[APP][WVGA-VGA-WQVGA-VGA][28.09.09]PocketNoise 1.0.1 - Windows Mobile Apps and Games

The noise in your pocket. This app features:
- a desk bell
- a double buzzer
- a single buzzer
- a gong
- a horn
- a doorbell
- the D-Day cricket
- the nuke button
A note for the gong: pressing the center the sound stops.
A note for the nuke: don't stop at first press...
1.0 – First release
1.0.1 - Released all resolutions
Small cosmetics
Executable compressed with UPX
Download PocketNoise from 1800PocketPC.com
Special version for HTC HD2
I ask you people not to mirror the files elsewhere: if you want to spread the app, please link to 1800pocketpc download url above
Donations received so far: Saijo 10€, Antonín 5€ thanks guys! Thank you very much!

and yes ofcourse, qvga would be great

aibonlengket said:
and yes ofcourse, qvga would be great
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I had the intention to release for this app the VGA-WQVGA-QVGA versions as well, but this means a lot of work, since all the graphics have to be resized and the code to be optimized for these screen resolutions.
But. I've released three apps so far (FakeBadge, Walk of Fake and Pocket Noise). In total, almost 8.000 downloads. And a single donation (for WoF). This means, i guess, people is not interested in my apps. Or, at least, not that much interested.
So, if my piggybank continues to stay empty, i'll go on to releas freeware apps. But only in resolution that fits my device (so, in other words, i'll share what i do for me): it's a nonsense to spend many hours working on other res for nothing, isn't it?

VGA version please???

bbonzz said:
I had the intention to release for this app the VGA-WQVGA-QVGA versions as well, but this means a lot of work, since all the graphics have to be resized and the code to be optimized for these screen resolutions.
But. I've released three apps so far (FakeBadge, Walk of Fake and Pocket Noise). In total, almost 8.000 downloads. And a single donation (for WoF). This means, i guess, people is not interested in my apps. Or, at least, not that much interested.
So, if my piggybank continues to stay empty, i'll go on to releas freeware apps. But only in resolution that fits my device (so, in other words, i'll share what i do for me): it's a nonsense to spend many hours working on other res for nothing, isn't it?
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i feel low, i'm sorry i hadn't donate yet. i think you deserve one though. so please people, donate for this fun apps.

good stuff .. beer coming your way.. plz check ur PM

other resolutions on the go: gimme a couple of days. And thanks to people that supports me donating

bbonzz said:
I've released three apps so far (FakeBadge, Walk of Fake and Pocket Noise). In total, almost 8.000 downloads. And a single donation (for WoF). This means, i guess, people is not interested in my apps. Or, at least, not that much interested.
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Don't take it personally, but all three are really bling-bling or kiddy apps. Nothing productive, whereas Your programming skills could be put to use for coding something that's actually useful - for example, there isn't currently a single sms/e-mail app on the market that's finger-friendly, functional and has many options. So there's Your empty piggybank. I think if You'd write something that's actually useful, You'd get donations from at least hundred members, not 1. Think about that.

aiiro said:
Don't take it personally, but all three are really bling-bling or kiddy apps. Nothing productive, whereas Your programming skills could be put to use for coding something that's actually useful - for example, there isn't currently a single sms/e-mail app on the market that's finger-friendly, functional and has many options. So there's Your empty piggybank. I think if You'd write something that's actually useful, You'd get donations from at least hundred members, not 1. Think about that.
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You could be right. Of course i don't take it personal, but what you say brings me to some thoughts. So, i say "could" for 4 reasons:
1. i know my apps are stupid toys. But why people download them, then? Eight hundred downloads in 10 days tell me that people like my apps, stupid or not. And download them.
2. How many "intelligent" apps have you seen for iPhone? Not so much, i think (if you've seen what i've seen). Despite this, the more an app is stupid, the more it sells on AppStore. And have you seen how many people here complain since such apps are for iPhone and not for WM? How many ask to port iPhone apps to WM? see how many did ask for iBoobs port, for example.
3. Some developers, here, develop "intelligent" apps. See, for example, Chainfire, Mitonioes, Blezalex, only to say a few. They should have become rich, if what you say is true. But i don't think so. See Mitonioes donation log for iPhoneToday: i think he is about 150 bucks: not exactely a big amount of money for such a long waited app...
4. Have you seen where G-Alarm is gone, and why? It was free, at beginning. then ageye has seen that, despite his efforts to make the app better and better, and despite the fact that it was one of the most (if not the most) downloaded WM apps, his pigybank as well was always empty. And so decided to make his app a pay one.
This to say that, for me as for other people that release free apps here: we do this without forcing anyone to give us a single cent, and saying that IF one likes the app, he CAN make a small donation to send his appreciation. But if people thinks that "someone else will donate, so why bother? After all it's free", this behaviour leads to the situation where almost the whole developer community has gone to iPhone, where apps are rewarded. Or, as i stated in 3rd post, one develops for himself, and if the apps is ok for you well, otherwise who cares? After all one does this for free and none cares to give him a sign of appreciation.
wow, it was a long OT. but i hope you understand why, if you could be half right, i too can be right the other half

So You did take it personally OK, just kidding. I see Your point... But I wouldn't go so far to call iPhoneToday an "intelligent" app as it (as far as I know):
1) Simply is a launcher, for which we have like at least 20 alternatives to everyone's liking,
2) It is an attempt to mimic an interface of a system on another system to look like the first system. It's like I would skin my ubuntu to be a mac. Pointless to my mind, no real productivity gain in that.
If You take a look at Iconsoft PhonEx for example, there is an app that has a really well-thought UI, options, intuitive usability etc etc, it's like a perfect example of what my point was, as it completely replaces the useless WM stock dialer and contacts. So I got myself a license, even tho it's 25$. I am willing to pay for great stuff.
G-Alarm does too many things (general mistake that every developer makes is that he thinks when his app has tons of features it makes it greater - it does not, rather on the contrary) to be a simple alarm/timer/stopper, for which 200-300KB is enogh, not 2,5MB.
For me it's all about:
1) Is there real comfort, usability or productivity gain in it for me?
2) Is it small and fast and doesn't have useless features?
For the rest of qualities, I really don't give a s..t.
But, if You are interested in developing something useful, take a look at this - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=520689. It has been half a year and nothing much has been going on. Like I said, there really isn't a good sms/e-mail app outthere
My point ver 1.5 - the third half

aiiro said:
My point ver 1.5 - the third half
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About the s2s, i'm not skilled enought, at present time, to interact with system. Maybe in future

updated to 1.0.1: all resolutions now

Thank You very much, will be donating soon

it locks up bad on my lg incite .. ideas?

btw same issue with your badge app and you never replyed on that bug report either

xhozt said:
btw same issue with your badge app and you never replyed on that bug report either
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since you are the only one (out of 9 hundreds downloads) reporting this behaviour, i'd not call it a "bug". I'd not even call yours a "report", since it's similar to "doesn't work", that says nothing.
Anyway: i really don't know why your device locks up. Are you using the right version? For what i know it's a WQVGA device. Have you error messages? Do you hears sounds? Do you see something or nothing at all? What happens?

after clicking it , it gets to the main screen and hangs the device requireing a soft reset . no errors .
nice idea for a app but for now gotta stick with flaxbox ;-(

Was looking for such a fun app.
At first it works fine, but only at first as there are no seconds!
It runs fine after a reset, but is t able to start it up again after this first run!
I can press the button all I want but nothings happens no error message, nor no trace of the program in memory
Installed on HTC -HD2, storage card (do not want in in main memory).
Any idea's?
Note: Your Fakebadge app, also does not start after this app has run!
Note:2 Run first Fakebadge = ok 2nd =ok run PockedNoise = NOK

That's a realy strange behaviour, Pandor, but i cannot replicate it in any way, so i really don't know what's going on on your device... I too use the app from SD card, so that's not the problem.
I had a similar behaviour only once, when the app was still in beta: but that was because i had so little resources left (only 20% free memory) that the app didn't succeed to load all its resources and crashed. But i had it in memory (spotted via MemMaid).
So, if you have not it in memory, i guess the problem is somewhere else: maybe you've something running in background that leds to this. Don't know, sorry: as now you're the only one out of 15.000+ downloads reporting this behaviour

So I installed Memmaid, as the taskmanagers, did not show any programs running.
Here I saw that eighter Fakebadge or Pockednoise was remaining as a running process. Close the process and indeed it runs fine again!
I close the app with the Close button.
Note I have 200mb of memory left!


Requests for Michy's next ROM graphics

EDIT: As Michy has asked for graphics requests, he apparently already has something in mind for his 5.2 / 6.0. Yea! So be sure to post with any requests as to what you want the next ROM to look like.
You have to hand it to Michy. 4.1 and 5.1 are both fast, smooth, and (almost completely) trouble-free ROMs with tons of useful programs. And for both SPLs!
To tell the truth, until I flashed 4.1, I had regretted HardSPLing my device. Most of the ROMs I tried up until then were troublesome and just as slow as my stock WM6.0.
So in a way, this post is thanks to Michy. Gran bel lavoro Michy!
In another way, it is a request for something new. I know I am not the only one on this forum that gets nervous if he hasn't flashed a new ROM this month... I'm feeling the itch! I need my fix!
Anyway, thought it might be interesting to see what kind of ROM people wanted. Give your vote and comments please.
please just add your graphic-style request, so i can have an idea for a 5.2/6.0.
Good to see you are considering a new rom. In truth your 5.1 seems flawless and it's hard to imagine how much better you can make it. Thanks for your great work.
One suggestion I would give to make your next ROM easier to understand is: if you are going to include lots of apps like you usually do, it might be a good idea to put them in folders in the start menu according to their usage.
A Multimedia folder could contain YouTube Player, TCPMP, MP3Trimmer, Camera, Audio Manager, and Album links.
VoipCall, Slick, Messenger, Fring, Flash SMS, Call Firewall and others could be grouped in a Communications folder.
And some things like FTouchFlo, GSen CFG, GSen, GSenToggle, IContactConfig, PDM, PocketScreen, PIM Backup, PsShutXP, QuickGPS, RegEditor, SIM Manager, SynchroTime etc, etc, could easily be put in the Tools folder you usually include.
By doing this, you allow the person using the ROM to have easier access to the programs that they install. Because people are more likely to frequently use the programs that they install, rather than ones that come pre-installed.
Another suggestion is about the applications you include with your ROMs. I think I understand your logic in including lots of apps: the space is there in the ROM, so you might as well use it as long as the apps don't degrade performance. That's strong logic, and I agree with it. My suggestion is to only include apps that have reached a developmental dead-end; i.e. apps that are stable, and are no longer currently being developed. For example TCPMP, VNCViewer, and DotFred's Task Manager aren't updated very frequently - they make perfect additions to your ROM. Other apps, like YouTube, Manila 2D/3D, S2U2, ThrottleLauncher etc, are still in active development and can/should be updated from time to time. It is possible to update and install over the apps in the ROM, but then you have just wasted that space in the ROM.
As far as graphics are concerned, I am of two minds.
1) I have always really liked the touch/kaiser grey-on-white-with-blue-highlights. Very professional.
2) However, recently I have flashed my Hermes with PDACorner's Pro V.25 and I really appreciate the usefulness of the colors he uses in his status bar. Colors like that would really be useful against the flat black bars of the DiamondVGA.tsk you always include... They take a little getting used to, but make it really easy to know what is going on with your phone with simply a glance.
And this is a light and robust little Comm Manager that looks great with the skin in post eight.
And as always, thanks for your consideration. I wish I had the time, patience and talent to build such ROMs.
Not much more to add from my side, thanks larsuck!
- Make it as fast as possible without losing 5.1 stability
- Ahm...make both startup gifs like the ones from AP4.0, just with your name (I know, plagiate, but it looks great)
- Real-VGA, all programs/thumbnails should work and look according to chosen dpi, especially with 128dpi (seems to be the best choice)
- Remove time&date permanently from taskbar, so that all buttons can be seen and clicked without problems
- In short: please make it look like the original x7510 screen
Program wishes: maybe some program for real contacts import/export with edit-function on PC, I'm currently using xmlcontactsbackup but perhaps there are better choices.
Many thanks
just to renew my ROMs, i'm going to make a 5.1 Last Build Edition, with the last build i found on xda (20921). If this build will work well.......you'll have a new rom to falsh
There we go again weare just a bunch of rom addicts,lol, so far I been playing wit 5.1 is nice and respond qick only problems found so far is the bluetooth stack, (if the new build has something as AP4 Ill be in heaven) and Slic if I try to use it will give a BSD with a message saying fatal system exception or something, that was funny because it was the first time I have seen a BSD in WM, no a biggie for my I just do not use the app .
The programs included are useful but I rather get rid of duplicates e.g if you think icontact is better than stock contact manager get rid of the stock one( Im not complaining on that ,you have done a good job there so far).
the graphics just keep them consistent across the rom e.g not a black today a green communications and a white phone screen.
And if touchflow 3D was included working reliably that would be a plus.
Larsuck mention below to add mature apps only to the rom, I do not agree, why, because we will flash to newer roms during the development of the app so if a rom has the latest opera and a newer one appear we will have a newer rom sooner with the newer opera or whatever anyway, and because when a app reach its end of development time usually means that there are newer apps better and so its no point to keep developing the oldest ones ( not always the case) so as long the apps in the rom are solid stable just include what you think is useful.
Great job Michi and many thanks
I ask for two things...but only one is possible me thinks.
If you could get hootgaming working on your next rom, now that would be something. Something tells me it won't be possible as getting hold of the client .cab for winmob seems rather difficult.
Back in reality...I tend to use Claunch on my today screen as it works well but the only buttons that are any good tend to be based on the Iphone. Any app like this with an original button interface would be fantastic.
Keep up the good work.

[APP] Send SMS from your PC.

Second Release
Right, you need to download the website and the application. Both of which i have now attached to this thread.
Follow the same process you did with the initial release, however, DO NOT edit the config file. There is now a tab in the app for this, please use this instead.
Also, there is now a log file if something goes wrong. It is called 2me2u_logfile.log and will be created in the same folder as the executable.
Initial Release: http://www.spikedsoftware.co.uk/blo...sending-smss-via-your-mobile-using-interwebs/
Evening guys,
I don't know about you, but i'm tired of texting from my whone when i'm at my desk. It's a long process and makes it look like i'm not busy at my desk, especially if i'm having a bit of a discussion with friends.
So i decided to write an app that sits on the phone, waiting for SMS's to be sent. You login to a web portal (which the app also logs into) and create your SMS there (as many as you wish) and when the app checks (every 1s to 300s) it'll download the messages you want to send, then send them. With a delivery report if you so wish.
Also looking for more features to add in once released, for example, SMSing you where your phone is, if you've lost it. Using the GPS.
It's still early, but that app is nearly programmatically complete. It's not very pretty, nor is the website. Hoping to get time this week to tidy it all up and get a test release out.
Watch this space Not even sure if this sort of app will be popular!
Will also be posting release information to my blog, http://www.spikedsoftware.co.uk
japanfred said:
Evening guys,
I don't know about you, but i'm tired of texting from my whone when i'm at my desk. It's a long process and makes it look like i'm not busy at my desk, especially if i'm having a bit of a discussion with friends.
So i decided to write an app that sits on the phone, waiting for SMS's to be sent. You login to a web portal (which the app also logs into) and create your SMS there (as many as you wish) and when the app checks (every 1s to 300s) it'll download the messages you want to send, then send them. With a delivery report if you so wish.
Also looking for more features to add in once released, for example, SMSing you where your phone is, if you've lost it. Using the GPS.
It's still early, but that app is nearly programmatically complete. It's not very pretty, nor is the website. Hoping to get time this week to tidy it all up and get a test release out.
Watch this space Not even sure if this sort of app will be popular!
Will also be posting release information to my blog, http://www.spikedsoftware.co.uk
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Not sure if this app will be popular!! Who are you kidding?
They charge a lot for this kind of thing, so it isn't cheap. If you want free hosting, let me know - I am not sure what methods you will be using for this, but as long as you know how to create the site, I can host it.
Thanks for the offer, for the moment i have hosting sorted however
Do you have the urls to the competitors?
Sounds good, but how will this differ from, say, mIQ? That allows you to send and receive SMSs via the web.
Huh... didn't actually see that on the web there.
Safe to say it's far more advanced that my application would be anytime soon. The only difference would be my remote GPS finder and that i had a plan to develop an app for Android.
Not much point now.
Thanks for finding that before i got too far into development!
sounds great, looking forward to it
Other than remote GPS finder, will there be any other special features?
Looks like i won't be continuing, mIQ already have the app i'm creating!
Well don't lose interest just yet. A dedicated solution just for that task, especially one I could host on say my own website would be a much preferred solution for me than yet another social site having access to all my information.
Its a cool idea, but I could see how people would be concerned with privacy. My text messages aren't always PG nor are the discussions always "legal". I personally don't concern myself with privacy anyhow.
Right now I just run MyMobiler and tether the phone to my PC and use the phone GUI with my keyboard. This app/service WOULD be very helpful for people with ridiculously strict IT departments and people who don't use Windows OS on their workstations. I'll definitely check it out when released. Sounds cool.
Eoinoc said:
Well don't lose interest just yet. A dedicated solution just for that task, especially one I could host on say my own website would be a much preferred solution for me than yet another social site having access to all my information.
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enTRAPAG said:
Its a cool idea, but I could see how people would be concerned with privacy. My text messages aren't always PG nor are the discussions always "legal". I personally don't concern myself with privacy anyhow.
Right now I just run MyMobiler and tether the phone to my PC and use the phone GUI with my keyboard. This app/service WOULD be very helpful for people with ridiculously strict IT departments and people who don't use Windows OS on their workstations. I'll definitely check it out when released. Sounds cool.
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+1, a server that YOU choose would be fairly better than having to use a common service that would store our data...
The webserver could be our pc, or why not, getting a way to get it working throught a php script that could be hosted on any host we want to
Just my opinion...
[APP - Release] Send SMS from your PC, RELEASED.
Well, you guys are on the exact train i am.
Basically, i was going to host it on my site, and if people were interested, then open it up for registration etc. However, you're right, Privacy was a worry and i'm not sure i like my information being held by someone else, i only just allowe Facebook to.
So, i'll continue, get it polished up, then release a package that people can deploy wherever the hell they want
Hopefully this weekend some time, i would imagine? Busy all week
Cheers guys!
thats the spirit man.. just checked out that other software.. exactly the sort of thing i DIDN'T want.. uninstalled it within 5mins of messing around.
Looking forward to your solution! sounds much more like the sort of thing I would be interested in (and many more im sure)
Anyone think of a good name? :\
Working on it at the moment
japanfred said:
Well, you guys are on the exact train i am.
Basically, i was going to host it on my site, and if people were interested, then open it up for registration etc. However, you're right, Privacy was a worry and i'm not sure i like my information being held by someone else, i only just allowe Facebook to.
So, i'll continue, get it polished up, then release a package that people can deploy wherever the hell they want
Hopefully this weekend some time, i would imagine? Busy all week
Cheers guys!
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I REALLY like this idea. Please keep me informed!
why not use mymobiler?
inertone said:
why not use mymobiler?
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Because you need to be able to get to your phone, i.e. ActiveSync or via WiFi.
I don't know about you, but at my place of work, we don't have any drivers installed on the machines to allow us to use USB Devices, other than the keyboard and mouse. And we don't have WiFi that will get us onto the main network. So that option would be out.
Sounds really cool, I'd definitely use it. Right now I just use MyMobiler and just type with my pc keyboard on my phone under the keyboard on ABC. Works fine for me now, but my phone needs to be plugged in if I want to use it.
Hey all,
Thanks for the support, very early release can be found here.
Please can you all try it, let me know how you get on. It's very simple, but it does the trick.
Sounds like a good idea, but not sure how many people know this, but as long as you know that format for a carrier you can actually send a message via e-mail to a person's phone as a text.
For Sprint it's <10 digit number>@messaging.sprintpcs.com
for AT&T it's <10 digit number>@txt.att.net and to send MMS to ATT it's @mms.att.net
I have a list of HUNDREDS of the formats somewhere I will post if you all want.
Could you? Would be interesting. Thanks.
Any tried it yet? I've had alot of views and no feedback?

REQUEST: Clock Stopper

There is an app I use quite a bit on Windows called Clock Stopper. All it does is freeze the computer's clock so apps and such are all dated at the same time when installed. It would be awesome if something like this was available for Android.
Why? Because I like to try LOTS of new apps. It would be easier to freeze the clock at a certain date & time, install the apps, create a backup, etc. It makes it easier for me to remember when and what I did.
Also some apps have time restraints on them when I want to use them longer before I decide to buy them.
Strange concept...
Strange concept. I don't quite get how this works and why you will need it. Mind giving more information? Is there anything I can read up online about this?
MidnightTroop said:
Strange concept. I don't quite get how this works and why you will need it. Mind giving more information? Is there anything I can read up online about this?
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Some trial application, let users evaluate their FULL product for a certain days.
For example :
I downloaded an application and it lets me evaluate their product for 7 days.
If I stop the time on my phone, the app will allow me to use it for unlimited numbers of days.
I doubt such app will be helpful for many people.
Android developer usually use limited functionality or advertisement in free apps.
It's mainly for reasons I and frenzyboi listed.
Attached is the Windows version. Extract the files directly to C: and copy/paste the shortcut "Clock Stopper 1.0b" to your desktop then run as admin if using Windows 7 or Vista. The program runs from a folder so there is no installation needed.
It's useful for piracy. Woop de doop.
polobunny said:
It's useful for piracy. Woop de doop.
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yup, that's about the only thing I could see using it for.
frenzyboi said:
Some trial application, let users evaluate their FULL product for a certain days.
For example :
I downloaded an application and it lets me evaluate their product for 7 days.
If I stop the time on my phone, the app will allow me to use it for unlimited numbers of days.
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Therefore you are trying to cheat the Applications' devs.
This thread has been reported.
"You can overclock as much as you want, your phone will always seem too slow."
It isn't piracy at all! Piracy is when you use paid things without paying for them. Trial software is usually limited not only in time but in features.
Would be great
I would have a great use for something like this. My son changed the password on his tablet for the parental lock. Now the tablet is only able to be used for 3 hours per day. It has been this way for over 3 years. I tried to do a factory reset, but I think the parental lock won't let this happen. It just reboots. I also tried several rooting procedures, but that didn't work either.

[Q] windowsandroid help !

as most of you may have probably learned .. windowsandroid lets you use android (I.C.S) in windows without emulation ... so i have side-loaded 2 or 3 apps but when i press them in windowsandroid .. it opens the app then suddenly closes it .. does this happen to you also ?? and how can i increase its resolution to run it in "tablet mode" ???
Someone help plz !
Maybe this'll help...a little
If you're into disappointment, maybe, that is.
I was interested in the same thing (among other things), with this emu (which, basically it is).
I found this Reddit post on the topic; basically, it says you should merely ADD the following line to the 'build.prop' file in the WindowsAndroid root folder--that's right, just ADD it, no reason to plug it in anywhere specific, or use it to replace anything there:
It's important to note, however, this is a density setting rather than a resolution setting, and so caused my own installation to show up in tablet mode, but, as I'm using an older low-res LCD Projector as my monitor (and, er, Windows knows this quite too well, BTW), my copy kept showing up with the screen out of registration--in fact, it looks like you're in 'settings', choosing between active screens (see my screenshot).
Ooops--my writing compositional skills must be lapsing, because--how do I know this stuff about your monitor res having anything to do with anything in this app?
Glad you asked!
An answer posted to a well-worded question that ended up on this site:
Note I reverse-answered his question with the same stuff I posted here--I'm so cheap!
So, for people using regular ole hi-res monitors, and not lower (pretty much 1024x768 for me, the trade-off being it's HUGE!) monitors, this may be okay for you.
Lol thx ... Have you tried side loading apps .. If yes do they work ?
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda app-developers app
Turned-off notifications...sorry
Yarp...if you count merely dumping them into the '[root]\system\app' folder (methinks)...tried that the first night, and got so many that didn't work (even pretty simple, 'non-graphicky' ones) that I gave up on this OS that very first night...'til later...maybe.
Too much janky behavior from that otherwise very cool idea. I got into some other things temporarily--I'll look back in (some things in mind) in a week or so.
That thing was locking up pretty consistently every time I ran an app on it other than the 'system apps' that came with it...I was interested in trying out my favorite old news & weather app--the 'geniewidget.apk' I loved from Froyo on (see here), post by username VJKotts with attachment--worked for me!
I may have time to list apps that worked, and didn't, later today, but many of them are specific to me (like, my over-use of the Ulysse speedometer while driving my last car, which didn't have a working speedo, so, that was priceless!).
Some various media player apps are of interest to me, since I build HTPCs, and am getting into using the Android OS for the same purpose (with portability offered by the new Android mini PC's!)
Some reviewers of that thing are reporting tons of happy success with using them as basic HTPCs, and lots of people love XBMC and Plex (not me necessarily--I've had limited success with each of these, and resort to much simpler playback of my own 'Windows-Recorded TV' files using Skifta, so I'm happy with that app.
sebas98619 said:
Lol thx ... Have you tried side loading apps .. If yes do they work ?
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda app-developers app
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Happy Colour Offline Compatibility Android Pixel 6 Pro

Hey there guys, I have a question first and foremost.
If an app updates daily, is there any way to make an app still be able to be updated online daily, while also having the functions to work while you are offline?
There are many people that travel, and don't have internet or phone service while they are commuting or waiting for someone or something, relaxing at home, at a campground in the wilderness, or underground in the subway, or maybe even up high on a mountain.
If there is a way to make this work, I would like to know what you guys and gals would suggest on what to do to get this started.
Some of the requirements of my hypothetical project would be as follows;
Needs to retain the Daily Update Feature so that the app can withdraw from the Happy Colour Server.
Has to have some working code workaround where a certain allotment of storage space can be used to store the app data (including the scrolling and entering the Picture that you want to color and complete) on a device.
(Currently, you can scroll the app for a little while and the coloring options will appear, but when clicking on a selection, it is not able to load.
That's pretty much the jist of it.. if you guys can give me suggestions or even remark on if this can be done, that would be great. I know that it would take some work, but if it seems like its plausible, we can see where this thing goes as a team and maybe make it a paid project really depends on how much work would need to be done.
Thanks to those of you that have read this and really looking forward to hearing your ideas and thoughts.

