Calling chefs reg. Sense 2.5 extension - Touch Pro, Fuze ROM Development

Not sure if this belongs here, if one disagrees, please notify admin and move.
I'm neither a chef nor a programmer but do have sometimes viable ideas since I consider myself an out of the box thinker. Please do not expect me to write, code program, cook, fry or whatever I propose here - for that we have great chefs - but maybe it's possible for them to create the UBERSENSE without too many headache.
Most like Sense 2.5 for overall functionality, look and feel but have a love hate relationship due to the missing program tab and some other limitations.
Maxycy showed us that there is more possible (up to 20 program tabs) and how he implemented it seems pretty smart (take a look at the reg), to me at least.
So after looking a little bit into the registry myself we have some items which could be added perhaps in a rather simple way to create a "Hybrid Manila".
No program tab in slider.
Up to 20 program links through Max's extensions.
Ideas and possible solution paths (suggestions in green):
Sense 2.5 is missing the following key to show a program tab completely (0=on // 1 or 2 =off as in don't display)
Adding it under 2.5 does nothing because other important items are missing.
Missing items as far as I could figure out:
Which contains bits and piece for all tab items.
Possible to take the 2.1 app, extract, list it here and cook it in?
Under this section the corresponding HTC program name and version is listed. Should be the same under 2.1 so should be possible to extract.
(current;y running from 0-12) Possible to add 13 or rearrange
Enable 0
ab - Pagename (should be Manila://
Title IDS_PROGRAM (the IDS_.... could be "stolen" from Manila 2.1 and cooked in)
Not sure if anything is needed here because the feature call for the program should happen under \HKLM\Software\OEM\MASD
Based on the above findings and idea one could perhaps extract the "Program Tab paths and items" from a Manila 2.1 and add it to a Manila 2.5. The biggest issue could be the IDS_.... since I recall some problems with display and local language files from the past.

any news man
Perhaps you should move this thread to dev and hacking

Nope no PM or email on that subject *sigh*


IntelliPad 'internal' BMP's extracted - HAVE FUN

Hello All,
Just wondering if anyone is interested, like me, in having IntelliPad (and other programs) 'unremovable' graphics altered. I have managed to extract all internal BMP's from the .dll files within the installation CAB file for IntelliPAD. In this particular case the CAB file is a T-Mobile WWE B12, with version: 1.0 Build 17286. Yes, it's the 'ol ugly grey-'n-pink number so well loathed.. Below are all the internal BMP's attached, in their complete and horrific glory, for the first time in this forum. Would you, the graphic-boffin community, be interested in transforming them into aesthetically pleasing works of art and post them back? This will enable me to re-compile the new images in the .dll that will form part of a CAB file that I can subsequently share with the rest of XDA-Developers. Modifying these I have to ask of you as I am neither a graphic designer, nor a programmer. I now simply have the ability - with your help - to provide something new.
Please note to keep them grouped together i,e: matching desriptions to grouped files. That way I can keep track of them more easily. As always, it is a good functionional idea to keep the files small as possible - they will be saved as bitmaps before re-compiling.
Next on the list is IntelliDailer and those pesky blue buttons that appear when dailing buttons are pressed... Pending the success of the IntelliPad pilot, we can now look forward to seeing proper 'pressed button' display with all custom skins available for the application today.
Have fun, I look forward to your efforts.
"Impossible is an opinion, not a fact"

Jan 9, 2009 Updated: HomeScreen++ Configuration Application

Update 5/26/10The screen on my winmo phone broke about 2 weeks ago, and since then also one of the buttons on the front came off. I wasn't sure I wanted to continue with Windows Mobile considering their lack of support for older versions in Windows 7 phone, so I got an Android phone, a used G1. I'm not sure I'll continue to develop for Winmo.
So far I'm very impressed with what I see from the G1, but of course there are some apps missing, so my first priority will probably be to get some of my Winmo programs ported to Android. Sorry
HomeScreen++ Configuration Application
Version 0.30 Jan 9, 2009
In addition to some bug fixes, the following has been implemented:
-Creating a new file.
-Adding new elements and attributes: Items can only be chosen that are allowed according to the schema file. (However items can still be edited on the main page without validation.)
-Clicking the help button gives shows help for the chosen attribute.
-Application paths can be chosen from a filedialog box.
-Today plugins can be chosen from your registry.
-Comments can be saved as nodes with a # infront.
There are still the occassional crash of the program when saving the file, but
I have been unable to figure out the causes of the crashes. Please let me know if anyone figure out a pattern to the crashes.
Version 0.20 Dec. 18, 2008
This version includes the schema file, and will list the possible attributes and values for the different elements.
I have also included Attributes.xml, a file that in xml format describes all the elements, attributes and values.
My ultimate goal is to make the editing based on the schema file directly, and not via a text box.
However, programming has been slow due to computer breakdown and Christmas preparations. Maybe next year!
But if someone has any ideas/wishes how to proceed further, please let me know.
I'm still working on having comments included, and as far as I know, the program will read a file with
comments, but will crash if trying to save, so be careful.
Version 0.10 11/24/08
I got tired of editing the xml settings file for Homescreen++ ( on my phone, so I decided to make a program to simplify the process. It's possible it can be used as a general editor for xml files that only has elements and attributes (this has NOT been tested).
This is a very early version, but I thought I might post it here, to get some feedback before continuing the development.
What it does:
The app wil load a Homescreen++ settings file (.xml) into a treeview.
Items can be edited, added, copied, deleted and moved around.
The attached file can be unzipped to any folder of your choice.
Make sure that the attributes are listed before the elements for the respective nodes.
Since this is such an early version, when the program asks you to save, ALWAYS save to a new file. I also suggest saving it frequently, so you don't loose any changes, should the program crash.
I don't take any responsibility for the problems this program might cause on your device, but it seems to work for me on a smartphone running Microsoft Mobile 6.
Saying that, I've already found it to be quite time saving when changing where I want elements, heigths, widths etc.
I hope it can be useful for others too.
Future improvements:
Edit: using same screen as for adding new items
validate file against schema before saving.
thanx mate, i love HomeScreen++
good idea, I will give it a try
cool excellent idea
looks good, gonna keep an eye on this. thanks in advance.
What a superb idea !
I've give up further versions of "Battery Status" because of the complexity of skins coding (XML and syntax...)
If your tool will be able to interface settings, and why not, present them in a more friendly way, this will be a killer tool...
Congrats !
wow, it may be useful tool.
this what I was thinking of !!!
HS++ users deserve this programe.
Its a useful prog , & will lead 4 more simplisity of using it.
of course,its a long way to acheave the goal ; but; keep the hard wourk & progressing,& be sure that every HS++ lover will support your work in this idea.
good luck , & may GOD bless you.
Great App!!!
A big Thaaaaanx....!!! for this great tool.I've tested this app with not only 'HS++ xmls' but also with the 'Manila2D xmls'.And everything is working fine upto now.Once again Thank You very much...
great app! but hs++ does not work with manila2d,so...
mecal said:
great app! but hs++ does not work with manila2d,so...
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Click to collapse JUST LOL @ manila htc social club nightmare..
New version
Updated with a few more features. See first post.
HomeScreen++ Configuration Application Version 0.3
New version in first post.
Version 0.30 Jan 9, 2009
In addition to some bug fixes, the following has been implemented:
-Creating a new file.
-Adding new elements and attributes: Items can only be chosen that are allowed according to the schema file. (However items can still be edited on the main page without validation.)
-Clicking the help button gives shows help for the chosen attribute.
-Application paths can be chosen from a filedialog box.
-Today plugins can be chosen from your registry.
-Comments can be saved as nodes with a # infront.
There are still the occassional crash of the program when saving the file, but
I have been unable to figure out the causes of the crashes. Please let me know if anyone figure out a pattern to the crashes.
Thank you.
Great idea.
I'll try it when possible.
great job, I hope many good skins will come out with the help of this tool, thanks.
very good app.
Very nice app
Thanks for the nice words!
Since there weren't many comments, I wasn't sure anyone was using it, so I stopped development on it (even though it has a lot of downloads!)
I'm also surprised noone has said anything about a bug for the tplug. I don't know if I'm the only one experiencing it, but it seems that the name of another today plugin disappears when the file is opened. If I see that people are actually using it (?), I should fix it.
mecal said:
great app! but hs++ does not work with manila2d,so...
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So good,thanks

[ROM] - 06/09/2009 - LouzeBerry - 6.1/21046 - Original TF3D + Fuzeberry

'LouzeBerry' 6.1 ROM -- Version 060909 (changelog below)
This is my latest 6.1 build. It's done with similar design choices to my 6.5 build, which is also still being maintained. Unlike the 6.5, this does include HTC Dialer and Volume, which have compatibility issues with 6.5.
It uses standard TF3D, and will until a version of TF3D2 that's more ready for prime-time shows up. Think of this like a stock ROM, minus the bloat, plus app and driver updates, plus a never system version, plus tweaks, plus little niceties (like better icons, FuzeBerry theme, Wallpapers, PSShutXP, Configurable button assignments, etc)
Getting to know this ROM:
* 6.1 Build 21046.
* TF3D STANDARD with a slightly customized FuzeBerry theme.
* Rhodium menu enhancement.
* Opera 9.5 16277, Advanced Config, Google Maps, Total Commander, Weathermaster (all uninstallable).
* HTC Album 2.5, with the social networking uploaders. I'm not crazy about the new behaviors 3.0, or about the fact that the uploaders aren't currently included in that version.
* Newer-style Comm Manager, with a 3G button and HTC settings screens for Wifi, Bluetooth and Phone.
* Available with and without HTC on-screen keyboards.
* Configurable button assignments.
* User Customization compatible.
(See further notes in next post)
Latest changelog / download
060909KB - With HTC Keyboard
060909NOKB - Without HTC Keyboard (makes installing third-party keyboard easier)
- Removed Tachi-style notifications entirely. They were bugging me. Left the cab in \windows (look for HTC Tachi ...) if you want them back.
- Nicer icons on the top bar (by Tsowen)
- NOTE: I've ID'd a conflict with HTC Keyboard's name lookup for the messaging up and Windows' own. Install this cab (originally created for a similar issue in 6.5) to disable Windows' lookup if you're on the version that includes the keyboard.
(Previous changelogs in next post)
MobileMatt, Mr. Fuzeberry himself, is now mirroring the ROM at (may not always be the current version).
Many thanks to Da_G for the kitchen, NRGZ28, Captain_Throwback, At0mAng for his own kitchen and patience, MobileMatt for creating Fuzeberry, and all the other usual peeps.
Supporters: deeznuts (really, that's his name, I swear), [email protected]
Important Notes:
* After first boot, go to Start --> Settings --> Connections and run Connection Setup (for some users, this may happen automatically if a program in their personal UC triggers it)
* Keyboard configured for the Fuze. Use this if you've got a non-Fuze Touch Pro.
* Removed certain redundant TF3D tabs (where functionality is duplicated elsewhere in TF3D). If you want them back, disable TF3D and unzip this to your windows folder.
* Don't like the FuzeBerry look? Dirty commie. Install this to put TF3D back to the default look. Warning: By doing this, you sacrifice super-awesomeness.
Older downloads/changelogs (see first post for most current changelog):
052909 - With HTC Keyboard
052909 - Without HTC Keyboard (makes installing third-party keyboard easier)
- Updated to 21046
- Comm Manager now has 3G Button
- Start Menu cleaned up
- Removed Welcome Center
- Wait cursor changed
- Minor visual tweaks & enhancements
051109KB - With HTC Keyboard
051109NOKB - Without HTC Keyboard (makes installing third-party keyboard easier).
- Initial 6.1 Build
This rom is pretty incredible. I was really waiting for a chef to release and completely stable yet up-to-date rom. However I do have suggestions that I would really appreciate seeing in the next release:
Organizing the start menu (The rom looks great with the theme but the start menu is super ugly)
Implementing the comm manager that allows you to disable 3G
including gps test, a flashlight program, beejive im, facebook, pimbackup, cleartemp. file explorer plus (most roms include this version), regedit
Possibly re-work some of the ugly settings icons and stuff like that
None, as stable as they come so far.
If some of these things could be taken care of, I can't see any rom be better anytime soon. Hopefully you will take some of these suggestions but they are suggestions so keep up the work however that may be.
DrzNight said:
This rom is pretty incredible. I was really waiting for a chef to release and completely stable yet up-to-date rom. However I do have suggestions that I would really appreciate seeing in the next release:
Organizing the start menu (The rom looks great with the theme but the start menu is super ugly)
Implementing the comm manager that allows you to disable 3G
including gps test, a flashlight program, beejive im, facebook, the new notification manager, pimbackup,cleartemp. file explorer plus (most roms include this version)
Possibly re-work some of the ugly settings icons and stuff like that
When ever I run most programs (for example advance config,ie) and I press "x" the don't end fully and need to close them with task manager.
If some of these things could be taken care of, I can't see any rom be better anytime soon. Hopefully you will take some of these suggestions but they are suggestions so keep up the work however that may be.
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Running out the door, but quick answers:
Start menu clean-up is on the to-do list. That may include revising icons.
Maybe on the comm manager -- have never checked to see if it can be done on the new rhodium-style one (which lets you get deeper into settings than the old one).
New notifications are indeed included, but as explained as in post 2, you have to disable the stock-style "Large notifications" (it's in Settings-->System-->TouchFlo).
The suggested applications: Maybe some, but I prefer to keep my ROMs fairly spartan, as everyone's preferences are different (for instance, I don't personally use most of those apps), and it's easy enough for people to install their favorite apps with User Customization.
For the "bug" -- it's not a bug, it's a design choice. You can change the button behavior under Settings-->System--Task Manager (the gray one, not the one with the ekg-like reading).
Glad you're enjoying the ROM. Thanks for the suggestions.
Wordsmith9091 said:
Running out the door, but quick answers:
Start menu clean-up is on the to-do list. That may include revising icons.
Maybe on the comm manager -- have never checked to see if it can be done on the new rhodium-style one (which lets you get deeper into settings than the old one).
New notifications are indeed included, but as explained as in post 2, you have to disable the stock-style "Large notifications" (it's in Settings-->System-->TouchFlo).
The suggested applications: Maybe some, but I prefer to keep my ROMs fairly spartan, as everyone's preferences are different (for instance, I don't personally use most of those apps), and it's easy enough for people to install their favorite apps with User Customization.
For the "bug" -- it's not a bug, it's a design choice. You can change the button behavior under Settings-->System--Task Manager (the gray one, not the one with the ekg-like reading).
Glad you're enjoying the ROM. Thanks for the suggestions.
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Thanks for the quick reply. Completely forgot about the task manager setting and I always thought when people were talking about large notifications they were talking about the way it looked when you see receive a message a large box would show up . I completely understand your want for keeping the ROM lite but maybe two different versions would be really cool ( one could be lite and without keyboard, and the other one not loaded but standard). In my opinion its easier to ignore or uninstall a unnecessary program than it is to go out and find these cabs and repopulate the start menu yourself. And I want to thank you again for the quick reply and for being polite on my oversight about the notifications and notifications .
DrzNight said:
Thanks for the quick reply. Completely forgot about the task manager setting and I always thought when people were talking about large notifications they were talking about the way it looked when you see receive a message a large box would show up . I completely understand your want for keeping the ROM lite but maybe two different versions would be really cool ( one could be lite and without keyboard, and the other one not loaded but standard). In my opinion its easier to ignore or uninstall a unnecessary program than it is to go out and find these cabs and repopulate the start menu yourself. And I want to thank you again for the quick reply and for being polite on my oversight about the notifications and notifications .
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Some people probably are talking about that with the large notifications. I keep referring to the stock ones that way because the actual package in the kitchen is "Enlarge Title Bar." I'll revise Post No. 2 to be clearer.
Edit: Oh, and I just confirmed in my test -- you can still enable that 3G Button for the comm manager via Advanced Config (it's one of the "more settings" options. You just have to pick which existing button you want to get rid of.
Flashed this yesterday. This is seriously good stuff!!
I like it that you've made a lot of uninstallable stuff on this ROM unlike most of the other chefs who pile a lot of stuff but a lot of is useless, at least to me.
I'll be trying your WM6.5 next!
Keep up the good work!
Best rom (and have tested almost everything , only thing, I would think that "Getting Started" is something you could remove, as anyone flashing roms should already have got started
kahuna0k said:
Best rom (and have tested almost everything , only thing, I would think that "Getting Started" is something you could remove, as anyone flashing roms should already have got started
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Agreed - there's a few things that I left over in there accidentally that I'd usually omit, but nothing that seemed worth doing a new build just to take them out. Will probably be removed from the next version.
New build up. Updated to 21046
Excellent work!!
I think you may very well be the most under acknowledged chef here in the Raphael Rom Dev. I havent posted lately but Ive actually played with all of these roms here and used many of the other chefs roms back when they were cooking for kaisers. I have been flashing and testing ur roms(both 6.5 and 6.1) for a couple months now along with the other chefs here and, not to take anything away from the more popular chefs here, yours have been the most stable and compatible with my device(ATT FUZE). 6.5 is great but im not thrilled with the change in start menu or other little incompatibilities at this point. However, ur 6.1 builds have offered no forming bugs(dailer, messaging, settings etc...); i dont experience excessive device heat when on long calls or using gps; and have had pretty decent battery life. And as Ive said all you chefs offer excellent roms; gotta love the flair and latest NRG brings and definately the completeness and dedication of Arrups roms. I did notice something that may have gotten overlooked with the urge of chefs to cook the latest builds and leave previous behind and that is the battery life and functionality of the original 5.08 20771 after being cooked up without bloatware etc. Im not sure if u have one but NRG actually had a 1.6 rom that was superb with one slight bug in the messaging which is the only reason i do not use it to date as i text a lot. Now dont get me wrong the batter life on this 21046 is good but doesnt compare to 20771. So im not sure if im making a suggestion or request but i do enjoy ur roms and have settled in with this one as my everyday rom until an official 6.5 is released but I dont cook and would love a stable updated 20771 other than the bloated march 1st test release(ive got that). Well, hats off and thank you for your most excellent roms.
Best Regards,
Phantom -- Thanks for the kind words.
The reason the ROM is so stable is that I don't do all that much to customize it -- and the things I am doing, I've had some time to tweak and fix. I'm still learning as a chef, but I've tried to only expand and customize the ROM in ways that I'm sure I understand what the implications are. Some other chefs prefer to push the envelope a bit more -- which can mean some great features and enhancements in their ROMs, but also may mean risking complications. So most of the credit for what's good about mine really goes to Da_G for the great kitchen, and to the others involved in creating it. I'm just the guy who's treading carefully.
As far as creating a 20771 -- it's not on my agenda right now, but I never say never. Life's pretty busy at the moment, with some work complications, but I'll keep the request in mind.
Hi WordSmith, just flashed your latest ROM, the Start Menu looks much nicer and neater now and almost as perfect as I'd do it if I did it myself. *thumbs up*
Anyway I just realised that the nbh file became much bigger at 142mb as compared to the 051109 version, which was only 127mb. You added a lot more stuff into this 052909 version that a noob like me didn't notice?
Yahoo mail
I like this Rom. But i have a problem. I cannot set up my Yahoo mail. When I go to Menu -> Accounts -> New Accounts. It goes to outlook email. Can someone help me set up my Yahoo mail. Nice ROM Thnx
edge2861 said:
I like this Rom. But i have a problem. I cannot set up my Yahoo mail. When I go to Menu -> Accounts -> New Accounts. It goes to outlook email. Can someone help me set up my Yahoo mail. Nice ROM Thnx
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I'm not quite sure what you'd expect it to do differently. Any mail account is an outlook account, i nthe sense that outlook is the program being used for it. But you can still set up POP3 and IMAP4 accounts in Outlook. I don't use Yahoo Mail -- is it set up as one of those, or do you normally do something different. Am I just misunderstanding something about your post? Have you had it working on other ROMs, and if so, what was different?
Every Rom I flashed, I always setup my Yahoo mail. I always go to program email set up. Im not using outlook email, I used Yahoo. I'm trying to look for an email steup cab. Anyways, Thnx for your quick reply. I love this Rom.
edge2861 said:
Every Rom I flashed, I always setup my Yahoo mail. I always go to program email set up. Im not using outlook email, I used Yahoo. I'm trying to look for an email steup cab. Anyways, Thnx for your quick reply. I love this Rom.
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Still just not quite understanding what you're asking. When you say you set up your yahoo mail, what are you setting it up with, if not outlook? Where I'm getting confused is that Outlook is the program, but Yahoo is the provider -- so to say you're using Yahoo instead of outlook throws me off, as you can/would use yahoo -with- outlook. Links to "E-mail" and "Messaging" in Windows Mobile are links to the Outlook application.
That is, unless you're usually setting it up in a different e-mail program (one that doesn't come standard with Windows Mobile), or unless yahoo offers some specialty e-mail program for windows mobile that I don't know about (it could for all I know; i don't use yahoo myself).
Were the other ROMs you used using TF3D2? I have limited experience with TF3D2, but I know there's an HTC-created e-mail setup wizard that appears on some ROMs (not sure offhand if this is part of TF3D2 or independent of it; I've never used it). It could be that you're used to that, and that it walks you through the setup for Yahoo mail.
In any case, when you go to set up an e-mail account, the first thing it should ask you is for your e-mail address. I'm 99% sure that if you give it a yahoo address, it will recognize that it knows Yahoo as a provider, and simplify the rest of the wizard to set up your Yahoo account in Outlook. Don't have the 6.1 ROM on the phone right now or a Yahoo account yo test with, but I'd be very surprised if that didn't work.
Hope that helps. If it doesn't, please try to provide some more specifics about what you mean when you say you set it up with yahoo, not outlook.
My problem is How to configure my email account. When I try to setup new email account it always go to Messaging inbox. I click
Menu-> Tools-> New Account. Then it will just go to messaging Inbox. I cannot set up new email account.
I flashed your LouzeBerry - 6.5/21222 Rom & try to setup / configure my yahoo mail, It works fine. I think the 6.1 Rom has a problem in configuring the new email account. Thnx for this Rom, very fast.

For the Chefs - New Loss of functionality

Greetings excellent chefs,
This is dangerously close to breaking the rule that beggars can't be choosers.
However, I was wondering if any of you have used AEButton Plus. It is an excellent program that is free and allows you to map programs and files to different keys. In fact, you can map 4 different functions to each key; single, double tripple and long press.
With the introduction of the PTT mod a few months ago, the ability to map that key dissappeared. While it can have some mappings, it is far less functional that it used to have through AEButton Plus. On my stock ROM, I was able to delete the PTT registry settings and map 4 different actions to PTT. Now AEButton Plus does not work with the PTT button due to the structure of the PTT mod baked into almost every single ROM. There is no way to back out the PTT mod short of learning to be your own chef which I lack the talent and time to do.
I am using and loving the RRE 6.5 ROM. On the latest version another key has dissappeared due to a new baked in mod, this time the Home key. The new Mod for the home key is kind of neat, but now AEButton plus will not work with that key either. I used to have 4 fuctions assigned to that key, now I have 1 that I will use. So with these 2 keys, I have gone from 8 possible functions, to 3.
I know this sounds terribly ungrateful, and I assure you that is not my intention. I really do appreciate the excellent work done by the chefs on this fourm and the spirit of sharing. I have noticed however, that this tiny issue is becoming more pervasive and is resulting is less functionality rather than more; perhaps counter to the spirit and objectives of our collective efforts.
Thanks for listening and your consideration.
Doug M.
Make a cab with driver wiz that contains the stock keypad.dll. That should take care of your issue.
aruppenthal said:
Make a cab with driver wiz that contains the stock keypad.dll. That should take care of your issue.
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I forgot to mention that I am an idiot.
As a result I have no idea how to make a cab or what driver wiz is or where to find the stock keypad.dll. I'll search around a bit to see if I can figure it out.
As to my original post, perhaps these new mods are not as user friendly as other alternatives.
Thanks for your help. And as always, that for sharing your totally excellent ROMS.
Doug M.
Your fundamental argument seems to be that aebuttons plus is free, as is pttmod, but pttmod isn't quite as functional.
However this argument is flawed, aebuttons plus has not ever been free
pttmod is a combination of the pttmod.exe, assoicated registry entries, and long_ and short_ shortcuts in windows. unfortunately i can think of no easy way to remove these shortcuts unless they are not cooked into the rom (ie cab install post-flash)
you could use the .nbh editor in dev&hacking to delete the .lnks from the rom prior to flashing if you didnt want to cook a rom, that should work.
what's really needed here is a keypad.dll that spits out standard VK codes instead of using system calls, windows mobile and aebuttons+ are both designed around this functionality and both the buttons mapping app and aebuttons+ would coexist with this. i've been bugging htc for this for some time (the cent key, fn+sym, etc is also dependant on xt9 where if the kb used standard VK codes it would not need to be)
feel free to join me in pestering htc for this, for ALL devices with a kb they make
Da_G said:
pttmod is a combination of the pttmod.exe, assoicated registry entries, and long_ and short_ shortcuts in windows. unfortunately i can think of no easy way to remove these shortcuts unless they are not cooked into the rom (ie cab install post-flash)
you could use the .nbh editor in dev&hacking to delete the .lnks from the rom prior to flashing if you didnt want to cook a rom, that should work.
what's really needed here is a keypad.dll that spits out standard VK codes instead of using system calls, windows mobile and aebuttons+ are both designed around this functionality and both the buttons mapping app and aebuttons+ would coexist with this. i've been bugging htc for this for some time (the cent key, fn+sym, etc is also dependant on xt9 where if the kb used standard VK codes it would not need to be)
feel free to join me in pestering htc for this, for ALL devices with a kb they make
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I stand corrected on the issue of it being free. I guess I have not had a ROM on my phone long enough to get to the end of the 14 day trial period. I just purchased my license as this is a product I use daily (although with one button less than before).
I believe however, that my fundamental issue is not one of cost, but loss of flexibility. While the new mods are handy for some, they eliminate a host of alternatives for others. The deletion or exclusion of the mods does not limit functionality or the ability to customize to your individual need or preferences, while the inclusion of the mods does impose those limits.
I am not trying to be a pain (although I am unusually gifted in that regard). I just wanted to make an observation that this narrow band of customization may not have broad applicability.
As to your suggested solutions, I don't think you fully read my previous post... I'm an idiot. I have no idea how to do what is undoubtedly quite simple for someone with your talents. To a degree, this underscores my point. To undo the newer mods, I am looking a several hours of reading, fiddlling and learning. All just to reassign a button. Almost anyone can map a button without the mods, but only a select few have the ability to peel back the mods once cooked-in and then assign them to features of thier own choosing. I used to be able to reassign my buttons in about 30-45 seconds. With the new "enhancements" it will takes hours and may not even work. The practical effect is that rather than go through the exercse, I will simply live with the loss of functionality. The return on effort is not tilted in my favor.
Thanks again for your consideration.
Doug M.

NEON 400 Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM

For NEON 400 users only!
Please do not even consider flashing this rom unless your device is a NEON 400. That's the Canadian Telus/Bell version of the HTC Touch Dual. If you don't know how to find out the model number... then I suggest you do some more reading before you consider flashing any roms.
Hey All,
My old phone died so I recently became the proud owner of the HTC Touch Dual NEON 400. Long story short I unlocked it (Thanks to jockyw2001) and found that there are no Chefs out there with this device. There's a couple dedicated dudes out there trying to help all of us NEON 400 users (Talking about you Rataplan, deepankerjha), but since they don't actually have this device it's pretty tough for them to prepare and test a rom for us.
So, I took the plunge. With Rataplan's help (thanks a lot buddy, couldn't have gotten this far without you're help) I've been cooking away and have a solid WM 6.5 ROM here for us. It's based on the Telus stock ROM and WM 6.5 build 21914. I haven't yet cleared all the extra's (so it's a bit fat) but in my testing so far it's 100% functional and bug free (well, as bug free as WM can be )
I can't guarantee how well it'll work on the Bell NEON 400's, but if you have a Telus device, this should do the trick. I'm using it right now on mine.
Please leave feedback if you try this ROM out. I am still a novice chef, but I'll take feedback to heart, and I'll continue cooking and optimizing roms for the NEON 400 as I learn more and get better.
Happy Flashing!
I'll post updates as they come.
Sorry all, but in my quest to migrate to the Android OS I've ditched my Neon in favour of the Vogue. I'll upload the Lite ROM I was working on for those who want it. The only thing I was having trouble with was the GPS, apart from that the ROM runs very nicely with the extra weight of the cube and other fat removed. Feel free to PM me if you have questions, I'll do my best to help if I can.
Give me a few days to do a fresh build of the Lite ROM and to take one more stab at getting the GPS working.
Okay my final roms are up. Hopefully Rataplan will have the links posted below shortly.
Lite Version: 1.01 - 1.03
-WM 6.5 Build 21914
-TouchFlo Cube removed
-A bunch of other bundled HTC/Telus packages removed
-GPS is still flaky
Version: 2.01
-WM 6.5 Build 21914
-Nothing removed, All stock HTC and Telus packages remain
EDIT I can't post links just yet, so Rataplan's going to help me out with that, check his post below for the download links.
Here are the links:
NEON400_201 Added 19th August
NEON400_Lite_101 Added 9th November
NEON400_Lite_102 Added 9th November
NEON400_Lite_103 Added 9th November
Loaded on my Bell NEON400. Took a while to get to setup and made a few bleeps along the way, now it's at the "Customization" part. Will update as I finish setup and test it out.
EDIT: Finished installation, looks pretty good, will test calling and texting as we go. Any chance we can strip the Telus crap out of it though? Hate seeing "Telus" everywhere when it's not even a Telus phone.
EDIT 2: Trying to set up ActiveSync to sync with my Google Account - it freezes every so often for a short while and won't respond to taps or key presses. Seems to be common in all applications. Also, the keys operate but the backlight never turns on for them (disregard that - they do work, see Edit 4).
EDIT 3: Hitting the X to close a window doesn't kill the app like it did in WM 6.1. Not sure if this normal behaviour or not (first time flasher).
EDIT 4: After a reboot the key backlight is working again. When I try changing the keyboard however to a full QWERTY layout the setting never saves and always reverts to the "touch keypad" or whatever it is (same problem in WM 6.1 so it's a setting issue not a ROM issue - disregard please).
If you could get rid of the Telus branding everywhere and see what's up with the freezing this ROM would be perfect!
Nice job.
got_milk, Thanks for testing on your Bell device. Like I said in the post I wasn't sure what to expect on a Bell phone. I'm working on a lite version right now with the Telus stuff stripped out. I'm also trying to remove the added weight from HTC like the touchflo cube (I really hate that thing...)
I've noticed the problem with the X button not closing apps. It seems in WM 6.5 it just sort of minimizes them. Although if I recall there's a setting somewhere that lets you set it so you can close an app by holding the X instead of just tapping it. I'll look into that some more.
In regards to the responsiveness one thing I've noticed is that when memory is low I sometimes have to tap and hold the buttons for a moment before they register. I initially thought it just wasn't reading the hits but found by accident that I could make it work by holding it for an extra moment. Hopefully this won't be a problem once I get my Lite version working.
I highly recommend downloading and installing Finger Keyboard. It's my favourite by far. I can't post links yet, but the thread where I found it is titled:
\\\\\\\\\ F i n g e r K e y b o a r d 2 ///////// v2.1 - NOW ONLINE - all resolutions
One other thought: If you could hook me up with the ROM you're using as the stock Bell ROM I could recreate this 6.5 ROM using it as the base. This might solve some of your problems too.
Thanks again for testing!
Not a problem, thank you more for doing this! I really hate how we're limited to WinMo 6.1, when we clearly have a 6.5 capable device.
I'm using the stock Bell ROM from jockyw2001's HardSPL post (stickied at the top of this forum).
Looking forward to the lite edition, I will certainly test it when you release it.
So, I couldn't stay away (Software Engineering I set up my own kitchen and started to cook using a stock Bell ROM. I've managed to strip all the Bell crap + the HTC cube and make a nice clean ROM.
I've encountered one bug so far. On the home screen, where "Text" should be, it's simply blank and clicking it gets me to the main Outlook menu (where I choose Text Messages or Outlook E-mail). I can also not create text messages or reply to them. I know we've hit this roadblock before but no one's said how they got around it.
I also don't have data working at all - it's not being configured automatically (I think the Bell customization wizard does this, but it's disabled).
EDIT: Okay, it's as I suspected. There's a connection.xml file that's part of the Bell scripts that is added to handle data access. Anyone know how I can add data as part of the ROM package?
For sms take a look at this post from 88fingerslukee,
That registry edit is just enabling/disabling threaded my case SMS doesn't work at all (I can receive and view SMS') but I can't create any new ones or reply to them.
got_milk said:
That registry edit is just enabling/disabling threaded my case SMS doesn't work at all (I can receive and view SMS') but I can't create any new ones or reply to them.
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Click to collapse
Okay, did you select webview in the sys-part of your kitchen.
Rataplan said:
Okay, did you select webview in the sys-part of your kitchen.
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Click to collapse
Yes, it's essential anyway so I get prompted if it's not included. It's not part of WM build 21914 however...
So I've tried with a bunch of different WM builds, new kitchen setups, and everything I can think of under the sun.
Data works out of the box - it's just not enabled by default. If you go into the comm manager and enable data it seems to work.
SMS is still broken. When it's not highlighted right above the text 'Text' it displays 'No notif...'. Highlighting 'Text' gives you absolutely no text at all and your option for that is 'View', which takes you to your call list.
I've cooked all day and yet I cannot get this to work at all. I'm rolling back to WM 6.1 until I can find a solution.
got_milk said:
So I've tried with a bunch of different WM builds, new kitchen setups, and everything I can think of under the sun.
Data works out of the box - it's just not enabled by default. If you go into the comm manager and enable data it seems to work.
SMS is still broken. When it's not highlighted right above the text 'Text' it displays 'No notif...'. Highlighting 'Text' gives you absolutely no text at all and your option for that is 'View', which takes you to your call list.
I've cooked all day and yet I cannot get this to work at all. I'm rolling back to WM 6.1 until I can find a solution.
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got_milk, way to go bud! Glad to have another new chef in the kitchen. I wont bother cooking a Bell ROM as you're already on track. My Lite ROM is gonna be a while anyway. Between wife, kids, job, and house... I just don't have a whole lot of time to tinker.
In regards to your SMS problem, I might be able to help. I too had problems getting SMS to work when I started working on my Lite ROM. After some trial and error what I found fixed it was to include two files from the OEMAPPS pkg.
Strip out all the crap from OEMAPPS you don't want and make sure that these two files remain, then include the package in your next build:
I'll be honest, I didn't do any research on the significance of these files, I just happened upon it by chance.
Good Luck!
Aha! I shall do another cook tonight and see if that does the trick.
EDIT: You sir, are a brilliant genius. I didn't have the .rgu version but the .dsm was there. Deleted everything out of OEMAPPS but that, cooked and flashed, and texting works now.
Thanks a ton!
Excellent! Glad I could help
So, my two bugs I've noticed so far...
No data. EV-DO is available, looks like it has to be set up manually. Anyone know how we can incorporate this into the cooking? I've tried ADC but it doesn't work, says it's not a valid Pocket PC application every time the phone boots up.
Also, the buttons along the top (sound, data, etc) work normally in the home screen, but enter any app and while the icons remain the same their functions have now been shifted one to the left. (Volume becomes Close, Data becomes Volume, etc).
When I first started a Lite ROM I stripped my Operator EXT packages. That killed my data. I put'em back to work on the OEM pkg's. I haven't had time to dissect the EXT packages yet to find the pieces we need for data. Whichever one of us figures that out first will have to share it with the other
For now I'm still picking through the OEM packages finding all the pieces I want/need to keep.
Not sure about your taskbar buttons, might be related to that handy tasks dropdown item that's usually on the far right (like a quickview task manager you can use to close running apps) I don't know if that's a WM feature, or something HTC bundled in.
That's an HTC bundled application (TaskManager.exe in OEMApps). I removed it and the bug's still there. You don't have this problem?
Data is handled via Connection.xml which is injected - somehow - during the "Customization" process. You CAN do it yourself manually - simply add a new connection and have it dial #777.
There's not much in the EXT packages - and what's there is impossible to tell for now, I'll dissect more and see what's there.
Strange, when I hit any of the buttons along that top taskbar it just opens up a bubble with icons for each of the options available, and then select an item from the bubble. Individually the icons along the top don't actually do anything for me, they all just open this bubble.
Right, which is the normal behaviour - it's when you actually select an icon from that bubble that everything appears to have shifted one position to the left.
Try it at the home screen and then in an application.
Also, looks like data is handled via "Connection.xml" which is placed inside the Windows folder (I'm back to stock 6.1 to check file locations). If I try to put that inside OEMApps or whatever and have that copy over though it doesn't end up in the Windows folder as far as I can tell.
I'm also trying to strip out the more unnecessary stuff, however, the camera always breaks and says the app is missing files to run. I can get rid of the cube, and everything else, but I'd like to leave the camera function behind (strips 30MB off the ROM if I clean everything else out). But the camera doesn't work.
got_milk said:
Right, which is the normal behaviour - it's when you actually select an icon from that bubble that everything appears to have shifted one position to the left.
Try it at the home screen and then in an application.
Also, looks like data is handled via "Connection.xml" which is placed inside the Windows folder (I'm back to stock 6.1 to check file locations). If I try to put that inside OEMApps or whatever and have that copy over though it doesn't end up in the Windows folder as far as I can tell.
I'm also trying to strip out the more unnecessary stuff, however, the camera always breaks and says the app is missing files to run. I can get rid of the cube, and everything else, but I'd like to leave the camera function behind (strips 30MB off the ROM if I clean everything else out). But the camera doesn't work.
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Ok it seems that you found each other, hopefully it will result in a perfect NEON400 rom, whish you guy's all the best and if I can help, just ask.
Some usefull links:

