Batteries - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Accessories

I had a quick look but i couldnt find these ones on the site. As most of you know a spare battery (or 7) is a must with the TP2. But im a noob and im not sure what the difference is with these with the mAh ratings. Is there much difference between 13050mAh and 1500mAh batteries? which will be better?
Heres the 1500mAh battery
Here is the 1350mAh battery

Personally, I wouldn't get a replacement battery from HK, and not over Ebay either - I've used one source for two-way radio kit over there for a while, and while the Li-Po and Li-Io batteries do work, they appear to have a limited life span in comparison with OEM equipment available over here.
I'd think about long-term savings, and get something from Clove (linkage here), who at least can be held accountable to the "fit for use" elements of the Sale Of Goods Act 1964 over here, unlike HK sources via ebay. Don't get me wrong - ebay's a great source of bargain kit, but for something as essential and spec-critical as a PDA/Phone battery, I'd go home-grown retail sources every time, purely for the legal protection.
In any case, I'm getting a PowerMonkey from Maplin today. Much more versatile for me

My spare batteries have always been HK cheapo's and never a problem with them before. If that one you showed me was half the price it is then id have got it.

1600 mAh battery from the uk?
Is this really genuine?

SMF_12 - I opted for the powerMonkey for a number of reasons.
It's small enough to lug around in a pocket or belt pouch.
It carries potentially two full TP2 charges from a single full charge
It's got a long shelf life on a single charge
It's got adaptors in the box for most of the portable devices you might already own that take a 4.5-5.5 vDC charge
If by chance your connecter isn't there, they suply additional ones at a very reasonable cost
It'll charge my TP2 and my other half's Razr (that's the motorola phone, not the ladyshave ) too
Oh, did I mention it's rechargeable off anything with a USB port, and can take a charge off any mains power socket on the globe (travel plugs come as standard).
I'm rather impressed with it
However, if all you want is the spare battery, then by all means, go for that instead
As to the "is this genuine"... he's in the UK, subject to the Sale of Goods Act and the Trade Descriptions Act. If he's telling fibs, he can be held accountable. Hope that helps
Have fun

UPDATE: Hold fire on the PowerMoneky, folks. There's a glitch. While the supplied USB charging cable works with the miniUSB adaptor tip to charge the TP2, the PowerMoneky itself does not - say again not - appear to be charging the TP2. Only found this out last night - I've been using the USB adaptor cable and tip up to now.
A trouble ticket email has been sent to them, asking for any information regarding this, and hopefully a fix as well.
You can imagine how damned annoyed - and embarrassed - I am at this point in time.

Update - very rapid response from PowerTraveller tech support - seems that they believe I need a "DOPOD" adaptor tip, and requested my snail mail address so that they could send me one - still doesn't explain how the miniUSB tip works when I'm using it in the car from the cigar lighter -> USB adaptor, but there y'go. Soon as the DOPOD tip arrives, I'll test it out, and update you all

Thanks for that, i took a look at it in maplins today but i think ill stick to a second battery. but im sure people will be happy to read your review on the product so keep us updated on this product

Will do

OK, DOPOD adaotor tip arrived today.
Result: FAIL.
The text of the follow-up note to PowerTraveller Customer Services, sent this evening, is reproduced below, less the name of the Customer Services agent there.
Thanks for the DOPOD adaptor tip, which arrived today.
Unfortunately, it does not appear to solve the problem.
I connected the tip to the PowerMonkey Classic lead, and then plugged it into the ExtUSB connector socket on the HTC Touch Pro 2. I then moved the switch on the PowerMonkey Classic to "on". Again, the green light on the PowerMonkey Classic started to flash, but there was no noticable difference from using the normal USB adaptor tip; i.e., there was no amber charging light illuminated on the Touch Pro 2, and no charging icon was to be seen on the screen. I have to assume that there was therefore no charging current making it to my HTC Touch Pro 2.
The entire point of purchasing the PowerMonkey Classic was the be able to recharge my HTC Touch Pro 2 when I was away from other power sources, such as my home, my car, and other USB sources such as notebook PCs, when out and about conducting, for example, GPS-related activities, which are heavy on battery consumption. The advertising that I saw led me to believe that the PowerMonkey Classic *would* be the solution to my problem. Sadly, however, despite your attempt with the DOPOD adaptor tip, this does NOT appear to be the case, and I am VERY disappointed, as you can imagine.
It is remotely possible that your engineers have missed that on the Touch Pro 2, the connector on the bottom of the unit is NOT a standard USB connector, but HTCs proprietary ExtUSB format (which combines power, audio, and data feeds in one socket/plug format)?
Could you possibly check with the engineers, and ascertain if they have actually physically *tested* the DOPOD with the HTC Touch Pro 2, and, if so, how they managed to get the darn thing to accept charging current from the PowerMonkey Classic?
As it stands now, failing a working solution from your selves, I am the poud owner of the thirty quid high-tech paperweight, that is of zero use to me. I am due to see my partner (who lives 70-odd miles from me) soon, and we will test at that time whether the device works in charging a Motorola Razr.
If it does, then, short a working solution for my Touch Pro 2 being forthcoming from your company, I will give my partner the device. At least then, someone will profit from using the device. I however, will be back to square one, searching for an on-foot recharging solution for my phone.
Finaly, I would remind you that all the above fails to explain why I can get a ten quid self-reeling cigar lighter adaptor unit in my car, using what appears to be a standard USB connector, to successfully charge my Touch Pro 2. Naturally, I would be VERY interested in knowing why this succeeds, where the PowerMonkey Classic fails.
Roger Stenning
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As you can imagine, I am far from amused at this entire sorry bloody saga.
As always, I'll keep you all updated, should there be anything to report.
Almost forgot - confirmation USB source test result:
Almost forgot. I checked to see if the DOPOD tip worked with a purely USB-derived power source, so plugged the supplied self-reeling PowerMonkey adaptor cable into the tip, then into my computers' USB port, and connected the tip to the Touch pro 2. Surprise surprise, the amber light on the phone illuminated, and charging current was flowing into the Touch Pro 2.
The problem is therefore sqarely defined as being with the PowerMonkey itself, and NOT the adaptor tip.
Casting back to my original note, I have to assume that the PowerMonkey is NOT delivering a powerful enough charge, at 4.5 VDC, where USB specs clearly require 5 VDC. There is therefore a deficit of 0.5 VDC from the PowerMonkey Classic.
I will still check to see if this is successful in charging a Motorola RAZR or not, and will report back to you at that time.
Roger Stenning
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I've never had problems with HK batteries either, but hasn't this thread been done a few times already?

SMF_12 said:
1600 mAh battery from the uk?
Is this really genuine?
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Hope so, I've just ordered

Update time.
PowerTraveller, manufacture of the Power Monkey Classic v1, have sent me a returns form in the email, and have told me that once I've returned it, they'll send a replacement after testing.
Looks like the postage is down to me, though

Roger, if it's any consolation, I've had to do the merry dance that you appear to be doing right now. I bought a v1 just over six months ago and went through the exact process you have described. Just the other day, I received a replacement unit that I'm testing now. My problem was that when my phone was 'next to' empty, I'd plug in the v1 and it would charge to about 50% before itself becoming empty. I know the v1 was full because I had charged it for hours and the LED was green. "Two fulls charges"? Pfffft.
I also got the load of old cobblers from Powermonkey about the USB tips too. How I should use a DOPOD tip instead of a USB one. When I questioned 'why?' I received a half mumbled reply about the tips being internally wired differently. The one that they promised to mail me never arrived so I bought one from the website, being only like £3. Did it make a difference? No.
I don't know how this replacement's going to work out but I have my doubts. Before buying the v1, I bought two other Powertraveller products, the Powerchimp device that runs off two rechargeable AA batteries. I gave up on both of them within a week because even with two fully charged AAs, it seemed to charge my phone for about 30 minutes before being in an empty state and when I looked at my phone (TytnII) it had maybe gained 10% charge. OK if you want to make say one emergency phonecall but useless if you need the equivelent of a fully charged spare battery (or two!!!).
I'm going to monitor how it works out and see if this replacement works and provides at least a full charge and a half. If it doesn't, well, although it'll work on some level, it just doesn't do what it's advertised to do which is very naughty (especially when you see them laud their product all over the internet/Twitter etc as the most amzing thing since bread that has been sliced
One day guys, once day I hope the world will see a truly reliable and consistant portable power supply. Maybe in a thousand years, even a reliable solar powered products?

hiya - thanks for the heads up. It's be damned nice to see a curcuit diagram of the thing, along with a specific list of components. They try that mumbling stuff with me, they may bite themselves somewhere embarrassing - I'm also a licenced Radio ham in the UK (G1LIW), and as some of you might know, we have to pass tests in the technical aspects of the radio hobby - which includes electronics
I'm damned if I know what the preventative difference between a DOPOD and a miniUSB tip, either, by the way, given that the ExtUSB used by HTC only adds maybe 7 contacts to the format while avoiding existing MiniUSB pin locations...
MiniUSB layout...
ExtUSB layout...
The two are not, of course, interchangeable - while MiniUSB plugs will fit into ExtUSB sockets, the reverse is not true.
Anyhow, we will see.
Thanks again for the heads up

Quick test result update.
I let my TytnII (battery, 1350mAh?) drop to 30% battery and then plugged in my fully charged P M Classic. It charged back to 100% and the charge LED was still flashing green. I then plugged in my half empty old Motorola V3, it charged it for approx 30 minutes before flashing red and eventually stopping. 2200mAh!?!? capacity? I bet I didn't consume any more than about a 1000mAh and it was empty.
OK, it's new so this might go up a bit but it really doesn't bode well. OK, so maybe I'll get one full charge out of it but it's advertised as 2200 my phone is 1350, surely it should be up towards about two charges?
Bottom line is, it works but nowhere near as well as it's advertised to do.

OK, received the replacement PM (it's a version 2, not a version 1) in the mail today. They included another DOPOD adaptor tip, too. Guess they figured I'm a clumsy schmuk who may have lost the one they sent me the other week (nope, still got it)
Anyhow, Turning it on results in rapid green LED blinking, meaning they fully charged it before sending it to me. Which was nice of them
However, and interestingly, plugging in a charger to it does NOT result in any LED illuminating. Odd. have to follow that up later.
I'll let you all know how it behaves in charging my phone once I use it "in anger".

Be interested to see what you make of it's charge capacity...

Cured the inability to charge the PowerMonkey problem - it was a rather embarrassing user error - the plug wasn't correctly seated in the mains socket
Gonna let the phone drain a bit while I'm on holiday this week, and use the PM to charge it. It's a PMv2, not a PMv1, that they sent as a replacement, remember, so we will see if the thing behaves any better than your v1

After a month or so of tests, I can say my version 2 is 'better' but it still doesn't delivery the one and a half charges it's supposed to. On average, I'd say it fully charges my TYTN2 once and is then empty.
I really can't be bothered to stress about it any more because I guess, one full charge is better than nothing but I think I'm justified in being a little irked that it doesn't do what it's advertised to do?
Conclusion: It works, it'll charge your phone to full from empty and is an alternative to buying a spare battery for your phone. It'll also charge everyone elses phone with the right adapter!


universal power supply which one works with the shift?

Does anyone use a Kensington or Targus AC power adapter? If so what number tip are you using? I have both and Targus came with a couple of adaptors that fit but I am not willing try them and fry my shift. Sent an email to both companies asking if they have a tip that supports the shift but no reply yet.
I like univeral power suppplies since all I have to do is carry one power supply and the a couple of different tips for the the various devices I take with me instead of 5 different power supplies when I travel. So far I cannot find one that lists the HTC shift.
update from Kensington
Well i did get a reply back from Kensington but it looks they don't support the shift yet
(Info) power adaptor tip for the HTC SHIF/X9500
Discussion Thread
Response (Asif Ali) 05/01/2008 04:44 PM
Dear steve:
Thank you for contacting Kensington Technical Support.
I understand your situation. I would like to inform you that according to the Specification of HTC Shift X9500, it is having DC output: 12Vdc, 3A max. Although we have Power Adapter which can handle this specification, yet we do not have the smartTip which will provide the exact specification. There might be a possibility that a smartTip may snugfit into the power port of the device as discussed in the forum, but again it depends on the smartTip to regulate the voltage. If it fails to regulate the proper voltage, it may harm the device.
We hope that your question has been answered to your satisfaction. Should you have further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Asif Ali
Kensington Technical Support
I am currently using the Targus AC70u with tip #3
On the back is says Targus APA10 AC Power Adapter
Outputs: 15-24V ....65W Max
I have been using for several weeks without a problem. I keep this one at my office and the original one at home.
x5-rwk said:
I am currently using the Targus AC70u with tip #3
On the back is says Targus APA10 AC Power Adapter
Outputs: 15-24V ....65W Max
I have been using for several weeks without a problem. I keep this one at my office and the original one at home.
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Thanks x5-rwk!!!!!!
#3 was one of the two tips that seemed to fit I tested tehm without any power in the shift. I was to chicken to try it with power and smoke test my new my toy!
I have same Targus AC70u. Now I can take the Targus with me for the shift and all my other devices and leave the original one at home same as you.
Car charger as well?
Again thanks to x5-rwk, I can also confirm the Targus 70w Model APA10 with the #3 tips works as AC charger. I started looking at the Targus site and found this add-on for the APA10 it also uses the same tips. From what I understand it is the tips that regulate the voltage so this could be a car charger for the shift!? I ordered one from Amazon and will report back if it works.
Targus Universal Auto/Dual Digital Device Adapter
stormforger said:
Again thanks to x5-rwk, I can also confirm the Targus 70w Model APA10 with the #3 tips works as AC charger. I started looking at the Targus site and found this add-on for the APA10 it also uses the same tips. From what I understand it is the tips that regulate the voltage so this could be a car charger for the shift!? I ordered one from Amazon and will report back if it works.
Targus Universal Auto/Dual Digital Device Adapter
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NOPE The tips (connectors) for the digital devices that you can connect for this add on to the Targus charger are a different pin out so you cant use the lap connectors with it. Only the one for for cell phone etc.
Back to searching.
stormforger said:
Again thanks to x5-rwk, I can also confirm the Targus 70w Model APA10 with the #3 tips works as AC charger. I started looking at the Targus site and found this add-on for the APA10 it also uses the same tips. From what I understand it is the tips that regulate the voltage so this could be a car charger for the shift!? I ordered one from Amazon and will report back if it works.
Targus Universal Auto/Dual Digital Device Adapter
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Glad to hear that the AC charger is working for you, sorry that the vehicle charger is not working out so well. I was going to place an order for one recently but have not done it yet.
iGo is good
I have an iGo charger I've used for about 4 years and I have a tip that fits and it charges just fine - I would suspect that the Kensington and Targus ones would work the same way. They are supposed to figure out the power load and deliver it in the right way . . . .
BTW it connects to laptop connector, not the cellphone one.
The Targus/Kensington/iGo tips are interchangeable between vendors (personal experience) so you should be fine. If it fits,it'll work
So which tip #?
Which igo tip are you using with the Shift successfully?
Sorry to dredge up an old thread, but can any of you who are sucessfully using Targus tip #3 tell me which laptops that tip is intended for (make & model, please)? I have a collection of Kensington adapters and tips, and it seems like some Toshiba tips fit, but I'm also scared to fry my Shift (especially as that tip outputs 19V). If I knew, however, that the tip I am trying is intended for the same machines as Targus #3, then presumably the specs are the same.
Thanks for the help.
I have used multiple chargers.
As long as the voltage does not exceed 12V and the polarity is correct your shift shouldn't fry.
Lower Voltages don't harm the shift either. The shift just doesn't "feel" it's there.
I even had the polarity wrong once. The charge lite came on, but it didn't charge... I found out within minutes end corrected it, but my shift still works fine and teh battery doesnot seem to be damaged. (I don't know what would have happened if I would have left it like that overnigt though...)
A cautionary tale
A follow up to my prior post, and cautionary tale:
I recently flew transatlantic on Virgin Atlantic (VS). While VS has in seat power available, due (I think) to UK government regulations there are two restrictions on use:
1) You need to use an adapter supplied by VS (they carry them onboard), not your own.
2) You need to remove the battery, so that you can only power your laptop, not recharge it.
The adapters that VS supplies are rebadged Targus equipment. Here’s the list of available adapters. Based on this thread and some testing of my own at home with my Kensington universal adapters, I felt confident that tip #3 would work. Note, however, that I tested what I had at home with a multimeter, and it registered 19V. Nevertheless, on the plane asked for #3 for my “Fujitsu”. Took out the battery and had no problem powering the Shift. Started to watch my movie.
About 10 minutes later, I noticed that the in seat entertainment screens of all the seats around me went out. I thought it was lucky I had my Shift with some movies stored.
10 minutes after that, the flight attendant came over, very apologetic, to say that a circuit breaker kept blowing for the entertainment system, and indicated an overload fault at my seat. We did some basic troubleshooting, switched the Targus adapter, and confirmed that everything was fine until the Shift was connected (Targus without Shift was OK), at which point they say the warning light. I was very politely asked if I could run on battery for the rest of the flight, which I did.
The incident has me worried though. We all assume that if the Shift doesn’t blow up, all is well. In fact the adapter may be trying to drive too high a voltage through the Shift, leading to feedback. A home electrical system with a 20A breaker may not be sensitive enough to detect this, but an aircraft system might be.
The other thing that concerns me is that I may have experienced problems specifically because I had my battery out. What I suspect is that the battery may be acting like a sponge, absorbing the excess energy. With the battery out, the power feeds back into the adapter and ultimately the power source circuit breaker. If true, this means we are likely putting an overcurrent into our batteries whenever we use one of these 19V adapters. Eventually, the battery could overheat and catch fire (remember the Dell and Sony battery recalls?). My story could have been a fluke, but personally, I would stay away from adapters except one designed for the Shift, or at least one which outputs 12V.
The Kensington N3 tip does work- and while I agree that caution should be taken with charging precious devices, the kensington universal power adapters are designed to charge phones, PDA's MP3 players & laptops. Bearing in mind that PDA's are 5v $ laptops are 19.5V and the Kensington can charge anything in between. . . I've not had problem so far!
bram1 said:
A follow up to my prior post, and cautionary tale:
I recently flew transatlantic on Virgin Atlantic (VS). While VS has in seat power available, due (I think) to UK government regulations there are two restrictions on use:
1) You need to use an adapter supplied by VS (they carry them onboard), not your own.
2) You need to remove the battery, so that you can only power your laptop, not recharge it.
The adapters that VS supplies are rebadged Targus equipment. Here’s the list of available adapters. Based on this thread and some testing of my own at home with my Kensington universal adapters, I felt confident that tip #3 would work. Note, however, that I tested what I had at home with a multimeter, and it registered 19V. Nevertheless, on the plane asked for #3 for my “Fujitsu”. Took out the battery and had no problem powering the Shift. Started to watch my movie.
About 10 minutes later, I noticed that the in seat entertainment screens of all the seats around me went out. I thought it was lucky I had my Shift with some movies stored.
10 minutes after that, the flight attendant came over, very apologetic, to say that a circuit breaker kept blowing for the entertainment system, and indicated an overload fault at my seat. We did some basic troubleshooting, switched the Targus adapter, and confirmed that everything was fine until the Shift was connected (Targus without Shift was OK), at which point they say the warning light. I was very politely asked if I could run on battery for the rest of the flight, which I did.
The incident has me worried though. We all assume that if the Shift doesn’t blow up, all is well. In fact the adapter may be trying to drive too high a voltage through the Shift, leading to feedback. A home electrical system with a 20A breaker may not be sensitive enough to detect this, but an aircraft system might be.
The other thing that concerns me is that I may have experienced problems specifically because I had my battery out. What I suspect is that the battery may be acting like a sponge, absorbing the excess energy. With the battery out, the power feeds back into the adapter and ultimately the power source circuit breaker. If true, this means we are likely putting an overcurrent into our batteries whenever we use one of these 19V adapters. Eventually, the battery could overheat and catch fire (remember the Dell and Sony battery recalls?). My story could have been a fluke, but personally, I would stay away from adapters except one designed for the Shift, or at least one which outputs 12V.
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drummerboy said:
The Kensington N3 tip does work- and while I agree that caution should be taken with charging precious devices, the kensington universal power adapters are designed to charge phones, PDA's MP3 players & laptops. Bearing in mind that PDA's are 5v $ laptops are 19.5V and the Kensington can charge anything in between. . . I've not had problem so far!
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I can't speak for the Shift, but I just fried a Touch HD using my Kensington power adapter
A quick search of the Kensington website returned the following FAQ:
Question: Are there some USB devices which the USB Mobile Device Charger won't charge?
Answer: Yes. Some devices, such as a PS3 controller or an HTC phone, have a proprietary chip which only allow the device to charge from certain USB ports (like a laptop or USB hub) or with the manufacturer's original charger.
dazbert said:
I have an iGo charger I've used for about 4 years and I have a tip that fits and it charges just fine - I would suspect that the Kensington and Targus ones would work the same way. They are supposed to figure out the power load and deliver it in the right way . . . .
BTW it connects to laptop connector, not the cellphone one.
The Targus/Kensington/iGo tips are interchangeable between vendors (personal experience) so you should be fine. If it fits,it'll work
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What igo power supply use use for your htc shift and the tip for it?
Thank you

PC Sync + Charge Cradle Reviews?

I searched and searched and can find no real reviews. Lots of people here have posted links to various cradles for the TP2, but nobody who has bought them has offered hard reviews of their purchases.
I use my phones data connection to surf from my PC and wanted a cradle that would charge while synced. I bought this one in August of '09.
It's terrible. It always complains that the charge is not enough for consumption and the battery will drain. And recently it has stopped connecting to the PC at all. Windows will report that there was a problem with the USB device. Syncs fine with just the data cable direct to phone, but of course no charging that way.
Anyway, time to get a new cradle. Not really concerned with charging a second battery, but it would be nice. So what has been decided to be the best cradle for the TP2 (with the USB connection in the center of the phone, not the offset version)?
Thanks in advance.
Still looking. I guess I have determined that the one I have is the GSM Touch Pro2. Lots of sync cradles on Amazon, but none that have more than about two reviews, usually complaining because they didn't pay attention to the placement of the USB port.
I suppose if no one has really looked into these that much I might have to just embark on that journey. I'll just start buying the various models and post my findings.
Still open to any opinions others have formed about various cradles though.
I got my cradle from eBay. Here is the link, It works and the seller was good. My only issue with it is it is difficult to get the TP2 into the receiving USB plug. I have to move it side to side until I get it to match up. Other than that it works fine.
kimtyson said:
It works and the seller was good. My only issue with it is it is difficult to get the TP2 into the receiving USB plug. I have to move it side to side until I get it to match up. Other than that it works fine.
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What all have you done with it? Do you share the internet connection from the phone with a PC through the cradle? Does it get sufficient power to charge the battery(or at least keep it from draining) while using the shared internet through the cradle?
personally i now use this type of cradle as it is Universal i won't need to get a new one everytime i change my phone...which is about twice a year!
but this stand/cradle has worked for me well especially as i just use a normal sync cable which also means i can pick up the phone to answer it etc without having to unplug for me.
Disregard post....
kimtyson said:
I got my cradle from eBay. Here is the link, It works and the seller was good. My only issue with it is it is difficult to get the TP2 into the receiving USB plug. I have to move it side to side until I get it to match up. Other than that it works fine.
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I bought this same cradle, but am not happy with it at all. If I leave the AC and USB plugs connected when I turn off my computer, it charges the extra battery, but current flows back into the computer and keeps the fans and lights powered. The first time it happened, it had even sucked 70% of my battery overnight! If I leave only the USB cable connected, the phone naturally doesn't charge overnight and the extra battery doesn't charge either.
I had a cradle for my TouchPro that worked properly. The AC would charge my battery when the computer was turned off, but it didn't send juice back into my computer through the USB cable. I assume it had a diode in the circuit to prevent that.
Does anyone know of a cradle that works as I want (and as it should)?

Just How Long Did your Charger/USB Data Cable Last???

I am not quite sure as to the variation of included accessories from carrier to carrier but this is a question to at least the Tilt 2 owners and anyone else who's Touch Pro 2 came with that handy charger which has on one end a small block housinga flip up wall plug and on the other a female USB connection, this came with an USB to mini USB cable. The reason I ask is that after purchasing mine in February the mini end to the cable has completely come apart. It actually started within weeks of getting the phone. When I saw what was happening I wrapped it with some splice tape thinking it would be fine, but nope. The end fell out the other day and I was shocked to find that the small metal end was seated into the decidedly softer plastic plug in no more than maybe 1/32". How is something that is the junction for a lot of force anytime one moves the phone supposed to last with this kind of construction. AT&T says they warranty everything in the box? Nope. They will give you a wall charger that they retail for $29 as opposed to sending you the cable which retails for $10 less. My suspicion is that they are well aware of the fragile nature of this cable and so would rather you have something less likely to need replacement, at least while one is still under warranty. So I was curious if others have experienced this and if so, what did you do? Is there something to replace it with that is built better? OEM or not, I would love to know. I won't even go into what HTC said, but lets just say they are of a split mind on what to do.
I don't understand when you say that part is under a lot of force. I just don't see this with normal use.
Cords in general are not known for being durable, and prone to failure. But I agree that failure after 3 months is ridiculous. I've had mine since October, and it works fine. I also have the original cable for the old Tilt, which is 2-1/2 years old now, and well as the old charger (cord is not detachable). Admittedly, I probably don't use the newer USB cable as much as others, since I have these old accessories, which are still used with my Tilt2.
It sounds like ATT is willing to give you a new charger (with non-detachable cable), but not a new cable? That does seem odd. If you need a new cord, get one from Amazon or similar, it cost about $3.50 shipped.
im in the same boat as OP. Althought his seems to have lasted longer, LOL. Mine started to pull away from the usb b type end after the second week of having the device. Lucky for me i had some electrical tape and as soon as i noticed it i wraped it up good. I also have pleanty of usb to usb b cords laying arround seeing as i own a ps3 also. If you have any you can just use them they fit quite well and work fine.
redpoint73 said:
I don't understand when you say that part is under a lot of force. I just don't see this with normal use.
Cords in general are not known for being durable, and prone to failure. But I agree that failure after 3 months is ridiculous. I've had mine since October, and it works fine. I also have the original cable for the old Tilt, which is 2-1/2 years old now, and well as the old charger (cord is not detachable). Admittedly, I probably don't use the newer USB cable as much as others, since I have these old accessories, which are still used with my Tilt2.
It sounds like ATT is willing to give you a new charger (with non-detachable cable), but not a new cable? That does seem odd. If you need a new cord, get one from Amazon or similar, it cost about $3.50 shipped.
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What I mean by force is imagine that point where the mini usb meets the phone as a lever point. So when the phone moves at all, you go to pick it up you bump it,what have you, that is where all of the stress forces will be at play. Considering that point is just a tiny piece of metal and plastic that is only inset about 1/32" what can you expect. The new versions have been redesigned, si I am sure they know. I am also pretty sure this is why neither HTC nor AT&T will carry them in their warranty department. In fact, AT& T doesn't deal with Tilt 2's at all at their service centers. Funny that HTC passed Apple in sales this quarter but might have forgotten Apples hard learned lesson that they received when it was realized that the iPod's battery could not be replaced. The Phones are great, the accessories they by from someone else ordinarily so they are hit and miss
And yeah 1 L0v3 my HtC, I just learned that any mini USB will do. I thought that the ends were proprietary and so the would be hard to find but the different shape fits afterall which is what I am using now.
I have never used mine. I've used my old Motorola charger from day one.
nerv666999 said:
What I mean by force is imagine that point where the mini usb meets the phone as a lever point. So when the phone moves at all, you go to pick it up you bump it,what have you, that is where all of the stress forces will be at play.
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Yep, that's what I figured you meant. Just doesn't seem like much force to me at all. Sure, cables have a stress point right at the plug, and that is where almost all cables go bad eventually. But if your device is just sitting there, plugged in, I don't see how much stress is being applied to it, even if you bump it.
redpoint73 said:
Yep, that's what I figured you meant. Just doesn't seem like much force to me at all. Sure, cables have a stress point right at the plug, and that is where almost all cables go bad eventually. But if your device is just sitting there, plugged in, I don't see how much stress is being applied to it, even if you bump it.
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I empathize with the OP. I have thrown away a number of older cables due to short circuits at that junction. It no so bad, unless it shorts out during a flash... :eek At any rate, I now wiggle them before initiating a flash. I also bought new cables with the HTC connector and no longer use mini usb.
I have a number of 'antique' cables and chargers from my 6800 days and a number of newer ones. All are working just fine.

My wall charger lasted 1 month.. power supply is dead

Already dead. Wont charge the Prime. I called them, that was a real treat - I was on the line for 35 minutes as he researched the "issue" and we worked out the details I have 2 Prime's in the family, tested them back and fourth and 1 is dead - cable is fine, the little black power supply box is toast.
Now I get the joy of sending it back, on my dime For a product of this size, and this value, is it worth it for them to spend 35 minutes on the phone, me send it back, them check it, send me one back... for a $5 piece. Jeeezz just send me one already as it is going to cost $100 in man power to deal with the stupid thing. And the hoops i had to go through to try to prove this power supply was tied to my on record Prime, it was a joke. Total Joke and now we will be out of the power supply for maybe 10 days or more & she is leaving town in a few days. Plus, you get the joy of them sending you an RMA email that is like 3 pages long and looks like it was formatted by a 5th grader. Ugh.
Lock-N-Load said:
Already dead. Wont charge the Prime. I called them, that was a real treat - I was on the line for 35 minutes as he researched the "issue" and we worked out the details I have 2 Prime's in the family, tested them back and fourth and 1 is dead - cable is fine, the little black power supply box is toast.
Now I get the joy of sending it back, on my dime For a product of this size, and this value, is it worth it for them to spend 35 minutes on the phone, me send it back, them check it, send me one back... for a $5 piece. Jeeezz just send me one already as it is going to cost $100 in man power to deal with the stupid thing. And the hoops i had to go through to try to prove this power supply was tied to my on record Prime, it was a joke. Total Joke and now we will be out of the power supply for maybe 10 days or more & she is leaving town in a few days. Plus, you get the joy of them sending you an RMA email that is like 3 pages long and looks like it was formatted by a 5th grader. Ugh.
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This is the first post where someone is complaining that I actually felt like you had a real complaint against the company. That is outrageous. You have more patience than I do. I would have just bought a new one and said screw it. Sorry for your troubles, though. Do you like your Prime otherwise? Mine will be here Monday and am hoping I have no issues.
EDIT: I say only post. That's an exaggeration. This is one of very few posts that I've read where I actually feel sorry for you. Too many on here are just whiners. Granted, this is just a vent post, but I think it's rather warranted in my opinion.
Lock-N-Load said:
Already dead. Wont charge the Prime. I called them, that was a real treat - I was on the line for 35 minutes as he researched the "issue" and we worked out the details I have 2 Prime's in the family, tested them back and fourth and 1 is dead - cable is fine, the little black power supply box is toast.
Now I get the joy of sending it back, on my dime For a product of this size, and this value, is it worth it for them to spend 35 minutes on the phone, me send it back, them check it, send me one back... for a $5 piece. Jeeezz just send me one already as it is going to cost $100 in man power to deal with the stupid thing. And the hoops i had to go through to try to prove this power supply was tied to my on record Prime, it was a joke. Total Joke and now we will be out of the power supply for maybe 10 days or more & she is leaving town in a few days. Plus, you get the joy of them sending you an RMA email that is like 3 pages long and looks like it was formatted by a 5th grader. Ugh.
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My first transformer had a bad power adapter, I had to go purchase another one from staples. This one that came with the prime is exact same thing, except the removing prongs aren't foldable and the cable is longer. Also my previous adapter chipped in an's pretty fragile.
Dang, that sux. Better take off overclock and put it in Power/battery savings mode
Lock-N-Load said:
Already dead. Wont charge the Prime. I called them, that was a real treat - I was on the line for 35 minutes as he researched the "issue" and we worked out the details I have 2 Prime's in the family, tested them back and fourth and 1 is dead - cable is fine, the little black power supply box is toast.
Now I get the joy of sending it back, on my dime For a product of this size, and this value, is it worth it for them to spend 35 minutes on the phone, me send it back, them check it, send me one back... for a $5 piece. Jeeezz just send me one already as it is going to cost $100 in man power to deal with the stupid thing. And the hoops i had to go through to try to prove this power supply was tied to my on record Prime, it was a joke. Total Joke and now we will be out of the power supply for maybe 10 days or more & she is leaving town in a few days. Plus, you get the joy of them sending you an RMA email that is like 3 pages long and looks like it was formatted by a 5th grader. Ugh.
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Since it's a usb plug adapter, can you use another usb plug from another device? I know I can switch plugs between my HTC, Sony Ericsson, and Motorola phones with the same usb plug adapter.
That does suck. Have you tried the freezer trick? Put it in a ziploc then put it in the freezer for like 15 minutes.
My charger "died" within like a week, but the freezer trick fixed it and its been going fine since then. After being in the freezer the thin plastic piece that has the actual prongs in it was displaced a few mm from the larger plastic piece, so I just pushed it back into place and it worked.
Worth a shot before sending it in if you haven't already
BongoBong said:
That does suck. Have you tried the freezer trick? Put it in a ziploc then put it in the freezer for like 15 minutes.
My charger "died" within like a week, but the freezer trick fixed it and its been going fine since then. After being in the freezer the thin plastic piece that has the actual prongs in it was displaced a few mm from the larger plastic piece, so I just pushed it back into place and it worked.
Worth a shot before sending it in if you haven't already
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Oh yeah, +1 for this. I've heard this works because of the temp lock on the charger. Sometimes it gets stuck and won't let it charge anymore. Good find. Someone give this man a thanks because I'm all out because of all of the ICS goodness going on in the Rezound forums lol
hairdewx said:
Since it's a usb plug adapter, can you use another usb plug from another device? I know I can switch plugs between my HTC, Sony Ericsson, and Motorola phones with the same usb plug adapter.
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IIRC the prime has some abnormal voltage requirements so your mileage may vary there.
tdrussell said:
IIRC the prime has some abnormal voltage requirements so your mileage may vary there.
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I don't think another adapter works. The transformer use to be able to charge via usb on the computer, but it took about 24 hours to fully charge from a computer usb port. The prime doesn't seem to charge at all, when I plug it in, it doesn't say "charging".
hairdewx said:
Since it's a usb plug adapter, can you use another usb plug from another device? I know I can switch plugs between my HTC, Sony Ericsson, and Motorola phones with the same usb plug adapter.
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Nope... I tried one from an iPod, a Griffin, and a generic one. None would work. They do specifically mention in their manual only use "their" charger.. I dont care about stuff like that but turns out, the 3 I tried would not work
BongoBong said:
That does suck. Have you tried the freezer trick? Put it in a ziploc then put it in the freezer for like 15 minutes.
My charger "died" within like a week, but the freezer trick fixed it and its been going fine since then. After being in the freezer the thin plastic piece that has the actual prongs in it was displaced a few mm from the larger plastic piece, so I just pushed it back into place and it worked.
Worth a shot before sending it in if you haven't already
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Gonna pass and here is why.. surely in that power supply is a motherboard or solder and if you freeze it and then heat it (as powers runs through) you can create fine hair cracks in the solder. So, it seems totally illogical to me.
Interesting, So which type or cable and power adapter should we buy for the prime if needed? we cannot use some "generic" kind?
I would just go ham on the tech support and make them send me one for free.
Sent from my Galaxy S2
I hammered the **** out of them about it just because they took so damn long for such a petty thing & how cheap the piece is and absurd amount of time and effort it will take, they weren't having it.
They and I all have bigger fish to fry, but I was just so annoyed by the interaction and amount of effort I now have to expend.
Awe man that sucks. What you need to do its call and act super crazy. Like change up your accent in between sentences, talk loud and then really soft. Yell at them and then pretend to cry and apologize for yelling. That usually makes em feel really bad and sorry for me and then they are like ok, we will make an exception.
Make sure you talking to high level support though, lower level ppl have no authority. Ask then what level they are and ask to be escalated. Be really nice to them too.
This actually works btw. Have gotten a hp laptop battery replaced after it was out of warranty, a early phone upgrade for my friend on att, and also a free slingbox dvr from dish.
Sent from my Galaxy S2
ravizzle said:
Awe man that sucks. What you need to do its call and act super crazy. Like change up your accent in between sentences, talk loud and then really soft. Yell at them and then pretend to cry and apologize for yelling. That usually makes em feel really bad and sorry for me and then they are like ok, we will make an exception.
Make sure you talking to high level support though, lower level ppl have no authority. Ask then what level they are and ask to be escalated. Be really nice to them too.
This actually works btw. Have gotten a hp laptop battery replaced after it was out of warranty, a early phone upgrade for my friend on att, and also a free slingbox dvr from dish.
Sent from my Galaxy S2
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BWaaa ha ha LOL this is the trick I plan to use the next time I have to attend Jury Duty
I think the reason the others won't work is a lot of those smaller chargers for phones and things are 5 volt and the prime wants a 12 or 15 volt or something. At least I thought that's what the prime charger had listed in it's specs.
I suppose if radio shack had a generic wall usb charger listed higher it should work. The Prime/TF101 chargers are like $30...
Why do you have to pay for shipping?
There is something I don't understand here. Why do you have to pay to ship the unit to Asus if you didn't break it? I'd understand you'd have to pay to get it back if they discover that it broke because of you but why do you have to pay to get a warranty repair?
Lock-N-Load said:
Gonna pass and here is why.. surely in that power supply is a motherboard or solder and if you freeze it and then heat it (as powers runs through) you can create fine hair cracks in the solder. So, it seems totally illogical to me.
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Are you worried about a catastrophic failure if your hypothetical situation occurs? Also considering it "freezing" is a bit off since you can't freeze a solid, you are simply cooling it.
Considering there are plenty of electronics that work outside in the winter without problems to their soldering as far as I am aware, I would think cooling your adapter shouldn't be a huge risk.
My USB Charger died as well... In fact It worked only 1 time !
I received my TF201 Wednesday (jan 18th) and the usb charger worked like a charm the first time. I played with the TF201 until the battery was at 1% and I plugged it on the charger then... nothing (no orange lights and no charging icons on the screen). I submit a RMA for this (and for the light bleeds, I'm so lucky).
Now I have to charge my TF201 with regular usb charger but It only charges the TF201 if it is turned off and it takes FOREVER to charge (after 12h of charging = 72%).
I wonder if it would charge faster if I plug on my computer (I got usb3 ports)...

[Q] SGS3 i9300 Not Chaging - REWARD

Hi guys I hope you can help.
There, now I have your attention - brace yourself, this one’s a tough one.
About 2 months ago, I flashed DeltaROM 4.2.2 V2.2. I’m a serial flasher so I’m quite aware of what I’m doing. I had some issues with it that I tried to get support from them but they unfortunately didn't get back to/couldn't help me.
The original post is here in case you’re interested, the biggest issue being my S3 no longer charges correctly. If I plug a charger in from the mains, it will not register as charging. Once every 10 seconds or so, it will actually register the charger, but only for about half a second before it drops. It DOES however charge if I connect it to PC, Xbox or car (only wrks in the car if charging from a USB socket, using the in-car charger straight from the cigarette lighter doesn’t work). Basically, I can charge my phone off anything that isn’t directly the Mains electricity.
I’ve googled the hell out of this problem, only to find that posters will quickly dismiss it as faulty hardware; bad USB cable, broken USB port, bad charger, low voltage from mains – anything at all. But the bottom line is I do not have faulty hardware. Everything was absolutely fine until the very instant I finished flashing DeltaROM – I’m convinced something didn’t go right during my first installation since it was a bit rocky (read the original post for details).
After getting no answer from the Delta lot I jumped ship to LiquidSmooth (which is very nice by the way) but the problem remained. In one last attempt I started again from scratch. I used TriangleAway, formatted EVERYTHING (the kind that also deletes all your media) and flashed back to stock. Using Samsung Kies I 'upgraded' the firmware and I'm now on the latest official 4.1.2 release – and it makes me a little sad!
Just to back up the fact it’s not hardware related, I deliberately persevered with it to gather up as much information as I could, and here’s what I learned:
Why I'm sure it’s not the battery.
• I've tried two other batteries (3 total) and the problem exists with all 3
• The health of my battery is excellent
• My battery charges fine in other phones
Why I’m certain it’s not the Charger
• One of my chargers is only a couple of months old
• The charger I have been using is the official Samsung one that came with the phone, though I have 3 more – one BlackBerry one, a charger that came with my s1 (many moons ago) and two the same that came with mine and my gf’s phone. These are the plugs with a USB input on them,
• I have 5 chargers in all – BlackBerry, Nokia, Samsung (x3) ALL of which don’t work with my phone but ALL of which work with EVERY other phone in the house.
Why I’m sure it’s not the wall Socket.
• I’ve tried every plug socket in the house and even taken it to my parents and to work – same story.
• Everything else I plug into the sockets work just fine
Why it’s not a bad USB cable.
• I have 3 that I use. All of them will charge off of the computer, the car or the Xbox – they cease to work when I use them in the mains USB plug.
• They all work fine on every other phone in the house, regardless of if it’s in a mains adapter or a computer
• I am able to connect with all 3 cables to my laptop to view files.
Why I don’t think it’s a damaged USB port on the phone.
• It ‘does’ actually do everything it needs to do when plugged into my pc, Xbox or car. If it’s communicating well with other devices and harbours electricity correctly when doings so, then it can’t be the USB port since the way it gathers energy is the same.
So what gives? How can it be bat hardware if it works from the PC? How can it be bad firmware when I am back to Stock?
Thanks a million guys.
* Telling me to send it off for repair doesn't count. If it's something that I can do at home and it fixes my issue, the first person who gave that advice will be the winner. This does of course mean that if my phone is just downright screwed, there's a chance no-onw will win.
Have you tried to use a kernal like siyah kernal and change the chrging parameters for ac charging? (the Mah value for charging off wall socket...
Sent From Pure Awesomeness ....
Koogly said:
Have you tried to use a kernal like siyah kernal and change the chrging parameters for ac charging? (the Mah value for charging off wall socket...
Sent From Pure Awesomeness ....
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Hi Koogly
Sorry probably should have mentioned this. I tried siyah and set everything to charge as much as it could - AC and USB. I also tried a lot of other 'fast charge' apps to no avail.
While the USB does charge, it's still quite slow at 460mA. Once in a while, the mains charge stays connected, and you can watch the mA level drop. It will start at around 999, but within 10 seconcd it will decrease down to 100mA, which is slower than the phone actually uses up energy.

