Hero-er to be. - Hero, G2 Touch Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Update: The ebay seller took my money, lied about sending the phone which I wanted in time for christmas as a present, then when nothing arrived on the day claimed (24th dec) i contacted them to be told they "tried" to email me to say it had a fault when packing it and will give a refund, for which I am still waiting.
Long story short, I have given up now on wanting to buy a Hero, I was cautious about the seller to start, and they have now ruined my mood over christmas.

Hey Welcome to Android...
Hero's don't need to be HardSPL'd, once you learn to 'Flashrecover/One Click Root' you can just store multiple ROM's on your SD card, wipe and flash whenever it suits you
Hopefully your Hero comes with a Stock ROM so there is no need to Goldcard bypass it!
Amon-Ra is just a recovery image for when you enter recovery mode after rooting... There are many more to choose from and you will learn all about these after rooting.
Rooting is useful for tethering, themes, storing applications to SD card and (most importantly for me being on t-mobile) getting updates before they are officially released!
The resolution is extremely clear and I'm sure you will be pleased with it

OGC313 said:
Hey Welcome to Android...
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Hero's don't need to be HardSPL'd, once you learn to 'Flashrecover/One Click Root' you can just store multiple ROM's on your SD card, wipe and flash whenever it suits you
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Sounds good, where do I look for a tutorial and the files to get started with this? I'd like to have a thorough read before hte phone gets here so i won't hastily do as my friend did and brick his phone by not reading the instructions first.
Hopefully your Hero comes with a Stock ROM so there is no need to Goldcard bypass it!
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From what I can tell, it's a HTC generic Hero with no modifications made, so it should be stock ROM. What does this mean to me and what is Goldcard? I noticed a site where you have to go to get some code using CID? Means nothing to me really.
Amon-Ra is just a recovery image for when you enter recovery mode after rooting... There are many more to choose from and you will learn all about these after rooting.
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I saw a video of this or something similar, it's some what of a recovery menu with various recovery options as well as the abilility to install modifications or some sort from zip files?!.
Rooting is useful for tethering, themes, storing applications to SD card and (most importantly for me being on t-mobile) getting updates before they are officially released!
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I'm curious, on a phone designed for user customizability, why has it been made so difficult for us to flash custom user modifications?
The resolution is extremely clear and I'm sure you will be pleased with it
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Good enough for me, not like I intend on playing videos or games on this thing.

- Thats probably the easiest tutorial for Flashrec.
If your Hero is Generic it should be fine and you won't need to create a Goldcard, you can just root straight away. In short a goldcard is editing your SD card to reverse the CID (Customer Identification) code so any RUU/ROM can be installed onto the phone. This is a hardcore method to root and only needs to be done for phones on certain carriers e.g. t-mobile, some Asian carriers.
Yea the recovery menu varies depending on what recovery image you are using (the most popular being Cyanogen, Amon-RA and Modaco). All ROM's are installed as a .zip file, but using the above site will make that clearer, its all simple enough.
- A tutorial on how to install ROM's after rooting.
There were problems with Cyanogen's custom ROM as he was using Google apps that were only supposed to be used on 'with Google' phones. Maybe for reasons like this rooting has become so difficult?

OGC313 said:
- Thats probably the easiest tutorial for Flashrec.
If your Hero is Generic it should be fine and you won't need to create a Goldcard, you can just root straight away. In short a goldcard is editing your SD card to reverse the CID (Customer Identification) code so any RUU/ROM can be installed onto the phone. This is a hardcore method to root and only needs to be done for phones on certain carriers e.g. t-mobile, some Asian carriers.
Yea the recovery menu varies depending on what recovery image you are using (the most popular being Cyanogen, Amon-RA and Modaco). All ROM's are installed as a .zip file, but using the above site will make that clearer, its all simple enough.
- A tutorial on how to install ROM's after rooting.
There were problems with Cyanogen's custom ROM as he was using Google apps that were only supposed to be used on 'with Google' phones. Maybe for reasons like this rooting has become so difficult?
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I see, well hopefully it's not anything like that, I'm slightly concerned because the seller claims the phone is black, but in the picture it doesn't seem to have T-mobile written, across the top, and as far as I'm aware black is exclusive to them. I am hoping it's actually brown and hence no branding, but either way doesn't matter as long as it's unbranded.
As for recovery images, I noticed the One-click rooting uses a specific recovery menu, it's that the one I'm recommended to use or should I switch?
As for ROMs, I'm happy to stick either with stock ROM and make some personal modifications, or I have heard good things about the MoDaCo ROM, although I'm concerned with one small post there, that BT OBEX is planned for a future release, does that mean the current version doesn't have BT OBEX, so I can't send files? I rely on this feature regularly.
As for "comes with Google" I thought all Android phones were "comes with Google", I guess I was mistaken here.

To be honest the recovery image used makes no difference, its just a preference of how you'd prefer the recovery menu to look... I'm currently using the Amon-RA, running the Modaco 3.0 ROM and it does the job for me. I think the video tutorial on unlockr is showing an older recorvery image than the one it suggests you use.
The Modaco ROM currently doesn't support BT as the Hero doesn't have the components needed until the 2.1 Eclair/Flan release. You could always try and flash the 2.1 ROM which isn't fully optimised yet and see if any applications work on that?
http://htcpedia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=30418&posted=1#post30418 - 2.1 ROM
Not all Android phones are Google branded, I think its only the G1/Dream and Magic/my Touch, the ones with the Google logo on the back. This is why HTC were able to intergrate Sense UI onto their phone.

OGC313 said:
To be honest the recovery image used makes no difference, its just a preference of how you'd prefer the recovery menu to look... I'm currently using the Amon-RA, running the Modaco 3.0 ROM and it does the job for me. I think the video tutorial on unlockr is showing an older recorvery image than the one it suggests you use.
The Modaco ROM currently doesn't support BT as the Hero doesn't have the components needed until the 2.1 Eclair/Flan release. You could always try and flash the 2.1 ROM which isn't fully optimised yet and see if any applications work on that?
http://htcpedia.com/forum/showthread.php?p=30418&posted=1#post30418 - 2.1 ROM
Not all Android phones are Google branded, I think its only the G1/Dream and Magic/my Touch, the ones with the Google logo on the back. This is why HTC were able to intergrate Sense UI onto their phone.
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I see, so I take it this is based on an unreleased BETA version? Kinda like the winMo6.5 we were flashing on the Xperia. I guess I will stick with the official ROM for now then.
Is there still some customising that can be done if I root my phone and keep the stock ROM? I require bluetooth regularly for sending V-Cards and files so I can't do without it for the sake of customizability.

If you decide to root, you may aswell flash the Mocado 3.0 ROM which is much faster and less laggy.
No version of the Hero currently supports bluetooth file transfer, unless it works on the 2.1 ROM. Even the stock does not support it, wasn't this mentioned in the specs. when you bought the phone? The 2.1 update which will give the Hero bluetooth support isn't scheduled for release until 1Q/H 2010. Sorry to disappoint

OGC313 said:
If you decide to root, you may aswell flash the Mocado 3.0 ROM which is much faster and less laggy.
No version of the Hero currently supports bluetooth file transfer, unless it works on the 2.1 ROM. Even the stock does not support it, wasn't this mentioned in the specs. when you bought the phone? The 2.1 update which will give the Hero bluetooth support isn't scheduled for release until 1Q/H 2010. Sorry to disappoint
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Yikes, that is a major let down, something I didn't think possible from anyone but Apple. This means I'm going to have to carry a second phone which is irritating and part of my reason for switching.
In this case, I suppose there really is no reason not to switch to the MoDaCo ROM.
So, when I root, I noticed two methods, one is a pack on the pc with some batch files and recovery images. Should I use this method, or downloaded the latest Amon-Ra and use FlashRec, I noticed Amon-Ra builds of v1.5.1 which is much higher than the ones given in the tutorials.

Yea but at least support is on its way where as Apple aren't even considering it.
For the easiest method the files you'll need to download are:
Amon-RA Recovery image
Modaco 3.0 ROM
Latest Radio (ends in .26)
Basically put all these files into the root of your SD card, and install Flashrec using a file manager found in the market (I find Astro the best).
Open up Flashrec once its installed and click Back-up recovery image, it will then say 'Working do not interupt'.
Once that is done, type the name of the recovery image in the empty box ( I think Amon-RA's is something like /sdcard/Recovery-RA-HERO-v1.2.3.img) and then click Flash new recovery image.
Turn off your phone and reboot into recovery mode by hold down the HOME and POWER buttons, which will then bring up the recovery menu which you have seen before.
Scroll down to nandroid back-up and click that so if anyone goes wrong you can restore everything. Once done click Wipe Date/ Factory Reset and wate for that to finish.
Then scroll up to install .zip file (Not install update.zip) and click the Radio file. This should be relatively quick.
Once that is finished click on install .zip file again and click the Modaco ROM, which should take a far bit longer to install. Scroll to the top of the menu and reboot system.
If it seems to take a while to reboot do not worry!

OGC313 said:
Yea but at least support is on its way where as Apple aren't even considering it.
For the easiest method the files you'll need to download are:
Amon-RA Recovery image
Modaco 3.0 ROM
Latest Radio (ends in .26)
Basically put all these files into the root of your SD card, and install Flashrec using a file manager found in the market (I find Astro the best).
Open up Flashrec once its installed and click Back-up recovery image, it will then say 'Working do not interupt'.
Once that is done, type the name of the recovery image in the empty box ( I think Amon-RA's is something like /sdcard/Recovery-RA-HERO-v1.2.3.img) and then click Flash new recovery image.
Turn off your phone and reboot into recovery mode by hold down the HOME and POWER buttons, which will then bring up the recovery menu which you have seen before.
Scroll down to nandroid back-up and click that so if anyone goes wrong you can restore everything. Once done click Wipe Date/ Factory Reset and wate for that to finish.
Then scroll up to install .zip file (Not install update.zip) and click the Radio file. This should be relatively quick.
Once that is finished click on install .zip file again and click the Modaco ROM, which should take a far bit longer to install. Scroll to the top of the menu and reboot system.
If it seems to take a while to reboot do not worry!
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Sounds simple enough, just one questions, I found this version of Amon-Ra's Recovery v1.5.2, should I use this instead since it's later?

alias_neo said:
Sounds simple enough, just one questions, I found this version of Amon-Ra's Recovery v1.5.2, should I use this instead since it's later?
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yes, always use the newest version from the official thread here.

kendong2 said:
yes, always use the newest version from the official thread here.
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Thanks, got that downloaded now, so I'm good to go. Now just to sit patiently twiddling my thumbs until my Hero arrives.
Anything I can do in the meantime? Hero related I mean.
One question, as an Engineer myself, I'm curious why HTC has has made this device not only with so little ROM, but also not able to install apps to the SD card by standard(assumption based on the A2SD hack I am assuming enables something that couldn't be done before), is it not a given that we might want to install over the ROMs capacity worth of apps?
I'm just feeling a little disappointed at the moment considering all that Android was supposed to be, I followed it's progress intently as an Engineer and a curious gadgeteer, it seems things are being made a little more difficult than they should be (perhaps by HTC?) in order for us to have the customisability we desire for our OS, which, given the ability we should, technically be able to re-write from the ground up.
Someone tell me I'm wrong, and the worst I'll have to deal with for hte time being is having no BT OBEX. (I have come from an N95->iPhone->Xperia, and a rocky road it was.)
Thanks, for all the help so far guys, it is appreciated.

alias_neo said:
Thanks, got that downloaded now, so I'm good to go. Now just to sit patiently twiddling my thumbs until my Hero arrives.
Anything I can do in the meantime? Hero related I mean.
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read these forums but i guess you know/did that already.
alias_neo said:
One question, as an Engineer myself, I'm curious why HTC has has made this device not only with so little ROM, but also not able to install apps to the SD card by standard(assumption based on the A2SD hack I am assuming enables something that couldn't be done before), is it not a given that we might want to install over the ROMs capacity worth of apps?
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well, for example it will most probably give you errors and problems when you eject the sdcard while the phone is powered up... what i would complain about is why the hell does such a phone only have 512mb of flash of flash memory? flash memory is as cheap as sand, just put some 8gb in there and nobody would have a problem. make it 10$ cheaper, who cares when you can write "8GB!" on the box?
alias_neo said:
I'm just feeling a little disappointed at the moment considering all that Android was supposed to be, I followed it's progress intently as an Engineer and a curious gadgeteer, it seems things are being made a little more difficult than they should be (perhaps by HTC?) in order for us to have the customisability we desire for our OS, which, given the ability we should, technically be able to re-write from the ground up.
Someone tell me I'm wrong, and the worst I'll have to deal with for hte time being is having no BT OBEX. (I have come from an N95->iPhone->Xperia, and a rocky road it was.)
Thanks, for all the help so far guys, it is appreciated.
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well in fact it seems to be harder to customize the hero, but that is mainly due to its htc sense ui. if you want the fullblown modding phone you should get a g1, at least that is how i see it. just have a look at the g1 threads, they're flooded with roms and themes. tbh i don't miss it, i like when i have the feeling that i know all my options. then i take the best (in this case mcr), mod it to my needs and then use it. imho the hero is a way cooler device than the g1, i find it ugly and bulky. thought this about the hero too, until the day i had my coworker's in my hands, at that point it was only a matter of time until i could extend my contract and get the hero

Well, my getting a Hero is a funny story, I had my Xperia which I was happy with along with the custom ROMs running TouchFlo until one day I was in the Phones4U shop talking to them and they mentioned that the Satio had been recalled.
So, being the good friend I am, I went to my friend who wasn't at all happy with the Satio and told him he could swap it for something else because it's recalled.
My friend of course asks what I would recommend, and having been a WinMo user, I knew he wasn't the type to want to customize a device in that way, I mentioned HTC and android, so he had a look, we weighed up each one briefly and I basically said go for the Hero, I'v heard a lot of good things about it.
So, lo and behold, the next day he turns up with a Hero, which I then get to hold for the first time and am amazed.
Being the gadgeteer I am, it just would not do for a friend not even interested in gadgets to have the phone I now want!
So, I got myself one, and am now waiting impatiently for the ebay seller to deliver it.
Personally, I would never have considered the G1, it was ugly, and the specs were horrible, and the keyboard slide method wasn't nice at all.
When I first saw it, I was thinking, smaller, soft keyboard, slightly better camera and what not, and i'll buy it, and here we have it, the Hero.
As for customization, I'm not hugely bothered, as long as I can theme the thing myself.
The main thing that is non-stock I'm interested in are tethering by USB or Wifi to my 3G connection, other than that and theming, I can't think of anything off the top of my head I would need to do, only a phone that doesn't do everything it should, needs customizing so much as my Xperia did.

you will be happy with the hero
even theming is doable, though not in a few clicks. i tried, had a proof-of-concept and then it got too complicated for my unpatient being...

kendong2 said:
you will be happy with the hero
even theming is doable, though not in a few clicks. i tried, had a proof-of-concept and then it got too complicated for my unpatient being...
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Well, I used to theme for the iPhone, which included SSHing to the phone, downloading .artwork files, unpacking, converting the PNGs, editing, repacking and uploading again followed by a reset.
Assuming it's not too much more difficult than that, I should have no problem theming, on the plus side, I'm a perfectionist and a minimalist, so in terms of the graphics, the editing in Photoshop shouldn't be too great, and my skills are adequate anyway.
I'm very anti-clutter and anti-glass and anything of the like as can be seen from one of my old iphone themes here.
My main focus usually is on retaining functionality while being able to clearly see the wallpapers unhindered.
Although in the iPhone case, my removal of the slide to unlock bar at the bottom was for pure novelty and was done to purposely hinder unlocking the device.

alias_neo said:
Well, I used to theme for the iPhone, which included SSHing to the phone, downloading .artwork files, unpacking, converting the PNGs, editing, repacking and uploading again followed by a reset.
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add a little signing and you have the process for the hero though i prefer using adb and the usb cable. never actually hacked an iphone (my friends who own one are all wusses ), but i would think it is even easier on the hero.

kendong2 said:
add a little signing and you have the process for the hero though i prefer using adb and the usb cable. never actually hacked an iphone (my friends who own one are all wusses ), but i would think it is even easier on the hero.
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I see, from what I can find through searching, I assume ADB to be the Android Debug Bridge?
Something to do with the development mode connection of the phone, does this not connect the SD card to USB though rather than the Internal?
And how difficult is the signing process for the files, I have no problems with command prompts as a programmer.


2.1 OTA Leak question

I tried searching for a how-to on this but apparently I'm searching inclined.
From what I can gather is it as simple as just dumping the zip onto the root of your SD card and doing:
3. Make sure phone is off then hold Power button and Call Button.
4. The menu opens quickly press the power key over the hboot option.
5. Follow onscreen instructions to install the update. the phone will reboot a few times.
you dont even need to search. go to the development section and then look at the top few, it will have very detailed instructions.
I guess I should have elaborated more and said I don't have my phone rooted and really don't want to go that route. I was just getting confused because everything i was finding on here was people running root but I came across a few things where people said the 2.1OTA Leak was just a straight upgrade, so that is my confusion.
Are you asking how to install the 2.1ota leak? Just flash it onto your phone?
Curious, why do you not want to root your phone?
Root is much more flexible, and there are roms that are based off that leak. If you're worried about your warranty, it's going to void it either way, lol.
Good luck !
rheally said:
Are you asking how to install the 2.1ota leak? Just flash it onto your phone?
Curious, why do you not want to root your phone?
Root is much more flexible, and there are roms that are based off that leak. If you're worried about your warranty, it's going to void it either way, lol.
Good luck !
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but if you have root you can do the downgrade back to 1.5
Android22 said:
but if you have root you can do the downgrade back to 1.5
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Oh right, I forgot about that, duh It just seems like root would be a better choice.
But to each his own.
rheally said:
Are you asking how to install the 2.1ota leak? Just flash it onto your phone?
Curious, why do you not want to root your phone?
Root is much more flexible, and there are roms that are based off that leak. If you're worried about your warranty, it's going to void it either way, lol.
Good luck !
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yeah that is my question, can 2.1OTA just be flashed or does your phone need to be rooted?
I just feel like with root I'll be more likely to kill the phone but I'm going to check into it more again.
If you flash the 2.1 OTA leak onto your phone you CANNOT root your phone. It hasn't been figured out yet.
Root really isn't that hard to do. There are several threads over in the development forum.
rheally said:
If you flash the 2.1 OTA leak onto your phone you CANNOT root your phone. It hasn't been figured out yet.
Root really isn't that hard to do. There are several threads over in the development forum.
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yeah I was just reading the thread on going from stock 1.5 to rooted 2.1. Can you give me some of the major benefits of rooting? I'm trying to find really practical stuff, not just the "Well it's cool cause it's like being root in Linux".
And just to clarify you can just flash to 2.1OTA? I'm skeptical of doing that now because I was reading some people think 2.1OTA has a time sensitive date on it.
Future developments will likely be easier to impliment if you root. The ability to run different (and potentially more stable) ROMs. Support for future software not designed for the Eris. Post rooting you can also make Nandroid backups and as long as you don't somehow screw your bootloader you can actually fix your phone.
Also, and this is pure speculation, should Verison decide to discontinue support for the Eris entirely, non-rooters may have issue getting new Android versions since they're limited to signed code.
EDIT: there is also little reason NOT to root. It does everything that you can do unrooted and more. All this plus the fact that you may never be able to root again but could always unroot at your leisure.
Marisa said:
Future developments will likely be easier to impliment if you root. The ability to run different (and potentially more stable) ROMs. Support for future software not designed for the Eris. Post rooting you can also make Nandroid backups and as long as you don't somehow screw your bootloader you can actually fix your phone.
Also, and this is pure speculation, should Verison decide to discontinue support for the Eris entirely, non-rooters may have issue getting new Android versions since they're limited to signed code.
EDIT: there is also little reason NOT to root. It does everything that you can do unrooted and more. All this plus the fact that you may never be able to root again but could always unroot at your leisure.
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Can you point me to a good nandroid tutorial? tried searching for one but if you know of a good one I'd appreciate it.
I was trying to find a nandroid guide when I did it the first time, but once I discovered that Amon_RA's recovery has it built-in, I decided to wing it and see what happened. It was a lot easier than I expected to be honest.
Reboot your phone into recovery (VOL UP + Power), you should have a short list of options, one of which should be Backup/Restore. Trackball into it and select to make a backup. Let it do it's thing, should take a few minutes. Congratulations, you've made a backup of your phone. You can make as many as you like, they're given names based on the date and time they're created, but you can rename without harm (barring a few characters keep it A-Z a-z 0-9 and you should be good)
Restoring to that backup is as easy as entering the same menu but picking restore instead. You need to have made a backup first in order to restore something.
NOTE: I've written all this by memory, and while it should be fairly accurate, I can't turn my phone off currently to double check that the wording is all correct.
I'm a bit confused on the Amon thing. I found the the link here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=648025
Do I just dump that IMG file onto the root of my SD card and that's it? Will it know to always use his recovery or do I need to do more?
I have an application that I write to make going from 1.5 to root a lot easier with a gui application. It will be released very soon for everyone to use. Take a look at my thread for more info. Link is at the top of my signature.
Sent from my Eris using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
frankspin said:
I'm a bit confused on the Amon thing. I found the the link here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=648025
Do I just dump that IMG file onto the root of my SD card and that's it? Will it know to always use his recovery or do I need to do more?
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If you followed Ivan's guide to the very end, you already flashed Amon_RA's recovery to your phone. To enter it, shutdown your phone and then hold volume up and the call end button (power), you should boot into the recovery.
Marisa said:
If you followed Ivan's guide to the very end, you already flashed Amon_RA's recovery to your phone. To enter it, shutdown your phone and then hold volume up and the call end button (power), you should boot into the recovery.
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AWESOME! Thank you I am doing it right now.
NM: got it
Well I got 2.1 on but I did something wrong and can't load rooted 2.1. I get "signature verification failed" message when I load the zip file.

AT&T Tether, Unlock, and Root, Backup Apps and Config?

Okay, brand new to Android. Just spent all weekend loading apps, configuring WidgetLocker and Nova Launcher, lots of learning, lots of work. Thought this would have been easier than jailbreak on iPhone - just as time consuming (initial setup I guess is always this way)
Today my Internet connection went down and I realized couldn't tether my phone unless I paid AT&T a tethering fee. I was considering eventually installing a custom ROM (CleanRom?) but frankly even though I'm a tweaker, I'm pretty burned out and Sense+WidgetLocker+Nova Launcher is doing the job for me. But lack of free tethering is a deal breaker.
So I'm guessing I need to unlock and root my phone. Is there a reliable way to do this yet for AT&T HOX+? I assume/hope it doesn't require me to reinstall the apps?
If I'm not going to install a custom ROM should I still create some sort of stock recovery file? Isn't the whole process unlock > root > create recovery > install custom ROM?
I want free tethering but I don't want any headaches either.
jazee said:
Okay, brand new to Android. Just spent all weekend loading apps, configuring WidgetLocker and Nova Launcher, lots of learning, lots of work. Thought this would have been easier than jailbreak on iPhone - just as time consuming (initial setup I guess is always this way)
Today my Internet connection went down and I realized couldn't tether my phone unless I paid AT&T a tethering fee. I was considering eventually installing a custom ROM (CleanRom?) but frankly even though I'm a tweaker, I'm pretty burned out and Sense+WidgetLocker+Nova Launcher is doing the job for me. But lack of free tethering is a deal breaker.
So I'm guessing I need to unlock and root my phone. Is there a reliable way to do this yet for AT&T HOX+? I assume/hope it doesn't require me to reinstall the apps?
If I'm not going to install a custom ROM should I still create some sort of stock recovery file? Isn't the whole process unlock > root > create recovery > install custom ROM?
I want free tethering but I don't want any headaches either.
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Lol, i'm in the same boat as you bro coming from an iPhone 4. Hope soon it can be available for us ATT USA users to root and unlock our phones and when it is possible there is a step by step Noob guide for us. I've seen a Noob Proof titled thread for this but even reading that i'm still lost!!!! LOL Wish it could be made as simple as jailbreaking, download the jailbreak app, simple click of the mouse, DONE. Not so much with Android :crying:
Well it looks like this "Noob Proof" All-In-One Toolkit combined with something called TWRP for *AT&T* HOX+ that just came out should work. But frankly seeing all these posts about bricking phones and apps disappearing, I'm a little leery to be a Guinea Pig at this point.
Any veterans here can confirm that this should be "SAFE" ? I don't want to have to do any "repairing" or reinstalling/reconfig of apps. I'll be prepared to do that if I want a new ROM. I do think I will probably eventually cave when there is a CleanRom for JB 4.2 for this phone as I think I will eventually want it to be closer to a Nexus - with both WidgetLocker and Nexus Running, I have sort of defeated most of the purpose of Sense right?
So far there's only one custom ROM, *just released* and it is JB 4.1.1. I personally won't go to the trouble until there is a JB 4.2 ROM. It was released a week or so ago to AOSP so I imagine it can't be too long?
jazee said:
Well it looks like this "Noob Proof" All-In-One Toolkit combined with something called TWRP for *AT&T* HOX+ that just came out should work. But frankly seeing all these posts about bricking phones and apps disappearing, I'm a little leery to be a Guinea Pig at this point.
Any veterans here can confirm that this should be "SAFE" ? I don't want to have to do any "repairing" or reinstalling/reconfig of apps. I'll be prepared to do that if I want a new ROM. I do think I will probably eventually cave when there is a CleanRom for JB 4.2 for this phone as I think I will eventually want it to be closer to a Nexus - with both WidgetLocker and Nexus Running, I have sort of defeated most of the purpose of Sense right?
So far there's only one custom ROM, *just released* and it is JB 4.1.1. I personally won't go to the trouble until there is a JB 4.2 ROM. It was released a week or so ago to AOSP so I imagine it can't be too long?
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the recovery is safe....i built it personally and have had numerous AT&T users say it's perfect along with my tester, the toolkit is just a GUI for the same method, and makes it simpler
Lloir said:
the recovery is safe....i built it personally and have had numerous AT&T users say it's perfect along with my tester, the toolkit is just a GUI for the same method, and makes it simpler
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I can confirm this. I used the instructions on htcdev.com to unlock it and the all-in-one tool kit to root it. Just be sure to select the ATT image when rooting. Then you go into the data files you get with the program and copy the SuperSU.zip onto the phone, boot into recovery (hold volume down when starting the phone) and flash it. Then you have full control over your phone.
BackRoadGTO said:
I can confirm this. I used the instructions on htcdev.com to unlock it and the all-in-one tool kit to root it. Just be sure to select the ATT image when rooting. Then you go into the data files you get with the program and copy the SuperSU.zip onto the phone, boot into recovery (hold volume down when starting the phone) and flash it. Then you have full control over your phone.
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Forgive the noob question, but when you say flash it, are you flash it, you're not flashing a custom ROM (there's only one available) right? Aside from the free tether and being able to remove bloatware, I see there are also certain apps that require root, is there any specific change you can make that is really beneficial after rooting?
Doing this doesn't make me lose all my apps and settings does it?
jazee said:
Well it looks like this "Noob Proof" All-In-One Toolkit combined with something called TWRP for *AT&T* HOX+ that just came out should work. But frankly seeing all these posts about bricking phones and apps disappearing, I'm a little leery to be a Guinea Pig at this point.
Any veterans here can confirm that this should be "SAFE" ? I don't want to have to do any "repairing" or reinstalling/reconfig of apps. I'll be prepared to do that if I want a new ROM. I do think I will probably eventually cave when there is a CleanRom for JB 4.2 for this phone as I think I will eventually want it to be closer to a Nexus - with both WidgetLocker and Nexus Running, I have sort of defeated most of the purpose of Sense right?
So far there's only one custom ROM, *just released* and it is JB 4.1.1. I personally won't go to the trouble until there is a JB 4.2 ROM. It was released a week or so ago to AOSP so I imagine it can't be too long?
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The All-In-One works fine, just tested it on my HOX+
Unlocking the bootloader wipes the phone nothing can be done but make a apk backup and save it on the pc to reinstall after unlocking and flashing SU but Llior's recovery he made especially for us AT&T users works perfectly and many can confirm this besides myself so if you want to remove the bloat get it.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
olorolo said:
Unlocking the bootloader wipes the phone nothing can be done but make a apk backup and save it on the pc to reinstall after unlocking and flashing SU but Llior's recovery he made especially for us AT&T users works perfectly and many can confirm this besides myself so if you want to remove the bloat get it.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
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Aside from some more flexibility in being able to run apps that require root, and removing some built-in unwanted software, are there any oter specific significant benefits such as battery life performance, or fixing certain bugs, improving certain performance/functions?
Can you recommend which program I should use to make an apk backup. And I assume you lose all settings (unless backed up within application and moved off phone the moved back) and you have to reload all your media files, custom ringtones, etc. correct?
jazee said:
Aside from some more flexibility in being able to run apps that require root, and removing some built-in unwanted software, are there any oter specific significant benefits such as battery life performance, or fixing certain bugs, improving certain performance/functions?
Can you recommend which program I should use to make an apk backup. And I assume you lose all settings (unless backed up within application and moved off phone the moved back) and you have to reload all your media files, custom ringtones, etc. correct?
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The All-In-One worked great for me on ATT.
Download the HTC software kit from the HTC website. Then just plug in your phone to sync.
After you root, just resync. You will have to redo all your tweaks and the like, but your media is preserved and it does not take long. The Play Store will have a list of all the apps you have both free and paid, just re-download everything.
HTC sense is supposed to back all your settings up, but I have never been able to make it work properly, and I've never been motivated to figure out why.
It's only a hassle the first time...
Once you have everything back the way you like it, buy Titanium Backup Pro, and do a full system back up.
Next time you flash a ROM, you should be able to do a full restore that will put everything back the way you like it, provided that the ROM is compatible with everything.
There are no custom ROM's for ATT yet, so just follow the instructions in the Q&A to turn on tethering for free.

Stock Recovery Needed For ZTE Avail 2 (Z992 - AT&T)

I have a ZTE Avail 2 which I recently managed to root with Cydia Impactor. Afterwards I managed to screw it up by removing too many stock apps with Titanium. I did it carefully, one by one, and for a few days everything seemed to work fine. But then apps started force-closing, '<name of app here> has stopped working', etc. Factory reset doesnt help, it just restores me to the same screwed up state I'm in now. I already know why, it's because I removed some of the stock apps, which I now realize it needs. I'm currently stuck on the AT&T logo when powering on, it never gets any further. But even while it was messed up it was still halfway-operable, and now this. This device's subforum on Android Forums is all but non-existent, and XDA doesnt seem to have anything for it.
What I need is a 100% stock ROM (pre-rooted if possible) that I can flash, along with instructions on how to flash it. I have some experience flashing ASUS devices and Samsung devices, mainly the Transformer pad, and the Note 2, but have also rooted miscellaneous other devices in the past without alot of issues. But I have no experience with ZTE. I've already checked the manaufacturer's website for some kind of recovery software I can use to restore it, there doesnt seem to be anything.
Thanks for any help!
Stephen Wayne Hamilton said:
I have a ZTE Avail 2 which I recently managed to root with Cydia Impactor. Afterwards I managed to screw it up by removing too many stock apps with Titanium. I did it carefully, one by one, and for a few days everything seemed to work fine. But then apps started force-closing, '<name of app here> has stopped working', etc. Factory reset doesnt help, it just restores me to the same screwed up state I'm in now. I already know why, it's because I removed some of the stock apps, which I now realize it needs. I'm currently stuck on the AT&T logo when powering on, it never gets any further. But even while it was messed up it was still halfway-operable, and now this. This device's subforum on Android Forums is all but non-existent, and XDA doesnt seem to have anything for it.
What I need is a 100% stock ROM (pre-rooted if possible) that I can flash, along with instructions on how to flash it. I have some experience flashing ASUS devices and Samsung devices, mainly the Transformer pad, and the Note 2, but have also rooted miscellaneous other devices in the past without alot of issues. But I have no experience with ZTE. I've already checked the manaufacturer's website for some kind of recovery software I can use to restore it, there doesnt seem to be anything.
Thanks for any help!
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Just out of curiosity you ever figure out a solution? I have the AIO branded version of it.
drago10029 said:
Just out of curiosity you ever figure out a solution? I have the AIO branded version of it.
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If needed, I could back up my /system folder and send it to you.
Simba.7 said:
If needed, I could back up my /system folder and send it to you.
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it's alright man. someone on android forums has already made a custom ROM. so the ball is rolling on out weak old device :laugh:
Simba.7 said:
If needed, I could back up my /system folder and send it to you.
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did you ever get around to doing this? there is supposedly a stock image on androidforums but when I opened the Zip, all it had was the stock apps, no build.prop, which I think I blew away with xblast (xposed plugin). now I hang on the boot screen image. there is a stock Rom for the z993 our there, which I suppose I could use, because they are supposed to be the same phone, just different carriers... but then I need to get the at&t apn's and it is just a PITA. so if you could post /system backup or just a stock build.prop, that would be great!
(I'd post links to these rooms but I guess I'm too new of a member... I can provide them if needed.)
I'm way late on this, but just thought I'd post to say that I no longer have the device, and I was never able to fix it.In any case, I hope the rest of you guys get it fixed. It seemed to be a halfway decent phone, although a bit sluggish at times. But beyond that, with all the bloat removed, I'd say it ran pretty well for the duration of time that I had it (less than a month). I currently have a GNote 3 (T-Mobile) and a GNote Pro 12.2" now and it's just awesome, I'm really loving them.
Sorry, accidental double-post (can't figure out how to delete this post, the "Edit/Delete" button doesnt appear to have any option to entirely delete a post).
Just like "AnonVendetta83" messed up using Titanium.
Now desperately looking for Stock ROM or any working custom ROM to bring phone back to life.:crying:
alirezayami said:
Just like "AnonVendetta83" messed up using Titanium.
Now desperately looking for Stock ROM or any working custom ROM to bring phone back to life.:crying:
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There is a working custom Rom for the z993 (identical hardware, different customized software for AIO, another cell provider). All you will need to do is change/update the data provider stuff so you can still use 3g and mms's. Plenty of info on this online on what needs to be changed.
You can get this Rom over at androidforums.com
There is also a cwm recovery there that works on this phone, and a partial /system backup by someone else for the z992... it is just apps and what not.
If they aren't available anymore, let me know and ill see if I still have them saved somewhere for you.
Sent from my KFTHWI using Tapatalk
AlexZap said:
There is a working custom Rom for the z993 (identical hardware, different customized software for AIO, another cell provider). All you will need to do is change/update the data provider stuff so you can still use 3g and mms's. Plenty of info on this online on what needs to be changed.
You can get this Rom over at androidforums.com
There is also a cwm recovery there that works on this phone, and a partial /system backup by someone else for the z992... it is just apps and what not.
If they aren't available anymore, let me know and ill see if I still have them saved somewhere for you.
Sent from my KFTHWI using Tapatalk
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Thank you so very much Alex
I was wondering if I can just simply place the rom zip on the root of your sdcard and continue without doing "Install CWM - ZTE Prelude (Z993) Root&Recovery" step???
Honestly I have absolutely no idea how to do CWM steps as they come so complicated to me.
alirezayami said:
Thank you so very much Alex
I was wondering if I can just simply place the rom zip on the root of your sdcard and continue without doing "Install CWM - ZTE Prelude (Z993) Root&Recovery" step???
Honestly I have absolutely no idea how to do CWM steps as they come so complicated to me.
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You need to install the custom recovery... It is the only way to install the zip file. If you just have the zip and go into the stock recovery I don't think you can select which zip to install
Sent from my N9002 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
AlexZap said:
There is a working custom Rom for the z993 (identical hardware, different customized software for AIO, another cell provider). All you will need to do is change/update the data provider stuff so you can still use 3g and mms's. Plenty of info on this online on what needs to be changed.
You can get this Rom over at androidforums.com
There is also a cwm recovery there that works on this phone, and a partial /system backup by someone else for the z992... it is just apps and what not.
If they aren't available anymore, let me know and ill see if I still have them saved somewhere for you.
Sent from my KFTHWI using Tapatalk
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AlexZap said:
You need to install the custom recovery... It is the only way to install the zip file. If you just have the zip and go into the stock recovery I don't think you can select which zip to install
Sent from my N9002 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Thnx Alex
I would highly appreciate if anyone tell me what ADB Driver I should use for ZTE Z992. I almost understood all the procedure in the links but now the problem is despite I tried different ADB Drivers, but still ADB reboot-bootloader boots phone again in Normal bootloader.
Also Fastboot devices command does not see the phone, while ADB Devices command see it.
Seems bootloader is locked. Right? What should I do?
This is the method I used when I rooted my avail2 :
The author (and I) just used the included drivers from zte that come with the phone. From what I remember, fastboot worked fine. Just hold the volume down button then turn the phone on. It will seem to lock on the start screen, but this is the bootloader. Then connect your cable and try your fastboot commands.
If you are already rooted, you can just download the package here
And skip the middle section, using the impactor to root (13 and 14).
Depending on what's wrong with your phone, you could also try just using the stock recovery and doing a system reset there. It will wipe any bad custom settings, but if the rom is still viable it might get you up and running again. It got me out of a bootloop without re-romming the whole thing. And with titanium backup or system app mover you can reinstall anything you need in the system partition.
*edit - Damn kindle auto correct
Sent from my KFTHWI using Tapatalk
A bit to much fiddling resulted in disaster
Hello XDA forum users,
I'm about ready to toss this phone in the trash. I have an AT&T Avail 2 with model number z992, which is apparently manufactured by a company called ZTE. First I think it would be helpful to explain what I've done to the phone and perhaps others out there can tell me if I've destroyed the phone or if it can be fixed.
A friend of mine sold me the phone for 10 bucks, its in great condition which is why its such a shame that it seems perma-bricked. I have no need for the phone aspect of the device, I simply wanted to "convert" it to a handheld media/application player, like an ipod or tablet for example. The phone comes with several bundled software applications that I find completely useless and wanted them removed, EX. AT&T Navigator and other AT&T software, plus a bunch of google applications.
The first thing I did when I decided to try and customize it was to use Kango's root tool which worked and rooted the phone. I was all excited that it worked and continued by installing the Super User application which allowed me to gain full control over the device. (I should have stopped there.) After the successful phone root I then installed a 3rd party app called NoBloat and used its uninstall options to remove a lot of stuff. I couldn't tell you exactly what all was removed but looking back, it must have been more important than I realized at the time. I know I took out all the AT&T software, then all the Google stuff to, which destroyed the play store. I didn't take out anything that seemed like a system file but apparently the Google stuff is the system files. The phone still worked in this state but it was erratic and things like Contacts would crash even if it was not running. So I considered that a failed attempt and commenced to do a factory reset using the recovery menu (Vol Up + Menu Key + Power button) but the factory reset didn't work, well not like it was supposed to. I had used the restore option before and it made the phone work like it was brand new. Now when the phone is powered on it will boot to the initial setup and ask me to choose a language, then it will get as far as the wireless connection screen (sometime not even that far) and the phone reports that "Unfortunately, Setup Wizard has stopped." and then I tap OK and the setup wizard restarts at the language screen. This is the state it is in now and I do not know how to fix it, I'm beginning to think there currently is no method to fix this.
Things I've tried so far include installing minimal ADB-Fastboot to try and sideload various ROM images, the ones I found here and other places. The phone is not recognized by Windows 7 though and the ADB does not work like it did on a motorola phone I did this to before. I've also purchased an inexpensive 8GB microSD chip with an adapter so I could put the ROM info on that and tried the "Update from external storage option" and that seems like it would work but none of the ROM's I've used will install. I guess because there is some kind of security feature built into the phones hardware which checks the data files for specific tags/sizes and therefore won't accept any of the ROMS I've tried.
There is no means to access the old file system anymore like most guides show, I do not have any CWM's installed nor any backup data whatsoever. It's been reset and now it seems the data it used to restore itself is, while not completely missing, damaged and will not reload anymore. All the guides I've read or watched usually show the user in the operating system or using software on a PC to type out commands. None of that works on this phone though, the phone as I just described it is basically bricked. Is there anything that can fix this, or is the phone a paper weight now? A functional ROM image from AT&T seems unlikely as they have absolutely no relevant information about this on the commercial website and the help and support seems like it's setup for old people who don't understand technology at all. If anyone out there has experience with issues like this then by all means let me know. If more information is necessary then I will be glad to provide it if available.
Alright I did manage to figure out how to make the computer see the phone as an ADB device and the minimal ADB interface shows the device now when I type ADB devices at the command prompt. Though this ADB thing seems irrelevant considering I can do the same thing by using the SD card adapter. So I don't know if this was useful or not. The ADB prompt shows a device number of P752A15.
Before I was unable to make the device show up at all in the ADB list. The problem now is how to make the phone accept a ROM, at this point I don't even care if the ROM is the default factory ROM or some random ROM made by a devoted user. The issue I encounter each time is that the built in recovery option to restore from an SD card will not accept the ROM's I've tried so far, and my research on this seems to indicate that I need a custom recovery option. This is apparently called the ClockWorkMod but as to how I install that without a functional operating system on the device is a mystery still. I've tried using a file called recovery.zip and but it does not show up when I view the contents of the SD card when the card is in the phone.
I feel like an idiot because I've done this to other phones for my family and friends, you know jailbreaking an iPhone, and rooted a Galaxy S3 once but this phone seems like its not going to be as easy as those others. I guess AT&T made sure that if you alter it, it breaks the phone. I'll check back later and see if anyone has dropped a line or two here in response to my inquiry.
Thank you and have good day.
Britton Burton said:
Alright I did manage to figure out how to make the computer see the phone as an ADB device and the minimal ADB interface shows the device now when I type ADB devices at the command prompt. Though this ADB thing seems irrelevant considering I can do the same thing by using the SD card adapter. So I don't know if this was useful or not. The ADB prompt shows a device number of P752A15.
Before I was unable to make the device show up at all in the ADB list. The problem now is how to make the phone accept a ROM, at this point I don't even care if the ROM is the default factory ROM or some random ROM made by a devoted user. The issue I encounter each time is that the built in recovery option to restore from an SD card will not accept the ROM's I've tried so far, and my research on this seems to indicate that I need a custom recovery option. This is apparently called the ClockWorkMod but as to how I install that without a functional operating system on the device is a mystery still. I've tried using a file called recovery.zip and but it does not show up when I view the contents of the SD card when the card is in the phone.
I feel like an idiot because I've done this to other phones for my family and friends, you know jailbreaking an iPhone, and rooted a Galaxy S3 once but this phone seems like its not going to be as easy as those others. I guess AT&T made sure that if you alter it, it breaks the phone. I'll check back later and see if anyone has dropped a line or two here in response to my inquiry.
Thank you and have good day.
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Ok, been a while since I've used this phone, but hopefully this will help. I assume you have the kaw202_recoveryflasher.zip file. Once you extract it, look for the .img file. Try running these adb commands
adb.exe push cwm-z993.img /cache
adb.exe shell "su -c 'dd if=/cache/cwm-z993.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p17'
This should flash cwm if your phone is rooted and adb shell is working.
Sent from my KFTHWI using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
AlexZap said:
Ok, been a while since I've used this phone, but hopefully this will help. I assume you have the kaw202_recoveryflasher.zip file. Once you extract it, look for the .img file. Try running these adb commandsp
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I have not come across that particular file yet, I did try to google it and the only results it had were two and one of those was this post. Would you mind telling me where I might find a copy of the kaw202_recoverflasher.zip?
I managed to find the zip you were talking about and have downloaded it, for anyone else looking for it. I am unable to post links but I would have linked to the files you mentioned. For others looking for the same zip file search for "CWM Recovery Installer ZTE PRELUDE". That's the title of the thread I found the file on that Alex mentioned above. The instructions on the page don't seem like they apply to the situation I'm stuck in but I'll give it a whirl anyway and see if the files work.
If this forum is like the others I've read through so far then there is no real answer to the issue. The phone seems kind of new and not many of the power users on these forums use rinky dink phones like this one. You guys all have the 600 dollar models I guess. What bugs me about this this phone and the state I managed to put it in, is that the damn thing was programmed the first time when it was made. So it seems to me like there should be a way to reprogram the phone the same way the factory did it. Think about it, when they make the phones they don't have any information on the phone at all. It's completely empty, so there must be a way to load the software for the phone even if the phone has no data at all in the main storage. If the files in the recovery flasher.zip file work then I'll post back the results but if it's like the other files I've messed around with (which didn't do anything) then I'm throwing it in the trash can.
Anyway thanks for your response and for pointing me in a different direction Alex
---------- Post added at 09:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 PM ----------
HELL YEAH!!! It worked thank you Alex, ​
I would have never figured this out without your help! The phone now has a version of CWM on it and the recovery menu is different. I just tried to install a ROM and it said successful. After the phone rebooted went back to the setup screen from ZTE but it still did the same thing. However this is progress and I should be able to "wander in the dark" and figure out a way to use the CWM to install a completely new rom. Any recommendations on a ROM to use for the z992?
Good news, I was able to fix it using the information Alex guided me to find. Since there doesn't appear to be a stock AT&T version of the ROM I ended up using the Azazel ROM. Which at first failed even though it was installed, this I determined was due to the old ROM image still being partially active on the system partition. So I formatted the system partition to and tried again. This time it worked and the phone seems fully functional again, and best of all the annoying bloatware is not present and the apps are not crashing. I consider this issue resolved. Thank you again Alex I will be sure to leave a thanks on your post.
Britton Burton said:
Good news, I was able to fix it using the information Alex guided me to find. Since there doesn't appear to be a stock AT&T version of the ROM I ended up using the Azazel ROM. Which at first failed even though it was installed, this I determined was due to the old ROM image still being partially active on the system partition. So I formatted the system partition to and tried again. This time it worked and the phone seems fully functional again, and best of all the annoying bloatware is not present and the apps are not crashing. I consider this issue resolved. Thank you again Alex I will be sure to leave a thanks on your post.
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Glad I could help, but none of the work was done by me, the guys over at android central did all the heavy lifting, I just pointed you in the right direction. I have a stock system e m image around here somewhere if you need it, tho installation will be a bit more complicated. If azazels rom ever gives you issues, ill dig it up and try and help you install it.
Sent from my KFTHWI using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

I messed up

Hi, I am new here, but have recently gotten into rooting phones etc, but my knowledge base is still Novice at best. I have an AT&T Optimus G that was rooted and had CWM, Free G and Kitkat. Long story short, a co-worker who claimed to know what they were doing has reset my phone, wiped my external sd card and totally factory reset my phone. When I turn it on now ClockworkMod Recovery comes on, but all of my back ups etc have been wiped. I am assuming that it is now just a machine with no info on it. What do I do now? I'm sure that the answer to this will be very involved so if anyone could possibly suggest a thread to read or somewhere to start I would greatly appreciate it. I'm sorry for the inconvenience guys...
The google account that this was linked to is my current one so no issues with reset protection once it gets running or what not. Any info I can provide on my end if need be feel free to let me know. I know one of the specifics to the device was: geefhd???
Here is the current update: Android 4.4.2 KitKat
The details
Release date: September 29, 2015
Android version: 4.4.2
Baseband version: APQ8064/MDM9x15M
Kernel version: 3.4.0
Build number: KOT49I.E98020i
File size: 9.47MB
Software version: E98020i
EMT803 said:
Hi, I am new here, but have recently gotten into rooting phones etc, but my knowledge base is still Novice at best. I have an AT&T Optimus G that was rooted and had CWM, Free G and Kitkat. Long story short, a co-worker who claimed to know what they were doing has reset my phone, wiped my external sd card and totally factory reset my phone. When I turn it on now ClockworkMod Recovery comes on, but all of my back ups etc have been wiped. I am assuming that it is now just a machine with no info on it. What do I do now? I'm sure that the answer to this will be very involved so if anyone could possibly suggest a thread to read or somewhere to start I would greatly appreciate it. I'm sorry for the inconvenience guys...
The google account that this was linked to is my current one so no issues with reset protection once it gets running or what not. Any info I can provide on my end if need be feel free to let me know. I know one of the specifics to the device was: geefhd???
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Since your phone has been wiped, you are going to have to re-install your ROM either via LGNPST, which will return your phone to stock, or you will need to install your favorite custom ROM via adb sideload.
If going back to stock via LGNPST refer to FAQ Number 3 here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2006946
If installing custom rom via ADB Sideload refer here http://www.droidviews.com/sideload-roms-mods-using-adb-sideload/
Kilogrm said:
Since your phone has been wiped, you are going to have to re-install your ROM either via LGNPST, which will return your phone to stock, or you will need to install your favorite custom ROM via adb sideload.
If going back to stock via LGNPST refer to FAQ Number 3 here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2006946
If installing custom rom via ADB Sideload refer here http://www.droidviews.com/sideload-roms-mods-using-adb-sideload/
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I was able to fix the problem late the night of this post, but I REALLY DO APPRECIATE the advice.
I had to reinstall the firmware ultimately. I did learn the commands and process for the sideload, so that was cool, and the program zips did show as downloading from 0-100% and attempted to install, but the 4g part of "this device is geef4g" was an error that I was unable to surmount. I attempted to install the madmack version of TWRP to no avail. I am lucky I figured out the tool ONLY by accidentally stumbling over the advice referencing turning back the clock on the pc.
Moving Forward...
Ok... Had to at least stop in and say thank you for the response and post the conclusion to the handful of people that stopped and looked at the thread and at the least not be one of the members that pops on to fix their device and lurks around until they need help to post again. I wouldn't be back to stock with my Optimus if others did that. I do apologize that I was able to find onsite and unable to do it at the time of the threads origin. I wont re-post links, FlashTool the fix was figuring out the right order to go in with the drivers and eventually flashing the stock AT&T firmware with the LG FlashTool. I kept on getting an error when placing the dll file and the tot in to the Tool and it was total mental error on my part when "organizing" everything beforehand. It did require me to wipe my pc back down to Windows 8.1 simply because this is all new to me and I had files EVERYWHERE from rooting every thing I can get my hands on recently. I'm having fun, but this Optimus is my heart for some reason. Originally I had her rooted with Towelroot (I believe), it could of been the LG one click flash thing that I grabbed from here, and I remember Freegee and KitKat recovery being part of the process, but I attempted to install TWRP (personal preference for me from messing with a Kindle Fire for weeks installing CM) but during reboot always went back to CWM (or similiar). Ultimately CM was the goal on this device but was never possible, for me at least, due to my device being "geef4g" yada yada. I think I have read the fix for this in another post, so I will re study up on all that again if need by, but I wanted to pose this question simply because the "Mystique" of successfully installing CM has passed, and while I love the interface and style of that ROM, I kinda liked AndroidArea51 Rom and another ROM whose name escapes me at the moment that I put on some OLD LG phones that I practiced on in the beginning. So this is my goal. I would love it if one or two of you guys would take the time to look at what I want to accomplish and point me in the right direction as far as the procedure and order I should install these modifications to this device and if you have preferences I would love to hear them. I will look up the threads on how to do everything, so I'm not asking for an easy way out of hitting the search box, but I am WAY behind you guys as far as skill set and knowledge base is concerned and trial and error is not the method I wanted to use on this particular machine. If I need to begin a new thread or if a MOD wants/requires me to rename this thread or move it I understand. Stand by for what my goal is ultimately......
AT&T Optimus Pro G (will HOPEFULLY be accepted by StraightTalk and used on their network or whatnot)
I ran the IMEI through their BYOD tool and it was accepted initially a week or so ago while "rooted", so I am assuming that since it is mine from another network they wont sweat me. HOWEVER, if they are going to send any code or require me to allow them modifications during the activation process that is going to in anyway alter my device down to the castrated ST standard they sell, I will have to weigh finances and options again. I realize that Tethering will be frowned upon, traceable, and grounds for termination in either case, but the subject of Mobile Hotspots is what brought me to you guys here in the first place. It irks me.
In my original "build" of this phone I attempted to dabble in "Over-Clocking" with Kernel Booster and Kernel Auditor. I didn't have a f******* clue what any of that $hiT meant. If the app's pretty much optimized it I did so for SPEED rather than battery. I don't know why, I want this thing to FLY in a noticeable fashion for performance and so that I can whip it out and show my family and friends just what the hell it is that I am accomplishing.
1. Optimize it for speed, but I would like the eventual permanent ROM to be stable PERIOD. Whether I customize the Kernel and then place the ROM, or build the ROM and then mess with the Kernel is a hurdle that I don't understand how to approach really, so when you guys talk about it I just think it sounds cool. I am assuming that "Xposed" is something I should maybe begin studying? Build props through ES File Explorer has peaked my interest as well. Long story short, if CM is what you guys suggest I install, I dont want to Optimize the hell out of the stock only to have all of it be replaced when the custom ROM is flashed. I hope that makes sense.
2. I want to optimize the range on my WIFI and every other manner of device communication without losing security. I have numerous friends that are very generous with their personal accounts that allow me to randomly log in to strangers spots (EX. Xfinity accouts), in order to truly connect to it, I have to sit outside in the yard like a weirdo at 3am with my phone in my backyard, much to the disgust of every dog in the neighborhood. I dont want to be that guy. Honestly, I am really curious in learning how to access the internet and/or any other data networks that are out there with out using these major carriers at all. I feel like there is a lot more out there than the average person is aware of. Maybe they are super low key because they are owned by the upper rich 1% or the military etc etc, but if other networks exist that facilitate the same communications that us peasants pay $100/month to access I want in on it.
3. Optimize the picture, color and clarity of the screen for any and everything being shown on it, optimize the Audio with a good "Music Player"(currently what I use) which I generally heard through head phones and when in the car pushed to that system via FM signal. I currently have over 1000 tracks, discovering a cost efficient way of adding to that Library would be wonderful (ie: spend $0), but I have been out of the music file sharing game for a while so I dont know if this is realistic. Optimizing my camera to take the best shots possible on this phone. I generally shoot nature shots, sunsets, sunrises.... unsuspecting women in doggy, the usual... I will not be loading movies and super large files. I am a NAZI with my storage. If I could expand upon the internal or external factory specs that would be great. In other words, real life applications... I haven't been a gamer for decades so nothing crazy, but this device's beautiful picture is what I fell in love with.
4. A kick ass ROM UI that is eye catching and user friendly... sorry so long winded. Got to go run calls at work now....

Question Moto G Pure - XT2163-4 vs XT2163-2 - LTE bands

New here. Didn't see a forum for the Moto G Pure XT2163. Mods - I am sorry. Please move wherever's best.
Discovered that the version Verizon is selling (notably the slickdeals thread on the one from Visible) is different. It's -2 vs. -4.
Looks like VZW disabled most of the bands that T-Mobile/Sprint use - 25, 41, 71, for example.
Looking to see if it's possible to enable those bands. One report on SD thread says they bricked their device trying RETUS version but IDK if the bootloader needs to be unlocked first, or if it would even help. Probably more work to unlock these bands if it's even possible.
Downloads look available here https://mirrors.lolinet.com/firmware/moto/ellis/official/
Haven't messed with flashing a phone in years. May be able to try later but hoping anyone else here can look into this.
I'm going to guess as is the case with most other Android devices branded by Verizon that the bootloader will be restricted from being unlocked. There is really no way around this as it's an OEM based policy. If you want to play with custom ROMs or root based modding, I would highly recommend ditching the Verizon or any other carrier branded variant with the exception of T-Mobile/Metro and Google Fi (there are others) that actually allow OEM unlock. Not only that, but if you're looking for certain connectivity bands, you don't want to settle for a carrier device variant designed to use a particular set of bands which don't include the ones you need. No sense getting a Verizon variant to run on T-Mobile/Sprint bands when you can, you know, get the T-Mobile variant in the first place. Get the global unlocked variant model if you can and start from there. Far easier than the headaches you'll get trying to transform VZW to TMUS.
Cross-flashing is not going to unlock bands, you need to change modem configuration. Throw your SoC(Mediatek) followed by "unlock bands" into Google and see if you have any luck.
I also didn't see a forum for the Moto G Pure and was wondering if anyone knows of a custom bootloader like TWRP or CWM for it? I think I have enough understanding of how to sideload the app, I just need something to send the phone. I tried using a random TWRP mod on it but it fails, invalid signature. I haven't tried doing the phone rooting thing in years now, but I have this Moto G Pure phone without any service on it that I'm willing to experiment on. It can be used as a test bed or data extraction device to put code from it on the internet if someone needs it to help custom rom makers for example by testing stuff on it. Perhaps that's why no one has a custom recovery for it yet.
I don't know exactly how to extract the phones current ROM data so all I've done so far is unlock the bootloader. The phone's carrier based on the unactivated sim card shows it's a T-Mobile branded device, but the T-Mobile and other carrier software is inactive other than the few Moto apps. An article on XDA say's the phone's suck, but that's just not true at least not to me. It's a fine phone like it is, but if I can format it's SSD and only install what I want it to have on it that would be great. It's just a spare sim locked phone that I can't use my active sim card in. So with that it's now a project phone. I would like to mainly just unbloat it and free up all that used space occupied by the recovery partition. I don't necessarily need a whole new ROM, just want to root it. That's the only way to erase those factory files that I know of.
For me unlocking the bootloader wasn't to hard to do. You have to make sure the drivers from Motorola are installed and have a current version of ADB available on a computer. I still had a version of ADB tools that was almost a decade old now so I had to update that for the fastboot oem_unlock_unlockcode (automated code from Motorola support) command to work. To find out if it can be unlocked or not go here:
At the Moto site they will guide you on how to generate the code they want you to send them. You have to sign in to their site to use that function though. After I finally figured out what to type in the CMD window it generated that code and I edited it down to one long line of numbers and give it to the page. In seconds I had an email with the unlock code inside.
Unlocking it seems to help with uninstalling some of the built in stuff, before I could only disable most of the apps that come with it. The apps are still probably on there I just have to factory reset it and they'll come back. Now however the removed apps don't show as using any internal storage, all the apps info numbers go to 0 bytes, but still even doing that it's still over 10GB of unmovable data. When it should really be more like 2-3 GB for the entire system. I hate how Google just inserts itself in your life even when you don't want it at all.
I anyone passing by reading this post needs more details please let me know and I'll try to get the information or even data files from the phone. Would a copy of it's stock firmware be of any help? If so let me know how I would go about saving a copy of it. I'll keep looking for answers but it seems this phone is not high on the priority list or is new or something. So there is only scam guides trying to tell you "How to unlock your phone" or "Install TWRP on Motorola devices" and other clearly click bait sites. I can't even find the stock rom for it on Motorola's site, just outdated versions from 2016, with different build numbers, that can't be right.
All I know is unlocking the bootloader was the first step on all the guides and I've done that. Got a warranty voided notice and everything. There currently isn't a custom recovery mod for this model as far I can tell. If I can ever find that then I can try Linage or just debloat Android 11 which is probably the safer and easier option provided I can find that Custom Covery'.
When it boots up now, it has to tell me it's unlocked and all the dangers it poses. Dangerous if you cared about what was on it I suppose. There is nothing on it I can't just copy back over to it, other than the stock operating system.
Oh yeah, it's model number and other side of the box information is:
Model Name: Moto G PURE
SKU: MO-XT21634-AJB (MOXT21634AJB)
Software Version RRH31.Q3-46-20
Production date was 12/15/2021
I'm not sure what other information to include.
BrittonCBurton said:
I also didn't see a forum for the Moto G Pure and was wondering if anyone knows of a custom bootloader like TWRP or CWM for it? I think I have enough understanding of how to sideload the app, I just need something to send the phone. I tried using a random TWRP mod on it but it fails, invalid signature. I haven't tried doing the phone rooting thing in years now, but I have this Moto G Pure phone without any service on it that I'm willing to experiment on. It can be used as a test bed or data extraction device to put code from it on the internet if someone needs it to help custom rom makers for example by testing stuff on it. Perhaps that's why no one has a custom recovery for it yet.
I don't know exactly how to extract the phones current ROM data so all I've done so far is unlock the bootloader. The phone's carrier based on the unactivated sim card shows it's a T-Mobile branded device, but the T-Mobile and other carrier software is inactive other than the few Moto apps. An article on XDA say's the phone's suck, but that's just not true at least not to me. It's a fine phone like it is, but if I can format it's SSD and only install what I want it to have on it that would be great. It's just a spare sim locked phone that I can't use my active sim card in. So with that it's now a project phone. I would like to mainly just unbloat it and free up all that used space occupied by the recovery partition. I don't necessarily need a whole new ROM, just want to root it. That's the only way to erase those factory files that I know of.
For me unlocking the bootloader wasn't to hard to do. You have to make sure the drivers from Motorola are installed and have a current version of ADB available on a computer. I still had a version of ADB tools that was almost a decade old now so I had to update that for the fastboot oem_unlock_unlockcode (automated code from Motorola support) command to work. To find out if it can be unlocked or not go here:
At the Moto site they will guide you on how to generate the code they want you to send them. You have to sign in to their site to use that function though. After I finally figured out what to type in the CMD window it generated that code and I edited it down to one long line of numbers and give it to the page. In seconds I had an email with the unlock code inside.
Unlocking it seems to help with uninstalling some of the built in stuff, before I could only disable most of the apps that come with it. The apps are still probably on there I just have to factory reset it and they'll come back. Now however the removed apps don't show as using any internal storage, all the apps info numbers go to 0 bytes, but still even doing that it's still over 10GB of unmovable data. When it should really be more like 2-3 GB for the entire system. I hate how Google just inserts itself in your life even when you don't want it at all.
I anyone passing by reading this post needs more details please let me know and I'll try to get the information or even data files from the phone. Would a copy of it's stock firmware be of any help? If so let me know how I would go about saving a copy of it. I'll keep looking for answers but it seems this phone is not high on the priority list or is new or something. So there is only scam guides trying to tell you "How to unlock your phone" or "Install TWRP on Motorola devices" and other clearly click bait sites. I can't even find the stock rom for it on Motorola's site, just outdated versions from 2016, with different build numbers, that can't be right.
All I know is unlocking the bootloader was the first step on all the guides and I've done that. Got a warranty voided notice and everything. There currently isn't a custom recovery mod for this model as far I can tell. If I can ever find that then I can try Linage or just debloat Android 11 which is probably the safer and easier option provided I can find that Custom Covery'.
When it boots up now, it has to tell me it's unlocked and all the dangers it poses. Dangerous if you cared about what was on it I suppose. There is nothing on it I can't just copy back over to it, other than the stock operating system.
Oh yeah, it's model number and other side of the box information is:
Model Name: Moto G PURE
SKU: MO-XT21634-AJB (MOXT21634AJB)
Software Version RRH31.Q3-46-20
Production date was 12/15/2021
I'm not sure what other information to include.
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hey i just came up on one of these today, nice phone considering... Any luck with trying to find a custom recovery? I have been looking as well but development seems pretty sparse right now. I am in the same boat as you, unlocked bootloader, locked everything else lol. I cant even find a way to root it without TWRP! I am curious if one of the other moto G series phones would have the same TWRP? Also check this out. It sounds legit but IDK...https://www.getdroidtips.com/root-motorola-g-pure-xt2163/
Agent_Orange1488 said:
hey i just came up on one of these today, nice phone considering... Any luck with trying to find a custom recovery? I have been looking as well but development seems pretty sparse right now. I am in the same boat as you, unlocked bootloader, locked everything else lol. I cant even find a way to root it without TWRP! I am curious if one of the other moto G series phones would have the same TWRP? Also check this out. It sounds legit but IDK...https://www.getdroidtips.com/root-motorola-g-pure-xt2163/
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Well I was able to use Magisk to "root" it with the patched boot file trick, but still that's not the same thing as I did before with a Samsung phone and the CWM recovery deal. That gave the user all the control they wanted. Even though the phone claims I have root access, I'm not sure what to do with Magisk's root trick. I still don't see a way to backup or install a different operating system or just a blank Android 11 OS. My knowledge there is limited and there isn't a custom recovery for this model as far as I can tell.
So I still can't wipe the drive or remove the OEM partition that contains the installers for the bundled stuff. I'd still need some form of interface that has more features than the stock Fastboot and Bootloader modes offer I guess, or I just don't know how to use the software tools correctly. It's still locked even with root as far as I can tell but if there is something more I'm missing or an additional app to install for example, like SU. Is that still a thing? If I'm on the right track let me know.
BrittonCBurton said:
Well I was able to use Magisk to "root" it with the patched boot file trick, but still that's not the same thing as I did before with a Samsung phone and the CWM recovery deal. That gave the user all the control they wanted. Even though the phone claims I have root access, I'm not sure what to do with Magisk's root trick. I still don't see a way to backup or install a different operating system or just a blank Android 11 OS. My knowledge there is limited and there isn't a custom recovery for this model as far as I can tell.
So I still can't wipe the drive or remove the OEM partition that contains the installers for the bundled stuff. I'd still need some form of interface that has more features than the stock Fastboot and Bootloader modes offer I guess, or I just don't know how to use the software tools correctly. It's still locked even with root as far as I can tell but if there is something more I'm missing or an additional app to install for example, like SU. Is that still a thing? If I'm on the right track let me know.
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Thanks for the reply!!! I am speaking from a place of semi-ignorance here but I would thing that you could install SuperSU from inside the system, right? As long as the root binary is there...idk though and from what I hear, chainfire is not responsible for SuperSU anymore so it has become somewhat sketchy. I saw a post (about this phone, I think) that mentioned having to install terminal emulator and running root command from there to achieve legit root after flashing the patched boot.img. I will see if I can find the post again and update you. Is there anyway you could post the boot.img? Or give me a link for it?
Agent_Orange1488 said:
Thanks for the reply!!! I am speaking from a place of semi-ignorance here but I would thing that you could install SuperSU from inside the system, right? As long as the root binary is there...idk though and from what I hear, chainfire is not responsible for SuperSU anymore so it has become somewhat sketchy. I saw a post (about this phone, I think) that mentioned having to install terminal emulator and running root command from there to achieve legit root after flashing the patched boot.img. I will see if I can find the post again and update you. Is there anyway you could post the boot.img? Or give me a link for it?
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Well I can try and learn how to extract the phones information to my computer. I don't know how to do that exactly. The way I was able to get a hold of the phones stock firmware data was by using Lenovo's Smart Rescue and Recovery software.
You have to enable usb debugging mode, attach the phone to the computer with the software running and make sure that you didn't disable/delete Device Help. That app is what makes the Lenovo software work, otherwise the Recovery software fails to see the phone. If it sees the phone correctly then you can see the preselected target firmware it wants you to download under the Rescue tab along the top.
So I did that and grabbed the files it created without actually applying them to the device. The whole thing is a little over 2GB and difficult to host but I put the stock boot.img file here for anyone who needs it. If anyone wants all the files I can try to upload the whole thing one file at at time. That's the way it was sent to me, an uncompressed folder. If I zip it all up and try to upload it most sites will say file size exceeded. Anyway here's the link...
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
Thanks I was able to patch it with Magisk and achieve root. It looks like Magisk is an SU manager anyway. I have never used it before so this is a first for me. The root and bootloader unlock seem a little pointless without any recovery or ROM though....I guess it's time to learn how to compile one lol
I just picked up the Moto G Pure (XT2163-4) Android 11 aka Red Velvet Cake *sounds yummy lol*....I've been searching around and not seen any info about any rooting method for this device....besides the "Root All Motorola Phones" crap...and I don't feel like risking making a paper weight with it. Even on here it doesn't show up in the...add device list....was going to add to my profile...but can't.
Agent_Orange1488 said:
Thanks I was able to patch it with Magisk and achieve root. It looks like Magisk is an SU manager anyway. I have never used it before so this is a first for me. The root and bootloader unlock seem a little pointless without any recovery or ROM though....I guess it's time to learn how to compile one lol
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Yeah now we're on the same page then. I thought the same thing, not much use to have an unlocked boot loader and root access without software to make use of it. I gave the phone to my nieces to play with for now, but it's with in arms reach if I need it for instructions yet to be defined. I should receive updates to this post if anyone else responds.
Gamekeeper408 said:
I just picked up the Moto G Pure (XT2163-4) Android 11 aka Red Velvet Cake *sounds yummy lol*....I've been searching around and not seen any info about any rooting method for this device....besides the "Root All Motorola Phones" crap...and I don't feel like risking making a paper weight with it. Even on here it doesn't show up in the...add device list....was going to add to my profile...but can't.
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Yeah appears it was produced in late 2021 or sold at that time so it's new and no one has made any custom firmware's or recoveries for it as far as I know. I don't know how to do that, requires computer programming skills. I don't have any of those.
Gamekeeper408 said:
I just picked up the Moto G Pure (XT2163-4) Android 11 aka Red Velvet Cake *sounds yummy lol*....I've been searching around and not seen any info about any rooting method for this device....besides the "Root All Motorola Phones" crap...and I don't feel like risking making a paper weight with it. Even on here it doesn't show up in the...add device list....was going to add to my profile...but can't.
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I feel your pain! Had mine a few days and of course came to XDA immediately to find the DL on this joint but no luck... Ya I definitely don't recommend one click root method for this. If you want, I can post/link the patched boot.img i made with magisk. Mine boots with it and have confirmed root.
BrittonCBurton said:
Yeah now we're on the same page then. I thought the same thing, not much use to have an unlocked boot loader and root access without software to make use of it. I gave the phone to my nieces to play with for now, but it's with in arms reach if I need it for instructions yet to be defined. I should receive updates to this post if anyone else responds.
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Excellent, it's nice to be caught up with everyone else haha!! I am going to do some digging and posting and whatnot to try to find some info on porting a recovery for this model. I feel like it can't be too different from at least one or two of the other G series phones. I will see updates as well so please post if you come up with anything!!
BTW does anyone know the process of creating a device page for this joint?! I think this phone is definitely worth some development...
Agent_Orange1488 said:
Excellent, it's nice to be caught up with everyone else haha!! I am going to do some digging and posting and whatnot to try to find some info on porting a recovery for this model. I feel like it can't be too different from at least one or two of the other G series phones. I will see updates as well so please post if you come up with anything!!
BTW does anyone know the process of creating a device page for this joint?! I think this phone is definitely worth some development...
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Good luck finding anything that will load onto the phone. Seems like it would be possible to install LineageOS on it if nothing else. You'd think by now installing a phone's operating system would be similar to how operating systems are installed on other computers. All I get is invalid signature, way to much security (for them) on phone OS'es. With phones and PDA's apparently you can't just find the OS you want to use and install it. Where's the generic and bloat free Andriod 11 stock OS/firmware at? No such thing? It's either "Gaggles" way or nothing apparently. (It's ok if you don't know either, maybe someone else has more information about that.)
BrittonCBurton said:
Good luck finding anything that will load onto the phone. Seems like it would be possible to install LineageOS on it if nothing else. You'd think by now installing a phone's operating system would be similar to how operating systems are installed on other computers. All I get is invalid signature, way to much security (for them) on phone OS'es. With phones and PDA's apparently you can't just find the OS you want to use and install it. Where's the generic and bloat free Andriod 11 stock OS/firmware at? No such thing? It's either "Gaggles" way or nothing apparently. (It's ok if you don't know either, maybe someone else has more information about that.)
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Ya I'm definitely not going to try anything on the actual device, (ESPECIALLY if I am trying to put it together myself) but I am pretty sure you can test that stuff on a virtual system. Some kind of android emulator or whatever. As for a stock/debloated/de-odexed ROM, I haven't seen one but that couldn't be all that difficult to put together, right? I mean as long as the patched boot.img is included anyway. I feel like a recovery would be a higher priority though...? BTW, I have never used Lineage before, how is it?
Agent_Orange1488 said:
I feel your pain! Had mine a few days and of course came to XDA immediately to find the DL on this joint but no luck... Ya I definitely don't recommend one click root method for this. If you want, I can post/link the patched boot.img i made with magisk. Mine boots with it and have confirmed root.
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That would be great if you could share that patched boot.img......it is for the XT2163-4 MOTO G PURE correct?
Gamekeeper408 said:
That would be great if you could share that patched boot.img......it is for the XT2163-4 MOTO G PURE correct?
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Agent_Orange1488 said:
I feel your pain! Had mine a few days and of course came to XDA immediately to find the DL on this joint but no luck... Ya I definitely don't recommend one click root method for this. If you want, I can post/link the patched boot.img i made with magisk. Mine boots with it and have confirmed root.
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I would also like the patched boot.img if it is for the XT2163-4. Thanks
Hey boys I actually got rid of the moto g pure...for now at least lol! GREAT phone and I would be willing to get it back once there is some dev work done on it...will definitely be watching the threads on it. Good luck boys!!!
I read the above posts, and it seems like even if I am able to root it using Magisk, I won't be able to flash it with custom rom?
Thank you Agent_Orange1488 for the posts.

