HTC Touch Pro Reception Problem - Touch Pro, Fuze ROM Development

Hi All,
Few months ago, I've bought an HTC Touch Pro from Newpan Tellcom in Israel.
Yesterday I've left my Mobile Carrier (Cellcom) and I moved to Pelephone - Other Mobile Carrier.
Since I moved to Pelephone I've some reception/signal problems.
I know that Pelephone are working with UMTS/HSPA 850+2100 MHZ bands,
but my Touch Pro supports only HSPA/WCDMA 900/2100 MHz bands.
When I've tried to switch to UMTS band, the only option that I've got was UMTS 2100+800 MHZ bands.
In order to have good reception, I must be connected to UMTS/HSPA 850+2100 MHZ bands.
I've tried to Upgrade my phone's ROM to the latest EnergyROM 'Phoenix 2' buit 21877 and still I've reception problem.
Is there any way to solve this issue?
Please Help Me!

I think Touch Pro is known to be weak on radio reception. I myself in US am suffering the same problem. While my wife's Samsung phone gets four bars around our house, I gets only one on my Fuze. And my data connection keeps bouncing between 3G and EDGE or even GPRS.
I did some googling about the Fuze receptionn problem, and it seems to me that a lot of people suffer the same problem.
But somebody in US claimed that a newer version of SIM card from AT&T will help the problem a little, and it was confirmed by some of the people went for the "solution", while the rest think it does not work.
Don't know if the same possibility is available in Israel.


UMTS Signal Strength problems

I am a Los Angeles resident an am noticing UMTS starting to appear in the area, and in particular in the Foothills area of LA. I have a HTC TyTN rinning on the Cingular network which is SuperCID and which is running the South African HTC ROM which includes Radio ver
When UMTS is picked up by my phone the reported strength of the signal drops dramatically. I may go from 4 bars on the GSM network to 1 or no bars with the "U" showing. I have DK Today loaded and under UMTS it often reports single digit % fpr signal strength.
Has anyone else experienced the same? Could this be just teething problems as Cingular rolls out UMTS in LA, or could this be showing up a problem within HTC's South African Radio ROM interfacing with Cingular?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Your GSM is using 850MHz band with stronger propagation characteristics while your UMTS network is on 1900 MHz. In LA thery will be island of UMTS for a while
That makes sense that UMTS will be "islands of presence" for a while, but does it make sense that when I am in a UMTS area the signal strength is virtually zero?
Could there be anything in the Cingular Radio ROM that might tuen into the signal better if I changed to that radio ROM?
try it and let us know if you notice a difference.. make a back up of your current stuff so its easy to switch back.. but IMHO the 1.16 radio in the current cingular rom sucks, i had serious issues with it here in st. louis.. but 1.20 radio seemed to clear up some major issues, i still have some minor issues, but im patient and know that will be fixed in due time!
robjhellis said:
I am a Los Angeles resident an am noticing UMTS starting to appear in the area, and in particular in the Foothills area of LA. I have a HTC TyTN rinning on the Cingular network which is SuperCID and which is running the South African HTC ROM which includes Radio ver
When UMTS is picked up by my phone the reported strength of the signal drops dramatically. I may go from 4 bars on the GSM network to 1 or no bars with the "U" showing. I have DK Today loaded and under UMTS it often reports single digit % fpr signal strength.
Has anyone else experienced the same? Could this be just teething problems as Cingular rolls out UMTS in LA, or could this be showing up a problem within HTC's South African Radio ROM interfacing with Cingular?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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Its normal, mine does the same thing and i have the 8525. My guess is the phones priority is to pickup 3g if available. If the signal is there, it will pick it up whether or not the signal is as strong as the edge signal. If theres no 3g, then it'll pickup edge. If your not close to the 3g tower, then the signal will be very faint. If you're 1 to no bars with the the 3g signal, then you'll most likely switch to the edge signal with full bars because your probably closer to an edge tower than you are to a 3g tower! Someone please correct me if im wrong!!!!
Thanks for the input. As posted elsewhere, I was having difficulty upgrading the Radio ROM. Today I was successful in upgrading to, however, I shall be away from my place of work where the UMTS signal is most prevelent until after Christmas. I can report back later next week. In the meantime 1.20 at least initially seems not much different to 1.18, but time will tell on that also.
I've also invested in an external aerial for the car. Unfortunately the connector is very tight so might not be as pratical as I had hoped, but we'll see on that score also.
One final point. I have the "ShowUMTS" cab loaded, although perhaps it was not necessary on my TyTN. My understanding is that UMTS is only broadcast on the 850 & 1900 bands, whereas GSM could be strongest on any one of 850, 900, 1800 & 1900. That seems to only allow 2 of the 4 choices under the band selection, being "Auto" or "GSM(1900+800)+UMTS(1900+850)". I'll keep it on "Auto" firstly, and then will switch to the other selection after. If any one has suggestions for what else to try it would be terrific to read them.
Happy Christmas all.
the 1.20 radio didnt solve any signal issues for me(but im always in decent coverage anyway), however it did solve some weird feedback issues... with 1.16 from cingular i would have choppy calls on GSM and on 3G i would have this really weird digital feedback, was the weirdest thing i ever heard.. 1.20 got rid of those problems for me...
princeasi said:
My guess is the phones priority is to pickup 3g if available. If the signal is there, it will pick it up whether or not the signal is as strong as the edge signal. If theres no 3g, then it'll pickup edge. Someone please correct me if im wrong!!!!
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Selection is based on network preferences. Your network provider can do almost everthing within its network range with your avaliable service. Right now that is true - if you have 3G coverage it will select it, then GSM. But for example - if company is testing 3G network in Someplace and it is not ready for customers even thou 3G signal is avaliable your handset will not log to that network.
Hope this clarify. It's always network not phone.

HTC Pro using on ATT netwrok with 3G?

Hi Guys,
Maybe someone already explained this, but I have a Euro Stock HTC pro that I wish to use with ATT network. Everything works fine but 3G, it only enables the Edge.
Do I miss any cab or something?
Thanks much,
Also, I tested with Monx/RR Rom but both without luck.
I am flashing radio to see if this is the problem
The Euro version is missing the US 3G frequencies.
But on the box it is claiming it has Quadband and have the 850/1900 freq. How could I check if the phone has it?
The HTC Touch Pro EU has 3G bands of 900/1900 (correct me if i"m wrong)
AT&T uses 850/2100 for 3G.
i dont know what to tell you buddy
For HSPA, the Euro version uses 900/2100 MHz and Quad band EDGE/GSM for 850/900/1800/1900 MHz. This is why you're only getting the EDGE signal.
The US 3G version has HSPA 2100/1900/850 MHz. More specifically ATT runs on the 850/1900 for 3G, EDGE, and GPRS.
You should take/send back the phone and buy a Fuze.
Thanks for both of your answer. Well, too late. I bought it when I travelled there. Anyways thanks!

Network realted question. Please help!

Howzit guys,
I brought a HTC Aria in the USA on AT&T network. I came back to SA and rooted my phone put Android v2.2 on (phone came with v2.1) thinking that would unlock the phone, but it didn't. I ended up looking on the net for a website that I could get an unlock code for my phone. Long story short, I found one, paid for it and it worked. I'm using the phone on Vodacom no matter what I do I can't get 3G or HSDPA to work, only GPRS. HSDPA and 3G work fine in the states.
After doing some research I noticed that in the Mobile Network settings on the phone there is 3 options under Network Mode:
1. WCDMA only
2. GSM only
3.GSM / WCDMA auto
Now from what I've seen I need to use WCDMA to get the 3G / HSDPA to work, but when I select option 1. I don't get any signal and then phone eventually switches to GSM automatically. I was at work on the weekend helping a customer with her laptop and she had a 8•ta 3G modem, and 8•ta 3G modems are currently running off of MTN's network I was told this by an 8•ta technician and I noticed when connecting the modem it said something regarding WCDMA.
So now my question, if I change to MTN do you think I will be able to use 3G / HSDPA on my phone?
Any info regarding this will be greatly appreciated.
The American version of the Aria uses different 3G frequencies (because that's what AT&T uses), so unfortunately your phone will not work with 3G in South Africa. There is a different version of the Aria (called Gratia in most regions) that is the exact same phone except it supports the correct 3G frequencies for your country, but there's nothing you can do with the phone you have now to make it work.

Best setup for UK ONE on AT&T

So I love my HTC ONE.... Fantastic phone.. No question about it.
As I posted else where I have the UK model and I am on AT&T in the USA. It's working, but the HSDPA and 3G is bouncing around quite a bit and it jumps to E really quickly. And it loses the signal quickly in low signal areas. More than any other phone. If I switch the network to GSM, I have full signal almost everywhere.... But no data bandwidth.
It was suggested that I might need to look at my setup.
So here is what I have.
I have a STD LTE data plan
I have a STD sim that work on all my other LTE enabled phones
My APN is Called Phone and has the same setting as I find on the forum for a 4G it is NOT the wap and cingular setup.
I have selected WCDMA and GSM networks (I know the phone is not compatible with AT&T LTE bands), but it acted the same way even when it was on the default GSM WCDMA and LTE Auto setting.
Does anyone know else I should check or change?
PS. I will likely buy the developer model, or the AT&T model as soon as it is available... this phone is that good!!!
Thanks for your help.
PS. I will be in Korea next week, so I am curious how the LTE will function there.... I will let you know. I think they have the 2600 band on one provider and that overlaps with the UK bands

GT-i9100 network trouble!!

My brand new GT-i9100 is barely usable. I've spent the last week wrestling with it (bought it new from ebay) to get it to work, but I'm at my wit's end. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here's the problem:
My Galaxy S 2 (now rooted and currently running SlimRom) partially or completely loses cellular signal about 60% of the time, often in places where I know there is reception. I'm using Telus' network in Canada. It will lose data, lose ability to make or receive calls, and fail to send text messages. The indication of signal loss is not clear, IE it will say "emergency calls only", "no service available", or even say I have service but I really don't. However the cutting out seems to occur consistently depending on where I am located. For example I seem to get OK signal at my house, but zero at my friend's house. I know it's not the network in this case, since my friend is also on Telus and they get fine reception. I've done some testing and here are some possible causes that I can think of:
network cold spot - No, see example above. It also cuts out in urban populated areas where the signal is strong
phone compatibility - unlikely, since Bell offered the i9100M, which I'm led to believe is physically identical to the normal i9100, and Bell and Telus operate over the same frequencies. Also when it does get signal it can transmit data fine
SIM card - No. The first thing I did when I discovered this problem was get a new SIM card. Nothing changed
SlimRom - No. The phone was acting like this out of the box with the stock image.
Radio firmware - Unlikely. I've flashed at least 6 different firmwares, including KG6, KH3, LQ6, LP6, KI4, and even LD3, which I believe is the firmware the Canadian i9100-M ships with, so would logically work fine. The carrier for that was Bell, and I believe Bell and Telus operate on the same frequencies
a hardware defect in the design of the phone or the antenna itself - the last possible option I can think of. I hope it's not this, because then I would have to undo all the modifications I've done in an attempt to fix my phone, and pray the seller accepts the return
Please, if anyone could offer any assistance that would be great.
Telus frequencies:
CDMA 850/1900
EVDO 850/1900
3G (and fake 4G)
HSDPA 850/1900
HSPA+ 850/1900
UMTS 850/1900
WCDMA 850/1900
1x EV-DO CDMA2000
4G (called 4G+)
LTE 1700/2100
Indoril said:
My brand new GT-i9100 is barely usable. I've spent the last week wrestling with it (bought it new from ebay) to get it to work, but I'm at my wit's end. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here's the problem:
My Galaxy S 2 (now rooted and currently running SlimRom) partially or completely loses cellular signal about 60% of the time, often in places where I know there is reception. I'm using Telus' network in Canada. It will lose data, lose ability to make or receive calls, and fail to send text messages. The indication of signal loss is not clear, IE it will say "emergency calls only", "no service available", or even say I have service but I really don't. However the cutting out seems to occur consistently depending on where I am located. For example I seem to get OK signal at my house, but zero at my friend's house. I know it's not the network in this case, since my friend is also on Telus and they get fine reception. I've done some testing and here are some possible causes that I can think of:
network cold spot - No, see example above. It also cuts out in urban populated areas where the signal is strong
phone compatibility - unlikely, since Bell offered the i9100M, which I'm led to believe is physically identical to the normal i9100, and Bell and Telus operate over the same frequencies. Also when it does get signal it can transmit data fine
SIM card - No. The first thing I did when I discovered this problem was get a new SIM card. Nothing changed
SlimRom - No. The phone was acting like this out of the box with the stock image.
Radio firmware - Unlikely. I've flashed at least 6 different firmwares, including KG6, KH3, LQ6, LP6, KI4, and even LD3, which I believe is the firmware the Canadian i9100-M ships with, so would logically work fine. The carrier for that was Bell, and I believe Bell and Telus operate on the same frequencies
a hardware defect in the design of the phone or the antenna itself - the last possible option I can think of. I hope it's not this, because then I would have to undo all the modifications I've done in an attempt to fix my phone, and pray the seller accepts the return
Please, if anyone could offer any assistance that would be great.
Telus frequencies:
CDMA 850/1900
EVDO 850/1900
3G (and fake 4G)
HSDPA 850/1900
HSPA+ 850/1900
UMTS 850/1900
WCDMA 850/1900
1x EV-DO CDMA2000
4G (called 4G+)
LTE 1700/2100
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Well.. I think you got one of the Korean ones.. There is someone in China or Korea, or who knows maybe Samsung who is taking the SHW-M250S, a horrid Korean version of the S2 and changing the housing and software to make them look as the GT-I9100. Even the back labels say GT-I9100 and the software itself.. however, you can tell them apart because they are way lighter and very flimsy and also because the SIM Card tray is different from the one on the original GT-I9100.
So, I know it's very late but the problem is not you, is the phone. It might look brand new, but it is not compatible with networks in the US and many countries as Korea seems to use a different network standard. I was not able to get any data working on this model when I was in the Dominican Republic. I recently got a few of them in a lot of devices I bought for resale after I moved to the US and I couldn't get any of the 14 phones I got to connect to cellular. I decided to strip them off for parts.

