Games are freezing when sound is enabled - HTC Startrek

I'm using a Qtek 8500 and WM6.1 Build 5.2.21040 AKU 1.6.0 by Erofich.
I also updated Jbed Java because the version supplied with the ROM was really old, but it didn't help.
The problem is that some games are freezing for several seconds everytime a sound effect is supposed to play.
Like you walk over an item to pick it up, the game freezes and then it'll play the "pick up sound" and the game continues.
There is no problem with background music. It really just happens with sound effects. The problem disappears as soon as I disable the sound within the game.
I've noticed this problem with the following games:
Doom RPG, Doom 2 RPG and Wolfenstein RPG.
I've downloaded as many different versions of each game as I could find.
But if I think about all the other games I tried only had background music without any sound effects.
I just tried Bubble Breaker. No problems.

Is there maybe someone around who would like to try to reproduce the problem?

Try downloading tornado power control and then running that at 240Mhz - you can find it on here - I find it helped for running games like Doom/Doom II


[Q] Gameboid sound problems

Im running Gamboid on my droid 2 with gingerbread and whenever I play any of the pokemon games the sound is strangly off. Its like only the backround sounds are playing and the the main tune is not even playing at all, so it sounds like completly different music. Do any of you have any idea why this happening? Its only the pokemon games.
Robert Broglia has recently released a new GBA Emulator called GBA.emu, I think this is far better than Gameboid, especially with disabled linear filtering! you can find it here:

[Q] Freeze / hang whilst gaming

My handset (stock Vodafone) will hang/freeze when gaming. Sort of. If I enable in-game sounds, it's almost guaranteed that within a few minutes, the display will freeze. Game music continues to play.
The handset is still somewhat responsive, though if I hold the home button to bring up task manager, it can take between a couple of seconds and 10+ seconds for the window to display.
When I manage to get through to task manager, the game task shows 80%+ CPU usage. I'm able to kill the task and the handset is usable again.
This happens in every game and I've seen comments against certain games on the app store mentioning hangs/freezing/crashing on the SGS2.
If I disable sounds, the problem never occurs. I can even enable in-game music, just not sound effects.
I'm left wondering if there is a common handset fault, a software/OS fault, if maybe I just have a singularly faulty unit or if it's a whole lot of game developers using some common sound handling code that doesn't play well with the SGS2.
Has anyone else experience of this? I've tried Googling and I have tried searching this forum, to no avail.
You should post the names of the games you are playing. I didn't encounter any game that should freeze or hang because of sound.
Yes i too have been having this problem, and like you said, if you turn off sound in game, the game works fine. I have google'd it and a game developer has said that it may have something to do with the S2 sound system causing instabilities.
Some games which are notorious for me is robo defence and guns n glory, cut the rope also freezes when i turn the taps in the game.
Again turning off sound does allow game to be playable, but who wants to play games with no sounds. Trying to get on the phone with samsung if they know anything about it. Is anybody else having these problems 2? or can someone test playing these games.
I'm also having the same problem.. Coincidentally I also bought my handset from Vodafone.
Could this be related to Vodafone only firmware? :/
SGS II Freezing
My Galaxy S2 freezes when i play the game Cut the rope. the music remains playing. when i checked the RAM usage the game was using upto 55% ram.
This seems to be an issue with SoundPool on dual-core devices. Google is aware of the issue :
As the offending API has been identified, I believe we can expect to see a patch soon. Vote on the issue to help prioritize it.
galaxy s2 freeze
I've been havin the same problem with a game called fly boy and sometimes on google earth. google maps navigation and lattitude are fine and all other games are fine so far. I've noticed my cpu jumps about a lot even in stand by/idle mode. any ideas?

[Q] FPSE issues on Xperia Play

Hi Guys
I have a Rooted Xperia Play 3.0.1.a.145.
I have ripped a few PSX images (.bin/.cue) of games like FF8 , re2 and dino crisis 2.
In the wiki these games are supported by fpse and was hoping to get them working.
i have the scph1001.bin bios file on the sd card and have loaded it within fpse systems section.
i have also enabled spu sound and disabled HLE.
When i try loading any of these 3 games i just get a black screen and the game does not load and i end up pressing the menu button and quit out of fpse after a few minutes of wait.
Can someone tell me if i am ripping the games wrong? i am using imgburn and games are 2345bytes/sector.
Am i suppost to be using any other program after imgburn to shrink the screen size?
Any help will be appreciated. Im a N00b to Android phones.
ive been looking for answers on this all morning, thought it was the versions i downloaded at first, so i just bought the most current for 5 bucks. still, terrible sound with FF7, no sound with FF8, and i cant configure my X button on the controller. im getting very frustrated with this myself.
I'm having this same issue
I can't map the X button either and it's driving me crazy.

Problem with Artillery Brigade (from SamsungApps)

I've been using the Artillery Brigade game that I got from SamsungApps on my SGP5. It works fine, EXCEPT that it seems like it's not saving the state of the game at all.
Whenever I close the game or power off the SGP5, and then, later, start the game again, it always starts as if I've never played it before, including offering to play the tutorial.
I was really enjoying the game, but it's getting pretty boring playing the same levels over and over to get to where I was before.
Has anyone tried this app? Does it save the game state in between runs?
same problem here may be next update will fix it

Strange game crashes

Games Like Chaos Rings Omega/1 and games like Guardian cross, all square enix games play for a few times on my device running freeza's touchwizless rom but after a while the game will not boot at all and shows a slight lag when pressing to launch the app. Has any else experienced this problem?
Apparently found my own answer again. Any Square Enix game will not work on rooted devices. Chaos rings, Guardian Cross etc will force close upon searching for superuser apk. Fun stuff.

