Java JBED.apk - Hero, G2 Touch Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Its wonderful to be able to change between all the current 2.1 roms, though the included apps differ due to user demand and popularity, I rely on using the Java JBed application to run a trading app that requires it to be installed.
So my question is this, would it be possible to get a standalone installation zip of the Java app that i could flash on to any of the 2.1 Roms? I've tried installing/pushing all the related files that i can find from a 2.1 ROM that has it included but it does run and force closes.
the files Ive tried pushing are jbed.apk,, jbed.odex
are there any others? Any help would be appreciated!


[Q] Scripting on the Archos 70

Could anyone help steer me towards a solution please?
Or tell me if its impossible (and why).
I am trying to put together a script of some kind which I can use to do a basic rebuild of my Archos 70 after I have done a Full Reinitialization. I like to mess around installing all sorts of stuff, but when done, it's nice to reset and go
back to a clean machine.
As it's not rooted (yet?) I generally rebuild manually which takes ages.
Although a relative newbie at Android/Linux, I have worked with scripting
on mainframes and in the Windoze arena for many years.
The scripting requirement is quite simple, namely to install packages one by one from the SD card. Also to copy back Bookmarks, launcher setting etc
I am happy to work in any language which will work, but to date have just been trying with .SL (Bash?) scripts which run quite happily from within the SL4A environment or according to my theory, should work also from Android natively.
I envisage the script residing on the SD card and when invoked installing my launcher, Dolphin Browser, various other apps and games, then copying back the settings which I have saved (also by script) before the Initialisation.
Trouble is, I can find no simple samples which help. When I try, I can 'cp' stuff about and echo messages etc, but when I try to install, I don't really know where to start. I have tried just the name of the app package
'/sdcard/sdcard/packagename.apk', it replies 'permission denied' and if I try 'sudo package.apk', it says 'not found'.
I am assuming that the 'permission denied' is a good sign because it understands what I'm trying to do at least. But if I am allowed to do it myself, then surely my script should be allowed to do it?
I am quite happy messing around myself. But if anyone has any pointers
(sample scripts, which language/environment to use, etc.) I would be most grateful.
Sorry if this is covered elsewhere. I have searched but was unable to find much which helped. I am continuing the search!
Thanks in anticipation!
1. All normal installed Apps are installed in /data/app as the apk
2. Local/private data comes into /data/data/name.of.the.package
Both directories are ony accessible with root.
Hell again,
Thanks for your reply fzelle, but I'm not sure as to whether I may have explained it properly.
I am running 'Quick System Info' which is great, and it has a function to backup all the installed apps to a directory you can get at without root access. From there I have copied them onto the SD card.
I am not just trying to copy them into the working directory.
If I click on an app, it lets me install it without any problem.
I am trying to automate that part of the process, and I need the name of the software which does the installation, and how to actually give it the parameters for it to do the install. Although a Linux newbie, I don't really understand why, if I am allowed to install apps myself,
a script that I run should not be allowed to install them also?
Anyone got any ideas please?
Oops! - Sorry for that unfortunate typo at the beginning of my last post. Please read as 'Hello'!
No, i didn't understand you wrong.
You want to automate the installation of your std programs, and that normaly doesn't only include the apk but also the private Data.
And if you manually want to install this, you need root to be able to write in /data/data
If you just want to Backup/Install the apps, use appSaver from the market.
That has allready everything you need, and doesn't need root.
fzelle said:
1. All normal installed Apps are installed in /data/app as the apk
2. Local/private data comes into /data/data/name.of.the.package
Both directories are ony accessible with root.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Not entirely true.
I have some SSH tunnels set up on my rooted phone that use keys and a shell script to launch them, all set up with Better Terminal Emulator. The key and script files are located under /data/data/com.magicandroidapps.bettertempro/home. I wanted to use the same keys and script on my A70, so I copied the files from my phone to the same directory on my A70 using the terminal command line. Although you can't browse to the app folders under /data/data/, there is some ability to copy stuff into them. I guess the trick is knowing what and to where.
I've not used appsaver, but Astro will also let you back up and reinstall your apps all at once.

Help me with eclipse & android sdk!

IF POSTED IN WING AREA JUST TELL ME AND BE NICE DON'T BE A DOUCHE.NOWHERE ELSE HAVE I GOTTEN HELP been trying to install over a month now. i want to try to get started looking at things and learn Android and then to start working on unlocking bootloader or work around to glass ics and diff kernals to my motorola electrify(photon)
Sent from my Motorola Electrify using XDA
What, seems to be the problem? You can't get eclipse, or the sdk to install..? Or is linking eclipse to sdk the problem? Or environment path variable? Need a tad more information :]
That's easy:
Download the latest versions of Eclipse Classic (don't download the Java Dev version!!!) and Android SDK. Don't use installers, ALWAYS use the zipped binaries.
Unzip the binaries in any folder, it doesn't mater. Open SDK Manager (at Android SDK folder) and download the packets for the version that you desire to develop. I recommend you download the packets for Froyo, since your apps will be compatible with Froyo or any upper version.
Open Eclipse, and install ADT Plugin, as described here.
Go to Window >Preferences >Android, and type the location of Android SDK folder.
And... that's all, dude. You're ready to rock
thank you. i will try again in the morning when i have to get ready four work. i keep getting where you have to install or whatever the android sdk to eclipse (classic 3.7.2)...
Sent from my Motorola Electrify using XDA
Hmm... the key thing is to have the latest version of SDK Tools (a packet that can be downloaded from SDK Manager).

Fetching APKs through shell/perl

Hi all,
I'm a flashaholic, updating my Rom everytime the Developer provides a new version (Using Jellytime by randomblame for the Desire HD). Though I'd like to modify the rom before flashing, to customize it to my needs.
For that I am working on a Shell script to do the modifications automatically.
So far so good, but I am stuck at fetching the apks of the apps I want to include in the rom.
Of course I could use the google chrome extension and download the apks manually, or fetch them from my phone, but both ways hinder the automatisation proccess a lot, especially when it comes to getting the latest versions of these apks.
So would anyone perhaps know a way of fetching the apks with linux shell commands or through perl scripts or does anyone perhaps even know of a CLI application that can do that?
Thanks in advance and keep up the awesome work

How to extract application from android?

I have a vmedia vstik (similar to vmedia vbox) that is running android with custom overlay/launcher.
I love that launcher very much and would love to install it on android in my car. I thought it would be as simple as copying apk and installing it, but it isn't. When I try that, I get a message that apk can't be installed. What would be a proper way?
I have checked running processes and found main apk file, but it must depend on some other apk files or libraries.
Here is the apk
And here is link to the vbox which is similar device but runs same interface

Busybox - Incorporate custom binaries

I was just wondering, how would I go about adding several binaries to a busybox installation.
For ex: I would like to add "exa" to use instead of ls, "fd" in replacement for find, the text editor "micro", as well as possibly git (although I would guess that adding too many additional binaries would make busybox too dense)
I know a good deal about android development, c programming, and shell scripting, so I don't by any means expect someone to "do" this for me or recompile it for me. Just the steps necessary (if it's possible to do this effectively), or an alternative solution in which would accomplish this objective.
Currently I have a (working) solution using termux boot, that copies the files to "/system/xbin" on boot. It works fine... however I can't help but feel like this is not the best way to go about it.
If it matters: I am on a Google Pixel, rooted, on a custom rom (resurrection remix, android oreo build) with TWRP recovery installed.

