No incoming audio on calls (Sprint) - Touch Pro CDMA

Hi all
I'm sure this issue has been around for awhile, but the search function is failing me... If someone wants to point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.
My girlfriend uses an HTC Touch Pro, and sporadically it decides that it doesn't want to hear what the other person is saying. What I mean is that there is no incoming audio to the phone. Sprint support says the only way to fix it is to hard-reset, which I'd be willing to do, except logically that tells me that the problem will eventually just come back.
Sprint ROM version is 1.03.651.4, ROM date is 11/11/08.
Any suggestions would be extremely helpful. Thank you!

Hard Reset
Try first getting a Backup program once you backup your contacts you can go to start / settings / system / clear storage /
then enter 1234 in the blank space and the hit yes this will hard reset the phone
make sure you have full charge you don't want to get stock in the middle of a hard reset!
re install the backup program run the back up and that is it...


Phone function & green button on my Qtek

Hello all,
I'm new here, have read lots of the information available, but came here looking for an answer that I haven't found yet.
Situation is the following.
I got this Qtek2020 (or XDA II) from my dad who used it for his work. The reason he stopped using it is because the "phone" function itself is kind off acting weird.
Sometimes it is just nog possible to get into phone mode, neither of the two methods make te device display the dial pad...
- hitting the green button
- going Start-> phone
(It's kind off like a non responding program in windows when you want to execute it)
To make things clear, the phone works fine if we go to contacts and then choose the option to call the contact.
The question is, does this problem seem familiar and is there a way to fix it by for example putting a new rom on the device?
Any help or input about this is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
I think the HARD RESET should help . After a long... long work configuration data and other settings going to be ... melted . If U don't store on devise impotrant data just remove the battery for about 20 mins .

dissapearing text messages

ive seen this discussed somewhere else, maybe it was ppcgeeks, but the problem is, i lose text messages when i soft reset.
i dont have much information about it, but if i soft reset soonafter a soft reset, or even an hour or so after a string of text messages, they will sometimes just not be there any more.
anyone have any idea why this is happening, or more importantly how to fix it?
i would really like some info on this. i cant offer any help other than verifying that it happens to me too. i think it has happened with both sms and mms too actually. i dont like it though
The only way I've been able to save my SMS when I reset is by holding the button to power the phone off rather than using the stylus to reset. Every time I use the reset button I lose info. Power the phone down, then turn it back on. Should help.
Sounds alot like a cache issue.... Sometimes things get put into mem cache and will be saved later when enough has been stored.... I do not know how to adjust it tho.... I'd say that between the 3 of you, there is a common program that you have installed that may be changing the way your messages are stored.... just a theory on my part, cuz I don't have that issue....
Perhaps 1 of you can flash the ROM from the 3.2.0 post and install nothing but your carrier and then send a bunch of SMS messages. Then do a soft reset to see if they stay....!
are you running a cooked rom?
i recall having this on pre 6.1 roms, though you will always risk data loss if you suddenly soft reset your device with the reset button instead of powering it down properly
i have used the same apps on my phone for a while and only started noticing this messaging issue recently. the more i think about it i think it might have started once i started using 6.1 roms. before that i was just on alltels updated stock rom and this didnt happen. but on both no2chems 5069k and now dcd's 3.2 it happens.
so..maybe its a 6.1 issue? maybe a 6.1 cache issue? all of these 6.1 roms we are using are going to have bugs so this is what im guessing.
just read the post directly above mine...... so maybe im wrong.
anyone else offer any suggestions?
This is definitely a cache issue I discovered some time ago, I think even with 6.0. If you use the reset button or pull the battery within an hour or less of doing text messaging you have to shut down Outlook/SMS first so that it will write the cache to the database.
I'm on Verizon.. This has happened to me even with the stock ROM. Not only do new text messages disappear, but if you delete all your text messages.. then reset.. they are all back.
It does appear to be a cache issue. It takes some time before changes are permanent I guess.
This happened to me on Stock with original Arcsoft, Also on DCD ROM 3.1.2, 3.1.6, 3.2.0.. with various Arcsoft versions 5.xx.
I have found no way to change this.. but I haven't checked all the reg keys for a setting that might do this. If I discover one, I'll post back.


Well i need some get. this is not my 1st PPC since i have had thr 6700, titan and not the touch pro but i guess i dont know what im doing...
so i downloaded a few cabs, nothing big. i dont mess with a lot. got some themes, lumos, touch response etc.
i the problems started when i downloaded my last theme but im not 100 % sure that was what caused the problem. i did use advance config and change some things but nothing major, just some setting on the program that said "advised"
well, i had problems and i wanted to delete everything and start over but i couldnt delete a theme.
to make a story short, i was at the mall today and stopped by the sprint store to see if the tech could help me...
some how files got delete and from what i was told the tech couldnt even do a master reset!!! she couldnt figure it out... the phone works but its missing some things.
can i fix this? download a custom ROM? and use that?
i wouldnt think advance config can delete something, or a theme.... i dont know what i did but something happened.
any help would be great
hold power, down volume and ok button all while pushing the reset button. release the reset button but continue to hold the other three untill the phone reboots into the hard reset menu. hit the volume up button and tada bobs your uncle. if that doesnt work selet clear memory in the settings menu and follow the prompts
the sprint tech couldnt get it to work. she tired a master reset and nothing. they said files where missing.
she has the same phone and tired a lot of things
i dont get how i can erase files like this, i didnt mess with any files... the only thing i have done is download simple cabs
i did use advance config but once again i didnt delete anything. just selected what it said was best.
If I'm hearing you correctly you need to do a Hard Reset....
To do so there are two ways:
First way:
While phone is OFF, press volume down, cener d-pad, and power button until message comes on. Press volume up to complete.
Second way:
While phone is on, press volume down, center d-pad, and stylus-reset until message comes on
it wont do a hard reset
i have done it, sometimes it beeps... i get the htc logo and thats about it. i never get a message or anything, it just goes black like a soft reset
the only diff is that it wont show the sprint logo like when i have done a soft reset... it shows the htc logo
now im worried about downloading cabs. i never had this problem. and i didnt delete anything from the phone. so i dont know who those important files they say are missing got deleted.
the guy at the sprint store on base dialed ##786# and hit the call button, he says that will do a reset or something... and it wouldnt work
nothing else? no one else has a idea of what happened
this is my 3rd ppc and this is a 1st, it would be nice to know what could have cause this problem so i dont do it again.
you guys are no help
Have you tried flashing the ROM over on it? Will it connect to the computer via Activesync?
Mayonesa said:
it wont do a hard reset
the guy at the sprint store on base dialed ##786# and hit the call button, he says that will do a reset or something... and it wouldnt work
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
LMAO!! Now that's funny. The guy at the sprint store doesn't have a clue.
If you do ##786# on the Sprint phone, it should bring up a EPST screen. Which when you press menu, there is an option to reset it, however I doubt that does anything to solve your problem.
I would suggest, trying to flash the ROM back on the phone (if you haven't tried that already)
i have never connected the phone using activesync... i just got the phone like 2 weeks ago ( replaced my mogul)
i was thinking about trying that but havent done it for 2 reasons
1. i have never flashed a ROM
2. im getting a new TP, it has been ordered... if i get to keep the one i have now i will try to flash but i dont want to try it if i have to give up the phone. only to have to change it back
i do want to find out why this happened. like i said, i like to add themes and other programs i like but im worried about messing my new one and then ill be out of luck.

Cant make or answer calls with 2.1 root

I have and sense-able 2.0.
When the phone rings I slide the slider down to answer and I cant hear anyone and the caller cant hear me. The call timer never starts. I had my friend sitting next to me call me, I answer and he hears in his earpiece my phone stop ringing but we cant hear each other.
When I try to make a call the contact picture comes up but no timer and the call doesnt ring in my earpiece or on his phone. Its like the phone is not connecting.
If I power down the phone and back up it works....and then a few calls later the same thing....nothing.
Any ideas?
I also have two icons in my programs for PDF viewer and contacts. They are side by side...
I hate to be a bother. I have read all I could to resolve this without posting but nothing worked.
Any help would be appreciated.
Do a factory wipe, and a dalvik with. Then reset the phone up, and do the 228 activation again. Still won't work, use my downgrade and wait for a rom based on the offical 2.1 upgrade.
NOOO!!! go into settings and change tty mode to off trust me
i have been having this same problem oh my god.. finally someone wth the same problem as me.. what i did was installed the heroic radio and did a *228 activation.. it has worked for me so far its been two days without the phone messing up..
Palmbxr said:
NOOO!!! go into settings and change tty mode to off trust me
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for the reply, but tty was already off.
i can also vouch for wife's eris has the same issues. In fact, she has had two eris's that have had it. I have checked the TTY and the also flashed the newest heroc radios to no avail. If anyone else has any ideas, it looks like i will have to revert hers back to 1.5
i can also vouch for wife's eris has the same issues. In fact, she has had two eris's that have had it. I have checked the TTY and the also flashed the newest heroc radios to no avail. If anyone else has any ideas, it looks like i will have to revert hers back to 1.5
my phone is doing the same thing.. there has to be a fix for this. i have done everything i know to do and it still does it.. i will keep trying to fix it.

[Q] Installing ROM on a Eris that is not activated to function as a phone.

Hello Everyone,
I just got the Samsung Galaxy Nexus last night, and it is awesome. My old Eris will now be used as MP3 player, Games, and Camera. I used one click root to root the phone. Now I would like to install CyanogenMOD 7.2.0-RC0 Gingerbread NIGHTLY for the HTC Eris. I have the full version ready and on the SD card. The instructions say that I need to wipe the phone completely (Factory Reset). I did a factory reset before I even attempted to root it, because I wanted to start from scratch. The problem I ran into was that after the factory reset, I couldn't use the phone until I activated the phone with Verizon (by dialing *228 to program the phone). The Verizon tech support had me activate the phone with one of my other add-on phone numbers to get past this, then reactivate the number used, back to the correct phone. My question, is this going to happen if I flash this ROM to my Eris? I'm no longer going to use the Eris as a phone anymore, so I don't need it activated, I just want a cool multimedia device for music, apps, pictures, and web.
Thanks to Everyone who makes this possible.
You just tap for corners of the screen clock wise starting from top left whenever the setup screen comes up on the first boot
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App
Yes, on the CM7 ROMs, the tap the four corners works.
However, if you ever need to reinstall stock, you can get by activation in one of two ways:
Or, easier, have it dial to activate, but immediately disconnect. It will try about three times, so have it dial and then disconnect right away each tome. It will then give up and put you through to the initial setup screen without activation.
Well there is a 'Wifi Script' made by CondemnedSoul that turns the Eris into a wifi phone only; I haven't got much in detail, however, if you check it out it might incite you to use it. Also, from the comments in that thread, it seems that the script is remunerative.
Hope this helped

