DevPrep (Device Prep) - Windows Mobile Apps and Games

This is my first contribution to, and hope that someone finds it useful.
DevPrep (Device Prep) is intended to be a replacement for user customisation using autorun.exe or runcc.exe. It has more options than these tools, and supports the following commands: -
CAB - CAB file installation
CFG - Include another config file for processing
CPY1 - The first part of the copy command, specifying the source file name
CPY2 - The second part of the copy command, specifying the destination file name
DEBUG - (Enable/Disable) Turns debugging on or off, which creates a .log file in the same path as your config file
DELE - Deletes a specified file
ERR - (Enable/Disable) Turns error reporting on or off, so that errors are either displayed in the interface, or ignored
EXEC - Allows an executable to be run, or a CAB file to be installed interactively when used with the HIDE or LOCK commands
HIDE - (Enable/Disable) Allows other applications to take the focus away from the DevPrep tool, to allow user interaction to take place (e.g. interactive CAB installs)
LOCK - (Enable/Disable) The same as the HIDE command, but in reverse (i.e. LOCK: Enable is the same as HIDE: Disable)
RST - Resets the device (should be the last command specified, as DevPrep will not continue processing after this)
XML - Processes XML configuration and provisioning files
The commands are used in the same way as autorun.exe and runcc.exe, (for example "CAB: \Storage Card\") however the spaces between the command and the parameter aren't important.
Rather than cooking DevPrep directly in to the ROM, there is a DevPrepLauncher utility that can be cooked in and launches DevPrep.exe from the storage card. If DevPrep doesn't exist, it just ignores it.
This way if there are updates to DevPrep, the new version can just be copied to the storage card without needing to re-flash.
Both the OEM package for DevPrepLaunch and the CAB file for DevPrep are attached. Install the CAB file to the Storage Card.

I was just looking for something like this. I have never used a tool like this before. But the Imagio (my phone) just got HSPL'd. So I am thinking about using something like this. Do you mind a noob question? So- if I set this up, after I flash a ROM or do a hard reset- I could set this up to auto install all my .cabs? Do I need both "" and "" what is the difference?

maisonpulaski said:
I was just looking for something like this. I have never used a tool like this before. But the Imagio (my phone) just got HSPL'd. So I am thinking about using something like this. Do you mind a noob question? So- if I set this up, after I flash a ROM or do a hard reset- I could set this up to auto install all my .cabs? Do I need both "" and "" what is the difference?
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Yep, you can use it to re-install your .cabs. You can also use RunCC.exe or autorun.exe, but I wrote this tool because I had issues with the interactive installations.
You need DevPrepLaunch if you are cooking your own ROM and you want it to start automatically when you do a hard reset.
If you aren't cooking your own ROM, you can just install and then run it manually.

Thanks for the reply. I am still waiting to flash a ROM. Nothing out yet I am interested in. But when I do I might try this. Is it very complicated to set up? And- what do I do if I set it up on my phone, then flash a new ROM- wouldn't it be wiped off the phone?

maisonpulaski said:
Thanks for the reply. I am still waiting to flash a ROM. Nothing out yet I am interested in. But when I do I might try this. Is it very complicated to set up? And- what do I do if I set it up on my phone, then flash a new ROM- wouldn't it be wiped off the phone?
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Yeah, that's right, it would get wiped after every new flash so you would need to cook the DevPrepLauncher in to your ROM that way it is kept there.
Another option is to just run it manually off the storage card after you hard reset.

matm said:
Yeah, that's right, it would get wiped after every new flash so you would need to cook the DevPrepLauncher in to your ROM that way it is kept there.
Another option is to just run it manually off the storage card after you hard reset.
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Duh to me! It will be on the storage card. Not the device memory. So all of the settings are safe? I mean- after I flash- I would just install it again and run it? I wouldn't have to set it all up all over again?

maisonpulaski said:
Duh to me! It will be on the storage card. Not the device memory. So all of the settings are safe? I mean- after I flash- I would just install it again and run it? I wouldn't have to set it all up all over again?
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Yep, that's right. So, for example, the directory structure might look like this: -
\Storage Card\DevPrep\Application\DevPrep.exe <-- The application
\Storage Card\DevPrep\Config.txt <-- The config file with the commands (installing cabs, settings preferences, etc...)
\Storage Card\DevPrep\Installs\ <-- An application you want to install
\Storage Card\DevPrep\Settings\mySettings.xml <-- Some preferences you want to apply

I just fell off my chair reading your thread. Just after finishing these threads ;
First read this to understand User Customization and filling SDConfig.txt;
ROM Chefs: SDAutoRun gives customziation to everybody!
While reading, in a way, I replaced 'SDAutoRun' with 'DevPrepLauncher' and 'AutoRun' in \Windows\ with 'DevPrep' on \Storage Card\
[GUIDE] 60 Universal Tutorials for Customizing any Device and Cooking
[App] ROM Flashing Junkies: User Customization is here!
Within this thread there is an application called SDConfig.txt creator which was created by DoeDoe's. Currently it is replaced by;
[Release] UC ROM SDConfig.txt Builder (reborn) [Prikolchik Ed.]
and ofcourse;
SDConfig.txt Builder Mobile by l3v5y
I'm adding your application too! What a contribution
Thanks a lot matm,

Thanks Senax!

tried it...
Hello- I had some time the other day so I sat down to try and figure out the app. I installed on my storage card. Did a soft reset. Ran the app. It went to the "Preparing Device" screen and stayed there for about 30 minutes. Does it take longer than that? I gave up.
I have the HTC Imagio (Whitestone) WinMo 6.5. Custom Rom. But it is very near stock -only removed Sense and Verizon Wireless needless software.
Thanks for any pointers.

Will someone just attach the files to a post here. I hate spending half a day trying to get an 85 kb cab file since rapidshare always thinks I'm downloading another file (probably because of the network I'm on). Thanks.

maisonpulaski said:
Hello- I had some time the other day so I sat down to try and figure out the app. I installed on my storage card. Did a soft reset. Ran the app. It went to the "Preparing Device" screen and stayed there for about 30 minutes. Does it take longer than that? I gave up.
I have the HTC Imagio (Whitestone) WinMo 6.5. Custom Rom. But it is very near stock -only removed Sense and Verizon Wireless needless software.
Thanks for any pointers.
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Hi maisonpulaski,
Can you please post your config file?

matm said:
Hi maisonpulaski,
Can you please post your config file?
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So after reading your reply it suddenly dawned on me -I have no idea what I am doing. So it is not your app it is me (pretty sure). I thought I would open it and then it would walk me through setting it all up. Now I am thinking that I need to write up a "Config file". No idea how to do that. So I am probably a lost cause. I am guessing you use notepad or something? Anyways -sorry.


Never Flash/tweak again for modifying an Ext ROM

A better way (??)
Why would one want to do this?
1. Extended ROM is (as ITSME has pointed out) a Disk on Chip.
1a. It is totally lockable/unlockable -- and can be deleted/added to if one wants to, as long as one understands a few basic things.
2. When the device is hard resetted, after booting is complete, one automatically runs the CAB files in Extended ROM that "localize" the device in accordance with the Carrier's wishes. This is a good thing, and a bad thing... especially if the SW they install is Caller ID, for example, that eats memory and battery performance. But it is a needed thing for the most part in my opinion.
What if you could do the following:
1. Delete your entire extended Rom (ITSME has shown this to be possible)
2. Take the extended ROM files "as is" from all of the carriers out there -- kind of like ala carte menu choices -- and place them somewhere where upon your choosing, could be installed immediately at one's whim (even with the same parameters and running as if they were still came from the Extended ROM)
3. Never have to worry about flashing your device again, unless there is a significant OS reason to do so.
4. Forget using tools one doesn't need to use.
5. Tweaking a config.txt file -- why bother if ya don't have to.
Sound Good????
In my opinion, the only real reason we have many people out there playing around with flashing ROMS is that they want a "perfectly customized device" every time they hard reset. The REAL, Operating System upgrades and Radio stack upgrades are not needed as often and people are willing to wait until their device OEM gets around to the upgrading themselves.
Bottom line: Hard Reset, install your own programs to your liking, and have your device almost as if you never resetted it up and running in a matter of minutes (2 or 3, not 30) with no risk at all to your ROMS.
If this is what people REALLY would rather have, instead of flashing extended ROMS and risking killing their machines....
In a day or two, I will have a (very) little app made that can do this, and show you the "secret" (though I think this is not a secret -- but could be wrong) do doing this.
This post is sent out to "test the water" on this app/solution I will provide.
((no charge))
Feel free to comment, so I can see if people want it or not -- so I will know if to bother making (have made) /telling how to do this.
Plus, also feel free to comment if my thinking here is completely from Mars
Excellent idea. Just a simple list of cab files with location, check box to select and parameters if required is all thats needed inmo. You could then store the cab where you want, SD or Extrom, and then after a hard reset just run the app to execute the select cab's
Can't wait, certainly prevent all those deep despare moments when it doesn't go smoothly and you think you've trashed you device !!!
Give us the application then....
got to have it made first....
Ok, here is the deal: I don't have time today to test all of the in's and out's of this -- but by leveraging the power of this forum, I think it will quickly be all figured out and expanded upon.
1. Most people don't know that if you place a directory called "2577" on an SD Card and place in it a file called "Autorun.exe", the file will run when you place the card in the slot of your device. This works for smartphones, XDA2's and Ipaq's (so I am guessing that it is a WIN CE thing).
2. If you could develop an app whose sole purpose was to execute the cab files in the directory (easy to make, for a dev), you could autoload apps at will.
This means that after a hard reset, if your Ext ROM was empty, you could basically mimmick the loading of the stuff when and how you want to -- without cooking an External ROM.
This leaves tons of possibilities
1. using the EXT ROM area for storage that will not go away on Hard Resets and is larger than the normal persistent storage on our devices.
2. using the EXT ROM area for "private storage" that can be hidden with ITSME's tools.
3. using the SD Card to not only load your preferred files, but also (if someone is really clever and can figure this out) your connection settings and what ever other REG settings you feel like.
The autorun.exe will execute upon card removal too, so one will have to probably rename the file while in the device or the directory name to "2577XX" so it will not run again.
if you let your mind wander a bit -- the possibilities are endless here
but again, I have not tested out all of the possibilities nor tested it for problem situations -- so that is where the power of the forum comes in. Seems easy to experiment without nuke-ing your device.
I am going to erase my EXT ROM, make my own version of what I want on the SD card, and use the EXT ROM for storing stuff I don't want to lose ever.
By all means... comment, take this idea and run with it.
I am going to have a little app made that will run all cabs in the 2577 directory in a few days -- but I am dependent upon a DEV resource so the delivery time of this "5 minute application" is not 100% known.
It's a great idea. I do like it very much. I will try to play with the concept. But, let me ask you where to get 'Autorun.exe' and comand line for this program.
Ah! I think I understand now. "Autorun.exe" can be any executable program, just name it "Autorun.exe". Right?
It work like a charm. I copy a program "Autoconfig.exe" and rename it to "Autorun.exe". Then move it to dir "2577". When I insert SD card into the socket, it stand still, nothing happen. But when I turn off and then on, it execute the said program. Then I Off and On for second time, it won't execute, which is correct. It will execute the program again if I take the SD out from the socket.
I can then play a lot of things with it.
Thanks, Victor
you are right.. any EXE program can be renamed autorunexe. I have not got all the permutations worked out yet as to what can or cannot be done yet, but if time allows I will do more research.
I am expecting my little EXE to be finished today, where it's sole purpose will be to run all CAB files in the directory.
When done, then I will post it here.
If anyone has ideas as to how to re-do the connections / reg settings and place them in a CAB file, like the OEMs do, then you can comletely customize evrything at will, with a power-on.
For portugal here are the configs, in a .cab for each portughese mobile operator.
These were made by
(portughese language forum, but if interested in any info send me a PM)
how autorun works
when you insert the sdcard the autorun.exe is copied to \windows, and executed as '\windows\autorun.exe install'
when you remove the sdcard, '\windows\autorun.exe uninstall' is executed, and then autorun.exe is deleted from \windows.
So then, in theory, if you manually delete this file before removing the SD card -- it would not run again then, right?
Trying to think of ways to automate the entire Hard Reset issue -- select your Extended ROM programs / settings you want -- and then plug and play. Changing EXT ROMS made to be as simple as selecting which SD card to install after Hard Reset.
Plus, if the last thing you did before the Hard Reset was to perform a backup to a secure area (like the now empty EXT ROM area), you could also have the autorun program look for the back up and do a restore. May be easier than trying to place all settings into CABS and you benefit from having your data again after a Hard Reset -- all in a few sinple steps.
That is the whole purpose of my activities / efforts here. I hard reset at least 2 times a week (I have special reasons for this).
obviously -- some of the ideas presented up to now are simply brainstorming the possibilities. hope to come up with the right and complete idea soon and have it made here. Then post it here for all.

System files moving not permitted

Hi to everyone.
Before this HTC device I had others and also had a Motorola Mpx220 (WM2003 SE).
I was used to move the files within "\Windows\Start Menu" (mostly .lnk files to installed programs) into newly created subfolders, to be able to use and/or access the function I needed in a faster way.
I've tried doing the same on this WM5 device, but everytime I try I get an error message reporting it is not possible (File Explorer has greyed out options to cut and/or copy, while TotalCommander just reports it's not possible to "overwrite" ???).
Does anyone have an idea of how this can be done (registry ???) ?
Thank you.
Here is the solution...
Hi Mix, it's Mix answering (yes, I'm the same person...)...
First of all I would like to thank you ALL the people which knew the solution and were fighting to answer to my doubt...
You were so many, I wonder why the message has been read times and so many answers arrived: 0 (yes, ZERO).
Anyway, I came across the solution myself, by chance...
The problems seems being the smartphone versions of WM5 being protected against file modifications. This protection extends also to some files execution and to certificate installations (hence some problems may arise when connecting to an Exchange Server for syncronization).
Some tools are needed to remove this protection, and some experience of registry modification is required too (I will not help anyone beside what is in this message and I take no responsability for any mistakes and/or troubles you may produce or face).
First of all you need a special version of RegEdit (the tool from PHM): you should find an HTC digitally signed copy of it called RegEditSTG.exe.
Look around for it: there are many forums around which do hold a copy of it.
Place it in your phone's memory, not on the MicroSD card...
With this tool you should change the following values:
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001001 = 2 => 1 (RAPI)
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001005 = 16 => 40 (Cert)
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001017 = 128 => 144 (?)
The first is the value you will find, the second is the value you should enter. The third line has a question mark because someone says it should be made, someone not... It's up to you. I made it.
Then you should find another tool (with the same above method) called SDA_ApplicationUnlock.exe which has to be run on your desktop PC with the phone already connected with USB (and possibly with ActiveSync not in the middle of a sync...).
Once you run this, you will get a message that the unlock took place (if not, it may be the first operations did not complete well).
Disconnect your phone from the USB cable and power cycle it (switch it off and then on again).
Opla'... the phone is not APPLICATION UNLOCKED and you will be able to move file around the directories as I was looking to when I first posted my message.
Now I have a very quick Start Menu, as I wanted.
Please, be aware that this operation hacks the security policies of WM5 and then any other application which may be dangerous can now run on your phone.
If you wish to stay on the safe side, it could be useful to restore the registry settings to their original values, but I do not know if this could cause other problems, since I didn't on my phone.
I actually double check every single file by myself before launching it and I do not run anything which I'm not sure it is safe.
So, pay attention... (you have been warned...).
Hope this helps someone else out there.
Thanks for the tips mate! I was searching around for the same problem.
Can a hard reset put all the files back as in the old WM2003? I'm asking that 'cause if you look at the windows directory, many exe and dll files are repeated, with a different code. I guessed they are for the many different languages the phone support and the code is the country code. Maybe when you switch from one language to another those files are renamed so you have the correct exe and dll for the language you need...
If I can erase all the files I don't need (I will never change the language or maybe have only italian and english) I can save lot of space.
Am I wrong? Was that ever tried before?
vbi said:
Thanks for the tips mate! I was searching around for the same problem.
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;-) I knew...
Can a hard reset put all the files back as in the old WM2003? I'm asking that 'cause if you look at the windows directory, many exe and dll files are repeated, with a different code. I guessed they are for the many different languages the phone support and the code is the country code. Maybe when you switch from one language to another those files are renamed so you have the correct exe and dll for the language you need...
If I can erase all the files I don't need (I will never change the language or maybe have only italian and english) I can save lot of space.
Am I wrong? Was that ever tried before?
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In order:
- Yes, I suppose a hard reset of the device completely restores the original factory settings, hence, the device will appear as "brand new".
- You're right: all the localized files present there are just to be able to swithc to other languages (maybe following user's settings and maybe also following user's SIM settings too...).
- Erasing the unused files may appear as a "space saving" job. It is not. First of all you will not be able to remove ROM resident files, but provided you could be able to do this, you will not be able to use ROM space as you intend...
Finally then, it's completely unuseful to try to remove them, just a waste of time trying...
Thanks Michele.
Are you sure the windows directory is in ROM?
I always tought ROM was only to store the "disk" image when you hard reset the device. I was so for the Qtek S100.
vbi said:
Are you sure the windows directory is in ROM?
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Yes it is. On the fact that it is then copied into RAM, well, this is a tecnique which was used up to WM2003 SE devices.
Starting from WM5 devices MS somewhat changed the behaviour of the whole system, hence I'm not then so sure.
Indeed, I have never been sure of anything, beside death, so you can imagine...
I'm not really so "expert".
Having used an MPx220 for over one year (with all its limitations, but exploiting it very much), using a WM5 device now is a much more relaxed experience (faster, more realiable and less troubly in terms of memory).
Just MHO
Thanks Mix - i followed your directions and it worked.
Got my QTEK (running i-Mate ROM) Application Unlocked

reflashing original rom

ok right now i'm running the love rom on my g4 wizard. how do i reflash my original cingular rom? i know, it sounds like a nub question but here is the problem. it will flash then hang at 80% and the progress bar will turn red. it will then pick up again and continue to 95% then turn red, fail and say error 326 invalid command. i downloaded the updater directly from htc.
any ideas guys?
Yeah it doesnt work....Your now stuck with the Wizard Love Rom or you can upgrade to another rom but you cant go back to the original Cingular Rom.
internetadam4657 said:
ok right now i'm running the love rom on my g4 wizard. how do i reflash my original cingular rom? i know, it sounds like a nub question but here is the problem. it will flash then hang at 80% and the progress bar will turn red. it will then pick up again and continue to 95% then turn red, fail and say error 326 invalid command. i downloaded the updater directly from htc.
any ideas guys?
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internetadam4657 said:
ok right now i'm running the love rom on my g4 wizard. how do i reflash my original cingular rom? i know, it sounds like a nub question but here is the problem. it will flash then hang at 80% and the progress bar will turn red. it will then pick up again and continue to 95% then turn red, fail and say error 326 invalid command. i downloaded the updater directly from htc.
any ideas guys?
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That ROM is for a G3 Wizard, Check your PM's
ok i reflashed with your method and i'm back to my cingular rom. thanks a lot!
(big reason to go back was it was the only rom that my school's wifi app would work with, plus the love rom in combo with orwells wm6 wasn't cool. that splash was ugly IMO)
internetadam4657 said:
ok i reflashed with your method and i'm back to my cingular rom. thanks a lot!
(big reason to go back was it was the only rom that my school's wifi app would work with, plus the love rom in combo with orwells wm6 wasn't cool. that splash was ugly IMO)
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If you were talkin' to me...glad I could question though...
did your ext Rom install on its own?
no, i still had a blank ext rom as i had to setup all my internet settings, etc again. how can i fix that one?
internetadam4657 said:
no, i still had a blank ext rom as i had to setup all my internet settings, etc again. how can i fix that one?
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All you have to do is download and install the Ext Rom cabs manually. This may still be available on the ftp. If not PM me.
It worked for me
Thanks a lot ercave1, the ROM flashed flawlessly, however the EXT ROM didn´t came up by itself. The features I´m missing are as follows:
1.- USB switch to select activesync mode to serial or RNDIS is missing, regardless this USB sync to PC (Activesync 4.5) is alive and working well.
2.- ClearVue pdf is missing, not a big loss and I really don´t care since there´s another alternatives to read and diisplay pdf documents.
3.- GetGood and in general all connection settings! I don´t give a s**t!!
4.- MIDlet Manager, big loss... I´m going to keep trying to download Risidoro_Intent_MIDlet_ Manager_V11 whenever the ftp be up and running again. So no worries.
5.- Voice Speed Dialing Settings icon in both the Program ans Setting screens are missing, however the software is running when I press the known VSD button.
6.- Cingular carrierlogo! I don´t care I have my own logo.
And I guess that´s it !
Regardless the comments above, I´d like to learn how to "extract" the correspondent EXT ROM cab files, if you guys have and advice on it would be great.
Thanks again ercave1 for the big help
internetadam4657 said:
no, i still had a blank ext rom as i had to setup all my internet settings, etc again. how can i fix that one?
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luiggi said:
Thanks a lot ercave1, the ROM flashed flawlessly, however the EXT ROM didn´t came up by itself. The features I´m missing are as follows:
1.- USB switch to select activesync mode to serial or RNDIS is missing, regardless this USB sync to PC (Activesync 4.5) is alive and working well.
2.- ClearVue pdf is missing, not a big loss and I really don´t care since there´s another alternatives to read and diisplay pdf documents.
3.- GetGood and in general all connection settings! I don´t give a s**t!!
4.- MIDlet Manager, big loss... I´m going to keep trying to download Risidoro_Intent_MIDlet_ Manager_V11 whenever the ftp be up and running again. So no worries.
5.- Voice Speed Dialing Settings icon in both the Program ans Setting screens are missing, however the software is running when I press the known VSD button.
6.- Cingular carrierlogo! I don´t care I have my own logo.
And I guess that´s it !
Regardless the comments above, I´d like to learn how to "extract" the correspondent EXT ROM cab files, if you guys have and advice on it would be great.
Thanks again ercave1 for the big help
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Yes, this is because the Ext Rom was wiped out by the G3 Rom having been flashed on your G4 devices. I don't remember reading about a fix for this, but you may want to search through the forum. The only solution I'm aware of is to install the Ext Rom manually.
I'm glad you guys got the device running again.
luiggi said:
Regardless the comments above, I´d like to learn how to "extract" the correspondent EXT ROM cab files, if you guys have and advice on it would be great.
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What do you mean with 'extract'?
1-From the RUU exe file?
3-Phone disk dump?
4-WinCE disk reading?
Reflashing ExtROM CID Locked
Who knows Russian go to & read my post
And the one who does not know it?
thanks to: Murchelago
literal from the Russian to English
it is the first step. if someone can polish it (I do not speak English good).....
Already many know that mun built Shell Of tool, which was capable of pouring axis into Wizard G4 with [lochennym] [Sidom], but to the enormous regret it does not know how to pour with [ekstrom].
Recently it decided to be played a little with the program of nb2nbf and to verify, is it possible by nevertheless any means to renew also Extended Of rom to CID-Locked apparatuses. And which there was my happiness, when I revealed after [pereproshivki] that he renewed.
It decided by the same method to try to flood Splash Of screen and HTC Of logo - everything proved to be very simply.
In view of the small quantity of information on the forum on [devaysu] Of wizard G4, it decided to build brief instruction on its [pereproshivke].
1. We stitch through apparatus by pure piercing - Wizard_Love_2.26.10.2_WWE_Novii+CF2.
2. By the program of typho5 we unpack nbf the file of piercing, which we desire to pour into the beast.
First we fill up into the folder with the program of nbf, and then start with the parameter of typho5.exe - x nk.nbf. After procedure we obtain several files, in number of which is contained OS itself, Extended Of rom, and also as a rule Splash Of screen and HTC Of logo.
([ZY]. For convenience in the use of program made [batnik]. Simply you will place nbf into the folder and will neglect typho.bat)
3. Now we gather our nbf file, each at will can include any desired components in it, naturally, except axis itself.
4. We go in very [progu] of nb2nbf and we make the following tuning:
- We establish Model ID: WIZARD
Language: it is empty
OEM: it is empty
Operator of version: it is empty
CID: it is empty ([ochen]_[vazhno]); remove the numbers, which are contained inside the field
- We establish [galochku] opposite “File of # 1”, we click on the button of survey (button with three points), we find the file Of extended Of rom' and (in the folder of typho5, the exemplary name of 9b000000-Extension.nb)
- In the field “Of start Of address” we enter 9b00000
- In the field “Of image Of name” we enter Extension Of rom (not Extended Of rom, you be attentive!!!)
- In the point “Of file of # 2” we find Splash Of screen, in the field of address we enter 92000000, in the field “of image of name” we write Splash Of screen.
- In the point “Of file of # 3” we find HTC Of logo, in the field of address we write 9d000000, in the field “of image of name” we write WITH HTC Of logo.
- We press button “Translate”
- Extended ROM is ready, it is possible to stitch through.
Unnecessary for you files it is possible simply not to include, but to insert, for example, only one by [ekstrom].
5. We place the obtained file of nbf into the folder [proshivalshchikom] and start. Procedure as with the usual piercing, lasts in all the pair of minutes.
6. We pour the axis Of shell Of tool' ohm from mun' of a.
Finale - valuable piercing
Don´t know
mestrini said:
What do you mean with 'extract'?
1-From the RUU exe file?
3-Phone disk dump?
4-WinCE disk reading?
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I really don´t know from where and how mestrini, that´s the reason why I quoted the word extract and included the word learn
luiggi said:
I really don´t know from where and how mestrini, that´s the reason why I quoted the word extract and included the word learn
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I enumerated the options since each have its own reason
1- Use Winrar to open RUU.exe and use to extract the 10MB file (0xA00000 bytes) of the extended rom from nk.nbf
2- oops, same as 1 (and its nk.nbf- not hehe, my mistake
3- use pdocread.exe to read BDTL1 - or TRUEFFS_DOC1 (use my Wizard Service Tool as it can be done with a few clicks )
4- Unhide extended_rom and use Active Sync to copy the files to PC (or, once again use my tool to do the same )
Sounds great to me!
mestrini said:
I enumerated the options since each have its own reason
1- Use Winrar to open RUU.exe and use to extract the 10MB file (0xA00000 bytes) of the extended rom from nk.nbf
2- oops, same as 1 (and its nk.nbf- not hehe, my mistake
3- use pdocread.exe to read BDTL1 - or TRUEFFS_DOC1 (use my Wizard Service Tool as it can be done with a few clicks )
4- Unhide extended_rom and use Active Sync to copy the files to PC (or, once again use my tool to do the same )
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Thanks a lot mestrini, I appreciate your input and I´ll give it a try right away!

Automated Installer, SASHIMI

i found this in the Kaiser Forum, i tried it and im loving it, for me a little easier and for me then user customization (uc), much more user friendly for me. restores all my settings, email setting, speed dials, i can select were to install cab automatically (storage or main), i can run it at anytime, not just at boot up
pretty awesome. from what i think i understand, its just for kaisers,
overhaulengines said:
i found this in the Kaiser Forum, i tried it and im loving it, for me a little easier and for me then user customization (uc), much more user friendly for me. restores all my settings, email setting, speed dials, i can select were to install cab automatically (storage or main), i can run it at anytime, not just at boot up
pretty awesome. from what i think i understand, its just for kaisers,
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This is much easier
overhaulengines said:
i found this in the Kaiser Forum, i tried it and im loving it, for me a little easier and for me then user customization (uc), much more user friendly for me. restores all my settings, email setting, speed dials, i can select were to install cab automatically (storage or main), i can run it at anytime, not just at boot up
pretty awesome. from what i think i understand, its just for kaisers,
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Works on my Touch Pro just fine. Indagroove has a ROM for the touch pro & the diamond that is sashimi compliant. Install the ROM, install sashimi, reboot & off you go!
ROMs don't need to be SASHIMI compliant. You set it up on your SD card and just launch it directly from there. It'll automatically set up anything you have configured. It' a brilliant service! And it deserves a link to the official site/thread, too:
Be sure to watch the videos - they show you exactly how to do your initial setup.
Any one has al ink to that app or can e-mail it to me?
ruscik said:
Any one has al ink to that app or can e-mail it to me?
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btonetbone said:
ROMs don't need to be SASHIMI compliant. You set it up on your SD card and just launch it directly from there. It'll automatically set up anything you have configured. It' a brilliant service! And it deserves a link to the official site/thread, too:
Be sure to watch the videos - they show you exactly how to do your initial setup.
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Go register and get it.
Essential for me. I wouldn't flash as much as I do if it wasn't for that. I donated for that app.
See and A lot of info also to make a backup
i cant find where to download this, because the link everyone keeps posting doesn't have anything in it...the first post has been deleted or something, so i can't download it
can someone please post a current link?
nicc51591 said:
i cant find where to download this, because the link everyone keeps posting doesn't have anything in it...the first post has been deleted or something, so i can't download it
can someone please post a current link?
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Click to collapse can download it from the below site. It's the site the creator of SASHIMI made.
heres a program i made to go with sashimi
Isn't this forbidden by the mod/owner?
Since I can't find Sashimi anywhere, is there an alternative stand-alone solution to CABs multi-installs?
I attached SASHIMI for you. I am using it for more than a year now and if/when you set it up for your taste you can automate almost everything after a new ROM flash
Or just try UC Net. It is better as Sashimi and works also on new ROM's.
Sashimi better than other customization systems
Though Sashimi stopped development I can say it is the best!!
I think people did not give time to understand the way its files work and thats why they prefer other systems that do the half work.
Other systems donot put folders or files in any device directory, they dont install mortscripts, they donot add whole files to documents folder they dont execute .reg files and makisu xml with email and wifi settings.
I wrote these lines just to tell that Bengalin did a clever brilliant job though it did not widely adapted from the phone communities.
Maybe, if people want to try it, I will write a tutorial for its basic functions and maybe Bengalin is going to come again with a new version.
Though Sashimi stopped development I can say it is the best!!
I think people did not give time to understand the way its files work and thats why they prefer other systems that do the half work.
Other systems donot put folders or files in any device directory, they dont install mortscripts, they donot add whole files to documents folder they dont execute .reg files and makisu xml with email and wifi settings.
I wrote these lines just to tell that Bengalin did a clever brilliant job though it did not widely adapted from the phone communities.
Maybe, if people want to try it, I will write a tutorial for its basic functions and maybe Bengalin is going to come again with a new version.
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The above mentioned program does all this you mentioned, plus creates automatically shortcuts individuallt or from whole folders just with a simple text file command, moves or deletes files etc etc. You can also create numbered folders with files, exes, mscrs, reg etc, which are processed one after the other. At the beginning you can choose what folders should be processed. The only thing i miss from Sashimi is the resume feature, but as it never fails during installation i really don't need it.
claus1953 said:
The only thing i miss from Sashimi is the resume feature, but as it never fails during installation i really don't need it.
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There is a resume feature in Sashimi.If the installation fails at some point and you restart the device and run sashimi again, then it asks you to resume or not.
Also there is no need for text file command for adding a shortcut.You just copy your tree in the root folder of auto sashimi and then the file or shortcut appears where you want it.For example, if you want to add a shortcut in start menu you copy the tree in auto sashimi root folder like this:Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Games/BubbleBreaker.lnk
But how you move or delete files?
There is a resume feature in Sashimi.If the installation fails at some point and you restart the device and run sashimi again, then it asks you to resume or not.
Also there is no need for text file command for adding a shortcut.You just copy your tree in the root folder of auto sashimi and then the file or shortcut appears where you want it.For example, if you want to add a shortcut in start menu you copy the tree in auto sashimi root folder like this:Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Games/BubbleBreaker.lnk
But how you move or delete files?
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I was speaking about the other program, UC NET, there you can move and delete files, create new folders etc.

[REF]Noonski's Little SPC-MORT-COOKING OEM Packages repository

Since i'm not going to cook just yet for the Pro, nor am i helping out any specific crew Over At the Pro (SPC crew will come over to Pro someday anyway).
I have decided to make a OEMMORT Packages Repository.
For those that want to cook with the utmost optimized packages for their Pro.
To use these Optimized Packages to Cook (specifically with Touch Pro In Mind), you always need the the MortScript Base.
So if you use more or less packages the RFO.mscr & CLASC.mscr need to be adjusted appropriately to correspond with the correct File Operations.
Mort Script 4.112.b7
More coming eventually.
If you do see the Logic and and improvements this adds to cooking control and performance enhancement, then don't forget to mention the SPC-MORT-COOKING Style, Wax in Wax Out
Any Comments, Opinions, Ideas or Questions welcome.
TNX to the rest of the bengalih for some pointers & SPC crew for testing and helping out.
And thanx of course to MORT.
Don't Know MortScript? Shame on you. (neither do i)
Donny Bahama's easy to carry Mortscript Manual in HTML:​
excellent stuff
Hi Noonski... Very interesting concept.. Great Works! Cheerz..
would it be possible to put the cab files from UC all into 1 zip file to save space ?
da_jojo said:
would it be possible to put the cab files from UC all into 1 zip file to save space ?
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If you'd make the cab files into OEM packages first.
I have a
and a
But even that would not be needed as one zip file should be able to do it.
As long as the Makedir command is used in a Mortscript before the Zip is extracted for folders that do not exist unless you have the complete folder structure in the zip files.
Unless you mean the Cabs from the UC on your SD card.
But even then you could also only extract just a cab at a time.
So i'm not sure you meant the ROM Autorun Cabs or the SD UC cabs?
Also unzipping the files instead of having them in Rom, or making the links with a script removes that darned ROM Read File Protection.
yes yes yes that is what i mean exactly my friend
i mean both ... it would save space on the storagecard as well as remove this freaking writeprotect on the dirs. dir structure in the zip file would be the best option i think as it copies 1 on 1 without setting userrights.
this writeprotect option is set on a hidden part of the systemflashdrive. in the mft i think. strange thing is that i got acces to my windows folder through activesync and it doesnt work on vista mobile device center.. frankly i have no idea what i did but it seems something in the pc as it works on my xp machine and not on vista. i didnt change anything yet on the phone itself relating to this.
pocketcommander is able to ignore or overwrite the writeprotected files in windows dir so there must be a sollution to this.
i dont have the proper tools to do all this stuff but it would be the fastest way to extract all files from all cabs one need into one zip file and let mortscript handle the unpacking and settings of the registry. this way theres no need for autorun cabs merely the UC SD installer. maybe someone can make an nice logo for the custom uc installer.
da_jojo said:
yes yes yes that is what i mean exactly my friend
i mean both ... it would save space on the storagecard as well as remove this freaking writeprotect on the dirs. dir structure in the zip file would be the best option i think as it copies 1 on 1 without setting userrights.
this writeprotect option is set on a hidden part of the systemflashdrive. in the mft i think. strange thing is that i got acces to my windows folder through activesync and it doesnt work on vista mobile device center.. frankly i have no idea what i did but it seems something in the pc as it works on my xp machine and not on vista. i didnt change anything yet on the phone itself relating to this.
pocketcommander is able to ignore or overwrite the writeprotected files in windows dir so there must be a sollution to this.
i dont have the proper tools to do all this stuff but it would be the fastest way to extract all files from all cabs one need into one zip file and let mortscript handle the unpacking and settings of the registry. this way theres no need for autorun cabs merely the UC SD installer. maybe someone can make an nice logo for the custom uc installer.
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I think for that for the SD Autorun UC solutions there are already a few good solutions around some even supporting Mortscript.
And they all are pretty user friendly to.
Depending on what a user wants and knows, using mortscript being cooked in just gives them more freedom to play around customizing a cooked rom.
But it would need more hand work using your method, but it is possible of course.
It boils down to, do you like making Mortscripts to change registry settings or do you prefer making PROVXML files?
And not everyone is into decompiling cab files to make them fit their exact requirements.
But there's only one rule, Copy the Script to device memory and a folder name tat does not contain a space in it's path. And then run the script.
As the Exec: command from autorun doesn't like that.
But mostly the main way i use it is for the Cooked Autorun part.
I control when the Welcome wizard is run, Before Autorun or after the boot.
I can remove the extra parts of the Networkwizardauto.exe files and also run the networkwizard when i want during the process.
All i need to ad to my process is to open the Locale Preferences dialog during this process and then finish it of with Syncrotime. (or asking for the choice if you want threaded SMS on or not, the possibilities are plenty)
Put all the Setting up your device options after each other for those users that don't have the know how of how to use UC to setup their personal settings.
I even delete the back up files for the one App that i only get installed correctly through a cab file
DelTree( "\Windows\AppMgr\SRS Labs SRS WOW HD" )
So i hope that those that cook or customize and want even more control and detail into what happens can appreciate this.
I know i'll keep using this, and adjusting all my OEM packages to it. Because i have experienced the overall speed improvements in the Rom because of it.
I'm not a Pro in Mortscript and myself i only use the fairly simple commands.
i see.. thnx for explaning
it would be far simpeler using the xmlprov
unless one requires the extra functionality of mort script
the SRS wow HD is a driver enhancement so it needs the system to detach the driver which is only possible with the installer . hence cab files work good cause the're installed by the windowsinstaller which can temp disable the driver.
Instead of MortScript, there is a Yonsm's CeleCmd that perform roughly the same thing.
Check it out!
vibranze said:
Instead of MortScript, there is a Yonsm's CeleCmd that perform roughly the same thing.
Check it out!
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Hey Vibranze, Long time no See.
Would you mind translating
Mort has a bigger fanbase here on XDA.
Yeah, long time no see How are you?
I really not used to your new avatar, without the cigarette it's not like you at all hehe
Actually you can try to download it and check out the sample, it's very easy to understand. I attached here for you
Anyway, here is the translated page by Google.
Noonski said:
Hey Vibranze, Long time no See.
Would you mind translating
Mort has a bigger fanbase here on XDA.
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What Does RFO.mscr do?
What Does CLASC.mscr do?
Which Packages Contain Modules and Why?
There's Files Missing from the Packages?
What Does RFO.mscr Do?
Well this script is copied to the regular Start up Folder in Windows.
I use short file names because as much as possible for anything that goes into Windows folder and have no other use being in the Windows folder then being copied by initflashfiles to another folder.
RFO.mscr basicly is the only file i use an initflasfiles.txt for (goes to \Windows\StartUp\ReplaceFileOperations.mscr)
Because after that it takes over the File Operations of the Default build in initflashfiles method.
Well You don't need actual shortcut files present in ROM to make them.
in the RFO i don't put that much actual File Operations.
Only the ones that might be useful.
(Why start up WiFiInit.exe during autorun, if it's only useful after the Autorun reBoot?)
I basicly set up the Second mortscript that will run after the Autorun reboot.
And i make sure the script is not to short. A script that is to short might actually copy the second script so fast into the autorun folder that it will actually be run immediately at during Autorun.
And i make sure the script deletes itself
RegDeleteKey( "HKLM" , "Services\SqmUpload" , TRUE , TRUE )
RegDelete( "HKLM" , "init" , "Launch99" )
SetFileAttribute("\Windows\StartUp\ReplaceFileOperations.mscr", "readonly", FALSE)
SetFileAttribute("\Windows\StartUp\ReplaceFileOperations.mscr", "system", FALSE)
Copy( "\Windows\CLASC.mscr", "\Windows\StartUp\Clean AutoShortCutStartUp.mscr" )
Delete( "\Windows\StartUp\ReplaceFileOperations.mscr" )
So you can choose during which Boot you want to do what.
But it's better to do it after the first Reboot in case there is no Autorun installation and the phone reboots before finishing the RFO script.
So the Yummy goes to the CLASC.mscr.
What Does CLASC.mscr Do?
Well this does the actuall JuJu...
It takes over the Job of AutoAttribute.exe, so that can be kicked out of the Rom.
SetFileAttribute("\Windows\StartUp\Clean AutoShortCutStartUp.mscr", "readonly", FALSE)
SetFileAttribute("\Windows\StartUp\Clean AutoShortCutStartUp.mscr", "system", FALSE)
It Takes over the Job of AutoShortcut.exe and initflashfiles.
(less autoshortcut.provxml files in the final rom for the people to lazy to put these into a .rgu file for correct cleanliness)
Also Autoshortcut.exe is set up to run and check the regsitry at every Boot up, so out with this nonsense.
MkDir("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Office")
CreateShortcut("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Office\Adobe Reader.lnk","\Windows\AdobeReaderLE.exe")
And eventually it run some Post Stuff to make setting up the device easier at first boot.
Delete( "\Windows\StartUp\Clean AutoShortCutStartUp.mscr" )
Message("Thank you for installing A SPC Optimized Rom. ","Installation Finished")
Also sometimes people encounter a registry setting that does not get applied directly because of .rgu or .provxml conflict.
So instead of making a new EXTRA .provxml file to fix this.
The registry setting can be added to a file that is already there.
RegWriteString ("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Skins", "DefaultPortraitSkin", "\Storage Card\My Documents\Windows Media Skins\Mono SPC\portrait-htc-touch.skn")
RegWriteString ("HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Skins", "DefaultLandscapeSkin", "\Storage Card\My Documents\Windows Media Skins\Mono SPC\landscape-htc-touch.skn")
Or create a new start up script that runs at every start up when you have these annoying Registry settings that for some reason like to reset to a specific default value.
WriteFile("\Windows\StartUp\FixRightSFTKey.mscr", 'RegWriteString("HKCU", "Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\113", "Open", "\Windows\Submenus\Contacts.mbi")^NL^RegWriteString("HKCU", "Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\113", "Default", "Contacts")')
Less headaches going trough all the files finding the conflicts, as you now have a sure fire hit to get the registry right.
And we all know that eventually you will stumble upon the rgu or provxml file that is causing Havoc. But at least you don't have to stay awake pounding your head to find them.
Which Packages Contain Modules and Why?
Well the ones that do have Modules instead of regular files most propalby..
Work as a Module.
Show improved starting up of the application
Can be made into a module to start with (not all files like this)
Show improved handling speed or usage performance.
So when you do find Modulated files in the packages, these have been tested and found worth modulating.
These days most of the kitchen's have G'Reloc.exe build into the cooking process.
So the chance of Modules overlapping a specific memory allocation/space is fixed.
Some kitchens also offer this functionality to Make Modules of files.
But in some Junior Cheffs cases, that usually will result in (nice term coming) OverModulating.
If the kitchen you are using does not run G'Reloc.exe automatically please do so manually when cooking packages with modules.​

