Morphgear on M88 - Windows Mobile Apps and Games

Hi! I'm new in the forum, I'd like to know if the current version of Morphgear (and GBA and SNES ROMs) will run OK on a M88 with WM 6.1, the processor is TIOMAP 850, what do you think? wich games do you know that will run on this phone?


Emulators on Qtek S200

i was wondering what kind of emulators there are for the qtek s200
i tried pocketgba but it doesn't work somebody has a working version?
kaikura said:
i was wondering what kind of emulators there are for the qtek s200
i tried pocketgba but it doesn't work somebody has a working version?
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There are alot cant really post a list but my pocketGBA emulator works I can upload mines for you to try It out your self also important you need Ram to play many GBA games if you dont have the amount of ram it needs it wont play also to get the best out of it use omap to overclock your Device it will make game play faster al upload my file and post a link to all the emulators for Window Mobile enjoy
Thanks Lyndel it works now but its really slow i am using Shadow 2.0 + touchflo
and i overclocked with battery status to 247Mhz which Wm version is the fastest so i can have more ram?
kaikura said:
Thanks Lyndel it works now but its really slow i am using Shadow 2.0 + touchflo
and i overclocked with battery status to 247Mhz which Wm version is the fastest so i can have more ram?
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Well the best I find is
And my fav enjoy
Tip change the frameskip option turn off automatic frame skip and change the value of frame skip= 1-8 see which one works for you.

[Q] Gangstar Miami Vindication

This game is available for android but no for windows mobile. Is anywhere a version for windows mobile of this game ? I want play this game very very much.
sorry, but I strongly believe there is no WinMo version. Our OS is dead, let's face the fact that
there won't be any new paid games anymore...
P.S. You can always boot Android and use their version
i boot android on my tg01 but.....the game don”t work

[Q] Emulators for my phone

I'm on Trip's Froyo MIUI ROM, and I want to play some old school games using Emulators. Specifically NES, Genesis, SNES, Gameboy Classic and Color. What are the best emulators for these systems? What are the websites to get these emulators ( I imagine some of them are removed from the Market for obvious reasons ). How stable do they run? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Look in the market

[Q] GBA emulator for touch winmo 6.5 wvga???????????

Hey all,
Just wondering if there was a GBA emulator for the htc imagio specs. I only ask because I couldn't find anything for touch devices with a wvga resolution.
Any help is good help.
Have you looked at MoonGBA? It's on these forums, link:

Omnia B7610 Games

I'm looking for some great games for my omnia B7610.
Action, puzzle, strategy doesn't matter.
Wich games are great to play and where can i download them?
Anybody who can help me?

