Remote Control for Windows Mobile - Windows Mobile Apps and Games

I released a new version of the PocketVNC server software which allows
users of Windows CE and Windows Mobile devices to remote control their devices.
Thats especially useful when you have to manage a large amount of devices
such as Barcode Scanners, Point of Sales devices from remote.
The software is published under following address:


Sprint Launches Open Software Platform

Sprint Launches Open Software Platform at Eighth Annual Application Developer Conference to Help Millions More Developers Create Products for Sprint Customers
The Sprint platform is an open, standards-based mobile Java ecosystem that extends desktop computing and Web 2.0 capabilities to devices operating on the Sprint Mobile Broadband Network. To get started, developers can access the full suite of Sprint Titan development resources at It is the first of several open software platforms that Sprint will make available to developers.
The platform supports existing MIDP Java ME applications and adds the more capable CDC/Foundation Java Virtual Machine and OSGi framework for new high-capability applications. Support for the Eclipse embedded Rich Client (eRCP) application model means the platform can run generically written rich GUI applications across a broad range of devices and desktop computers. Support for the Widget application model provides Web developers the ability to develop rich Web applications that take full advantage of the device’s functionality. This allows developers to easily move Eclipse-based or Web applications from the desktop to Sprint devices. The platform also includes APIs to give developers access to Sprint-specific device features, such as location, messaging and multimedia, which can be useful in a variety of business- and consumer-oriented applications, such as field service or unified messaging.
As part of today’s launch, the platform is available with its own set of developer tools that plug in to Eclipse IDE and support both mobile and non-mobile application development and deployment. The toolset leverages existing server or desktop frameworks and provides on-device debugging and profiling, along with device emulation.
For enterprise customers, the open platform leverages the same JAVA application development framework that many customers already use for desktops and servers. This means applications can be easily extended to Sprint wireless devices with little resource training or additional investment beyond what is already in place today. In addition to extending enterprise applications to the mobile environment, the platform enables device management functionality so account administrators can remotely manage their devices and applications.
I hope I get to see more great apps on my Mogul!
Did you see this in the release notes?
"When installed, Sprint Titan uses roughly 10 MB of Program memory on your device. An additional 4MB may be required for the MIDP stack which is started when it is used for the first time. Using a lot of applications on top of both stacks may lead to vastly more required Program memory as the applications load resources. It is hard to determine the memory used by one single application since it can use a wide variety of available APIs and resources. You may experience low memory availability using Titan along
with other Windows Mobile applications on devices with less or equal to 48 MB of program memory (almost half of which is already used by the Windows Mobile OS and its standard services at device startup)."
No way I'm installing it.
I don't see why someone wouldn't just develop native win32 apps for windows mobile devices. Can't we already run java apps with jeodek?

antivirus application for windows mobile

Flexilis Mobile Security with Antivirus Beta 9 Releases 3293 (Freeware)
Requirements: Windows Mobile Pocket PC 5 , 6 , 6.1
ESET Mobile Antivirus v1.1.200901281122
Requirements: Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0/6.1/Smartphone Edition
Overview: ESET Mobile Antivirus delivers proactive and comprehensive protection from viruses, spyware, adware, trojans, worms, rootkits, and other unwanted software.
Symantec Mobile AntiVirus Corporate
Requirements: PPC WM6, 6.1,6.5
Symantec Mobile AntiVirus 5.1 for Windows Mobile enables secure mobile computing by providing comprehensive protection against malicious threats that target Windows Mobile operating systems. On-device, automatic, real-time scanning helps protect against threats downloaded from the Web, sent via email or a Wi-Fi connection, or received via Bluetooth or infrared ports.
Dr.Web Antivirus
Requirements: Windows Mobile 2003/SE. Tested to not work on WM5 and WM6.
Overview: Dr.Web anti-virus for Windows Mobile protects Pocket PCs and communicators running under Windows Mobile 2003/5.0/6.0. The new product combines resident virus protection (real-time detection of viruses) and on-demand scan (on-demand files check).
Thank you sir! I started doing some digging on the Internet today, after reading a sobering cyber-report about mobile device malware. All opinions aside on whether to have a program or not, I dug up this comparison...
[edit] Here's a link on xda for Flexis:
[edit 2] It looks like Flexis is a subset or product of Lookout: but the current versions seem only for Apple and Android...
Nice to read this . Thanks for this.
Thanks buddy downloaded ESET and its working on Xperia X1 but no update

The Bing for Mobile Browse Experience Gets Even Worse

Microsoft’s Bing team announced some significant changes and updates to Bing For Mobile. The core changes include better HTML5 support, better and faster image search, real-time transit and directions, iPhone app search, improvements to shopping, weather and movie search results.
The new interfaces and features currently work on all smartphone browsers that support HTML5, so that includes iPhone and Android devices but currently excludes Microsoft’s own Windows Phone 7 (until they add HTML5 support later this year) and Windows Mobile 6.5.
plapic said:
Microsoft’s Bing team announced some significant changes and updates to Bing For Mobile. The core changes include better HTML5 support, better and faster image search, real-time transit and directions, iPhone app search, improvements to shopping, weather and movie search results.
The new interfaces and features currently work on all smartphone browsers that support HTML5, so that includes iPhone and Android devices but currently excludes Microsoft’s own Windows Phone 7 (until they add HTML5 support later this year) and Windows Mobile 6.5.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'd argue that it's probably better on The iPhone and Android HTML5 supporting devices

[Q] Android equivalent to the iPhone Configuration Utility

Hi all,
I work as the Executive IT Support person in my company, and part of this role includes configuring mobile devices for a select group of end users.
For iOS devices, this has been easy thanks to a combination of a Mac Mini Lion Server, iOS Config Util, and the iOS Configurator.
I was just wondering if there was something similar available for Android devices. Main things that need to be configured are passcode settings, WiFi(including proxy settings), Email(Exchange), and VPN.
Is there an application that can do this, or can config profiles be hand coded and loaded onto the device?
We don't yet have an enterprise level Mobile Device Management solution in place yet (although we should have had one implemented a LONG time ago - we have 4000 staff members!).
Any help is much appreciated as this would make my job a bit easier.

Android OS App to remote control iOS iPad???

Is there an App that will enable an Android (smart phone) to remotely control/advance a Powerpoint Presentation on an iPad (iOS) via Wi-Fi or Blue Tooth?
...without jailbreaking the iPad?
FYI: I've come across a thread post offering this solution (enterpriseios) but don't know if it'll work and would prefer not to try...
"If you jailbreak the device you are trying to control, yes. There is an app in Cydia called Veency that is a VNC server for iOS. You can then use Screen Sharing on the Mac, or one of the many free VNC clients (such as UltraVNC or TightVNC) on a Windows machine to view and control the target iOS device. You can even view/control the iOS device FROM another iOS device with a remote desktop app like Jump."

