SDA 2 problem - HTC Hurricane

Ydravim vie mi niekdo poradit mam SDA 2 a ked ho yapnem nejde mi posuvat z joestikom je zly len chcem o2 tak ho chcem spravit poradite mi a nepomohla bi wm 6.1 moc dakujem a sori neviem anglicki a inac povzivam HTC Trinity a wm 6.1 je super wm 6.5 mi nestihala predsa mala ram moc dakujem Tupy

Ete [email protected]



I have MDA Vario II, there is no signal. I read the wiki, and the most thereads.
Problem: NO GSM
IPL 1.04
SPL 2.10 Olipro
I try with T Mobile TEST WM6, but no results.
I can use my Vario normal but there is no gsm. Windows is working great, fast and stable.
Try flashing a radio.
It does say in the wiki to try this first.
Matori, ja imam isto jedan Tytn koji ima No GSM problem. Pokusavao sam sve i svasta i na kraju sam ga odneo u servis u TC Futura, u koji su me poslali iz DiFo-a (distributer za HTC). Jos cekam da vidim da li ce ga srediti. Uglavnom nekada je hardverski problem u pitanju i nema varijante da se sredi flasovanjem. Probaj da vratis SPL na verziju 1.04 gde je omoguceno komuniciranjem za radio cipom i iz mtty-a odradi rtask a i rversion i u isto vreme koristi USB monitor da vidis sta odgovara (sve ces naci na forumu, malo potrazi). Ako dobijes odgovor na rversion onda je velika sansa da mozes flesovanjem da sredis.
Mixa84 said:
Matori, ja imam isto jedan Tytn koji ima No GSM problem. Pokusavao sam sve i svasta i na kraju sam ga odneo u servis u TC Futura, u koji su me poslali iz DiFo-a (distributer za HTC). Jos cekam da vidim da li ce ga srediti. Uglavnom nekada je hardverski problem u pitanju i nema varijante da se sredi flasovanjem. Probaj da vratis SPL na verziju 1.04 gde je omoguceno komuniciranjem za radio cipom i iz mtty-a odradi rtask a i rversion i u isto vreme koristi USB monitor da vidis sta odgovara (sve ces naci na forumu, malo potrazi). Ako dobijes odgovor na rversion onda je velika sansa da mozes flesovanjem da sredis.
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Engleski jezik ugoditi. Inače ugoditi odgovor s jedan prevod u engleski jezik.
(Translator is my friend hehe)
Probao sam sa ali nije radio, probacu ovaj sto je mrvanx rekao. HardSPL sam uradio, jel moram da vracam na 1.04?
I tried with but it dont fix it for me, I will try this from mrvanx post. I did HardSPL, can I use mtty with HardSPL 2.10 Olipro?
I have HardSPL 2.10, can I use mtty with that. I tried GSM from mrvanx post but it doesn't solve my problem.
I can boot OS normaly, all PDA fuctions are working but GSM is just killing me! Anybody else have the same problem? Solution? When I connect Vario with over USB on MTTY, select USB, it say CMD> not USB>
igord said:
Probao sam sa ali nije radio, probacu ovaj sto je mrvanx rekao. HardSPL sam uradio, jel moram da vracam na 1.04?
I tried with but it dont fix it for me, I will try this from mrvanx post. I did HardSPL, can I use mtty with HardSPL 2.10 Olipro?
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Yes, you have to downgrade SPL to 1.04 to execute radio commands in mtty. I think that you can do it in Hard-SPL 1.10 also but I am not sure. But after 1.10 the rtask and other radio commands are disabled. You also have to use USB monitor to se response form rversion because there is no echo in mtty!
I forgot something, at first I didnt get the NO GSM at boot. Then I played with diffrent radio roms... And get the NOGSM, after using MTTY and No.5 instructions from the wiki, I get:
M 05 R None
S 04 G None
B 05 D 3.60

What ROM in Bosnia???

HI! I have HERM 200, Radio ver. What ROM version is best for my Pocket? My batery is so bad; is that from old ROM, or ...?! Thank's
Pa jel' radi ili ne radi? Previše vuče bateriju? Moj Hermes je radio sasvim ok s tim radiom u BiH, ali je baterija kratko trajala... Možda ti je baterija spremna za zamjenu, koliko je stara?
mimo1969 said:
HI! I have HERM 200, Radio ver. What ROM version is best for my Pocket? My batery is so bad; is that from old ROM, or ...?! Thank's
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Try Radio 1.47. It should be the best radio rom.
Iskreno da ti kazem,malo sam ekseprimentisao i ubacio ovaj novi Radio ROM i radi isto, sto znaci da ovdje nema nekih posebnih problema sa ovim uredjajima. Imam utisak da je uredjaj malkice brzi. Istina, ne znam koji OS ROM da prilagodim Hermesu s obzirom da svaki ima svoje prednosti i mane. Valja gurat' dalje. Mislim da si u pravu, baterija je za mijenjanja, stara je oko 2 godine - vec sa ju narucio ako u medjuvremenu ne dodje Kaiser ili Diamnod.
I put new Radio ROM and for now work so good and I think litle fast. But, my batery is so old (2 years) and I have to change.
i don't know why you're asking specifically for Bosnia
As far as i know there are no special settings which differ bosnian networks from other networks in Europe. I'm from Croatia and i never had any problems with any ROM - as far as the actual "networking" is concerned. The problems i had were specific problems with WM and ROM's, which are the same problems any user has.
As far as stability goes, for me the best ROMS were made by fellow Croatian Shamanix. Only it had a weird problem with bluetooth not working properly, but i didn't get too much into it. Now i'm using CRC 13.3 which is also very fast and stable.

T-Mobile MDA Compact V Czech - Windows Mobile 6.5, ROM, rádio

Current firmware for MDA Compact V. Czech version:
Windows Mobile 6.5, ROM, radio
Thank you for sharing it! I need a WWE version.
Hi! Have this version T-Mobile stuff included?
Ahoj! Obsahuje tato verze balast od T-Mobile?
lukasf: určitě ano, zkoušel jsem 6.1 a ta obsahovala blátíčko od T-Mobile.
JackalJackalJackal said:
lukasf: určitě ano, zkoušel jsem 6.1 a ta obsahovala blátíčko od T-Mobile.
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Zkoušel jsem DE verzi 6.5 od T-Mobile a tam bylo teda nepříjemně moc balastu :-(
anyone know that where is the version for UK?
SK T-Mobile
JackalJackalJackal said:
Current firmware for MDA Compact V. Czech version:
Windows Mobile 6.5, ROM, radio
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Dobry den, zaujima ci mozem tuto ROM flashnut na MDA compact 5 kupeny v u slovenskeho operatora T-mobile. Je tento rom v cestine (osobne preferujem prostrenie v EN)? Ide mi hlavne o to aby mi beza internet cez operatora na SK. Dakujem za info
misok79 said:
Dobry den, zaujima ci mozem tuto ROM flashnut na MDA compact 5 kupeny v u slovenskeho operatora T-mobile. Je tento rom v cestine (osobne preferujem prostrenie v EN)? Ide mi hlavne o to aby mi beza internet cez operatora na SK. Dakujem za info
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yes you can flash this rom for SK T-mobile MDA compact V. Internet settings will work, but you have to set it.
můžeš použít tuhle romku pro SK T-mobile MDA compact V. Ale internet si musíš nastavit aby fungoval. Je to jako jakákoliv jiná ROM.
Bucci said:
yes you can flash this rom for SK T-mobile MDA compact V. Internet settings will work, but you have to set it.
můžeš použít tuhle romku pro SK T-mobile MDA compact V. Ale internet si musíš nastavit aby fungoval. Je to jako jakákoliv jiná ROM.
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Ok vdaka za info ..... este prosim o info. Ako, alebo kde najdem info ako nastavit net cez t-mobile Sk v MDA? je niekde nejaky navod, pripadne konfiguracny subor? .... Obsahuje tento ROM aj HTC TouchFLO v novej verzii myslim 2.5? Je uzivatelske rozhranie tejto rom v cestine? Dufam ze je v anglictine tak ako moja 6.1 teraz, vdaka
2.5ku to mít nebude offic. romka eng má jen 2.1ku a na nastavení se podívej na někde jsem to tam onehdá četl
nebo testni toto já to netestoval jelikož to nepotřebuju
Please post with an English Translation.
All official 6.5 ROMs discussion can go in the sticky thread.

Block cingular 8125

zdravim vsechny.omlouvam se,ale neumim moc anglicky.mam velky problem.mam cingular 8125 a nejde zapnout jen nabehne do win a to je bootloader se dostanu.mam tam wm 6.1 na compu mam win 7.mel jsem xp,ale vubec se nedostanu do active sync.nemuze nekdo poradit jak to mam preflesovat.nevim jak to jde pres kartu jestli ma nekdo navod tak napiste diky moc.

For users HTC HD2 from Croatia (Hrvatska) RadioRom + cookeis CHT home Tab + Android

For users HTC HD2 from Croatia
Pošto je jako teško i treba puno vremena izgubiti da se pronađe više informacija kako flashirati HD2 Leo možete se javiti na PM.
U Hrvatskoj se može kupiti HD2 s radio rom verzijom 2.07 .....
Da bi se stavio neki drugi rom i Android potrebno je malo igranja s telefonom pa se javite ako vas zanima.
Detalji će naknadno biti stavljeni, što , kako sve napaviti.
My HD2:
radio rom 2.07.....
TMO Croatia Rom
Spl 1.66.0000
Radio rom 2.12
Omega Rom (thanks creator donate will come)
Spl 1.66 HSPL
Android Froyo 3.2
Radi savršeno! (works well)
E ovako
Da bi bilo koji softera stavio moraš ući u boot mode ugasiš Pfone i kad pališ stisneš tipku za paljenje i u isto vrijeme prema dole tipku za smanjenje zvučnika.
Prvo trebaš ga odključati više na
Za otključavanje koristiš HSPL2
Kad odključavaš odabereš 1.66 HSPL odnosno npr. ak sad na mobitelu imaš 1.42.0000 odabire 1.42 HSPL, a ako imaš neki drugi onda taj HSPL
Sad je tel otključan i stavljaš kaj hoćeš. Napomena otključan i za sve mreže, s time da neki servisi ne prihvačaju garanciju ako vide da je otključavan, zato prije nošenja na servis vratiti orginalan SPL. 1.xx.0000
Kad dalje pokrećeš neki rom uvijek u jednom folderu moraš imati ova 2 file-a iz printscreena, prvi crni je za sve isti on pokreće instalaciju a drugi je u stvari update, to kaj instaliraš.
Inaće bilo koji rom se sad nakon hackiranja da staviti i preko sd kartice samo imenuješ taj soft kao LEOIMG.nbh i kad se restarta telefon automatski pokreće instalaciju s kartice.
2. i bitno
Da bi stavio android i neki noviji, drugi rom treba ti druga radio verzija jer ova se baš neda nadograđivati odnosno nema puno toga za nju.
Ja sam stavio Radio verziju Leo_RADIO_2.12.50.02_2
Radio rom imaš na linku:
Odnosno downnload link :
E sad ako hoćeš novi softwera kreneš dalje inaće telefon ti bi još uvijek trebao raditi s starim software-om
Ja sam stavio novi soft (Omega ROM) koji mi se činio OK, a možeš i birati tamo ima verzija koliko hoćeš..........
Više na :
Stavio sam Omega Version 19.3 WWE (Omega XT v19.x With Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0 Final)
E sad staviš još samo na SD karticu Android , novi android ti ima dva foldera , jedan je naziva android i drugi media, bitno da su ti oba na kartici
Upute za froyo instal:
Download link :
E i da nemoj ga pokretat preko file exporera nego preko ikone iz wm6.5, jer android naprije pokreće instalaciju za zvuk neki clrcad.exe pa onda haret.exe odnosno rom. Uglavnom ako ideš ručno moraš ovim redosljedom, a u unbutu linku ti je to sve podešeno.
English (Google translate):
To put it any sofware gotta get into boot mode quench Pfone Palis stisneš when the power button and at the same time down button to decrease the speaker.
First you need to unlock more
To unlock you use HSPL2
When choosing odključavaš 1.66 HSPL and even now as the phone you have selected 1.42.0000 1:42 HSPL, and if you have any other then that HSPL
Now the phone unlocked and put a kaj want. Note unlocked for all networks, with some services do not accept the guarantee if they see that otključavan, because prior to carrying on the service return the original SPL. 1.xx.0000
When still some pokrećeš rom always in a folder you have to have these 2 files from a printscreen, the first black to all on the same installation starts and the other is in fact update, it kaj instaliraš.
Otherwise any rom now after hacking to put over the SD card just so soft imenuješ LEOIMG.nbh as and when it reboots the phone automatically starts the installation of the card.
2nd and essentially
To put the android and some later, another rom you need a second radio version because this is just neda upgraded and there's not much for her.
I have put a radio version Leo_RADIO_2.12.50.02_2
Radio rom you have on this link:
Or downnload link:
Now if you want the new software you go on your phone otherwise you would still need to work with old software-om
I've put a new soft (Omega ROM) which seemed OK, and you can choose where and how you want a version ..........
More at:
I put Omega Version 19.3 WWE (Omega XT v19.x With Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0 Final)
Now just put the SD card Android, a new android you have two folders, one called Android, and other media, it is important that you both on the card
User Froyo instal:
Download link:
E and do not run it via file exporera than through the icons in WM6.5, because Android naprije starts the installation of sound and then some clrcad.exe haret.exe or rom. Basically if you have to manually go in this order, and unbutu link you to all set.
XDA is a worldwide community
gospoo said:
For users HTC HD2 from Croatia
Pošto je jako teško i treba puno vremena izgubiti da se pronađe više informacija kako flashirati HD2 Leo možete se javiti na PM.
U Hrvatskoj se može kupiti HD2 s radio rom verzijom 2.07 .....
Da bi se stavio neki drugi rom i Android potrebno je malo igranja s telefonom pa se javite ako vas zanima.
Detalji će naknadno biti stavljeni, što , kako sve napaviti.
My HD2:
radio rom 2.07.....
TMO Croatia Rom
Spl 1.66.0000
Radio rom 2.12
Omega Rom (thanks creator donate will come)
Spl 1.66 HSPL
Android Froyo 3.2
Radi savršeno! (works well)
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English please ! Read FORUM RULES .
jel moze opis ako nije problem? hvala!

