remove icon - Hero, G2 Touch Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

is there a way to remove icons from the start menu? i have a custom rom (modaco and there are a few apps i cant remove i was wondering if i can just remove ther icon? thanks!

I presume you are trying to remove apps that are installed on the system partition. (ie. most of the standard HTC apps).
If so, you can do so from your PC, but follow these instructions in case you remove something you shouldn't (!)
1. Take a Nandroid Backup before starting
2. Connect phone to your PC and set up ADB from the SDK if not already done.
3. Run command
adb remount
4. Type
adb shell
5. Type
6. Type
cd /system/app
7. Type
8. Now have a look through the list for what you want to remove. Be aware that low-level things like the dialer are listed here, so be careful
9. When you find the app you want to uninstall, type the commands
adb pull C:\HTCHeroBackupApps
to copy the apk file to your PC in case you want to put it back
10. Then type
adb shell
cd /system/app
11. Application removed. Repeat for other apps you want rid of. Reboot phone when done.
(11.) If you need to restore an app in future for any reason, use the following command:
adb remount
adb push C:\HTCHeroBackupApps\ /system/app
and reboot the phone.
HTH, and don't go deleting things if you don't know what they are


[HOW-TO] Manually backup 3rd-party application settings and data--by cyricc

From the original post by cyricc in the G1 Android Development forum:
HOW TO: Manually backup 3rd-party application settings and data
I just didn't want to be the guy posting only a link. Please post any questions, comments, or thanks in the original thread I deserve NO CREDIT for this post.
This tutorial will explain how to backup application data and settings for 3rd-party apps that do not have an export/import settings feature. Looking to upgrade your ROM but don't want to lose your todos/highscores/whatnots after a data wipe? Then read on..
(I've never used apps to SD, so I'm not completely sure how the data is stored with that. I'm assuming the entire data partition is moved to the SD though, so the procedures outlined in this guide are not necessary / do not apply to apps2sd)
Tools needed:
Backing up settings
Run a adb shell in the command prompt and navigate to /data/data
c:\android-sdk-windows-1.5_r1\tools> adb shell
# cd /data/data
Find the folder of the app whose settings you want to backup. In android 1.5, M/SMS are stored in and bookmarks are in For third party apps, you can use ls to list all installed apps and find your app folder manually, or use find - say I want to find the app folder for the Astrid todo app:
# ls
<.....lots of directories....>
<.....more directories....>
# find *astrid* -maxdepth 0
Now open a separate command prompt and use adb pull to copy the application's data folder to your computer. This does not copy the app itself, only its saved data and settings. App .apks reside in /data/apps, which you can also adb pull out if you want. In this example I pull out settings for Astrid:
c:\android-sdk-windows-1.5_r1\tools> adb pull /data/data/com.timsu.astrid d:\desktop\com.timsu.astrid
Feel free to replace d:\desktop with the location of your choice, of course. Repeat the above for each app folder you want to backup.
Restoring settings after a wipe
First thing to do is reinstall the apk, from sdcard, adb install, market, whatever. After the app is installed, you can restore settings in one of two ways: the easy way or the hard but safe (paranoid) way.
The Easy Way:
This quick and dirty method will give everyone full read/write/execute permissions on the application's settings/data. This is normally a Very Bad Idea with a normal linux computer, but realistically there is very little risk of this posing any real security issues on a device like a phone.
First, adb push the settings into the data folder, overwriting the app's stock settings (in this example, the astrid data I backed up) then adb shell into the phone and navigate to /data/data:
c:\android-sdk-windows-1.5_r1\tools> adb push d:\desktop\com.timsu.astrid /data/data/com.timsu.astrid
c:\android-sdk-windows-1.5_r1\tools> adb shell
# cd /data/data
Now give full permissions to the app's data folder and its contents:
# chmod 777 com.timsu.astrid
# cd com.timsu.astrid
# chmod 777 * */*
And that's it. Launch the app and your settings/data should be restored.
The Hard Way
I'm not going to go into this in detail because if you're reading this, you probably know the commands to do this anyway. After you reinstall the app, the general idea is to run ls -l on the stock app data directory and its subdirectories to display the owner and permissions of each file/folder as setup by the android system. Write these down then adb push the backup app data folder in, which overwrites everything with directories and files owned by root. Then use chown and chmod to restore the original owners and permissions for each file and directory. Needless to say this can be quite a hassle if you're dealing with more than a few application backups.
i made a script that copies ALL of the applications off of the phone as a backup to a folder on your sd card. the sd card MUST HAVE a folder called "app" in order for this to work.
adb shell cp data/app/* /sdcard/app
then here is one to reinstall ALL of the apps from that "app" folder back onto your android, keeping the update notifications.
adb remount
adb shell busybox install sdcard/app/*.apk /data/app
either type those commands into a command prompt or you can make a .bat file and put those commands in.

ADB Push Nautilus Script?

Is there an ADB push nautilus script out there?
That'll be handy, but i'm no scripting expert. I suspect it'll be bit tricky since adb is terminal only, I'm sure someone will have to figure out a way to pipe the output from terminal to GUI pop up dialog box to display progress bar, with success or failure message.
this one seem to work but no progress bar or success/fail message tho. YMMV
save this as
be sure to set this file with permission:
chmod a+x
think of this as rough draft, not perfect. Above code will push straight to sdcard. Suppose you could create few scripts like this..
ADB - Push to System APP
adb remount
ADB - Install APK
EDIT: Forgot to mention this, it'll work only if you've already set path to Android's SDK tools folder in .bashrc
awesome, thanks! I'll test it in a minute
Simple scrip to push files to your android device.
Just put it in your Nautilus script dir (HOME/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts) and make it executable (chmod +x Push\ sdcard). also set path for ADB inside script (ADB=...)
I did something similar a while back for both Konqueror and Dolphin in KDE, but I realized, I just don't use a file manager since I prefer the command line instead. I had a working ADB zsh completion script, but somehow forgot to back it up before my previous hard drive failure.
this is interesting

[Tutorial] x10mini Linux helpers

Like some other guys i use linux on my PC. If you want to change your x10mini via shell you can do it but its not very confortable.
I made a few tools so it's easier to use.
Note: This "tricks" are only usefol to you if you are a little advanced with linux and want to "work" with your x10i via shell. I tested it all on a Debian 64bit but think most parts are universal.
1. Putting adb to /etc/bin
First of all you should put the adb-binary in /etc/bin/ so you can access it like every other cmd. You can use the binary in my attached tar or the one from SDK. use "sudo cp adb /system/bin/adb" (if you have a system with sudo, eg debian & ubuntu)
2. adb: error insufficient permissions for device
If you plug in the phone and want to connect via "adb shell" it may says that you don't have permissions for device. There is a workaround:
- Create file /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
- Put the following in the file:
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0fce", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2137", MODE="0666"
- restart udev "sudo service udev restart" (again this is debian&ubuntu-only)
if you still got "insufficient permissions", i made a little shell-script "adb-fix-permissions" attached in tar-file
3. bash-completition for adb
Bash is really annoying whitout completion. That means you can just start to type a word, then press [tab] and bash complets it for you. For example you type "adb ki[tab]" and bash complets it to "adb kill server"
To get this you need "adb_completition" from my attached zip or from here. Put this file in /etc/bash_completion.d/ and you got it.
example command to copy it:
"sudo cp adb_completition /etc/bash_completion.d/adb_completition"
4. Some keys not work in adb shell
This is a known and annoying bug. Eg in nano text editor you cant use the [enter]-key. There is a (little unclean) workaround for it: start a telnet-service on the phone, forward ports via adb and connetc to your phone via telnet. You will need telnetd from the attached tar. And your phone needs to be rooted.
- Remount system writable:
adb remount
- Put telnetd on your phone
adb push telnetd /system/bin/telnetd
- Make it executable:
adb shell chmod +x /system/bin/telnetd
for usage i have a little made a little script (in attached tar) "adb-shell".
Or you can do it manual:
adb telnetd &
adb forward tcp:9999 tcp:23
telnet localhost 9999
.. to be continued...
if you have one, please share your linux-android-tricks with me

Eclipse Android - add superuser permission

Hi, i'm trying to access /system/app/ so i can put apps in there, since i couldt figure out how to install apk files form Eclipse. I'm running Eclipse with the SDK installed, any help or example would be awesome. Thanks
/system is typically read-only (is on every android I know of). On many (most?) devices, the partition containing /system is also write-locked in the eMMC firmware. User apps should be installed into the /data partition.
What do you mean by installing from eclipse? Eclipse uses adb to push the package to the device and launch the package installer.
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A
There are two ways that may be of help that I know of.
ADB Install:
1. In your Android SDK manager you should have a tool called ADB (Google how to add it to your system path to make life easier)
2. Navigate to your apk file you are trying to install and shift right click in the windows explorer windo and select Open Command line here.
3. then using command line (Console) type in:
adb install nameofapphere.apk
Note: If the app has spaces in the installer name either take out the spaces or add quotes to the command line as shown below.
adb install "name of app here.apk"
Second choice is gaining command line root and remounting the system directory with rw permissions.
1. Gain console root access.
2. in console type in:
adb shell
Note if you see $ you are not in root and # if you are in root.
3. (Please double check)
mount -o remount,rw /dev/null /system
This will remount your system drive so you have read/write access to it.
4. Push the file to /system/app
5. Set the permissions you want for the application
JavaChips said:
There are two ways that may be of help that I know of.
ADB Install:
1. In your Android SDK manager you should have a tool called ADB (Google how to add it to your system path to make life easier)
2. Navigate to your apk file you are trying to install and shift right click in the windows explorer windo and select Open Command line here.
3. then using command line (Console) type in:
adb install nameofapphere.apk
Note: If the app has spaces in the installer name either take out the spaces or add quotes to the command line as shown below.
adb install "name of app here.apk"
Second choice is gaining command line root and remounting the system directory with rw permissions.
1. Gain console root access.
2. in console type in:
adb shell
Note if you see $ you are not in root and # if you are in root.
3. (Please double check)
mount -o remount,rw /dev/null /system
This will remount your system drive so you have read/write access to it.
4. Push the file to /system/app
5. Set the permissions you want for the application
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What i mean i'm writing an app in eclipse. And i have a listview with the apk's, i want when the user clicks on the items, it gets installed. Any ideas?
spxc said:
What i mean i'm writing an app in eclipse. And i have a listview with the apk's, i want when the user clicks on the items, it gets installed. Any ideas?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Why did this thread get moved. Took me forever to find it.
Anyway, it seems you want to programmatically install an APK from within an android app, is that correct? Just launch an intent with the package installer as a target:
Intent installIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
Moderator: this is definitely development related. Why was it moved to Q&A?
Gene Poole said:
Intent installIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
Moderator: this is definitely development related. Why was it moved to Q&A?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'll agree, and secondly I think it was moved to Q&A because the original question was asked in a way that was not clear to it's intents.
So yeah, just pointing the apks to be run by the package installer via intent will launch the installer and install the app selected.

Blu Vivo 5 Multi-window view

You'll either need root or a custom recovery to do this, but as not everyone wants root.
1. Here's how you do it with TWRP, a USB cable, and a PC with ADB:
2. Root (easiest method)
Method 1
Boot your device into recovery
2. Mount your system by going to Mounts > Tick System
3. On your PC open a command line, somewhere like your desktop is useful
4. Type the following command:
HTML Code:
adb pull /system/build.prop
5. Open the build.prop file with your favourite editor, I recommend using Notepad++ on Windows
6. Find the "" line
7. Change the text after = to "userdebug" from "user"
8. Save the file in Notepad
9. Go back to the command line and enter the following command:
HTML Code:
adb push build.prop /system/
10. Now open a shell doing:
HTML Code:
adb shell
11. Now a adb shell will open, enter these commands:
HTML Code:
cd system
chmod 644 build.prop
12. Reboot the device as normal
13. When the device has booted, go to the developer options
14. Scroll down to the bottom of the "Drawing" category
15. Enable multi-window and have some fun!
METHOD 2 -Root
This is the easiest way
1. Go to google Play Store
2. Find BuildProp Editor by JRummy Apps and install
3. In the app, locate Ro.Build.type
4. Change "user" to "userdebug"
5. Then Reboot from the App (normal reboot)
6. Go to developer options, scroll down until you see enable multi window view
Good Luck
All credit to Quinny899
Can you provide a screenshot? I don't want to do anything that might possibly damage my device.
Can confirm that this works!
I have just tried it.

