[APP][Updated 27-05-2009] Simple Redial V1.1.1 - Windows Mobile Apps and Games

I do not know why but redial applications are rare. I do not like any of them so I wrote one myself.
Requirements and compatibility.
.NET Compact Framework 2 is required. For any other requirement and compatibility you tell me. I am not a professional mobile developer and I can only test on my phone, a HTC Diamond2 (Topaz) with WM6.1
Run SimpleRedial.cab. Can be installed in main memory or storage card.
Use Remove Programs in Settings
Simple Redial calls the most recent number in the dial history. No history, no call. Tap and hold the most recent number label at the top of the screen to select dial history filter (All,Missed,Incoming,Outgoing).
Call attempt number and time between call attempts can be selected by tapping and holding the labels.
On tapping Redial the program starts the call attempts and goes on until one of these happens.
1 - A call attempt is answered. The program produces a 'connected' notification (sound plus short vibration) and exit. Speakerphone can be optionally activated (check Keep on Speakerphone).
2 - You tap Abort. After current attempt ending the program produces a 'not connected' notification (sound plus vibration).
3 - You tap Exit. After current attempt ending the program exit (no notification).
4 - All the attempts fail. The program produces a 'not connected' notification (sound plus vibration).
5 - An inbound call arrives between call attempts. The program exit (no notification).
The 'not connected' notification is played when the phone call is not active and is so a 'normal' notification. Therefore, you can control it with volume and vibrate/silent settings.
The 'connected' notification is played when the phone call is active and this is somewhat tricky. You can not control it with volume and vibrate/silent settings but you can select whether it is played on speakerphone (check Sound on Speakerphone) or on the phone speaker (uncheck Sound on Speakerphone).
The sounds used by the program are Connected.wma and NotConnected.wma in the installation directory. You can change them if you like by replacing these files. If your Connected.wma is longer and gets truncated you should change the registry HKCU\Software\SimpleRedial\ConnectedSoundSecs. This is the time in seconds the program allows for Connected.wma playing before exiting.
Use Simple Redial at your own risk! NO WARRANTY! Although running this application does not seem to produce any damage on my phone, I take no responsibility for any kind of damage or major or minor inconvenience caused to devices or data or person or whatever else due to this application and its usage.
PROBLEM: on some phones popup menus do not popup, can't say why as it should be managed by Framework and I could not reproduce the problem. At any rate at post #9 you can download the previous version that used drop down lists.

Nice work. I'll try it. I knew only one redial app before you created this. Thanks. I'll start to annoy the ones that owe me some money with this

Idea - this kind of app should be service to save process slots (which are sow few as we know - 32)

darfri said:
Idea - this kind of app should be service...
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The ideal option would be to have it inside the dialer application as a 'fire (a call) and forget (till answer)' option, otherwise compromise are in order.
For example, I would have liked to start the call attemps in a hidden way (maybe using Tapi) and then handover it to the normal phone window on call answer. Unfortunately, this is not possible (or, at least, I could not find a way) so to keep the phone window hidden I had to set my application as topmost. It works, provided you do not start switching applications with a task manager, but it is not very elegant.
Unfortunately, it seems redial is not an interesting capability (maybe it's me that know strange people with an almost alway busy phone) and MS or HTC leave the dialer as it is.

I cannot seem to figure out how I can change the number of attempts and how long in between each attempt.

toddpedersen said:
I cannot seem to figure out how I can change the number of attempts and how long in between each attempt.
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Tap and hold the labels until a popup menu appears.

I do that and see that something is happening, butI get now menu. I just reboot the device and same result. I get the circle of dots when I press and hold, but no menu.

Let me try that again. I do that and see that something is happening, but I get NO menue. I rebooted the device and got the same result. Circle of dots when I press and old, but no menu.

toddpedersen said:
Let me try that again. I do that and see that something is happening, but I get NO menue. I rebooted the device and got the same result. Circle of dots when I press and old, but no menu.
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That's strange. Tap and hold popup is a .NET Framework provided feature and it works flawlessly on my phone.
Do you have .NET Compact Framework 2 installed? Does tap and hold works in other programs on your device? Are you tapping exactly over 'xx attempts' label and 'xx secs between attempts' label?
At any rate here is old version 1.1 that used drop down lists. I moved to menus because it is supposed to be more finger friendly.

I will try the new file. I have running Compact Framework 3.5. Yes press and hold works for other programs.

Do I get this right? The app redials not if the line is busy - you have to start the app to set the redialprocess in motion?

peterpan911 said:
Do I get this right? The app redials not if the line is busy - you have to start the app to set the redialprocess in motion?
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Yes, the application does not start by itself. The usage as I thougt it is...
1 - I call let's say Jack and I find that the line is busy. Now the Jack's number is on top of call history.
2 - I run SimpleRedial, it gets the Jack's number from the call history and when I tap Redial it starts calling again and again.
3 - When Jack answer SimpleRedial notifies me and exits.

oruam57 said:
Yes, the application does not start by itself. The usage as I thougt it is...
1 - I call let's say Jack and I find that the line is busy. Now the Jack's number is on top of call history.
2 - I run SimpleRedial, it gets the Jack's number from the call history and when I tap Redial it starts calling again and again.
3 - When Jack answer SimpleRedial notifies me and exits.
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Do you plan to make it an auto redial? If so can you add the option of whether I want the number redialed, if so how many times? It would be very useful then. I have been waiting for years for such an app. Pocketmax.net has one, but the developer is not working on it. Yours could be the perfect app. All the best looking forward to further development.

kull said:
Do you plan to make it an auto redial?
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Sorry, but no. I have only Compact Framework development tools (as a byproduct of my "real" .NET programming activities) and Compact Framework applications are very easy to code but real resource hogs. Therefore, making SimpleRedial resident would be quite a bad idea, it would not even be really resident because the Framework can decide to kill background applications to recover resources. Moreover, it would became not really "Simple"
kull said:
... add the option of whether I want the number redialed, if so how many times...
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There is already an option for the redial attemps number. Just tap and hold the "xx attemps" label to get the popup menu (on some phone it does not work, can't say why, but on post #9 there is the old version that uses drop down lists).

Thanks for the reply.

How can i mod my dream im new to this

very great APP thx!
idea: I've got confused with difference between "speaker phone" and "phonespeaker"

Kaiser running WM6.1 CF3.5.
I've installed to the storage card.
The selection popups work fine.
With "sound on speakerphone" enabled, but "keep on speakerphone" disabled I get this error when the call connects:
at Microsoft.AGL.Common.MISC.HandleAr()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.get_Parent()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.get_Enabled()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control._SyncEnabled()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Enabled()
at Redial.MainForm.RedialEnd()
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.InternalInvoke()
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.InternalInvoke()
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke()
at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke()
at TASK.Invoke()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control._InvokeAll()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WnProc()
at System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.WnProc()
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WnProc()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control._InternalWnProc()
at Microsoft.AGL.Forms.EVL.EnterMainLoop()
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run()
at Redial.Program.Main()
The call stays connected, but simple redial crashes. Also, the writeup indicates that the notification should be via sound (works sorta) and vibrate (does not work). The notification sound does not come over the speakerphone.
When I enable "sounds over speakerphone" and enable "keep on speakerphone", the sound does not come over the speakerphone, but once the call connects the speakerphone comes on (after a brief delay)
When a busy signal is encountered it seems like the app waits for the line to be disconnected by the service provided (busy signal runs for over 1 minute) is there a ways to decrease this or to disconnect when a busy signal is detected by tone? This would increase the effectiveness of the redialer as well as decrease the burden on the device (wasted resources waiting for the telcom to disconnect the call)
The app has great potential, it would be nice to see the last couple of bugs ironed out.

It would be highly appreciated if it can be set to 1 sec between atempt!! Thank you!

BallGor said:
It would be highly appreciated if it can be set to 1 sec between atempt!! Thank you!
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I subscribe as well to this kind request to have 1sec between atempts.


[APP][01.10.2008] Vibration Feedback

[SIZE=+1][highlight]Vibration Feedback for Windows Mobile 5+ (DISCONTINUED)[/highlight][/SIZE]
Original Thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=412491
Different approach by writing an own touch.dll: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=450256
This Software lets the phone vibrate when the touchscreen is touched. This feature is knwon from the Samsung Omnia Phone for example. It gives a better response and feeling for a finger tip on the screen.
It consists of two parts. The first one is VOA aka vibrate.exe (which is already mentioned in different threads) by Const and a configuration part VOAConfig by Kisja.
[SIZE="+1"][highlight]Help needed![/highlight][/SIZE]
VOA is not developed anymore and the sources are not availible. To optimize the reaction and some other things (see TODO later) we need to rewrite VOA. Since I have not enough time for it, we need someone who has experience in development. I could help with some ideas, since I know how VOA works. Send mit a PN or simply reply on this thread!
Current version with VOA 01.10.2008 and VOAConfig v1.5: Vibration_Feedback_1.5_01.10.2008_volume fix.cab
[SIZE=+1][highlight]VOA by Const[/highlight][/SIZE]
It's a little application which runs in background and reacts on user activities with vibration.
- Vibrate always on touch events (mouse down, or mouse up)
- Vibrate only if SIP is active
- Vibrate on Key press (hardware keys)
- Adjustable vibration (duration in ms)
- configuration over command line parameters
- fully event based, so only battery consumption while vibrating
- No runtimes needed (pure C++ application)
- Works with WM 5+ (not 2003)
[highlight]Command Line Parameters:[/highlight]
-nled: Which nled to use (1 on Diamond)
-len: vibration duration in milliseconds
-ondown: 0 - on mouse up, 1 - on mouse down
-onsip: 0 - handle every touch event, 1 - vibrate only if SIP (or phone) is active
-keyon: 1 - Vibrate on Key press (is not affected by onsip!)
- Fix for volume buttons (HTC Diamond), the keyboard part of
the code is completely disabled if onkey 0 is set
- improved vibration length/strength
- With short values (10-30) is the vibration like in Teeter
- Phone Dialpad support if onsip 1 is set
- support for HTC Diamond
[highlight]Known Issues/TODO:[/highlight]
- lags while fast typing (vibration doesn't stop or no input possible while vibrating, seems to be ROM or Phone dependent)
- Volume keys are blocked on HTC Diamond if onkey is set to 1. Don't use key vibration or enable the default windows volume bubble to have workung response and volume keys (Use Diamond Tweak for example).
- vibrates during an active call, if dialpad vibration is enabled
VOA*.zip contains VOA.EXE and an exaple VOA.LNK file for launching VOA with desired parameters
With volume buttons fix: VOA_01.10.2008_volume_fix.zip
With Dialpad support: VOA_10.09.2008_Dialpad.zip
Without Dialpad support: VOA_10.09.2008.zip
[SIZE=+1][highlight]VOAConfig by Kisja[/highlight][/SIZE]
This application makes the configuration of VOA more simple.
- Choose activity mode (always/SIP only) (-onsip 0/1)
- Enable Vibration on Keys (-onkey 0/1)
- Enable VOA on startup (autostart)
- Choose vibration duration/strength (-len x)
- Start/Stop VOA
- Saves settings in registry
- Source code open (VisualBasic .NET/VS 2008 Solution)
- .NET 2.0/3.5 Runtime needed
1) Adjust settings as desired
2) Tap on "Save" to save settings to registry and create new startup link
3) Tap on "Start/Stop" twice to restart VOA or reset device
[highlight]Known Issues/TODO:[/highlight]
- Restart VOA automatically after saving configuration
16.09.2008 v.1.5
- vibration strength costumization optimized.
Select between "low", "middle", "high" and adjust more prcise with the slider
- "Advanced Options" in "Options" menu:
- select NLED Interface (-nled option in VOA)
- select Event to react on (-ondown option in VOA)
- VOA is started using CreateProcess Call from coredll.dll (see "help needed" please!)
10.09.2008 v.1.4
- Startup folder not hardcoded anymore,
instead a localized path is used (Environment.GetFolderPath)
The CAB file includes both applications in a single install file.
The version number reflects the version of VOAConfig and the Date stands for the release Date of VOA.
V 1.5 with current VOA in a cab: Vibration_Feedback_1.5_01.10.2008_volume fix.cab
Source (VS 2008 VB .NET Solution): VOAConfig_1.5_Source.zip
[SIZE=+1][highlight]What it does not do[/highlight][/SIZE]
and what will possibly never be implemented:
- hook in other applications. VOA uses a systemwide activity timer to recognize events and does not communicate directly with other applications. This causes sometimes a little lag between the touch event and the vibration. Hooking into other applications would speed it up, but most applications do not have public events to react on.
- reduce touch screen area (for which vibration is activated) to windows borders or something else (think of SIP). VOA reacts on touch events on the whole touch screen.
thank you very much.. this is a really great application!
is it possible to make a "dailpad vibration only" option?
thanks for the program!!!! it works great....
unfortunately i found 2 probles that are not important for me but maybe other people finds annoying:
1.- volume up/down key does not work when VOA.exe is active.When you press vol up or vol down the volume level bar appears, but you cant change volume with keys.
2.-voaconfig crashes when i try to "enable startup". i think this is caused because of folder names (i'm using a spanish rom, so my startup folder is "windows/inicio" and not "windows/startup").
thanks again for your work
app really slows down sms typing... is this something i can fix?
unfortunatly the vibration feedback is a serious battery eater...
but is also a cool idea.
jpresencia said:
2.-voaconfig crashes when i try to "enable startup". i think this is caused because of folder names (i'm using a spanish rom, so my startup folder is "windows/inicio" and not "windows/startup").
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Oh jes, I forgot! Sure its always different. Does anyone know how to detect this automatically? A Reg Value with the path perhaps?
jpresencia said:
thanks for the program!!!! it works great....
unfortunately i found 2 probles that are not important for me but maybe other people finds annoying:
1.- volume up/down key does not work when VOA.exe is active.When you press vol up or vol down the volume level bar appears, but you cant change volume with keys.
2.-voaconfig crashes when i try to "enable startup". i think this is caused because of folder names (i'm using a spanish rom, so my startup folder is "windows/inicio" and not "windows/startup").
thanks again for your work
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Got the same problems as you , for number 2, I am using English stock rom which used the path "windows/startup", yet voaconfig crashed when i start it.
cpt.bert said:
app really slows down sms typing...
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I also noticed this... Hopefully this can be optimized, cause this app would be perfect
Even if duration is set to 1ms the length of the vibratation is far to long to be useful on my Polaris (HTC Touch Cruise). I've previously tried google Android which has the same functionality built-in. And it gives a small buzz on each key-press which was very good.
This application vibrates too long, and also it does not accept more keypresses when vibrating slowing down the whole input method.
add vibration when PhonePad on foreground and onsip=1
cool concept, I actually like it on my friend's Instinct.....but the battery thing and the accelerated wear on the vibration motor deters me (my titan battery is bad enough as it is already).
yesterday i just thought that something like this would be great
->someone´s up there
schnappus boesus said:
yesterday i just thought that something like this would be great
->someone´s up there
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oh no, its a cool feature/app (especially on phones without a hard keyboard)
if I had something like a Diamond, I would defintely use this app.
Im using a german samsung i900 omnia, but your app doesnt work here. No vibration whatever setting i use.
Good Work, but seems that doesn't recognize diamond keyboard installed on my wm 6.1 artemis. If i set to vibrate only on SIP it never do, otherwise works great (at any click).
thank You
The main difference with the samsung version is that on the I900 the phone vibrates only when you press a button on your screen (or at least it is supposed to act like this), which really makes a difference between pressing "nothing" and pressing a button.
I would I love to see this feature, even on my I900, because samsung forgot many things (like the opera browser, in which the phone vibrates whatever the part of the application you're touching, or their SIP, where it does not vibrate even though it is THE software where it should).
*const said:
add vibration when PhonePad on foreground and onsip=1
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thank you very much ... now it is nearly perfect
How about the slow sms typing and the error while trying to save settings?
cpt.bert said:
How about the slow sms typing and the error while trying to save settings?
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what do you mean by "slow sms typing"? be more specific please
_4saken_ said:
what do you mean by "slow sms typing"? be more specific please
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For every key I press on the keyboard the vibrator starts for a short period. During this period I cannot enter another key. Or atleast the key is not displayed until the vibration has stopped. So where I could write very fluid and quick before, I now feel it's going much slower and more like a stutter, if you know what I mean.

WinMobile 6 - Need application for black screen

Hello. I have never written any software...so I cannot do it myself. I don't know whether it already exists or not....in case, I don't think it would be more than 5 minutes work for you people....
What I need is an application (one single .exe) which turns off the screen.
Why do I need this? I recently installed a voice clock (i run the .exe and the voice tells me the time in my earphone). The problem is that when i run the voice clock, the screens turns itself on...turning on also the 4 hardware buttons (i have a HTC TOUCH blackstone). The mobile is usually inside my jacket, in a pocket which is not really comfortable to reach...also because i have often backpacks, or luggage, or i am riding a bike and so on...that's why i just launch the application (voice clock) speaking in the microphone of the earphone set.
Result: i launch the application, screen and buttons turn on for one minute (after one minute there is the automatic switch off)....in that one minute EVERYTHING happens: calls start, application open, sms are being written....everything inside my pocket.
it would be really helpful for me to have an .exe which turns my screen off. I would be then able to launch the voice clock, and then launch the black screen .exe....so that i can avoid that 'inside the jacket' business.
don't think i'm crazy...in my situation this thing is really helpful.
xnView Pocket creates slideshows in exe format... But what you want is to suspend your phone (just making the screen black doesn't work... LMAO).
Mortscript may be of help. Just adapt the following in notepad, save and change the file extension to .mscr. This will launch your clock, wait a minute and put your phone to sleep
Run("your_clock_exe_or_link_path_here") #you must keep the quotes
Sleep ( 60000 ) #this is 60 seconds but you probably don't need this much
If you need an exe file to lauch it just copy the "autorun.exe" inside the Mortscript setup folder to the same folder as the script, change the name to be the same as the script and assign the new exe to the button you want.
I seriously encourage you (and anyone else with a WinMo) to get familiar with Mortscritp. It's both easy (I'm not a coder either) and extremely useful.
Get QuickShutdown. When use this a long press on power button allows you 'slide to turn off the screen'. I find this useful for same problem as you - except with music player!
How do you run your voice clock without turning on the screen?
Is your voice clock launched every some time?
By the wayn what voice clock do you use? There might be a setting in this program to avoid turning on the screen...
i have a voice clock called 'vasquez'. The voice quality is not that much...but i just have to run the exe (through clicking on it or through the voice command to the vasquez.exe) and i get the voice in the earphone (no applications popping up...just the voice. the setup is another .exe which i ran only once to set the right options).
The screen turns itself on whenever you activate the voice command. The clock doesn't have an option to turn off the screen right after the time has been said.
I'll try the solution given by frmariam ....doesn't seem bad, although i didn't really understand it. It looks a bit difficult, if i keep having problems (the ones i said in the first post...that is, everything happening inside my pocket then i'll try that solution.
try mylostblog's myLight. google it. it has this feature in menu where you can turn off screen. it's also a user friendly app to adjust the backlight.
i don't think i would be able to have a voice command to the SCREEN OFF command with that software (you need to click on something inside the menu). thanks anyway.
Ah, ok, so the problem is not directly related to your voice clock, but more to the fact that when you enable the voice command, the screen toggles on.
Which voice command software do you use?
Maybe you could find a way to avoid your voice command software to toggle on the screen?
Otherwise, the MortScript solution can be good, but I wouldn't use the PowerOff function which doesn't only turns off the screen, but actually suspend your device, so you might have unexpected behaviours. For instance, the voice command may not work if your device is suspended... I don't know.
So instead of the PowerOff function, I would rather use one of the solutions proposed here.

[Q] Cannot dial number anymore - phone button disappeared

This is my second Z2, as the previous model showed issues which I thought (hoped) were hardware related. The latest issue is that the green phone symbol below the dial pad is gone. That means I can only call via the contact list. What also looks strange is that the menu in the right lower corner has 8 lines but two of them are empty. From top to bottom it has (translated from german): hide dial pad - <empty> - <empty> - hide call protocol - clear call protocol - speed dial settings - filter call protocol - activate answering machine. Is that normal?
The phone is rooted, runs Xposed and Greenify. I'm not doing anything different from my old Z1 which ran flawlessly. I did remove a few apps I don't need in the recent past (facebook, socialife, vine, path, etc) via Titanium Backup. I've just restored all of them but the phone button is still gone. Firmware is 402.
Any ideas?
The other issues I had with the old and now the new phone is that after a while music & phone calls played via earphones anymore (noise cancelling still works) and that bluetooth connection with the car is lost once a call is attempted. Both can be cured by shutting the phone off and on - rebooting is not enough.
sumerland said:
This is my second Z2, as the previous model showed issues which I thought (hoped) were hardware related. The latest issue is that the green phone symbol below the dial pad is gone. That means I can only call via the contact list. What also looks strange is that the menu in the right lower corner has 8 lines but two of them are empty. From top to bottom it has (translated from german): hide dial pad - <empty> - <empty> - hide call protocol - clear call protocol - speed dial settings - filter call protocol - activate answering machine. Is that normal?
The phone is rooted, runs Xposed and Greenify. I'm not doing anything different from my old Z1 which ran flawlessly. I did remove a few apps I don't need in the recent past (facebook, socialife, vine, path, etc) via Titanium Backup. I've just restored all of them but the phone button is still gone. Firmware is 402.
Any ideas?
The other issues I had with the old and now the new phone is that after a while music & phone calls played via earphones anymore (noise cancelling still works) and that bluetooth connection with the car is lost once a call is attempted. Both can be cured by shutting the phone off and on - rebooting is not enough.
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Did you change dpi? You can also try to t re install ROM(I think this is easiest way)
Sent from my D6503 using XDA Free mobile app
CenteaOSD said:
Did you change dpi? You can also try to t re install ROM(I think this is easiest way)
Sent from my D6503 using XDA Free mobile app
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DPI is unchanged - reinstalling the ftf sounds good - unless it doesn't wipe my current installation & data.
sumerland said:
DPI is unchanged - reinstalling the ftf sounds good - unless it doesn't wipe my current installation & data.
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Use mybackup or titanium backup mate.
Sent from my D6503 using XDA Free mobile app
sumerland said:
This is my second Z2, as the previous model showed issues which I thought (hoped) were hardware related. The latest issue is that the green phone symbol below the dial pad is gone. That means I can only call via the contact list. What also looks strange is that the menu in the right lower corner has 8 lines but two of them are empty. From top to bottom it has (translated from german): hide dial pad - <empty> - <empty> - hide call protocol - clear call protocol - speed dial settings - filter call protocol - activate answering machine. Is that normal?
The phone is rooted, runs Xposed and Greenify. I'm not doing anything different from my old Z1 which ran flawlessly. I did remove a few apps I don't need in the recent past (facebook, socialife, vine, path, etc) via Titanium Backup. I've just restored all of them but the phone button is still gone. Firmware is 402.
Any ideas?
The other issues I had with the old and now the new phone is that after a while music & phone calls played via earphones anymore (noise cancelling still works) and that bluetooth connection with the car is lost once a call is attempted. Both can be cured by shutting the phone off and on - rebooting is not enough.
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Did you use one the the xposed apps to hide the Nav keys ? This will also hide the dialer button sometimes. Does it appear in Landscape ? Disable xposed first before re-flashing a new FW
defsix said:
Did you use one the the xposed apps to hide the Nav keys ? This will also hide the dialer button sometimes. Does it appear in Landscape ? Disable xposed first before re-flashing a new FW
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Oh my... You're the man! I was just connecting the USB cable to start flashing when I saw your comment. It's correct, I disable the nag keys via Gravity Box and going to landscape mode indeed brought back the missing button. Now I need to find another way to get rid of this keys (using pie controls instead) w/o losing the phone's most important feature
Many thanks again!
sumerland said:
Oh my... You're the man! I was just connecting the USB cable to start flashing when I saw your comment. It's correct, I disable the nag keys via Gravity Box and going to landscape mode indeed brought back the missing button. Now I need to find another way to get rid of this keys (using pie controls instead) w/o losing the phone's most important feature
Many thanks again!
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No Worries. Someone else had the same prob. It should be flagged in Gravity I think.
defsix said:
No Worries. Someone else had the same prob. It should be flagged in Gravity I think.
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Instead of disabling the nav bar I set its height to 0. Problem solved.
Thanks for this information. It's really helpful. At first I thought that it was xposed that made that call button disappear and as I'm planning to slowly make my own stock based rom xposed is not an option. Now I realised that I do not have xposed anymore and the problem is still there. I would never realise that it's because I modded the framework to hide the navbar. I'll try to dig this issue and let you know how I would solve it. If I ever manage to xD
No obvious fix in either semcphone or semcphone.apk. It needs further digging.
Got closer. Phonebook.apk
<bool name="config_show_onscreen_dial_button">true</bool>
That's weird, like they would purposely do that. interesting.
olokos said:
Got closer. Phonebook.apk
<bool name="config_show_onscreen_dial_button">true</bool>
That's weird, like they would purposely do that. interesting.
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Glad I found this thread. The call button on my Z3C disappeared too after I disabled the Navbar. Dialers on other phones with Navbar disabled work just fine.
And NO, I don't find it weird at all. Sony is shady as f**k. Another reason for me to hate those petty crooks.

Tips and Tricks

Post any Tips and Tricks you may know of for the Sony Z3v D6708 model.
I f the phone won't shut down or gets stuck -- open Sim card door, press the off button hidden there (above Sim slot) to shut down phone with a small object, something not sharp.
Settings -> Wi-Fi -> Advanced -> Toggle everything off by "Wi-Fi Optimization.
Turn on NFC and Bluetooth only when needed as it drains battery.
Now my list of apps I've disabled...
Amazon app suite
Amazon Kindle
Amazon Music
Amazon Appstore
Black Hole
Caller ID
Enchanted Forest
FamilyBase Companion
Gmail (I use Cloudmagic)
Google Korean Keyboard (include Chinese if you don't use Chinese either)
Google Play Books
Google Play Games
Google Play Movies & TV
Google Play Music
Google Play Newsstand
Isis Wallet
My Infozone
News & Weather
NFL Mobile
Phase Beam
Pico TTS
Slacker Radio
TV Launcher
Verizon Location Agent
Verizon Support & Protection
VZ Navigator
Wikipedia Extension
Wireless Emergency Alerts
Xperia Social Engine Sharing
Xperia with Twitter
Youtube karaoke extension
I'd disable the Email app, but there were frequent popups telling me is crashes. So I just leave it enabled. This as as far as I can think on the top of my head. xP
GigaSPX said:
Now my list of apps I've disabled...
Amazon app suite
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Can we get a thread started dedicated to finding the apps safe to disable? This list is a good start for that.
Isn't the verizon locator agent the cell network location system? Or is it purely spyware...
Wish I knew what some of those more obscure apps actually did.
Marine6680 said:
Can we get a thread started dedicated to finding the apps safe to disable? This list is a good start for that.
Isn't the verizon locator agent the cell network location system? Or is it purely spyware...
Wish I knew what some of those more obscure apps actually did.
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Seconded on the locator agent, among other nebulous apps.
Maybe killing Wireless Emergency Alerts isn't a great idea? Those are the weather, amber, and presidential emergency notifications.
I've already disabled most of them, I wasn't really sure what else I could disable without screwing something up. Thanks for the list, I will do more tonight.
Sent from my ghost white Z3!
Marine6680 said:
Can we get a thread started dedicated to finding the apps safe to disable? This list is a good start for that.
Isn't the verizon locator agent the cell network location system? Or is it purely spyware...
Wish I knew what some of those more obscure apps actually did.
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I could go ahead and open up another thread since we're now free to post more to expand this new forum of ours.
Stormwing said:
Seconded on the locator agent, among other nebulous apps.
Maybe killing Wireless Emergency Alerts isn't a great idea? Those are the weather, amber, and presidential emergency notifications.
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Eh, when there's a giant tornado coming, I'm pretty sure I'll know what's coming when I see one. LOL
Jk, the real reason is the Amber alerts. Several times I've been alerted for a situation that occurs in a driving distance that's 6-8 hours away from me at 3 in the morning. What kind of BS is this? >_>
GigaSPX said:
I could go ahead and open up another thread since we're now free to post more to expand this new forum of ours.
Eh, when there's a giant tornado coming, I'm pretty sure I'll know what's coming when I see one. LOL
Jk, the real reason is the Amber alerts. Several times I've been alerted for a situation that occurs in a driving distance that's 6-8 hours away from me at 3 in the morning. What kind of BS is this? >_>
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You can disable amber alerts in the wireless emergency app.
If anyone else wants to know, our phones can do double tap to wake the screen to reduce wear on the power button. A feature most phones have to get root to add.
And if anyone is taking underwater photography, don't forget to enable No Touch to prevent the screen from spazzing out during your shoots.
Copy number from phone log
Copying number from log is a two step process here. Long press and choose "edit before call" then you can copy it
Try the slow speech effect in call settings. It's amazing tech and sometimes really helpful when dealing with people that talk too fast. There is an article about it here...
Sent from my D6708 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Starting the camera app from the short cut options (camera key or from lock screen) resets any setting or mode that was previously active. To keep your settings active don't use these shortcuts.
nateperro said:
Starting the camera app from the short cut options (camera key or from lock screen) resets any setting or mode that was previously active. To keep your settings active don't use these shortcuts.
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Nice tip! I've noticed it always starts one way or another depending where I'm coming from. Right now I'm seeing there's about 4 ways to activate camera.
1. From physical shutter button
2. From lockscreen
3. From Camera app in app drawer or home screen
4. From the Camera widget (not including the other downloaded camera features)
Obviously 1 and 2 is advised not to reset, but the latter two is then what you should use to activate the previous settings.
GigaSPX said:
Nice tip! I've noticed it always starts one way or another depending where I'm coming from. Right now I'm seeing there's about 4 ways to activate camera.
1. From physical shutter button
2. From lockscreen
3. From Camera app in app drawer or home screen
4. From the Camera widget (not including the other downloaded camera features)
Obviously 1 and 2 is advised not to reset, but the latter two is then what you should use to activate the previous settings.
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Now that I understand this camera feature I actually find it useful. Sometimes I want to fire off a quick shot using the short cut to start the camera in SA (superior auto mode) as I don't have time to check settings. Other times it takes a double tap unlock and then selection of the camera app to keep previous settings when I know I have time to think about the shot. [emoji4]
Power the Device Up in Safe Mode - Sony Xperia® Z3v
[Device-Specific Instructions]
Safe Mode puts your phone in a diagnostic state (returned to default settings) so you can determine if a third-party app is causing your device to freeze/reset / run slow. Our Troubleshooting Assistant can help you with other device issues if you aren't currently using the tool.
An alternate method is available if the device can be powered on and is responsive.
With the device powered off, simultaneously press and hold the Power button and the Volume down button (located on the right edge of the device ) until the Sony screen appears then release.
From the System Recovery screen, select Safe mode.
Note Utilize the Volume buttons to navigate and the Power button to select.
Note Allow approximately 1 minute for the device to reboot.
Note Once rebooted, 'Safe mode' appears in the lower-left corner of the screen.
Note Notes:
With Safe Mode enabled, test device and app functionality. If the previous issue fails to occur, the cause has been isolated to a third-party app and all recently installed or updated apps should be uninstalled.
Power cycle device to disable Safe Mode then reinstall and test each app one at a time to identify which app is causing the problem
Clearing an Application's Cache / Data:
NOTE: Assuming that one of your applications isn't working properly then you may be able to fix this by clearing the app's cache or data. WARNING! Clearing an application's data will result in the removal of all personal information stored within the app. This includes login and credit card information, profiles, saved games, settings, high scores etc. It's recommended that you first try clearing the cache in order to prevent unwanted file deletion.
Tap "Apps" while viewing the home screen
Access the "Settings" menu and scroll to "Device"
Tap "Apps" and access the "All" or "Downloaded" screens
Select the desired application and tap "Clear cache"
If the method above didn’t help, tap "Clear data" too and press "OK" to confirm
Clearing the Phone's Cache Partition:
NOTE: In case your smartphone is not working as intended, it crashes, freezes etc. then you may consider master resetting it. However, you can also try solving these problems without losing personal data caused by a factory reset. To do so, try clearing the phone's cache partition as explained below:
With your smartphone turned on, press and hold the "Power" and "Volume Up" buttons
Wait for the screen to turn off and for the smartphone to vibrate three times
Once that's done, release all buttons
The cache partition should now be wiped. Press the "Power" key to turn on the smartphone as you normally would
NOTE: If clearing the phone's cache partition hasn't solved the problem, then you might want to master reset your phone. To learn how you can master reset the Sony Xperia Z3V, click the link
Enter Safe Mode and Uninstall an App:
NOTE: If you've installed an application that causes issues on your phone and prevents you from removing it as it runs processes in the background, then you can easily dispose of the app by first rebooting your phone in safe mode. In this mode, all third party applications are disabled.
With your smartphone turned on, press and hold the "Power" button
Tap and hold the "Power off" option
At the Safe Mode prompt, tap "OK" and wait for your smartphone to reboot
Once your phone restarts, a "Safe Mode" message should be present in the lower-left corner of the screen
To remove an app, tap "Apps" while viewing the home screen
Go to "Settings"
Swipe to "Device" and tap "Apps"
Scroll to the "Downloaded" screen and select the application you wish to remove
Tap "Uninstall" and press "OK" to confirm
Read more: http://verizonforums.com/threads/so...che-reboot-in-safe-mode.363259/#ixzz3PUePFP00
In case of emergency when your phone freezes and all else is unresponsive
A couple days ago, I was playing asphalt 8 and my phone froze when I tried exiting the game. My power button just pinged the notification ringtone, my camera button played the Cybershot sound but didn't change screen, and I couldn't pick up calls despite my ringtone playing. I thought my last resort somehow was to either wait for the phone to die (sure, waiting 2-3 days is definitely an option here due to battery life greatness, pfft) or use Android Device Manager and factory reset.
Unfortunately I went with the latter and then found out this one incredible tip: a hard reset button. I never knew such a thing existed for our phones and I would like to inform all new users of it too. This is thanks to @jhwookie for the info.
Tlr, there's a slightly brown button found inside the SIM compartment. Grab something such as a toothpick to press and hold onto the button for a few seconds, and voila. The phone will be hard reset to where you were previously.
GigaSPX said:
A couple days ago, I was playing asphalt 8 and my phone froze when I tried exiting the game. My power button just pinged the notification ringtone, my camera button played the Cybershot sound but didn't change screen, and I couldn't pick up calls despite my ringtone playing. I thought my last resort somehow was to either wait for the phone to die (sure, waiting 2-3 days is definitely an option here due to battery life greatness, pfft) or use Android Device Manager and factory reset.
Unfortunately I went with the latter and then found out this one incredible tip: a hard reset button. I never knew such a thing existed for our phones and I would like to inform all new users of it too. This is thanks to @jhwookie for the info.
Tlr, there's a slightly brown button found inside the SIM compartment. Grab something such as a toothpick to press and hold onto the button for a few seconds, and voila. The phone will be hard reset to where you were previously.
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Thanks for elaborating further I had mentioned this in OG post.
To make the phone appear faster go to Settings>System>About phone>tap Build number several times till you get Developer options>Drawing>Window animation scale>off,Transition animation scale>off, Animation duration scale>off, x1 is default and x.5 works well too, I prefer "off", don't like animations.
1linuxfreak said:
To make the phone appear faster go to Settings>System>About phone>tap Build number several times till you get Developer options>Drawing>Window animation scale>off,Transition animation scale>off, Animation duration scale>off, x1 is default and x.5 works well too, I prefer "off", don't like animations.
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THat's good advice for most devices. Smooths out the transitions.
If you guys go into Settings -> Data Usage, you can see which apps is draining the most data. If you want to restrict its background data, select the specified app, and scroll to the bottom to enable the checkbox.
If any of you guys have Snapchat installed, I highly recommend it since it's been noted it takes way too much data since its January 27th update.
Creating new folders in Sony Album
I find that Album isn't completely intuitive when it comes to creating a new Folder to help organize all your pictures. Here's how:
1. From the Album app, swipe from the left side of the screen to open the menu and select "Folders"
2. Open the folder where the picture is currently
3. Find the photo you want to move and long press on it
4. Click on the menu button on the top right of the screen (3 dots), then select "Move to"
5. Click on the plus (+) on the top bar to create a new Folder
6. Name your new Folder and select whether you want it on the SD Card or in Internal Memory

Use AlwaysOnDisplay (AOD) as substitue for missing notification LED using Tasker

You are missing a notification LED on LG G6?
You don't use the AlwaysOnDisplay (AOD)?
You are using Tasker?
I have a solution for you.
The AOD screens goes on if you have a new message and goes off after reading that massage.
Beside the newest version of Tasker you need additional the app Tasker Settings
I have attached two files "AOD_ON.tsk.xml" and "AOD_OFF.tsk.xml"
These are the Tasker task which turns the AlwaysOnDisplay on and off.
How to import these XML as Tasker task: read this XDA thread
Now you have to add 2 new profiles in Tasker
Profile 1 - Notification
Go to the Profile tab in Tasker, and press the "Plus" (+) button
Choose: EVENT - UI - NOTIFICATION ... you can choose now an app (owner application) let's say WhatsApp (you can choose more than one app)
Related task : AOD_ON
Important : leave all the fields TITEL, TEXT, SUBTEXT etc empty.
Profile 2 - Notification removed
Go to the Profile tab in Tasker, and press the "Plus" (+) button
Choose: EVENT- UI - NOTIFICATION REMOVED ... you can choose now an app (owner application) let's say WhatsApp (you can choose more than one app)
Related task : AOD_OFF
If you don't want to be notified in the middle of the night by AOD, you may have that Profile only active during daytime. Short tap the Prolie name, long tap the profile description. A new window pops up, choose ADD. A new window pops up, choose TIME. You can now define in which period of the day the profile is active.
LG G6 settings: Notifications/ LOCK Screen / do NOT choose Hide all notifications !
It works for me on LG G6 (H870)
Have fun
EDIT: for SMS & MMS add Contacts, Phone App and (if possible) SMS App to owner application in Tasker Profile
For missed calls you need to add 'Calling Accounts' apart from Phone app.
Here are the steps how to add this: (thanks to user Vitoski, who found out)
1. Click on the 'Owner Application'
2. click 'ALL' button at the right bottom corner
3. Select 'Calling Accounts'.
4. click back twice and tick to save changes.
EDIT : If you like to have a brighter AOD , please read this useful post added by user vitoski
Many thanks for that!
Thanks a lot to users Dracushor87 and Vitoski for testing and giving hints and ideas!
Edit : new versions of AOD_ON and AOD_OFF tasks
martmarq great post - thanks a lot!
I've been using AOD with Tasker since two days now and in most cases it works fine. It kicks in when the notification shows up and turns off when I remove the notification.
However sometimes the AOD turns on itself, even if there was no notification registered in the system. These are the two situations in which I have spotted this:
# when you go to Display Settings and click on three dots next to AOD - you don't need to change anything in there, just go there and back to homescreen.
# when you connect phone to the charger. Even when you disconnect it, the AOD stays on.
# under some other circumstances which I was not able to pinpoint right now
So, have you observed the same?
vitoski said:
# when you go to Display Settings and click on three dots next to AOD - you don't need to change anything in there, just go there and back to homescreen.
# when you connect phone to the charger. Even when you disconnect it, the AOD stays on.
# under some other circumstances which I was not able to pinpoint right now
So, have you observed the same?
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When you connect the phone to the charger, there is a notification.... therefor AOD should go on.
You can manage that by choosing apps (owner application) in Tasker. That solved the problem for me.
That might also solve the other circumstances.
I don't have that problem with the display settings... I have just tested that.
martmarq said:
When you connect the phone to the charger, there is a notification.... therefor AOD should go on.
You can manage that by choosing apps (owner application) in Tasker. That solved the problem for me.
That might also solve the other circumstances.
I don't have that problem with the display settings... I have just tested that.
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Have you used specific apps which notifications you monitor within the profiles or left it blank (none of the apps is selected)? This is the way I made it and I suspect it may causes all of those issues I described. Definitely will test it, but thought I'm gonna check it with you
vitoski said:
Have you used specific apps which notifications you monitor within the profiles or left it blank (none of the apps is selected)? This is the way I made it and I suspect it may causes all of those issues I described. Definitely will test it, but thought I'm gonna check it with you
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Yes, I have activated only the needed apps like WhatsApp, Email and so on.
I have edited the first post, because for SMS you need a new profile (see above)
for me, sms notifications work without creating a separate profile. i only added the Contacts app to the list ( with Phone app )
dracushor87 said:
for me, sms notifications work without creating a separate profile. i only added the Contacts app to the list ( with Phone app )
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mmmhhh... yes, now it works. Seems I had not added one of those two....
For me the sms app worked fine too. Will check now with limiting the number of notifications to specific apps and let you guys know if I still experience the same problems as reported above.
---------- Post added at 02:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 PM ----------
dracushor87 said:
for me, sms notifications work without creating a separate profile. i only added the Contacts app to the list ( with Phone app )
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Are you using any 3rd party Phone/Contacts app or sock one? For some reason it doesn't work for me with stock application.
I have selected both (Contacts and Phone) applications and it doesn't activate AOD when I have a missed call
i have stock apps. for missed calls, i did the 3rd profile with phone missed call event. last night i had a missed call , but with a whatsapp message, and i thought that the profile is good. but today i checked it, and it doesn't work without a separate profile.
dracushor87 said:
i have stock apps. for missed calls, i did the 3rd profile with phone missed call event. last night i had a missed call , but with a whatsapp message, and i thought that the profile is good. but today i checked it, and it doesn't work without a separate profile.
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OK I found the missing part... You need to also add 'Calling Accounts' apart from Phone app.
Here are the steps how to add this:
1. Click on the 'Owner Application'
2. click 'ALL' button at the right bottom corner
3. Select 'Calling Accounts'.
4. click back twice and tick to save changes.
Now you can exit Tasker and check if AOD kicks in when you have a missed call. Would be good to hear from others if this works fine, but it works for me fine.
@martmarq can you please add it to OP once other confirm if this works for them?
dracushor87 said:
i have stock apps. for missed calls, i did the 3rd profile with phone missed call event. last night i had a missed call , but with a whatsapp message, and i thought that the profile is good. but today i checked it, and it doesn't work without a separate profile.
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Thanks, will update the first post again
i confirm it works
vitoski said:
OK I found the missing part... You need to also add 'Calling Accounts' apart from Phone app.
Here are the steps how to add this:
1. Click on the 'Owner Application'
2. click 'ALL' button at the right bottom corner
3. Select 'Calling Accounts'.
4. click back twice and tick to save changes.
Now you can exit Tasker and check if AOD kicks in when you have a missed call. Would be good to hear from others if this works fine, but it works for me fine.
@martmarq can you please add it to OP once other confirm if this works for them?
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Many thanks... I always thought ALL mean activate all Apps... never pressed that button before...:cyclops:
It works, I will add that.
Hello, thanks for you post.
Just a question : It's juste for AOD without cover or witch official cover it's working too ?
It's too bad the screen power off with official cover ....
Dumb question here.... Do we need root for this to work ?
shagratt said:
Dumb question here.... Do we need root for this to work ?
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matdu57 said:
Hello, thanks for you post.
Just a question : It's juste for AOD without cover or witch official cover it's working too ?
It's too bad the screen power off with official cover ....
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I am not using any cover. I don't know what the cover does. Sorry for not being more helpful here.
Not quite working for me (US997)... I have every thing all set up, but my Tasker notification says "No profiles activated". Any ideas?
calebcbump said:
Not quite working for me (US997)... I have every thing all set up, but my Tasker notification says "No profiles activated". Any ideas?
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A tasker profile is only activated when it is triggered.
If you produce a profile like "active between 8 o'clock and midnight" does that work for you?
martmarq said:
A tasker profile is only activated when it is triggered.
If you produce a profile like "active between 8 o'clock and midnight" does that work for you?
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Yes, it does. The AOD_off profile works, but I can not get AOD_on to trigger with an app notification, I have verified that I have the app selected for a trigger.

