[ROM] Official O2 UK Serra ROM Radio - Touch Pro, Fuze ROM Development

This is the latest official O2 Serra ROM downloaded from O2 UK website.
This ROM is only for purpose of repairing under warranty.
o2 website also has two software for Serra, they are:
Xda Serra_GPRSMonitor_2.5.1_182_O2_NoIcon_WWE_20090619_signed.exe
I guess we have them even better version on the forum but if you think it is necessary I can upload too.
Update: just found same version from wiki. Don't know why didn't get result from forum search

Excelent Rom
@flywhc, thank you very much!


O2 UK new ppc rom?

http://www.o2.co.uk/productsservices/xda/software/0,,174,00.html ?
rom nr 3.14.15 (latest o2 ned: 3.15.15)
gonna give it a go
downloading the radio stack v4.16
and radio unit upgrade 3.14.13
Going to look round this forum a little more before installing though!!
hi i have installed this yesterday and it works fine
The link above directs to O2 Uk but rom is 3.14.13 and not 3.14.15, anyone know where to get 0.15 for UK xda.

latest ROM for o2 XDA II?

hi guys,
What is the latest ROM upgrade for o2 XDAII?
If i upgrade does it sim-lock my phone again?
Where can i download the upgrade please?
asian or uk ????
asian in www.myxda.com (with register/IMEI number)
rom 1.60.44
uk in www.sourceo2.com or www.o2.co.uk
rom 1.60.50
there is no change since nop.03 untill now.
thanks for the reply.
there's no 1.72 from o2?
i don't know, why 02 always came late a release new ROM !!! (I hate very much) compared with qtek, imate,& t-mob.
A newer O2 XDA2 come out with 1.66 rom included, but it is unpublished rom.
Is there an official web site for downloading qtek 2020 ROM?
Is there an official web site for downloading qtek english 2020 ROMs for belgium ?
I'm really very urgently needed O2 XDA II (Asia) latest ROM. Where I can find it to download? There's no latest ROM for O2 XDA II (Asia) to downloaded in http://www.myxda.com/ Someone help me quick please?

Rom Upgrades

Hi. I'm very new to the XDA II, just received mine this morning, previously had an SPV E200. I've just tried to register on myxda.com so that I could download the rom updates but it keeps saying I am enetering an invalid IMEI number and therefore I can't register to gain access to the site. Is there any other way of getting the ROM updates and also which is the best Rom to update too. I am wanting to unlock the phone to all netwroks and use with a bluetooth headset and bluetooth gps receiver.
Thanks In Adavnce
P.S. Im in the UK and on the O2 network
The official O2 Rom update can be found at the developers Source O2 site:
The current version is 1.60.50
I would guess that this is the version you probably have already installed.
There are a number of unofficial ROM updates which could be installed on your XDAII, these can be found searching this forum. The latest ROM version which you could install is the i-Mate 1.72.00.
Before attempting to install any new version I would suggest that you read the following post by dcs which hopefully would help you avoid the common pitfalls of upgrading:
i wold like to see your home cooked extended rom if you dont mind
The Hobbit said:
i wold like to see your home cooked extended rom if you dont mind
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The attached home cooked Extended Rom 1.72.800 has been build for the following:
Device: XDAII
Operator: O2
Language: WWE
Network: Orange

O2 xda trion ENGLISH rom wanted ;)

Hİ brothers I've bought a O2 xda trion but language is in German can any one post me a link for O2 official rom in English please it's very urgent please help me.There is CID LOCK and rom should be official O2 rom
I haven't seen any English O2 ROMs. Why don't you just upgrade to another English ROM? (Make sure to follow MrVanx's guides when you upgrade)
There Are No English O2 Roms, As O2 Did Not Release The XDA Trion Over Here In The UK.
Which Was The Reason I Changed Provider
O2 uk trion due for release imminently, so don't know if anyone will be able to get/create a rom.
Hey can one of the Trion owners please upload the rom?
I need to install this on my device, would really appericate it.
If you need any help please let me know
yeh its more for testing then anything else
ina a few weeks im going to rolling out the trion at my work place so wanted to get the headsup before-hand and test the UK rom,
thats why i didnt get the german version
hell iv already got HTC's latest rom and also been running WM6 which i LOVE"!
but anyway hope some one gets a chance to get there mits on the device in the UK and can post the rom
mmmmmmmmmmm if i had more time on my hand i might have got Buzz's ROM dumper and poped into a O2 store?
well i think im a little far gone to be pulling a 007 in a o2store-----
but then again,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Trancecoder said:
I haven't seen any English O2 ROMs. Why don't you just upgrade to another English ROM? (Make sure to follow MrVanx's guides when you upgrade)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
that right!
use one of other english rom (WWE rom) is the only choice (dopod, HTC...)
read more Wiki before upgrage

No shipped ROM available for UK Xda Trion

Hi all
My colleague and I have UK/WWE versions of the Xda trion (HTC Hermes) from O2 in the UK. Whilst he has upgraded his trion to a WM6 using the "WM Black IV Shadow" ROM, I have left mine as it came originally. He now wants to go back to the original O2 shipped ROM and we canot seem to find it in the Shipped ROMs section of the Wiki. The closest we get is the O2 Germany ROM yet I have the UK/WWE O2 Xda trion!
Is there a way to get the OS, Radio, Extended ROM, and BootLoader off my untouched trion to restore his? I've read the entire Wiki and most information points to flashing the device rather than backing-up or downloading the ROM from the device.
Can you guys point me in the right direction, or better still, provide me with a step-by-step on how to restore his phone using mine.
EDIT: Ah, I've just found the page regarding dumping a ROM (http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Hermes_HowtoDumpRom). I'll upload when complete.

