[MOD][05Aug10][v1.6][SENSE2.5TAB] Facebook Tab - v1.6 (+192xPatch) - Windows Mobile Apps and Games

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Latest Info
12Oct2011 - Facebook has altered the authorisation slightly, so manual paste method needs a little extra care (details here - Thanks to Nullstring).
(01June2011)Big RSSTab Development Announcement
(3March2011) Dual (AKA Easy) Cab Install Released - meltwater_FbTabV1.6(SeperateCabs)-2.zip (See install post for instructions)
Moved to post#3 to avoid confusion:
meltwater HTC FbTab v1.6.cab (3.32 MB, 7583 views)
v1.6Release05Aug2010.zip (3.25 MB, 9095 views)
(31Jan2011) Easy/Dual Cab Install Method Trial - Testing a new way to install and uninstall the FbTab.
(meltwater_FbTabV1.6&SenseUtil.cab (603 views) meltwater_FbTabV1.6(SeperateCabs).zip (272 views))
(4Dec2010) Introducing SenseUtil to assist with installation of any custom tab
(27Sep2010) Lang files added (hu-hu - zoliwr, zh-tw - mudhi). Many thanks.
(24Aug2010) New forum banner by Drakknar (thanks!)
(23Aug2010) Sense 2.5.192x (& old sense) Patch released (allows most of the tab functions to be used on a 2.5.192x based device)
(18Aug2010) TabProject2:Call for Developers
(11Aug2010) Facebook Tab v1.6 Cab & EXT (post#2) released
(05Aug2010) Updated Facebook Tab v1.6 released - GTX, Cabs & EXT will hopefully follow (v1.5 Cab kept to allow install and upgrade - use v1.6 cab)
(31July2010) Drakknar's icons are now live on facebook!
(22July2010) Request for FbTab Icon!
(21July2010) Captain Throwback's Cab (meltwater HTC FbTab v1.5.cab) moved to post#1 (please follow instructions on post#3 for install and un-install)
(20July2010) Tutorial/Files for changing Tab Text to Black (apaquette420 - see links below)
(19July2010) pt-pt & pt-br lang file RevB - attached to post#4
(16July2010) Fr-fr lang file RevB - attached to post#4
(16July2010) Upgrade Cabs are available see (1st roundup of Q&A Support below)
(15July2010) Releasing the v1.5 manual files now, let me know how you get on.
Please follow the install instructions very carefully & RTFM (read the fantastic manual) before asking Qs.
Note on development...
I have a development version which I've been working on which can do a lot more with the facebook api, however it is far from complete or bug free, but it was able to post comments, read all the status updates/wall posts of all your friends etc etc. I was also playing around with different GUI aspects but I hit several limits with the Sense SDK I was using etc.
Anyway, basically I've not had any time to look at it for the last few months, and the best course of action is to scrap it and let the XdaFacebook App team use the ties I was planning to use to link the tab to an application. Hopefully I can get a few of my ideas and suggestions put into the app, so the vision I had for the tab can still be realised. Since I'm not using facebook that much at the moment, I think this is the best way for the tab to move forward and provide more for everyone.
Hopefully as my work on the RSSTab continues, the main core of the Facebook tab (the HTC engine) can be replaced by the XdaFacebook app, so all the data in the tab can be populated directly from the same source. Although this will be a while off, this will be the best solution in the end.
if you use the facebook tab and would like my work to continue
I purposely did not include a donate button on the 1st release since although I had made several changes to the tab a lot of it was purely HTC functionality (and it would have been hard to understand what was my own work and what HTC have already included).
I did not feel it was fair to ask for donations where my own work on it was not clear.
However, since the 1st release I have been working very hard on this project, I have spent many hours/days/weeks testing and experimenting with the facebook api and with ensuring that the new additions will work not only on my device but will function for everyone (believe me it's a frustrating task).
So if you like using the tab (or if I've helped you get it working), and if you feel my work deserves it then please make a small donation, even if it's a few cents (even a tiny bit shows your appreciation).
Any donations will be spent on things to help me focus on developing the tab further, first up is a new battery (only $15!) as my phone has suffered from the many resets it has taken to test the sense code so far, so I really need to get a backup one. Hopefully that isn't a huge ask.
New phone battery is on it's way, many thanks to the total of 3 detonator so far. Next up, although I'm not confident on this one, is a battery for my laptop so I can program without being tethered to a power socket (and losing my work when it disconnects - have about 10 seconds before it dies). Again, I plan to get it from a cheep place so it's not too expensive, just something which only needed for this hobby.
It all shows that my work means something.
Information on the facebook api
When I started looking into the facebook api (something I said I wouldn't do I know) I discovered "Facebook Developer Toolkit", excellent I thought, my work is done, plug it in and away we go.
However, investigating further Microsoft had taken over the toolkit, the compact framework (as used by Windows Mobile) had been dropped (since Jan 14 2008) and they are only just building SilverLight support into it (windows phone 7). Add to that, facebook have introduced the GraphApi which replaces the Api implemented in the Jan 2008 build (and I don't think it's in the current Tookkit yet).
You might guess the next bit, after a lot of work, I have the outline of my own Fb Graph Api support. The next release shall be the foundation point of this work, if successful the remainder of my test code can be built in (but I didn't want to delay things any longer and I needed to see if it works on-mass first).
It has taken a lot to get it to this point - my only other windows mobile app was "Hello Worlde" so once again I have been starting from scratch and learning A LOT:
I hope you enjoy my hard work.
This release is to bring the general release up to speed with my current work, it may not appear to be significant in added functionality but believe me it is the stepping stone required for what comes next...
Information on the tab.
The origins of the facebook tab is the relocation of the HTC People Update's tab which is built into sense already. The mod originally moved this functionality into the main tabs and added a few extra features, therefore enabling everyone to enjoy the built in facebook functionality without hunting to find it, but also enjoy the excellent features HTC had already integrated.
Since then, I've been working hard to extend the features which the tab provides, improve the options for how things are displayed and allow easy configuration. Overtime, more features will be included and hopefully support for external apps perhaps.
Please don't badger for specific facebook features, I'm well aware I can't do comments, pokes, likes, notifications etc etc, but the current release is a huge step toward that and hopefully it will come in time.
Read and understand the above information before asking for features, but this is what I still hope to do (again don't post asking for them if it's on this list!).
To Do
192X version See patch in post below
Stage 2 of Facebook Api
[*]Use extra space at top of landscape mode
Include sense language selection HKCU\MUI\CurLang
Handle senseSDK version exception
[*]Support non-standard chars on Status Update post to facebook
[*]Remove item list scroll lag
Development Progress
[MOD][SENSE2.5TAB] Facebook Tab - Developer Thread
The development work is on going and I will release the next version when there is something essential and must-have implemented.
I would rather spend time developing new features than releasing tiny updates of little significance.
Known Issues
Will not work on manila 2.5.1921xxxx or lower (and some ROMs) - use 192x Install Patch (see Install post#3)!
It seems there are two versions of the facebook engine and the older one (used by 2.5.192x and some other ROMs) the 0DE73B01_manila file is smaller (~41k) than the newer version (~47k).
If you have the older version (small file), then you must use the 192x version of the tab or the tab will be un-usable and crash sense.
Info for cooks
See section "Can we cook this in a ROM?" in post #2 for EXT file etc.
Change History
23 Aug 2010 Sense 2.5.192x (& old sense) Patch released (MattOG testing)
11 Aug 2010 v1.6 Cab Release (captain_throwback & qitt)
05 Aug 2010 v1.6 Release
21 July 2010 v1.5 Cab Release (1032+250 views) +706 for v1.6 update (captain_throwback)
15 July 2010 v1.5 Release (1881 views) + GTXSkin (361+183 views) (mike2nl)
-(see user manual for update details) included lang files
15 April 2010 v1.01 ReleaseD (2815 views) + All-In-One Cab (7762 views)
- Joint fixes for icon issues (etoy & qitt), included lang files
12 April 2010 v1.0 All-In-One Cab Release Cab (353+71 views)
- Joint work from johncmolyneux & Captain_Throwback
24 March 2010 v1.0 ReleaseC (5185 views)+Cab(1084 views)
- switch over to use FacebookStatusUpdate.exe instead of mortscript
- updated manila so "Facebook.MyStatusScript" can be left blank and still run Facebook.MyStatusExe
(if using older release just leave the entry, it will be ignored - otherwise it'll skip copy of my status)
- updated Readme
- reg file no longer system hidden
FacebookStatusUpdate.zip (234 views)
- exe available to replace mortscript! (thanks to johncmolyneux) - see install instructs for details (will repack later)
23 March 2010 V1.0 ReleaseB (494 views)
- Changed default facebook app to MS Facebook App
- Updated Readme
23 March 2010 V1.0 Release
- First release
POCKETNOW.COM Facebook Tab Released for HTC Sense 2.5
POCKETNOW.COM Video: Facebook Tab for HTC Sense
Finally the tab for htc FACEBOOK Sense 2.5 is just beginning (Italian)
I'm well proud! Thanks!
Thanks To
Sense 2.5.192x Patch Testing MattOG
v1.5 Beta Testers Agent Zach, Captain_Throwback, johncmolyneux, mike2nl, mkucuksari,electrikjesus, madindehead, Quitt, sternas, wez89
Sense SDK support eboelzner (+greenhacks & others on the thread)
Language Translations -see post #4 for details
BeeGee_Tokyo & maxycy (v1.5 maxSense fix)
Captain_Throwback (cab's etc)
johncmolyneux (FacebookStatusUpdate.exe, All-In-One exe, coding support)
etoy & qitt (Icon fixes)
MoonNah (for use of ManilaStartFix used in cabs)
Everyone behind the kitchen (without which I would have got no-where):
12aon, 6fg8, chainfire, sztupy, Co0kieMonster etc
People who provided language files.
Also thanks for all the words of encouragement, patience and praise.
Thanks to Donators:
Laurentius26 - 12April2011
unknown - 16Dec2010
MattOG - 13Aug2010
weepatc - 11Aug2010
Agent Zach
Warnings etc
Modifying manila means various levels of messing around with the files on the device so, as with most of the mods on here, back-up often and be prepared to screw it up and hard-reset your device. All the changes explained here may or may-not work on your particular device/version of manila or perhaps it's just not going to happen today.
Latest WVGA Screens
Latest VGA Screens
Thread Quicklinks:
RTFM - Read The Fantastic Manual & FAQ [Post#2]
Install Instructions [Post#3]
Language Files [Post#4]
v1.6 Release - Support for this release starts here [Post#1002+]
v1.5 Release - 1st roundup of Q&A Support [Post#829] Please read before posting similar Qs
v1.5 Release - Support for this release starts here [Post#771+]
Thread Tips/Guides:
(apaquette420) Change Tab Text To Black Tutorial & Files
See Sense FbTab Install Post for install instructions (must read before installing).

RTFM - Read The Fantastic Manual
RTFM - User Manual
All the HTC facebook goodness on your doorstep!
Update Now left-soft key
Launch Facebook App in menu (configure to fav app)
Launch Facebook Online in menu (configure to fav site)
Successful Update Time Display
Adjustable Automatic Update Peroid
My Updates - Displays your real status (only support text updates - urls etc ignored)
New For v1.6:
Improved scrolling
Support for non-ascii character updates
Anniversary/Birthday Icons moved for expanded views
Updated package to include fixed lang files
Correct reg key for Desktop Online
New For v1.5:
Update your facebook status directly from the tab!
Sense Settings Page (all settings for the tab now configurable via sense)
Expand/Collapse View
Introducing the HTC FbTab, (Stage 1 - The initial step to access the Facebook Api).
Improved multi-language support (api available for wm apps)
Facebook Tab Settings v1.6
The settings page is split into 5 main sections.
If any settings are adjusted, the user will be able to apply the settings from this page or to discard the changes.
The exception is within the Facebook Api Settings page where the authorisation keys are stored as soon as they are obtained.
Selection between normal and advanced settings (A) are set by the "Enable Advanced Settings" checkbox within the Advanced setting section.
Note: Any changes to any Advanced settings may cause issues with the operation of the tab if done incorrectly, so make sure you understand the purpose of these settings before you change them. They are marked as Advanced settings for a reason!
1 - Data Connections
Normal(1) Advanced(2)
Enable auto update timer[]
- Enable this setting if you wish the tab to automatically update for the specified period (this is independent of the HTC Download data automatically setting below).
Update internal in mins XX
- Period before automatic update occurs. Note: This appears only to run when the tab is selected, timer is reset on entry to the tab. Range is currently limited to 1-99 mins.
Download data when roaming
- I've not tested this much (I keep my data connections disabled). This setting controls if data connections should be allowed when roaming (not sure if that's general mobile connections via GPRS & 3G or when you are not on your foreign cell network). This setting is the setting available in the old HTC setting page.
(A) Download data automatically
- HTC 2 hour automatic update of the facebook data. Included in case you need to disable it (this runs independently from the above update timer).
2 - App & Web Shortcuts
Normal(1) Advanced(2&3)
Select Facebook Application
- Select which application is launched via Menu->Facebook App. Also selects which item to edit/delete in advanced mode.
Select Facebook Webpage:
- Select which webpage is launched via Menu->Facebook Online. Also selects which item to edit/delete in advanced mode.
(A) Delete Selected Application/Webpage
- removes the selected item from the list
(A) Edit Selected Application/Webpage
- Opens up the edit page for the current item (see below)
(A) Add New Application/Webpage
- Opens up the add new item page (see below)
Edit/Add Application(1) Edit/Add Webpage(2)
(A) Add/Edit Application/Webpage
(A) Display Name
- sets the name to use in setting page to refer to the application/webpage
(A) Shortcut
- the url/file path can be edited here directly.
(A) Browse to path (applications only)
- Opens the select file page to allow you to browse to and select the required exe.
Note: When you have selected the exe file by pressing it, "Select" will appear as the bottom right soft-key. You can "Select" the exe or "Cancel" if you wish.
(A) Additional arguments
- Some applications/pages may support additional arguments, which can be added here.
3 - Facebook Api Settings
Normal (Internal Authorisation Method)(1) Normal (External Authorisation Method)(2)
Note: Unlike the other settings pages, changes made the authorisation key are saved directly to the registry.
The authorisation here is only for the new functionality of the tab, in order to populate the friends list and get status updates you will still need to authorise the "HTC Sense" application via the Setting Tab -> Data Services.
If you do not wish to use the new functionality and the "HTC FbTab" application, then check the "Disable prompt for authorisation []" checkbox to avoid being asked to authorise the application. You will not be able to post updates via the tab without authorising first.
Due to issues with the authorisation methods with facebook, two options are provided to ensure this application will work with as many people as possible.
Option 1:
Use internal authorisation
- This uses an internal browser to display the authorisation page from facebook and allows you to login and authorise the application permissions. This should be the simplest method for most users, press Authorise and follow the prompts to authorise the HTC FbTab used for posting status messages directly from the tab.
Don't forget you will need to be connected to the internet and be able to access the facebook website from your connection.
Option 2:
Use external authorisation (Use default browser & paste code)
- On some devices the internal browser fails to work correctly, hence this method will launch your default browser (i.e. Opera) and navigate directly to facebook to authorise the "HTC FbTab" application.
Don't forget you will need to be connected to the internet and be able to access the facebook website from your connection.
1. You should login and authorise the application permissions.
2. Once you have authorised the application, you then need to Copy the url (either the whole thing or the part including "code=...", as long as you have at least the "code=..." to the end it will work). In Opera you can do this by pressing and holding on the url (if unselected it will default to copying the whole url).
3. Once you have copied the code into the clipboard, return to the settings page and press "Paste & Authorise".
The settings page will then use the code and authorise the application.
Remove Authorisation:
- This will remove the authorisation from the registry.
Note: If you want to fully remove the authorisation you will need to remove it directly from the your facebook account settings, via the Application Settings page.
Advanced (Internal Authorisation Method)(1) Advanced (External Authorisation Method)(2)
(A) Advanced Api settings (applies to both methods):
Note: These settings will default back to the original settings when the settings page is closed. This ensures the best settings are selected each time, unless the user specifically desires otherwise.
(A) Select authorisation page format
- Determines the format of the page facebook provides for authorisation. At times some pages may not be available, also some work better with the internal browser than others. You should only need to change this if you have a problem.
(A) Application Permissions
- Allows you to enable/disable the permissions you allow the "HTC FbTab" application to have. All are set to enable, since you will probably want to give the app permissions, but I want to provide the choice.
(A) Status Update
- Clearly you will need this if you wish to post updates from the tab.
(A) Offline Access
- Without this the permission will only last until you log out of facebook. Unlikely you would want to disable this option.
(A) Read Feeds
- This permission is not currently used by the application, however, it will be in later releases so if left enabled you can keep your current authorisation for later releases.
4 - File Path Settings
Normal(1) Advanced(2&3)
Hide facebook events
- Disables events being shown on the facebook tab.
Note: Events for the current day are still shown.
Event Notice Period (days)
- Specify the number of days before an event is due to occur before it is displayed on the tab.
Facebook Utility:
- In normal mode, this is read-only (Advanced mode you can edit it directly). If the stored path does not match the location of the FacebookUtil.exe, then a button shall be displayed to update it. If this is not set correctly, the tab will not open the settings pages or status update pages correctly, so it is important if you move FacebookUtil.exe, you run it from it's new location and update this item.
(A) Location of facebook profile pictures:
- For info only, this is a fixed location defined by the HTC dll.
(A) Location of facebook albums:
- Defines where the pictures are stored when you view people's facebook albums via the HTC tab's subpage "Updated Album" or "Open Online Album" links.
(A) Browse to path:
- Allows you to browse to a specific path to update the above location. "Select" appears when you are able to select the current folder.
(A) My Status Transfer Method
(A) Use Facebook Utility
- Allows you to define which method is used to copy the registry item which holds your most recent status update. You should only need to change this if you experience problems or slow response on the tab (this is less important on v1.6 since this is not run as often).
(A) Browse to path:
- Allows you to browse to a specific path to update the above location. "Select" appears when you are able to select the current exe.
(A) Additional arguments
- If required for the selected method.
Using Mortscript
App: \Windows\mortscript.exe
Argument: \Windows\FacebookStatusScript.mscr
Using FacebookStatusUpdate.exe
App: \Windows\FacebookStatusUpdate.exe
Argument: blank
(A) MS Facebook Application
(A) Cache location
- Allows you to change where the MS facebook application caches it's data
(A) Days to clear Cache:
- Number of days before MS facebook application the cache is cleared. (Limit 1-99 days).
5 - Advanced
Enable Advanced Settings
- Allows (A) advanced settings to be seen.
Note: Any changes to any Advanced settings may cause issues with the operation of the tab if done incorrectly, so make sure you understand the purpose of these settings before you change them. They are marked as Advanced settings for a reason!
Language Setting
The language settings here are independent of your language settings for sense itself.
Use device language
- The settings page will detect the devices language and use the correct language file if present. Otherwise it will default to UK English.
Application language setting:
- You can select a different language for the settings pages here. You will need to ensure you have the correct language file within your windows folder, otherwise the selection will be rejected.
If the file is reported as invalid, then there is probably an error in the xml formatting (you can double check the file by naming it .xml and opening via internet explorer).
Pressing on the xdadev meltwater's fbTab graphic will take you to directly this thread, so you can get support or make a donation!
Pressing on the Sense SDK graphic will show you more information about eboelzner's excellent Sense SDK used by this application.
When I scroll to the tab, sense freezes and it is un-usable
It seems there are two versions of the facebook engine and the older one (used by 2.5.192x and some other ROMs) the 0DE73B01_manila file is smaller (~41k) than the newer version (~47k).
If you have the older version (small file), then you must use the 192x version of the tab or the tab will be un-usable and crash sense (see the FAQ It doesn't work for Manila 192X? below).
Tab freezes on 1st update and is unstable
I've found this sometimes occurs if you have restored your contacts after flashing a ROM (so you have lots of links which need updating all at once), although it may only occur on some ROMs [however I've found the people tab has the same problem, so it related to the HTC built in functions].
Setup the HTC facebook link and perform the 1st update without your contacts restored.
Remove the links (via the contact card in the people tab)
Perform the update (from within the People Updates tab might also help)
After update has finished, it'll probably list the contact matches it finds again (don't forget to manually link any you linked manually before)
This way the when the links are re-added info like the contact pictures etc are already downloaded (done during the link process) and the process probably uses less resources.
From that point on, it is improved.
Menu item X does not work (i.e Settings)
Make sure you run "FacebookUtil.exe" from where-ever you installed it and update the "Facebook Utility Path" as described in the manual install sections.
Launch App/Web does not work (i.e. I get a Certificate error)
Make sure you have the application installed and the link is correct. Use the advanced (A) settings within the "File Path Settings" section of the settings page.
Updates were working, but have since stopped, how to do I get them working again?
(Thanks to Yusuke14 for confirming this solution)
1. Remove the registry keys located in:
HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCAccountManager\Facebook**** keys.
2. Via Settings tab on Sense, within the Data Services option, re-enter your facebook info
I can't see any updates from my friends!
You can create blank contacts with the facebook names as the contact name without a phone number or anything and it should still pick up and prompt for the links automatically.
You can even link any contact manually to a particular facebook contact via "Edit Contact" -> Facebook Link (Associate with Facebook Account) at the bottom bit of the contact editor.
Also you will need to sign into facebook via HTC first, before any contacts will be linked, it should prompt you to do this if you haven't already when you refresh (i.e. via People Page, Updates&Events page or your settings tab Data Services).
Remember though, if the person has privacy settings set high within their facebook account, you may not see updates from them (this is a limit of the HTC code).
It appears the HTC updates only go back so far in time so really old updates don't appear and it does not support non-text updates either (so url links etc are not shown).
Other User tips:
skyli91: You can link facebook to someone pretty fast if you go to Updates and Events in his/her Details page and here, the phone suggests some FB friends from the contact's name.
Agent Zach: You could link all of your contacts manually if the tab isn't giving you the option to do so.
Contacts Tab > All People > [Pick a Contact] > Edit Contact > Link
And if you want to Update the Status', etc.. the HTC way (outside of the Facebook Tab), in your contacts list, slide over to Updates & Events, click Menu, and click "Update Now".
It doesn't work for Manila 192X & some versions of sense?
There are two versions of the files which drive this tab, the tab is based on the later one. So if the tab does not work after you install it you may have the older version...
- Locate 0de73b01_manila in your windows folder.
IF the filesize is around 41Kb then you have the older 192x files and you require the patch.
IF the filesize is around 47Kb then you have the newer 2010 files and you do NOT require the patch (your problem is somewhere else).
To install the patch follow instructions in the install post#3 below.
Why is the install so complicated?
The install is complicated since the tab control file contains references to each available tab on your device. Every ROM has a different combination of tabs available and so this file is different for each ROM. If you install a copy of the Tab Control file which includes tabs which aren't on your device, manila will not work, if you install one which doesn't include all the tabs on your device, those tabs won't be available any more.
Many many people have managed to install the tab, through various ways, so there are plenty of people here who will help you out. Obviously make sure you have plenty of time available, just in case. Please keep backups of your tab control file (26948339_manila) as this will help you if you run into trouble.
Can we cook this in a ROM?
Yes, files will hopefully be provided for that within the thread (and I am happy for it to be included).
If you don't know what to do with EXT files (like me) then don't use them!
See the original poster for latest info:
b16b's [Facebook Tab v1.6 EXT]
File attached to this post too.
birkoffsjunk's Alternative:
birkoffsjunk [FacebookTab1.6.7z]

Problems with sense not starting, try using SenseUtil to add/remove the tab without manually editing the tab control file.
Moved to this post (from 1st post):
meltwater HTC FbTab v1.6.cab (3.32 MB, 7583 views)
Manual Install v1.6 05Aug2010.zip [v1.6Release05Aug2010.zip (3.25 MB, 9095 views)]
Sections within this post:
Please ensure you follow the instructions from the correct section.
Dual Cab Install (using SenseUtil) Instructions:
Dual Cab Install/Un-Install using Separate Cabs [meltwater_FbTabV1.6(SeperateCabs)-2.zip]
Dual Cab Un-Install using Separate Cabs [meltwater_FbTabV1.6(SeperateCabs)-2.zip]
Dual Cab Upgrade using Separate Cabs [meltwater_FbTabV1.6(SeperateCabs)-2.zip]
FAQ: My ROM shows double tab icons when selected
The following instructions are for the other install methods, it is hoped that the Easy Cab Install should work for everyone. If that is shown to be the case then the other methods will be removed.
Captain Throwback's Cab Install Instructions:
Captain Throwback's Cab Install
Captain Throwback's Cab Un-Install
Sense 2.5.19XX Instructions:
Use v1.6 Manual 192x Patch Install Instructions below.
Manual Install/Un-install Instructions:
v1.6 Manual New Install Instructions
- Follow these instructions to manually install the tab on sense 2.5 (but not including sense version 2.5.19xx) which does not already have the facebook tab.
v1.6 Manual 192x Patch Install Instructions
- Follow these instructions to manually apply the patch to the install for 192x based systems (follow check to ensure which version you have)
v1.6 Manual Upgrade v1.5 Instructions
- Follow these instructions to manually upgrade the existing v1.5 facebook tab to the current version
v1.6 Manual Upgrade v1.0 Instructions
- Follow these instructions to manually upgrade the existing v1.0 facebook tab to the current version (again this does not include sense version 2.5.19xx).
v1.6 (& v1.5) Manual Un-install Instructions
- Follow these instructions to manually remove the facebook tab from sense.
Manila Sense Fix - Sense is not starting after install/uninstall
Reset Manila Sense - Sense didn't regenerate correctly
Cooking issue - Exception when running facebook.exe for the 1st time
Missing menu items after upgrade
Please note:
If you are editing the tab control file (26948339_manila) or language files, it is recommended you use an editor which supports the following format:
Line Endings:Unix(LF)
Encoding:UTF-16 Little Endian
Editors such as Programmers Notepad and Notepad2 appear to work well.
Dual Cab Install (using SenseUtil) Instructions:
- Standard Cab for SenseUtil and a Cab for the Tab files (placed together in a single zip file).
Remember: Backup your device and data before attempting this mod. Post if you have any problems.
Dual Cab Install using Separate Cabs [meltwater_FbTabV1.6(SeperateCabs)-2.zip]
a) Install both Cabs, in no particular order.
b) Run SenseUtil from Start Menu\SenseUtil\AddTab\SenseUtil FbTab Add to Add the FbTab to Sense.
Dual Cab Un-Install using Separate Cabs [meltwater_FbTabV1.6(SeperateCabs)-2.zip]
a) Run SenseUtil from Start Menu\SenseUtil\RemoveTab\SenseUtil FbTab Remove to Remove the FbTab from Sense.
b) You can now uninstall the FbTab cab, and if desired, the SenseUtil cab too.
Note: As the references in sense have been removed, the files will have no effect on sense anymore.
c) The remaining registry entries can also be manually removed from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\Manila all of which will start with "Facebook.".
Dual Cab Upgrade using Separate Cabs [meltwater_FbTabV1.6(SeperateCabs)-2.zip]
UPGRADING (note there is nothing different to v1.6):
If you already have the tab installed, then you can use either cab package, however instead of Adding the tab, you will need to "Reset Sense" - Del ManilaFull.xml either from SenseUtil or manually (stop sense, delete the file from windows and restart sense).
FAQ: My ROM shows double tab icons when selected (typically applies to NRG ROMs)
A: Delete or rename 1F04C842_manila in windows, this file is not required for your ROM. You will then need to "Reset Sense".
B]Latest version of Sense Util is available here
Captain Throwback's Cab Install Instructions:
Captain Throwback's Cab Install
Disable Sense from Today items.
Install CAB [Attached to post#1 - meltwater HTC FbTab v1.6.cab] (this will create a shortcut to "FixStartManila" in your Start Menu)
Tap "FixStartManila" to run it. It will likely seem like nothing happened.
Tap "FixStartManila" a second time. This time, you will likely see the wait cursor, which will stay for 10 seconds or so.
Re-enable Sense in Today items.
Please make sure you follow the instructions for the cab, and particularly if you uninstall (there are extra steps need afterwards compared to a normal cab).
Captain Throwback's Cab Un-Install
To Uninstall:
Disable Sense
uninstall the CAB
run "T-Back Remove Facebook Tab.cab" (Attached to this post) to restore Sense to it's original state (either that ,or you can download FixStartManila from the GPS Tab thread see Manila Sense Fix section below)
When you re-enable Sense, you should be without FB tab (note that if you've installed other tabs since flashing your ROM, they will not show up using my CAB - in that case, I recommend MoonNah's CAB).
Manual Install/Un-install Instructions:
v1.6 Manual New Install Instructions
Warnings etc
Modifying manila means various levels of messing around with the files on the device so, as with most of the mods on here, back-up often and be prepared to screw it up and hard-reset your device. All the changes explained here may or may-not work on your particular device/version of manila or perhaps it's just not going to happen today.
If you do not have the tab installed then you shall need to ensure the tab control file is updated correctly to allow sense to include it.
Download the manual install package from post #1.
Disable sense, via the Settings\Home\Today items.
Delete "\\windows\manilaFull.xml" on your device (don't worry this is regenerated when manila restarts).
Extract the files from the folder "TabFiles\Windows\" to the windows directory on your device. Plus ensure you copy "Facebook_Pages.xml" to "\Windows\ManilaXml".
Update your tab control file (26948339_manila) from \Windows folder:
The files may be hidden system files (may need to enable viewing of system hidden files to find them). Keep an original copy of your 26948339_manila file (i.e copy as 26948339_manila_backup).
Scott8813's tutorial show's the steps required to edit the tab control file in more detail if you are unsure on this (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=6004802&postcount=216)
Edit your tab control file (26948339_manila) from your \windows\ directory (you can use the example in the zip file \tabcontrol\ as a guide, use a UTF-16 Compatible Editor such as Notepad2 or Programmers Notepad.
a) Insert the following text, between the other "pages" defined, replacing the X with suitable number (re-numbering the others as required to avoid duplicated numbers):
<Page Order="X" Name="facebook.page" PackageName="HTC" Title="[[Facebook]]">
<ComponentReference Name="page" Mode9Path="HTC\People\facebook.mode9" Component="SummaryAllPage" SmartComponent="true"/>
<ComponentReference Name="icon_normal" Mode9Path="HTC\Manila\Facebookicon.mode9" Component="Facebook_Off"/>
<ComponentReference Name="icon_selected" Mode9Path="HTC\Manila\Facebookicon.mode9" Component="Facebook_On"/>
<ComponentReference Name="icon_preview" Mode9Path="HTC\Manila\Facebookicon.mode9" Component="Facebook_Preview"/>
b) Copy back completed file to your device \windows\ directory
Delete the configuration reg-key HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\Configuration (this resets the tab list and allows the new tab to be included in the tab re-ordering page of the settings tab - the keys only re-generate when you go back to that tab re-ordering page)
Import the registry entries from appFacebook.reg file into your devices registry.
Note: You may need adjust the default path settings for the example application links etc to match the applications you have installed and their locations.
Extract the "FacebookUtil" folder to "Program Files\FacebookUtil" (I would recommend on your device rather than storage card).
Run "FacebookUtil.exe", from where you've copied it to and Update the Facebook Utility's "Stored Path to Current" within the "File Path Settings" page, and "Apply" the change.
Re-enable sense, via the Settings\Home\Today items (it will take a little longer than normal to re-start the 1st time).
Enjoy. (Don't forget to authorise to allow Updating of your status).
v1.6 Manual 192x Patch Install Instructions
There are two versions of the files which drive this tab, the tab is based on the later one. So if the tab does not work after you install it you may have the older version...
Check the version of the files you have:
- Locate 0de73b01_manila in your windows folder.
IF the filesize is around 41Kb then you have the older 192x files and you require the patch.
IF the filesize is around 47Kb then you have the newer 2010 files and you do NOT require the patch (your problem is somewhere else).
Patch the install:
Install the tab as normal (see above - via cab or manually).
Download the attached zip file:
Disable sense
Replace the 090EF4F3_manila in the windows/ folder with the one in the zip file.
Replace the Facebook_Pages.xml in windows/ManilaXml/ folder with the one in the zip file [note this file is universal so later releases will include the updated version of this file already].
Delete manilafull.xml from the windows/ folder.
Restart sense.
To un-install follow the same instructions as for v1.6 normal installation.
Not all the functions of the normal tab are available in this version (i.e. Expand/Collapse View has been removed).
v1.6 Manual Upgrade v1.5 Instructions
Warnings etc
Modifying manila means various levels of messing around with the files on the device so, as with most of the mods on here, back-up often and be prepared to screw it up and hard-reset your device. All the changes explained here may or may-not work on your particular device/version of manila or perhaps it's just not going to happen today.
With the previous facebook tab working and running properly, updating to the new version can be achieved by following these instructions:
Disable sense, via the Settings\Home\Today items.
Replace the following files:
Lang Files(\windows\):
Script Files(\windows\):
FacebookUtil Application (\Program Files\FacebookUtil\):
Update reg entry/setting for Desktop Online Link:
Delete "\\windows\manilaFull.xml" on your device (don't worry this is regenerated when manila restarts).
Re-enable sense, via the Settings\Home\Today items (it will take a little longer than normal to re-start the 1st time).
v1.6 Manual Upgrade v1.0 Instructions
Warnings etc
Modifying manila means various levels of messing around with the files on the device so, as with most of the mods on here, back-up often and be prepared to screw it up and hard-reset your device. All the changes explained here may or may-not work on your particular device/version of manila or perhaps it's just not going to happen today.
With the previous facebook tab working and running properly, updating to the new version can be achieved by following these instructions:
Download the manual install package from post #1.
Disable sense, via the Settings\Home\Today items.
Extract the files from the folder "TabFiles\Windows\" to the windows directory on your device. Plus ensure you copy "Facebook_Pages.xml" to "\Windows\ManilaXml".
Delete "\\windows\manilaFull.xml" on your device (don't worry this is regenerated when manila restarts).
Extract the "FacebookUtil" folder to "Program Files\FacebookUtil" (I would recommend on your device rather than storage card).
Run "FacebookUtil.exe", from where you've copied it to and Update the Facebook Utility's "Stored Path to Current" within the "File Path Settings" page, and "Apply" the change.
Re-enable sense, via the Settings\Home\Today items (it will take a little longer than normal to re-start the 1st time).
Enjoy. (Don't forget to authorise to allow Updating of your status).
v1.6 (& v1.5) Manual Un-Install Instructions
Warnings etc
Modifying manila means various levels of messing around with the files on the device so, as with most of the mods on here, back-up often and be prepared to screw it up and hard-reset your device. All the changes explained here may or may-not work on your particular device/version of manila or perhaps it's just not going to happen today.
The easiest and safest option is to simply disable the tab via Settings, Home Screen Tabs. This will stop the tab being run and will have no further impact on sense.
In order to remove all the facebook tab related stuff you will need to follow all the steps:
Disable sense, via the Settings\Home\Today items.
Edit your tab control file to remove the following section of code (be sure to renumber the items). Or simply replace the tab control file (26948339_manila) with the backup you made before you installed the tab.
<Page Order="X" Name="facebook.page" PackageName="HTC" Title="[[Facebook]]">
<ComponentReference Name="page" Mode9Path="HTC\People\facebook.mode9" Component="SummaryAllPage" SmartComponent="true"/>
<ComponentReference Name="icon_normal" Mode9Path="HTC\Manila\Facebookicon.mode9" Component="Facebook_Off"/>
<ComponentReference Name="icon_selected" Mode9Path="HTC\Manila\Facebookicon.mode9" Component="Facebook_On"/>
<ComponentReference Name="icon_preview" Mode9Path="HTC\Manila\Facebookicon.mode9" Component="Facebook_Preview"/>
Delete "\\windows\manilaFull.xml" on your device (don't worry this is regenerated when manila restarts).
Delete the configuration reg-key HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\Configuration (this resets the tab list and allows the new tab to be included in the tab re-ordering page of the settings tab - the keys only re-generate when you go back to that tab re-ordering page)
Delete the following files from "\\windows\":
(Plus the language files you might have installed:
0CA4B866_manila, 0FEAB434_manila, 1FED11F0_manila, 3abb2ec0_manila, 5E0EA458_manila, 6CD727C8_manila, 0074c4d4_manila, 0431A004_manila, 781C9850_manila, 5470CE36_manila, 35452D58_manila)
Delete the following files from "\\windows\ManilaXml":
Delete the "FacebookUtil" directory from "\\Program Files\" or where-ever you installed it.
Using a registry editor, you can safely delete the following entries (although they will do no real harm if left there):
Note: Some "Facebook.xxxxx" entries will remain (they are also used by the people update tab, so I would recommend you keep them).
Re-enable sense, via the Settings\Home\Today items (it will take a little longer than normal to re-start the 1st time).
If sense does not start, double check your tab control file (26948339_manila) edit and perform steps 1, 3, 9 again. Otherwise, refer to "Manila Sense Fix" section below.
Unable to authorise?
Facebook has altered the authorisation slightly, so manual paste method needs a little extra care (details here - Thanks to Nullstring).
Basically, facebook has added "#_=_" at the end, which you must remove for the app to extract the required authorisation code from the rest of the url.
Manila Sense Fix - Sense is not starting after install/uninstall
If you run into problems with Sense not starting then there are three things you can do.
1. Run moonnah's B_L_Group_FixStartManila_2.5.cab from the following thread (this should fix any problems with your tab control file):
2. Delete the tab control file (26948339_manila) & "\\windows\manilaFull.xml" and restart your device. Sense will take a while to regenerate so please wait.
3. Post your tab control file (26948339_manila) on the thread and we shall correct any problems and repost it.
Reset Manila Sense - Sense didn't regenerate correctly
Disable sense, via the Settings\Home\Today items.
Delete "\\windows\manilaFull.xml" on your device (don't worry this is regenerated when manila restarts).
Delete the configuration reg-key HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\Configuration (this resets the tab list and allows the new tab to be included in the tab re-ordering page of the settings tab - the keys only re-generate when you go back to that tab re-ordering page)
Re-enable sense, via the Settings\Home\Today items (it will take a little longer than normal to re-start the 1st time).
Cooking issue - Exception when running facebook.exe for the 1st time
This can occur if the ROM includes an older version of the senseSDK dlls than the ones used by the exe (v1.39) - typically CHTE.
Ensure you only have the latest versions of the following files (provided by with the tab):
Missing menu items after upgrade
Right-hand menu should include the following items:
NEW - Update Status
Facebook App
Facebook Online
NEW - Expand/Collapse View
If they aren't shown up, ensure you have followed the steps which reset Sense correctly (2,4 & 7 of Manual Upgrade Instructions).

Language Files
Language Files
This release requires updated language files (mainly to support the settings pages).
Please note:
If you are editing the tab control file (26948339_manila) or language files, it is recommended you use an editor which supports the following format:
Line Endings:Unix(LF)
Encoding:UTF-16 Little Endian
Editors such as Programmers Notepad and Notepad2 appear to work well.
To create a language file you need to determine the manila name (using ManilaHash.exe (part of the Manila kitchen package), file-names are listed below):
1. Make a copy of the original base file for your language, with the correct language manila filename.
2. Look at the Facebook tab specific files and add the new entries, with translations as you wish (Make sure you use UTF-16 Compatible Editor)
Sense requires the following file format:
Line Endings:Unix(LF)
Encoding:UTF-16 Little Endian
3. Upload to this thread, and it will be added to the list.
[Note:The tab name "Facebook" is specified in the Tab Control file (26948339_manila), since it didn't appear to be set correctly via the language file, but can change it there if you wish.]
Facebook Language Files already created (v1.6 updated or available for V1.01 but now require updating):
35452D58_manila.......7825aca6_manila en-gb (v1.6)
6CD727C8_manila.......035dc316_manila nl-nl (mike2nl v1.6)
3abb2ec0_manila.......2f75480e_manila fr-fr (romualdrichard v1.6RevB)
0CA4B866_manila.......367aeb34_manila cs-cz (jirkab v1.6)
0074C4D4_manila.......3d740322_manila it-it (etoy & Drakknar v1.6)
5470CE36_manila.......40d6f504_manila en-us (captain_throwback v1.6)
1FED11F0_manila.......441d773e_manila pt-pt (dotcompt v1.6)
781C9850_manila.......1c29959e_manila pt-br (dotcompt v1.6)
24a3de40_manila.......58a5d78e_manila es-es
0431A004_manila.......65252a52_manila de-de (BeeGee_Tokyo v1.6)
0FEAB434_manila.......6868ca82_manila el-gr (colossus_r v1.6)
44D8781A_manila.......730337e8_manila nb-no (agaPer v1.6 - Attached)
5E0EA458_manila.......7044e3a6_manila sk-sk (pa3x v1.6)
55D8F302_manila.......1367acd0_manila sv-se
1A673DD0_manila.......4e699b1e_manila pl-pl (Skrobel v1.6)
6A5D7454_manila.......66a492a2_manila hu-hu (zoliwr v1.6 draft - Attached)
7E83165A_manila.......14f76628_manila zh-tw (mudhi v1.6 - Attached)
4E2DE27C_manila.......5ddfcaca_manila ru-ru (Bumeranghc v1.6 - Attached)
Facebook Language Files still need creating:
Facebook.................PeopleUpdate LangCode
4A098364_manila.......0598e5b2_manila ro-ro
6729ABA8_manila.......5a90a336_manila es-es_tradnl
017A1F4A_manila.......2c2c2b18_manila ja-jp
46FB4326_manila.......38da25f4_manila zh-cn
79ABC8F8_manila.......3cc83046_manila tr-tr
7BAB7AC8_manila.......401ed616_manila da-dk
193074C2_manila.......57fd9e90_manila fi-fl
0F3D0AEE_manila.......6be21fbc_manila ko-kr
6D71ED18_manila.......6f505c66_manila ca-es
15EBBB0E_manila.......78d5d7dc_manila ar-sa
V1.01 Translations (many thanks)
German manila files (thanks bl4ckb1rd)
Spanish manila files (thanks Hubie)
French manila files (thanks Fredz)
Czech manila files (thanks jirkab)
Italian manila files (thanks etoy)
?Zh-Tw? manila files (thanks boa19861105)
?pt-pt? manila files (thanks dotcompt)
Norwegian manila files (thanks KaiserAndy)
Dutch manila files (thanks mike2nl)
Greek manila files (thanks colossus_r)
Language File Example (Lang.zip)
Just use the following file from your \windows\ folder:
441D773E_manila \windows\htc\people\locales\pt-pt\peopleupdate.pt-pt.xml
Then rename to:
1FED11F0_manila \windows\htc\people\locales\pt-pt\facebook.pt-pt.xml
Then add the entries (plus the extra ones for v1.6 - see attached en-gb file):
<trans-unit id="IDS_FACEBOOKTITLE">
<trans-unit id="IDS_FACEBOOK_OPENAPP">
<source>Facebook App</source>
<trans-unit id="IDS_FACEBOOK_OPENWEB">
<source>Facebook Online</source>
Then copy back to your \windows\ folder (and post on this thread).
When people have performed translations, I'll post up the completed files here.
Completed language files will get included in any installs/updates where possible.
Currently included languages for v1.6:
+ no-nb & pl-pl & zh-tw & hu-hu & ru-ru
Currently included languages for v1.01:

Thanks, I will give this baby a test ride...

Second Post from me
Many Thanks man I will try tonight and share my results.

Works on the NRG MM MAR 20 23548(9) - followed instructions to the letter (although you haven't explained when to transfer over the modified manila tab control file!)
Will keep you posted on any issues!

rlatarche said:
Works on the NRG MM MAR 20 23548(9) - followed instructions to the letter (although you haven't explained when to transfer over the modified manila tab control file!)
Will keep you posted on any issues!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ok, zip and install post updated.

meltwater said:
This is my facebook tab, ...
To Do - if Possible
Read and understand the above information before asking for features, but this is what I still hope to do (again don't post asking for them if it's on this list!).
Directly update own status
Allow view of full status text, either bigger space, expand on selection or ticker tape
Update settings page to include things set in registry (Auto Update time etc)
Links to albums
Replacement of mortscript with an exe file (with thanks to johncmolyneux)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is a great idea, don't know why HTC decided to do their facebook integration the way they did and not treat Twitter the same way (using the people tab). Couldn't you hook into the data and functions of the facebook tab from HTC's interface and not require mortscript/external exe?

jneilliii said:
This is a great idea, don't know why HTC decided to do their facebook integration the way they did and not treat Twitter the same way (using the people tab). Couldn't you hook into the data and functions of the facebook tab from HTC's interface and not require mortscript/external exe?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's a limitation of what is in manila, you can only read from "HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila", unless you are only after a int value.
All the script does (or exe), is the following:
RegReadString("HKLM", "Software\HTC\FacebookSDK","Status",myStoredStatus)
Not all the facebook function is within the manila files, some appears to be within ContactEditor.exe which only takes two different arguments from the scripts to get to new/specific Contact Detail Pages, then its internal to the ContactEditor.exe from there (that appears to also include "Update My Status"! ).
Not saying it can't be done, but it's a simple workaround to release it today.

Hmmmm for some reason, I cannot make this to work with my manila2.5_20121324 version...still playing with this...so we will see..thanks for your effort.

Got it installed all ok, but when I go onto the tab it crashes and freezes sense, have to restrat to get control back, but if i go onto the tab again, does the same.

ai6908 said:
Hmmmm for some reason, I cannot make this to work with my manila2.5_20121324 version...still playing with this...so we will see..thanks for your effort.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ok, let me know what happens, I'm only 2.5.2012.1224, don't know what changes are in the people tab since then.

MalekoUK said:
Got it installed all ok, but when I go onto the tab it crashes and freezes sense, have to restrat to get control back, but if i go onto the tab again, does the same.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ok will try to remember if/why it occurred for me during development, 1st thought is error in your tab control file. Perhaps post your ManilaFull.xml file after sense has loaded/generated it.
What version of sense are you running?
EDIT:Are reg settings imported?

meltwater said:
Ok will try to remember if/why it occurred for me during development, 1st thought is error in your tab control file. Perhaps post your ManilaFull.xml file after sense has loaded/generated it.
What version of sense are you running?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
manila 2.5.1920

Working with "Manila 2.5 20121225.0_VGA_Amarullz
I have just started to play now. I will post more picture for other users within one hour, for sharing
But somehow, I can not able to see any items at the tab, just like you have at first picture. "Update now" Button seems to be not working properly.
Many Many Thanks Again

mkucuksari said:
Working with "Manila 2.5 20121225.0_VGA_Amarullz
I have just started to play now. I will post more picture for other users within one hour, for sharing
But somehow, I can not able to see any items at the tab, just like you have at first picture. "Update now" Button seems to be not working properly.
Many Many Thanks Again
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Have you got any people linked? You've got lots of status icons, I think the hand one is to link people.
Have a look in your people tab -> updates & events tab at the end (this is the source page!), if you don't have people in there you won't anywhere.
The "update now" button is just moved, from menu in the source page, so check it there.
EDIT: Thanks for the screen, appears to be ok for VGA devices too!

Working perfect!
Thanks for your effort mate

Gonna start again later on, start from fresh and see what happens.

MalekoUK said:
Gonna start again later on, start from fresh and see what happens.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No worries, should be ok if you disable the tab via settings for now.


[ROM][W.M.6.5]★★★ Karanz_ULTIMATE™ Series V8.0 !!! ★★★ (13th May. 2012)★ 240Mhz OC ★

[ROM][W.M.6.5]★★★ Karanz_ULTIMATE™ Series V8.0 !!! ★★★ (13th May. 2012)★ 240Mhz OC ★
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★★★Welcome to the Ultimate Series™ Thread. ★★★
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Post 5#- Download Page.
Post 6#- FAQs.
Post 7#- Bug Fixes.
Post 8#- Old ROM screenshots.
Post 9#- Extra info : post reserved.
★ 3.5mm audio adapter for HTC Devices.
★ Storage Card information for Gene Users.
Vote of thanks..
*Note - the person sequence has nothing to do with the level of importance.As far as our Gene forum is concerned, its according to my history on xda when i came to know people sequentially.
Everyone's help and even the smallest guidance has been equally important to me.thankyou all.
Haree - Our very new Gene Moderator.thanks for all your support.
Krazy_about_technology(Sumit) - for the ROM upgrading tutorial,guiding me how to use Ervis Kitchen and many other endless beneficial help..
Duron23(farooq) - for guiding me throughout my ROM cooking process.
vaibhav_batra_the_techguy - for the awesome package creator.
Addictedtoxda - for keeping Gene forum clean and for various help on the forum.
Ankit360 - for writing first Gene ROM Upgrading tutorial and for various guidance throughout the forum.
wapvirus - for skinning help,qvga enhancements,menu enhancements help.
Ramersonw - guidance troughout the forum.
BesFen - for writing the Ervis Kitchen tutorial.
Rakesh_4utoo - for being a great friend on xda.
Shail00 - Support on forum.
Jagan_3400 - for helping me out in About screen image and other support on the forum.
pawanbaw - for support on forum.
Deathgame(Naman) - Support on forum.
!Aman! - for qvga skinning help.
FallenSparten - for constant help throughout the forum.
Da_G - for providing latest builds on xda-developers.
whitealien - for providing lates Touchflo2d enhancements.
Paul_Days - for providing rhodium rings and other enhancements for qvga.
NRGZ28 - for my Gene EnergyRom inspiration.
yozgatg - for my Sense Rom inspiration.
Special thanks to all the Gene users(names i have missed adding to the list.i apologize.) who have helped and supported me.
Donations list !!!
common guys...be the first one to come on the list !!!
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May 13th 2012.
240Mhz constant SAFE overclocking. Follow the steps carefully.
Disclaimer : I'm not responsible if any damage is caused to your device if you don't follow the steps carefully. The next rom update(if lucky) will be having this feature right out of the box.
Instructions :
Download the following file from the link below and unzip.
Install omap_omapclock.cab to device memory.(not storage card). (also you should have Resco Explorer V8.0 or higher installed.)
Remove omapClock folder inside Omap folder program files after installation and past it inside /Program Files/ itself.(no sub folders).
Rename omapClock folder to OmapClock.
Finally OmapClock.exe should be in your /Program Files/OmapClock/ folder on your device.
Open File Explorer on your device and open Omapclock.exe. Set it to 240Mhz.(not more than that !).
ISSUE : Suspending the device at this point will cause the speed to be reset back to default. (we'll solve this in the steps below).
Open Resco Explorer and go to the /Program Files/OmapClock/ folder. Locate the OmapClock.exe file and hold the stylus on this file until menu pops. Choose “Copy”.
Now browse to \Windows\Startup then hold stylus in an empty area and when menu pops, choose paste shortcut.
Hold the stylus on the newly created OmapClock shortcut and choose Properties then click the Shortcut tab.
Target should be: “\Program Files\OmapClock\OmapClock.exe” –clock 240
Soft reset and test. Suspending the device will reset the device back to the default speed.
Now install DinarSoft MemMaid from my package u downloaded in step 1.
Open MemMaid and choose the Notification queue button/tab on the bottom (second from left) then click the ADD button.
For Program, click the browse button and browse to the shortcut you created in steps 9-10. The location of the shortcut is \Windows\Startup.
From the event dropdown choose “The device woke up”.
Click Add.
Soft reset and you are done. The Clock speed will remain at the specified speed you specified in step 11 even when the device comes out of suspend.
Download link : http://www.mediafire.com/?gjvrqkczr178pi2
March 11th,2011.
Finally...after a long wait and improvements !!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to Ultimate V8.0 !!!
ROM built updated to 21916.
First boot setup files edited.
New startup screen.
68mb+ free storage space.25mb+ on startup.
HTC HD2 icons all resized to 45*45 pixels in Adobe Photoshop.
Complete stock like rom with tones of updates provided as extra installations in the ROM package.
Pocket digital clock updated to the latest version.
Stock dialer files edited.
many more fixes and improvements....will update this list as i remember.
August 1st,2010.
Welcome to Gene W.M.6.5 Revolution !
ROM built updated to 21911.
ROM is built on a brand new Kitchen.
HTC HD2 dinik icons
stock lite w.m.6.5 rom providing users to install their desired plug-ins.
Audio manager removed.people hardly use it.Still,provided for external install.
Updated following packages from HTC Mega.
SDK Message Enhc 1_1_19162620_03_WAlien
SimManager_Mega Updated
xda-shut down skins customized in photoshop.
New startup screens.
No dead shortcuts.hardware buttons mapped properly to respective applications.
Rhodium ringtones,alarms.
JSPA app provided externally for categorizing shorcuts.
HTC Mega notifications in Fuly Loaded edition.
Ezinput Keyboard removed.saves ROM space.will provide cabs for external installation.
UCWEB updated to Version 7.
Speed dial removed.Provided for external download.this eradicates problem of sddeamon.exe executing,removing disturbance while listening to music.
Complete ROM package provided with Start Guide and some applications and games for external installation.
★ My Custom W.M.6.1 ROMS. ★ My Custom WM 6.5 ROMS.
★ Audio converter for HTC. ★ Storage card info for HTC GENE users.
★ Guide:Upgrading P3400 & P3400i.
If you like my work on Xda, please
Download Page | Roms | Kitchen | Packages
Ultimate V8.0
Direct Rom Update Utility - click here.
New Gene - click here.
Old Gene - click here.
Previous versions -
Ultimate V7.1.2 (30/10/2009)
changelog : Click here.
Kitchen Ext packages
Ultimate V7(18th Oct.2009)
NEW GENE M2D Mega Manilla Version : Click here.
Enjoy the rom.Do read the Readme.txt inside for instructions.
OLD GENE M2D Mega Manilla Version : Click here.
Ultimate V7 MEGA Kitchen : Click here.
Version 5 .
. . . Ultimate V4 BMW ULTIMATE ROM. . .
FAQs | Tricks | Hacks
FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)​
Q. Is this ROM safe and Virus free to download ?
Ans.Yes it is.
Q. How to flash this ROM ?
Ans. Follow the GENE ROM Upgrading Guide properly and flash a ROM on xda-developers.
Q. i need a less RAM consuming ROM.which one should i download ?
Ans. the Lite Series are targeted to acheive maximum free RAM possible.download the Lite Series.
Q. while upgrading ROM in getting an error[300]/error[260].is this a problem in your ROM ?
Ans. No,this is not a ROM problem.these errors occur when you haven't synced your device properly or you are missing required drivers on your computer/laptop.before flashing a ROM, make sure you have synced your device properly.read the Guide properly,go through the explaination properly and then flash a ROM.
Q.My music stops or gets stuck when the screen is locked or turned off.
Ans. this will probably happen in windows media player and the Audio manager.Solution - see registry fix in Bugs and Fixes post.
Q.After a heavy usage,my phone goes low on memory.what should i do ?
Ans. Go to Advance Task Manager and delete/kill the unwanted processes/applications running on the background.Keep hibernating your phone everytime before you start an application and after exiting an application.
Q.Can i flash a W.M.6.1 ROM after flashing a W.M.6.5 or W.M.6.5.X ROM ?
Ans. Yes you can.only be carefull if you are flashing an official ROM.
Q.Im not able to go to bootloader mode.what should i do?
Ans. Read the Guide properly.
Q.Why are your ROMS called Ultimate Series?
Ans. Because they are made for Gene Ultimate Users.
Q. Do you provide any kind of help or start guide in your Roms ?
Ans. Yes, a complete Start Guide is provided with my Roms along with some good,stable softwares(multimedia,tools),games and tips.
Q. What happens if i ask a stupid or repetitive question?
Ans. You won't be entertained any further.
Bug Fixes | Additional Packages
Bug Fixes :
Thanks to Sumit for providing us the Bug fixes.i have posted all the bug fixes from Sumit's W.M. 6.1 thread Here.i have omitted the additional steps for gene users to see all the bug fixes from my thread by directly providing them from Sumit's thread.
Problem Resolutions and FAQ:
1. The Camera Applications shows little anomalies like number blinking at bottom of screen, hang if left direction key is pressed etc..?
Solution: Use the registry file in CameraFix.zip and incorporate it into your registry using some registry editor or the provided Task Manager 2 application provided in ROM.
2.How to configure Hotmail's Pop3 Access in default messaging application of Windows Mobile without using Windows Live?
Solution: Create a new email account as usual and use these details:
Step 1:
Email Address: Your email but dont use @hotmail.com, instead use something else like htmail.com or something like that. Please not that this is only necessary if your email address end in @hotmail.com. Other Windows Live users dont need to do this.
Password: Your Password.
Step 2:
Uncheck the checkbox : Try to get e-mail settings automatically from the Internet
Step 3:
Select "Internet E-Mail" as your service provider.
Enter your name and an account name.
Step 5:
Incoming Mail Server: pop3.live.com
Account Type : POP3
Step 6:
Username : Your email address (full email including @hotmail.com or any other windows live address that you have. This time give it correctly)
Password: Your Password.
Step 7:
Outgoing (SMTP) mail Server: smtp.live.com
Check the box "Outgoing Server requires authentication" and "Use the same username and password for sending mail."
Click "Advance Server Settings". Check the boxes "Use SSL for Incoming Mail" and "Use SSL for outgoing mail". Select "The Internet" as Network connection and then click "Done."
Step 8:
Select the Automatic update interval you want or manual for no automatic mail checking.
Click Finish.
Now open the account in Messaging and click Menu>Tools>Options. Click the account name, click "Edit Account Setup" and change the email address to the real one.Click Next, Next untill Finish and then click ok to close the options menu.
Thats it. Hotmail will be accessible from messaging now.
3. ActiveSync Starts up Again and Again Automatically Even When the Phone is Not Connected to USB cable or Bluetooth
Solution: It happens for some strange reasons that i haven't been able to find but for now there is a workaround for it.
For Users who use Exchange server with ActiveSync will have no problem if they have set the update schedule to manual. Otherwise, if you are using the push mail feature of exchange, then ActiveSync will run all the time for syncing and that is very normal.
For User who dont use Exchanage server, they should create a fake server and then set the update schedule to manual to prevent ActiveSync from running on its own. Here are the steps for that.
First of all, configure ActiveSync with your PC if you want to sync with PC using the usual method. After that:
1. Open Activesync on your phone and from the menu choose Configure Server...
2. Enter any email address. Clear the checkbox titled "Attempt to detect Exchange Server Settings Automatically". Click Next.
3. In server address, enter localhost or anything else. Click next.
4. Enter any username, password and domain name. I mean random strings. Also check save password checkbox.
5. Clear all the checkboxes in the "Data you want to synchronize" list. Click Finish.
6. Open Menu>Schedule. Here set both the dropdown lists to "Manually" and clear both the checkboxes. Click OK and close ActiveSync.
Plus as an additional step, delete the unneeded notification for Active Sync. To do that :
1. Open DotFred's task manager (Task Manager 2) and go to the Notifications tab.
2. In "Notified Programs", search for repllog.exe. You will most probably find 3 entries for it.
3. Scroll horizontally and out of these 3 or what ever entries, find those which have the entry "AppRunAtTimeChange" or "AppRunAfterTimeChange". Delete these entries, using the third icon from left on the bottom toolbar.
ActiveSync wont give you any problems after this.
4. Audio Booster doesn't allows entering Equalizer settings and checking the equalizer checkbox + Missing Audiobooster Option in Audio Managers Menu
Solution: This is not a problem and happens with some versions of AudioBooster and Audio Manager, if their version numbers are different. To resolve it :-
Just start AudioManager, let it build its library a little and then play a song for minimum 5 seconds. After that start AudioBooster, adjust one of its sliders a little. Then soft reset your phone, and both the problems will be solved. What happens is, they create their respective registry settings on first start and after that everything is fine. In Original ROMs from HTC, since on first boot the Customization applications runs, it sets up the registry itself. But even with that, you have to reboot your device anyway.
5. Audio Manager and Windows Media Player stop playback if power button is pressed and phone enters suspend mode.
Solution: First of all, Thanks to Shaunak.it for finding the solution.
This problem occurs in some specific builds of gene. It can occur in old gene and new gene both. So here is what it is like:
Normally, If you press the power button while music is playing, Audio Manager and Windows Media Player stop playback. But this only happens when headset is not connected. If headset is connected, the playback wont stop.This is a standard behavior and not a problem. But on some p3400 and P3400i phones, the playback stops no-matter headset is connected or not. I was not able to find the solution for this problem as it was not happening with me. But a friend of ours from this forum, shaunak.it solved it as he was having this annoyance. Here's what you have to do:
Open the Task Manager Advanced. Click the down faced arrow to the right of the screen and select Regedit from the menu. Now in the folder tree on the upper half of the screen, Navigate to :
For AudioManager:
HKLM > Software > HTC > Audio Manager > Config
In the lower section, look for a value called ENTER_SUSPEND. If its there, double tap on it to edit it and enter 0 as new value. Otherwise, in an empty area in the same place, tap and hold for a while for a context menu to appear. Select New > Value. Select REG_DWORD as Value Type. In the name field, type ENTER_SUSPEND. Click the Set Data button and enter 1 as the value. Click Ok and then again Ok.
For Windows Media Player
HKLM > System > Current Control Set > Control > Power > State > Suspend. Again in the lower left corner look for a value named WAV, if its there, double tap to edit it and then enter 0 as its new value. Otherwise, in an empty area in the same place, tap and hold for a while for a context menu to appear. Select New > Value. Select REG_DWORD as Value Type. In the name field, type WAV. Click the Set Data button and enter 0 as the value. Click Ok and then again Ok.
Secondly, in the same way go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Microsoft > MediaPlayer >Preferences and create or modify the DWORD value
"UnattendedPlayback" and set it to 1.
I am attaching a .reg file to do this automatically. Just go to the Task Manager advance and on the registry tab click the first icon in the bottom icon bar and click Import.. and browse to this file and select it.
This will solve your problem.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
UCWEB Browser , FIM messenger and FACEBOOK initialization to success tip :
Connect your device to your computer.Make sure the device is in active sync mode only.Now start UCWEB browser.it takes a few seconds and always initializes to SUCCESS !!!!!!
Use the same technique to connect to Facebook and Fim facebook messenger when u start it for the very first time.U will never face any problems after that.Enjoy !
Additional Applications:
Adope Reader LE 2.5 ( Installing this on storage card saves space. )
Start Menu Icons ( Add your own start icon if u dont like mine )
View attachment 219133 (dialer package used in my Pro Series)
View attachment 224656 (touch Pro skin for S2U2.only qvga.)
View attachment 225211 (If,camera shortcut is missing in start menu, place this file inside the folder in your windows/Start menu/Programs)
A very warm welcome to all the noobs. please read the upgrading guide before flashing any rom :
[GUIDE] Step by Step Guide for Upgrading P3400 and P3400i ROM + FAQs
Screenshot Section​
★★★ Ultimate V7.1.2 ★★★​
Ultimate V7.1.2 is the revised edition of V7.1.1.The main screen screenshots are the same as the default W.M.6.5 layout.The new build 21872 is very fast and stable.i have taken lots of efforts to make the rom as bug free as possible.With applications like JSPA program manager, i have given the users the flexibility to arrange their menu shortcuts according to their need in the specific folders.The rom is fully loaded with alot of new features and enhancements.Enjoy !!!
- : Ultimate V7 : -
TouchFlo 3D Flipping Clock Arrives !!!! ​
Pagepool :8mb
Free ram(on first boot): 22mb
normal use : 15-18mb with manilla
18mb with HTC HOME
Scroll down for changelog.
Version 5 :
Some of the screenshots have come blured.this is because im using a gif animator to club different images to one.
Pagepool :6 MB
Free ram(First boot) : 23mb
Enjoy !!!
[NEW]karanz_BMW_ULT[built 23016]
BMW rom With manilla [V4]
Pagepool :6 MB
Free ram(First boot) : 20mb
BMW rom Without manilla [V4]
Pagepool :8 MB
Free ram(First boot) :massive 25mb
i cant show this on screen because as i use mymobiler,that consumes bit of ram.and after sometime i got 21.95mb free ram.
Do post your experience !!!
My other contribs :
My custom boot screen :
extra info
Post reserved.
Looks great in screenshots
rakesh_4utoo said:
Looks great in screenshots
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks man,im finding it hard to post a qvga image of the same on my thread.can anyone help???
karan999 said:
thanks man,im finding it hard to post a qvga image of the same on my thread.can anyone help???
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
simply by clicking attachments in Edit Post ,you can do this ... wondering if it's not working for you
rakesh_4utoo said:
simply by clicking attachments in Edit Post ,you can do this ... wondering if it's not working for you
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ya...seriously,its not.
hey the rom is working realllly great............
thnx alot getting 22 mb free ram and also The group sms...thats really good...
just while using audio manager the ram reduces by 2mb and more by audio booster
its better to use s2p
and where is the s2u2 application?havent u added that?
upload the image to xda server, right click on the attachment and select copy link and then insert that link in image
vaibhav_batra_the_techguy said:
upload the image to xda server, right click on the attachment and select copy link and then insert that link in image
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Use the attachments button bro...
@sweetashun: You are getting 22 MB at start or after average use? I m getting around 18 MB.
Use IE, firefox for some strange reason will not allow to embed images in the post directly.
Nice going buddy. Congratulation for your first ROM build
at the start..and thn its reducing ...i reduce my tabs from manilia!!!
I removed the music widget cos it loads audio manager without pressing the play key..
does anybody tried the footprint widget..??
the manila doesnt start if u activate that!
so do u have any idea about that?
and if u use the windows new lock screen..
ram reduces like anything

[APP] CHTEditor v1.8.5.1 [UPDATE 19-JUN-2010]

Editor for Co0kie's Home Tab
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Download v1.8.5.1 here
See below for a list of changes
Please read post #2 before...
upgrading (either the editor OR Co0kie's Home Tab)
changing the editor language
posting issues
posting change requests
cooking the editor into a ROM.
Co0kie's Home Tab offers us a vast array of changes for our home tabs. A lot of the options are only available via registry edits, unless you use CHTEditor.
With this application you can modify all the settings for the mod without having to open a registry editor, as well as being able to export & import all your settings and quicklinks, in case you need to hard reset or flash a new ROM. Multiple settings files can be automatically linked in the start menu, so you can switch layouts without opening the editor. You can also add these shortcuts as quicklinks to switch layouts from the home tab itself.
This application DOES NOT make any changes to Sense. You MUST have Co0kie's Home Tab installed!!!
You can get Co0kie's Home Tab here.
MAKE SURE that you have the same version of the mod and the editor installed - you'll be told when starting the editor if you don't.
(It only has to be the first 3 numbers eg. v1.7.1.0 will work with v1.7.1.1)
This application requires .Net 3.5 to be installed on your device. You can download this for activesync installation here, or as a cab file here.
Some people seem to be having trouble installing .Net 3.5. If you are one of them, read this post and this post for 2 different suggestions.
The application has been tested thoroughly and found to be stable for WM6.5. There is an issue when automatically restarting manila in WM6.1, but you get a friendly error message telling you about it. If you get this message then you will need to restart manila manually.
A BIG thanks goes to eboelzner for the Sense Interface SDK UI controls. They've made a vast improvement to the application and he's been a great help getting the latest version looking the part.
You can find the Sense Interface SDK here.
I have to say a MASSIVE THANKS to henklbr for his help and patience whilst he tested many debug version of the app to fix the recent export issue that was introduced with v1.7.0.0. It's thankfully gone now, hence the release of v1.7.1.1. This release DOES NOT require an update to Co0kie's Home Tab, as long as that's v1.7.1.
Important notes
If in the future you upgrade Co0kie's Home Tab to a newer version, please read post #2 below.
This application can be installed to either the device or your storage card.
Finally, a lot of time goes into this application and this thread, so I'm sorry but I won't answer any questions that are answered in these first few posts. Any major issues will either be resolved as a new release, or will be mentioned at the top of the thread somewhere.
Features list:
Change the settings without a registry editor
Export and import settings and quicklinks (can also be done via command-line - see post 2)
Command-line support for import and export of settings (see post 2)
Create shortcuts to settings files for on-the-fly quick changes from the start menu or quicklinks, without running the editor
Remove dead quicklinks
Automatically restarts manila or soft resets for immediate changes
Multi-language support
To be implemented in future releases:
Add the option to enter application paths as free text, so that parameters can be included
Add the ability to import and export different parts of your settings so you can mix them (quicklinks, home layout, lock layout etc..)
This is a work in progress and will continue to be developed in-line with Co0kieMonster's home tab mod, including any extra settings that are added along the way. With this in mind, it will only work with the correct verison of Co0kieMonster's mod, and if you try to run it against a different version then you'll be given an error telling you to check back here for a newer version of this application.
If you find any problems, please post and let me know, unless it's one of the above mentioned issues that I'm already planning on fixing.
Other than that, go enjoy your newly modded home tab
Here's a great how-to vid on YouTube
Here's a video of the mod and editor on pocketnow.com
Here's a write-up of the mod and editor on htcsoftware.org
Update 19-Jun-2010
Fixed issue where getting default wallpaper folder caused an error.
Update 19-Jun-2010
Added support for new features in Co0kie's Home Tab, and some minor bug fixes.
Update 06-Jun-2010
Added support for new features in Co0kie's Home Tab, and some minor bug fixes.
Update 10-May-2010
Added multi-language support and import and export can now be done from command-line.
Update 19-Apr-2010
Fixed the export problem, so you can now export settings and create quicklinks for quick changes of your layouts.
Update 18-Apr-2010
A few options were added & removed from Co0kie's Home Tab, so the same options have been added/removed from the editor. Some logic has been put in place to make some of the controls context sensitive (you can't select too many pages for the different quicklink layouts, and you can't set a default page higher than the number of pages). I've also completely rewritten the import/export dialog, and have added the ability to run settings files directly, without opening the editor. This means you can have multiple layouts and switch between them by either running the settings files from a file explorer, running them from the start menu, or adding them as quicklinks.
Update 13-Apr-2010
The main changes have been in 2 parts. They have been driven by the big changes made to Co0kie's Home Tab, and I've switched the control set from the original Manila SDK controls to the new and improved Sense Interface SDK controls. There were also some minor bug-fixes and groundwork laid for future changes.
Update 04-Mar-2010
Fixed issues with exporting and importing settings and quicklinks and added support for new features in Co0kie's Home Tab v1.6. Exports from an earlier version will not be able to be imported into this version, but this will not be the case with later version of this application. I know it's a pain, and I'm sorry, but the problem has been resolved for future versions.
Update 21-Feb-2010
Fixed a problem where selecting an app from the application list did not assign it correctly.
Update 21-Feb-2010
I've added a folder treeview for exporting and importing settings, rather than saving them to the root of the storage card, which didn't always work.
Update 20-Feb-2010
I've changed the application picker for the alarm, calendar and call history applications.
It's now a list of everything in your start menu, rather than the standard .Net open file dialog, which is somewhat lacking.
I've also fixed the "Number of days to look ahead", which wasn't updating, despite the value being changed and stored succesfully.
See this post if you want an app to restart Sense
See this post for the nocert cab file
Upgrade information
Please read carefully BEFORE upgrading Co0kie's Home Tab
Before upgrading Co0kie's Home Tab, use the Export option in the CHTEditor menu to create an export file for your Co0kie's Home Tab settings and all your quicklinks. Then, upgrade Co0kie's Home Tab and the editor (if needed), then run the Import option in the CHTEditor menu to restore your settings. This saves you having to setup Co0kie's Home Tab again, and re-creates all your quicklinks for you. (Note - this method is only available in v1.6.0+)
If you are upgrading Co0kie's Home Tab, you may well need to upgrade the editor as well. If so, follow the instructions above. To install a new version of CHTEditor, just run the CAB file and allow it to uninstall any previous version. Just continue the installation as normal after that.
Once you have upgraded Co0kie's Home Tab (and the Editor, if needed), run the editor and use the import option in the menu to import all your previous home tab and associated settings (quicklinks, layout, options etc.).
Multi-language information
Please read carefully BEFORE changing language or asking questions about it
If a language is not in the list then it has not been done. This is an ongoing process and new translations will appear in time.
The language changes in the application are done by downloading a language file from a web server. When you open the menu and choose the "change language" option, the web server is queried and returns a list of the available languages. This means that the list of available languages can change without you needing to reinstall the software. Once you have chosen your language, the language changes are downloaded as a small text file and stored in the same folder as the CHTEditor application. If you ever need to refresh this downloaded language file you will need to set the language to English and then choose your language again. This causes the local language file to be deleted, as English is the default language, and then you can download your language file again. If you manually delete the language file then you will get the default English version of the application, but it will still think it is in a different language.
If you want to translate CHTEditor into a language that does not already have a translation, please read post #3.
Command-line import & export
Please read for command-line help
You can now import and export settings files using command-line instructions, rather than having to run the application. Imports were previously introduced with v1.7.1.1, but you can now also export as well. This is the format of the instructions...
CHTEditor.exe /IMPORT "fullpath\filename.cht"
The /IMPORT is optional, as this method already existed in v1.7.1.1, without it. I've just added it for consitency.
CHTEditor.exe /EXPORT "fullpath\filename(.cht)" (/CREATESHORTCUT)
The .cht on the filename is optional, as it is automatically added if you don't do it yourself. If the /CREATESHORTCUT instruction is used, a shortcut is created for the exported settings, in a folder in your start menu (handy for adding quicklinks to exports).
If you want to use these methods with MortScript, please see this post for help.
Known issues
Please read BEFORE posting issues
Anyone with v1.7 that is less than v1.7.1.1 will need to update or export settings may not work.
Any bugs reported will be added to this list for fixing in later releases.
Some people are getting a version mismatch error, despite having the same version of the 2 different applications.
Temp.Fix: Set the value in HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\Co0kie.HomeVersion to the first 3 numbers of the version number (eg. 1.5.0).
WARNING: This suggested fix forces the editor and the home tab to work together, but there may actually be a real reason for the version mismatch error.
If there is, you could cause problems doing this, so always try to get a version number set by Co0kie's Home Tab before trying this manual fix.
Export settings remembers your last folder. If this folder does not exist next time you try to export, an error will be raised.
Temp.Fix: Clear the value in HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\CHTE.LastDialogPath to resolve this issue.
Importing does not always import the lockscreen layout.
Temp.Fix: Modify the lockscreen slightly, so that it creates the registry entries, and then import your settings again.
The dialog windows will still show button text such as "Yes", "No", "OK" or "Cancel", despite changing the language of the application. This text is part of the Sense SDK Interface that is used to make the application look (and work) the way it does. The developer of the interface, eboelzner, is currently adding localisation to these controls, so expect this to be resolved in a future release.
Coming soon
Please read BEFORE posting requests
In an upcoming version you will be able to select different types of exports, including combinations of quicklinks, home layout (both landscape and portrait) and lockscreen so that you can mix things up a little. It will mean, for example, that you can have several different visual layouts that share the same quicklinks.
This is pretty basic, but missing. I'll be adding a "refresh language file" option to the language selector screen. At the moment, if you don't have automatic downloads of updates selected, you can't update the language file unless you first select English (this deletes the local language file), and then reselect your language (this downloads the latest available version of your language file). Since there is a work-round for this, I'm not too bothered about rushing to get this done. It will just be in the next release.
ROM chef information
Info for chefs wanting to cook the editor into a ROM
From v1.7 onwards, Co0kie's Home Tab now includes a menu link to the editor application. This requires a registry value that is set when installing the editor. Obviously, if you're cooking the application into a ROM then the installer is not being run, so this value is not being set.
The following value should point to the editor application to make this link work:
for example...
CHTE.Path = \Program Files\CHTEditor\CHTEditor.exe
CHTEditor Translations
Please read if you are interested in changing the language of CHTEditor or wish to translate it
If you want to translate for a language that is not already available in the editor then download the language file from the first post and follow the instructions at the top. Once you've completed the translation, attach the language.txt file to a new post on this thread, stating clearly what language you have translated to (the actual language name, not the CultureInfo string).
People can then freely share these files. You simply place the language.txt file in the application folder and the changes take effect next time you start the editor.
Whenever there are updates to the application, the language files will need to be updated to include the new values. Anyone who does this, please post them, as described in above and they can be manually downloaded by people, as well as being uploaded to the application server by me.
I will also do my best to keep on top of new files and updates and post them to the application server so that they will become available within the application, but don't expect this to happen quickly, and please don't message me about this unless it's been at least a week since you posted it.
Incidentally, you can change the values in the language files to anything you like. I may not upload them to the application server, but if Google can have translations to languages like Elmer Fudd and Klingon, then there's no reason you can't have it too
Hi John,
HD2 with 1.48ROM Manila 2.519211619.0 (U.K. Vodafone U/G currently on O2)
Cookie's mod 1.54 all working perfectly.
I'd like to help if I can.
Beta Testing
I'll gladly beta test this. I'm pretty good at giving feedback for anything I notice, and I'm not afraid of the odd hard reset.
Stock 1.66 ROM, Co0kieMonster's home tab installed and working fine.
cozzykim said:
Hi John,
HD2 with 1.48ROM Manila 2.519211619.0 (U.K. Vodafone U/G currently on O2)
Cookie's mod 1.54 all working perfectly.
I'd like to help if I can.
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Mariad said:
I'll gladly beta test this. I'm pretty good at giving feedback for anything I notice, and I'm not afraid of the odd hard reset.
Stock 1.66 ROM, Co0kieMonster's home tab installed and working fine.
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Thankyou, both. It'll be a great help as I'm sure to miss my own mistakes
There's a few pieces of the app to complete currently, but I'll get what I've currently got zipped up and available for you tonight and PM you with a link.
Thanks again
I would like to hel as whell, I run on wm 6.5.5(23529.5.5.0) rom version 2.07.531.6, manila version 2.5.20113626.0 running co0kie's home 1.5.4 with no problems.
Hello johncmolyneux, you need testers? I can help, my phone it's HTC Touch HD...
great job
I am interested to tester it ..
cookie's home tab 1.54 on manila 2.5.20113626.0 and works well
Hi johncmolyneux,
Can you add a function that let us get all start menu shortcuts automatically to home quicklinks. as we have up to 75 with the ability to drag and drop it will be great that one.
This looks like an excellent addition to our HD2 tweaks! Looking forward to it.
great !
if you want more beta tester, i'm ok.
Very good job
if you want, I can test it on Manila 2.5.203030!
I would be happy to help.
Excellent idea and GUI for the Home Tab.
I should also be able to test on Manila version 2011.3636. Running miri v4.
cybermo said:
Hi johncmolyneux,
Can you add a function that let us get all start menu shortcuts automatically to home quicklinks. as we have up to 75 with the ability to drag and drop it will be great that one.
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I did see your request for that in Co0kie's thread. I'll have a think about it, because I initially get warning sounds going off for that idea. Leave it with me
Hi! This Mod is awesome and a config tool sounds like a very good idea. Since a can't really program, I'd like to give a hand any way I can.
Rom: Miri's V2.3 WWE
O.S. 5.2.21889 (21889.5.0.87)
Manila 2.5.19222911.0
Excellent idea
Probably the ending goal would be to fuse the two apps together... sounds a bit weird to install a manila mod, and a different app especially for configuring it
Yet the features you promise to implement are jolly good!
Alas, I miss the time to flash my custom rom's updated version, so no go for testing, but I see you got plenty of requests already
good Idea
Hi very good Idea
but please merge your knowhow to the BsB Tweaks. I want not 10 configuration programs.

[XDA_UC][UC][SASHIMI][S4X] S4X_Auto & S4X_Backup [DEC.02.2010] XDA_UC Mods & Answers

[XDA_UC][UC][SASHIMI][S4X] S4X_Auto & S4X_Backup [DEC.02.2010] XDA_UC Mods & Answers
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If you need to know about Energy's version of XDA_UC, or are not familiar with it, but use his ROMs please CLICK HERE NOW!!!​
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I have done some extensive modding of the MortScript from SASHIMI (by bengilah @ www.winmo-experts.com) and XDA_UC (by Noonski here @XDA) and have come up with a couple additions meant mainly for Energy's custom XDA_UC as it lacks some of the features that Noonski's version does, well now you can have ALL THAT & MORE!
What does S4X_AutoLauncher.mscr do?
01. it loads the S4X_Auto Script (S4X_Auto_*version*.mscr) with an updated version of MortScript.exe (4.3b15) and waits for it to finish (this way you don't have to install new version of mortscript for the mod to work!).
S4X_Auto script does the following, in the following order:
01. shuts down sense, kills manila.exe and any processes found in the "autoKillApps" section of the autoSettings.ini.
02. deletes AppData folder from device, if instructed by autoSettings.ini to do so.
03. installs CERT files found in XDA_UC_\_Mod_\filesCERT (+ subfolders)
04. provisions any XML files that have "email" or "wifi" in the name of the file.
05. silently sets windows them from the autoSettings.ini, place the filename.tsk(only - spaces are OK, but NO path) of the theme in the INI like this:
if it is a theme that is not present on the rom you can place the file in the folder XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesTSK, and it will get copied to windows before being set as the default theme. if no theme is set in the autoSettings.ini, then any TSK files present in XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesTSK will be copied to windows, then a dynamic menu with all available themes will be shown, and you can choose one, if none is chosen (10sec timeout), then the default cooked theme will be left as the default.
06. installs CABs, located in root of XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesCAB, silently to device
07. installs CABs, located in root of XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesCAB or any subfolder thereof (EXCEPT FOR \netCF, \Dialer, \SDAuto or \SKIP), silently to device.
08. if a SASHIMI ".auto" file is present, it will install the cab semi-silently (no user interaction required), to device or storage card (see XDA_UC\_Mod_\_bin\INI\sample-file.auto for example)
09. install a custom dialer if there are CABs present in XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesCAB\Dialer (+ subfolders), shuts down the proper processes first and if that isn't possible it will skip installation so that there are no errors.
10. installs netCF CABs silently to device if present in XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesCAB\netCF (+ subfolders) (uses THIS method. )
11. looks for CABs in folder: XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesCAB\SDAuto(+ subfolders), installs them silently to your SD. The cabs don't HAVE to be UC compatible, but you will have to do some manual things if they aren't UC compatible... NOTE: not all CABs work with this method, if they don't work, please place them in folder: XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesCAB\Manual, for full user interaction when necessary. This is no longer a separate script, I have integrated it. credit to bengilah @ winmo-experts.com
12. SKIPS all CABs located in XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesCAB\SKIP (+ subfolders)
13. installs *.XDA, *.XDAI, *.XDAS & *.XDAZ files found in XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesXDA (subfolders as well)
14. imports all reg files found in XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesREG (+ subfolders)
15. provisions XML files found in XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesXML (+ subfolders)
16. executes EXE files found in XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesEXE (+ subfolders), if a parameter(s) is found in exeparams.ini, then it is run with those parameters
17. looks for *.wgt/*.widget files in folder: XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesWGT, and installs them with wmwidgetInstaller.exe (if present in ROM) automatically (not silent, but usually no user input is required).
18. looks for folders under folder: XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesSense\****, and copies the content of each folder to \Windows, this is useful for keeping your fixes/mods seperated so that when a new rom comes out that includes the fix/mod you can just delete that folder and it won't be copied to device anymore during XDA_UC setup =)
19. copies all files/folders from folder: XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesRoot, to the root of the device IE: XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesRoot\My Documents gets copied to \My Documents...etc...
20. if present, executes deleteOps.ini and deletes files and/or folders, see the XDA_UC\_Mod_\_bin\INI folder for sample .ini's
21. if present *.pib file in XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesPIM, starts PIMBackup and waits until user is finished importing settings, then...
22. looks for PIM.VOL in folder: XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesPIM, renames current, copies backup, then places a self actuating and deleting script in \Windows\Startup that will delete the old renamed PIM.VOL file at the next boot.
23. runs any MSCR (MortScripts) found in XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesMSCR (+ subfolders), if parameters exist in scriptparams.ini, then it runs the script with the given parameters.
24. imports CHT settings file, if present in folder: XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesCHT
25. finally, I have added logging (no matter whether script is ran manually or automatically by XDA_UC) and on-screen notifications (only during initial XDA_UC setup), the log file can be found in folder: XDA_UC\_Mod_\_bin\LOG\S4X_Auto_ver#_LOG.txt
XX. For ALL CAB & Widget file installs, looks for an entry in customlinks.ini, if present moves the link to the specified directory in the start menu after installation is complete
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What does S4X_SDAutoLauncher.mscr do?
01. It loads the sdauto script with an updated version of MortScript.exe (4.3b15) and waits for it to finish (this way you don't have to install new version of mortscript for it to work!).
S4X_SDAuto_1.0.mscr script does the following, in the following order:
01. files are installed alphanumerically: 0, 1, a, A
02. supports SASHIMI ".auto" files, to automate installation of non UC compliant CABs (ie: pop up messages/windows during installation)
03. it writes a log to XDA_UC\_Mod_\_bin\LOG\S4X_SDAuto_1.0_LOG.txt
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What does S4X_Backup do?
01. * Full minus file > customRegXport, PIMBackup & CHTBackup
02. * FullBackupXport > Filebackup.ini, Regexport.ini, PIMBackup & CHTBackup
03. * CustomRegXport > run regexport.ini ONLY
04. * PIMBackup > Backs up PIM data with PIMBackup, if a file already exists in XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesPIM folder, it copies the file(s) to folder: XDA_UC\_Mod_\_Manual\filesPIM
05. * CHTBackup > Backs up Co0kie Home Tab data and saves it as "chtsettings.cht" in folder: XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesCHT
06. * filebackup > runs filebackup.ini ONLY
07. * Full Export > full registry exported saved in folder: XDA_UC\_Mod_\_Manual\filesREG
08. * View Regexport.ini > Shows you the contents of regexport.ini
09. * View Filebackup.ini > Shows you the contents of filebackup.ini
10. * _ E X I T _ * > self explanatory ;-)
11. when doing a REG export I added a check of fileSkipOverOrArchive in autoSettings.ini (found in XDA_UC\_Mod_\_bin\INI), 0 = ARCHIVE, 1 = OVERWRITE, 2 = SKIP), if set to ARCHIVE a subfolder is created in XDA_UC\_Mod_\_Manual\filesREG and the files present in XDA_UC\_Mod_\filesREG are moved there before export starts. this way you have a backup of previous reg settings.
Please see post #3 for examples of filebackup.ini and regexport.ini
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'Energy' ROM/XDA_UC - User to user tips and tricks!
[UC]XDA_UC Autoconfiguration User2User Thread[23-06-2009]
[UC]XDA_UC V2.RC1, Automated & Silent User & Cook, Configuration Service[14/05/10]
[APP][2010/07/07] XDA_UC_NET - new PORTABLE version of User Customization. (v0.6)
MortScript Examples Accumulation
[MortScript] Source Compendium
[UC] User Customization Backup for Touch Pro using Sashimi
[07/08/2008] Sashimi Tips & Tricks
[REF] How-To: automate backup (inc. Manila conf) before a ROM upgrade using SASHIMI
SASHIMI and new 6.5.x roms
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In an attempt to keep THIS post clean, I am not going to post the code from these two scripts. I will attach my XDA_UC_Mod [latest], which contains both of these scripts which you can extract from the zip and look at all you want.
I am going to post the contents of my filebackup.ini and regexport.ini's for reference, for you non-SASHIMI converts or SASHIMI users who never took the time to learn that wonderful part of SASHIMI. See posts #2 (autoSettings.ini) and #3 (filebackup.ini, regexport.ini, example ini's) for that info...
Future Plans:
1. a way to automate PIMBackup restore w/an .ini
2. completely modularize the mod and allow an .ini to set/determine what actions are performed, hopefully to make process slightly quicker as only script code needed will be loaded/executed
03. regKeyDelete.ini - to automatically delete some keys from registry [ie: bootloader and init entries...etc...] will be written much like the regexport.ini from sashimi
If you only want functionality to install cabs to SDCard silently, then just download the S4X_SDAuto_Mod and extract the zip to the ROOT of XDA_UC folder, otherwise if you want the full mod download the S4X_Auto_plus_Backup_Mod and extract it to the ROOT of XDA_UC folder, there is no need for both as the S4X_SDAuto_Mod is included in the full mod.
1. choose file and unzip to ROOT of XDA_UC folder
2. if running EITHER mod manually, run the .mscr file in root of XDA_UC or .exe in the _bin folder, do NOT run the .mscr file in the XDA_UC\_Mod_\_bin folder unless you have a 4.3b11+ version of MortScript already installed on your system
3. to use S4X_Backup run S4X_Backup.exe in the XDA_UC\_Mod_\_bin folder of XDA_UC or from the start menu > tools > S4X_Backup (only present if you've used xda_uc setup with my mod)
S4X_Auto & Backup Mod [Latest] - mediafire mirror
S4X_SDAuto Mod[Latest] - mediafire mirror
EDIT 12/27/2010 ATTENTION: As I am currently unable to keep up with the updates at the moment, XDA user powinmo, is providing some code updates at THIS POST, please download the full package, then download his code update if you are a first time user. Otherwise you can just download his update, to fix the current issues. Changelog for his update is HERE.
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Here are some basic explanations of what the settings in autoSettings.ini do. =)
[b][color="red"]If for some odd reason device shuts off, reboots...etc during setup/customization, if this is ON (1), it will retry the last task, if OFF (0) it will continue after the last attempted task.[/color][/b]
[b][color="red"]If set to ON (1), will automatically remove appData folder from device[/color][/b]
[b][color="red"]this relates to the S4X_Backup mod, if set to 0 it will "ARCHIVE" (copy to _Mod_\_Manual\filesREG\ARCHIVE_[date]) any existing REG files before exporting the new ones to _Mod_\filesREG[/color][/b]
[b][color="red"]if ON (1) will display the fullpath in status updates[/color][/b]
[b][color="red"]If set to 0, will use mortscript built-in process kill function first (default is 0), if set to 1, will use SKTools.exe #KILLPROC command line function first to try to kill the process. I highly recommend keeping it on 0, but if you have trouble with apps not getting killed (IE: for dialer cab install, PIMBackup restore...etc) then try changing this.[/color][/b]
[b][color="red"]If ON (1), will automatically reboot device after AutoSetup/Customization is complete[/color][/b]
[b][color="red"]if ON (1), the autoProgressFile will be deleted after setup/customization is complete, maybe good for debugging, so you can look at file if there are issues[/color][/b]
[b][color="red"]when copying files, or deleting them, if ON (1) will remove all file attributes and set only "ARCHIVE" attrib[/color][/b]
[b][color="red"]will set a reg entry, if the script is run via the "AUTORUN" feature, ie: using the 2577 folder found under _Mod_\_bin[/color][/b]
[b][color="red"]If ON (1), will keep open a status message window, that will update with each completed/skipped/failed task... everything is always logged to _Mod_\_bin\LOG\*LOG.txt, so not necessary for debugging, only if you want visual confirmation while you watch it work...[/color][/b]
[b][color="red"]this pertains to the TSKfiles portion of the script, you can use the filename of any theme located in \Windows or _Mod_\filesTSK, it will automatically be set during setup/customization[/color][/b]
theme=EnergyROM 2010.tsk
[b][color="red"]If ON (1) will use FdcSoft TskMgr.exe (located in _Mod_\_bin) to import REG files, default (0) will use SKTools.exe (also located in _bin folder)[/color][/b]
[b][color="red"]below is a list of apps/processes that the script will attempt to kill during the "disable htc sense GUI" portion of the script. you can add any app/process you like, but be careful and only use the process name and extension, do not include the path[/color][/b]
- anything set to "Auto" will backup to _Mod_\filesRoot
- anything set to "Manual" will backup to _Mod_\_Manual\filesRoot
- so that it doesn't actually get copied to your device during the
- copy2root part of my script, you must do it manually.
ArkSwitch=\Program Files\Arkswitch\Theme\config.xml
Lumos=\Program Files\Lumos\settings.txt
cookies=\Program Files\Opera Mobile 10\profile\cookies4.dat
pass=\Program Files\Opera Mobile 10\profile\secure\wand.dat
prof1=\Program Files\Opera Mobile 10\profile\datastorage\*.*,*
prof2=\Program Files\Opera Mobile 10\profile\op*.dat
prof3=\Program Files\Opera Mobile 10\profile\*.ini
htcAudMgr=\Application Data\HTC\AudioManager_Eng\*.*,*
htcDownMgr=\Application Data\HTC\DownloadManager\*.*,*
htcStocks=\Application Data\HTC\ygo\*.*,*
htcTwitter=\Application Data\HTC\Twitter\*.*,*
StartMenu=\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\*.*,*
- anything set to "Auto" gets saved to _Mod_\filesREG
- anything set to "Manual" gets saved to _Mod_\_Manual\filesREG
NOW SUPPORTS (as of version 1.1) 6Fg8's customRegExport Mod, see below for explanation and HEED THE WARNING!!!
6Fg8 said:
The mod allows additional parameters in REGEXPORT.INI:
key2=<yourkeypath2>,<value1>,<value2>,<value3>, ... ,<valueN>
key1 is the traditional way of exporting registry keys as its already implemented. It exports this key including all values/subkeys.
key2 specifies a key, plus the value names you want to export (value1-valueN). Value names are CASE SENSITIVE (!), if they dont match you end up with an empty key.
key3 specifies a key, plus ALL values, but WITHOUT subkeys.
WARNING: DO NOT mix filtered (like in key2, key3 examples) and unfiltered keys (key1) in the same section, as this will lead to missing values. If you need to do this, split them into separate sections.
examples from my own usage:
[COLOR=Purple][B][Opera vibration][/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Purple][B][power+backlight settings][/B][/COLOR]
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SavLocAud=HKCR\SystemFileAssociations\audio\shell\save\Save Location
SavLocIE=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Default storage location
SavLocImg=HKCR\SystemFileAssociations\image\shell\save\Save Location
SavLocVid=HKCR\SystemFileAssociations\video\shell\save\Save Location
neuLight=HKCU\Software\Wei Enterprise
RSS=HKCU\Software\Ilium Software
SIPChange=HKCU\Software\The Paradigm Group
IE=HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer
WinLive=HKLM\Services\Windows Live
- below is an example of the deleteops.ini
- used to delete individual files or entire folders
- wildcard (*) can be used
folder1=\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games
folder2=\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\GPS
folder3=\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\*net
folder4=\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Multimedia
folder5=\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Office Mobile
folder6=\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tools
- below is an example of an ".auto" file
- used to automate cab installs that require user input
InstallLocation= (0 = device, 1 = storage card)
WindowTitle="Keyboard and Mouse Setup" (name of window to perform actions on)
- if you want a link for a specific cab to be installed
- to a different directory than the default
- put exact cab file name without extension as first param
- wildcard (*) can be used
- after cab is installed, the link will be moved to where you want it
[LNK Files]
regedit.Rpr_ARM=Programs\Registry Tools
*=Programs\Other Tools
- same as above, filename (no ext) as it exists in _Mod_\filesEXE as first parameter
- parameters go after the equals sign
[EXE Parameters]
cusTSK=\Windows\Windows Mobile Green.tsk
- same as above, scriptname (no ext) as it exists in _Mod_\filesMSCR as first parameter
- parameters go after the equals sign, inside the quotes
[Script Parameters]
MyScript="varone=one vartwo=two varthree=three"
Your zip file
Your zip file doesn't work. It gives errors when you try to unzip it.
BTW I search the whole xda for a post saying this and I didn't find one...lol
Other links
Sorry... updating zip file now...
Cingularman said:
Your zip file doesn't work. It gives errors when you try to unzip it.
BTW I search the whole xda for a post saying this and I didn't find one...lol
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see top post for correct updated file =)
Great reference Ben..as always very well done!
krook6023 said:
Great reference Ben..as always very well done!
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thanks, just trying to be a contributing member, even if "my" stuff isn't exactly 100% original... MortScript is getting easier by the minute for me, coming from self taught php background a lot of it is similar or the same even... I'm sure there's some languages that php resembles... but I'm not really a programmer of any sort, just an accomplished "tinkerer" heh...
I posted this in the Energy thread - it was suggested I ask here... any help would be great. Thanks.
Hi -
Can you give me a step by step on the order in which you do stuff after flashing (when to reinsert the sim card, when to run PIM Backup, etc.)? I basically stole your entire XDA_UC (thank you btw!) just adding a couple files and reg settings for some applications and a few things don't seem to work for me (i.e., my favorite people never come back in the right order or even the right people, my hotmail gets screwed up, etc.). I just can never seem to get any of the backups to work exactly right and I've tried SASHIMI, NRG's Export/Importer, and XDA_UC. I just think I'm doing something at the wrong time and things are stepping on each other or something. Anyway, thanks for the help!
PS I'm installing the latest 23xxx CHT rom via SD card ...
shannyb1972 said:
Hi -
Can you give me a step by step on the order in which you do stuff after flashing (when to reinsert the sim card, when to run PIM Backup, etc.)? ...snip...
PS I'm installing the latest 23xxx CHT rom via SD card ...
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sorry for the slow reply, had to pick up my Dad from his elbow surgury and ran into car trouble on the way home (he just spent almost 6k on fixing that stupid thing in about a 2mo period... lol)
anywas... if THIS POST doesn't answer all your questions feel free to ask anything more specific =)
benjamminzIS said:
had to pick up my Dad from his elbow surgury and ran into car trouble on the way home (he just spent almost 6k on fixing that stupid thing in about a 2mo period... lol)
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The car or the elbow?
Anyway, hope he has a swift recovery (and thanks for the great posts)...
rmanaka said:
The car or the elbow?
Anyway, hope he has a swift recovery (and thanks for the great posts)...
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ROFLOL... yeah guess I should have been a little clearer on that =P the car... what a waste... american cars = teh suck!
benjamminzIS said:
ROFLOL... yeah guess I should have been a little clearer on that =P the car... what a waste... american cars = teh suck!
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Maybe we ought to start sponsoring you (like we did NRG for a new Fuze) so you can get a European car?
Tazkika said:
Maybe we ought to start sponsoring you (like we did NRG for a new Fuze) so you can get a European car?
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lol... no, not my car = crap. my dad's car... lol... my car, Lexus IS300 = wrecked (not the one in sig) into the back of my best friends truck, back in July, was looking (rubbernecking) at flipped car on other side of road, road was wet, person in front of my friend slammed on their brakes to turn left (while I was looking at flipped car) I slid into back of my friends Nissan Titan (I now call them wreckalexuses) LOL I will get another one soon enough, I just got screwed by my insurance company AND GAP coverage and ended up having to pay out because they decided to total it... only thing holding me back at the moment is a 9-5er (or 11-7, hell I'd take anything right now... lol) so no worries...
Look at me! I'm cluttering my own thread!!! heheeee
here is a quick question:
I want to copy a folder and his content from storage card to My Documents\My Pictures.
so from : Storage Card\XDA_UC\Files\ ( ProGloss_60%) this is the folder to be copied )
to : \\\My Documents\My Pictures
how can I do that ?
benjamminzIS said:
sorry for the slow reply, had to pick up my Dad from his elbow surgury and ran into car trouble on the way home (he just spent almost 6k on fixing that stupid thing in about a 2mo period... lol)
anywas... if THIS POST doesn't answer all your questions feel free to ask anything more specific =)
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Sorry about the car trouble... no worries, I don't consider less than 24 hours a slow response to a message board anyway. You regular posters on this free community board are more responsive than my help desk at work!
Anyway, your post explains very clearly what you do up to flashing the rom. My question is more about the order to do things AFTER you flash. For example, I flashed the latest yesterday and it says "update complete". What is the order I should do things at that point? When to replace the sim, when to hard reset, when to run PIM backup, do I need to manually disable anything that's running, etc.?
Thanks for your help!
ceesheim said:
here is a quick question:
I want to copy a folder and his content from storage card to My Documents\My Pictures.
so from : Storage Card\XDA_UC\Files\ ( ProGloss_60%) this is the folder to be copied )
to : \\\My Documents\My Pictures
how can I do that ?
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if that's all you want copied then just place it in XDA_UC\Root\My Documents\My Pictures
then use this part of my copy2root script, put it in a txt file and rename the txt to .mscr and place in the XDA_UC folder :
XCopy( "\Storage Card\XDA_UC\Root\*.*", "", TRUE, TRUE )
if you're already using my mod then just place place them in the folder as I first stated and they will be copied during the setup...
shannyb1972 said:
For example, I flashed the latest yesterday and it says "update complete". What is the order I should do things at that point? When to replace the sim, when to hard reset, when to run PIM backup, do I need to manually disable anything that's running, etc.?
Thanks for your help!
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O.K... gotcha...
after update:
1. at "update complete" put mSD in
2. put battery back in
3. reboot
4. wait for xda_uc message to pop-up, hit "YES" to start
5. after setup is complete (wait for the second message saying customization is complete, I click NO here)
6. this is where I run TouchProTweak to setup a couple things I haven't figure out how to do via reg settings.
7. remove back cover and slide SIM in over battery (if you don't want to do it this way then slide2shutdown, remove battery and insert SIM)
8. restart
9. wait for connection setup, do setup
10. here is where I enter into manila my facebook, twitter and youtube passwords and link facebook accounts from the all people > updates tab
11. start enjoying your freshly setup rom!
I don't hard reset, because of task29... so far (2wks) I haven't noticed any issues due to not hard resetting after first screen calibration.
as for people tab not being in right order... I don't know if anyone has figured out a fix for that... I don't really use it other than to have those particular people in it, so it doesn't really bother me if it comes back in correct order or not...
thanks will try it .
thanks it worked .
Boy, I hope this isn't a dumb question... I've searched without any luck, but I can't imagine no one has tried this yet: Is there a way to export ActiveSync settings for XDA_UC? I couldn't find anything like that in the Settings Exporter.

[APP][12-Nov-2010] CHTEditor v2.0.0.0 - Final Released

Co0kie's Home Tab offers us a vast array of changes for our home tabs. A lot of the options are only available via registry edits, unless you use CHTEditor.
With this application you can modify all the settings for the mod without having to open a registry editor, as well as being able to export & import all your settings and quicklinks, in case you need to hard reset or flash a new ROM. Multiple settings files can be automatically linked in the start menu, so you can switch layouts without opening the editor. You can also add these shortcuts as quicklinks to switch layouts from the home tab itself.
This application DOES NOT make any changes to Sense. You MUST have Co0kie's Home Tab installed!!!
You can get Co0kie's Home Tab here.
A BIG thanks goes to eboelzner for the Sense Interface SDK UI controls. They've made a vast improvement to the application and he's been a great help getting the latest version looking the part.
You can find the Sense Interface SDK here.
Please read post #2 before...
upgrading (either the editor OR Co0kie's Home Tab)
changing the editor language
posting issues
posting change requests
cooking the editor into a ROM.
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About CHTEditor v2.0.0.0
CHTEditor v2.0.0.0 final will only work with CHT 2.0.0 final.
There is no backward compatiblity with versions 1.x.x, so you can't import old CHTE settings files. But future versions will be compatile going forward, so you will be able to import you 2.0.0 settings into any 2.x.x version.
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Update: 12-Nov-2010
CHTEditor v2.0.0.0 Final released. Changes since public beta:
-[new] options added in CHT 2.0 final
-[new] multiple language file support
-[new] HVGA specific setting adjustments
-[fixed] reversed tasks sortby
-[fixed] contact links export/import bug
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Requirements and Compatibility
This application requires .Net 3.5 to be installed on your device. You can download it here.
Some people seem to be having trouble installing .Net 3.5. If you are one of them, read this post and this post for 2 different suggestions.
The application has been tested thoroughly and found to be stable for WM6.5. There is an issue when automatically restarting manila in WM6.1, but you get a friendly error message telling you about it. If you get this message then you will need to restart manila manually.
MAKE SURE that you have the same version of the mod and the editor installed - you'll be told when starting the editor if you don't.
(It only has to be the first 3 numbers eg. v1.7.1.0 will work with v1.7.1.1)
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Important notes
If in the future you upgrade Co0kie's Home Tab to a newer version, please read post #2 below.
This application can be installed to either the device or your storage card.
Finally, a lot of time goes into this application and this thread, so I'm sorry but I won't answer any questions that are answered in these first few posts. Any major issues will either be resolved as a new release, or will be mentioned at the top of the thread somewhere.
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Features list
Change the settings without a registry editor
Export and import settings and quicklinks (can also be done via command-line - see post 2)
Command-line support for import and export of settings (see post 2)
Create shortcuts to settings files for on-the-fly quick changes from the start menu or quicklinks, without running the editor
Remove dead quicklinks
Automatically restarts manila or soft resets for immediate changes
Multi-language support
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Section 2: Important information
Upgrade information
Please read carefully BEFORE upgrading Co0kie's Home Tab
Before upgrading Co0kie's Home Tab, use the Export option in the CHTEditor menu to create an export file for your Co0kie's Home Tab settings and all your quicklinks. Then, upgrade Co0kie's Home Tab and the editor (if needed), then run the Import option in the CHTEditor menu to restore your settings. This saves you having to setup Co0kie's Home Tab again, and re-creates all your quicklinks for you. (Note - this method is only available in v1.6.0+)
Files exported from version v1.x can't be imported to v2.x.
If you are upgrading Co0kie's Home Tab, you may well need to upgrade the editor as well. If so, follow the instructions above. To install a new version of CHTEditor, just run the CAB file and allow it to uninstall any previous version. Just continue the installation as normal after that.
Once you have upgraded Co0kie's Home Tab (and the Editor, if needed), run the editor and use the import option in the menu to import all your previous home tab and associated settings (quicklinks, layout, options etc.).
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Command-line import & export
Please read for command-line help
You can now import and export settings files using command-line instructions, rather than having to run the application. Imports were previously introduced with v1.7.1.1, but you can now also export as well. This is the format of the instructions...
CHTEditor.exe /IMPORT "fullpath\filename.cht"
The /IMPORT is optional, as this method already existed in v1.7.1.1, without it. I've just added it for consitency.
CHTEditor.exe /EXPORT "fullpath\filename(.cht)" (/CREATESHORTCUT)
The .cht on the filename is optional, as it is automatically added if you don't do it yourself. If the /CREATESHORTCUT instruction is used, a shortcut is created for the exported settings, in a folder in your start menu (handy for adding quicklinks to exports).
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Known issues
Please read BEFORE posting issues
Any bugs reported will be added to this list for fixing in later releases.
Export settings remembers your last folder. If this folder does not exist next time you try to export, an error will be raised.
Temp.Fix: Clear the value in HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\CHTE.LastDialogPath to resolve this issue.
Importing does not always import the lockscreen layout.
Temp.Fix: Modify the lockscreen slightly, so that it creates the registry entries, and then import your settings again.
The dialog windows will still show button text such as "Yes", "No", "OK" or "Cancel", despite changing the language of the application. This text is part of the Sense SDK Interface that is used to make the application look (and work) the way it does. The developer of the interface, eboelzner, is currently adding localisation to these controls, so expect this to be resolved in a future release.
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ROM chef information
Info for chefs wanting to cook the editor into a ROM
From v1.7 onwards, Co0kie's Home Tab now includes a menu link to the editor application. This requires a registry value that is set when installing the editor. Obviously, if you're cooking the application into a ROM then the installer is not being run, so this value is not being set.
The following value should point to the editor application to make this link work:
for example...
CHTE.Path = \Program Files\CHTEditor\CHTEditor.exe
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CHTEditor Translations
Please read if you are interested in changing the language of CHTEditor or wish to translate it
Download the attached language_default.txt file and translate it - there are more detailed instructions inside.
Then rename the file to indicate which language it is: for example, language_german.txt or language_french.txt. (The part after the _ will be shown in the CHTEditor language selection menu.)
Just place the file in the CHTE install folder and it will show up in the language menu.
Upload the file here after you've translated it I'll add it to the language pack which will be attached in the first post.
Whenever there are updates to the application, the language files will need to be updated to include the new values. Anyone who does this, please post them, as described in above and they can be manually downloaded by people, as well as being uploaded to the application server by me.
<< Reserved for future use >> 3
<< Reserved for future use >> 4
Thanx man...
Also here the congrats from me for this release. It is also a kind of magic. HTC Editor makes all the things possible. Use, test and learn how many things are possible with this release. Wow, in simple words.
BIGTHX for hard work
Super thanks, congratulations to everyone involved in the making of CHT!!
please don't oversee that import and export had to be changed, so that the savings from 1.8.5 can't be applied.
And also that this app only triggers the registry keys of CHT, so please report - like used - new feature requests (if you have one now after the Releases) or not-Editor-related bugs in CHT thread and not here.
Have Fun
Repeatable Error:
Under Applications Mail
I found that if I add an email shortcut to the mail link causes a crash.
With error message install "NETCFv35.Messages.EN.WM.cab....etc"
Will try another shortcut to see if is the cut to the process of adding.
Neville.Holland said:
Repeatable Error:
Under Applications Mail
I found that if I add an email shortcut to the mail link causes a crash.
With error message install "NETCFv35.Messages.EN.WM.cab....etc"
Will try another shortcut to see if is the cut to the process of adding.
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could you make a screenshot of the whole message?
Sorry tried coping message without luck. this is the best I can do at the moment
I've just added the calculator as the program to open, and it added successfully.
Tried renaming just in case "-" was the issue. "Mail" also fails.
Added shortcut for you as well.
Neville.Holland said:
Sorry tried coping message without luck. this is the best I can do at the moment
I've just added the calculator as the program to open, and it added successfully.
Tried renaming just in case "-" was the issue. "Mail" also fails.
Added shortcut for you as well.
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Try Install NETCFv35.Messages.EN.WM.cab
anhphe076 said:
Try Install NETCFv35.Messages.EN.WM.cab
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That won't fix the problem, will just give a more detailed error report.
Here's more detail then....
Update: 27-Sep-2010
CHTEditor v2.0.0.0 Public Beta R1 (revision 1) uploaded.
-fixed application selection bug
-fixed free links import bug
Download it from the first post.
Please report if it works correctly now.
I find this option "Analog clock location (0-10) in CHTEditor.
Is this for establish an Analog clock with Time view of another city from the world clock menu??? For people who want to keep an eye on two different time zones???
If yes...how can I set this???
Thank you in advance
ducklas1 said:
I find this option "Analog clock location (0-10) in CHTEditor.
Is this for establish an Analog clock with Time view of another city from the world clock menu??? For people who want to keep an eye on two different time zones???
If yes...how can I set this???
Thank you in advance
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It's connected to the Sense world clock (the list of locations you have when you tap the clock).
The 0 setting is default time.
Setting 1 connects the analog clock to the first location below "My location" in the world clock.
Setting 2 connects it to the second location, etc.
I hope I explained that clearly.
Co0kieMonster said:
It's connected to the Sense world clock (the list of locations you have when you tap the clock).
The 0 setting is default time.
Setting 1 connects the analog clock to the first location below "My location" in the world clock.
Setting 2 connects it to the second location, etc.
I hope I explained that clearly.
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Great...more and more we get to know all hidden features of this Mod and everything is how we expected from the new release...amazing...
waitin' for final vers. and the manual....

[APP][01.08.2011]SettingsExporter v0.1 beta – customisable registry backup

I present my second Windows Mobile app:
SettingsExporter – I think the name is self-explaining. I tried to develop an easy to use application able to backup the vital system/user/programs settings and parameters to a .reg file, which enables the user to quickly restore the settings after a flash or HR.
Yes, we already have the fantastic fdcTaskManager from dotFred but this one exports either single registry key (with all the values and subkeys) or whole registry. My tool is able to store:
- single registry value
- several registry values in one key
- all the values of a key but without subkeys
- values which names start with a certain string
- values which names end with a certain string
- values containing certain string
- whole key with all subkeys/values
The last point is realized with a help of already mentioned fdcTaskManager under permission from dotFred (thank you Man!).
Program features/requirements:
- supports AppToDate
- requires NetCF 3.5 to be installed in your ROM.
- the app is partially dependent on the TaskManager from DotFred. A file called dotTaskMgr.exe should always be placed in program folder. Of course it is included in the download files.
- the program can run from any folder on both device memory or Storage Card. You don't even have to install it (that's why I included also a zip archive with all the files), you can just run it from the actual location. However the installation cab includes also program shortcuts (they appear in Start Menu) and files neccessary for AppToDate.
- REMARK: Because of .NetCF limitations the program cannot parse some of the value kinds, like REG_MUI or REG_QWORD however these types are used in so deep system settings that I wouldn’t even try to touch, so from this point of view they are not necessary for normal user customization purposes.
REMEMBER: never play with registry unless you know what you are doing. Always make backup of your data before you start to edit any registry values.
I spent many nights on testing this app and on choosing the settings worth exporting so everything should work fine (I made at least 10 flashes in the mean time and didn’t discover anything suspisious). However I cannot be held responsible for any damages to your ROM/device.
Below you can find my screenshots and download.
In following posts you can find also:
Program description - post #2
INI file syntax and notes - post #3
Description of default .ini files - post #4
How does it work?
Currently the SettingsExporter is basically a registry parser reading thru one (or more) of three config files (keys_....ini) in which the user puts keys/values that are supposed to be backed-up. For each line which is recognized as a registry value the program tries to gather it from the registry and writes to a (specified) text file as Microsoft Registry Entries (.reg) syntax. If the line is not recognized as a correct registry key/value or if it does not exist in the device’s registry, it is simply ignored.
Following the tip from Jackos (thanks Man!) there can be three config (.ini) files:
- keys_System.ini
- keys_Manila.ini
- keys_Other.ini
The user can choose to process one, two or all three .ini files. He can also choose if all the entries from the checked .ini files should be stored in one .reg file or the program should create one .reg file for each .ini file. This way we can divide our backup into groups and then restore them on different ROM (e.g. with different version of UI).
The main screen of the program consists of 5 main elements:
- “Current file path” text box with current path and name of the destination file. The path is initially set to \Storage Card\Backup\MyBackup.reg, but it can be changed either directly in this text box or using “Change File Name” button which opens the SaveFileDialog allowing you to choose a location and name for your destination file. Unfortunately the native .NetCF SaveFileDialog is poor and allows only to save in 2 folders depths, so this is the reason why I left the text box unlocked to allow manual editing of the path. Additionally when closing SettingsExporter saves last used path in registry so when you open it for the second time the initial path will be “yours”. This feature can be switched off in options.
- 3 checkboxes allowing you to choose which .ini files the app should process
- Save File button starting the Backup procedure
- Menu softkey allowing you to change the program options
- Exit softkey that (surprisingly) closes the application.
The Options screen (you can open it via Menu -> Options) is also very simple:
- Save all settings in one file – when you tap “Save File” all the .ini files which are “checked” in the main window will be processed and the effect will be saved in one file mentioned in the “Current file path” text box in the main window.
- Save in separate files – the “checked” .ini files will be processed but this time the effects will be stored in separate files. There will be separate destination files created basing on the same file name from the “Current file path” text box, but with appropriate suffix, so using the default MyBackup.reg file name, the destination files will be MyBackup_System.reg, MyBackup_Manila.reg, MyBackup_Other.reg.
- Backup previous output files – if any of the output (destination) files already exists it will be copied with “_old” suffix before writing new file.
- Associate Reg Files to fdcTM – this button associates the files with .reg extension to the fdcTaskManager which is located by default in the program directory. From this point on you can tap on a .reg file in File Explorer and it will be automatically imported to the registry. Use this function to easily restore your .reg files.
- Save last backup path – this option enables saving last used backup (destination) path upon program exit. Remember – the path is written to registry when you close the program. So if you configured the .ini file to store also SettingsExporter’s settings (stored in HKCU\Software\Skrobel\SettingsExporter) and you want to backup also this setting, you have to set the file path in the Main Window, then Exit the program (to write the path to registry) then open the program again and now you can press “Save File”.
ini files requirements
The .ini file should be a Unicode text file stored in the same folder that the program executable is stored. The names of the file must be exactly one of the names mentioned above (keys_System.ini, keys_Manila.ini, keys_Other.ini). Of course the “keys_Manila.ini” file is not reserved ONLY for values connected with Manila/HTC and the “keys_System.ini” doesn’t need to contain ONLY system settings. It’s my proposal for the entries grouping, but you can change the contents according to your own needs. Only leave the file names intact.
About the syntax:
I tried to make the syntax of these .ini files as simple as possible. So it’s really similar to the syntax of a normal .reg file, exctept it does not need a “REGEDIT4” nor “Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00” at the beginning and of course the values cannot be given next to the valuenames. Here are some examples of the content of an ini file:
And what does it mean?
It means that the specified key will be stored with all it’s values and subkeys (if there are any).
This one means that all the values under the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\nls\overrides] will be stored but without any subkeys.
In these two cases only the mentioned values will be stored from the specified key.
And this is an example of using regular expressions.
Manila://* - means that all the values with names starting with “Manila://” will be saved
*Enabled - means that all the values with names ending with “Enabled” will be saved
*Co0kie* - means that all the values with names containing “Co0kie” will be saved
As you can see the quotes are ignored so you can put valuenames with or without them and it will not make any difference for the parser.
The current version of the program includes my .ini files that are a result of long and careful tests and save most of the configuration of WM6.5 and WM6.5.x. I created these .ini files on HTC Rhodium and different Jackos ROMs. Most of them should work on a variety of HTC devices, however I've already seen that many settings for HTC Kaiser is stored in different locations than on Rhodium. But as I wrote before: if a registry key/value mentioned in the .ini file is not found in the actual registry, it will not be stored in any form.
On the other hand some of the key names may not work or not exist on different devices/ROMs. Especially when you try to restore a bunch of settings taken from a Sense 2.5 ROM on a Titanium or CHome ROM, you should expect some problems. That’s where grouping comes in handy.
If you have ideas for other registry values which should be backed-up by default or settings for popular third party programs I don’t use, please share key/value names here with a short description of what the values mean. I will put them in the default .ini files so other users can benefit from them.
What settings are included in default .ini files
In this file I included many settins which are changed via standard Windows Mobile Control panel applets and a bit from Advanced Config:
- notifications settings (remember - when you restore these settings after a flash, you have to make sure your ringtones and sound files must be in the same places that they were during backup)
- locale/time zone information (no language specific settings, only message coding, date/time/number formats, locale and time zone)
- messaging settings like threading, delivery report, unicode etc.
- paired Bluetooth devices
- owner information
- volume settings
- screen off/suspend timeouts
- some phone/dialer settings
- Font size/Clear type
- basic ArcSoft MMS settings
- last used profile
- clock/alarm settings
- hardware button assignment (only Long Press Send Key on Rhodium)
- Long Press EndKey action
- some other settings like noise reduction, AGC, USB to PC and less important parameters
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In here I stored some of the third-party applications I use. Please propose other applications with their settings and I'll add them:
- PimBackup
- HTCAccountManager
- Palringo
- Total Commander
- RSS Hub
- SK Tools
- Spb Backup
- cleanRAM
- Skype
- ultrashot UTask
- Quick Shutdown
- QuickGPS
- Whip2Snap
- last but not least - own SettingsExporter settings
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Manila has many versions with extremely different settings and behaviours so I tired to store ONLY the most basic settings which should work on all the manila versions (correct me if I am wrong):
HomeBackgroundPath - self explaining
AnimationWallpaperFolder - default folder for "choose background" option
Home.WallpaperMode - setting connected to full screen weather animation
Manila://* - this allows to store the configuration of showed/hidden Sense tabs
"Weather*" - settings for Manila weather
Of course I could add here all CHT settings, but there are also different versions of CHT on the "market" so I personally prefer to use CHT Editor backup/restore functions than to try to make universal backup utility for Co0kie settings. But if you guys have some hints on this topic I appreciate any help.
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I will try to post here detailed description of all the values I know and will try to add here all suggestions from the community. But this unfortunately depends on my free time...
this is post #5
post #6 just in case...
Congratulations on your release I'll try and report back soon!
Looks great.........
oh thanks a lot! i like to play a lot with co0kie home tab 2.0 and also with the registry so it will be very useful to save some lines of a reg key. In CHT 2.0 all setting are in hkcu/software/htc/manila/CHT.*** (also CHTE.*** and CHTI.***) and i would like to save registry setting like CHT.Tweaks.***
I will try and report back later. Thanks again!
c_shekhar said:
Looks great.........
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It looks ****, but works great
Jackos, you always know something good to say.
Good morning Skrobel,
Once again thank you for taking the time to develop this application. Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier. I had technical difficulties.
Following our recent conversation I'm posting below my findings about version 0.1 beta.
Easy, intuitive UI
3 customizable registry patterns for different settings
A lot of 3-rd party software patterns
Thought-out set of settings
90's looking UI
No support for exporting Twitter and Youtube Account Manager settings
Poorly implemented AppToDate support
Partly Sense and CHT support
No way to backup e-mail accounts and signatures (I know it's difficult to assemble)
No file backup at all
No support for all registry types (not really needed through)
I think you will agree that this app still needs further development. In my opinion Sense SDK is good enough to start with.
Yours truly,
Thank you all for your comments. I plan further development, so whatever you will find, I will at least try to solve.
You deserve special thanks. I don't wan't to defend myself but please remember I am still n00b if about programming And I'd like to comment at least some of your cons:
90's looking UI - I fully agree. This is still on my "to-do" list. Honestly I have already tried to run the Sense SDK from eboelzner (on an early stage of the app) and I just couldn't get the controls to appear on the form. I haven't spent much time on it though as this was not the most important thing to do. And there are only a few controls in this app which are big enough to operate with finger
Poorly implemented AppToDate support - honestly I did it same way as you did for your ROMs I know there is a possibility to download up-to-date cab directly from within the program, but I think the vital thing is to inform the user that something has changed. Nevertheless I will try to improve also here.
No way to backup e-mail accounts and signatures (I know it's difficult to assemble) - yes, you're right. And WiFi settings would also be fantastic to backup. I honestly don't know how to handle it. I did an extensive search among some developers forums and nothing up to now...
No file backup at all - this honestly was not in my plans. I use SettingsExporter in conjunction with PIMBackup in which I have my configuration (stored by the SettingsExporter by the way), and I backup all my files, contacts, messages and calendar within 2 clicks. I don't think any file backup is necessary...
No support for all registry types (not really needed though) - I've seen a tool written using NetCF where (according to the description) it is possible. I will ask the developer for help.
The rest of the "cons" concerns the configuration files which are subject to develop continously and independently on the tool itself. I was kinda hoping that this thread will grow with suggestions of other values of which I don't know and/or I don't use. So whatever you feel should be placed here, please post it hence help to improve for other users.
Skrobel said:
No way to backup e-mail accounts and signatures (I know it's difficult to assemble) - yes, you're right. And WiFi settings would also be fantastic to backup. I honestly don't know how to handle it. I did an extensive search among some developers forums and nothing up to now...
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There are some encryption algorithms that aren't reverse-able. I have no knowledge with one is used in WinCe so maybe it's not possible at all. You could try to backup settings without including passwords.
I guess we have to ask ultrashot. He knows nearly everything about nearly anything
Skrobel said:
I guess we have to ask ultrashot. He knows nearly everything about nearly anything
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He's disassembling WM and SE mobile systems since he stopped using chamber pot
Strange, 35 downloads and nobody reported further problems? I don't believe there aren't any.
I dig up the e-mail and WiFi backup, but no real results yet. On the other hand I know how to handle the Sense SDK controls, so the next release will probably have better look as requested. But I don't want it to be the only update, so report guys, report
Runs fine on my Axim X51V running WM6.5. I've been using an old app until now called SettingSavior. And for specific third party apps, if I was able to find a registry entry where the registration key was stored, I used SKTools to create a reg file for that. then I used Shashimi to import cabs and .reg files.
Will explore your app more.
Some suggested other 3rd party apps for setting backup:
Sprite Backup
Resco Explorer
Pocket Music
I used similar method to store my settings. I used CeRegEditor to make an "image" of the registry, then I changed my settings (also for third party apps), then I compared the saved image with the current state.
But if you use these programs and you have your setup created with SKTools, could you share it with me? I could check what settings are used for these apps, and update config files with them.
Thanks for creating this useful application ,I use this application, PIMBack-up and XDA_UC_NET - portable to fully automate the restore. Now a Hard reset or ROM update is a breeze.
Regards [email protected]

