app wish: disable wake-up whilst on bluetooth headset - Windows Mobile Apps and Games

I don't know whether i have missed something but the biggest problem I have is dialling someone when the phone has woken in my pocket
in Lidl yesterday - wife calls blah blah
I have hands full of shopping - she hangs up and I dial the next person on my call list by accident
any ideas?
many thanks


Problems receiveing calls

Several times when I have received a phone call, I try to answer it, and the ringing stops, and the caller is sent to voicemail.
I don't think I'm doing it wrong, slide down bar to answer call etc. A friend said it was ringing at his end for about 40 seconds, but i only heard it for about 5?! There have been times where I see my phone light up as a call is coming in, but it doesn't ring, and I can't answer the call. I'm expecting some important calls, and don't want to not answer them.
Could it be that the processor is being overwhelmed, and not allowing me to answer/phone not ring. Or is it a fault with the phone, or me?!
1) I have had similar problems.
2) If you do hear or see it ringing, swiping down on the lower 1/4 of the screen seems to work for me. That is, if I swipe down like I normally do to unlock the screen, it won't answer the call. If I swipe down only on the bottom portion of the screen it works ok.
similar problem here. I wonder if you swipe too big, does it pull the lock screen down, and bump the ignore/send to vmail button somehow. not sure why, but its happening to me and it sucks! missed the last 3 calls today bc of it. makes it hard to run a business thats for sure!
I use a phone service that diverts calls simultaneously to my landline and mobile and my landline often gets 2 or 3 rings in before the Hero's trackball starts to flash (although once yesterday they did both manage to ring at nearly the same time). Some of the delay is the mobile network finding the phone, but the phone does seem to take a long time to respond to the incoming call.
One option is to extend the length of time before calls are diverted to voicemail. At is a list of GSM Network Codes, which includes, towards the bottom, one for extending the period before calls go to voicemail. It looks like the maximum is 30 seconds. I don't know if there is an equivalent for non-GSM networks.

Problem with the last application turning on durning a phone call

I have a problem with my apps turning on when I am making a phone call.
I have narrow it down to the last app i used before i made a phone call. It will be on after i pull the phone away from my ear.
I dont understand what it does it it could be contacts message a game i have played the camera etc.
Any one know when this doe this?

App for filtering calls while phone is on silent ?

I remember seeing an app a couple of months ago that, when set, would let you filter incoming calls while your phone is on silent, the problem is that i have no idea what the app is called and have tried searching with no luck.
Now what i mean is this:
If i put my friends number in the settings of the app and he calls me while my phone is on silent he will recieve an automated SMS from my phone saying that my phone is on silent but if it's an emergency that he should call me again and if they do call me again within a certain period of time the app makes the phone ring normally instead of silencing the call.
Anyway, i have no idea what it's called and would really appreciate any help in finding it
EDIT: Never mind, found it, it's called Dindy

Not getting missed calls?

Hey guys,
I'm with Vodafone (Australia) and lately I've been working in my garage a fair bit where I don't have reception. During this time numerous people have called me, however I don't receive any notifications of missed calls at all. And when I go into phone log it doesn't show any call logs.
Is this a setting on the phone or should I contact Vodafone to get this sorted?
Good question Jonno. I'm also with Voda & honestly couldn't remember if this feature was working properly or not as I haven't missed a call for ages (people know not to call me at unsociable hours when I have the phone switched off ).
Soooo...I plonked my mobile broadband sim into my Nokia backup phone, turned my SGS2 to flight mode (to mimic not having coverage), called it from the Nokia & let it ring half a doz times then hung up.
Switched the SGS2's radio back on & haven't received a missed call notification (it's been almost 5 minutes). I've searched high & low thru my call settings & can't find anything that would turn such a feature on/off so I'm betting it's a network related thing. I'll update this post if the missed call notification comes thru at any stage tonight.
Yeah I've never got any missed call notifications with the phone. I have people trying to get on to me regarding some recent job applications so it's not very useful if I miss their calls and don't know who to call back!
Might try calling Voda tomorrow to see if they know anything about it...
Jonno...The thick plottens
I was ferreting around in the dialer/call settings & had a look at the call forwarding settings. Basically, forward when busy/unanswered/unreachable is set to that Voda number people who try to call you get when you don't answer & it asks whether you want Voda's "call catcher" to txt the person you're try to call to let them know they missed your call (with the number to call back on).
When I try to disable this feature on any of busy/unanswered/unreachable it tells me the network doesn't allow the feature to be turned off. So it seems Voda thinks their way of people being able to notify you by txt when you miss their call is the best way (only way by the looks of it) for this situation to be handled.
So I'd say people obviously haven't been choosing the option to send you a notification txt (via Voda's call catcher) and have simply been hanging up when they've been unable to reach you.
I guess the only way to get around this is to tell people to use the send notification txt option or to simply send you a txt themselves to say they tried to call & couldn't get you.
Unless you want to have fun calling Voda's uber helpful support ?

Can make a call but no sound

I was trying to place a call with my Moto G Power using Whatsapp as well as Fongo (free phone calling app ) and could not hear any sound after the call was placed. no ring tone, no one on the other end. Turns out that the caller could hear me but I could not hear them.
Turns out that I had switched "data Saver" on. For some reason, when data saver is on, no sound comes from any phone type app. When I turn it off, no problems. Thought I would share this as I had not seen this problem or a solution anywhere.
Apologies if this is the wrong spot in the forum for this, but I just joined.
Take care.

