link. Is there a way for me to put ICS on here?
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You have to have upgraded to a DCD rom.
also note that ICS, is called "Internet Sharing" on DVD's roms and is in the program menu. not under settings. that confused me too, being a former herald owner, i had a cooked rom where the chef always had it in connection settings.
I use PdaNet and it works just fine for tethering. USB and Bluetooth.
ICS Advice
FYI - ICS works great but you must launch it on your phone first and tell it to connect before tethering it via USB to your computer.
Hope this helps.
VZW internet connection and Mac
Is there a way to use ICS or anything else to share internet (usb/bt/wifi) with a Mac (i've got a macbook) ? i've tried WMWifirouter but haven't gotten any of the versions to work with DCD 3.2.3...
So I have tried this every way I can think of and not had any luck. I had it working a long time ago, but am having no luck now. I am using ICS and I have tried the reg edits under wmodem for CheckProfile=0, Multi-NAI=0, WModemDun=0. My phone connects to my laptop and opens a LAN connection and under status says "acquiring network address" for about a minute. It then pops up the yield sign and says "Limited or No Connectivity" On the phone side everything looks good. I get an error that says cannot connect sometimes, but not always. I tried deleting the Extension key under the Internet Sharing registry and still no luck. Anybody have any ideas? Is this a phone thing or a laptop thing. I am on WinXP and it does show in the device manager that a Internet Connection Sharing Device is attached and working. Thanks for any help.

Radio And Wireless

Ok so I have dcd. 3.2.6 and Radio 3.42.50 but for some reason I cannot associate to any wireless network. Even with the correct information. Any ideas? It just keeps trying to connect with no success.
JukEboXAuDiO said:
Ok so I have dcd. 3.2.6 and Radio 3.42.50 but for some reason I cannot associate to any wireless network. Even with the correct information. Any ideas? It just keeps trying to connect with no success.
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Wireless as in WIFI? Using the switch on the side?
Re: Radio and Wireless
I am also encountering a similar problem. If I stand next to the access point and try to connect to the AP, it fails or it connects but I can't connect to the internet(PIE always can not load page).
I changed the encryption from AES to WEP to no avail. Even went so far as to re flashing 3.2.6. I am also using the same radio as you.
Hopefully someone can shed some light on this problem.
I would take off all WEP and encryption and try to connect with it as a open WiFi. If you still can't connect then you have some other issues either with your WAP or maybe still with your phone. Then if it does connect then add the WEP encryption back on. You may have to change the type of WEP to one the phone supports. I just use MAC filtering so no one else can get on my wireless but scanners can see what is being passed around on my wireless. (mostly teenage girl stuff, I think a scanner would get bored really quick) LOL
nitro66215 said:
Wireless as in WIFI? Using the switch on the side?
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Yes using hte WIFI on the side.
JukEboXAuDiO said:
Yes using hte WIFI on the side.
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you do have the switch turned on, on the side of the phone and then go into the comm manager and at the bottom go into the Wireless LAN settings.
You might need to refresh or manually create the connection if your WAP doesn't broadcast its SSID.
I've been having problems with wi-fi too, mostly since my upgrade. I am on dcd 3.25 and radio 3.42.50. I can usually connect ok, but then either I can't connect to any web sites or I can surf for a few minutes and then it stops (although still shows connected). Since so many are on these (ROM and Radio), I am doubting that is the issue. It did work better on the prior versions of both, but again if not effecting others don't see how that can be the issue. Hopefully it is not a hardware issue since this is already my second phone (power button caved in on the last one, not much quality there). Any ideas?
Fletchxda said:
I've been having problems with wi-fi too, mostly since my upgrade. I am on dcd 3.25 and radio 3.42.50. I can usually connect ok, but then either I can't connect to any web sites or I can surf for a few minutes and then it stops (although still shows connected). Since so many are on these (ROM and Radio), I am doubting that is the issue. It did work better on the prior versions of both, but again if not effecting others don't see how that can be the issue. Hopefully it is not a hardware issue since this is already my second phone (power button caved in on the last one, not much quality there). Any ideas?
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Do you have anything else using your WAP? Just sounds more like your access point then your phone. I had a wireless router that would do that with any wireless device so I had to get a new one.
Unfortunately, there are 2 computers in my house that work fine of the router. It is also happening when I try to connect to wi-fi at work. I've also noticed that sometime it just won't connect. I am in the same room as the router now and it won't even register it. Doesn't even look that hard...searches for 2 seconds and stops. Very strange.
yes the switch is on and enabled in comm manager. It finds signals but can not connect to any of it.
You guys might want to try WiFiFoFum (should be around here somewhere) It will show all the WiFi APs and even use the GPS to log them. If they don't register there, then I would say try flashing the Radio and DCD's ROMs again. The only issue I had with WiFi is it wouldn't turn on with the hardware switch and I swapped out the phone.
Thanks, I'll give it a try....
I've got the exact same problem. When I leave my AP open, it connects and stays connected. As soon as I switch over to WPA-PSK AES with an 8 character key, I get the symptoms that you describe. I can get to about 2 pages in PIE and then it takes a dump.
I'm on DCD 3.2.6 and radio 3.42.50. I don't have a solution, but at least wanted to let you know that you're not alone. It has to be something software related. I have a bunch of other clients that connect no problem with the same settings: PS3, Wii, laptop, PSP. I LOVE DCD roms, but may have to switch if I can't figure something out.
I am still having trouble connecting. It can see signals but not connect to any of them.
Tried wififofum. It sees the AP's and I can sometime connect. But no matter what it drops the connection within a few minutes. Then it won't reconnect or see any ap's (only looks for about 5 secs then stops). If I leave the switch off for a while and then try again, I can do the same thing all over again.
What do you think? A setting, a reg setting, broken phone? Thanks to any and all.....
Not sure if this helps, but I noticed that when it drops the internet connection (after 3-5 minutes), that when I look at WIFIFOFUM it still show the AP. A few time, it showed that the AP was no longer available, but the graphic at the top still shows connected by the phone. It seems like a software or hardware problem with the phone, but I'm not sure which. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.

Wi-Fi is not working with secure Network

I have Router linksys with web2 password.
when i turn on Wi-Fi only appair on the screen (open network) which not secure near to me but my secure network is not shown, if i remove web2 pass. i can see again my network.
what is the problem?
abody1111 said:
I have Router linksys with web2 password.
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Hmm are you typing with auto-correction on?
If you mean WPA2-PSK (WPA2 with password), then I can confirm that this works.
I have a similar issue with my 'O2' router (rebranded Thompson 585 V7) and have WPA+WPA2 (WPA-PSK Encryption) setup.
All devices in my home (laptops & Ipod Touch's) have no problems, but my new Hero continually fails to get an IP address. Seems to connect OK but then continualy cycles therough 'Obtaining address'... 'failed'.... 'Obtaining address'!
It did successfully connect once for about 20 mins, but after a phone off/on, has gone back to failing.
I'll experiment further, but may have to return the device
Volker1 said:
Hmm are you typing with auto-correction on?
If you mean WPA2-PSK (WPA2 with password), then I can confirm that this works.
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sorry you are right
plz solve my prob. if you can
abody1111 said:
sorry you are right
plz solve my prob. if you can
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I'm still waiting for my hero, so I might be wrong. But according to the manual, the hero can only handle WEP encryption on WiFi. WPA/WPA2 are not supported. I think, for the hero to work on WiFi, you must change the encryption on your router either to WEP or to unsecure.
gh01 said:
I'm still waiting for my hero, so I might be wrong.
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I tried WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK with my Hero and they definitely work. Sorry, mate ;-)
If the OP wants some help he needs to post some useful data about his setup and what works and what does not work.
I can confirm it works for wpa2-psk and PEAPv0/EAP-MSCHAPv2
Wi-FI is not working with secure network
I had same problem with BT Home Hub2 all i did was a soft rest and it worked and had no more problems so try soft resetting you routor
Well, as posted earlier, despite several hours of every possible combination of settings and factory resets, I can't get my Hero to use my WiFi (WPA+WPA2, WPA-PSK Encryption).
I have seven other devices that have no problems at all (I configured them all), so I'm assuming it's an issue with the Hero. Therefore, it's going back to it's supplier.
knnelg said:
Well, as posted earlier, despite several hours of every possible combination of settings and factory resets, I can't get my Hero to use my WiFi (WPA+WPA2, WPA-PSK Encryption).
I have seven other devices that have no problems at all (I configured them all), so I'm assuming it's an issue with the Hero. Therefore, it's going back to it's supplier.
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Yep it may well be a faulty one if its from a store try get them to test it if they can if not the get the new one home and try again you might also wont to try it on someone else wifi see if it works on theres. Also it might be that the amount of device conected to it may be causing a problem on first time setup, you could try it on its own then let other device connect to route worth a try
You should bear in mind that sometimes certain devices just don't get on. Someone posted here earlier with a similar issue, and they found changing their router from the Orange supplied box to another one "fixed" their issue.
I found problems connecting my Hero to our Belkin N1 Vision ADSL Modem/Router using WPA2-Personal.
In the end it turned out that re-enabling the option to broadcast the SSID solved the problem. For some reason creating a connection manually to a network which does not brodcast caused the issue for me.
ianm said:
In the end it turned out that re-enabling the option to broadcast the SSID solved the problem.
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So there is a generic advice, run your wifi in a standard-compliant mode. Broadcast SSID and turn off all the vendor-specific "turbo mode" and "extra-long/short" packets crap.
Problem with wpa2 enterprise
I am not able to connect to wifi at work.
We use wpa2-enterprise with PEAPv0/EAP-MSCHAPv2 and broadcast SSID.
Hero detects wifi network with incorrect security. It displays: "(network SSID) secured with WEP". When I tap on it it asks for WEP hex key...
I tried to add wpa2-enterprise network manually. It says "not in the range" and keeps offering me the above one with wrong security...
any ideas?
wifi works fine on other phones

Ugh...Wifi Issue (Yes I read EVERY wifi post) Bounty for fix!

Ok, I have read every single thread (to my knowledge) about the Wifi Connect Issue. I have tried all the manual tricks (changing router settings / channels / changed SSID / passwords / Security / reset router to factory / airplane mode / factory reset on GTab, etc) and STILL can NOT connect my GTab to home router.
I CAN connect it to my Galaxy S Vibrant Mobile AP Wireless, I can also connect every other device to my Router without issue. (Vibrant / Nook Color / Archos 70 IT / Wireless Printer, etc)
I'd be happy to toss a donation tip to whoever can help me with this...it's truly EFFIN frustrating. I can get speeds of 12-15MB/s on all my other devices off the router wireless connection. With the GTab I'm just stuck in a cycle of "Obtaining IP Address...Connecting...Obtaining...yadda effin yadda"
Running VEGAn-Tab 5.1
BTW - bought it earlier tonight...totally lovin this thing, beastly! Compared with my 4 other Android Devices, it's nutz! Thanks to all of your great info and ROMs!
***SOLVED 1/10...Bought New Router & working fine now!!***
What you are describing is what i get when i put in wrong password.
Allenfx said:
What you are describing is what i get when i put in wrong password.
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I wish...heh heh. Nah, I've changed / reset SSID and Password multiple times as well. Definately not the issue. Woulda been funny tho...kinda like when you get a call in tech support, and ask "Is it plugged in?" lmao
Is your security WEP? I believe the Viewsonic only understands WPA.
Under settings>wireless and network>Wifi settings
What do you see?
ml_boston said:
Is your security WEP? I believe the Viewsonic only understands WPA.
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Tried all variations of WPA...
Allenfx said:
Under settings>wireless and network>Wifi settings
What do you see?
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The usual stuff...Wi-Fi toggle / Network Notification toggle / Add wifi network
Once toggled on...several networks show up...including my Router Connection
So network and and gtab wireless are working.
Has to be a setting somewhere thats off.
Changed everything again...even matched the settings exactly the same as the settings on my Android Phone...no luck.
Did you change your wifi regulatory domain to 11 channels? If not, try that...
anlog said:
Did you change your wifi regulatory domain to 11 channels? If not, try that...
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Just tried that as well...using Root Explorer, edited the build.prop/ ro.wifi.channels= to ro.wifi.channels=11
no change...still the connecting / obtaining loop
Have you tried disabling security? (Just for test purposes?)
pmcnano said:
Have you tried disabling security? (Just for test purposes?)
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Yep...that too. Beginning to think GTab doesn't like my router. I have a Belkin N1 Router if anyone else has the same and could advise.
Try flashing pershoot's latest kernel. It has a VERY updated wifi driver.
anlog said:
Try flashing pershoot's latest kernel. It has a VERY updated wifi driver.
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Nope...tried this too now...wtf
Prolly go grab a new router in the AM...see if that does any good.
Keep up the suggestions tho, puhleeze
Bandage said:
Nope...tried this too now...wtf
Prolly go grab a new router in the AM...see if that does any good.
Keep up the suggestions tho, puhleeze
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Only other thing I can think of is wacked out router, or maybe some mac filtering, upnp, or other "helpful" crap on the router that is causing it to not connect. I don't own any Belkin devices. I stick to Linksys or D-Link...
Sorry, man...
Have you tried connecting to a different wireless network? (sorry if this was already suggested.) Coffee house or any other company with free wireless, maybe at your job?
Bandage said:
Yep...that too. Beginning to think GTab doesn't like my router. I have a Belkin N1 Router if anyone else has the same and could advise.
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Connects to my girlfriends belkn n600. But thats a brand new router just installed last night. 69 at best buy
Couple of thoughts:
you may just have a defect. it happens. can't hurt to return for another one
not sure what type of router you have, but most if not all allow you to look at the event log. from there you should be able to tell why it's not being assigned an address (i.e. p/w wrong, range not avail, etc)
is your router restricting the type of access? (i.e. "b" but not "g" or "n")
didn't see in earlier posts, but have you been able to connect to any wifi networks? (i.e. public ones, or a mobile device's hotspot)
1) Is your router set to only serve out a small number of IP addresses via DHCP? Perhaps the available IPs have been used by other devices
2) I know you did a factory reset, but make sure MAC filtering is not turned on. Not sure what the Belkin defaults to but should be off unless you want to add the MACs manually to the whitelist.
3) If your SSID is showing up in the Wireless list on your GTablet, try deleting it (long press, then Forget) and then re-add it...You may have "cached" some old settings from your previous configurations...

Wi - Fi Problems, obtaining wrong IP [SOLVED]

Attention!!! I found a fix for getting wrong IP using your router!!!This should help you if internet worked at first day on phone or sometimes works and sometimes not after reconects. This thread i created is about my routers not working with SG3 and other devices. Router fails to assign right IP for my SG3. Example: digit from 100 to 199) should be IP in that range but phone aquires or and it can't get internet acces! I could connect but not surf the internet. To make device get always same IP and most importantly get GOOD IP wich would not be broken and you could surf internet. You just need to reserve IP in router's network settings. This fixed my problem instantly!!!
Thank me if it worked for you!!
Everything below is history!!
Pure stock, not rooted SG3 international version.
I have strange wifi problem. We have 2 routers. One is main(dlink) it was working fine for 5 days and sudenly my SG3 can't connect to internet. I saw that my SG3 is aquiring wrong IP instead of IP192.168.0.(range of 99- 199) so it won't get connected to internet, but connection to router is good. Tried 2nd(linksys) not main router and it works, i can connect to internet (aquires right IP something like that in right range from 99 to 199. First tried wifi fixers. Didn't work. Then tried factory reset didn't help too. Then hard reset from recovery with data wipe ( correct me if that isn't hard reset). That helped, but not 100%. Now i can connect. To main (dlink) router with right IP IP192.168.0.(range of 99- 199) and internet works, but tried with 2nd(linksys) and now problem has transfered to that 2nd router. I only can ask you. Why? What socery is this? Maybe custom rom i install from stock would fix this. Or i need to fix my problem without roming first? Strange.
Why two exact same posts ??????
JJEgan said:
Why two exact same posts ??????
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Sorry, i deleted first Q on this one. I can't find solution to this problem anywhere. Already searching how to solve for about 12hours. Not critical problem but i don't want to live with it. Thanks for answering first Q.
Pickepys said:
Sorry, i deleted first Q on this one. I can't find solution to this problem anywhere. Already searching how to solve for about 12hours. Not critical problem but i don't want to live with it. Thanks for answering first Q.
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Post the answer if you can as it may help others .
Update: i lol right now. I went with my SG3 to googleplay via (main dlink router) downloaded angry birds seasons to see download speed. Speed was okay, played few mins. Tried to go to store again. Internet was gone. Internet works fine on my pc but on phone throught wifi not. And changed IP from 192.68.0.(last digit range 99 - 199 ) to Now both routers have IP as i connect to them with my SG3. Connection is strong but internet does not work, because of that freaky IP. I don't imagine how to fix this. My only thought is to flash my SG3 to custom ROM, because other devices works fine with these 2 routers.
So i flashed custom rom and it worked for a while. I guess because i did data wipe/factory reset. I thought i have solved the problem. Recently i installed FoxHound Rom wich is absolutely briliant. Then getting started app asked me to find wifi network. I sat near my router and... it again aquired wrong IP --->>> <<<--- INSTEAD of 192.168.0.( from range 99 to 199). I i don't know what to do next! HELP ME PLEASE! :/
Our other device Galaxy Note works fine as ipad works fine too with those 2 routers.. But not SG3. Arrggh..
Pickepys said:
So i flashed custom rom and it worked for a while. I guess because i did data wipe/factory reset. I thought i have solved the problem. Recently i installed FoxHound Rom wich is absolutely briliant. Then getting started app asked me to find wifi network. I sat near my router and... it again aquired wrong IP --->>> <<<--- INSTEAD of 192.168.0.( from range 99 to 199). I i don't know what to do next! HELP ME PLEASE! :/
Our other device Galaxy Note works fine as ipad works fine too with those 2 routers.. But not SG3. Arrggh..
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Happened to me once(i also have two routers). Forget network on your phone then change the SSID and the password of your router. That worked for me good luck!
life_hacker said:
Happened to me once(i also have two routers). Forget network on your phone then change the SSID and the password of your router. That worked for me good luck!
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Hardware Address(MAC adress)..........Assigned IP.............Hostname.......................................Expires
5c:0a:5b:b0:c8:a1................................ Hours 57 Minutes
40:2b:a1:7c:ad:e0............................... Hours 55 Minutes
1c:6f:65:38:0f:32................................ Hours 54 Minutes
Watch at first line with Hostname android. That's my phone. And it says assigned IP, but in my phone i see Will try your advise. I will thank you for it as i get more "thanks"! It may work
Update: After 5min: forgeted wifi in phone, changed SSID(name of wifi) and set the pass. Reconnected. No right IP on phone :*( WT* Please more advises. I raped that router 3 times today already (reset, reenter ips..). But my SG3 don't want to be friends with it.
Pickepys said:
Hardware Address(MAC adress)..........Assigned IP.............Hostname.......................................Expires
5c:0a:5b:b0:c8:a1................................ Hours 57 Minutes
40:2b:a1:7c:ad:e0............................... Hours 55 Minutes
1c:6f:65:38:0f:32................................ Hours 54 Minutes
Watch at first line with Hostname android. That's my phone. And it says assigned IP, but in my phone i see Will try your advise. I will thank you for it as i get more "thanks"! It may work
Update: After 5min: forgeted wifi in phone, changed SSID(name of wifi) and set the pass. Reconnected. No right IP on phone :*( WT* Please more advises. I raped that router 3 times today already (reset, reenter ips..). But my SG3 don't want to be friends with it.
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I dont know if your router supports it; assign your phone a static IP.
life_hacker said:
I dont know if your router supports it; assign your phone a static IP.
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Now i have flashed other custom rom and SG3 aquires right IP. For now. Internet works fine. Will report later. Any advices appreciated.
Update: found this thread http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r22...-wireless-devices-aquire-the-wrong-IP-address.
He says:
"Everything connects to the router but getting internet working is only accomplished by manually changing the settings to those described above."
Maybe that's because my SG3 can act as modem too? Can galaxy note 4.0.4 act as modem or iphone4?
Unfortunately problem back again. Browsed internet for few min and got wrong IP as i came 3rd time to connect to wifi dlin router. Then i tried another router linksys and got instantly bad IP by connecting to it too. What to do now?!? It's definitely something wrong with my SG3. Do i need to reflash to original, reset counter and take it to warranty post?
Or maybe there is else i can do? Help!
Pickepys said:
Unfortunately problem back again. Browsed internet for few min and got wrong IP as i came 3rd time to connect to wifi dlin router. Then i tried another router linksys and got instantly bad IP by connecting to it too. What to do now?!? It's definitely something wrong with my SG3. Do i need to reflash to original, reset counter and take it to warranty post?
Or maybe there is else i can do? Help!
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why dont you use the [1 to 99] host byte range? I know range doesnt really matter but if your phone wants to connect to the lower part, why not change that? Plus, did you try giving your phone a static IP address? thats the first thing I would do
I tried doing static IP on my phone and I think I did it wrong. Now I have flashed again I didn't connect to my main dlink router firstly after I flashed new rom, instead I connected to 2nd Linksys. Downloaded 300mb game and few more apps from googleplay, installed, restarted, reconnected and it still works. Will report later how it's going.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
All those few days i was connected to 2nd linksys router. So it worked flawlessly until today when i tried to connect to main router dlink. First time i connected today it worked fine. Second time i got that EPIC FAIL IP now. What the F***?! I resetted that router like 5 times to zero and reentered ips. All other devices works fine with it. Why not my SG3?!?! And my computer threw strange internet connection error but it wasn't affected by it. Internet works on my computer as it should. Error was about double ip. It said that other computer in the same network had the same ip. But it works fine after that error. I'm carring my SG3 to warranty post. I don't know any other options.
Edit: After 5 min tried to connect. It works now again just by reconnecting. Previously it didn't work that way. If it stuck, it was always stuck with that ip even if i did "'forget network" then "wifi off" then phone restart and wait some time. It could only work for some time if i did hard reset. Will see what happens next.
After another 5 min i tried reconecting to 2nd linksys router and now it has wrong ip (not 8 at the end). But i get good in on main dlink router now! So main working and 2nd - not. Wtf... So this problem isn't caused by main router dlink. I now really believe that my SG3 has something wrong. I i will lose my connection again (can connect, but no internet), i will take phone to service.
Pickepys said:
After another 5 min i tried reconecting to 2nd linksys router and now it has wrong ip (not 8 at the end). But i get good in on main dlink router now! So main working and 2nd - not. Wtf... So this problem isn't caused by main router dlink. I now really believe that my SG3 has something wrong. I i will lose my connection again (can connect, but no internet), i will take phone to service.
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if you somehow get your phone to connect to the internet again. Just go to the router's configuration window and increase the lease time to max (say 1000hours). That way, your device will get the same IP for at least 1000hours
life_hacker said:
if you somehow get your phone to connect to the internet again. Just go to the router's configuration window and increase the lease time to max (say 1000hours). That way, your device will get the same IP for at least 1000hours
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What's point of doing this if i go to other place and same thing happens. I will increase time there too or smth? I need to fix roots of the problem. Other devices works fine, but not SG3. Do not know.. Will installs few new roms and take it to service. Internet works now with main Dlink router but no linksys (other connected after main). I first thought it can be main router only. I thought when main locks with bad ip so other router gets bad ip too, but i was wrong. So no point in fixing routers, because if i go to anywhere else and there my SG3 lock with bad ip what then i should do? That's the point
This time i tried onother samsung galaxy s3 wich is not mine. Gues what. It bugged the same way. LOL. But somehow unbugged to correct ip after 5min when i did reconnect on that phone. Same thing happenned to mine with new rom. I jst installed new rom on mine and instantly as tried connecting got wrong ip again. But after 5mins~ turned off wifi and back on and it started to work again. Same s*it with both SGS3. I gues that's samsung fail with wifi. Wich cause with some routers to work wrong. And again all other devices have no problems with these router wich have SGS3s. I think i will have to live with it or buy other router.
life_hacker said:
I dont know if your router supports it; assign your phone a static IP.
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So router with my sg3 worked for some time for few day and locked again. BUT FINALLY I FOUND HOW TO FIX THIS PERMANENTALY!!! YES!!!
To make device get always same IP and most importantly get GOOD IP wich would not be broken and you could surf internet. You just need to reverse IP in router's network settings. This fixed my problem instantly!!!
Reverse IP, what does that mean?
Pickepys said:
So router with my sg3 worked for some time for few day and locked again. BUT FINALLY I FOUND HOW TO FIX THIS PERMANENTALY!!! YES!!!
To make device get always same IP and most importantly get GOOD IP wich would not be broken and you could surf internet. You just need to reverse IP in router's network settings. This fixed my problem instantly!!!
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I am having wifi problems with SG3. Can you please explain what you mean by reversing IP in router's network settings?
Example: 192.168.????
Thanks, I hope someone sees this I know this is an old thread.

